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Noah Harvey

0 · 959 views · located in Aeaea, Greece

a character in “In Demigods We Trust”, originally authored by Wiley, as played by RolePlayGateway


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Animus Vox (Glitch Mob) ✧ I'm Only Joking (KONGOS) ✦ Tongue Tied (Grouplove) ✧ Shake Me Down (Cage The Elephant) ✦ Drive It like You Stole It (Glitch Mob)
{β€œSelf-sacrifice? But it is precisely the self that cannot and must not be sacrificed.”}
- Ayn Rand

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| N A M E |
{Noah Joseph Harvey}

| N I C K N A M E |

| A G E |

| G E N D E R |

| P A R E N T |

| B I R T H D A T E |
{ October 21; Libra}

| E T H N I C I T Y |
{Caucasian American}

| S E X U A L I T Y |

{β€œWhat is that you express in your eyes? It seems to me more than all the print I have read in my life.” }
- Walt Whitman

| H E I G H T |
{5’6” Β½}
| W E I G H T |

| E Y E C O L O R |
{Dark Blue}

| H A I R C O L O R |

| A P P E A R A N C E |
{A taller boy, with a medium frame that he fills out well, making him often look slightly skinnier than he intends to be. His general face shape, and the way he carries himself gives him a younger look at times. From his mother he has inherited the same vacantly bitchy stare, though he often doesn't use it quite so much. He got most of his appearance traits from his father, deep blue eyes, and chestnut brown hair. He even got his general face shape and features from the old man. However he wouldn't know that since he doesn't even know his father beyond seeing a single blurry picture of him with his Aunt. He's a pretty lean kid, not at all muscular with more baby fat on him than anything. But he isn't weak - no, his powers wouldn't allow him to be weak.

Hes got a vaguely homeless sense of style. oversized tan jackets, sometimes trench coats if hes feeling spectacularly blind that day. Ripped up, tattered t-shirts from years ago. Old jeans with holes in them. His shoes are so scuffed up and falling apart that he may as well be walking barefoot everywhere. Most of the time he prefers lounging around in track pants and t-shirts. Only rarely will he put on something decent. Which usually just ends up being the same plain t-shirt, jeans, beat up shoes combo. He never really does anything special with his hair. And its amazing enough that he keeps up on his general hygiene.}

| O D D I T I E S |
{He has a single tattoo of the scales (Libra symbol) on his inner left wrist.}

{β€œJudge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.” }
- Voltaire

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| P E R S O N A L I T Y |
✦ Ambitious ✧ Judgmental ✦ Quiet ✧ Callous ✦

{Noah is by no means sunshine and rainbows, in fact his attitude can be summed up as dour if anyone were really to ask. in a group of friends he's the squidward, always sour about something. Not that he really likes to make that comparison. He doesn't like being thought of as a bad friend, or as someone hard to get along with. But unless your the pestering type he would just as easily forget he's even your friend. Noah is also fairly quiet, he doesn't like being loud or making a scene, and if given the choice he would prefer silent activities like reading or writing. He really dislikes noise-y situations, and mostly stays away from people who are loud or like to be loud. Parties, are his worst enemy.

So he isn't the worlds greatest guy, he thinks he gets the brunt of it from Athena - some sort of weird hereditary trait of bitchiness passed down from her. Oh well. He isn't completely bad though. While he can be pretty vicious he knows where to draw the line, and as a friend he offers pretty good advice. And he is willing to help people when they don't understand something, so that's a plus as well. He is pretty judgmental at times, but he doesn't openly act that way.

Above all he is extremely ambitious, when he sets a goal he plans on going after it. No matter the cost.}

{β€œTo be nobody but
yourself in a world
which is doing its best day and night to make you like
everybody else means to fight the hardest battle
which any human being can fight and never stop fighting.”
- E.E. Cummings

| P O W E R S |
✧Enhanced Intelligence - Second strongest ability, helped along by the photographic memory ability.
✧Photographic Memory - Strongest ability, he never forgets anything.
✧Enhanced Combat - He isn't quite so good with this ability, preferring a pacifists approach, but he does have the mind of a strategist so his combat ability is still more adept than most.
| S T R E N G T H S |
✦ Intelligence - He thinks quick and knows what he's doing.
✧ Strategist - He plans things out, everything, in his head.
✦ Distant - By keeping people from getting close, he doesn't have much to worry about.
✧ Helpful - He may be distant, but he is willing to help AKA he gets allies.
✦ Quiet - You can learn a lot about a situation if you just listen instead of talk.

