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Into the Wild

Into the Wild


Private roleplay between shatari19 & divinedarkness

2,091 readers have visited Into the Wild since shatari19 created it.


Apple Blossom Farm


In the back hills of Montana, a quite large horse farm was located. It was rather secluded and the owners liked it that way. There was the farmhouse right in the center of the property. The barn was located off to the side which made room for all of the rings and meadows that were needed for the horses. At the back of the property was the large apple orchard where all of the farm's apples were grown. It was a very beautiful place but it had not always been there. Rick Spicer and his wife Mary moved to the states from England right after they were married. Though they did not have much, they got by. However, it did not take them long to begin gaining money.

After a few years had passed, Mary and her husband began breeding and training horses for show. It was then that they decided that they needed a larger place. They bought the property that would soon be known as Apple Blossom Farm. They fixed it up and built only the nicest of things. Even their amenities that were installed for the horses were top notch. As their names became more well known in the horse world, the two decided that it was time to try for a family. It did not take long for Mary to find out that she was with child..a boy. They were so very happy.

{Present Day}

Apple Blossom Farm is a very well known farm that produces winners. They specialize in Friesians and Gypsy Vanners that are good for dressage, driving, and trail riding. The farm now houses many borders as well as the Spicers' own horses. There is always something going on at the farm. It is currently summer time at the farm. The Spicers' son is now eighteen and is almost always at the farm. He also shows his families horses quite often. There is a new border at the farm. A young woman between the age of 18 and 20. The young Spicer has never dated anyone at the farm. His parents have always been very strict about this. However, what if the new girl was to catch his eye? Could she convince him that they are worth it? Could they handle competing against one another? Only time will tell.

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eve Delacroix Character Portrait: Alec Spicer
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It was late in the afternoon in Montana. In Apple Blossom Farm, it was a very busy place. Horses and their owners were out and about, working on many different things. The Spicers were both outside working with a few of their horses. Rick and Mary, though they did have money, were quite nice. They were always willing to help any that boarded at their farm. As they were working two of their Gypsy Vanners, a dun and a black and white one. They had been outside for most of the day and were finishing up what they'd been working on. As Mary and Rick led the horses back into the barn, they saw Alec in one of his horses' stall. "Alec, are you taking Aztec out?" the woman asked, pausing so that she could talk to her son and take in what he was wearing. Rick, on the other hand kept walking. Alec turned to see his mother and exited the stall. "Yea. I've not ridden him today and we've got that competition coming up so I thought that it would be best to work with him. You've got lessons in a bit don't you?" The older woman nodded smiling. "All right. Be careful. I should be done early enough tonight that we can fix something instead of going out."

Alec was silent for a moment, looking after his father, a frown on his face. Mary noticed the look immediately. She smiled kindly at her son. "Don't' worry about him. He'll eventually learn to live with your choices and preferences. Just don't let him get to you. I'm gonna leave you be, sweetie. I'll see you at supper." With that, the older woman was gone, leaving Alec alone with his horse. He turned around to head back into the beautiful stall that had Aztec's name plated above. He began grooming the large horse, taking his time. He knew that it had been around two years since he'd told his parents that he liked men and women and still his father would barely talk to him. He had hoped that his father would eventually get over it but it sure didn't look like it.

Once he was done grooming the horse, Alec began tacking up Aztec. He did this slowly, taking his time. He was in no hurry. When he was finished, he led Aztec out of the stall and then closed the door. He slowly made his way out of the barn and to where all of the mounting blocks were. Since Alec was so much shorter than Aztec, he couldn't mount the horse without using the blocks. He led his horse to the proper position and then mounted. Once the two of them were both comfortable and ready, Alec nudged the horse off towards one of the training rings. There was only two other people using this ring. A young woman that he'd not seen before and then one of the farm hands that was working one of the Spicers' horses.

As Alec began to enter into the ring, the farm hand, a average young man by the name of Todd, waved at him and then yelled, "Good afternoon, Alec! I see that Aztec is doing well. I haven't seen you in some time. The way my schedule is and everything." Alec smiled at Todd. They were friends and had been for some time. Todd moved to stop the horse that he was on next to Alec and Aztec. They were out of the way of the other rider, as was common courtesy. "Good afternoon. I know. I was beginning to wonder where you'd been. Well, I'd better let you get back to work or mom and dad will have my head. I'll see you around."

With that, Todd left the training ring and Alec was there alone with the girl. He waited for her to pass him and then waited long enough for her to get half way around the ring before nudging Aztec out. He kept the horse walking, allowing him to warm up. It had been a few days since he'd ridden this horse and didn't want to immediately throw him into a trot. He didn't say anything to the girl, he figured that if she wanted to talk to him that she would. Alec was not a shy person but he did respect others' privacy. After going around the ring two times, he then nudged Aztec into a trot. From what Alec could tell, Aztec was doing very well. He tried to concentrate on what he was doing. His mind, however, kept drifting to his girlfriend. They'd been arguing again. She wanted him to stop working on his family's farm and pursue a degree in performing arts. However, the only other thing that he could ever see himself doing was pursuing his singing with the band that he was currently in.

He sighed softly. He wasn't sure why Hannah was always trying to tell him what to do. He loved her but sometimes she could be a bit much. She had to always be the center of attention. Even on the few occasions that she'd come to watch him and his band perform, she'd been causing a scene. Alec couldn't stand it. That was why he'd stopped asking her to come. He felt bad about it but she had been greatly distracting him. Now that he was thinking about it, she wouldn't even come over to the farm. She had always hated horses and Alec thought that perhaps this was part of the reason that she was always trying to get him to go to school.

Alec began working with Aztec with some dressage moves. He spent another thirty minutes on this before leading the horse back towards the wall, slowing down to a walk once again. His eyes found the girl once again. He was oddly drawn by here and he wasn't sure whether he liked it or not. He forced himself to concentrate on Aztec. After a lap around the the ring, he brought the horse to a stop in the center of the ring. He remained sitting on the large horse for a few minutes, checking his phone. Of course Hannah had called several times. Probably freaking out because he wasn't messaging her. A look of slight frustration crossed his face. That, however, didn't mean that she needed to send him the rude messages that she had. He put his phone back into his pocket and zipped it closed once again. He really should work with Tzar as well. He wasn't really sure if he had time or not. His eyes were on the girl again. He kept Aztec standing, wanting to make sure that the horse wasn't going move. He then, slid off of the horse. He stood on the ground, gently patting the large horse. Alec debated with himself. He felt like he should say something to the girl but he wasn't really sure. At last he decided that he better. "I've not seen you around before. Did you just start boarding your horse here?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eve Delacroix Character Portrait: Alec Spicer
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Eveanna had only been home from school a week and she already wanted to go back. Somehow her parents had gotten even stricter, with her, yet her brother could do what he wanted. Her dad had left the day she’d gotten home for a business trip and she wasn’t positive, but she was pretty sure her mother was having an affair with one of their stable hands and as messed up as it was, she really wasn’t that surprised.

Her mother had already been drilling her. Correcting her posture, making comments about what she was eating, and comparing her to her brother. It was a complete nightmare. She wasn’t even sure how she managed to keep her mouth shut, if her parents only saw who she really was, they’d probably be put in their graves much earlier.

Her father had turned the basement into a ballet studio when she was ten and he mother had forced her into it, she’d continued to take lessons, but switched to contemporary when she’d gotten to her private school.

The mid-afternoon sun showed through the windows of her basement studio. She flipped on the music turning it up load enough to drown out the outside world. She closed her eyes as the song started slowly. Her mother was expecting her to be practicing her ballet, but she just couldn’t do it.

She swayed slowly to the music, as his voice sang she let her body go. It was like she didn’t have control of herself when she danced she, she’d become so lost in the music that she could remember starting and finishing, but in between she lost herself completely, her mind was clear and it felt incredible, better than any drug she’d ever taken. She was a natural dancer and her motions were so fluid and effortless it was breath taking to actually watch her contemporary dance pieces, of course no one short of her instructor at school had ever seen her pieces, because her mother would kill her. Contemporary wasn’t proper, ballet was.

A loud banging on the door caused her to jump and brought her from her trance. There was another loud bang and she rolled her eyes irritated as she ran her fingers through her long dark hair, turning off the music and heading up the stairs. She opened the door to her brother, who hadn’t an arrogant smirk on his face as he looked over her causing her to scoff as his eyes ran over her judgingly.

“Mom says it’s time for you to stop being the Swan Princess, so she can drive you to your pony lessons.” Matisse smirked.
Eve didn’t give into his mocking comments, she simply pushed passed him closing the door to her studio and heading upstairs to get dressed. Her mother had informed her on the drive back that not only had she decided to bored her horses, but that she was also paying for her to have lessons, despite the fact that Vanna didn’t need them, she’d taught herself which most people didn’t believe.

She took a quick shower, before changing into her outfit. She head back down stairs, her mother was waiting at the bottom on the staircase dressed like the snobby high maintenance women she was. She looked over Eve shaking her head disapprovingly.

“Is that what your wearing dear.” Her French accent made her even snobbier “Well don’t just stare at me Eveanna, God, sometimes I wonder if there is anything going on in that head of yours. Hurry up.” She said heading towards the front door. “You’re going to make yourself late.” She said and Eve just rolled her eyes following after her mother.

The ride was filled with her mother’s blabbing about everything from Eve needing to lose wait before the next competition to begging Eve not to embarrass her and behave while she was taking her lessons. But, Vanna had drown most of it out in the first ten minutes and only nodded every so often so her mother thought she was paying attention.

Finally they’d pulled up a long driveway and she got out, listening to another short lecture from her mother, telling her she’d pick her up later. Eve waited until her mother drove off to head towards the stables. She didn’t ask for help and she probably wouldn’t. She managed to find all three of her horses fairly easily and she’d decided to work with Gus Gus, mostly because she knew he was dangerous and she loved that about him.

A few people looked at her. Some of the looks were curious other were judgmental, because she wasn’t exactly dressed like everyone else and no one had seen her there before. Everything was organized in the tack room, so finding her saddles and bits had been just as easy as finding her horses. Once she’d saddled him up, she kissed his nose gently, holding his eyes. She hadn’t ridden in a few months, so it probably wasn’t smart to go straight to Gus, but she didn’t care.

“You must be Eveanna.” she heard a women’s thick British accent behind her, causing her to turn and give he a small smile followed by a nod. “Well it’s lovely to finally meet you, I’m Mary Spicer. Your mother’s told me a lot of good things about you.” Eve somehow couldn’t believe that, but she didn’t argue. “Looks like you found everything yourself, if you need anything at all don’t hesitate.” she said before heading off.

