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Living-Undead Love



a part of Living-Undead Love, by ZacharyTC.

The town where the odd can happen and the dead can be brought back to life. Here, Stan operates his undead project.

ZacharyTC holds sovereignty over Transiport, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

756 readers have been here.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

some of the content is based on the movie, [i]young frankenstein[/i], and the anime, [i]lovely complex[/i].


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The town where the odd can happen and the dead can be brought back to life. Here, Stan operates his undead project.


Transiport is a part of Living-Undead Love.

14 Characters Here

Stan Ben Frank [35] "Yes, yes, I brought her back from the dead. What? You expected an old man?"
Isaiah Gorilla [29] "What kind of quack job is it, this time, Stan?"
Lucky Clover [28] "I don't mind being dead-ish... Kinda cool actually..."
Claire Wilkson [23] ''Welcome sir, what would you like to eat?''
Vari Mink [22]
Erina 'Eri' Takahashi [20] "You're annoying me back to death..."(WIP)
Derek Everett [15] ''Claire....jellybean...why don't you call me daddy!''
Andromeda Attalli Verde [11] "You gotta problem with me?"
Arthur Zephyr [10] "Undead? Is that even possible?"
Zechariah Romano [5] "Undead? You don't look it, dear... Are you sure?"

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Eri walked with her hands resting on her head. She'd been rather out of sorts lately.
Maybe because she remembered being in Lucky's shoes. Waking up with Stan and Isaiah staring her in the face. She was grateful. Her life was cut seriouslt short, like the others but Eri's death was her own fault.

It's been raining that day. She'd been rushing around doing work for her evil taskmaster boss. She'd been sending her around everywhere for the stupidest pf tasks. Coffee, Dry Cleaning whatever she could think of to keep Eri away from the office. Only so the evil wench can take Eri's designs for her own. Eri had been driving all day, she knew she was tired but she had to get all of this done. That's she'd been thinking, when her car hydroplaned off the side of the road and crashed into a lake.
She wasn't even able to say goodbye.

She got her second chance though. Atleast to really be with her boyfriend. As much as they agured -which was how they showed affection anyway-, she loved him to death and she knew he loved her, why else would he bring her back from the dead?

Eri had decided from now on she'd walk wherever she needed to be as she and cars didn't have the best relationship.

(Sorry so...vauge, I'll get better into as this goes on)


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Lucky was helping Harry with the the plates of food. Of course she had organized them and made them all pretty but now she was beginning to worry. She could swear she'd heard a vehicle. Piling the plates along her arm Lu tried to keep herself balanced all the while slowly walking toward the table. Puffing up her cheeks to keep a balance Lu wobbled back and forth the plates teetering hazardously.

Finally reaching the table Lu quickly set down all the plates. "Harry are they here? ARE THEY?" Pacing Lucky realized she was really scared about meeting people... People who might become family. Picking up the robot Lu shook it wildly. "HARRY WHAT IF THEY DON'T LIKE ME???? I'M ADORABLE BUT SO WEIRDDDDD!" Realizing she was shaking the poor robot Lu set him down gently. "Sorry... I get scared about meeting people formally..."


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Derek would flail his arms around. ''That doctor is amazing sir! I will punch you!'' He'd exclaim with a pout, his hair naturally becoming messy from the movement then he'd feel a shove and he'd fall out from the car as Claire pushed him from the car. ''Gahh!'' He'd then look at Vari's shoes. ''I will still punch you!'' He'd protest until Claire trampled over him as she exited the car and he'd simply groan, his face in dirt once gain.

Claire would giggle, placing her slender hand on her pale pink lips. ''The old man really needs to hush sometimes.'' She'd point out to which as Derek got to his feet he looked like a depressive cloud rained over him. ''Jellybean...'' Claire would then punch him in the face. ''Stop calling me that! I am not a sweetie!'' She'd shout at him, her face blushed.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Derek Everett Character Portrait: Claire Wilkson Character Portrait: Stan Ben Frank Character Portrait: Isaiah Gorilla Character Portrait: Erina 'Eri' Takahashi Character Portrait: Lucky Clover
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Isaiah got out to witness another bit of commotion go on. When Claire commented that Derek needed to sometimes keep quiet, the short man gave a nevous laugh. "Uh, I think Lu might be given the creeps if you two keep settling your disputes that way. Just saying. Don't know for sure."