| W E A K N E S S E S |
✦ Coward - No matter what he may pretend to be, he isn't brave.
✧ Distant - A double edged sword, its both a strength and a weakness, since being distant means others don't quite have his back.
✦ Awkward - His personal skills are lacking, extremely.
✧ Strength - He may be strong, but he's a pacifist so it really doesn't matter.
✦ Unchanging - He doesn't like his routine interrupted, he never does anything differently, and above all else he hates change.

{β€œWe love the things we love for what they are.” }
- Robert Frost

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| H O B B I E S |
✦ Reading - His number one hobby, he consumes books by the truckload.
✧ Practicing - Anything and everything, his powers, his personal skills, or school related things. He just groups it into one general hobby.
✦ Writing - He writes, personal things, short stories, things to keep his mind occupied at all times.
✧ Video Games - He finds that honing his quick reactions helps him out a he just really likes video games.

| H A B I T S |
✧ Nail Biting - When he thinks, or just when he's spacing off.
✦ Fidgeting - He never stops moving, its just not something he can do.
✧ Staying Up Constantly - He doesn't spend much time sleeping, which is bad for him of course.

| L I K E S |
✦ Video Games - Fun, and useful at times as well.
✧ Math - His favorite subject, so many things can be done with math.
✦ Silence - He prefers the quiet.
✧ Homework- Out of all the things he likes this is probably the strangest, but he honestly likes it, as it keeps his mind occupied.
✦ Praise - He isn't vain, he just likes to be acknowledged for his work.

| D I S L I K E S |
✦ Ignorance/Playing Dumb - Its one thing to be dumb, that he can stand, but acting dumb on purpose he hates.
✧ Loud Noises - As someone who loves silence, he hates the opposite.
✦ Physical Touch- He has never been touchy feely, it honestly makes him sort of uncomfortable.
✧ Sleeping - Nothing gets done when you're sleeping.
✦ TV - While sometimes educational he finds it mind numbing to sit that long staring at a screen....Unless hes playing a game.

| G O A L S |
✦ Knowledge - He wants to learn all he can in life, that may be impossible, but he will try anyway.
✧ Become A Better Person - Not something he actively tries for, but he knows that there is something fundamentally wrong with him, and he does not want to turn out like his mother.
✦ Support Mavis - All the years Mavis wasted on him, he wants to be able to support her so that she can live her life as she was meant to if he had never been around.

| F E A R S |
✧ Spiders - A phobia he can't quite shake.
✦ Clowns - Another irrational phobia, he just can't stand anything that jolly.
✧ Brain Injury - Not quite so irrational, many bad things can happen from a brain injury. Including losing everything he knows.

{β€œLet our scars fall in love.”}
- Galway Kinnell

| B I R T H P L A C E |
Duluth, Minnesota
| H I S T O R Y |
There isn't much to tell really, his history is clear cut and straight forward. Athena met his father, Eric, they then fell madly in love (not) and she birthed Noah a short year later. What really amazed him was that Athena even bothered to keep Noah around for a short while after his birth, probably out of some strange obligation or perhaps she just couldn't track down his father to drop him off soon enough. His father after all happened to be a bed them not wed them type, and ran off the instant he caught wind of Noah, hell even the concept of Noah was terrifying to the womanizer known as Eric.

Anyway Athena tracked down his nearest relative, informed Aunt Mavis of the whole deal, and luckily enough for Noah had informed Mavis that she would return for Noah if ever he began to act strangely. Not really knowing the meaning behind that strange statement Mavis let it go and decided that raising Noah would be a better alternative to letting him float around with Athena for however long it took to find Eric. Mavis being young at the time had practically no knowledge on raising a kid, she was only 20 years old so gaining legal custody of him alone was a rough go. She managed it somehow, and tried her best for the resulting years to raise him right.

