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Land of the Forgotten

Canada, Earth


a part of Land of the Forgotten, by DeliriousFTW.


DeliriousFTW holds sovereignty over Canada, Earth, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

325 readers have been here.


Default Location for "Terra Obliviónis" A Wolf Role-Play
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Canada, Earth is a part of Land of the Forgotten.

3 Places in Canada, Earth:

6 Characters Here

Bane [0] Alpha Male of the Gawain Pack, Bane is a devoted leader haunted by his broken family
Lyra [0] A young fae driven by competition and the desire to excel
Larka [0] "You can have the best of me. . .but you'd have to earn it"
GyderSol || Loner [0] You know nothing of my past, and will know nothing of my future.
Wyote || Pack Member || Gawain [0] I will kill for my brother, especially when he needs protecting from dumb females.
Clutch || Alpha Male || Abysol Pack [0] Things will change, and I am not crazy...

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She moved with a gentle kind of swiftness, but her intentions were all too fatal. Her dazzling, piercing, crystal blue eyes penetrated the forest with such lust and misery that a wolf would be so succumbed to her looks they would forget her motive was deadly. She sucked the air in, her wind pipes cooling down to just above frost bitten. It felt like shards of ice hit her throat as she breathed, but she liked the feeling.

Her pink tongue flicked much like a snake, it was a bad habit. Her ears flicked back and forth, just like the prey she would hunt. With each movement she felt the movement of her muscles, too aware of her body to not. Her head was pointed to the ground, her eyes darting about, aware of every movement. She stepped lightly on the bluebell filled meadow, knowing what was ahead.

Then as quickly and fluid as her movements were she stopped. Her head fell to the ground and then slowly he body followed in unison. Her claws dug deep into the soft soil as she began to creep forward. The little nibbling of the rabbits in the distance rang out in her ears. She felt her blood pressure swell as she grew with anticipation.


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Larka leaned forward and stretched her lean body, much like a cat. Her expressive blue eyes flicked towards a tree as she heard a bird. It was rather small and not worth scaring, then chasing. Backing into the shadows, she watched for anything more interesting then a small finch. Her blue eyes stood out against the shadows, but her silent stillness made it hard for other animals to pick up on her presence. A soft wind caressed her white coat and she closed her eyes, savoring the feeling.

Her ears strained, hoping to pick up on another wolf. She had isolated herself last night after the subject of her father came up. Sometimes other members would come look for her but never find her. Not many wolves knew of 'her' stream, other then Bane and a few others. The white wolf was actually slowly making her way back to the pack, allowing herself to get distracted by every sound so she could take her time. Taking in a slow breath through her nose, she left it out in a puff though her mouth. Time to start off again.

Larka wasn't far off from the others, and could hear them. It was almost funny how she could pick out where each wolf was just by their distinctive bark, or a soft whine. Starting off again, she took careful steps to avoid making any noise. The other wolves knew she was coming back, but she liked to surprise them at least a little. Her eyes were alluring but soft, giving off a warm yet slightly flirty feeling. Suddenly she stopped as she spotted a large rabbit in the distance. Her muscles coiling, she went down into a crouch.


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Wyote pounced quickly, not letting the chance of a meal escape her grasps. But the rabbit darted off, attempting to escape the female. The scent of Larka filled her nostrils, but she ignored it. She knew the female often went off on her own and wasn't terribly concerned with what others did in their time. Coming back to reality she bounded after the rabbit, her eyes narrowing. It darted and she leaped, coming down only a couple fit behind the rabbit. But she knew she had lost it when it disappeared within a hole. She sighed softly, not terribly disappointed, she knew why she had lost it.

She turned her attention back to Larka. The female had showed up a while ago, and had taken a liking to Bane. Something Wyote didn't like. "Hello," She said softly as she approached the female. Her body stiffened, although she had attempted to relax it. She couldn't help but feel tense when she was around females she didn't like. She was terribly protective over her brother, knowing he would make some stupid decision when it came to the female he chose to help carry on the genetics of Gawain, and their family.


