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In a world where magic is passed through the blood and families of sorcerers rule as God-kings, a new arcane science will rise to challenge the old order.

3,477 readers have visited Magelord since Scumbag_Brain created it.



In the beginning Four Celestial Dragons, Kanu, Maaz, Bal and Falion, breathed the elements into life. They then wove those elements into the tapestry of our world that is called Iridiah or First Breath. From the soil of Iridiah they sculpted man and granted him dominion over bird and beast. Then from those first men they took the wisest and breathed into them part of their spirit. These became the Mage Lords and the Dragons, in their wisdom, granted them dominion over all lesser men

~The Liturgy Chapter 1, Verse 1


The civilized world is dominated by the Eldritch Houses, noble families of magelords (sorcerers) who inherit their magical talents and can trace their lineages back to the first men. Their highly ritualized feudal society dominates a huge archipelago called the Kelvani or Eldritch Isles. Generally each House holds an island as their ancestral territory, but in recent ages they have spread their influence, founding colonies in the untamed lands of the east. Powering this grab for resources is the growing scarcity in the overpopulated isles and the ever thinning ley lines whose crystalline stones the sorcerers need to augment their powers.

History and Culture

The shared Kelvanic religion, Dracolism, holds that the Mage Lords were raised from human stock in ancient times by powerful God-beings, dragons, who tasked them with sheparding lesser mortals and granted them the power and wisdom to do so. Temples tended by dracolytes, often unblooded affiliates of an Eldritch House, exist in every settlement throughout the Isles and their colonies across the sea. The unblooded are expected to attend regular services at dawn of the ninth day and pay a tithe, little more than another tax to their rulers. Dracolism is based on the Liturgy, a series of ancient writings claimed to have been handed down from dragons to man at the dawn of time.

In truth, no one is sure where the sorcerers or even humans came from for no records exist of those ancient times. There are of course heresies which compete with church doctrine, theories people whisper to one another in the shadows of taverns and secret halls. The most popular of these involves the idea of a mythical being called a wizard. In these forbidden tales a wizard is described as a being like a sorcerer but whose magic is not bound by blood. Such stories claim it was one of these primordial mages who created the lesser sorcerers of today not a dragon or God. Doubtless to say, the nobles are not to fond of this hypothesis and the mere mention of it has condemned men to the gallows or worse.

The social structure of the Eldritch Isles is highly stratified and formal. It is a no holds-barred feudalism where one's Lord is all the more a figure of respect because they can incinerate you with a gesture if you don't pay your taxes. In this world those born into the nobility spend their days in study, practicing their magical arts and the more mundane art of courtly life, etiquette. Occasionally, when the Houses squabble, they depart to war but in such engagements it is usually the peasant conscripts who die, not the sorcerers who stand at a safe distance at either end of the field hurling their spells. In this world the best an unblooded can hope for is a servant's position at the local estate. Most, however, spend their lives working the fields or mining the ley lines. For this reason, many volunteer to travel to the colonies despite the dangers both on the journey and awaiting them across the sea.

The Alliances

Noble politics are defined by the Alliances, two powerful groups of Houses bound by treaty and shared cultural heritage. The Northern Alliance includes all the isles north of the equator and is divided geographically from the Crescent Alliance of the south by the violent Sea of Sarvosa, a rough stretch of water forever pounded by easterly winds blown in from the western ocean and funneled by the isles. The cultural divisions between the two alliances, however, are sharper than any natural boundary. The two cultures split off more than a thousand years ago when a prophet arrived on the shores of a southwestern isle, a prophet named Xlisandi, a name foreign to all Kelvanni tongues. This prophet claimed to come from a land where the Dragons still ruled and she added to the liturgy another Chapter, the Chapter of the Return, which prophesizes the return of the Dragons themselves to rule over man. The Southern isles who would come to form the Crescent Alliance embraced her teachings, but they never penetrated north, fostering a religious divide between the two realms.

Another cultural difference between the two alliances is their approach to the unblooded. While the Northern Houses have extended more freedoms to their peasants over the ages, the Southern Houses have remained traditional believing that those not touched by dragon blood are, by default, slaves. However, the southern nobles have been known to recognize the 'spirit' of the dragon in their unblooded slaves, occasionally elevating their status to be knights, clerks and even advisers in their courts. In the New World the Northern Alliance tends to found colonies letting lower level nobility and commoners cement their hold over the land. Meanwhile, the Crescent Houses have avoided permanent settlements and favor remote trading and military outposts. Due to their less invasive tactics they are generally better thought of by the natives, but they also lack the resources, in terms of manpower, available to the Northern Alliance.

The Colonies

The Colonies lie along the eastern shore of a continent thought by its original discoverers to be the mythical Dragon Home. Instead of containing dragons, however, early explorers found it filled with lush forests and untouched wilds. Living within the bush were tribal people who possessed little in terms of technology, but had a wondorous talent for coaxing magic from the naturally enchanted plants and animals of their land. Although, sorcerers only scorned this savage magic, some unblooded appreciated the meaning of a sorcery that derived from knowledge not inheritance. In time people would come to call this new magic Alchemy and sorcerers would come to fear it like nothing else.

