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Levitas Schola Veneficus

Levitas Schola Veneficus


This is a reboot of Wowdude's Megara's Academy for the Mythical. All members old and new are welcome to submit a character application.

3,766 readers have visited Levitas Schola Veneficus since JEDH3 created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


Welcome to Levitas Schola Veneficus. The school where those still young to their kind go to learn what they need to know to live in the world of humans. I am your Headmaster, Taran. We offer a variety of classes, including Algebra, Geometry, Astronemy, Physics, Goegraphy, Art, Non Magical/Magical Combatives, Beginners Magic, as well as Advanced Individual Magic. During your stay at my academy, You will meet many strange and wondrous creatures. Some you may have heard of or met before, and some you have never even dreamed of in your wildest imaginings. Why don't I tell you who commonly comes here.


First, we have the Wolves.


They are a tough group, that usually packs together in groups of five or so. They always have a leader, and tend to be mildly destructive for the most part. But don't worry. At my Academy, we have a special facility for them when the moon is full. All Wolves are required to be in the facility one hour prior to sunset on those nights. If they are caught outside during that time, hey will immediately be expelled. They are given food, and water while there to help satisfy their needs.

Alpha Male: Open

Alpha Female: Open

Pack member 1 (Male or Female): Open

Pack member 2 (Male or Female): Open

Pack member 3 (Male or Female): Open


The second group that we commonly acquire here, are the Night Walkers


They are stand alone people that tent to be unsocial, and quiet, But have an extremely strong sense of Hierarchy. Here at the Academy, we understand their need to drink blood, and do what we can to accommodate by serving that of doners. Drinking the blood of any student, staff member, or visitor is strictly forbidden. If one feels the absolute desire for living blood, there is a hunting ground nearby that is populated with a variety of animals. If any student is caught breaking this rule, you may expect something worse than expulsion.

The Eldest Male: Open

the Eldest Female: Open

Vamprie 1 (Male or Female): Open

Vampire 2 (Male or Female): Open


Angels and Dark Angels are another group that can be frequently seen here.



All Angels are given one chance to choose whom they serve. Most have already made that choice. But those who were born after The Fall, are still given a choice, rather than be forced to serve their father's master. My academy has become a safe haven for those angels who have yet to choose.

Male Angel 1: Open

Male Angel 2: Open

Male Angel 3: Open

Female Angel 1: Yumicchii

Female Angel 2: Thundra

Female Angel 3: Open


We also accommodate to many shape shifters here.


These groups vary depending on what they turn into, and how they mix together. They probably make up the majority of the Academy's student population. They come in every conceivable shape and size. But do not think their powers are simply limited to turning into a particular animal. Some possess greater power that allows them to change their body differently. it simply depends on the individual, and how they acquired their abilities.

Shape Shifter 1 (Female): RadioFrequency

Shape Shifter 2 (Male or Female): Open

Shape Shifter 3 (Male or Female): Open

Shape Shifter 4 (Male or Female): Open

Shape Shifter 5 (Male or Female): Open


We also acquire what most people tend to call Half Breeds. These individuals are similar to the shape shifters, however, they are actually half human and half animal.


These groups are very talented in magic, but tend to give in to more animal like behavior. They are our main source of cultural diversity here as well. They come from all over the world, stemming from their cultural legends.

Half Breed 1: Runika

Half Breed 2 (Male or Female): Open

Half Breed 3 (Male or Female): Open

Half Breed 4 (Male or Female): Open

Half Breed 5 (Male or Female): Open


The last group that I will talk about are the Elementals.


These individuals are strictly bound by the balance of the elements, (earth is strong against air, which in turn is strong against water, which is strong against fire, which is strong against earth. Earth and water are neutral, and air and fire are neutral,) and cannot even conduct any magic other than the magic that is based on their element. They tend not to get along with their opposite elements, but are able to come together when all four are present. Their bodies are made completely of their element, and they are also able to control their element depending on their personal skill and age.