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Bane wound his way through the trees, moving over the frosty ground as water moves over rocks. His movement was smooth and silent, and his paws seemed not to touch the earth, so quick and fluid was his stride. The moonlight penetrating the leafy trees dappled his coat, and the spatters of cool light colored his grey brown fur a soft silver. Golden eyes observed the forest before him, a sea of cedars and pines that, to the untrained eye, would appear identicial. But not to Bane. He knew each rock and tree, each curving stream and hidden cave. He knew everything, was required to, for it was he who ruled this land, who led its inhabitants and kept them safe.

Bane had no particular destination in mind, no purpose for his brisk walk through the woods. He didn't need one. His nightly walks were a time to think, to breathe and be alone. Slowing his pace, he inhaled deeply, closing his eyes as cool air filled his lungs. How good it felt, how pure and fresh and clean. He stopped now, pausing in the midst of a dense grove of pine, relaxing as the scent of earthy moss and minty pine swam in his nostrils. He was perfectly still, yet completely at ease, every muscle gone slack. To do this, to calm yourself so completely, is a difficult task, for your instincts often fight you, force you to remain tense and alert. But Bane, who was plenty tense and alert 99% of the time, found it easy to open himself to the forest, expose himself to the cool air and leafy trees, the branches spread like open arms.

Opening his eyes, he looked around, his muscles returning to their ready state. Again he began to walk, nostrils widening as he scented the air, seeking pack members. Two wolves, not far off. His sister, Wyote, and Larka, a new pack member. He headed towards them, the two faes on his mind. He knew Larka had taken a liking to him, but he wasn't sure why. He was a perfectly likable wolf, and a good leader, but as his sister often told him, not a particularly desirable mate.


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For the fifth time in the past twenty minutes, Lyra paused to scent the air, raising her muzzle to the moonlit sky. The heavy scent of pine filled her nostrils, and she lowered her snout, feeling an odd mix of relief and disappointment. Nothing. No wolves. The fae had entered the valley just before sunset, and had been cautiously making her way through the dense forest, stopping periodically to search for other wolves in the area.

She trotted forward now, long legs carrying her through the thick underbrush. She wasn't sure how long she'd been travelling, but it seemed an eternity, and her paws ached despite the thick blanket of pine needles covering the forest floor. Five more minutes, five more and she would find a place to rest.

Five minutes passed, and she paused again, prepared to smell nothing but trees. But this time, as she tilted her nose skywards, the scent of water- water and wolf, filled her nostrils. Male wolf. Alpha wolf. Lyra leapt forward, stopping herself a moment later. She felt her confidence faltering, uncertainty taking over. After taking a brief moment to weigh her options, Lyra decided to continue forward. Hesitant at first, she slowly increased her pace, legs extending further with each stride. As she grew closer, the sound of running water reached her ears, and the scent of wolf grew stronger.

And then, she was upon it. The trees thinned and the stream became visible through the branches, a ribbon of silver in the moonlight. A single wolf crouched at its edge, fully alert, and Lyra paused once more, bracing her paws in the moist ground. There was no point in waiting; he must know of her presence. Before she could lose her courage entirely, Lyra emerged from the trees, walking slowly and deliberately from the shelter of the forest. Suprisingly, she felt confident, exposing herself like this, as if she had just removed a heavy armor shielding herself from the world. Careful not to let her confidence overcome her, she kept her head level and left her tail low, showing no sign of arrogance as she approached the male.

"Hello," she said, her voice level. Some ten yards from the wolf, she paused, deciding she'd come close enough. She remained standing, ready to run if things took a turn for the worse.


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He let out a soft sigh as he lifted each paw. /Oh how lonesome the life of an alpha is,/ he thought to himself as he drew in another sigh. Each soft footstep fell silent among the trees and moon. His eyes never left the lonesome sky, as he knew it would just as lonely as he. His stout body carried on gently as he moved with such ease, such gracefulness it looked almost as a glide.

He sniffled a bit as he looked about. The sun was just setting, or the sun was just rising, depending on the type of person you are. But the silence was interrupted first by the padding of a wolf, female if his senses were not failing him. He lifted his head, adjusting his nose levels and drew in. Aw, yes a female it was. Lyra appeared a moment later as Clutch watched. His claws sunk into the sand as he watched the female. Little interest showed in his eyes, but he was all too receptive of every move, every breath she took.