The colonies grew over time, but the more they pressed west the more united the natives became, until, when a continental alliance formed against them, they found their progress halted. At present a treaty keeps colonials from crossing the Vidlain, a mighty river that cleaves the New World in twain and for the time being they have honored these terms (at least officially). This is partly due to the power of the new native confederation, but also due to rising tensions between the unblooded colonists and the nobles. Most colonists have grown used to independence in a land where few nobles dared tread and now that they had tamed it, the sorcerers are arriving in droves, bringing their hated feudalism with them. The colonies are, quite frankly, a powder keg, set to explode.


All nobles are born with some degree of magical talent, but like any inherited trait, some inherit more than others. Some unlucky nobles, called Sparks, can only conjure the slightest cantrip while others, called Dragonbloods, can summon great magics with the flick of a finger and do so without tiring. As the centuries have passed, however, the incidence of such wild talents has become more and more rare and some have begun to whisper of a thinning of the blood. It is for fear of this loss of potency that sorcerers often marry within their families, a tradition that has carried with it all the problems associated with inbreeding: hemophilia, insanity, deformity, and physical frailty.

Sorcery itself is limited by the blood. A fire mage of House Solimond will never be able to conjure lightning no matter how hard he tries. A rifter of House Ishar can manipulate space, shift it to levitate and even warp it to teleport, but he'll never be able to effect anything but space. Sorcerers can often be quite creative with how they employ their talent. A fire mage could blast an enemy with steam if a water source was available and some Ishar dragon bloods have been rumored to travel through time since, it is believed, it is just another kind of space. Ultimately, however, sorcery is limited and not just by it's kind but also by power. The reserves of all sorcerers are finite and all will eventually tire if they tap their abilities excessively. To abate this weakness, the mage lords use ley stones, crystals mined from deep in the earth where flows of magic have left their imprint on the rock. They use chunks of these minerals as magical batteries and often encrust such stones in staffs, wands, tiaras, even swords. They also use lower quality ley dust to make magical inks, these inks are used to paint runes and affix spells to structures, items, even people.


Alchemy is a magical science by which unblooded people can mix magical ingredients in the correct proportions to produce an effect called a reaction. Such reactions are often initiated by exposure to heat or magical energy. The colonists originally learned alchemy from the Dracomar natives or Wildlings, but they have since expanded it into a complicated and powerful science capable of creating weapons which rival the spells of sorcerers. Of these weapons, the most common is the musket, a long barreled contraption which uses a magical reaction initiated by a spark to propel a metal ball. The ingredients used for the blast vary but the impact of the speeding ball is invariably lethal.

The nobles are rightly afraid of alchemy and some laws have already been passed proscribing certain alchemical weapons and experiments. Proceeding in the face of such regulations and creating hotbeds of dissension are the two great colonial Academies, Hazlin in the North and Cambrill in the South. Here alchemy is taught and researched much to the dismay of the mage lords and their church.


The colonists call them wildlings but they call themselves the Wikani which means of the land. The first alchemists, their practice of the art differs philosophically from the colonists. Where as the later sees ingredients as intert matter to be measured, the Wikani see all things as spirit. To them creating an alchemical reaction is the same as communing with the spirits of the land. Although, colonial alchemists often dismiss their beliefs as superstitions the Wikani still continue to achieve feats which elude the colonists. They have managed to 'domesticate' the most dangerous magical beasts of the New World and their ability to magically manipulate living material through alchemy, wood and flesh, far exceeds that of the colonials who are bumbling children by comparison. The weakness of the wildlings is their lack of fire arms for they possess neither foundary nor factory. Instead they deliver their alchemical spells by spear or arrow.


The marked are indentured servants of the Eldritch Houses identified by the runes, painted in glittering ley ink upon their foreheads. Although the marked are technically slaves, many are augmented by the spell bound by their rune, an innate spell they use in service of their masters. Unlike sorcerers, however, their magical energy does not recharge and when their glowing rune goes dim, they must return to their masters to be 'refueled.' Most of the marked are subjugated not only through indoctrination and oath but by their addiction to the rush of magic granted to them by their patrons.


I will only list two Houses below for I want most to come from the minds of players or be encountered through the course of the game.

House Solimond: Ruling under the banner of the salamander, a fire breathing reptile, these mage lords are far from cold blooded. Known for both their passion and their temper, the fire mages ruthlessly rule the volcanic isles of the far west. Those of the Solimond blood tend toward tan or brown skin with brilliant orange or red hair. Their magic always involves fire, though only the most powerful can conjure flame from nothing, most need a ready source of fire to work their art.

House Ishar: Arguably the most ancient House, the Ishar rule under the banner of the encircled triangle. Their members share a passion for math particularly geometry and have erected structures of dizzying symmetry on their desert isle. Their magic is called rifting, the alteration of space. This talent makes them one of the most important houses, for it is their portals which connect the islands to one another and make instant travel between them possible. Like the people of the south the Ishar tend toward dark skin, but are marked by their bright almost luminescent eyes. Traditionalists in the extreme, the Ishar have yet to even embrace feudalism and keep their unblooded population in a state of complete subjugation.