Stan got out and motioned for everyone to hush, whispering, "From here, we keep a lid on what we're doing until we're inside. There's no telling whether Michael or the police may be watching. I've taken extra precautions to prevent them from realizing all my activities, but Michael still has enough wits to pose a problem if we're not careful. Follow me, and keep quiet."


Harry made sure everything was nice and neat prior to hearing Lucky speak frantically. He did not even have time to react before he was shaken half to death (if robots can die, that is). He regained his balance -plus, his thought process- to reply to her apology with, "No problem! No problem!"

He next saw Eri in a mood that was unlike her. "You okay, Eri? You okay, Eri?"


Stan led the group into the graveyard's woods, away from the graves themselves. once deep enough, he motioned for everyone to stop, right before placing both hands together to make a certain bird sound, signalling the robotic birds to let him know if it was all clear or not. Surely enough, a Cardinal-looking robot, which appeared completely organic, landed on the scientist's right shoulder, a sign it was all right to proceed. He next whispered to the others. "All clear, people. C'mon."

Just a few steps further, then he stopped right in front of what seemd to be a tree, until he snapped his fingers for bark to open and reveal a security screen. Placing a hand on the top-right corner of it, he let it be scanned, along with his eyes once he momentarily took off his prescription glasses. The moment he let his hand off the screen, it slid downwards to display a ladder inside the tree. Stan motioned for everyone to come with him before he climbed down, Isaiah following him.

The two made sure the others were inside before closing the door to have the secret entrance look like a regular tree again. Stan cleared his throat to speak up. "Now that we're in my home, we should proceed to the lobby. Harry has some snacks prepared there for your visit."

It took several minutes of walking the hallways to make it to the lobby, but once they did, they saw Harry, Eri, and Lucky, all together. Isaiah was the first to wak up to them, concern on his face. "Eri, what's wrong?" His eyes widened at the sudden realization. "Oh. Lucky's revival reminded you of your own, didn't it?" He stood on his toes -Eri was taller than the average person- while adding with a half-smile, "Hey, don't worry about it." Standing normally, Isaiah held Eri's left hand and kissed it.

Meanwhile, Stan noticed Harry patting his head to get any loose bolts out of his ear. "You okay, Harry? What rattled your head?"

"Lucky got nervous. Lucky got nervous."

"I see." The thought of it made the scientist grin with his mouth closed as he held both the green-haired girl's hands. "Lu, it's all right. Everything's going to be okay. Trust me."


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Derek Everett Character Portrait: Vari Mink Character Portrait: Claire Wilkson Character Portrait: Stan Ben Frank Character Portrait: Isaiah Gorilla Character Portrait: Erina 'Eri' Takahashi Character Portrait: Lucky Clover
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#, as written by phooka

Vari only smiled when Derek threatened him, looking at the older man, "If you punch me, I'll sue you for all you're worth." He responded cool-ly, it wasn't the first time he'd used such a threat. He laughed when Claire giggled, finding it cute. "I agree with Isaiah, you guys still scare me when you fight like that." He admitted, grabbing Claire's wrist without thinking and falling in step behind Stan, tugging her along behind him.

His eyes widened when he saw the fake bird and then more when he saw the tree. As he followed Stan through the halls, he let out a long whistle before saying, "damn, Stan. I knew you were smart, but this is ridiculous. You must've gone broke paying for all of this." He quirked an eyebrow at the inventor before busying himself with looking around the place.

It was immense and took quite a bit of time to finally get to the place Stan was leading them. Inside, there were two girls, one of which looked upset while the other seemed a bit frazzled. Vari watched at Isaiah went to the sad one and talked to her. He could tell they were a couple by the way he looked at her, even before he kissed her hand.

Feeling uncomfortable, he turned his attention to Stan who was also getting lovey dovey with the green haired girl. Frustrated, he looked down at his shoes and tried to clench his fists, but something was in the way. He realized he still had a firm grip on Claire's wrist and his eyes shot up to her face, his face flushing, before he released her and looked away.


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Eri looked over as Harry came up to her. "You okay, Eri? You okay, Eri?" Harry said, Eri smiled softly. Harry was on the fritz, repeating himself. "I'm fine." She said, melancholy evident in her voice. It was then Isaiah came up to her. He could read her better then anyone. "Eri, What's wrong?"He asked, his voice dripping with concern, before she could answer, his eyes widened with realization crossed his face. "Oh, Lucky's resurrection reminded you of your own. Didn't it?" He asked, standing on his toes. She giggled some at that. Her melancholic mood breaking some. "Hey, Don't worry about it." He said taking her hand and placing a small kiss on it. She smiled. "I'm fine. Just thinking that's all." She said softly. "What's going on anyway?" she asked looking around. Her eariler mood sort of blacked her out from the rest of the world so she really wasn't sure what was going on.


