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Starrier Furchtlos

Starrier is one of the four Marytr, the Fenrir, and controls air and wind. He lives in Hailic, near the mountains, in the forest.

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a character in “Legend of the Marytr”, as played by Stars & Satellites


Name: Starrier Furchtlos

Nickname: Normally he goes by Starrier, but is quite fine with the pet name he acquired; Star. He doesn't particularly care for the feminine essence of his nickname, but enjoys the feeling of belonging he receives from it. Never before has he ever had that feeling before, and so he likes it very much.

Age: Starrier is one-hundred-and-four years old, and so the oldest of the Marytr, even though he only appears to be about twenty-four.

Gender: Male

Personality: Starrier is a very closed off man. Rather than choosing to interact with others as his mother had tried very hard to get him to do, he set up walls for everyone. Never before has he particularly enjoyed the company of others anyway, and so he is content. Instead, he tended to go off by himself and train and practice his powers. He enjoys that feeling, of running through the forests and not having eyes stare at him in shock. He knows he is gifted, and now he appreciates being the Fenrir, but back then he hated himself and what he was. It left him socially awkward and stunted, and that would effect him in the years to come. He is a passionate man. He is never In the middle. He does not become angry, he becomes raging; he does not like, he loves with all of himself. He has never understood what compels the passion, but it seeps into every aspect of his life. It is found in his affections, beliefs, his relationships with his soon-to-be friends and the current situation with journeying to the Foolish man. It drives his strength and battle-power and thrusts him into the worst situations and flings him from them. His passion for things keeps him moving, seeing a goodness in circumstances when they may be very grey, and that keeps him motivated. Starrier thrives on the motivation. He is very protective, especially of the Marytr. He becomes savage if someone he has actually let in is hurt, and could happen to kill. Starrier has never truly been able to control this overwhelming instinct, and so he has learned to live with it, even though it drives him raving mad. Starrier is stubborn in every aspect, especially considering how little he allows to be seen. He does not accept pity from others or help if he happens to undergo injury. His stubbornness normally leads to argument and irritation, or him storming off to literally blow off steam. Starrier does things his own way and will not, under any circumstances, let others boss him around or tell him what to do, which is why he can barely tolerate Avion and despises Evalyn. Even though his stubborn nature has some relatively bad side effects, there is goodness to it. His stubbornness compels him to do anything he sets his mind to and will not stop in doing so. He will nearly run himself into the ground because of this, and it will either build or break him. Somehow, in all of his mess of being the Fenrir and having to deal with the savage nature that it brings, Starrier is relatively gentle. Though he does not seem to soft, he kind of is. It was acquired at a young age, with the lack of family. Normally he keeps it hidden and does not make it known. He doubts, with his gruffness, anyone would ever accept his shoulder to cry on or his open arms or his willingness to help, but when they do he wraps them up in his wolf fur and comforts them with his huge heart.
Starrier hates people with power who abuse it. It infuriates him to see men like Arlbach, that use their circumstances to benefit themselves, and he hates it even more that Arlbach is trying to take over all of Calron and then move over the Lionheart Mountains to conquer the peoples beyond. This is the only reason he goes on the journey. He wants to see the people of Calron safe, to see the tyrant fall.
Starrier has little tolerance with people. He does not enjoy being with a large, or even somewhat large, group of people. It could be the lone instinct that drives him to keep to himself during the journey or the fear of opening up to people and caring about them. He is not sure what it is, but he stays either ahead or behind the traveling group and sleeps by himself, eats by himself, and does not talk much. Only when it is important does he truly involve himself. He has a great temper and is violent. It does not take much for him to blow up and shout, or argue, or more likely lash out in some way. No matter how terrible it is, he enjoys the killing, the fighting, the attacks that come. His entire body yearns for war, battle, and that is why he knows people fear him. In all honesty he does not enjoy the fear that is always aimed at him, as he walks down the streets of Hailic, and that is why he is closed off, and quiet. And that is where I shall end it, because it concludes just as it had begun, with Starrier's anti-social nature.

Crush: It has been a long time since Starrier has ever truly cared for someone before. Strangely, as the journey progresses, he acquires feelings for Evalyn. It catches him by surprise, the moment he realizes he truly cares for her. He will not be sure whether it is some form of childish affection, for he never really has experienced it before. It will be a great deal of time before he shows his fancy for her, weakly at first. He will not know how it will affect them, but it will the first time he has ever felt like this.

Marytr: Starrier is the Fenrir, and though he fears the Fenrir's power and hectic nature, he has grown quite content with his true self and has captured the full effect of the Fenrir. After one hundred years of mastering his powers, he is now an expert on everything the Fenrir has to offer and so he shall be feared by all.
He's all big and muscly and stuff, though. Because I said so.