Characters can be Unblooded , Noble born or Wildling. Non human characters will not be allowed to start, but may open up later as the story progresses.


The story will take place in the colonies. The exact details of where will be hammered out in the OOC. This will allow me to mold the setting based on what people want to play and grant maximum flexibility.


The story will be driven by the characters so direction and outcome are both uncertain. It will most likely focus on the growing tension and possible violence between the unblooded colonists and their mage lord masters over the issues of alchemy and personal liberty.

Character Sheets

If you need one, you are not ready. Write a description of your character including their background and an overview of their House if they are noble or marked. That is your character sheet.

Toggle Rules

1) Be patient enough to read the whole introduction
2) Be a halfway decent writer (ie. your posts do not make me want to autolobotomize)
3) Be able to post 2/week
4) Be aware that your character is not immortal

Browse All » 11 Settings to roleplay in

Eldritch (Kelvanni) Isles

Eldritch (Kelvanni) Isles by Scumbag_Brain

A vast archipelago the size of a small continent, these islands are the ancestral home of the magelords and the center of their civilization.

Avoryll (The New World)

Avoryll (The New World) by Scumbag_Brain

A recently discovered continent that is still largely unexplored by the colonizing mage lords.

North Avoryll

North Avoryll by Scumbag_Brain

The Northern continent of the New World, characterized by temperate and cool forests and weathered green mountains.

South Avoryll (The Thornlands)

South Avoryll (The Thornlands) by Scumbag_Brain

A barely tamed land of impenetrable jungles and deadly swamps dominated by an advanced and savage native civilization and dotted by Xlisandic mines, forts and outposts.

The Torrent

The Torrent by Scumbag_Brain

A raging passage of sea and storm that divides North from South Avoryll.

Aurovian Ocean (The Ocean of Two Storms)

Aurovian Ocean (The Ocean of Two Storms) by Scumbag_Brain

The great ocean that divides the Old World from the New. It is dominated by two great storms, permanent hurricanes that make much of its water impassable.

Dragonstorm (Dracaurian) Ocean

Dragonstorm (Dracaurian) Ocean by Scumbag_Brain

The ocean that lies to the East of the Eldritch Isles, it is dominated by a single great storm that has thwarted all attempts at passage.

Fort Kragmar

Fort Kragmar by Scumbag_Brain

Fort Kragmar is a tall castle built on the impossibly precarious perch of a narrow rock outcrop. It is surrounded on all sides by a dark forboding swamp.

New Phelesia

New Phelesia by Scumbag_Brain

Named after the capitol city of Lyara, the home Isle of House Lynari, New Phelesia is located within an inlet on the shore of a large bay. It is the trading capitol of the New World and the wealthiest city in the colonies.


Airadosh by Scumbag_Brain

This cut off little colony is about 1 mile from its port on the Vidlain. Said port is the center of all the towns trade, as it holds the towns market. It also has 2 large warehouses, 1 for food to trade out and the other for metals and other mined goods t


Iridiah by Scumbag_Brain

A largely unexplored world dominated by ocean with three moons and a yellow star.

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Udru felt the familiar twisting in his stomach as the liquid air of the rift gate began to shimmer. Behind him, one of the new recruits doubled over, spilling his lunch onto the muddy courtyard. No one laughed, few among them had never puked at the arrival of a caravan. The world itself seemed to lurch forward when the portal opened and Urdu's stomach with it. At the apex of the parabolic gate, the ley stone that powered it's magic shone like a captured star. Some of the men hid their eyes and another rookie in the back emptied his stomach. This was not a normal caravan.

Urdu stepped back as the first horse came through. Blinds kept the beast from going berserk in the passage. Watching the hordes and their loaded carraiges go by, Urdu wondered if he might mask his men similarly to keep them from staining the courtyard. Three caravans past, bread, both solid and liquid, everything to keep men alive in this hellish swamp. Then behind them, Uru saw the reason for the disturbance, not mass, but magic had destabilized the portal. The troops fell to their knees. Urdu followed them, not daring to raise his eyes until he heard the words, "marked follow me." The man covered in faintly glowing tatoos, turned command over to one of the unblooded conscripts before following after the white pony and it's cloaked rider.

The magelord leaned upon the stone window ledge peering out through the sheets of rain. Behind him and beneath his notice, slaves scurried about with furniture, lamps and brooms trying to make the room fit for one of the dragon blood. Astride his sunken shoulders, Urdu waited for his orders. He wished he had been prepared for the arrival of a noble, but he understood why the mages would want to keep their enemies unaware of their movements. "Leave us," said the sorcerer, sending the servants out the door in a flood. It closed courteously behind them, leaving the two men standing in silence and surrounded by stone. The sorcerer turned about, pulling back the hood of his cloak. Beneath, Urdu saw the perfect ebony complexion of the Ishar bloodline, marred only by a single gold piercing in the man's brow. He surprised Urdu by extending a hand, "Alidar ap Ishar."