She was surprisingly nice, especially for someone her mother was friends with. Her mother tended to attract bitchy rich jerks. Eve mounted Gus fairly easily, despite her size. He was massive and that was another reason she’d fallen in love with him. She wasted no time heading out to the ring. She warmed him up a few times before finally getting him into a dead run, surprisingly he was behaving and she wonder if he was planning to throw her off.

Eventually she was joined by another rider, but she kept to herself like she always did. It was then when Gustan started to act up, he wasn’t found of other horses, but she managed to handle him. She stole glances at the guy every once in a while. He was attractive, which was odd because she knew just by looking at him, he was the kind of guy she didn’t date.

He’d grow up and take over his family business. He’d grown up with loving parents, never having to ask for anything. He was kind and his biggest problem was more or less his snotty girlfriend, that was no doubt the reason he was checking is phone and he looked slightly irritated. Eve was good at picking up on things like that.

She fixed her eyes forward as she felt Gust falter and she knew he was going to act up. So she prepared herself. She knew her horses better than she knew herself, the same way she knew people better then she knew herself.

"I've not seen you around before. Did you just start boarding your horse here?" his voice pulled her from her concentration and just then Gustan reared up on his back legs and she immediately hopped of the large horse like she’d done a million times.

She grabbed his reigns fearlessly and tugged them roughly to get the horses attention, he reared up again and his front hoofs came so close to kicking her she felt them brush her cloths, but she didn’t move. She tugged his reins harder until finally he calmed down. The horse was breathing heavily and she simply glared at Gus, letting him know who was boss. After a second, she lifted herself effortlessly back onto the horse, using the horn of the saddle to pull herself up.

She glanced over to the guy then as if her horse hadn’t just thrown fit, giving him a proper, lady like smile. “No. My mother has decided to board my horses here.” She said in her quite voice that she used when she was pretending to be the girl her mother thought she was. She nudged Gus in the sides of making him trot fluidly over stopping inches from his horse. “And you?” she said but the question was more of a starting statement “You’re the Spicer’s son.” She said calmly “Alec, Right?” she said already knowing she was right. “We’ve met before.” She shrugged.

She knew she’d seen him somewhere before, they’d meet briefly at a party, he was with his girlfriend and it was so much of a meeting as it was his girlfriend mocking her like she always did and Eve just looking at her like she was an idiot and everyone taking Eve’s side.

“But, I don’t suppose you’d remember me.” She gave him a fake smile “Hanna wouldn’t like it very much if you did, now would she?” She filched a wicked smirk keeping her deep blue eyes fixed on his eyes. Eve was excellent at playing mind games with people, Hanna was her favorite to mess with at school only rivaled by her older brother. “Well, I guess I’ll see you around.” She said heading back to the stables to unsaddle Gus.

She knew she’d probably confused him, knowing so much about him in less than a few moments of knowing him, but she’d always been like that, confusing people by how much she knew about them, even if she barely knew them. Eve was a million times smarter than anyone gave her credit for and it was simply because she rarely talked that they assumed she was stupid.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eve Delacroix Character Portrait: Alec Spicer
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Alec simply watched at the girl took care of her horse as he acted up. He was willing to jump in but had soon realized that the girl had everything under control. Aztec, too, just ignored the other horse. When the girl got back onto her horse and then spoke to him. “No. My mother has decided to board my horses here.” Alec didn't say anything to this, but watched her. It was then that the girl moved closer to him and Aztec. “And you? You’re the Spicer’s son.” She said calmly “Alec, Right?” It was then that the girl said that they'd met before. At this, he became rather..confused. He honestly couldn't remember meeting her. He remained silent, racking his mind, trying hard to remember her.

“But, I don’t suppose you’d remember me.” she said, “Hanna wouldn’t like it very much if you did, now would she?” Alec didn't like the look that the girl was giving him. As far as he knew, he'd not done anything to her. From what the girl had said, she knew Hannah. Before he was able to reply, she was telling him that she'd see him around. Then, she was gone. Alec reacted quickly, then. He turned Aztec around and quickly moved the horse to follow the girl. As he was catching up to her, it suddenly hit him. He did know her. He didn't catch up to her before she reached the stables. He saw where she went, though so he slowed his horse down to a stop to dismount. He slid expertly off of the horse and then took the reins, leading Aztec through the stable. He came to his horse's stall and put the creature inside. He quickly untacked Aztec and brushed him down. Once he was satisfied with his work, he quickly exited the stall and closed the door. He made his way down through the stable, to the stall that he'd seen the girl disappear into.

Once he reached it, he remained outside but turned his gaze inside. "It's..Eve, isn't it?" he asked her. He waited a moment, allowing her to answer before continuing. "I get that you don't like Hannah, but you don't need to take that out on me. I've not done anything to you. Grow up." With that, Alec walked off, back down the stable, scratching the back of his head. He couldn't stand someone being judgmental and being rude when they don't even know the person they are treating that way. He wasn't about to let someone treat him like that and think that it was okay.

He reached Tzar's stall and entered. The younger horse was quite friendly and always loved seeing his owner. Tzar was a stallion, unlike Alec's other horse. He groomed the horse, and then tacked him up. He led the horse out of his stall and then slowly outside. Though Alec could mount the horse he chose not to until he reached the mounting blocks. He mounted and then headed back out to the training ring. Once out in the ring, he stopped Tzar, trying to see how long the horse would stay. He would only stand there for a moment or two before trying to move. Looked like he found what they would be working on for most of the day. As he sat on Tzar, he thought back to Eve. He just couldn't understand why she had acted as she had. The only thing that he could do was make sure that she knew that he wasn't going to take it and probably just ignore her.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eve Delacroix Character Portrait: Alec Spicer
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Eve made her way into Gus’s stall, she took her time untacking him and spending time with him, because it had been far too long since she’d spent time with horses and it felt good to be in the ring again even if it was just for practice.

She wasn’t stupid, she knew Alec would follow her she’d given him too good of an excuse not to. It really wasn’t like her to be so blunt with someone like him, because she normally just didn’t talk at all. But, he was intriguing and he was Hanna’s boyfriend which made it that much better.

"It's..Eve, isn't it?" his voice sounded irritated from behind her causing her to smirk, but she didn’t turn around and face him, she simply pretended she hadn’t heard him. "I get that you don't like Hannah, but you don't need to take that out on me. I've not done anything to you. Grow up."

That made her turn to face him, but he was already walking away. She ripped the ponytail from her hair, letting her long dark hair fall in loose waves around her face, before brushing her finger through it. She stepped out of Gus’s stale shutting the gate and taking her stuff back to the tack room.

She was craving a cigarette and a drink, but she knew if she smoked here someone would catch her and they’d tell her mother and then her mother would murder her. She debated on whether or not she wanted to ride Shadow or Merriet, but decided against it. Her phone buzzed in her packet, she pulled it out looking at the screen, the text was from her best friend, Cassie.

Evie, party at Mitch’s tonight. He says he REALLY wants to see you. Plus Hanna will be there. Can you say sabotage? ;P

Eve smirked, she loved Cassie, she was just as crazy with her and the best part was just didn’t come from money like her, she was normal, she’d just managed to get into Valley View Prep on a scholarship, they’d meet her freshman year and had been inseparable since.

I’ll be there. she wrote back simply. Most people would get offended at how short she was, but Cassie knew better.

Evie glanced out to the ring where Alec was riding and she absentmindedly watched him for a while, not even realizing that she focused on him. He was good, really good. She finally managed to look away, realizing she’d been watching him.

She headed out to the ring, her pace was slow, but once she finally got to the ring she lend against the wall in plain sight, so he could see her. She pulled out her pack of cigarette’s lighting once, not really care if he saw her. She place the cigarette to her lips taking a long much needed drag, keeping her eyes on him as he rode.

“I wasn’t taking anything out on you.” She finally said, taking another drag from the cigarette, blowing the smoke out in perfectly practiced O shapes.

She didn’t know why she cared so much if he thought she was taking something out on him, but deep down she kind of did. She also couldn’t understand why she was talking to him, Eve didn’t talk, to anyone, unless she was at a party with her friends.

“Your good.” She said simply, gesturing to the horse. She looked away for a for a minute. She wasn’t exactly good at conversation.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eve Delacroix Character Portrait: Alec Spicer
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He'd finally gotten Tzar to settle down. The horse definitely reminded Alec of himself. He had a mind of his own. He began walking Tzar about the large ring, allowing him to warm up. Every once in a while the horse would try to increase his speed but Alec corrected him immediately each time. Tzar still needed to learn to listen to him completely. After a lap around the ring, Alec pushed his horse into a trot. He'd decided to work on his gaits today. He kept switching gaits and trying to get Tzar to remain in the gait for as long as was asked of him.

Alec had noted immediately when Eve had come out to the ring. However, he was at the opposite end of the ring. He kept Tzar going, heading around the ring. Alec wasn't stupid. He knew that Hannah was usually picking on Eve. At least from what he'd noticed the one or two times that he'd seen them together. He wasn't actually sure why Hannah was like that. He'd tried talking to her about it before but she always got so angry with him. He was only trying to help her. She would never keep any of her friends if she continued on the path that she was on. He worried for her. She just got mad at him anytime that he said anything.

As he got closer to Eve, Alec slowed Tzar down to a walk. She spoke to him, saying, “I wasn’t taking anything out on you.” Alec was silent for a moment as he brought Tzar to a stop near Eve. His blue eyes gazed at her steadily. "Is that so? Well it sure seemed like you were." He continued watching her, firmly correcting Tzar any time that he tried to move.

“Your good.” Eve said, gesturing at Tzar. Alec immediately noticed that she looked away from him. She was acting differently than she had earlier. He was confused by this but did not comment on it. He smiled kindly at Eve. "Thank you. I should hope that I'm at least a little bit good. I've been riding since I was old enough to hold the reins." He paused for a moment, wondering why she was even trying to talk to him. He had been sure that she couldn't stand him..just from their earlier conversation.

"You know, you're not too bad yourself." He smiled at her again, trying to get her to warm up to him. "Do you compete? I mainly do dressage, myself." He pulled his gaze from Eve, seeing his dad walking out into the ring. The older man nodded to Eve but completely ignored Alec. He was used to it, though. Ever since he'd come out his dad had stopped acknowledging him at all. He hated it but all he could do was hope that the older man would get over it. He quickly turned his gaze back to Eve. He wondered if she'd noticed what had just happened and if so, did she know why.