Earth: JEDH3

Water (Male or Female): Open

Wind (Male or Female): Open

Air (Male Or Female): Open


As you can see, we hold a very wide variety of students. things quite often get out of control, and conflicts arise, but that is apart of the great learning experience. Besides, I rarely allow things to get too wild in my school. but certain events are unavoidable. I do hope that you will choose to enroll in our great academy. regardless of your background, or persona, we are always looking for a new face.

Toggle Rules

1. [Like always,] NO GOD MODDING! Except the Principal. The Principal always wins. :)
2. Can can have up to TWO characters. however, the character types are not the only ones available. only suggestions.
3. Post limits per day are unlimited, what you post is ultimately up to you. However, It is required to write at LEAST one paragraph (5-7 sentences) per post unless the story dictates otherwise (Having a conversation in which your character gives a short reply or something similar.)
4. Try your hardest to use REALISTIC PEOPLE.
5. YES, NPCs (Non-Playable Characters) are allowed! Meaning you may put a character you aren't permanently in there once in a while.
7. Roleplay rules and the school's rules are completely different.
10. Teacher characters are allowed, but not generally needed.
11. Have fun. It's Mandatory.

Character applications must include the following:

Full Name
Description (Picture not required, but appreciated)
School Year
Abilities (Keep realistic and within the realm of your character's role)
General Personality Like/Hate
History (minimum 1 paragraph)

Browse All » 5 Settings to roleplay in


Dormatory by RolePlayGateway

Where you sleep


Cafeteria by RolePlayGateway

Where you eat

Hunting grounds

Hunting grounds by RolePlayGateway

Place of secrets and strong magics.


Town by RolePlayGateway

A nearby town

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors


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Character Portrait: Taran
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#, as written by JEDH3
Taran looked out at the gathering people. Most were students, some were joined by their families, some alone. In all his years, the concept of diversity never ceased to amaze him. It was one of the great mysteries that even he had never truly understood. "I probably never will either." He reflected out loud. It would soon be time for him to brief the students, an give out the billeting roster. "I suppose I should get ready." he sighed. He hated dressing formally, but if he dressed normally then he would receive complaints about "Professionalism" too much bureaucracy in his opinion. He started the school to prevent chaos in the human world. To teach the young ones how to control themselves and stay out of trouble, as well as provide an above standard education. But after only fifty years, it all started to turn on him. some people thought he was making an army, others believed that he was simply power hungry, desperate to control the minds of children. The theories about his true goals went on and on and on. And in recent centuries, the council saw fit to keep an eye on him. they all knew that if he ever truly wanted to turn on them, it would be of no effort to destroy the entire magical global community. He was the oldest mortal-born of them all, and has surpassed nearly all of them in power. and those he had not, were close friends and allies. And yet parents still sent their children to him and his staff. It was another thing that he would never understand. "Screw the suit. I'll wear what I want."