“Hello,” Clutch answered back before turning and padding toward the water. He waded in a bit again, it was a terrible habit of his, causing pain to himself. Self-mutilation is what one would call it, but he just knew he needed it. He felt his pain being washed away by the water, replaced by the biting ice shards in the flowing water. “What can I do for you,” He asked gingerly, his tone never taking on the crazy, bitter side most had come to know.


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Larka stopped dead in her tracks when Wyote. Her one gray ear flicked towards her. "Wyote." She said smoothly, looking up to her.
Her eyes were a mix of kind and wariness. She knew the Fae wasn't particularly fond of her, but tried to ignore that little detail. Her rabbit had quickly hopped away, and Larka didn't seem to notice. She stood there for a few moments, fur bristled, eyes seeming indecisive before she relaxed. "I was just on my way back to the others." Larka's soft voice was like a gentle stream, but something seemed just slightly off. Just slightly. Her mostly-white coat and deep blue eyes stood out against dark, making her hard to miss.

When she heard Bane coming, her ears perked up and she looked at were she knew he would be coming out of the forest from. "Hello, Bane." Her smooth voice had gone down a few octaves, without her noticing. Some thought of him as in 'undesirable' mate, but that was what most wolves liked about her. She was so accepting. She knew wolves had their weaknesses, but she overlooked them so easily. Her tense muscles relaxed on their own, without her command. Her eyes got a peaceful, slightly flirty look. She suddenly seemed to be pulled back to reality as she looked at Wyote.


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Lyra watched the wolf wade into the icy river, taken aback by his actions. The water couldn't be above forty degrees, yet he was in up to his knees. She put it out of her mind, knowing better than to question a wolf of his rank, and considered his question, shifting to a more comfortable posistion. "What can I do for you?" What indeed?

Now would be the time to ask him...ask to join the pack. But was that what she wanted? It must be. Why else would she have searched the forest, secretly hoping to catch scent of a wolf? Yes, this was what she sought: a pack. A family. Stock still, she stood, the only movement that of her fur ruffling in a quiet breeze. It took only a moment for her to respond, but seemed an eternity, her moment of indecision stretching into infinity. "I'm looking to a join a pack," she said. The voice didn't sound like her own, and she paused, tasting her next words on her tongue. "Am I welcome here?"

Not a particularly direct question, but it was the best she could do. She willed herself to remain still, though she yearned to move, to run, to splash into the stream before her. To run was her instinct, her impulse, but she stayed-- stayed and waited.


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OoC: Oh and Horseygirl please don't take these attacks personal, just Wyote being Wyote. You are very welcomed to Bane.

“Close your mouth, Larka. Gawking is a very undesirable trait,” Wyote snapped at the female. She hated any female who took a liking to her brother. Her protective side wanting to handle the situation quickly, but knowing her brother would highly disapprove. She looked toward Bane, her eyes seemingly looking through the male. But she studied the male with a very critical eye. She hmph’ed as she moved away from the two. Her eyes spilled all her secrets to her brother, her discomfort with him being close to any female. She knew it would only distract him from his duty.

She drew in a breath as she moved away from the two. Settling down beside an old pine tree and watched them. She would not let them go unsupervised, she may be the younger of the wolves, but she wasn’t going to let her brother make some mistake. Her lip quivered as she held back the snarl she wanted to let erupt into the forest and into the face of Larka.


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Bane emerged from a cluster of pine, crossing to the two faes. He nodded in greeting, pausing some six feet from Larka and Wyote.

"Hello, Larka. Hello, Wyote," he said, his voice low and even. He spoke with a certain authority, a firmness that, while not unkind, commanded respect. Larka, he noticed, was watching him, eyeing him with those unique, if not unusual, eyes of hers. Self concious, he shifted his weight and averted his eyes, turning his eyes on Wyote. It was new for him, this being liked, and confident and orderly as he was, he couldn't help but feel a bit awkward. Looking to his sister was almost reassuring, her ready stance and pointed stare.

