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Kotone Kenshin

The younger, grumpy twin sister of Kou Kenshin.

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a character in “Maker's Hand”, as played by GuyTheOther


The Order of Magi formed under Merlin nearly 1,500 years ago. Their mission is to bring all Magi under their banner and keep the secret of magic from the general public, as well as protect the world from threats of Paranormal caliber.


Basic Information:

Name: Kotone Kenshin
Japanese Name: 謙信琴音
Age: 17
Race: Human, Magus
Gender: Female
Height: 165.10 cm
Weight: 44 kg
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Red
Likes: Math, Studying, Candy, Having people do things for her
Dislikes: Whining, People not listening to her, Salty snacks, Ren
Family: Kouki, Katsuro, Kumiko, Ren
Affiliates: Ueda Ryo, Katsumi Misato, Masaku Hayarou
Affiliation: Magi Society
Magus Rank: 4
Status: Registered -- Rank 4 Hunter
Talents: Math, Beating up Kou, Yelling
Affinity: 4 Elements
Magics: Hydromancy, Alchemy
Notable Kills: Hara, Kiri

Background --

Personality --

Combat Analysis --


Strength B
Speed A
Durability C
Stamina B
Reflex A
Acuity C
Magical Output A++
Magical Skill A
Magical Reserves A
Magical Resistance A

Training --

Strategy --

Arcane History (B)
Modern Magic (B)
Modern Magical Hierarchy(A)
Educated (B)
Crystal Magic (A)


Hydro Field [Rank: C; Type: Field]: A field magi utilized by high-tier Hydromancers that turns the effected area into a pool of water that the caster can then utilize to their advantage. Some Aeromancers learn this spell to produce fogs and mists, while most Hydromancers use it to utilize their hydrokinetic abilities. The size of the field varies depending on the Caster's Magical Skill,

Hydro Gatling [Rank: A; Type: Anti-Army/Multi-Projectile]: A mystic water technique that drains the spiritual energy of the caster by consuming their hydration. The caster summons several glyphs before them pelts highly pressurized "bullets" of water upon the target. It shoots up to 20 bullets per second, and hits with the impact of an actual bullet, although it has never been known to pierce. However, if utilized with the Geokinetic ability to solidify water, the bullets can take on a form that would allow them to pierce soft targets at long ranges, making it an extremely deadly attack. The power of the spell is so immense that only those with both high finesse and output can perform this technique.

Hydro Burst [Rank: A; Type: Anti-Army/Continuous]: A mystic water technique that drains the spiritual energy of the caster by consuming their hydration. The caster summons an enormous glyph before them that shoots a powerful, torrential stream of water equal to a cascade before them. This technique covers a mass amount of ground and hits heavily, making it one of Hydromancy's most powerful attacks. This spell is best used in liquid form.

Astral Cascade [Rank: S; Type: Anti-Army/Area of Effect]: A powerful yet very costly magic, Astral Cascade allows one to push energy into their Hydro Field and shoot multiple blasts skyward. These blasts then come down in the form of a massive torrential rain that pelts any within the area, making movement, smell, sight, hearing, and feeling virtually impossible in the cascading rains. If the rains are made of ice, then the rains can become fatal, albeit surmountable.

Caesar Mysticum [Rank: S; Type: Anti-Army]: The moon is the force that pushes and pulls the waves, but this spell proves that a Magus need not be an astral body to control the tide. With a few rythmic swings of one's hand, the caster temporarily generates a field that turns 10% of everything (save living beings and the clothing they wear) in the area into water to be collected and multiplied into a massive tide that washes away all before the caster.


Hydrokinesis [Rank: B/D; Type: Arcane Art]: The unique ability of water magi to actually manipulate the water around them, bending and shaping it at their own will. The magus can manipulate water in various ways, often replicating spells rather than converting spiritual energy into a mystic water. The only major drawback is that hydokenisis does not enchant water, therefore this technique only effects physical targets. This technique can be used on any form of solution, and drains the caster at a very slow rate for as long as it is sustained. Kotone has expanded her Hydrokinetic ability by also learning how to shape water into solid form, granting her more power in the form of ice manipulation and magic. With development of this ability, such Hydrokinetic skills can be used:
Flagrum Aqua: A commonly used move that involves creating a lashing tendril of water to swipe at an opponent. The shape, size, and length are all determined by Magical Skill, and more powerful Hydromancers can create larger whips, or ones of greater finesse. The whip can be sharpened into a blade that can slice through metal with relative ease.
Scatebra Aqua: High pressure jets can be used to force opponents back or even blast clean through a target if focused enough. Water jets are primarily used if the user has the intent of severely hurting their opponents.
Unda: By moving a large mass of water without separating it from its original source, hydromancers can create waves of nearly any size. They do this by using an upward movement that raises the source, which they then send away in their desired direction. This can be used to sweep opponents away or even as a form of transport.
Claude Aqua: A move where a hydromancer manipulates a large amount of water and sends it in a forceful blow toward their target. It is similar to a jet of water, but it is more for a quick use since a jet takes more concentration. It is basic yet useful because it takes little time to perform and has a significant effect on the target.
Scutum Aqua: Water can be molded into a variety of shapes and can be used to deflect an attack, trap opponents in a viscous body, reshaped and propelled at attackers before they can recover, or solidified into a shield of ice. This diversity and ability to swiftly change to suit the situation is what makes the water Hydromancer's defense so adaptable. Although usually protective, the shield needs some type of compression or else it will not be effective.
Culter Aqua: The ability to shape water into a super-sharp edge or point for a split-second, enabling a Hydromancer to cut through metal, wood and stone.
Laena Aqua: A Hydromancer can use their water as a form of armor with tentacle-like arms. The caster can use these arms to grab objects, whip enemies, blast enemies with water and freeze them. If a hydromacer has less water available, he or she can simply form the arms instead of the entire cloak.
Canthus Aqua: This move involves the user moving a large mass of water and spinning it vertically around him/her.
Pugno Aqua: This move is typically employed by combat Magi. To perform the technique, a Hydromancer surrounds their fist with a small amount of water and punches their opponent.
Bullitus: When in need to cross large bodies of water, capable Hydromancers are able to create a bubble around themselves, keeping an air supply for them and for others.
Terebra Aqua: A high-pressure, rotating column of water. Capable of exerting a significant amount of pressure upon a solid surface, that allows the action of a drill. The move takes mastery of Hydrokinetics since the motions to create a constantly twisting body of water requires bending skill.
Vertex: In a large body of water, a waterbender can create a gigantic whirlpool.
Dictavit Aqua: A master Hydromancer can collect water from the rain, forming a dome which can be used for both offense and defense.