Though he was very open about his sexuality, he also didn't go around broadcasting it to the world. He saw no reason to. He doubted that even Hannah knew that he did, in fact, like men. It was just something that he'd never told her. He could only imagine how she would react if she found out. "So, you said earlier that your mom is the one that decided to board your horses here. I take it that you didn't want her to do that. Is there a reason behind it? I'm sorry, if that's too personal. I'm just a curious person." He laughed lightly, a smile still on his face. Though he had never spoken with Eve before, he found that it felt almost..right to be there with her. He couldn't explain it.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eve Delacroix Character Portrait: Alec Spicer
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She watched as he brought his horse closer, stopping him a few feet away so he could talk to her. A part of her wished she hadn’t engaged in conversation with him, because the truth of it was, if they became friends, she’d only hurt him somewhere down the road. That’s just how she worked.

People normally found themselves drawn to Eveanna, because she’s always so mysterious. For everyone thing she knows about someone else there’s a million things they don’t know about her. She’s always had a bad habit of pulling people in and then pushing them away when they get to close. It would be an understatement to call her a bad girl. Because unlike most girls she doesn’t hurt people because she’s having fun and it just happens. She knows exactly what she’d doing and she plays games.

"Is that so? Well it sure seemed like you were." his voice brought her from her thoughts causing her to look back up at him, meeting his blue eyes with her own deep aqua ones. She didn’t reply, she just smirked placing the cigarette to her lips and inhaling deeply.

"Thank you. I should hope that I'm at least a little bit good. I've been riding since I was old enough to hold the reins." he said referring to her comment about him being good. "You know, you're not too bad yourself. Do you compete? I mainly do dressage, myself." he asked and she simply replied with a shrug.
Of course she competed, her mother forced her too. Not that she minded because she really did love it. She’d taught herself by watching competitions and studying the riders. She watched as a man that resembled Alec, came into the ring and she casually dropped the cigarette from her fingertips. She hadn’t missed the way the man acknowledged her but completely ignored Alec’s existence making her raise a brow.

It wasn’t hard to figure he was Alec’s father and while she didn’t know what the deal was between them, she understood, because her father treated her the same way. As far as her father was concerned he only had a son. If it wasn’t for her mother’s negative attention and her brother antagonizing her, her family wouldn’t even know she existed. Although she had to admit when her and Matisse were alone, they got along surprisingly well and he really did care about her.

"So, you said earlier that your mom is the one that decided to board your horses here. I take it that you didn't want her to do that. Is there a reason behind it? I'm sorry, if that's too personal. I'm just a curious person." he said pulling her from her thoughts once again, she hated thinking about her family, so she was secretly grateful for his question.

“My mother does what she wants.” She shrugged, like it was no big deal “I’ve been at school for two years and she was too lazy to take care of them.” She explained, leaving out the fact that her mother was forcing her to come there lessons.

She sighed running her fingers through her hair, pushing off the wall, she needed to leave. He was way too damn easy to talk to and she was scared he’d get her to tell him her whole life story. Not to mention, she needed to get home and get ready for the party, she’d have to figure out a way to sneak out of her house. She glanced to him meeting his blue eyes again.

“It’s been lovely.” She said slipping back into her proper young lady tone, smirking. “But, I’ve got a dinner party to get ready for.” She lied, making it purposely obvious too him that she was lying. “See you later, love.” She said causally making her way to the front, where her mother had dropped her off, sending a quick text to her mom telling her she was finished for the day.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eve Delacroix Character Portrait: Alec Spicer
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Alec listened to Eve as she answered his questions. He decided not to press her further. He felt as if she really didn't want to talk with him and he was fine with that. As the young woman pushed herself from the wall, she spoke. “It’s been lovely..But, I’ve got a dinner party to get ready for. See you later, love.” Alec merely nodded at her. With his father so close he decided that it would be better to not say too much. He did, however, watch as Eve made her way out of the ring. When she was gone, he gently led Tzar back into the stable. He didn't want to stay in the ring if his father was going to be in there. Once he was back in the stable, Alec slid off of the horse and led him to his stall. He then took care of him as he had Aztec earlier. Once he was finished, Alec left the stable and made his way to the house.

He entered the home, seeing that both of his parents were still not there. He made his way up the stairs and into his large bedroom. Once inside, he shut his door and kicked off his boots. He threw himself onto the bed and pulled out his cell phone. Hannah had been blowing up his phone again. Alec, what are you doing tonight? He read the message and sighed. Just from seeing that one message, he knew that she was wanting him to go somewhere with her. Honestly, he just wanted to relax.

Alec knew better than to keep ignoring Hannah. He quickly wrote her back, telling her that he had no plans. It was a minute later he received another message. Good. There's a party and I want you to come with me. You can pick me up at my place. Oh, and Alec? Try to dress normal for once. Her last comment really made him not want to see her. He didn't think that he dressed that badly. He tossed his phone to the end of his bed. Screw her. He'd dress however he damn well pleased.

He got up off of the bed and headed into his bathroom. He quickly showered and then dried his hair. He then headed back into his room, heading straight to his closet. He chose a outfit and got dressed. Once dressed, Alec made his way back into the bathroom. styled his hair, and then applied eyeliner. He'd chosen not to dress to awfully out there but that didn't mean that he wouldn't still do his eyes, something that he normally only did for his band's shows. When he was satisfied with his look, he grabbed his phone and car keys. He made his way downstairs to find his mother in the kitchen now. "Hey, Sweetie! Oh..where are you headed?" Alec smiled at his mother. "I'm heading over to hang with Kyle. I'm not sure what time I'll be back. I'll see you tomorrow. Love you." Alec's mother smiled and kissed her son on the cheek.

He quickly made his way to his car. He got in and quickly made his way to Hannah's house. Once there, he sent her a text telling her that he was there. It didn't take her more than five minutes before she was outside and getting into the car. Alec smiled at his girlfriend and then gave her a quick kiss. Her eyes quickly raked over his form. "You sort of listened to me, I see. Well, just behave, will you? The last time we went out to a party together you were flirting with every girl there." Alec didn't argue with her. He hadn't been flirting at all with anyone. He'd actually only been talking to a few people because Hannah had left him by himself. Once they arrived, they got out together. Hannah quickly took his hand, leading him into the house. Once inside, Hannah found her two friends, Hailee and Brittney. Hailee was actually Hannah's sister though they did not live together. Their parents had divorced three years earlier. The girls all giggled when they saw each other and then they began talking about Alec as if he wasn't even there. He had no idea why he came. It was always the same. He..just kept hoping that Hannah would change. Although, she was hanging on his arm, which she normally didn't do.

Kyle suddenly appeared behind Alec. "Hey man! See you got dragged here..Hailee made me come too. At least we aren't alone." Alec was glad to see his best friend. Kyle moved around to stand with Hailee. The two men fell silent as the girls began talking about some girl that they liked to pick on. "She better not be here tonight. I just..really don't want to deal with her. Of course, Alec is here and she'd totally be jealous of him. I doubt she could ever get such a wonderful boyfriend." The girls all burst out laughing. Alec merely tuned them out, playing on his phone.


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Character Portrait: Eve Delacroix Character Portrait: Alec Spicer
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Eve wasn’t surprised when it was one of her family’s ranch hands who picked her up instead of her mother. She rolled her eyes as she got in the car, slamming the door behind her. The ride was quiet and she was glad he hadn’t tried carrying on meaningless conversation. Finally they pulled up to her house and she was surprised to see her mother wasn’t home, but her brother was because his car was there and there was another care she recognized that made her roll her eyes.

She headed up stairs to her room passing her brother’s room and pausing when she heard giggles coming from more than one girl coming from inside the room, making her remember the car parked in the drive way. She placed her hand on the door pushing it open the rest of the way, leaning in his door way, she smirked seeing brunette twins. Her parents were convinced Matisse was only dating on of them, but Eve had caught all three of them together more than once.

Eve cleared her throat, making herself noticed. Matisse flicked his eyes up to her merely smirking “I’ll be right back ladies.” He said in a gentlemanly tone that made Eve scoff. He walked over to her shutting the door behind him, granting the two of them privacy.

“What do you, rat?” he smirked, Eve matched his smirk raising a brow.

“Mitch is having a party. Cover for me.” She sad simply and he smirked. “Cover for me and I want tell dad your fucking both of The Shinning twins.” She said whipping the smirk off his face.

“Vanny, when are you going to tell Mom to just fuck off?” he said and she turned her head to the side giving him a small smile.

“The same time you tell dad too.” She said back and he rolled his eyes as she headed towards her room. They may not always get along, but the one thing Eve could count on was her brother always having her back although she wasn’t fond of relying on people.
After she showered, she changed into her outfit. By the time she finished getting ready, it was dark out and she saw headlights in the drive way for a split second she thought it was her mom and her heart skipped a beat. If her mom saw what she looked like, she’d kill her. She got up heading to the window, letting out a sigh of relief seeing it was Cassie.

She opened up her bedroom window, knowing she’d have to sneak in. Finally she slipped out her bedroom door taking the steps two at a time until she got outside and hopped into the front seat of Cassie’s beat up Saturn.

The two of them talked and carried on the whole way, until they reached Mitch’s house, but they didn’t go in right away, they waited for the rest of their group to get there. Eve didn’t exactly hang out with good kids, in fact the people she hung out with were the exact people your parents begged you to stay away from, but there was no doubt that Evie had always been the Queen B of her group, whatever she did they did.

Evie had a cigarette dangling from her fingertips in one hand and in the other a bottle of vodka. She took a swig of the alcohol, not even flinching as it burned down her throat. She lend against the car boredly as Cassie talked a mile a minute about everything. Eve wonder if Cassie knew she didn’t pay attention to half the things she said.

She smirked as two cars pulled up the drive way recklessly. The cars came to a sudden stop as the rest of Eve’s friends filled out. Her smirked dropped though as she saw someone she didn’t expect. “Oh my God. Evie…” Cassie started but Eve cut her off quickly.

“Yeah I see him.” She spat, taking a long drink from the bottle. Driving one of the cars was her long time on again off again boyfriend, Danny. He was way too old for her, eight years older to be exact. She’d caught him cheating countless times, yet he somehow kept her going back.

She locked eyes with him causing him to smirk arrogantly. He wasted no time closing the space between them. Wrapping an arm around her waist, she rolled her eyes truing her head to the side. His lips came down on her neck causing her to shiver and she cursed herself. She turned back to look him in the eyes.