Urdu graciously accepted the hand, it was not often that an unblooded, even a Marked, was allowed to touch a sorcerer. "Urdu, faithful servant of House Jheeard." Alidor smiled pleasantly, "I have heard of you from your Lord."

"You honor me, my Lord."

"In fact, he tells me," said the sorcerer pacing over to his luggage. "That you are quite skilled..." he rummaged in his things until he found a metallic board covered in an etched pattern of hexagons, "... at the game."

"My Lord..."

"Oh I know most of the sorcerers won't play you." He placed the board on the room's central table, "the fact that they will not speaks volumes of your skill and their vanity." He gestured for the marked to sit. "You will find I despise vanity, Urdu." The sorcerer's eyes, solid pearls of lavender, followed the Marked man as he approached the board. "It's a lie, you see, vanity, and I despise lies. They stink, Urdu, and I can smell them. That's why they send me... in cases like this." Alidor placed a bowel full to the brim with flattened beads, black and white. "Choose your color."

"My Lord," Urdu dared as he began to pick out his black zota from the bowel, "might I ask you your reason for coming."

Alidor made a face, "do you intend to stain the purity of the zota board with politics?"

"Forgive me I..."

Alidor waved away his apology, "I jest, better I tell you that worry does not throw your game. Word has traveled through the rift of your prisoners and their... exotic... story."

"Lies, I assure you, siah."

"We shall see," replied the sorcerer, placing his first white piece on the center hex, "like I said, I can smell a lie."


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The guard's hand immediately went to his saber, but he relaxed when he noticed the arcane script of the marked's tatoos lighting the darkness. "Urdu, I'm sorry I didn't expect anyone so late... My Lord!" the guard bowed his head as the mage materialized out of the darkened stairwell.

"Our Lord, Alidor wishes to speak with the prisoners, the Nevics." The guard only nodded, to afraid to speak. He fumbled with his keys under the unnerving eyes of the magelord and after some difficulty coaxed the lock open. Grabbing a torch from the wall he thrust it into the dark of the dungeon and lead them forward. Urdu spotted the group in the first cell. Their fair skin, though stained by the muck and dirt of their surroundings, still served to identify them as Northerners. Alidor stepped close to the bars, the sight of his eyes causing the prisoners to draw back. He smiled at them well aware of his unnerving appearance. "Word of your epic journey has reached us in Port Lotaris, as has the explanation as to how a party of Northern Frontiersman found themselves so deep in South Avoryll. I was hoping one of you gentlemen would confirm the story we've already heard."

"Don't tell that blasted heretic anything, boys you hear."

Urdu tensed at the affront to his Lord, but a soothing touch from the sorcerer calmed him. "Are you men familiar with rifting?"

The man who'd already spoken grunted, "yer damn portals what of em?"

"Well, you see it is a common misconception that all our sorcery is good for is transporting objects. Powerful as teleportation is, there are much more basic applications of the art." His eyes fixed on their leader, "take you for instance, all your constituent parts, flesh, sinew, organs, they are all arranged in space." The sorcerer's hand slid out from his robes, fingers hooked like a claw. "Now if you change the space." As they clenched a scream unlike any heard within that dungeons walls erupted from the man. "You change the arrangement." The scream rose to a sharp climax followed by the most gut wrenching chorus of rending, tearing and cracking. Urdu found himself unable to look away as the interior and exterior of the man swapped positions in the most gruesome fashion. The bleeding pulsating mass that resulted looked like the outcome of a failed experiment. It groaned in an inhuman voice from some new orifice formed in the process then fell upon the floor with a revolting squelch.

The magelord's hand vanished once more into the folds of his cloak, a grin carved upon his flawless face, "strange just the tiniest rearrangement of space and look what a mess results." His lavender eyes shifted to the remaining prisoners, still recovering from the shock of seeing their comrade literally turned inside out. "Now, I'm hoping one of you can be more helpful than your friend and regale me with the tale of your journey."

The setting changes from Fort Kragmar to New Phelesia


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"Siah, we've arrived, siah we're docked..."

The mage's eyes battled the glare of the noonday harbor stabbing at him through his window. "Docked...what, why didn't you wake me, I..." He made to move, but found his legs still lashed tight to the floor.

"Let me get that siah," the spritely cabin girl rushed to undo the buckles around the old man's bony ankles.

"Oh, oh thank you my dear... I still wonder why the captain didn't request my permission at the bow... Harbor and all, good to have the wind at your side."

"He said not to bother you, siah," replied the girl as she finished her work, "something about one broken cornermast is enough."

Legs free the old sorcerer slid off cot with a hruumph. "Why I told the captain that gale was not my fault. Two fronts coming together, very unstable, like having a Solimond and a Veran in the same court, hard to predict what'll happen you know."

The girl nodded, "I tried to explain to him. I remember when that storm was looming on the horizon and you sat on the bow all day just trying to ward it off."