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Character Portrait: Simon Gadfeather Character Portrait: Luna Bianchi
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Simon flew over the green forest below him struggling to keep a straight path because of his aching wings. He had been flying for 4 hours now and it was really taking it's toll on him. "Come on Simon just a few more miles." he muttered to himself just to keep himself awake. Who was he kidding he could barely go a few more feet much less miles. He flapped his wings to get a better view of the ground below him, wings taking strength from the knowledge he could land soon. He would give one last look for this school but he didn't do so with much hope. He was nearing the second year since he had set out for the school and he had seen nothing that looked remotely eligible. Not for the first time he thought of giving up in the search but soon dismissed the thought in frustration. He would head his mother's dying wish if it was the last thing he did. It took him a moment but he noticed that there was large school looking building almost directly below him. His hopes weren't raised yet though because it wouldn't be the first time he had seen a school that fit this description. He pulled his wings close against his back to engage in a dive straight down into the forest that surrounded it. Mid-dive something beyond all his knowledge passed right in front of him and he whipped his wings out in surprise. His tired wings couldn't handle the reaction and he was sent spinning as soon as they caught the air. He screamed in surprise but it was whisked away by the wind. He was able to change to human and brace himself before he hit the first tree. His arms were together to protect his face but he could still feel the odd branch strike his cheek. He could probaly lable this as the second scariest time in his life as branch after branch broke around him. He was almost relieved when he hit the ground hearing the leaves crunch as they tried to break his fall. He lay there taking deep breaths so he could ignore the pain caused by the cuts on his face. His clothes had take the worst of it and he could see the many tears in them. He roused himself after remembering that everything bad that had ever happened to him was on the ground. Nothing was broken thanks to the many branches breaking his fall.
He made his way to the direction he thought he thought the school was in. All the tossing and turning he'd done on the way down had disoriented him and to add to all this he was still tired. It did not take him long to find the school and he was flabbergasted when he did. Never before had he seen such a large gathering of freaks before. He knew it was rude to call them freaks but he had forgotten his manners in his astonishment. Eventually he saw what he realized was the reason for his crash. He couldn't even name it it confused him so much. It looked like a human but it had large bird wing on its back. Simon's anger at his crash and natural curiosity drove him to the being.


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Character Portrait: Del Fuller Character Portrait: Simon Gadfeather
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Del walked lazily through the forest toward the school with her orange-brown tail wagging in the air. Beside her, her older twin brothers, Ian and Sam, argued over something-or-other. Del sighed and looked over at them with a smile. The two were in their bear form which was clearly their most comfortable form. It suited them well. The two were as lazy and (sometimes Del thought) as stupid as bears, and this body was probably better for their wrestling fits than their human bodies. Del had taken to sauntering through the forest in her most comfortable fox form. The fox was her first shift just like the bear had been for Ian and Sam. The fox had been the first animal that she had ever studied and she had spent so long studying the bone and muscle structure of the fox, she practically had it engraved in her mind. She had practiced the form so many times, it was like learning to ride a bike for her.

Sam turned his furry head to Del with a questioning look on his face. "Del, what do you think?" he questioned. Del quickly snapped out of her thoughts and shook her head before looking up at him. "What do I think about what?" Ian huffed out a loud, "Hah!" and Sam's head whipped around to him as Ian continued, "See, even Del doesn't listen to ya." The two began arguing again and Del tuned them out once more However, she was pulled back to Earth when she heard Ian say the words, "Alright, I'll race ya then." Del furrowed her brow in both confusion and concern. Sam simply looked at Ian for a moment with a determined face and then turned to Del. "We'll meet you at the school, Del." Del was about to protest when Ian shouted, "Ready, set, go!" They were off in a flash and Del was stuck watching their receding, furry behinds blundering through the forest. Del simply shook her head with a sigh and went back to sauntering in the direction of the school.

Del had paused for a moment to chase a small chipmunk around when she head a scream and a loud crash a few yards away and both her and the chipmunk jumped. Feeling both confused and curious, Del walked quietly toward the sound of leaves crackling and twigs snapping. It appeared to be a boy who had been the source of the loud crash. He looked cut up and bruised, but Del didn't know if she should shift back and ask if he was alright. Instead, she waited until the boy was gone, and then shrugged, continuing on her merry way.


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Molly walked around school boredly her wings tightly held back against her back.


