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Let's Be Out Of Character, Shall We?

New York City


a part of Let's Be Out Of Character, Shall We?, by 93shadowwolf.


93shadowwolf holds sovereignty over New York City, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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New York City is a part of Let's Be Out Of Character, Shall We?.

9 Characters Here

GLaDOS [0] "Nothing to see here, continue testing and pay no attenion to the giant computer hanging from the ceiling."
Nameless [0] Operative for the Parliament of the Anglo-Sino Union of Allied Planets
Chell [0] "... "
Ashuraman [0] Kinniku Buster?! Try my Ashura Buster!
Bra [0] Shut up or I'll kick your ass!
RC 1262 "Scorch" [0] If we're all clones, how come I'm the only one with a sense of humor?
Fem!Russia [0] Anya Braginsky
Fangirl Pan [0] Kitty~!

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"I will stay quiet, and I will answer your questions, if you do the same. Let's trade question for question. You start." Malcolm leaned back in his chair. It was going to be a long ride. "This trip goes to Chicago, we arrive at 10 AM. We stay in Chicago all day, then leave in the afternoon for LA, where we arrive Friday morning. So we have plenty of time. Ask away."

"And this applies to you too, dog. And you too, ma'am. I want to know who you are, and what is going on. I'll tell you the truth, but you have to meet me truth for truth, answer for answer. Alright?"


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Scorch nodded in a way that said that he would have answered it whether she had cared or not, then jammed the helmet down on his head. His helmet wasn't sealed to the rest of his armor, so his voice was audible from outside, though a bit muffled. "Six-two receiving, Oh-seven. Sit rep?"

"Currently hiding in a maintenance hatch in the fourth car. Uninjured, full gear. You?"

"Semi-legally riding in the third car with three others and Four-oh. Uninjured, no gear."

"Who are the others?"

"A brilliant grunt, a homicidal AI in the form of a robotic dog, and another highly trained human who seems to be either a native, or he has been here for a while."

"O... kay. What are your assets?" There was a long pause. "Six-two? Assets?"

"Still unsure on that part." Scorch admitted.

"How can you be unsure of your group's assets?"

"Well, everyone's being about as open and honest as a Rodian drug smuggler from Nar Shaddaa."

"Alright, whatever. Just get back to your group and we'll plan how I'll catch up with you."

"Understood. Returning to shady ruffians now." There was a sigh from Sev, then Scorch pulled the helmet off his head. "Did you get that?" he asked Chell as he replaced the helmet in his pack. "We're going back to the group and then we'll plan our daring escape."

Fixer leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and clasping his hands together. "Alright. First of all, where are you from? The whole truth and nothing but."


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(/ooc Would either of you mind if I had the government show up once they reach Chicago? I thought that it might be entertaining if the FBI were pursuing them throughout the adventure. Besides, where's the fun in arriving in California with six days to spare? Also DeadMan Chell is actually in the back with Scorch, not up front with Malcolm, GLaDOS, and Fixer.)

" Yes. Why does it seem like I spend half of my life planing daring escapes? And the other half executing them?" Chell joked before adopting a serious expression. "Scorch while you might have been joking when you said GLaDOS is homicidal you were still right. Don't trust her."

Meanwhile at the front of the car GLaDOS quickly agreed with Malcolm, still attempting to hear what was being said by Scorch and his squadmate. "Yes yes hush." If GlaDOS had hands one of them would probably be waving in a attempt to get the person to be quiet. Then she spotted something that caught her attention immediately. "Say," she asked Fixer, "when we have the time, do you think we could steal a laptop?"


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"I am from another solar system. I lived on the capital planet of a collection of planets known as the Anglo-Sino Union of Allied Planets. I arrived on this world a few months ago. My turn. Where are you all from, really?"

(/ooc I had actually planned on that. I even have a reason already.)