“Fuck off Danny.” She spat harshly, but he just pulled her tighter against him and she placed the cigarette to her lips so he couldn’t kiss her.

“Come on Babe.” He whispered in her ear “I love you.” She closed her eyes because she knew it was a lie, but it felt good to hear him say it.

Danny was the only one who’d been able to play mind games with Eve. He could have any girl he wanted and everyone from Cassie to even Hanna wanted him, but they tended to stay away from, not because he was supposedly dating Evie. But, because he’s just bad news, the kind of bad news that once you get involved it’s near impossible to get out, because he drags everyone else down with him.

“Fuck it, fine.” She said pulling the cigarette from her lips and pressing her lips to his, blowing the smoke into his mouth, she could feel him smirk against her lips and she hated the fact that she’d given into him again. “Let’s go crash the party.” She said pulling away.
“Eve.” Cassie whispered and Eve knew she was going to lecture her about getting back with Danny, but she really didn’t want to hear it, she never wanted to hear it. She knew what she was getting herself into and she didn’t care.

Eve pulled herself away from Danny, took a step towards Cassie. “I’m a big girl Cas. Besides, he’s got the drugs.” She shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal, before placing a kiss on her friend’s cheek. “Besides, if I walk into that party with him, Hanna will have a fit.” She whispered in her ear, she pulled away winking.

Danny wrapped an arm around her waist possessively as they headed to the house. Parties, were never actual parties until Eve and her entourage arrived and anyone could tell you that. Danny pushed open the front door and immediately eyes were on Eve and her band of grudged out trouble making friends.

“Evie…You came!” She looked up to see Mitch standing in front of her. Mitch was hopelessly nerdy and awkward and his crush on Eve was painfully obvious. But, that fact that his parents were out of town almost every weekend, he’s the son to one of the richest families in Montana, not to mention Eve always crashing his parties. Makes him popular by association.

She gave him a sweet smile as she lend in kissing his lip teasingly causing him to freeze. She pulled back then kissing his cheek lightly “But, don’t I always.” She whispered seductively, she pulled away holding his eyes biting her lip.

Danny pulled her close, shaking his head at the way she’d played with him as they continued deeper into the party. Evie could literally get any guy she wanted, by simply batting her eyelashes. She wasn’t at all the same person she’d been earlier today, she hated the version of herself. Her and Danny together looked like they’d stepped straight out of the 80s grunge scene and they stuck out against all the rich kids.

As they walked through the party, she paused seeing Hanna and her group including Alec and she smirked. “This should be fun.” She said more to herself as she headed straight for them. Danny, Cassie, Lana, and Jay J in tow. That wasn’t her entire group, because they split off, but the four of them were always following Eve around.

The song that was playing had gotten louder an d in a matter of minutes the party had gotten wilder. She lit herself a joint as she headed to Hanna’s group. She stopped in front of the five of them looking over them with a smirk. Her eyes locked with Alec’s for a moment too long and she forced herself to look away finally meeting Hanna’s eyes as she took a hit from the joint.

But she didn’t say anything to her, she blew the smoke in her face smirking wickedly. “Kyle.” She said turning her gaze to him, before glancing to Alec. “You look good.” She said complementing him on purpose in front of Hanna. “You get bored of your Primadonna, I’ll be around.” She said shamelessly. Danny scoffed, but Eve didn’t look away, she just held Alec’s gaze as she lifted the joint to her lips lazily.


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As soon as Eve and her group entered the house, Hannah noticed. Her gaze turned to the other girl, glaring. As Eve approached them, Hannah's grip on Alec tightened forcing the man to slightly grimace. He then put his phone back into his pocket, looking to see what had his girlfriend riled up. Eve. He hadn't been expecting to see her again so soon. His blue eyes fell on her, noting the man that was so close to her. For some reason, he didn't like that she was with him.

When Eve stopped in front of them, her eyes locked with his and he could not look away. Even when Eve looked away to Hannah, he continued to watch her. As Eve blew the smoke into Hannah's face, Alec could just see the rage building up in her small body. Alec was surprised that Hannah didn't say anything. She was probably silently coming up with something to either say or do to Eve.

Alec had honestly not thought that Eve would acknowledge him. So when she spoke, it almost startled him. “You look good.” Eve said..most likely on purpose. “You get bored of your Primadonna, I’ll be around.” He hesitated. He knew that if he said anything, Hannah would be furious but on the other hand, wasn't he mad at her? "Oh..thanks. You too. I mean, you look nice." he said, holding her gaze steadily. He wasn't able to say anything else as Hannah immediately went off.

The girl was barely taller than Alec but she pulled on his arm, moving him behind her. "You whore. Stay away from my boyfriend. Why in the world would he want anything to do with you?" As Hannah was going off, Alec merely watched. There was no point in him getting involved with this cat fight. This was exactly the reason that he hated going out to parties with Hannah. "Look, just stay away from him. We've been together for two years. I don't see your skanky ass sticking with someone for so long." Hannah put a hand on her hip, almost as if daring Eve to do something. The girl moved closer to Eve though left space between them. "Besides, in case you hadn't noticed, someone like you could never have someone like him. Why don't you just get out of here."

Alec couldn't believe how Hannah was acting. Two years ago, she wouldn't have acted like this. She'd changed so much. It pained him to think about it. Kyle had noticed Alec looking more and more..upset? He hoped that this would end soon.


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"Oh..thanks. You too. I mean, you look nice." he replied, causing Eve’s smirk to grown wider. She winced as Danny dug his fingers into her side as if telling her to knock her shit off because she was there with him.

"You whore. Stay away from my boyfriend. Why in the world would he want anything to do with you?" Hanna spat, but Evie merely turned her gaze to Hanna, raising a brow. "Look, just stay away from him. We've been together for two years. I don't see your skanky ass sticking with someone for so long." Vanna rolled her eyes as Hanna pushed Alec behind her like she was protecting her child. "Besides, in case you hadn't noticed, someone like you could never have someone like him. Why don't you just get out of here."

Lana took a step forward when Hanna did, but Eve stopped her putting her hand out, letting Lana know she could handle herself. She didn’t move from her possession and she didn’t back down she just held Hanna’s eyes.

“Down girl.” Eve smirk “No one likes an insecure little bitch.” She shrugged. “And I’m pretty sure this isn’t your party, I’ll leave when I’m good and ready.” She said taking a step forward, so her face was centimeters from hers. “You don’t scare me Hanna, I dare you to throw the first punch, because I’d love to kick your ass.” She said holding her eyes “And, your no better than me…” she moved even closer “Does your perfect little boyfriend know you hook up with Jay J.” she whispered so no one else could hear, before taking a step back “Didn’t think so.”

Eve was a lot of things, but she never told anyone else’s secrets, she used them as blackmail to get what she’d wanted and recently Hanna had been hooking up with Jay J and with enough booze and weed in his system Jay J told you everything.

She glanced to Alec, before glancing back to Hanna “How’s this for a whore?” She smirked grabbing Lana and pulling her into a kiss, that quickly turned into a heated make-out session that had all the guy cheering them on, she pulled away from Lana and pulled Danny’s lips to hers kissing her the same way she’d just kissed Lana.

She pulled away from Danny, flipping Hanna and her friends off as she walked up completely triumphant. After that she need a hit of something, because all she wanted to do was feel nothing, she wanted to be numb and forget about the fact that there was something between her and Alec she could feel it. She wanted to forget that her dad hated her and her mother used her and the fact that she’d just gotten back with her druggie, abusive boyfriend.


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The moment that Eve said that she knew about Jay J, the color drained from Hannah's face. She hadn't realized that anyone knew about that. “How’s this for a whore?" Eve asked before making out with Lana and then Danny. Alec had watched though was probably one of the only guys not cheering them on. He watched as Eve flipped all of them off and walked away. He turned his gaze back to his girlfriend and her friends. He had no idea why he was there. He ran a hand slowly through his hair and then left Hannah and her friends. He made his way back through the house and outside. He found a semi secluded spot and sat down. He just wanted to go home.

He pulled out his cell phone again. Of course Hannah hadn't noticed that he'd left yet. She probably wouldn't for some time. Kyle would eventually get away from the girls and find him. He did truly love Hannah but he was quickly becoming fed up with the way she had been acting lately. As he sat out on the porch, he saw several people come out. They were obviously drunk. He had never seen the appeal of drinking oneself into a stupor. Suddenly, his phone went off. It was Kyle. Seemed that Hannah was pissed that he'd wondered off. She could get over it for all he cared.

Alec was debating about just heading home. Hailee could give Hannah a ride. He got up and then began walking back towards the door that he'd come out of a few minutes before. He almost ran over Eve. "I'm sorry, Eve. I wasn't paying attention." He fell silent for a moment, hesitating. "Look, I'm sorry about Hannah. She's not been herself lately." It was then that he realized just how close that they were. His blue eyes held her gaze for a long moment before he snapped out of it. He moved to the side to let her pass him so that he could enter into the house. As he was standing there with her, a young man saw Alec and walked up to them. He was grinning at Alec. "'re Alec, right? Man! I LOVE your band. When are you guys playing again?" Alec smiled kindly at the young man, aware that Eve was still there. "Oh, why thank you. Um..I think our next day at the bar is this Friday." The young man just kept talking, saying things like Alec was such a inspiration to him. At last, Eve and Alec were left alone again. He smiled sheepishly at her. "Well, I guess that I should let you get back to your boyfriend. I'll see you around?"

Just then Hannah screeched at him. "Alec! What are you doing? Get away from that whore! You're supposed to be spending time with me." Alec looked to his girlfriend for a moment before turning his gaze back to the woman that was near him. For some reason, he didn't want to go back to Hannah, he wanted to stay with Eve..though he knew that it was impossible.


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Eve let Danny lead her to the corner. He sat down pulling her to his lap as he started kissing down her neck, letting his hands roam freely over her body. She kept her eyes on Alec though and she watched as he pushed his way through the crowed heading out of the party. She closed her eyes leaning into Danny’s lips.

“Hey Princess, I got your favorite.” Jay J’s lazy, high voice made her open her eyes. Everyone in there group referred to her as The Princess, she’d hated it at first but she’d eventually gotten used to it. She was the youngest and she had the most power, that’s reason she’d assumed they’d started calling her that.

He held up a small pink, Pez like candy. She lend over sticking her tongue out, letting him place it on her tongue. There was something that hadn’t made its way to the states yet. Jay J was always getting the weirdest drugs. It was something called CLEAR, it slowed down everything and delayed your scenes. It was one of Eve’s favorite things to take at parties.