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Derek's face paled at Vari's comment and actually went button mouthed he'd then see him grab Claire's wrist and he smiled, he knew Vari was far from harming her since if it came to it she'd return the favor, as principle of course, no pun intended.

Claire would feel Vari clutch her wrist and pull her along, her face blushed but she didn't resist. She'd look up knowing Vari would lead her so she didn't need to focus her gaze in front of her for a time and she notice the mechanical security birds though they just looked like normal birds and her eyes showed fascination rather than wariness.

As they all came to a halt she'd finally look forward to see the two couples as she could see, she just could tell and her face though blank her eyes showed a hint of sadness. The as Vari took his hand away she went red in the face again and blinked before speaking or rather stuttering. ''Y-you know I am n-not going to kill you r-right?'' She'd then nervously laugh just to turn around to Derek who followed tightly behind Claire and Vari as he freaked out.

Derek would flail his arms around and pop up in between the couples pulling at his hair. ''Look! Look! Enough! This affection should be behind closed doors! An-and those b-bir-'' He'd go pale in the face and suddenly hit the floor out of it. Claire would run up to him and stroked his head.

''He's fine, he's just had a lot happen in one day....I am surprised he lasted this long to be honest, he has sleep problems that keep him up so well...this happens when overly active I supposed.'' She'd then sigh. ''He passed out once in the kitchen I was so worried that day...'' She'd then smile warmly then look at Stan. ''I-is there a chance you have a bed he can use?''


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Derek Everett Character Portrait: Vari Mink Character Portrait: Claire Wilkson Character Portrait: Stan Ben Frank Character Portrait: Isaiah Gorilla Character Portrait: Erina 'Eri' Takahashi Character Portrait: Lucky Clover
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Stan glanced towards Derek, then to Claire. "Affection? What do you mean by...?" He next noticed his hands holding Lu's, immediately withdrawing them with a blush. "W-we're not a couple. I didn't mean for it to come across that way."

Isaiah grinned mischeviously. "You like Lucky, don't you, Stan?"


"The look on your face explains your feelings, kid." The short man almost laughed.

"I said hush, Isaiah!"

"Sure, sure."

The scientist regained his posture after the little argument was over. "To answer your question, Claire, I, with the help of Isaiah and Harry, had plenty of rooms installed in case visitors arrived and needed somewere to rest during tehir stay. Harry will help you carry your foster dad to one of those rooms."

"No problem! No problem!"

Isaiah looked over at Eri. "Claire and her foster dad have coe to discuss adopting Lu. Once Claire comes back, we can begin. Vari came because he was the one who contacted Stn about a finger that was cut off Claire's hand, which that was fixed without a problem. You know how the scientist is with stuff like that."

Harry managed to carry Derek all the way to the nearest room, whih was the first onein one of the several halls that led to the lobby. As he placed him on the bed, the little robot said to Claire, "He'll be fine, here! He'll be fine, here!"


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Lucky's cheeks went red when people pointed out how Stan held her hands. Blushing she quickly looked at the ground her brain yelling at her not to make eye contact, even more so when she caught snippets of Isaiah teasing Stan. Lu was going to try and hide behind Harry but the robot took off to go carry Derek. Awkwardly standing there Lu shifted from foot to foot keeping her green eyes away. She was never a social human being under any form of pressure. Today would be no exception.


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Claire would watch as Derek was put onto a bed, she'd tuck him in then turn to Harry with a actual smile. ''Thankyou Harry, that was kind of you.'' She'd then walk back with Harry to where everyone else was and she folded her arms, resting on one hip. Her black dress riding up one side as she did this.

''So...what now Stan?''


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vari Mink Character Portrait: Claire Wilkson Character Portrait: Stan Ben Frank Character Portrait: Isaiah Gorilla Character Portrait: Erina 'Eri' Takahashi
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Stan glanced over to Claire, then to Lu, all the while a hint of sadness stayed plastered on his face. "This is where you and Lu talk to each other, Claire, without me interfering." The scientist proceeded to a different couch. "Snacks are on the table for all of you while you discuss adoption."