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Scorch nodded as he stood up. "Noted. My trust has just been deleted." He gave her a nervous smile. "This mission just gets more and more interesting, doesn't it?" He walked down the aisle again until he came to the group's seats.

Fixer looked at GLaDOS. "Um, laptop? I'm not exactly sure what that is." Then Fixer listened to the other guy, nodding. He had pegged Malcolm as an off-worlder. So that was good. But there was something very wrong about this system that they had worked out. "Hold on. There's a problem. The way we have it so far is that you get four answers for one question, but we get one answer for one question. So, either we get to ask one question each, or you can only ask one of us a question. Does that make sense?"

"Ah, the question game." Scorch said, sitting down. "So I'm guessing someone's cover was blown?" He turned to GLaDOS. "See, twenty questions makes sense in this scenario."

After Scorch signed off, Sev took his helmet off and pressed his ear to the door of the maintenance hatch, listening. At first, he heard nothing out of the ordinary, but then he heard something unusual. Footsteps. There was someone walking by, which was pretty normal, but then they stopped in front of the door. He heard a voice. 'Yeah, yeah, I got it. Overheated. Yeah. I'm takin' care of it now. Yeah, I know. Yeah. Yeah, I'm not a moron.' Whoever it was must have been speaking on some sort of comlink. As Sev listened, he slowly put his helmet back on, preparing for the guy to open the door. He silently took out his Deece. 'Take a chill pill, man, it's not like the whole train's overheated, just this one hatch. Hang on.' The door opened, and there was a very surprised looking maintenance man standing in the doorway. "Don't. Make. A sound." The guy looked down and, seeing the futuristic gun in Sev's hands, looked like he wasn't sure whether he should be scared or amused. But he was definitely scared, and kept his mouth shut as Sev ordered. "Get in here and pretend to be repairing something." The man complied. Sev swiftly jabbed his hand into the man's neck, hitting a pressure point. The man went limp, and Sev caught him before he fell, leaning him silently on the wall of the small room. Then Sev slowly closed the doors again. Great. So now he had an unconscious train worker to deal with. He would have to get out of here fast. He waited for Scorch to get back on the link with his "shady ruffians." Sev sighed. That smart-Alec mouth of Scorch's would get him into trouble someday. Nevermind, it already had. And yet he still hadn't learned his lesson.

(/ooc Sounds fun!)


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With a nod of agreement Chell stood up and silently followed Scorch until they'd reached the group's seats. GLaDOS may have apologized, although she still didn't really admit that i was her fault, but there was no way Chell intended to let her allies be caught off guard when the inevitable betrayal came.

"See that device that that woman over there is using? That is a laptop. If we transfer me into one of those I'll be able access many other computers if there's WiFi in the area." GLaDOS saw Scorch and Chell come back. The AI liked Scorch and, to an extent, Fixer but by no means did she trust that dangerous, falsely mute lunatic. As for Malcolm, in her mind he was on probation. She could hear Caroling in the back of her mind saying something about Chell but GLaDOS ignored her.


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"Fair to say. Let's do this a different way. I'll tell you my story, then you take turns telling me yours. What say you to that? But first, where did you two go, and no, we are not going to steal a laptop from one of these people. Why not just stay in your little dog?"


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Fixer looked over at the device. It was huge. Much bigger than he had thought. "Wow. This world really is primitive. She's treating that thing as if it's a portable device. Huh. Sounds good, though. Accessing the others, that is." He said to GLaDOS.

Scorch sighed uneasily. "I had to take a call. From my brother. Not him," he said, nodding to Fixer. "My other one."

"I find your use of the word 'one' amusing." Fixer said to Scorch, though he didn't look that amused. He never looked amused. "Wait. Which other one?"

"It's Oh-seven." Scorch replied. "And we don't have time to be telling stories right now. We have to talk to him. He's in a bit of a sticky situation right now, and-"

The voice interrupted from Scorch's bag, and Scorch ripped the helmet out as fast as he could. He didn't catch all of the talking, but he got the last bit. "-ry up please? I'm in a situation about as sticky as the insides of a Geonosian, and I'd appreciate some cooperation."