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Character Portrait: Simon Gadfeather Character Portrait: Luna Bianchi
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Luna flew slowly above the clouds, humming an Italian song from her childhood. The sun shined on her fair face and her greyish white hair waved in the wind. Her pure white wings seemed to barely move, yet she still progressed in a steady pace on her way to the school. This would be her third year attending the academy, so that meant she was finally a junior. The downside of this new year were her friends. They all graduated last year, so she had to make new ones. In her first year, she hadn't had the time to go around and meet people. Her schedule had been filled with her normal classes and several extra magic and music classes. She hadn't had the chance to learn magic before she entered ths school, so she had to start at the basics. The Angel was by far the worst in her normal magic classes, because she didn't have any experience at all. After a year of hard work, she passed with the highest scores, but with not a single friend. Her second year was much better for her social life. Her roommate was a friendly Senior, who introduced her to all her friends. She had less extra lessons, which resulted in loads of time to play around with her new acquaintances, who soon became the best friends she could had ever dreamed of. With pain in her heart, she saw them graduate. Now here she was, flying -literally- towards her third year, in the hope this year wouldn't be as lonely as her first one.
Luna woke from her daydreams in the knowledge the school was right underneath her. She broke through the clouds and took a better look. As she predicted, it wasn't far anymore. She began the descent, in a rather fast but steady pace. She could let herself fall and save herself in the last second. That was a lot of fun to do, but todat she prefered the normal way to descent. Suddenly, she felt something brush against her wings. She didn't know if she felt it for real, because it was such a soft touch. Luna shrugged and flew further. It must have been her imagination. The Angel looked at the ground and flew slower. Her feet touched the ground and she stopped moving her wings. Certainly a landing as it was described in the book. She streched her back and neck, stiff from the long flight. She could have gone by magic, but that would mean draining her powers without any necessity. Besides, it would be too flashy and too tiring to do. The girl flapped her wings again to make sure everything was alright and she smiled. She was ready to conceal her wings underneath her skin, when she heard someone walking her way. She turned around and saw an African American guy walking up to her. Luna took a quick look at her wings and then at him again. If he was human, she could convince him they weren't real, that it was just a costume. Together with her long green dress -altough long was quite relative, because she only stood 5' tall- it could be possible. But she had her doubts he was human, since they were so close to a school packed with supernatural beings. She took another look at him and then smiled friendly. She wanted to say something nice, a greeting at least, but maybe he didn't want to talk to her. So she just waited for him to say something or just walk past her as if she didn't exist.


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Molly was wearing a long pale almost white pink traditional angel style dress her wings were folded tightly behind her golden hair was cascading down her back resting at the top of the thighs. She had pink ballerina pumps on her feet with straps that tied half way up her calf. She looked beautiful but that's a perk about being an angel. She walked around the school as if she were lost but really she just didn't know where she wanted to go.


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Character Portrait: Simon Gadfeather Character Portrait: Luna Bianchi
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Simon stopped right in front of the "girl". He could only assume that this was a girl because it appeared just like most human women looked like. He tried to take interest in her clothes but his eyes kept flowing to the white wings on her back. They were feathery just like a birds wing and he could see that the feathers also fell in the correct pattern. Seeing this human with wings made him angry because of how unnatural it was. If humans were meant to have wings then what was the point of birds. Birds were meant to rule the skies granted some more than others but weren't planes enough for humans? He just stood there for a moment trying to figure out if he would address her with anger or curiosity. "What are you?" he said choosing the question that bordered on both emotions. All the while he was keeping alert to his surroundings. He didn't like that he was confined to the ground right now but a school in the sky, though cool, was unconventional. In all his memories he couldn't think of one good thing that had happened to him on the ground for example the ground was a key factor of his crash.


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Character Portrait: Ramona
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Molly looked for someone to talk to. Molly was the type of girl or Angel that has to be chatting 24/7. She looked around tere were people but no one she knew. Molly was also fighting the resist to jump up and fly but she'd fly straight into a ceiling and probably brake somthing. She realized she was biting a nail and slapped her hand way from her mouth. Molly bit her lip nervously. So many strangers here , No friends she hasn't met yet. She tried to covince herself but if she couldn't convince herself what was the point of her being here if she was going to bite her nails and fight the desire to fly? She didn't know she continued looking for someone to talk to or somthing to do.