"And suffered more than a few seagull droppings for my trouble I will tell you," the sorcerer boasted, smiling behind the white whiskers of his beard. The cabin girl laughed as she helped pull Lord Savyus ap Lynaria, elder of the House of Wind Sorcerers, up out of his cot. "Thankyou Trea."

"For what, Lord Savyrus?"

"For putting up with this weathered old weather mage for four weeks."


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Savyus could feel his joints crackle as he stretched. Beyond the gangplank what one might call a noble procession awaited his departure. He patted Trea on the head before leaving, "be a good girl now and remember what I told you about red skies at night."

The cabin girl nodded, "I will Lord Savyus."

"Good journey."

Holding the dockline to keep himself steady, the old sorcerer stepped along the gang plank, wondering why it was so much steeper than it had been in his youth. At the base a sea gull stood on one of the dock pilings regarding the old man with a crooked gaze. Savyus looked from it to the white stains on the shoulders of his robes and back again. Suddenly an unexpected gust knocked the bird off it's perch and nearly into the bay.

"Father," a young man stepped from the shadows of the ship's sails. A single shock of white hair fell in front of his eyes, he swept it back with an idle motion, "how was your trip."

"... Let us just say that I lack the cast iron stomach of my youth and leave it at that." One arm around his narrow frame, the young mage lead the elder down the pier followed by a handful of attendants. At the end of the pier, horses and more servants stood waiting patiently. Beyond them the sprawling city of New Phelesia, it's shingled horizon broken by the great windmills, a staple of Lynaran architecture. Savyus had not seen the colony for over twenty years, and in those two decades it had grown from a bustling town to a metropolis that rivaled it's mother across the ocean.

"You've been busy... are you sure you even have time for a wife?"

"Well, I didn't exactly build it all myself... though," he pointed to one of the mills in the distance, it's twenty foot blades spinning steadily in the breeze, "I did do the enchantment for the Cypress Street turbine, working nicely so far, there hasn't been flood there since we installed it."

"Bah, I don't care about pumps and wind engines, when am I going to meet this girl who is going to bury me in dragonblooded grandchildren."

"Soon, Dad, soon in fact she's helping us host a party for the local nobility tonight, though... there is one thing you should know..." He stopped his father an earshot away from the waiting servants and gave the attendants a look. They both averted their eyes respectfully. "... she... well, she is not Windborn."

The setting changes from New Phelesia to Fort Kragmar


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The prisoners watched in shock as guardsman drug away the unrecognizable mass that had once been their leader. "I'm waiting to be entertained," Alidor reminded them politely.

"Well you see, Lord," one of the men began in a still quivering voice, "we was already deep in Wikani territory, well past the Great River when we lost our guide to the savages. The men... their packs were still lite... and we figured we could find our own way if we sketched a map, so we kept on hunting for furs, scales, horns, anything we thought would bring good coin from the alchemists...

"But we got turned around in the mountains. Lost. Some of the men, they figured if we just forged south to the Torrent we could follow the cliffs straight back to the cape and the port there. Well, the plan was good except the damn Wikani had been trackin' us. Caught us near the cliffs and drove us nearly right off the edge... That's when we saw it, siah."

"What," Alidor pressed, "saw what?"

"A dragon." The hand emmerged from the robe once more. "No my Lord! Please!! I'm telling the truth, I beg of you, I'm telling the truth."

"This dragon... it saved you from the Wikani?"

"Yes, siah, it carried us across the Torrent even, but the winds must have been to much fer her, she lost control, fell and died on the far side. Some of the men were killed in the crash... the rest of us we were spotted by your patrol, the rest you know."

Alidor took a moment to digest the story before speaking. Urdu watched his eyes glimmer and was certain another prisoner was about to be mutilated. Instead the hand retracted into the robes, "tomorrow you will lead us to this dragon. If it is as you say, you may live. If not, your viscera will know the light of day, do we understand one another?"

The setting changes from Fort Kragmar to North Avoryll


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Adion walked slowly through the forest. He was kicking up random brush trying to find out if anything valuable lied under the cover of the leaves. Onix walked by his side, sniffing the air to make sure that his master was safe.

The sun began to shine on Adion's face as it rose in the sky. Its harsh beams smacking Adions pale face but leaving his slightly tanned arms and legs alone. Thus, Adion pulled his cloaks hood a little to help to block the light from hitting his face. As Adion looked back at the ground, he stopped.

Onix looked up at Adion wondering why Adion had stopped. Soon it became obvious as Adion bent over, picking up a small, glowing red plant. It practically emanated warmth, making one feel like they are near a fire. Adion then put the plant into a small, wood jar and closed the lid.

"Don't worry Onix, we're almost done." Adion said to Onix, who responded with a quick, playful bark. Within the next five or so minutes, Adion managed to find his way to a large tree with white bark. Adion then took out a knife and shaved some of the bark, being careful not to cut too deep.