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"Fourth car maintenance hatch." GLaDOS directed those who hadn't already heard before turning her head to face Malcolm. "Because when the choice is between a barely mobile archaic children's toy and a somewhat less archaic device from which I could access the internet and control things again I tend to choose the latter."

Chell nodded, assuming Geonosian innards were very sticky, and quickly began making her way to the fourth car. Her stride was purposeful but not quite fast enough to be considered running, they didn't need any more attention than they'd already drawn to themselves. Still as far as attention went a woman carrying a charred almost futuristic box wasn't what one would typically refer to as the very model of inconspicuousness.


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Malcolm followed after Chell. "I would suggest you others stay here, as all of us leaving at once with our robot dog, looks extremely suspicious. Chell and I going will not be nearly as conspicuous. I heard someone mention global doom or some such thing, so I would encourage you all to trust me, as I've had experience with such things. I'll happily tell you the whole tale of woe later, but right now, let's just resolve this situation. Can you trust me enough to allow me to prove that I'm on your side?"


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Scorch watched as they both leaped into action. "Hold on. One of us needs to come with you or he won't trust you two."

"Also, I didn't hear a plan of any sort." Fixer interjected. "So are we just going to go over there, thinking that our mere presence will somehow help him?"

"What's going on?"

Scorch shook his head, then spoke into the helmet, speaking half to Sev and half to the others. "The grunt and the trained are coming your way with Four-oh. You are to give them a sitrep as they walk. Unfortunately you'll really only have one-way communication because they can't take the helmet out of the bag."

Fixer got up with his backpack, then began to follow the two. He spoke quietly but quickly to them, "So our story is that we have discovered that someone we know is on the other car, and now we are going to meet him. Got it?"


Sev nodded at Scorch's voice, taking stock of what they had. Not very much in the way of info. Apparently they were a very impulsive group. No planning or anything. Odd. But he had dealt with no plan before, and he knew he at least could pull it off, with a little help. "Alright. I'm in the second maintenance hatch on the fourth car. I have an unconscious shuttle worker with a com-link to his superior, or something. The hatch I'm in appears to be overheated, so they might get antsy if it isn't fixed soon." He paused, then remembered that they couldn't reply. As he was talking, he began to strip off his armor and change into his blue tunic and pants. "So you need to help me dispose of this worker, first of all. Then we need to repair this maintenance hatch. Those are our biggest priorities."


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"Well I can help with the repairs." GLaDOS said. "As for the maintenance worker we could just throw him off the train. Or we could shove him into a restroom, close the door and hope nobody gets suspicious. Personally I prefer the former idea but I get the feeling you'll prefer the latter."

"You would." Chell muttered as a response to GLaDOS before answering Fixer. "So our story is the truth with a few key details left out. I like that story."


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(/ooc Are we waiting for DeadMan, or what?)


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(/ooc Arrgh, double post!)


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(/ooc I'm not sure what happened with DeadMan, I guess we can just proceed for the moment and if he comes back, great and if he doesn't we'll find a way to get rid of Malcolm or one of us can play him. Does that work?)


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(/ooc Okay. Sorry I'm so late! Here now.)
(/ooc I have also finally submitted charries for Sev and Fixer. They are just waiting approval, now.)

Fixer nodded at Chell. "The simplest plan is usually the best. And I can help with repairs, as well." Fixer said to GLaDOS. "I can actually manipulate wires and such, which that dog can't, but you definitely know this tech level better than I do." Then a thought struck him. "Hey, GLaDOS, do you think we can upload you onto the train's database or some such thing?"


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(ooc/ No problem.)

"Assuming that the train has such a thing I should be able to transfer into it." GLaDOS said to Fixer. "Getting me back out if we get into trouble might be difficult if you move away from wherever the transfer happens though, since I doubt the database will be portable."