Ability: Starrier controls air and winds, something which is beneficial for all the Marytr. He can spread and feed Evalyn’s fires, kick up some of the smaller rocks of Elek’s and fling them, and can propel Lila as the Thunderbird at great speeds. His winds can pick up to three-hundred miles per hour, which he uses to propel himself into battle. With his lungs he can release a tornado-like vortex that, depending on the power, can kill. He uses his winds to increase his speeds of running, to launch himself into the air or force himself to the ground, and when he’s running he can clear a path, making the wind like a plow. He doesn’t normally use his wind as an attack, more a form of transportation in and outside of battles.
Starrier tends to use his control over air to annoy Evalyn, sucking up the oxygen from around her fires so they go out or making the fires roar when they are meant to be next to nothing. He also uses it to suffocate his opponents if the group traveling happen to sneak up on a random patrol of hostiles.
At his full form, Starrier reaches the height of an average horse, nearly six feet tall. From there he is able to shrink to the size of a normal gray wolf. He chooses to stay in the middle, unless in battle. It’s easier to kill when he’s a horse-sized wolf.

Weapons: Starrier has had little experience with swords, bows and arrows, spears or maces, but he knows a great deal about daggers. He is quick and agile with his two daggers, which he keeps on his person at all times. One dagger is strapped to his belt, buckled into the sheath, and another is connected to a leather strap on a thin under-armor that he keeps under his clothing. Aside from his two weapons, he uses the Fenrir for most of his fighting. It is quick with sharp fangs and long claws, and it's much bigger than he is. If he is too weak or has little time to shift, he can still access his teeth and claws. He is very capable of biting his enemies and clawing them open even as a human. He is not afraid of the taste of blood.

History: Starrier is the oldest of four boys. He grew up on a small farm in the countryside of Hailic, and from the time when he was old enough to walk he helped his father in the fields. It soon became his only escape from the hectic life within the little farmhouse. Starrier knew he was different for a very long time. He didn't act like his little siblings, didn't play or cry or have fits, but he also didn't find joy in small things like his brothers did. Starrier liked to be away from others. He would work from before dawn until right before the family would sit down for dinner, and he would rarely talk to anyone other than his father. He was content that way. If he could, Starrier would leave after eating and go out into the forested places to watch the stars start to come out and the moon rise. He found solace, there, where he could feel normal.
When Starrier was about fourteen, his tattoos began to form. They started in the middle of his right hand and twisted and bent like wind until it reached his wrist, where it stopped. He hadn't known what it meant, but he began to wear a leather, fingerless glove over that hand to hide it. He also found his ability to become a wolf ad control wind. He would leave home late at night, now not to watch the stars, but run through the hills as a wolf with the wind throwing him forward. He would be gone for hours. Some days he would not return.
When Starrier was eighteen, he left. He took what little he had and left. He went to the kingdom and traveled to the royal city, where he became a knight. It would be thirty-six years before Arlbach would be in power. He was talented with knives and fighting, because he is so big and quick, and excelled in his training. He climbed the ranks quickly. He became a general. When Starrier turned twenty, he stopped aging so obviously. While the other men's faces changed, Starrier's did not, and so he began to grow out a beard to make up for his lack of aging. It offered him some form of disguise.
While with his men in the barracks, he heard one of the younger soldiers talk of a legend he was told as a child. It spoke of four powerful beings: the Dragon, the Thunderbird, the Sleipnir, and the Fenrir. The soldier described their powers, and as he told of the Fenrir, Starrier's interest in the story increased, and soon he was also listening, sitting forward in his bunk to hear better. It would not completely occur to him until a few weeks later that he was the Fenrir, and the story was true. He let it fester in his mind, let the idea of him being some sort of creature of myth be nothing more than a strange idea, and yet it only awakened his interest. He began to practice his powers, and as he mastered them his tattoo on his left hand also appeared on his right and began to grow until they started to stretch up both his arms.
He found a plot of land far from the kingdom, deep in the forest, and built himself a cabin from the cleared trees. (Here he can keep Hailic safe from dark creatures)

Theme Song: "The Morning (Soaking Session) - Instrumental" by Desperation Band, "The Lightning Strike" by Snow Patrol, "Cough Syrup" by Young the Giant

Kingdom: Hailic

Other: He hates Evalyn at the beginning of the journey, butting heads with her regularly. It isn’t for a few months into the journey that he starts to warm up to her, allowing his walls that have been present for an extensive time to crack and crumble. They only wear away for her for a long time. The others will get to know him somewhat, but it came to the point where Evalyn knows more about him than anyone had in his entire one hundred years of existence. Lila will be next, and he will view her as a little sister. The men will be a little harder to crack, considering his past relationships with his brothers and father. By the time the journey comes to a close, though, Starrier will have acquired a family, one which he will hold dear to his heart.
Starrier is quite used to the taste of blood, and because he is the Fenrir, his body is majorly made up of wolf traits. He tends to consume animals raw, even as a human, but only in small portions. Even so, he needs cooked foods and protein as well, and cannot thrive on raw meat alone. He also eats a lot. All the Marytr do, but he eats the most. It might be that he is just so big, but he is always eating, it seems.
Starrier's tattoos are beginning to curl around both sides of his collarbone and shoulder blades. They crawl up his arms from the center of his hands.


So begins...

Starrier Furchtlos's Story