The pill began to dissolve on her tongue, taking over almost instantly. Making each of Danny’s kisses intensified by a hundred, causing her to moan lightly and lean into him more as everything started to slow down around her. Even the music seemed more appealing and she had the urge to dance.

“Evie, Cas needs you, she’s sick.” A voice pulled Eve from her drug like haze, hearing that her friend was sick and needed her sober her up and she was pissed she couldn’t just enjoy herself for once.

She stood up, as she ran her fingers through her hair. Everything was slower, but she managed to focus. The drug hadn’t been as strong as it normally was. Before she had the chance to kiss Danny and tell him she’d be right back, Lana was pulling her towards the front door.

Lana nearly ran her straight into someone, but she managed to stop. Eve’s eyes were on the ground and she followed from his feet slowly up to his eyes. They were close and he was an inch or so taller than her, so she had to look up to see it was Alec’s eyes that were staring back at her.

"I'm sorry, Eve. I wasn't paying attention." he said and she just shrugged, she was afraid is she said something it wouldn’t make since, due to the drugs in her system so she just waited for him to speak again. "Look, I'm sorry about Hannah. She's not been herself lately."

“Whatever.” Eve, sighed. Lana tugged on her arm but she ripped it away, not wanting to go anywhere. It was quite for a moment as he held her eyes before they were interrupted, by a young guy gushing over Alec’s band and Eve listened, suddenly even more intrigued by him.

"Well, I guess that I should let you get back to your boyfriend. I'll see you around?" he said and she hadn’t realized she’d missed the entire conversation about his band. She was too busy trying to keep her mind focused on one thing.

“Eveanna! Cassie, your best friend, she’s sick.” Lana said grabbing Eve’s wrist, but she didn’t move.

"Alec! What are you doing? Get away from that whore! You're supposed to be spending time with me." Her words made Eve smirk and seemed to sober her up a bit more. She glanced over her shoulder to see that Hanna was headed straight for them.

She turned her eyes back to Alec, there was a dangerous look in her eyes. “You’ll thank me for this later.” She whispered.

She took a quick step towards him, grabbing a fist full of his shirt pulling his lips to her and kissing him roughly. She heard Lana as well as a few others around them gasp like they couldn’t believe the infamous Eve Delacroix, was kissing Hanna’s boyfriend.

Her heart sped up the second her lips touched his and the heat rose from her neck to her cheeks. His lips against hers set her whole body on fire and she immediately convinced herself that it was the drugs that made their kiss pure ecstasy. Kissing him was nothing like kissing Danny, it was a million times better.

She pulled away keeping her blue eyes on him, a smirked painted across her lips. She knew she looked flushed, but she didn’t care. Everyone who knew Eve’s game knew that a kiss from her could mean everything or it could mean nothing at all.

“Vanna, What the fuck.” Danny’s voice drained her instantly of every good feeling she had just got from kissing him.

She probably shouldn’t have been so stupid. Danny was high and drunk which meant he was dangerous. He grabbed Eve’s upper arm roughly and she knew it would leave a bruise, but she didn’t wince, she was used to Danny’s temper. He pushed her harshly into the wall and pinned her there, but she didn’t show an ounce of fear, in fact she mocked him with a smirk, before pressing her lips to his roughly and shoving him off, she was more interested in what Hanna would try.


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Hannah was storming towards them and from the tone of her voice, Alec could tell that she was rather pissed. Who she was more pissed at, he wasn't sure. Only a few seconds after Hannah had spoke, Eve turned her gaze back to him. However, this time Alec could see something different in her eyes. He wasn't sure whether it was a good thing or not. Eve whispered to him, “You’ll thank me for this later.” Alec suddenly had a look of confusion on his face. What was she talking about? Suddenly, Eve stepped towards him and took hold of his shirt. Then, she pulled him to her and kissed him. Though the kiss was rough, Alec realized that he..felt something that he had never felt before. Not even when kissing Hannah.

The gasps that Alec heard did not bother him as they probably should have. He did not push Eve away, something that he knew his girlfriend would take note of. In that moment, though, Alec did not care. He simply focused on Eve. Alec could not explain all of the feelings that were running through his body during those few seconds that he and Eve were connected. Honestly, he didn't want this moment to end.

Eve was the one to pull away. Her eyes were still on him, as his were on her. The look of confusion that had been on his face earlier was now gone. Instead, a look of curiosity was there now. He was curious as to why Eve had kissed him, though thinking about it he was almost certain that it was just to get at Hannah. Just that one thought..saddened him. He didn't understand that. Why should he even care that she'd kissed him?

Alec watched as Eve's boyfriend as he grabbed her and pushed her up against the wall. Alec had been about to react, to help her when Eve kissed and then pushed the man from her. He remained rooted to the spot where Eve had left him, watching as Hannah was storming towards the woman. Alec wanted so badly to move but found himself unable to.

Hannah looked furious. Alec would not be surprised if his girlfriend would start sprouting steam from her ears at any moment. "YOU! HOW DARE YOU touch my boyfriend! bitch." Hannah stopped right in front of Eve, glaring daggers. She hesitated before lunging at the other woman. Hannah went for Eve's hair but then began trying to claw at the other woman. She was yelling many profanities, showing a side of herself that Alec hated seeing.

After allowing Hannah to fight with Eve for at least a minute, Alec decided that he'd had enough. He moved, making his way to where Hannah and Eve were. Once he reached them, he pulled Eve from the other woman, placing her next to him. He knew that by doing that, Hannah would be furious with him. "Alec! What are you doing?" Hannah asked, looking confused. Alec merely eyed his girlfriend steadily. "You are being ridiculous..and I'm done with it. You are acting like a child. You aren't treat everyone around you like they are below they're just your I'm your plaything. You need to think about your actions and the reactions that come from them. I'm just done."

The quietness that was now surrounding them was almost eerie but Alec did not care. He then turned and made his way out of the house. He quickly made his way to his car but did not get in. Instead, he leaned against the car and had pulled out his phone again. Kyle had messaged him asking him why he'd left in such a rush. Obviously his friend had been oblivious to what had just happened. Most likely stuck down Hailee's throat. Alec sighed heavily and ran a hand through his hair in frustration. He didn't know what to do with Hannah. He was tired of feeling like he didn't matter to anyone. He wondered if this would be a wake up call for her. He'd never just walked out on her before and he could only imagine what was happening inside the party now. He really didn't care.

Alec put his phone back into his pocket and but remained where he was. He wanted to cool down before he went home. As he stood there, he couldn't believe that Hannah hadn't come after him. He'd hoped that she would. It was hoping for too much, he realized.

After Alec had left the party, Hannah glared at Eve. She didn't say anything but it was obvious that she was beyond furious with the other woman. She was being held back by her sister and her best friend. They were trying to get her to calm down though it wasn't working. As the two girls were finally getting Hannah away, Hannah threw back at Eve, "This is all your fault. You stay away from me..and Alec..or else." She turned and went off with her friends, trying to forget what had just happened.


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Eve knew she was going to get hell from Danny, later, when he got her alone he’d try and put her in her place. But, he was never able to, taming Eve was nearly impossible not even Danny had been able to control her. Hanna shoved Danny out of the way and Eve smirked, not bothered by the fact that she was almost certain Hanna was going to try and fight her.

"YOU! HOW DARE YOU touch my boyfriend! bitch." She shouted and it was only a matter of seconds before Hanna lunged at her, reaching for her hair but Eve quickly avoided it.

She shoved Hanna harshly against the wall. Hanna got a few good swings in on Eve, before she was finally able to grab Hanna and once she was able to grab her, Eve was ready to finish her off and knock her out. Only before she got the chance, Alec pulled her away and she rolled her eyes, giving up because in all honesty the drugs were making her dizzy.

She rolled her eyes as Alec left leaving her there alone with Hanna. But, thankfully Lana grabbed her wrist just as Hanna started yelling at her again and more then anything she wanted to beat the shit out of her.

Eveanna looked over herself in the mirror, her lips was bleeding and her eye was already starting to bruise. She smirked knowing she’d done worse to Hanna. Before Alec had pulled her away she’s managed to pull out a good amount of her hair and probably gave her a bloody nose.

“Oh my god Eve…have you completely lost you mind?” Lana laughed dabbing the blood off of her lightly swollen lip. Eve swatted her away placing a cigarette to her lips and lighting it, taking a long drag, before puffing out a cloud of smoke in her friends face.

“She’ll get over it and so will he.” She shrugged, like she’d only given him a hug. “Besides, it’s not like I’d actually do anything with him. I love Danny, you know that.” She lied, standing up and straighten herself out a bit running her fingers through her hair. “Now about Cas?’ she said heading for the door and Lana followed after her.

By the time they got downstairs, everything was broken up and Hanna, Danny, and Alec were nowhere in sight, which she was glad about. Lana linked her arm through Eve’s as they headed out front. Eve and Lana were still laughing about the look on Hanna’s face when she looked up and caught Alec’s eyes. He looked upset and Eve couldn’t help but take the blame for that, she liked to ruin things and everything she touched she ruined and maybe that’s why she acted the way she did.

She sighed and as if Lana could read her mind she dropped her arm and gave her a small reassuring smile, gesturing with her head for Eve to go talk to him. She inhaled from the cigarette pulling it away from her lips, giving Lana a small peck on the lips before she headed in Alec’s direction.

“I’m sorry.” She said stopping in front of him. “I can be a pretty big bitch sometimes.” She shrugged. “You just looked like you were sick of being stepped on.” She smirked.


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After he'd been outside for some time by himself, Alec had looked up towards the house. Why couldn't Hannah just think about someone other than herself for once? He noticed Eve coming out of the house with her friend. His gaze met hers for only a moment before he looked back down at his phone. He knew that she would ignore him and honestly, at the moment, he was fine with that. After another few moments standing against his car, a voice brought him out of his thoughts. “I’m sorry.” It was Eve. To say that he was surprised would be a understatement. He truly had not thought that she would speak to him again. “I can be a pretty big bitch sometimes.” Eve shrugged. “You just looked like you were sick of being stepped on.”

Alec turned his gaze to the woman that was now standing near him. As much as he wanted to be angry with her..he just wasn't. He'd needed to tell Hannah what he'd said for some time now and just had been afraid to. He did love her..just not what she was doing. "It's fine." he said, his blue eyes holding Eve's gaze steadily. "I don't think that you were being a bitch." He fell silent, looking down for a moment. He hadn't thought badly of Eve and he was surprised that she was even speaking to him. He couldn't tell if she was serious about being sorry or not. Either way, he was actually fairly glad that she was there. He'd known that Hannah wouldn't come after him but just having Eve there made him feel a bit better..for some reason.