"Well Onix, it's time to go home. Come on boy." Adion said cheerfully. He was longing the nice cool room which he preformed alchemy in. He was not quite as fond of the sun as his mother, but not as fearful of it as his father. That doesn't mean that he truly likes the sun either. Adion preferred spring. The plants are best then, and the weather is perfect.

The setting changes from North Avoryll to South Avoryll (The Thornlands)

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Machete wielding slaves surrounded the sorcerer and his small entourage like a wall of swords. The vegetation they leveled would be grown back in a day. Urdu's eyes weren't on them, however, but the intact brambles beyond the reach of their blades. News of the assassination of the head of House Sakti had reached the fort and if a House elder could die by a native blade then so could anyone. Alidor, none the less, looked completely unconcerned, hands folded beneath his robes like a monk as he followed their chained prisoner's somewhat erratic course.

"Do calm yourself, Urdu, you're making me nervous."

"Apologies, my Lord but one can never be calm in the Thornlands."

"You think your agitation makes you more alert, do you?"

"I do my Lord."

"And our game, last night, you were agitated then, yet you lost."

"I lost because you are a better player, my Lord."

"Incorrect, you lost because you weren't relaxed." Alidor's eyes touched upon the marked man's hand, knuckles circled with tattoos. It shook ever so slightly as it hovered over the pommel of his scimitar. The magelord's voice went quiet, "how long has it been, Urdu?"

A knowing look passed between them. "...To long," he responded carefully to keep his voice from being overheard by the surrounding entourage.

"Why is there no member of House Jeeard at the Fort."

"There was siah... one of the beasts here, we call them wyverns, attacked her. They carry a nasty poison in their tail barb... she was dead before we could get her back to the castle."

"...Always sad when one of the blood dies, the gift is rare enough as it is."

"Aye, siah."

"When I return to the Port, I will make sure they send a replacement. The holding needs a magelord and you need magic."

The prisoner came to an abrupt stop, drawing the entire party's gaze in the process. Even the machete men stopped their thwacking. "My Lord," the prisoner said meekly, "it's just past that ridge... I think."

Alidor stepped past the Northerner, "for your sake lets hope you think correctly." Slaves and servants rushed to keep up with their masters and Urdu drew his scimitar, his runed skin glowing in readiness. It could always be a Nedic trap after all. With each step, however, that possibility became less and less likely.

"...By the Prophetess," Urdu breathed, "he told the truth." Distracted by the sight, he didn't notice his Lord walking past him toward the unknown. Before he could object Alidor was touching the great winged corpse of the dead behemoth. "My Lord... it's real... a dragon... an elder God."

Alidor laughed, "Gods don't die, Urdu, neither are they made of metal."

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Urdu stepped forward. His wide eyes had yet to remember to blink. "But my Lord... if this is not a dragon what is it."

Alidor traced a hand along one of the thing's shattered wings, "it's a machine... it's alchemy."

Urdu followed the sorcerer as he stepped around the side of the metal construct. The shape and countenance of the creation was that of a dragon, but the longer he looked at it, the more he began to agree with his master that it was effigy only. "But... siah surely the colonists couldn't have built such a thing, a metal beast that flies."

Alidor laughed, "oh no, this is far far beyond their alchemy or our enchantment." The sorcerer fumbled at the edges of what looked like a door for a moment before turning to Urdu, "I hate to impose upon your limited reserves, but could you?"

"Of course, siah." Urdu stepped up to the craft and placed his hand above the door. "... siah, considering you're wearing jewelry you might want to step back a pace or two."

"Well advised," Alidor agreed tapping his piercing. Once the sorcerer stood at a safe distance, Urdu's tatoos flashed. The metal below his hand groaned and warped in response. From the ground a few stray rivets, dislodged by the crash, flew up to attach themselves to his palm. Another flash of his tattoos and the door's lockbolt snapped freeing it to swing out to the marked's waiting grasp. Urdu peered inside the beast and instead of guts saw a narrow cabin littered with the bodies of those who did not survive the crash. "I don't understand, siah, if the Nedics didn't build this and we didn't... who did?"

Alidor ducked into the ship's interior. He turned over one of the bodies, same as the others in state of decay but different in clothing. The sorcerer's eyes looked past the putrid flesh to her strange garb, made of an alien fabric both light and strong with the texture of beeswax. "She built it... or her people did."

Urdu inspected the corpse with one hand shielding his mouth and nose from the smell, "is she a... native?"

"I don't know but I intent to find out."

The setting changes from South Avoryll (The Thornlands) to North Avoryll


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Onix started to bound after his master but something, smell or sound or both stopped him. Hackles raised, he stalked toward the brush, ears flattened, fangs bared. When the brush failed to reveal its dangers he barked then growled. When the foliage rattled, the wolf fell silent, every muscle wound tight and ready to spring. What emerged in response to his alarm was neither game nor fowl, but a girl, a girl who looked like no one Adion had ever seen, yet undeniably a girl. Her skin was pale, like his, but her eyes were strange, bright yet narrow, almond in shape. Her clothing was also unlike anything he'd ever seen yet it didn't seem made for the wilderness or had seen to much of it for it was torn and muddy from bushwhacking.