The talk of another transfer made Chell remember Wheatley. Poor guy. Why was it that everything that came from Aperture was filled with some sort of homicidal insanity. She looked down at the cube in her hands before dismissing the thought, if the companion cube was going to try to kill her it would have already done so, right? Right?

(ooc/ I figured Chell wouldn't have come out of Aperture completely mentally unscathed.)


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Fixer nodded. She had a point. The train probably was too primitive to upload GLaDOS onto it, and the database so primitive that they couldn't take it with them. At this point they had reached the passage to the fourth car. One couple bustled through, and Fixer stood aside to let them pass. Then he walked through the doorway, eyeing the first maintenance hatch along the hall way. The second one was their goal, but just the sight of the things threw him for a loop. Well, Fixer couldn't exactly be "thrown for a loop," but it did surprise him. The hatches were so big. They were full three feet protrusions into the hallway - very bulky looking. They kind of looked like miniature closets. Primitives. Of all the parts of a job, fraternizing with the locals was Fixer's least favorite part. He disliked the people, the adaptation he had to do to their tech level, everything.

Banishing those thoughts from his mind, Fixer leaned in a little to the group and said in a low voice, "Alright. We're going to need some coordination. That means a plan." His tone was almost patronizing. He didn't necessarily mean to sound condescending in any way, but these people had just barged off down the hall a few minutes ago, so, bearing that in mind, he spoke to them like the grunts they were. "One: Fix the overheated system. Two: Fix the non-responsive com-link. Three: Deal with the maintenance worker. And four: Get Oh-Seven out of the hatch. These are goals, in order of priority. Now we need plans." He stressed the three words like they were new or foreign to his listeners. "Any ideas? Or shall I start giving orders?"

(ooc/ It's cool. I like stuff like that, as you have probably figured out. :) )


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(/ooc Sorry for disappearing without any kind of warning, I was sick and then couldn't get to a computer for a while after I got better.)

Chell glanced up at Fixer and shook her head, she was more used to following other people's, or AIs', plans than making he own. If the cube in her arms had any ideas it wasn't sharing them, it was probably trying to think of something to help though... assuming of course that it could think at all.

"Well," GLaDOS said, "between us the two of us I think we have more than enough experience to fix the system and the comlink, I'm sure the maintenance worker would have brought some tools with him that we can use, as for what to do with the worker himself we can just throw him off the train, no one will notice for quite a while, but if anyone has any objections to that plan we can just tie him up and leave him in there... the maintenance worker I mean. Not the person who has objections, although I suppose that could work too."


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(/ooc Sorry for not posting in forever, guys. I've been really busy with college and homework and stuff and have been totally swamped until yesterday. Had to prepare a bunch of high school kids for an incredibly difficult competition that qualified them for nationals. I'm back now.)

"I'm not much of a follower. And I don't need to be spoken to like a child. I've had over twenty years of military training, which, I would guess, is more than both of you put together, and most of that was in single member and small unit tactics, as well as improvising in adverse situations. Anyhow, here's what I think. As far as goal number two, let's actually break the walkie. That will solve that problem easily. Goal number one, I leave to you and the dog computer. Goal number three, I think we can figure out the details when we get there, but I think that dumping him off the train is the best plan. Goal number four, either a: we use the train's moving noise to cover his escape, or b: we allow the train to come to a stop, and use the stopping and the traffic as a cover. What do we think?"


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(/ooc Gaaaah sorry for being so lame - I'm the only one with no excuse. I'll get back to posting, now.)