He finally raised his eyes to Eve, again. "I'm just..sick of getting it everywhere. I mean..I can handle my dad being a ass but Hannah shouldn't be acting like that. I'm not sure what has gotten into least with my dad I know why he's doing it." He probably shouldn't have said anything. He really didn't need her asking questions. After what had just happened, he wasn't sure if he wanted to get into a conversation with Eve about the reasons his father was angry with him. He remained silent, however, simply watching the young woman before him. He couldn't help but wonder..if she'd enjoyed the kiss that they'd shared. He would never ask her and so he knew that it would plague him until he found something to occupy all of his energy.

Alec placed his phone back into his pocket, giving Eve his full attention. However, he then started picking at the black nail polish that was beginning to flake off of his nails..a bad habit that he'd picked up over the years any time he was either nervous or worried about something. He was at least in a semi better mood now. Just standing there, with someone had seemed to help.


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Character Portrait: Eve Delacroix Character Portrait: Alec Spicer
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She raised her cigarette to her lips and she could slowly fill herself coming down from her high. She inhaled from the cigarette as she watched him for a moment, she wasn’t sure he’d even talk to her. They were from two separate worlds, sure their families were both wealthy, but she was just all around bad and he was good, too good for her and even Hannah and she’d barely knew him, but that wasn’t hard to tell.

"It's fine." he said as they held each other’s eyes. "I don't think that you were being a bitch."

It fell silent between them and he broke there gaze when her looked down. She moved closer to him, leaning against the car, standing next to him. Her eyes were fixed on the house in front of her as she waited for him to talk again, she was surprised he hadn’t said something insulting. She felt his eyes on her, but she didn’t bother to look at him, just kept her eyes straight ahead as she breath out a cloud of smoke watching it as it dissipated.

"I'm just…sick of getting it everywhere. his words made her look at him. I mean..I can handle my dad being an ass but Hannah shouldn't be acting like that. I'm not sure what has gotten into her…at least with my dad I know why he's doing it." She raised a brow at that and she wasn’t entirely sure she should ask, because she wasn’t one to openly ask about people’s business, she normally found by asking around or people just told her willingly.

She let the silence fall between them again as she flicked away the bud of her cigarette. It wasn’t an awkward silence, it was surprisingly comfortable just standing there with him. She found her mind drifting back to their kiss, but quickly pushed the thought from her mind, it was just a kiss. It was meaningless, right?

“People change.” She shrugged, referring to his confusion about Hanna acting the way she was “And, I don’t exactly help the situation.” She teased, with a smirk. She sighed letting her smirk fade. She was trying to avoid the question, because she wasn’t stupid he didn’t really sound like he wanted to delve into that topic, but she finally decided to ask. “You don’t have to tell me why your dad acts the way he does.” She finally said with a shrug. “Because I don’t tell people a god damn thing about me.” He said honestly. “But, my dad doesn’t talk to me either, so I get it.” She whispered.

She looked down at her hands, she didn’t normally talk that much to anyone, let alone someone she barely met. In fact most of her close friends including Cassie and Danny, didn’t even know she had a brother, because she just didn’t let people in and that’s what mad he so mysterious.

“I’m sure he loves you though. He just wants what’s best for you.” She said glancing back to him with a smile. She hadn’t exactly asked him, but she left it open enough to let him know he could talk about it if he wanted and if he didn’t she wouldn’t push him.


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Alec listened to Eve as she spoke. “People change..And, I don’t exactly help the situation.” After Alec realized that Eve was teasing, he smiled. "Yes..I suppose that they do." He fell silent, though was still eyeing her. He just couldn't seem to stop watching her. “You don’t have to tell me why your dad acts the way he does.” Eve said. “Because I don’t tell people a god damn thing about me.” She said. “But, my dad doesn’t talk to me either, so I get it.” When she said this, Alec frowned slightly. He couldn't imagine why her father wouldn't want anything to do with her. Yes, she liked to party and she seemed like she really didn't care what anyone thought of her actions but deep down Alec could easily see that she was a person that just wanted to be loved..for who they were. He could completely understand that. "I somehow doubt that he's not talking to you for the same reason." He eyed her for a moment before continuing. "But, no matter the reason, it definitely sucks."

“I’m sure he loves you though. He just wants what’s best for you.” she said, smiling. Alec thought for a moment. He could easily see how Eve was right. His father just hadn't known how to react to finding out about Alec's choices in potential partners. Not that he'd dated all that many people any way. Just a handful of men and women that had drawn him to them. Each one different from the last. As the silence stretched on, Alec debated on whether or not he wanted to tell Eve. It wasn't something that he told just anyone. However, he felt as if he could trust her with this. That she wouldn't laugh or make fun of him for something that was out of his control.

He was unsure of the best way to say it so he just came right out with it. "I'm bisexual." he said, looking down again. "I told my parents because it was easier for me than living a lie. At the time, I was dating a guy that I'd met a couple of years earlier. We'd been dating for a while and I felt like it was just the right thing to do. Anyway, my mom took it dad didn't. At first all he did was yell at me. He told me how I was such a disappointment to the family. How I would never amount to anything..that I was no longer his son. And then..he just stopped talking to me. Most of the time he won't even acknowledge that I'm even in the same room as him. I don't regret telling him..but at the same time I wish that I hadn't. I mean, I'd gone that long without saying anything..why couldn't I go that long again without it bothering me? At any rate, I'm no longer part of the family. I'm actually surprised that he's not kicked me out yet."

Alec fell silent, still looking down. He could only imagine how Eve would react to the information that she'd just received. This was something that he normally didn't tell people. If they asked, he normally would but they, most of the time, didn't react well to the news. "Don't say anything to Hannah...I've not told her." he said, beginning to pick at his nails again. He was worrying over something that really, in the long run, didn't matter that much. He knew that it was silly but he just couldn't help himself.


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"I somehow doubt that he's not talking to you for the same reason. But, no matter the reason, it definitely sucks." she knit her eyes brows at the way his voice sounded.

Eve loved getting revenge and she also quite loved hurting people, but he wasn’t completely heartless and someone like Alec, was the type of person she didn’t like to see hurt. Because he was genuine and caring. She honestly didn’t expect him to come out and say what his father’s problem was after she’d just potentially ruined his relationship.

"I'm bisexual." he said pulling her from her thoughts and she flicked her eyes up to his as he started to explain everything.

It didn’t bug her at all. Nothing ever really bothered her, Eve was a free spirit and she didn’t really ever put a label on herself. She’d always thought of labels as nothing more than names to call people and make them feel bad about themselves.

After he finished explain it fell silent, it made since that his dad would be upset about it and she couldn’t exactly tell him to tell his dad to fuck off, because then she’d just be a hypocrite. She played with words in her head trying to figure out what might be the best thing to say. She didn’t want to be her normal bitchy self after he’d just opened up to her.

"Don't say anything to Hannah...I've not told her." he said as he started to pick at his nails again and she let out a soft sigh as she ran her fingers through her dark hair. She let it fall silent again, for long moment.

“Me…tell Hanna?” she smirked “I can’t even stand being in the same room as her, your secrets safe with me.” She shrugged. “Just for the record, your first problem is labeling yourself.” She said honestly “It’s not anyone business who you fall in love with.” She nudged him trying to make him feel better. “Your dad loves you Alec, if he didn’t he wouldn’t care so much.” She smiled

She hated how easy he was to talk too, in fact it kind of scared her. She didn’t even talk to Cassie or Danny as much as she talked to him. Most people thought one of two things. Either Eve was to stupid to talk or to snobby to talk and most the time they didn’t Eve ask her why she never talked, she assumed people just didn’t care so why should she.

“Besides, people just don’t realize there missing out on a hot threesome, start throwing that in there face and you might change a few minds.” She smirked.

“Vanny.” A familiar voice drew her attention away from Alec, to Jay J who was standing in front of her. “Danny’s looking everywhere for you, I tried chilling him out, but he’s pretty pissed off. He just tried to beat the shit out of Mitch.” Eve rolled her eyes.

“Do me a favor Jay.” She said “Tell him I said he can go fuck himself. And, if I find out you told him Alec gave me a ride home, your ass is mine.” She said in a scary serious tone, that made Jay J glance between the two of them, before smirking.

“Careful dude, she’s fucking insane.” He said jokingly but there was a seriousness to his voice. “Off the rails crazy.” He added. Eve flipped him off as she closed the distance between the two of them grabbing the beer from his hand and the joint from between his lips. “Wow, real mature Babe.” Jay J rolled his eyes as he headed back towards the party.

Eve turned back to face Alec as she raised the joint to her lips, in haling, before breathing out a puff of smoke. “So, you going to offer to drive me home or are you going to make me beg?” she said with a wicked smirk taking a sip of the beer she stole from Jay.


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“Just for the record, your first problem is labeling yourself.” Eve said “It’s not anyone business who you fall in love with.” Eve nudged him and he turned his gaze to her once again. “Your dad loves you Alec, if he didn’t he wouldn’t care so much.” Alec remained silent, simply listening to Eve as she spoke, trying to make him feel better. He appreciated what she was trying to do. He couldn't say that if he talked about this with Hannah that she would be so kind to him. Eve broke his train of thought, speaking again. “Besides, people just don’t realize there missing out on a hot threesome, start throwing that in there face and you might change a few minds.” At this, Alec laughed, a smile on his face, and looked down for a moment almost as if he was embarrassed. He quickly looked back up, though, the smile still on his face.

Suddenly, once of Eve's friends was there, talking with her. Alec remained silent, letting them speak. When Eve mentioned that he was going to take her home, he glanced at her for a moment before being torn away by being spoken to by the man. “Careful dude, she’s fucking insane. Off the rails crazy.” Alec eyed the man oddly, deciding it best not to say anything. After her friend was gone, Eve turned back to Alec. His blue eyes watched her as she took a hit off of the joint that she'd taken from her friend. “So, you going to offer to drive me home or are you going to make me beg?”

Alec gently pushed himself from the side of his car and took a few steps closer to Eve, his gaze never leaving her. He was still smiling. "Well, we can't have you begging now can we?" He linked arms with Eve and led her back over to his car. Once there, he opened the passenger's door and waited for her to get in. Once he made sure that she was in, Alec softly shut the door and then made his way over to the driver's side and got in. Once he was in and buckled, Alec started the car and slowly pulled out of the driveway. He decided to take his time, he doubted that either of them really wanted to go home.