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#, as written by JEDH3
Adamah stood near the main entrance looking at all of the different people. He was patient, and would be content to stand here until the opening brief. As he scanned the crowd, he spotted a few people whom he could tell what they were, but no one he ever met before. Although he would never admit it even to himself, the fact that out of all of the people he had met during his travels around the world, not a single one was here. But that did not matter. he would meet new people, or hide in the shadows. usually the only people worth knowing were the ones that noticed him to begin with. They were the interesting ones. the ones that noticed the strange statue against the wall stood out. In the past, he had been able to convince people that he was completely human, and that his true stone form was just a strange statue. He debated on whether or not he should try and accomplish that again this year, but decided against it. But for now, he would keep his human disguise a secret and only use it if he needed. it felt good not to hide.


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Molly looked around at everyone then at Adamah he looked worth talking to at least she thought so. A little nervously she walked over. "Hi I'm Molly you are?" She asked kindly trying to be kind and polite. She was going a little shy but it wasn't that obvious. "Well actually my name is Ramona but I prefere Molly." She explained quickly playing with her hair.


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#, as written by JEDH3
Sooner than I expected, but she seems nice. He thought to himself. But out loud he replied, "I am doing quite well Molly. Thank you. I am assuming from your exuberant attitude, that you are even better." he chuckled quietly to himself at her cheeriness. She was bursting with energy, one of those girls who spoke nearly nonstop. and an angel on top of that. At least I won't get bored.


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She smiled nd she might of blushed a bit behind she was trying to hide her wings shyly. "I don't know glad to be back here I guess." she said embarrassed. She pushed her hair back smiling. You always embarrass yourself Mol be cool for once maybe you'll actually get a friend. Harsh the other side of her thought. True! The other argued. She abandoned the mental argument thinking she was weird.


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Character Portrait: Eira Karlani
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#, as written by Runika
Eira strode though the crowd of people, her eyes inspecting the newcomers and a few familiar ones. Her tail swished back and forth behind her, a little excited and curious as to what the new year would bring. Aside from her ears and tail, the rest of her body looked human. From the waist down her legs were white and striped like a tiger's but she wore skinny jeans to cover it. When she came to the academy 3 years ago she became fascinated by the clothing humans wore. The only adjustment she needed was to create a hole in the back of the pants to allow her tail to protrude neatly and comfortably. She had on a loose black blouse and wore gold hoop earrings. In the human world she could walk around if she wanted, and people would assume she was "cosplaying" as they called it. They gave her strange looks, but they would only think of her as an odd human.

There were creatures everywhere. Hopefully she could befriend some this year. She didn't get along with a lot of people in her first year because she was still withdrawn and paranoid, but a lot of her old friends had graduated. The only time she ever ran into some sort of scuffle was with angels. Them and their... 'innocence'. She knew they weren't all the same, but after a while Eira just threw them all into one group and stereotyped them as 'angels'. Dark angels interested her more, but there weren't many at the academy.


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Molly whilst waiting for reply suddenly started laughing she was very embarrassed but she couldn't stop herself. She covered her own mouth to shut Gerald up. When she regained control she apologized and said "Just understood a joke I heard ages ago." She admitted lamely bright redshe looked to see if anyone else had noticed she couldn't tell. IDIOT! She thought to herself she was still smiling though.


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#, as written by JEDH3
"Right." was the only answer he could think of at the time. Definitely not going to be boring. "So You have been here before?" It is my first year attending this School." So this is where the term "giddy as a school girl" comes from. She is quite strange. most have a hard time talking to something that looks like a statue. He decided that he liked this girl, and though their personalities clashed neither seemed to mind. He spoke slowly, and thoughtfully, paying special attention to his word choice, leaving his voice monotone. But she on the other hand, spoke quickly, full of emotion not paying attention to what she was about to say. Quite strange.


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"Been coming since I was a teenager." She admitted. "You've just started? Thought I didn't recognize you anyway I think you'll like it her most us are friendly watch the night walkers though everyone says their fine but they give me the creeps." She confessed smiling. She was still trying to hide her wings and failing her wings were huge and feathered like a dove she probably looked like a large dove when she was flying to some people. She had stopped playing with her hair voice so she wasn't feeling as nervous now.