Isaiah motioned for Eri to follow him to another empty couch to sit on. "I think it best we stay out of the conversation, too, Eri." Once seated, the short man waited for his girlfriend to sit beside him before holding her hand, hoping everything would turn out alright. For once in his life, he actually remained silent while pondering what the end result might be.

Harry guided Claire to the couch where the table with snacks was. "It's okay, Lucky! It's okay! You and Claire can have a chat."


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Eri followed Isaiah and sat beside him. "Okay then." She said as she watched the events unfold. "Wait, why adoption? I mean. What's the point...I mean we're not even alive so I don't see the relevance?" Eri asked him, she was never one to mince her words and she never had much of a filter to begin with but this time, she actually whispered her opinion so not to be rude. Death really mellowed her out. "I suppose it's all just a formality but still it seems a little...I don't know...asenine?"


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Character Portrait: Isaiah Gorilla Character Portrait: Erina 'Eri' Takahashi
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Isaiah shrugged and whispered. "Maybe, but Lu is still a minor. It'll be that much more difficult to keep our secrets about there being undead folk if we cannot have everyone live their lives like the living do. The whole purpose of the project was to give people a second chance at having their lives fulfilled. Stan made that perfectly clear. He doesn't want people to be couped up here all the time. What kind of life is that?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Claire Wilkson Character Portrait: Stan Ben Frank Character Portrait: Lucky Clover
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Lucky froze and looked at Stan. "But... Ummm..." Looking back at Claire she waved her arms feeling like lead. "H-Hi... Claire?" Glancing back again at Stan Lu caught a little sadness in his eyes. inching closer to the scientist Lu poked him. "Stan... If I do get urm... Adopted... I can still visit you right? I mean... This place is big enough for me to get lost in but... I'd still like to come back... You know what I won't even give you a choice... Il definitely come back for a visit." Hugging the scientist quickly Lu put on a smile. "Thank you..."

Bowing her head Lu spun around and moved over to the couch before awkwardly putting out her hand. "Hello Claire... I'm Lucky... But people call me Lu I'd love it if you would too." Smiling waywardly Lu chuckled. "I rhymed... Looks like I was a poet and I did not even know it." Grinning more genuinely Lu sat down and hugged her knees.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vari Mink Character Portrait: Claire Wilkson Character Portrait: Lucky Clover
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#, as written by phooka

''Y-you know I am n-not going to kill you r-right?''

Vari turned his head toward her, quirking an eyebrow quizzically. "What's that supposed to mean?" He muttered, searching her face for an answer to her bizarre statement, but his attention was diverted as Derek began his routine of freaking out over everything and anything. As usual.

He ran around the room tormenting the two 'couples' and pulling their hair, yelling at them before he collapsed on the floor. Vari couldn't help but chuckle at the whole thing, it was pretty stupid looking to the snobbish rich boy. His grin widened when he watched Stan get defensive over Isaiah's accusation of him liking the girl named Lucky. The blonde's face turned bright red and it was more than obvious what his feelings were.

Vari went to grab a snack for himself from the table but didn't find anything that looked necessarily appetizing to him, so he returned to Claire's side as she sat with the girl named Lucky to talk about the adoption on the couch.


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Character Portrait: Derek Everett Character Portrait: Claire Wilkson Character Portrait: Stan Ben Frank Character Portrait: Lucky Clover
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Claire would sit there and listen to Lucky with a blank face, she couldn't help this but her eyes would tell her she was happy, her eyes were her way of telling others how she felt, she was always this way, got bullied because of this but that never turned her away from this unusual quirk of hers.

She'd watch as Lucky went over to Stan to comfort him and she'd then open her mouth. ''Yes, of course, I don't mind and Derek won't either, he's just protective of family and maybe go to extreme almost get killed by a on going truck on the other side of the road as yo drive off with someone he doesn't know that ends up that you need to save his hide....but he is a good father no doubt.'' She'd momentarily smile though it was awkwardly done so she stopped, at least she tried...


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vari Mink Character Portrait: Claire Wilkson Character Portrait: Stan Ben Frank Character Portrait: Isaiah Gorilla Character Portrait: Erina 'Eri' Takahashi Character Portrait: Arthur Zephyr Character Portrait: Andromeda Attalli Verde
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Stan listened as Lucky mentioned she would come by to visit. Somehow, it made him happier inside. Another blush entered his features while she hugged him. That same hug caused a small grin to appear, as well. And yet, he did not say a word. Stan did mention that he would not interfere in the conversation between her and Claire.