As he drove, Alec would glance at Eve every so often. "Well..are you going to tell me why you're with that dick?" He fell silent. He honestly doubted that she would give him a answer and if she did it probably wouldn't be the truth. After a few moments, he spoke again. "I mean, he obviously doesn't respect you..manhandling you like that." He couldn't imagine ever treating anyone the way that he'd seen Danny treat Eve. It made him feel..oddly angry at the other see him being so harsh with her. "Oh..and just to be clear. I wasn't labeling myself. It's just easier to explain to people like that."

After they'd been driving for a bit, Alec spoke up again. "So, are you going to give me directions or am I just going to have to take you home with me?" He smirked, wondering if she had expected him to say such a thing. He'd not thought that he would say that..but he had. He couldn't say that he'd mind either way however he didn't want her thinking that he was easy..Oh no..far from it actually.


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Character Portrait: Eve Delacroix Character Portrait: Alec Spicer
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She watched as he pushed himself off the side of the car and she took one last hit off the joint before tossing it away. "Well, we can't have you begging now can we?" he said and she allowed him to link arms with her as he led her to the passenger side of the car and she smirked as he held open the door allowing her to climb in. She wasn’t exactly use to nice guys, and although she’d never admit it, it was a nice change from Danny.

The car ride was quite for the most part and Eve didn’t mind. In fact it was nice. She hadn’t missed the fact that every once in a while he’d glance over at her and it made her smirk. That wasn’t an uncommon thing for people to do when they were alone with her. Most people though tended to do it because, they thought she’d pull out a knife and stab them.

Well..are you going to tell me why you're with that dick?" he finally said and she rolled her eyes. It fell silent like he knew she wasn’t going to give him an answer, but she didn’t answer, she let the silence continue until he spoke again. "I mean, he obviously doesn't respect you..manhandling you like that." he said causing her to raise a brow. "Oh..and just to be clear. I wasn't labeling myself. It's just easier to explain to people like that." that made her roll her eyes.

“For your information, I like being manhandled.” She shrugged “Is it such a crime to like it rough.” She acted as if she was just talking about what she had for breakfast. “Besides, You know it’s not really over with Hanna. You love her, that much is obvious. You’ll go back.” She said pulling down the visor and looking over her black eye in to mirror. “She’s no better than Danny. The only difference is, Danny’s physical attacks me and Hanna’s mental attacks you.” She said honestly. “And, I know you’re not labeling yourself, your letting other people do that for you.” She sighed

The car fell silent again for a bit and she dug through her purse, before pulling out her foundation and applying it around her eye and lip, until the bruises were almost non-existent. She was an expert at covering black eyes and bruises, because of all the fights she got in at parties.

“So, are you going to give me directions or am I just going to have to take you home with me?" she glanced to him matching his smirk.

“As much as I’d love to go home with you, I’m not so sure your girlfriend or my boyfriend would approve of that.” She said simply and the truth was, it wasn’t that she really cared what Danny thought, because it wasn’t like either of them were faithful, but if Danny found out she was with him, he’d beat the shit out of him and normally Eve wouldn’t care. But there was something about Alec that she liked and the thought of Danny kicking his ass didn’t exactly sit well with her.

She started giving him directions and aside from the directions there wasn’t much conversation the rest of the way to her house. Finally they pulled up her long driveway and she was relieved to see that her mother was still gone, which meant she didn’t have to sneak in.

She lend across the center of the car kissing his cheek “Thanks for the ride babe.” She said as she opened the car door and stepped out. She lend back down looking into the car as she held the door open. “See you at your show Friday night.” She winked giving him a wicked smirk as she shunt the door, not giving him a chance to speak as she headed towards his front door.


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Even immediately replied to his question. “As much as I’d love to go home with you, I’m not so sure your girlfriend or my boyfriend would approve of that.” He smiled gently, turning his gaze to the road. He said nothing, merely concentrating on the road. Eve began to give him directions and he followed them. It didn't seem to take that long to reach her house. He slowly pulled into the long driveway and came to a stop. Eve leaned over and placed a kiss on his cheek. “Thanks for the ride babe.” Alec smiled, "You're welcome. Anytime." Alec watched Eve as she got out of the car and then leaned back down so that she could see him. “See you at your show Friday night.” He momentarily froze, not knowing what to say. Eve winked and smirked at him, shutting the car door.

He remained in her driveway, waiting for her to enter into her home. As he sat there, alone, he thought about what had happened that night. What Eve had said earlier..about Hannah was true. He did love her..and he would go back to her. He always did. He just kept hoping that she would go back to the sweet girl that he'd met and fallen for. As he watched Eve walk away, Alec let his blue eyes follow her until she entered her home. Once he was sure that she was inside he pulled out of the driveway. He took his time on his drive home. He'd really not thought that Eve had really heard him talking to the young man earlier. She'd seemed a bit out of it at the time. He wasn't exactly sure what he thought about her coming down to the bar. He normally didn't have to worry about performing in front of someone that he knew.

The last time was when Hannah and her group of friends had come. She'd caused such a scene that he'd not asked her back since..not that she'd seemed to care. Anymore, she didn't even ask about how the band was doing. Alec couldn't really say that he missed having Hannah at the bar watching. He could concentrate much better without her there.

At long last Alec pulled into his driveway. He parked and got out of the car, heading into the house. His parents were already in bed, which he was glad for. He knew that his mom would ask why he was home so early and he really didn't want to deal with her right then. He slowly made his way up to his bedroom. Once inside, Alec mad his way into his bathroom to remove the eyeliner that was around his eyes. Once done, he went back to his bedroom and got ready for bed. He quickly got into the large bed and pulled the covers up about him. As he lay there in the dark, his phone began lighting up. If he had to guess it was Hannah trying to figure out where he'd gone. He ignored her, closing his eyes. Before he drifted off to sleep, Alec found himself thinking about Eve. There was just something about her that intrigued him. He wanted to know her..It was with these thoughts that he finally drifted off to sleep.

Friday ||

That morning, Alec had gotten up early so that he could get out to the stable and take care of Aztec and Tzar. Once he'd made sure that they were feed and watered he then took both horses out, one at a time. He spent most of his day outside, enjoying the day. Once he was finished he headed back to his house and headed up to his bedroom. He'd already told his mother that he would be home late because of the show. Once inside his room, Alec went to his closet, looking for the bag that he'd gotten from Walmart the day before. When he found it, he took it with him to the bathroom. Once in there he sat the bag down on the sink and got into the shower. He didn't spend more than thirty minutes in the shower. Once he was done, he got out and dried off. After he'd dried off, he'd repainted his nails black so that there was no chips in the paint. He then began getting dressed though this took him a few minutes as he was unsure of what he wanted to wear. At last, he decided on a outift. Once that he'd not worn in a while.

When he was finished getting dressed, he went back into the bathroom and got his needed items from the bag, changed his plugs and then did his hair and makeup. After looking over himself one last time, he decided that he looked okay.

He grabbed his phone and keys and headed down the stairs and left the house. He slowly made his way to the only bar around, Snooks. Because it was the only bar for miles, it was rather large and richly decorated. The stage that Alec and his band would be performing on was located at the back, allowing for any who entered to immediately see the performance. The seating was widespread and allowed for room for people to dance to the music, closer to the stage.

It took him about thirty minutes to arrive. when he did, he got out of his car and waited for the rest of his band to arrive. The first to get there was Nick, the bassist. He was followed shortly by Jaxon(left) and Javon(right), guitarist and drums. The last to arrive was Caleb, their keyboardist. Once everyone had arrived, they entered together. There really wasn't a whole lot of people there yet, as it was still a bit early. They made their way onto the stage and began sound testing. This lasted only twenty minutes. When they were finished, they took a short break.

Alec was by himself, sipping on a glass of water. He left the glass on the bar and made his way back to the stage. He got up and waited patiently for the rest of his band to get ready. Already there were several people cheering. Alec allowed his gaze to look around for Eve though he could not pick her out. Maybe she wasn't going to be there. Thinking about it, he realized that he was actually nervous. Nervous that if she did show up and see him..that she would make fun of him. He wasn't actually sure why he really cared. They were both taken and it wasn't like his parents would even let him date her since she boarded at the farm.

Nick let him know that they were ready when he was. He began talking, introducing the band..Unfinished Belief. He then introduced everyone in the band, as he always did. Then, he said that they would first be performing a new song, one that they'd just finished putting together. As he fell silent, he decided to act as if it was any other night. That there was no possibility of anyone other than the strangers before him seeing the performance. The bar seemed to go eerily quiet before the band began playing. For a few short moments Alec merely stood there, looking out at the crowd. After the short opening of the song, Alec began his performance.

He let go, not caring who saw him. He loved being up on the stage, and nothing would ever change that. If Eve was there..she would see him..possibly make fun of him but in the end he was happy with what he was doing...and that was all that really mattered.


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Eve had spent the rest of the week doing what her mother wanted. Going to ballet lessons, singing lesson, cleaning the house, and any other ridiculous thing her mother asked her to do, despite the fact that all she wanted to do was ride and secretly see Alec.

Her mom wasn’t exactly happy when she said she’d be staying the night at Cassie’s. Her mother wasn’t very fond of her, but Eve could careless, her mother controlled everything else, she wasn’t going to control her friends. Her whole gang was going to see Alec perform and Danny of course had no clue he was just going on behalf of the fact he knew Eve was going.

Eve was once again listening to Cassie go on and on about anything and everything as she did her make-up, her black eye was mostly faded. After Eve finished her make-up she slipped into her outfit. Her hair hung in long loose curls reaching just above her waist.

She stood up looking herself over in Cassie’s full length mirror. “Damn Evie, I don’t think I’ve seen you that dressed up since we went to that college party…you were trying to hook Danny then, who are you trying to hook now.” Lana smirked as she walked into the room walking over and giving Eve a quick peck on the lips. “Oh by the way Cass, your dead beat dad is passed out on the couch again, sneaking out should be a no brainer tonight.” Lana rolled her eyes as she sat down on Cassie’s bed.

Cassie’s life wasn’t exactly the best, her father was an abusive drunk and her mother ran out on her a few years back, not to mention the fact that they lived in a creepier trailer park, but in all honesty, Eve really didn’t mind it was a nice change from her posh lifestyle. A car pulled up outside blaring ridiculously loud music. Eve smirked knowing exactly who it was.