Telepathy [Rank: C; Type: Psyche Art]: The psychic ability of intuition that is inherent to water magi. Contrary to popular belief, it allows the magus to read the feelings of those around them, rather than the thoughts. These feelings however are the incomplete thought, and grant understanding of intention to the caster. This skill is especially useful in battle as one can read the killing intent released before an attack and work against the attack just as it is released.

Ry? no Maki (竜の巻, Winding of the Dragon[?]) [Rank: B; Type: Polearm Handling]: An aggressive style specializing in controlled movements and known for countering and blocks.

Crystal Maiden [Rank: B; Type: Swordplay]: An aggressive style grounded in speed and agilitys and emphasizing low strikes.

Kongen Kazaguruma (根源風車, Root Windmill [?]) [Rank: A++; Type: Buff]: A bloodline technique unique to the Kenshin line, this technique allows for the synchronization with the 1st Chakra (Muladhara). Muladhara is related to instinct, security, survival and also to basic human potentiality. When this ability is triggered, the user not only gets a boost in these fields, but becomes surrounded in a thick cloak of corrosive, fiery red mana. This mana can be utilized for enhanced spell casting. However, the ability possesses a drawback that is also its greatest strength; when triggered, the user reverts to mammalian cognitive function, reacting only on flight or fight response. If trying to escape a powerful enemy, the ability boosts the caster's evasive manuevers and speed, allowing them to evade even the fastest opponents. If trying to defeat an enemy, the caster lacks the ability to utilize tactics and strategy, relying solely on instinct and raw power to outdo their opponents.

Sutebachi no Jutsu (捨鉢の術, Art of Despiration[?]) [Rank: S; Type: Anti-Army]: A technique unique to the Kenshin family. It can only be fully utilized if the user has Kongen Kazaguruma active. If able to maintain a level of control in their near Berserk state, a Kenshin can use whatever catalyst they're utilizing to collect the corrosive energy they're using, by waving their catalyst around them in several full rotations that circle the body. Jutting the fully charged catalyst skyward, they collect the energy and compress it, before retracting their arm and angling it before them. With one final lunge they release the energy in one powerful burst, destroying all before them in a fiery explosion. This attack severely fatigues the user and cancels out the Kongen Kazaguruma state.

Agni's Spear [Rank: S; Type: Anti-Army]: The Ultimate attack of Esme's Crystal Maiden fighting style, this attack is one of the most powerful modern Sword and Spell arts invented. The caster uses their catalyst as a beacon to the astral realm that calls upon the gods of fire by raising the blade skyward and chanting an evocation
("I who stand upon the earth hold in my hands the full power of god.
Survival is my goal, survival under will.
Let the filth that stands before me be cleansed under my will; the will of god--
O blessed Agni, lend me thine power and accept my sacrifice at the tip of mine blade")
The caster then charges massive amounts of prana into the catalyst and lunges forward, shooting a colossal missile of mana in the form of a laser, erradicating all in its path. Levels of Destruction vary upon the user's Magical Output.
Ame-no-nuhoko ("Heavenly Jeweled Spear")
Type: Offensive/Mid-Range (Catalyst)
Rank: EX
The Catalyst said to have been used by the gods Izanagi and Izanami to raise the primordial land. The Legendary Spear possesses so much power it practically radiates prana in the form of light. Said to be a heavenly treasure, the wielder of this weapon can cast just about any spell within the Akashic Record, as demonstrated by its ability to raise an entire mass of land. It is embedded with Jewels, primarily Rubies, Emeralds, Sapphires, Lapis, Jasper, and Quartz. It is wrapped in Ebon rope as a means to conceal its true power.

Varelov Crystal Rapier
Type: Offensive/Close-Range (Catalyst)
Rank: A
A Unique Rapier wielded by the Sorceress Esme. It yields no magical effects, yet remains amoung the top most powerful non-legendary catalysts. Despite the fact that it is a sword, it is used like a wand when casting. Its blade is made of Titanium, making it lightweight and strong. The guard is made of a titanium/silver alloy, with Jasper stones embeded around it, with the handle being made of Hematite.

Varelov Broach
Type: Support (Tool)
Rank: B
A Garnet Broach with Flourite components that enhances mental resistance and speeds up mental recovery.

Bracelets of Dispel
Type: Defense (Tool)
Rank: C
Bracelets made with a flourite and quartz core. The possess the ability to dispell magic attacks of Rank C and lower at the Runic command "Algiz".

Reserve Sphere (x3)
Type: Restorative (Tool)
Rank: D
A crystal sphere designed to store mana as replenishment should the holder suffer from Mana deprivation.

So begins...

Kotone Kenshin's Story