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#, as written by JEDH3
"I don't really socialize that much. But I will take your word for it." he tried to joke. Why on earth is she trying to hide he wings? it is like a man hiding behind a stop sign. He realized that he was still in the exact same position as he was when she first walked up, so he shifted his weight into another position. People felt uncomfortable when they knew he was alive, but never moved.


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"You socializing now." She laughed a little smiling she gave up on hiding her wings and let them hang on her back. Her wings were shaped more like how stories say fairys it embarrassed her sometimes. "So am I the only person you've met so far?" She asked calmly but still carelessly


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#, as written by JEDH3
"You are the one who started talking to a statue. Every one probably thinks you are crazy now. And yes. you are the only person here I know, Molly." And probably going to stay that way for a while. He took his time in meeting people, for someone to notice him so quickly was rare. and even more so for them to talk to him so casually this quickly. Although it made him a little happy. "What of you? Have you seen your old friends yet?"


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"Nope I only had one friend and she was a year older so she's left the school know. And so? I am pretty crazy." She laughed and anyway "You move sometimes so actually your not a statue and you took so you'd be on freaky statue if you were an actual statue which your not so I'm not too crazy." She smiled after rushing her whole sentance.


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Character Portrait: Simon Gadfeather Character Portrait: Luna Bianchi
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Luna blinked a few times in surprise that the guy actually stopped in front of her. She noticed that his eyes were drawn to her wings and the girl tried her hardest to hold a poker face. She still didn't know who he was or more exactly, what he was. She couldn't tell humans about herself, what she was or were she came from. Most would freak out, others would try to hunt her down. She had seen it happen with a friend of hers. He went to the Earth for the first time, without any knowledge how it is down here. He didn't conceal his wings, neither did he deny they were real. As casual as someone would say they bought new clothes, her friend told people he was an Angel. Most humans didn't believe him and just laughed. But there were others, humans who knew of the existance of supernatural beings, who went after him. Luna went down to earth to save him, but it had already been too late. She hadn't found his body, altough it wasn't necessary. They took him away to experiment on him, to extract his genes. Humans always wanted to fly.
The guy asked her what Luna was. She looked at him with a puzzled look in her eyes, as if she really was a human who had no idea about Angels and stuff like that. "What are you talking about?" She asked in a innocence and surprised voice. Even though she tried to play dumb, she was careful around him. She could feel his slight anger and it made her shiver. Why would he be mad at her? They only just met.


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Her fingers played with the material of her dress unconfidently. " So you know what I am it's not exactly deniable so what are you? An elemenal?" She guessed. "Shape shifter?" She askd she hoped she didn't offend him with her guesses she knew some races were proud and hated being guessed wrong. "Sorry if I offend you just I don't exactly know much about the other races. But I know pretty much everything about my race but nothing about the others." She admitted.


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#, as written by JEDH3
"I am born of Earth. And I have met a few angels, and a few that only look like angels. So to most people it would not be so obvious. But I can tell the difference." Fortunately for you He hated all things from earth that flew. Angels were not from earth, and thus separated from the Elemental Balance, so he tended to have a neutral opinion of them.


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"So your an Earth elemental? I met fire elementalshe tried,to burn my wings off but I sorta kicked her in the head dont worry I wont kick you unless you really ask for it. " it was a promise an angel's promis.