“I don’t think your dad’s going to be asleep much long.” Eve smirked as she grabbed her purse climbing out the window and jumping to the ground not bothering to wait for the others. Eve smirked when she saw Danny’s car.

“Jay J, back seat now.” Danny said getting out of the car as he made his way to Eve pulling her close and kissing her hard, it was nothing like the kiss she’d had with Alec and she hated that she was even thinking about it.

“Ugh get a fucking room, shit.” Lana rolled her eyes as her and Cassie headed towards the car.

Eveanna pulled away, with a smirk as she headed to the car climbing into the front seat, Danny peeled out. On the way to the bar, the passed a few joints around and like always Eve had a bottle of vodka in her hand taking sips of it. Finally they pulled into the bar and the parking lot was already packed.

They headed inside and Eve wasn’t surprised at how packed the place was or the fact that Alec’s band had already started playing and his voice grabbed her attention immediately, he was amazing. She watched him for a long moment before Danny started pulling her towards the bar. She rolled her eyes when he pulled her to his lap and started kissing down her neck all she wanted to do was dance and forget everyone around her.

"So battle of the bands is next month in Hollywood, California. Some time as your dumb horse show and you'll be in LA for that anyways, I think you should sing with my me and my band. Your incredible babe." he whispered and she was surprised at his complement.

"You want me to sing with your precious band?" she said pulling away and looking at him. He nodded holding her eyes. "Alright, but I write the song." she smirked turning her eyes back to the stage, she was falling in love with Alec's voice.

"Deal." Danny said bringing her eyes back to him.


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As they finished the fist song, Alec's eyes scanned the crowd momentarily. He couldn't understand why he was so worried about Eve being there. He tried to push her from his mind. He needed to concentrate. The crowd was loud and their energy pushed him into action. The band started up another song, one that he'd written when the band had just started. He'd been dating Nick and had written the song for him. It was a fun song to do so after they'd broken up the band had decided to keep the song in their set. For the rest of the three hours that they'd booked for, Alec and his band poured all of their energy into their performances. A few times while he was dancing and singing, Alec thought that he'd seen Eve but he could not be sure.

When, at last, the band was finished performing, the band got down from the stage, making room for another that wasn't nearly as popular as some that would normally perform. Alec and his friends made their way through the crowd, back to a booth that was off to the side,farther away from most of the other tables and booths. Nick was walking close with him, the other three young men following behind. Alec slid in the booth first, coming to sit in the center of the seat with his friends surrounding him. They sat there for a moment before the twins decided that they were hungry. They asked if anyone else wanted anything and of course they did. Caleb went with them to help, leaving Alec and Nick alone.

Though they had dated and broken up, they had remained very good friends. As they sat there together, they spoke softly to one another for a few moments. Alec could hear the sound of the other band now, as they had started. Nick suddenly spoke, "So, how're you and Hannah doing? You've not really been talking about her lately. Alec remained silent for a moment, trying to decide what all he wanted to tell his friend. "We're okay..just okay. She's just gotten really weird lately. We've been fighting all week and I'm just really stressed, honestly. I think that I needed to get out of the house." Nick eyed Alec closely. "I'm sorry. Maybe you all are just going through that phase where you just fight all the time and things are really weird. Is your dad still ignoring you?" Alec turned his gaze to his friend, sighing. "Maybe..I dunno though. But yea, dad's still acting as if I've got the plague. I wish he'd get over it. I'm attracted to men and women and he acts as if I've murdered someone." Nick laughed. "If only he knew all the things that we did together. He'd definitely think that, then. Anyway, I'm going to go order drinks. No doubt those idiots won't. I'll be right back."

Nick slid out of the booth, leaving Alec all alone. While he sat there, he pulled out his phone to check his messages. He had a few from Hannah, though he was not surprised. Looked like she was still intent on arguing with him about that night at the party. She still wanted to know why he'd allowed Eve to kiss him..why he'd not tried to get away from the other woman. In all honesty, Alec was unsure of the reason. The moment that Eve's lips had touched his own he'd felt something that he'd never felt before and he could not explain it. It was almost as if..he was drawn to her, something that he could not explain. Thinking about Eve, he began wondering about her once again. He wanted to see her, talk with her but if he had to guess she'd probably brought her group that she had to the party. He wasn't about to go and hunt her down if her boyfriend was there. He really didn't want to start anything since he did frequent the bar.

Alec once again tried to push Eve from his thoughts. He had a girlfriend and he really should be focusing on her. He quickly sent Hannah a message back, trying to convince her that he loved her and that Eve had merely caught him off wouldn't happen again. He sighed heavily. He really didn't need any extra stress right now and Hannah wasn't helping. She just wouldn't believe him. He sat his phone down on the table and then looked up. From where the booth was he could easily see the bar. All of his friends were still up there, waiting their turn to order. His phone lit up, signaling another message from Hannah. As he read it, he got a bit angry with her. He wanted to drink..and to forget about his shitty girlfriend and his ignorant father. He simply wanted to relax with no worries for once.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eve Delacroix Character Portrait: Alec Spicer
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Eve had lost track of Danny somewhere in the crowd of dancing bodies and she didn’t bother going to find him, because he’d be doing one of two things. Either he’d be dealing drugs of he’d be making out with some dumb bimbo. So instead of going and finding him and then being pissed off the rest of the night, she simply stayed and danced with Cassie, Jay J, and Lana. Well it was less like dancing and more like grinding.

Jay J was always her favorite to dance with, mostly because unlike Danny he actually danced and didn’t try an feel her up or stick his hands down her pants and for the most part he was a good dancer and could keep up with Eve, which wasn’t easy to do. She was dancing in between Jay J and Cassie, while Lana danced with some random guy.

She caught herself every so often, glancing up at the stage and she was so taken by Alec’s performance and his voice, that Jay J had to pull her out of it every time. His voice was incredible and it made her honestly want to write for him, but aside from her best friends, no one knew she could singe let alone write deep and incredibly beautiful lyrics.

Jay J laced his finger with hers as he pushed through the crowed and she could hear Cassie calling after them, causing her to smirk when Jay J didn’t stop. He headed out the back door of the club allowing them air and from inside she could hear, Alec’s band ending their set and him thanking everyone for coming out.

“You like him.” Jay said simply as he lit a cigarette taking a drag before passing it to her. “Don’t lie to me Rosie, I know you better than you think.” He said calling her by her nickname, like he always did making her roll her eyes.

She’d known Jay J since birth, their mothers were sorority sisters and best friends. Jay was more like her twin brother then her friend. He knew everything about her and she hated that. Their mothers were convinced they were going to get married but never once had they had those feeling for each other.

“No I don’t, Jamie.” She said mockingly using his full name. “Don’t call me Rosie, what are we five again.” She rolled her eyes taking a drag off the cigarette and blowing the smoke back in his face.

He rolled his eyes “Vanna, just be careful, not for your sake because I know you can handle Danny. But if he finds out the you are even the least bit interested…you know how he gets with you.” Jay J sighed. She ran her fingers through her hair letting it fall silent as the first song from the next band started up.

She stepped closer to Jay J, closing the distance between them as she wrapped her arms around her neck, resting her head on his chest. She was never one for showing her weaknesses, but it was different with Jay. He wrapped his arms around her, not saying anything.

“Thanks for looking out for me Jay.” She whispered, she felt him kissed the top of her head, before she dropped her arms and took a step back.

“Yeah, yeah. Stop being all mushy it’s weird. I’d rather you punch me then hug me.” He teased. She glared at him and without another word she turned and made her way back inside, heading to the bar. Ordering a drink.

She recognized the others at the bar as being Alec’s band members and absentmindedly, she glanced around the place, before her eyes feel on Alec, sitting alone at a booth with his phone in his hand and an irritated look on his face that was no doubt caused by Hanna. She ordered and extra drink, the bartender not asking questions mostly because she looked old enough and she acted older then she looked. She crossed the floor over to the table he was at, setting his drink down in front of him.

“Mind if I join you?” she asked casually like they were friends, but she didn’t wait for his answer before she sat down across from him. “Great show. You rocked that fucking stage.” She smirked.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eve Delacroix Character Portrait: Alec Spicer
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Suddenly, Alec hear a voice that he'd truly not thought that he would that night. “Mind if I join you?” Eve asked, sitting down across from him. Alec quickly turned his gaze to Eve, his eyes and mind taking in her appearance. If he had to describe her, stunning would have been the first word that popped into his mind. He quickly snapped out of it, however, taking in the fact that she'd brought him a drink. "Thanks." he said, smiling at her. She spoke again, this time smirking. “Great show. You rocked that fucking stage.” Alec laughed almost nervously. "You think so? And here I was half expecting you to tell me how terrible it was." he said jokingly.

Alec took a drink of the liquid that Eve had brought him. His eyes never left her, simply content to watch her. "So, where's your boyfriend?" he asked, taking another sip. He was silent for a few moments, allowing Eve to answer him. As they were sitting there his phone went off again. He chose to ignore it this time. The message wouldn't be any different from the earlier ones. He placed the phone back in his pocket so that he wouldn't be tempted to check it.

As he sat there with Eve, Alec realized that he'd missed seeing her. Something that he did not quite understand. He wanted to simply get out of the bar, to get to know Eve. He would never suggest such a thing, however. It just wasn't the way that he was. "I couldn't help but notice that you weren't at the farm most of the week." he said, still eyeing her. Alec was smiling gently, perfectly happy to be sitting there with Eve, talking. He turned his gaze back up to the bar, seeing that his friends were all still up there. No doubt they were talking with the bartender or flirting with people that were around them. He could not say that he was surprised that they seemed to be taking their time. "Hannah didn't want me coming down here tonight, you know. She wouldn't give me a reason..just said that she'd be pissed if I did. He laughed, "I can't say that I regret it, though. I've been doing this since before I got with her and I'm not about to stop now just because she's being crazy."

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View All » Add Character » 2 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Alec Spicer
Character Portrait: Eve Delacroix


Character Portrait: Eve Delacroix
Eve Delacroix

"Perfection is an Illusion."

Character Portrait: Alec Spicer
Alec Spicer

"I'm me..and you can't change that."


Character Portrait: Alec Spicer
Alec Spicer

"I'm me..and you can't change that."

Character Portrait: Eve Delacroix
Eve Delacroix

"Perfection is an Illusion."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Alec Spicer
Alec Spicer

"I'm me..and you can't change that."

Character Portrait: Eve Delacroix
Eve Delacroix

"Perfection is an Illusion."

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