When he began showing signs of increased intelligence things got a little weird. He was always on top of his grades, the smartest kid in class, and it got him bullied quite a bit but he never really paid it any mind. People were people, and they would always hurt him no matter what. It wasn't until he took a placement test and found out that his intelligence was far beyond that of any regular twelve year old that his Aunt figured it would be time to tell him about his mother. They got into contact with Athena together, Noah finding it extremely nerve wrecking the idea of meeting his mother for the first time ever.

While she was distant she was not unpleasant, and she took interest in Noah's forming abilities. She asked Noah to come to Greece, where he would get to train among others of his kind (finding out his Demigod background happened to be a hell of a shock) and out of a need to know he accepted. Now, he's been at the academy for a few years.
| F A M I L Y T I E S |
{Mother – Athena} ”Wanna talk about Athena? I wouldn’t even know where to start. Shes distant, left me with my father (who then left me with my aunt, but that’s a whole β€˜nother story.) I mean, I guess she stayed with me for a while after birth, but it wasn’t like she really had the time or want for a kid. Despite having quite a few of them – which, that’s her story to tell. So forgive me if I can’t muster up any praise for the mother I don’t know.”
{Aunt/Legal Guardian – Mavis Harvey} ”Aunt Mav is great, a little doofy and a total hopeless romantic, but she’s cool as far as a parental figure went. She spent a lot of time trying to make up for my lack of parents, and I know it was hard on her so I won’t fault her for anything bad that happened as a kid. To be honest she’s more of a friend or sister figure.”

{β€œThe reason I talk to myself is because I’m the only one whose answers I accept.”}
- George Carlin

| F C |
Colin Ford

| C O L O R |

| P R O T R A Y E D B Y |

So begins...

Noah Harvey's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Duke Loycen Character Portrait: Alejandra Rivera Character Portrait: Reagan Davenport Character Portrait: Miles Greyson Character Portrait: Talia Grigori Character Portrait: Camilla Lewis
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#, as written by CutUp
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Blood On My Name
The tower stands as tall as any man made construct, it looms over the island of Aeaea, keeping a watchful eye over the island, and standing as a reminder of the Gods presence to the Demigods that take residence on it's shores, and within it's walls no mortal, human or otherwise, has stepped foot inside of it. At the top of the tower, in it's highest inner sanctum rests the Chamber of Council, a meeting place for the Gods to discuss the state of affairs, and other topics that they deem worthy of their time.

In the Chamber of Council, on the first day of the fall semester for the academy, and the day where most of it's students are returning from summer break, on this day Zeus has called forth a meeting. The inside of the chamber is a large, open clear sky with no sighs of a door, or any sighs that it is in fact a room. "I have gathered you all here today to discuss a disturbing vision Apollo has had. Apollo if you will." Zeus stated, his voice being thunderous, and commanding, as one would expect the king of the Gods to sound.

"Right, thank you for such a stellar introduction." Apollo smirked, but was responded by an annoyed groan by Zeus before he returned to the topic at hand. "Well lads, and lasses, I've recently had a vision that I feel like I should share with the group. You know, as the humans say sharing is caring." "Get to the point idiota!" Ares snarled at him, which was followed by a chuckle by Hermes. Zeus shoot a quick glare at both of them that caused them to shut right up. "Anyways, my vision is about the academy, and I believe that it will come to pass soon."

"I saw blood, a river of it. An invasion of Minotaurs, and iron birds. The sky shattering to pieces, and the tower here crumbling."
Apollo explained. "What bothers me the most is that it was.....hazy, unclear. It reminded me...." Before Apollo finished his sentence he looked over at Zeus, as if asking him permission to go forward. Zeus gave him a nod to proceed. "It reminds me of the fall of' jumbled, and foggy as it was. It was too late when I got my vision about Olympus, I fear it might be too late for Aeaea."

"Minotaurs? That's impossible! They were killed off, me and Artemis made sure of that." Ares stated as he pointed over to Artemis, who merely grunted in agreeance. "And as always Ares you entirely missed the point." Athena chimed in. "This is troublesome. This is obviously related. The question is how. How can these events be related if they are millennia apart?" Athena pondered as she rubbed her chin. "I have been saying it for decades, we need to shore up our defenses! Increase patrols, personal, better weaponry, and equipment!" Ares stated. "If it was up to you dear brother this entire island would become a military compound rather than a place of learning."