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Character Portrait: Simon Gadfeather Character Portrait: Luna Bianchi
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She was playing dumb with him Simon realized finding himself shocked. Did she not notice the wings on her back or did she think he was too stupid to notice, that anyone could be too stupid to notice. Either way her denying him his answer caused his curiosity to mix with his anger. "In case you haven't noticed you have wings on your back. Human's don't have wings, Birds have wings. This isn't natural." He said placing a hand on her wing. He realized that this was rude but he wanted to be sure they were real and not an illusion. Simon wasn't a stranger to magic but never before had seen humans with wings. Simon hoped they were fake but he felt feathers beneath his hand.
Simon realized he still had his hand on the girl's wing and pulled it way swiftly. He knew he would hate it if someone put him in this situation especially if they ouched his wings. "Sorry that was rude. Name's Simon Gadfeather, Shapeshifter." He said pushing his hand out for a handshake. He realized that he had a pretty bad first impression between his beat up clothes, angrily walking to her, touching her wings and then acting like it never happened. It wouldn't be the first time he had let his curiosity get out of hand. He once almost told a human he was a shapeshifter so he would tell him something. Much like he was doing now he thought to his dismay. Suddenly he really hoped this girl wasn't human.

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Arcs are bundles of posts from any location, allowing you to easily capture sub-plots which might be spread out across multiple locations.

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You can create Quests with various rewards, encouraging your players to engage with specific plot lines.

Add Setting » 5 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!


Dormatory by RolePlayGateway

Where you sleep


Cafeteria by RolePlayGateway

Where you eat

Hunting grounds

Hunting grounds by RolePlayGateway

Place of secrets and strong magics.


Town by RolePlayGateway

A nearby town

The Academy

The Academy by JEDH3


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By creating Collectibles, you can reward your players with unique items that accentuate their character sheets.

Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

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By marking a character as abandoned, you can offer them to your players as pre-made character sheets.

Character Portrait: Adamah Daichi Dagda
13 sightings Adamah Daichi Dagda played by JEDH3
Life and Death both come to and from Earth.
Character Portrait: Sayven
0 sightings Sayven played by Mathew Littlepaw
"The smallest crack, the driest dessert, the highest mountain, the deepest ocean. We are all knowing, ever youthful, and now more powerful than ever before..."

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in Levitas Schola Veneficus. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

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View All » Add Character » 15 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Ramona
Character Portrait: Xeniel Rosenkrantz
Character Portrait: Simon Gadfeather
Character Portrait: Sariella Adams
Character Portrait: Felicity


Character Portrait: Felicity

"Be careful what you wish for cuz you might just get it!"

Character Portrait: Sariella Adams
Sariella Adams

Death's daughter?

Character Portrait: Simon Gadfeather
Simon Gadfeather

Up with Carpe Dium

Character Portrait: Xeniel Rosenkrantz
Xeniel Rosenkrantz

"I can't look at the clouds. The skies just aren't my home anymore."

Character Portrait: Ramona

Falling from cloud nine


Character Portrait: Simon Gadfeather
Simon Gadfeather

Up with Carpe Dium

Character Portrait: Sariella Adams
Sariella Adams

Death's daughter?

Character Portrait: Felicity

"Be careful what you wish for cuz you might just get it!"

Character Portrait: Xeniel Rosenkrantz
Xeniel Rosenkrantz

"I can't look at the clouds. The skies just aren't my home anymore."

Character Portrait: Ramona

Falling from cloud nine

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Ramona

Falling from cloud nine

Character Portrait: Simon Gadfeather
Simon Gadfeather

Up with Carpe Dium

Character Portrait: Sariella Adams
Sariella Adams

Death's daughter?

Character Portrait: Felicity

"Be careful what you wish for cuz you might just get it!"

Character Portrait: Xeniel Rosenkrantz
Xeniel Rosenkrantz

"I can't look at the clouds. The skies just aren't my home anymore."

View All » Places


Dormatory by RolePlayGateway

Where you sleep


Cafeteria by RolePlayGateway

Where you eat

Hunting grounds

Hunting grounds by RolePlayGateway

Place of secrets and strong magics.