Wyote's tensed muscles communicated an obvious dislike for Larka, and he looked slowly from one fae to the other, guessing his sister's thoughts. Their relationship was complicated, as are mostly sibling relations, but theirs was exceedingly so. Though she had chosen to join the Gawain pack, and therefore live under his leadership, he felt she didn't trust him, which, though it shouldn't have bothered him, was somewhat unnerving. She was particularly critical when it came to females, apparently suspecting he would make some rash decision when choosing a mate. But she need not worry, for he was wary of the game of love, and had no plans in rushing into a courtship.

He winced as Wyote turned on Larka, snapping at the fae, and shot his sister look, his eyes communicating disapproval. He was a grown wolf, perfectly capable of making his own decisions, and didn't need Wyote's protection, especially if she was going to offer it so rudely.

He returned her stare with one of his own, daring Wyote to make another remark. Though not confrontational, he did demand respect, and he considered Wyote's words disrespectful to both Larka and himself. He watched as his sister, clearly put off, stalked off, seating herself beside and aged pine. Shaking his head, he turned back to Larka, offering an apology. "Don't mind her," he said, "she's a bit...err...defensive." He sighed, looking back to his sulking sister, and seated himself before Larka, curling his tail about his feat. "She doesn't realize," he said, raising his voice to ensure Wyote heard, "that I don't need her protection." He knew he was only angering Wyote further, speaking like this, but he didn't care.


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He drew in a deep breath, looking back at Lyra once more. He stepped out of the water, knowing what that look was that she had upon her face. “It helps calms the nerves,” He said softly as he hung his head low. He watched her with keenness though, his eyes never leaving her. His head stuck out sort of menacingly, his eyes darted up and down her body. “And what exactly do you provide for my pack,” He asked accusingly, his wording sounding like the female had no talents to provide.

“You are welcome when you prove you are worth something,” He said as he paced toward her. His head raised as he strode. It was placed quite a few inches above her, and he used this to his advantage. His eyes looked down upon the female as he watched her. His lip raised slightly as he watched her. She was not answering his question quite quickly enough, setting the already unstable wolf over the edge.


Wyote glared at her brother as he said he didn’t need protecting. If he knew the truth behind her reasoning perhaps he wouldn’t be so harsh, but Wyote was Wyote and would let the male think what he liked. She stood up as she let out a wolf-ish sigh. “Think what you like, Bane,” She said as she gave her brother a nudge with her head before dipping under his neck and walking away toward the river.

She drew in the fresh air as if it were her last breath. And then lowered her head, letting it all out at once, watching it ripple the standing water. She lowered herself to the ground as she shifted onto her side. Her muzzle dipped lazily in the water as she watched the sun rise over the tops of the mountains.


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Larka gazed at Wyote steadily, not really seeming affected by her words. "I'm terribly sorry I bothered you. I'll be sure to remember that." Her voice was calm and smooth, taking the wolf's comment in stride. Her eyes stayed locked on the fae until she was out of sight. Her eyes fell to the ground when she was gone. "I really don't mind." Larka told Bane with a yawn. The fae wasn't one to really get into a fight, with claws or words.
When she was forced into one, it wasn't a pretty sight. Although looking fragile and feeble, she packed a punch. Only a few of wolves had actually seen her be forced into fighting.

Lying down and stretching out her lean body, she looked up at Bane. "Your her brother. She probably just doesn't want anything happening to you."
Her white tail flicked like a cat's as she spoke softly to the alpha. Her eyes fell to the ground again, and it seeming like she was trying to figure something out. Her alluring eyes seemed slightly sharper as she gazed off for a few moments.


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Lyra nodded slowly, watching as the male emerged from the frigid water. His look, a combination of suspicion and superiority, was unnerving, and she fought to hold her ground, her muscles tensing as she felt the eyes of the Alpha on her body. He moved with a menacing silence, his movements as noiseless and fluid as if he had been a snake. The way he looked at her, analyzed her, made her painfully aware of her beraggled appearance-- her matted fur and mangled paws, the row of ribs showing through her coat. She'd once been accustomed to this scrutiny, but months alone had softened her, made her forget the distrustful, guarded nature of the wolf.