"And would that be a bad thing? What are we preparing them for if not to fight in our name?" Artemis chimed in. "War is not something that a civilized people work towards." Athena stated in her ever present cold manner. "Pfft, war is the law of nature. Survival of the fittest, the weak will be rooted out in it's embrace." Ares growled. Before another word could be said shadows suddenly appeared within the center of the room, forming into a doorway that Hades stepped out of.

"Well I hope I didn't miss anything too interesting." Hades said as he took off his red tinted sunglasses, and placed it in his overcoat's pocket. "Nice of you to finally join us brother." Poseidon said in an annoyed tone. "Well you know me little brother, always have to make an entrance." He smirked. "We were discussing a vision I had, about the destruction of the academy, and the island." Apollo stated, bringing him up to speed. "Oh, well that does sound like it may be a problem. Let me know how it turns out for you. I have my own dealings to take care of, the Underworld doesn't run itself you know."

"We must prepare ourselves. Ares, you are correct, we must shore up our defenses. You are also correct Athena, we can not turn this island into a military base, we must not tip off those that work against us that we know something." Zeus ordered as he finally spoke again after taking in everything. "Ares, Hephaestus you two will enhance our defenses, and prepare our security forces for anything that may happen. Artemis, Athena I want you two to help Apollo make sense of his visions. As for the rest of you it shall be business as usual. Keep a watchful eye out for anything that may be out of the ordinary. That is all, you are dismissed."


✧ Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of These) ✦ Clothing: Shirtless with Pajamas Bottoms ✧
"Boom! There goes your head!" "No fair, you always know where the rocket launchers spawn! Cheater!" "I'm sorry you suck so bad." This type of talk went on between a young Jensen, and his little brother Nolan as they played a video game. "So where do you want to lose at next? Beaver Creek?" Jensen then looked over at his brother. Nolan was leaning against the wall in the far back, with a large chunk of his shirt burnt off, and a large burn on his chest. Jensen, on instinct, rushed to his brother's side, who was shaking, and gasping for air.

"Nolan!" Jensen shouted as he got over to his brother. He lightly slapped Nolan on his face, and tried shaking him to wake him up. Then Nolan just completely turned into ash. Jensen stood there in shock as the remains of his brother slipped through his fingers. The surroundings then changed around Jensen, now being in a cemetery, and standing over a grave marked with Nolan's name. Jensen looked down, and at the other graves lined up in the row. The names were familiar. Amanda Cartwright, Isaac Herbert, Grayson Foster, Keo Kealoha, Kai Kealoha, and the list goes on. All people he goes to school with.

Jensen stared at the names, especially Amanda's as he began hyperventilating. Panic then began to set in as he stepped away from the graves. Jensen bumped into something, stopping him from moving backwards. He turned around to see it was Zeus towering over him. "It's only a matter of time Jensen. It's only a matter of time before you destroy everything." Zeus said as he pushed Jensen forward. "Like....You....Always....Do." Zeus said as he poked Jensen in the chest with each word. Jensen then fell back into a open grave, seemingly falling for miles.

Jensen's eyes shot open as he awoke in his bed. He ran his hand down his face, and looked over beside him to see Amanda still asleep. Jensen looked over at his clock on his nightstand, it was nearly seven o'clock now. Jensen sat up as slowly as he could, and got out of bed, trying not to wake Amanda up. He knelled down, and pulled out a suitcase underneath his bed, and opened it up, taking out a couple boxes from it. Presents he got for Amanda during his summer break. Though they were all but boyfriend and girlfriend, just not officially. Jensen likes his privacy, and so they're on the down low, though he's pretty sure most, if not all of the students at the know they are seeing each other.

Jensen looked over at Amanda, and let out a sigh. 'What am I doing?' He wondered to himself as he watched her. Jensen laid down next to Amanda, and wrapped his arm around her, and began kissing her below her ear, and down her neck. "Hey, time to get up." He said, trying to give her as pleasant a wake up call as possible. He placed his hand on her chin, and gently pushed her to face him, and then he passionately kissed her on the lips.