Town by RolePlayGateway

A nearby town

The Academy

The Academy by JEDH3


Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » Levitas Schola Veneficus: Out of Character


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Most recent OOC posts in Levitas Schola Veneficus

Re: Levitas Schola Veneficus

Well though it doesn't seem likely we'll get more characters a little advise for anyone considering it. NO MORE ANGELS! half the characters in the roleplay right now are angels so we don't need anymore. Become one of the other species like Vampires, half-breeds, or especially werewolves. Everyone in one way or another has mentioned werewolves and yet noone is playing one. it could be interesting to have a werewolf here especially if they are without there pack right now. Just a suggestion :) .

Re: Levitas Schola Veneficus

Also, When I put up the names, That is not what the roster looks like. I just did not feel like constructing an entire dormitory and tell you all where you live. So instead I just posted who your room mate is. the students however, saw a list of room numbers with their names next to them.

Re: Levitas Schola Veneficus

Ok, so I added a few places, if you guys think of any more, let me know. The academy is quite large, and can have as many locations as you all think is necessary.

Re: Levitas Schola Veneficus

Well, I was thinking. Won't it get confusing to keep track of where everybody is when it's all posted in the same topic 'The Academy'? So there would be a second topic called 'dorms' or something? I don't know, I'm just suggesting things ;)

Re: Levitas Schola Veneficus

Ok, sorry, I was on vacation the last week. I did not think It would keep me from posting, but apparently it did. sorry about that all.

And what do you mean, Topic for the Dorms, Yumicchii?

Re: Levitas Schola Veneficus

Shall I wait on Little Paw

Re: Levitas Schola Veneficus

Maybe it would be easier and more organised if there was a topic for the dorms? I don't know what the others think of it? :)

Re: Levitas Schola Veneficus

You've given them quite some time, so I would say yes. But that is up to you of course :)

Re: Levitas Schola Veneficus

So should I skip the people who are writing as teachers? if there are not any then I will wrap up the assymbly and post billeting.

Re: Levitas Schola Veneficus

Just so every one is clear because it does not seem like many people read the section on angels, or maybe i did not explain it well enough, there is no difference between the Dark angels and the normal ones. the only thing that separates them is that the Angels were born from the angels who did not rebel, while the dark angels are born from Fallen angels. They are on the same level. since they are born after the Fall, they are allowed to make their own choice whether to defy God or follow him. once they make that choice, they are required to leave the school. But because they are dark does not mean they are evil. and because they are regular, does not mean they are good.

Re: Levitas Schola Veneficus

Finally done with my profile

Re: Levitas Schola Veneficus

Just signed up here yesterday, no idea if that has any effect on how I am considered, but I would actually like to reserve a male angel. If you don't mind of course.

Re: Levitas Schola Veneficus

HAHA! I love how Ryder loves ham sandwiches, and Taran is a Jew. I never made that clear, but that is part of his character. So funny.

Re: Levitas Schola Veneficus

Hi everyone! I play Sayven! :D And i was wondering, if anyone would like to help me introduse her into the RP, then message me! :D OK thats all for now! BAH!

Re: Levitas Schola Veneficus

Hey, just so everybody knows, right now, I am trying to give everyone who has not posted yet a chance to at LEAST give an introductory post for their characters before The Principle Comes down and gives his speech and billeting roster. But I don't want to wait too long, so If nobody else posts by tomorrow morning, they will have to join in late.

Re: Levitas Schola Veneficus

Could I possibly put two characters in?? :)
One shapeshifter, one angel?

Re: Levitas Schola Veneficus

No, you were here first. you cannot usurp a throne that is not filled. haha.

Re: Levitas Schola Veneficus

usurped by an Angel?

Now i feel like an asshole. ;n;

Re: Levitas Schola Veneficus


I haz idea! Message me with what you think because i will NEVER read this OOC ._.

So like, i was thinking of making a half breed mage, but IDK if the race would be Elemental or Halfbreed... Im going to submit a character app, you read it and look it over and tell me what you think. Dont like it? Delete it. Like it? then... What ever you wanna do :D


Re: Levitas Schola Veneficus

Sorry to say, but I've changed my mind on making or restarting a character for this, so don't wait up for me.

Best of luck in it though!