From her hip the strange girl drew an odd metal object which she brandished the way someone might a weapon. "Nishi xi, nishi xi tennoi! Kama dro?"


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Riser walked silently through the woods, thinking as he walked. He could sense that Arya was following him again, but knew the girl would keep her distance, and only act if he was attacked. They both knew he was more than good at defending himself, but the rest of his....followers....weren't so sure. The girl had volunteered to keep an eye on him, and he had told her not to bother. It wasn't until he caught her the first time that she had explained she was doing it to calm the worries of the others, and not because she thought he needed it.

Smart girl, besides she might come in handy at some point. She did know how to morph wood after all, and was a good shot with that bow of hers. He had never seen her use those daggers she carried, but had heard she could use them well enough. He paused in his stride, looking around him. He caught sight of Arya just barely in the corner of his eye, but she wasn't what had made him pause. He could have sworn he had heard a wolf, but such beasts normally did not dwell in this part of the woods.


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Riser walked silently through the woods, thinking as he walked. He could sense that Arya was following him again, but knew the girl would keep her distance, and only act if he was attacked. They both knew he was more than good at defending himself, but the rest of his....followers....weren't so sure. The girl had volunteered to keep an eye on him, and he had told her not to bother. It wasn't until he caught her the first time that she had explained she was doing it to calm the worries of the others, and not because she thought he needed it.

Smart girl, besides she might come in handy at some point. She did know how to morph wood after all, and was a good shot with that bow of hers. He had never seen her use those daggers she carried, but had heard she could use them well enough. He paused in his stride, looking around him. He caught sight of Arya just barely in the corner of his eye, but she wasn't what had made him pause. He could have sworn he had heard a wolf, but such beasts normally did not dwell in this part of the woods.

The setting changes from North Avoryll to Iridiah


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Add Setting » 11 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

Eldritch (Kelvanni) Isles

Eldritch (Kelvanni) Isles by Scumbag_Brain

A vast archipelago the size of a small continent, these islands are the ancestral home of the magelords and the center of their civilization.

Avoryll (The New World)

Avoryll (The New World) by Scumbag_Brain

A recently discovered continent that is still largely unexplored by the colonizing mage lords.

North Avoryll

North Avoryll by Scumbag_Brain

The Northern continent of the New World, characterized by temperate and cool forests and weathered green mountains.

South Avoryll (The Thornlands)

South Avoryll (The Thornlands) by Scumbag_Brain

A barely tamed land of impenetrable jungles and deadly swamps dominated by an advanced and savage native civilization and dotted by Xlisandic mines, forts and outposts.

The Torrent

The Torrent by Scumbag_Brain

A raging passage of sea and storm that divides North from South Avoryll.

Aurovian Ocean (The Ocean of Two Storms)

Aurovian Ocean (The Ocean of Two Storms) by Scumbag_Brain

The great ocean that divides the Old World from the New. It is dominated by two great storms, permanent hurricanes that make much of its water impassable.

Dragonstorm (Dracaurian) Ocean

Dragonstorm (Dracaurian) Ocean by Scumbag_Brain

The ocean that lies to the East of the Eldritch Isles, it is dominated by a single great storm that has thwarted all attempts at passage.

Fort Kragmar

Fort Kragmar by Scumbag_Brain

Fort Kragmar is a tall castle built on the impossibly precarious perch of a narrow rock outcrop. It is surrounded on all sides by a dark forboding swamp.

New Phelesia

New Phelesia by Scumbag_Brain

Named after the capitol city of Lyara, the home Isle of House Lynari, New Phelesia is located within an inlet on the shore of a large bay. It is the trading capitol of the New World and the wealthiest city in the colonies.


Airadosh by Scumbag_Brain

This cut off little colony is about 1 mile from its port on the Vidlain. Said port is the center of all the towns trade, as it holds the towns market. It also has 2 large warehouses, 1 for food to trade out and the other for metals and other mined goods t


Iridiah by Scumbag_Brain

A largely unexplored world dominated by ocean with three moons and a yellow star.

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Character Portrait: Sirana Sakti
0 sightings Sirana Sakti played by Vextra
Dragons by Blood, Iron by Nature. House Sakti's weapons and armour have been forged with sorcery for centuries. But now with its wealth in jeopardy, this young barely talented woman has to tread the difficult road. Will her House Fall, or Rise on Wings?

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View All » Add Character » 7 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Adion Volf
Character Portrait: Riser
Character Portrait: Toekii Tsibuna
Character Portrait: GM
Character Portrait: Arya


Character Portrait: Arya

I will always protect my leader....even if he doesn't need it.

Character Portrait: GM

I can't make OOC threads in my own game unless I have a character XD

Character Portrait: Toekii Tsibuna
Toekii Tsibuna

"Those who believe that a dragon is the reason for their 'power' doesn't deserve life." (MIA)

Character Portrait: Riser

The Magelords have sat upon their high thrones and looked down on the rest for too long. It's time they were dragged down to our level and taught some humility.