Arthur held Andy for a while before letting go and clearing his throat. "So, you said your brother needs his prescriptions? We might want to get that for him first before we go out for some burgers."

He helped out whenever he could. Being the son of the sheriff, he was raised to be responsible. If dad finds out about Andy being undead, there's no telling what could happen to her. No doubt, Stan won't be happy about me knowing. I know him well enough to realize he is not one to take more chances than he has to.


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Character Portrait: Claire Wilkson Character Portrait: Lucky Clover
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Lucky laughed. "Well pretty sure I wont be getting into any strangers vehicle so no need to worry... I think him being protective would be quite nice actually... It means your certainly cared for..." Lucky smiled. "Hey Claire... Would you mind having me around... I mean I'm pretty much a stranger... I don't want to impose..." Lucky frowned hating the thought of suddenly interjecting on a well set up family. Lu also thought of something. "A-and don't even worry about school I could take all my courses online if I want! And maybe get a job!" Lucky smiled awkwardly, hoping to receive a positive response from Claire.


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Character Portrait: Arthur Zephyr Character Portrait: Andromeda Attalli Verde Character Portrait: Isabella Ahala Shuvine
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Before Andy realized what had happened, Arthur had pulled her into an almost crushing hug. She felt nothing but surprise in that moment. She had thought that he would be ... Disgusted with her. This was definitely not what she had expected. So there she stood, frozen, for several moments. Finally, she found that she was able to move. Her arms slipped up around his back, her hands curling over his shoulders, and her tears trickled down her cheeks. She buried her face in his shoulder and forced herself to calm down, and when he pulled away, instantly missed the warmth of his embrace.

At the mention of her brother's asthma and allergy medications, she cast a look at her watch. It was just a little past five, which gave them plenty of time to get to the pharmacy, go out for something to eat, and then return home. She removed her wallet and flipped through the cash that was inside of it, pulled thirty out, and shoved it into her front pocket, her wallet in one of her back ones.

She turned on her heel and began down the street. It wasn't far to the pharmacy, and they were in and out fairly quickly. It was even further to the fast food joint that they had made a regular date-site for them, and when they entered, were greeted with several 'Hello's' from the staff. Andy led the way to the counter and slid onto a stool.

"Hey kids. The usual?" a smiling waitress asked as she approached behind the bar.

"Hi Julie. Yeah, the usual. Just some burgers, fries, and a smoothie, please," Andy replied, smiling over at Arthur. She spun on the seat, leaned up, and pecked a kiss on the corner of his lips. "You really are a good guy, you know that, Arthur?" she asked quietly, before spinning back to face forward.

"Wah! My knee! I can feel it slowly becoming more shattered by the second!"


"Somebody, please! Call an ambulance! No, wait, don't! Just shoot me and end my endless, tormenting pain!"


"Oh, it hurts so badly! It's broken, it's broken for sure this time! And it's bleeding! Is that bone I see?"


"I'm going to die! I'm doing to die from the pain! Somebody end my misery, or I'll - Ooo, look at the beautiful dress! Hey, miss, where'd you get it?"

The owner of the game store, also known as her boss of her part-time job, sighed and rubbed at the bridge of his nose. In exchange for her usage of the games, study of customer's responses to certain types of games, and the computer design program that they had at the store, Isabella worked for the man as a part-time job. He loved having her around, but sometimes ...

Isabella hopped up and smiled at the woman, immediately beginning to chatter away about dresses and other accessories. The woman looked extremely uncomfortable, squirming and casting desperate looks for help at Izzy's boss, who leaped to the rescue.

"Isabella, you can go ahead and clock out early. It's a bit slow today, so why don't you go play some video games or something?" he offered tiredly. He pushed several golden tokens across the counter to her, and she snatched them up, holding one before her face.

"Shiny ..." she mumbled in awe, seemingly mesmerized. Yes, she acted like a total ditz, but in actuality, was quite smart, especially when it came to computers. She turned and skipped away, the skirt of her maid's costume bouncing with each step, and immediately approached one of her most favorite games, Guitar Hero. She slipped in a coin, strapped on the plastic, electronic guitar, and selected Expert Mode. Quickly choosing Eye of the Tiger as her song, her fingers began to fly across the keys, almost seeming to be a blur on the plastic neck of the guitar.