"Oh! I didn't have the time to tell you this last night, but I got you a little something over the break. Well a couple of little things." He said as he placed the boxes he took from his suitcase, and placed them on the bed. He opened them up, one contained a first edition Outlander novel, another had four multi color seashells, and then a smaller box that contained seashell necklace. "Didn't know if you had the book or not, I know you like those romance novels so I got it for you. And I know how much you like shells, so....uh there you go. Hope you like them, not much of a gift giver."

Jensen's phone then made a noise, signaling that he got a text message. Jensen leaned over, and grabbed his phone to read the message.

{From: Thomas Elliot}
{Club meeting at the usual spot. Now.}

Jensen sighed as he closed out of his messages.


✦ Madness In Me ✧ Clothing: Long Sleeved Shirt, Torn Jeans ✦
Isaac's head bobbed up and down as he listened to his music blasting loudly as he worked on a circuit board. He worked on the circuit board with a pair of goggles pushed down on his face to protect his eyes from sparks that would fly off from the circuit. He was in his secret lab where he works on his more sensitive projects. Behind him stood several tall figures each covered with a sheet.

Isaac then heard his phone going off, signaling that he got a text. He sighed as he laid his tools down, and calmly lifted his goggles up to rest on his forehead. Isaac flicked his wrist to bring up his text messages. Though to anyone seeing him, if there was anyone around to see him he'd just look like he was spazing out.

{From: Thomas Elliot}
{Time for a club meeting. Coming to you. The Thunderer will be along shortly.}

Isaac rolled his rolled. The Thunderer, Jensen. Ugh. How he ever got stuck with working with that idiot was beyond him. Though he did have his uses. He was useful as a power source when he needed a lot of energy, and he couldn't very well plug into any old outlet. And Jensen was also rather strong, almost abnormally strong for a Demigod of Zeus. But still, being the only person that he could really work with was rather bothersome.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kai Kealoha Character Portrait: Tristen Aarins Character Portrait: Dali Muller Character Portrait: Amy Collins Character Portrait: Noah Harvey Character Portrait: Keo Kealoha
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Image | Image | Image
Tristen Aarins || Dali Muller || Amy Collins
Daughter of: Apollo || Son of: Hephaestus || Daughter of: Athena
//Tris;Happy || Dali;Good Life || Collins;Castle\\

Tris smiled as Keo planted a sweet kiss on her cheek then looked over at Kai and laughing softly and nodded, "Oh yes Kai I missed you so much!" She said jokingly as she nuzzled her chin into the crook of Keo's neck. She listened to Keo talk about how the two of them got there and right after he asked what she was up to for the day she began to slide down off his back and straightened out her dress and smiled up at the brothers then grabbed Keo's hand.
"I got here last night. My dad got me a flight straight here.." She thought for a moment, normally her dad see's her at least once over the summer but this year she didn't see him at all. Quickly Tris shrugged the thought off and went back to smiling at the brothers.
"Oh! I forgot to tell you! My old band mates let me do a gig with them before I left! It was great, there were so many people there!" She held her head up proudly.
She looked around, looking for her other friends hoping to see them soon then asked, "What did you guys do all summer?"

Dali had accidentally fallen asleep, he had only meant to rest after the long night but when he opened his eyes he thought it was much later then it actually was. He shot up off his bed and burst from his room and the dorm into the hallway. He ran down into the main lobby and then seeing all the people just kind of standing around and greeting each other. He finally looked at the clock on the wall and realized it had only been a few moments that he had let his eyes slipped shut. Laughing to himself Dali straightened out his cloths and then looked around to see if anyone he knew was in the area.
He saw Tris and the Kealoha twins he slowly made his way toward them. Even though they didn't really know him that well they had talked a few times. Him and Tris on the other hand was always really nice to him and they had hung out a few times in the previous years.
"Hey guys hows it goin?" He said stepping in front of the three of them, smiling and waving a little.

Collins walked into the lobby and cringed at the sight of all the people,
human contact… She thought looking around. It was time to make a game plan, maybe find one of her half siblings. She put in her music and turned it up as loud as she could handle it and made her way through the slowly growing crowds. She kept a keen eye out for one of the other Athena children. She hoped at least one of them was around for her to talk to about their summers.