Her confidence was fading, losing a battle to self doubt, and she stiffened further, claws sinking into the damp mud of the river bank. She didn't belong here, this young fae blown in from some distant desert. Her long, leggy build and angular features were a sharp contrast to that of the wolf before her, a hulking beast whose keen gaze had begun to wear on cautious Lyra. The wolf spoke, his tone accusing. And what exactly do you provide for my pack? His critical words, sharp and cutting, struck a chord in Lyra, and she bristled, hackles raising. She wasn't worthless, and she would prove it with her dying breath, if need be.

She watched him approach, swallowing the growl rising in her throat. The brute, who was already several inches taller than she, had raised his head, his body language announcing him as her superior. She knew he was waiting for an answer, waiting to catch her off guard. Silent as the grave she stood, watching as his lip curled back, a snarl ready on his snake-like tongue. A part of her hoped he would snap, would lunge forward. It would be so deliciously satisfying to see him lose control, to watch as the powerful, oh-so-clever wolf disintegrated into a wild beast.

Now ready to answer, Lyra shifted her gaze from the wolf's drawn lips to his piercing eyes, her own eyes luminous in the fading moonlight. "What do I offer you? Patience. Control. Reason. My judgement is not clouded by past history, for I have none here, and rarely do I let my emotions get the best of me," Lyra answered, her voice slow and measured. The last part, perhaps her entire answer, was fabricated, her reply used as a chance to further antagonize the Alpha, who had lost some of his authority when Lyra prolonged her answer. Not a wise move, but Lyra's competitive nature had clearly gotten the best of her. She stood now, ready to face her fate (which, at the moment, wasn't looking particularly promising), fairly certain of what the wolf's response would be.


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Bane remained standing, his eyes wandering the forest as he lost himself in thought. He knew why Wyote was worried, or at least had a good idea. They were both wary of their brother, Clutch, residing in the not-too-distant mountainous forests of the North and West. If Bane chose the wrong female as his Alpha, the immediate and long term results would be disastrous.

Mating, especially in the case of an Alpha or Beta, often had nothing to do with love. The female (or male) needed to be a strong, capable leader, someone could direct and discipline a pack. Wolves would have no respect for weak Alpha Female and would, as a result, begin to doubt their Alpha's judgement. Bane could not afford to have the pack's allegiance waver, for wolves were easily manipulated by the scheming Clutch. And if Bane were to father the wrong female's pups, then the future of Gawain would be doomed. For what would become of the pack when Bane and his mate (and Wyote) passed? Their descendants would rule (Bane's before Wyote's), and the lands would soon be lost to Abysol, a pack whose next generation would be as strong as the first. No doubt Clutch, if he ever found a mate, would choose not for love, but for wit and breeding, selecting a purebred with the same cunning as himself.

Wyote's approach snapped Bane from his thoughts, and he caught her last, cautionary words as she brushed past, the fur of her back tickling his throat as she dipped under him. He watched her go, her small frame disappearing amongst the trees, and turned to Larka, who'd since stretched herself out on the ground. "I just wish she'd trust me more," he said softly, shaking his head. The waning moonlight filtering through the thick pines created an intricate pattern on the two wolves, a web of light and shadows, and Bane raised a paw, watching how the lacy light moved over his fur. "She's always been like this," he continued, "ever since I can remember." He sighed dismissively, tilting his head skywards. The inky dark of night was fading, a rosy pinkess mingling with the inky blues. "The sun'll be up soon," he said, changing the subject, "have you eaten recently?"


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His lips curled tentatively, he watched her with little amusement, well at least showed little amusement. He moved with such fluidity he seemed to glide across the land. His shoulders dipped as he walked, as his head lowered, his eyes watching her. For being such a heartless, cold-blooded wolf appearance mattered little to him. Although he took note of the absolutely pathetic look Lyra portrayed. His head cocked to the side as he turned back around.

His neck bent awkwardly as he looked at her. His eyes breaking her apart, decoding every subtle hint she gave. Her stiffening, he took as a sign of doubt, and the way she spoke to him, covering up uncertainty. He couldn’t help but crack a smile as she spit out what should have been stinging words. His ears darted forwards and he raised his own hackled as he paced back towards her. “What is your name, female,” He asked, his tone splitting, taking a condescending way. He took a step back, as he looked around his forest.