Fixer chuckled slightly as Malcolm began to list off his credentials. He had been the one who had run off without a shadow of a plan. He also was a grunt. And that spoke to his level of inexperience already. But Fixer wasn't going to waste any time or breath expounding on how amazing he himself was. They just needed to accomplish their objective. And that spoke to his level of experience already. With sufficient arrogance, he continued listening to Malcolm. Then he nodded, and replied,

"Breaking the com sounds like a good idea. We just need to make it sound realistic, so drop it, or something. That should be done first. Second, we split up. Malcolm - you, Chell, and possibly Oh-Seven should deal with the maintenance worker. GLaDOS and I will fix the overheated system." He paused. "There is still a problem, though: It will take a while to fix that system, especially since we don't really know this technology that well. I'm thinking that maybe Oh-Seven leaves with you two, but I stay in there with GLaDOS. We fix the system, and then you three, Malcolm, Chell, and Oh-Seven, dispose of the worker in whatever way seems best." He thought for a moment, then groaned. "But two more problems have just occurred to me: First, how will we open the door to the maintenance hatch in the first place? And second, how will GLaDOS and I get out?"


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"I don't see why we would have any difficulties entering or exiting the maintenance hatch." GLaDOS said. She thought about what Malcolm had said about "improvising in adverse situations", he would be an excellent subject for testing. True the drive for testing was only hard-wired into the mainframe, which she was not currently hooked up to, but she still felt that it had been far too long since she'd done some science. "For the record if I'm able to access the internet I will be able to do some research on trains and therefore be of more use in this situation."

So it would seem Malcolm wanted to throw the poor worker off the train too. Chell sincerely hoped that Seven would have a different idea. Chell once more how odd all of this really was. Come to think of it, how did she wind up involved in all of this? She was a fairly normal person, right? Well she used to be, or at least she assumed she used to be, her memories of her time before testing with GLaDOS were murky at best likely due to the time spent in suspension which could apparently cause cognitive deterioration.


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(/ooc Okay, I'm just gonna post, and then if DeadMan doesn't post within a few days after that, should one of us just play Malcolm?)

"We just have to make sure nobody sees us." Fixer replied to GLaDOS. "Let's see... access the internet... What do you mean by that? Does that have to do with laptops again?"


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(/ooc I'm back. Sorry guys. I'm just in the middle of a whole bunch of different things in real life and sometimes there are just a few weeks at a time when I can't get on but every four or five days. It should be slowing down pretty soon though.)

"Fixer, I find your lack of faith a bit disturbing. As far as getting the hatch open, I'm sure that you two can come up with something, by, as Glados suggested, using the tools that the worker brought with him, which are intended to be used for exactly that purpose. As far as getting out, just let Seven know with your helmet radios and we'll come by and get you out after disposing of the worker.
Glados, as far as the internet is concerned, I can deal with that if you give me some time, but how long will it take for you to get the necessary information after I get you access? Because that will determine how I go about getting you access. Also, that would mean leaving Chell and Seven to deal with the worker.
Chell, do you have any input? You haven't said anything, and I don't want to leave you in the dust.
Also, we need to think ahead. After we dispose of this worker, fix the problem with the train, and rescue your brother, then what? I expect that we won't be able to just calmly walk back to our seats after doing all of that.


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GLaDOS thought for a moment before answering. "Well as far as the internet goes I don't know how long it will take. I'm sure I can find the information somewhere but it isn't exactly the most talked about subject in the world. As for leaving the job of dealing with the worker to Chell and Seven, I think they'll be fine. Chell is an accomplished murderer after all. After we're done with all of that if for some reason we can't simply return to our seats, although I don't see why that would be the case, we can stop the train, hijack it, jump off of it, or hide until we can get off without drawing as much attention."

Chell looked up in surprise when Malcolm began speaking to her. "Oh, it's alright I was listening I just didn't have anything to say. But GLaDOS is right about at least one thing, I can dispose of the worker on my own so Seven can stay by the hatch so that he can open it as soon as they need him to." In truth Chell had no intention of killing the maintenance worker. Even if it was less convenient to leave him alive he was still just trying to do his job and had gotten caught up in this mess through no fault of his own. Still she doubted the others, particularly a certain AI, would see it that way.