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Joey Grace Griffin

"We need a leader... I think that should be me."

0 · 225 views · located in Uncharted Island

a character in “Marooned”, as played by Quitelovely487


Name: Joey Grace Griffin
Nick Names (if any): Joe
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Orientation: Straight
Personality: Joey is a tomboy-ish type. She's into anything that's on vinyl and she loves to entertain people. Joey loves camping, and she's been on more camping trips than most girls her age. She loves the great out doors, and she may seem dainty in appearance, but she's tough where it counts.
Likes: Camping, Indie, tattoos, piercings, survival, music.
Dislikes: Lazy, clueless, problematic or up-tight people.
Problems: Joey doesn't like to follow anyone's rules, especially when she thinks that she knows more about the situation.
Equipment: Cigarettes, camping gear, a few pieces of clothes, under garments.
Biography: Joey has been in love with camping since she was three years old when her Dad took on her first camping trip so in memory of him she bought a plane ticket to Australia to explore the rain forest which he always said he wanted them to do before he kicked the bucket.

So begins...

Joey Grace Griffin's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Colin Richard Jamison Character Portrait: Sterling Carissa Jamison Character Portrait: Roman Austin Drew Character Portrait: Joey Grace Griffin
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As Roman entered the terminal he noticed a boy around his age running on the plane, obviously late like himself, so Roman quickly showed the woman his boarding pass and hurried on the plane.
"B-24... where is it?" Roman mumbled to him self, as he pulled down his fitted cap farther down on his head so if Sterling saw him, she wouldn't notice it was him.
"B-24, there it is." Roman said with a accomplished smile as he sat down on the seat nearest the window. He looked around slowly, taking in his surroundings, the plane was opulently decorated, and very different from any economy class plane he's been on.
"At this time we need all passengers to buckle there seat belts until the fasten seat belt sign is off. Thank you, and enjoy your flight." The Captain says as the girl who was seated next to him returns to her seat, and luckily enough it turns out to be sterling wearing her finest casual clothing to meet the higher ups of Harper's Bazaar.
"Hi." Roman says casually as the girl smiles politely, and replies, not removing her gaze from the flight procedure manual she was looking at.
"I thought'd you recognize me by now Sterling." Roman said pretending to be hurt as the girl turned to face him, an ebullient smile spread across her face.
"Roman. H-how did you get here?" She said as she through her arms around the boy, and kissed him chastely.
"I had a few extra dollars saved up from work, and a month without seeing you would've been torture, so I bought a plane ticket, and here I am." Roman said as Colin poked his head around the seat.
"You okay over there ster- What are you doing here?" Colin asked in an annoyed tone.
"He decided to spend a few weeks in Australia with me! Isn't that great!" Sterling exclaimed as Colin sarcastically responded, and returned to watch television at his seat.
"Your brother doesn't seem to thrilled." Roman said as he laughed triumphantly. Colin, and Roman had made it some sort of hobby to get under each others skin as much as possible whenever they were around each other.
"He'll get over. I'm just so happy you're here with me." Sterling admitted as she kissed him again more fervently as her brother cleared his throat loudly.
"He'll fall asleep halfway into the flight. We'll resume this then." Sterling whispered as she kissed the boy one last time and looked at the window at the runway as the plane gradually left the rough asphalt and soured into the sky.
Sterling's Outfit:
Roman's Outfit:

Meanwhile a little farther back on the plane Joey sat in her seat watching the newest episode of Man vs. Wild on her i-pad she'd gotten for her birthday. Joey hated flying, but in a couple of hours she'd be off of the plane and in the exotic rain forests searching for exotic creatures, and taking shelter under the starry night sky. Just like she'd done times before with her father before he'd fallen ill and passed away.
Joey's look:

A few hours later the Captain's voice, panicked, and a tremulous aired throughout the plain.
"We are experiencing turbulence, but everyone keep calm we'll get through it in no time." He said, trying to sound assuring, but it came off as ingenuous, completely ingenious. Suddenly the oxygen masks popped out for the compartment directly above the seats.

"Oh my God were going to die." Sterling panicked. Remembering back to a week before when she prepared herself for the flight by reading articles and watching videos on plane crashes and the likelihood of them happening, which she later decided was a terrible idea.
"No were not, we'll be fine. This happens all the time, and people live to talk about it." Roman Re-assured the girl as he pulled her closer to him, and rapped his arms around her.
"Colin do you think we'll be okay?" Sterling asked her big brother, she always looked to him for advice, and re-assurance.
"Of course, we'll be fine. Just hang in there." Colin says as he breathes in and out rhythmically.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Joey Grace Griffin Character Portrait: Zane Kelan Jackson
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~Day 1~
The gaggle of teens washed up on the island with whatever bags and debris managed to float to shore with them. The first to make it to the island, and fully conscious was Joey and the boy who'd saved her.
"Thank you so much! I would've died back there if it wasn't for you." Joey said, that was the first time she'd managed to be humble in a long time.
"No problem." He said as the two rose to their feet and looked around them, the wing of the plane that protruded from the water was still burning intensely.
"This is not good..." Joey mumbled as she looked around in complete shocked.
"Were fucking stranded!" She exclaimed as she pushed a wet strand of her russet hair out of her face. She'd seen this on TV before in her favorite program Man vs. Wild but sh never imagined she'd actually have to use her survival skills in a situation like this one.
"Come on, time is of the essence. Pick up anything that looks useful, start with the luggage." She commanded boldly as she picked up as many bags she could at a time and set them farther on the sand where the waves would not reach them and they could dry.
"What the fuck happened?" Roman moaned as came to his senses along with Sterling and Colin, now leaving only Nathan.
"Are we dead?" Sterling chimed in as she looked around.
"No, we're alive, but we won't be for long if you don't start moving. We have to gather as much resources as we can, now help-"
"Zane with picking up the luggage." She says.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Joey Grace Griffin
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"Okay, we all need to huddle up. I'm guessing we have a couple hours until sundown, so that means we need to make a fire and shelter. Do you guys think you can do that?" Joey asked, she'd appraised the group quickly, and none of them looked particularly skilled in anything, but being spoiled teenagers, but she reminded herself to be open minded and give them all a chance.
"You, and you. What are your names?" Joey asked pointing at the two.
"I'm Roman." The boy said courteously.
"I'm Zane."
"Okay, you two go search anything that can be used to start a fire, and be careful out there, there could be all types of insects and wild animals." She says as the two walk off in the more shallow part of the wooded area.
"You, and you. Names?"
"Okay, you sift through this half of the bags, and I'll Nathan and I will handle the other half." Joey commands as she carefully throws a suitcase to the each of them.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Colin Richard Jamison Character Portrait: Sterling Carissa Jamison Character Portrait: Joey Grace Griffin
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After all the tedious work that Joey had instructed the group of teens see through were completed the sky was glowing in different shades, and hues of pink, orange, and blue. It was beautiful, and somewhat comforting to the youngsters who now sat around a blazing fire and under the shelter of a gazebo made of bamboo and leafs thanks to the hard word of Zane, Colin, Roman, and Nathan. All was well, they'd all satisfied their hunger with air sealed bags of food that they'd found in luggage or that had washed up on shore. Their supplies were quickly depleting, but no one thought about it to heavily, the day had been stressful enough, and they were all just thankful to be alive.
"So... where are you guys from? Were from California." Sterling asked trying to break the awkward silence, mostly created by her brother who seemed quite uncomfortable to see Sterling nestled in the embrace of Roman.
"I'm from New Jersey." Joey replies.