His mind was hell bent on sending this female over the edge. Some would call it a test, others would just point out how awfully screwed up he was. His mind was lost for a moment, watching as the birds fluttered in the air. They fought over nests, their territory. In his mind he owned every organism that stepped, grew, or flew onto his land. His tongue snaked out once more as he turned back around, awaiting his answer. His tail hung limply at his back end, simply from shear boredom. He found this female everything but threatening, and even in a cruel, sadistic way a bit attractive. Simply because she was what one would consider somewhat of a spitfire, something Clutch actually liked, go figure.


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Away the Alpha strode, his movements surprisingly fluid for a wolf of his size. He was watching her still, his eyes having never left her, but Lyra was slowly growing accustomed to his pointed, searching stare. The wolf turned, cocking his head to the side with a look more prying than curious. His analysis, she realized, was easier to take when one wasn't attempting to hide something. And so she let him look, her body still save for the gentle rise and fall of her chest. He wasn't afraid of her, had no reason to be, which left only her fear of him. But then, fear isn't the right word. It was puzzlement more than anything. Lyra had never encountered a wolf like him, and she had little knowledge of the games he played. Condescending, self important, short tempered-- the creature before her was a crazily distorted version of the Alphas she'd known. He seemed to enjoy his power, to revel in the knowledge that he was so much greater than she.

Back he came, moving with the same rapid fluidity as before, like water tumbling over rocks. He moved more like a snake than a wolf, his movement as quick and dangerous as a viper's strike. He questioned, or rather demanded, her name, emphasizing her lower rank. "Lyra," she said, her eyes tracking the wolf. She didn't think it appropriate to ask Alpha his own name, but then, their meeting had hardly followed pack standards. "And you, Alpha?" she questioned. "What is your name?" Her previous mockery had had no effect on him, and she chose this time to maintain her level, measured speech, refraining from mimicking his patronizing tone.

His gaze left her, and Lyra, inwardly relieved to have the attention off of herself (if only briefly), followed his eyes to the treetops. The trees here were so different from the short, scrubby ones back at home. Here the trees towered, their great green limbs piercing the sky. She could've looked at them forever, but all too soon she felt the Alpha's glare on her once more, and she pried her gaze from the forest, giving a curt nod to acknowledge his stare. Secretly, Lyra had begun to enjoy their meeting, this strange game to which she had not yet learned the rules. The brute, she knew, was impossible to decode in a single meeting, and she hoped to be accepted, if only to further study his bizarre take on leadership. What had made him this way? Why was there such darkness in him?

Lyra had always liked competition, pushing herself to the limit. So far, the brute's verbal abuse had proved to be a difficult, but bearable, mental test. If accepted, she knew tensions would be high, and that wolves would be, in some cases, pitted against each other. It was a way to shine, to prove herself in a way she'd never been able. So, on the most superficial of levels, Lyra actually liked this twisted brute.


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He drew in a steady breath, his eyes searching her face for a moment. A moment of weakness as he searched for something more, something he knew he was missing. His back end met the ground rather roughly as he sighed. He drew back his paws, watching as the dirt rippled away in a line as he dug the ground. His ears cocked forward as he listened to her answer his question. He let out a deep grumble, a way of making some room in his mind, securing the name in there.

“Lyra,” He said simply, testing the name out on his tongue. He shook his head, drawing in a yawn. His eyes darted from the ground up to Lyra’s face. So suddenly it startled him for a moment. “Clutch,” He said, giving the female some answer. She had stuck around this long, he figured she deserved something. “Do you like the taste of blood,” He asked outright. His eyes once again taking on the edge of being judgmental.

“Some wolves enjoy the taste of a kill,” He said as he brought his head up fully to look at her. “They enjoy the taste of the adrenaline that flowed through the animals body before they were killed. The bitter taste,” He ended his statement before looking back to search her eyes. He was sure he would find a stunned look, she didn’t seem like a wolf to truly take the pleasure of death to any extent.