Character Portrait: Adion Volf
Adion Volf

"Can't we all just get along? Please."


Character Portrait: Toekii Tsibuna
Toekii Tsibuna

"Those who believe that a dragon is the reason for their 'power' doesn't deserve life." (MIA)

Character Portrait: Riser

The Magelords have sat upon their high thrones and looked down on the rest for too long. It's time they were dragged down to our level and taught some humility.

Character Portrait: Arya

I will always protect my leader....even if he doesn't need it.

Character Portrait: Adion Volf
Adion Volf

"Can't we all just get along? Please."

Character Portrait: GM

I can't make OOC threads in my own game unless I have a character XD

Most Followed

Character Portrait: GM

I can't make OOC threads in my own game unless I have a character XD

Character Portrait: Adion Volf
Adion Volf

"Can't we all just get along? Please."

Character Portrait: Riser

The Magelords have sat upon their high thrones and looked down on the rest for too long. It's time they were dragged down to our level and taught some humility.

Character Portrait: Toekii Tsibuna
Toekii Tsibuna

"Those who believe that a dragon is the reason for their 'power' doesn't deserve life." (MIA)

Character Portrait: Arya

I will always protect my leader....even if he doesn't need it.

View All » Places

Eldritch (Kelvanni) Isles

Eldritch (Kelvanni) Isles by Scumbag_Brain

A vast archipelago the size of a small continent, these islands are the ancestral home of the magelords and the center of their civilization.

Avoryll (The New World)

Avoryll (The New World) by Scumbag_Brain

A recently discovered continent that is still largely unexplored by the colonizing mage lords.

North Avoryll

North Avoryll by Scumbag_Brain

The Northern continent of the New World, characterized by temperate and cool forests and weathered green mountains.

South Avoryll (The Thornlands)

South Avoryll (The Thornlands) by Scumbag_Brain

A barely tamed land of impenetrable jungles and deadly swamps dominated by an advanced and savage native civilization and dotted by Xlisandic mines, forts and outposts.

The Torrent

The Torrent by Scumbag_Brain

A raging passage of sea and storm that divides North from South Avoryll.

Aurovian Ocean (The Ocean of Two Storms)

Aurovian Ocean (The Ocean of Two Storms) by Scumbag_Brain

The great ocean that divides the Old World from the New. It is dominated by two great storms, permanent hurricanes that make much of its water impassable.

Dragonstorm (Dracaurian) Ocean

Dragonstorm (Dracaurian) Ocean by Scumbag_Brain

The ocean that lies to the East of the Eldritch Isles, it is dominated by a single great storm that has thwarted all attempts at passage.

Fort Kragmar

Fort Kragmar by Scumbag_Brain

Fort Kragmar is a tall castle built on the impossibly precarious perch of a narrow rock outcrop. It is surrounded on all sides by a dark forboding swamp.

New Phelesia

New Phelesia by Scumbag_Brain

Named after the capitol city of Lyara, the home Isle of House Lynari, New Phelesia is located within an inlet on the shore of a large bay. It is the trading capitol of the New World and the wealthiest city in the colonies.


Airadosh by Scumbag_Brain

This cut off little colony is about 1 mile from its port on the Vidlain. Said port is the center of all the towns trade, as it holds the towns market. It also has 2 large warehouses, 1 for food to trade out and the other for metals and other mined goods t


Iridiah by Scumbag_Brain

A largely unexplored world dominated by ocean with three moons and a yellow star.


A largely unexplored world dominated by ocean with three moons and a yellow star.

North Avoryll

The Northern continent of the New World, characterized by temperate and cool forests and weathered green mountains.

South Avoryll (The Thornlands)

A barely tamed land of impenetrable jungles and deadly swamps dominated by an advanced and savage native civilization and dotted by Xlisandic mines, forts and outposts.

Fort Kragmar

Fort Kragmar is a tall castle built on the impossibly precarious perch of a narrow rock outcrop. It is surrounded on all sides by a dark forboding swamp.

New Phelesia

Named after the capitol city of Lyara, the home Isle of House Lynari, New Phelesia is located within an inlet on the shore of a large bay. It is the trading capitol of the New World and the wealthiest city in the colonies.

Dragonstorm (Dracaurian) Ocean

The ocean that lies to the East of the Eldritch Isles, it is dominated by a single great storm that has thwarted all attempts at passage.


This cut off little colony is about 1 mile from its port on the Vidlain. Said port is the center of all the towns trade, as it holds the towns market. It also has 2 large warehouses, 1 for food to trade out and the other for metals and other mined goods t

The Torrent

A raging passage of sea and storm that divides North from South Avoryll.

Eldritch (Kelvanni) Isles

A vast archipelago the size of a small continent, these islands are the ancestral home of the magelords and the center of their civilization.

Avoryll (The New World)

A recently discovered continent that is still largely unexplored by the colonizing mage lords.

Aurovian Ocean (The Ocean of Two Storms)

The great ocean that divides the Old World from the New. It is dominated by two great storms, permanent hurricanes that make much of its water impassable.

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