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Masuta Academy

Masuta Academy


a part of Masuta Academy, by SugarPlum22.

Private spin off with SugarPlum22, ZacharyTC, and CookieCupcake. No one else is allowed to post in here.

SugarPlum22 holds sovereignty over Masuta Academy, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

2,684 readers have been here.


The Masuta Academy Boarding School
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Masuta Academy

Private spin off with SugarPlum22, ZacharyTC, and CookieCupcake. No one else is allowed to post in here.


Masuta Academy is a part of London, England.

14 Characters Here

Katherine Prescott [52] "Faith is not wanting to know what is true."
Eliab Othniel [51] "Huh? I'm fine, don't worry."
Rebecca Othniel [45] "Nobody embarrasses the **** out of my brother but me!"
Sasha Pavlichenko [39] "I want to keep eating until the moment I get eaten..."
Charles Aaron [38] "Don't be so stiff, mate!"
Agatha Amaranth [34] "Are you all right? What's troubling you?"
Camryn Shaffer [27] "He's my master. I have to do it."
Roland Croisseux [22] "Happiness is for those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true."

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3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katherine Prescott Character Portrait: Rebecca Othniel Character Portrait: Eliab Othniel
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Katherine Prescott

Katherine kept her head facing down, resting on her knees. She could tell in his tone of voice that he was a bit upset with what she said. She felt the bed shift a bit. Eliab probably took a seat next to her and placed his hand on her shoulder. Which, she confirmed, when she heard his voice. Eliab told her that he already promised he'd look after her. She blinked a few times, getting a few tears out of her eyes. Trying to remember when he had said that before, but she couldn't exactly. The early morning was bit of a blur to her and she couldn't really decipher what was a dream and what wasn't. "I guess you did." She said under her breath, a bit chocked, not knowing if her voice was loud enough for Eliab to hear.

She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths to calm herself as the urge to cry slowly went away. Listening to the rest of what Eliab said, she nodded unintentionally. She guessed if he was fine sleeping in a sleeping bag, she should be too. And it was true that her health was more important. But when he said he'd risk his own life for her, that's when Kat's head shot up. She looked at Eliab with wide, shocked eyes and gasped "That's n-not necessary!"

She was still staring at Eliab when he looked at his sister. He wanted Rebecca to leave after she brought clothes. But she wanted to stay. Katherine was about to say that she didn't mind Rebecca staying when an argument erupted. Rebecca was saying something along the lines of Eliab always doing everything by himself and how he hides is emotions. While Eliab protested that he didn't want anyone getting hurt because of it. It seemed that something bad must have happened when they were kids, as Eliab stated.

What Rebecca said next not only shocked the brunette, but she confirmed that whatever incident that happened was the cause of Eliab acting the way he does. From what she gathered and understood, apparently when they were kids, a group of boys from the KKK attacked them in the woods. This, she guessed, Eliab was trying to protect them and ended up going, in Rebecca's words, berserk.

Kat look from Eliab to Rebecca and back to Eliab, trying to decipher what else might of happened that they weren't saying. It seemed that Eliab got pretty beat up and was about to get stabbed when David (his friend was it?), stood between them nearly getting himself killed as well. The siblings didn't say how they got out of the fight alive, but they had, and that's all that mattered. Even if it was sometime ago and she didn't even know them yet, she was glad that they lived.

Rebecca was crying now, but recovered. Then, after saying she'd bring back clothes, Katherine watched as she left. She had stayed quiet the whole time the siblings argued, only because it wasn't her place to interrupt or stop them. Turning her attention to Eliab, she noticed his eyes were closed. He was probably doing what she did a few moments ago. Closing his eyes as he tried not to cry.

She knew she probably shouldn't have, but she did anyways. Kat leaned forward and pulled Eliab into a hug, her face buried in his shoulder. "I'm sorry." She quietly muttered, knowing that there was nothing for her to really be sorry about. But she felt like that needed to be said.

She squeezed him a little tighter, before pulling herself away. "You're right. My health is more important than you having a bed. Even if that is a bit mean to say. And now, I do remember you telling me that you'd take care of me. I'm sorry for saying I was being a burden to you guys. It's just, the early morning is bit blurry to me and I don't exactly recall what happened. It all just felt like a dream to me." Katherine glanced at the door, then continued. "If by any chance, me saying that (being a burden), was the cause of you two fighting, then I'm sorry."


12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katherine Prescott Character Portrait: Sasha Pavlichenko Character Portrait: Charles Aaron Character Portrait: Rebecca Othniel Character Portrait: Eliab Othniel Character Portrait: Camryn Shaffer Character Portrait: Roland Croisseux Character Portrait: Giovanni Napoli Character Portrait: Agatha Amaranth Character Portrait: Akira Sasaki Character Portrait: Noel Mai Character Portrait: Amnon Chaikin
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Eliab was taken by surprise when Kat hugged him and brushed her face against his shoulder. The gesture honestly left him blushing. Her apology was equally unexpected. The Israeli-Norwegian-American felt some degree of relief, however, knowing that the burden crisis was averted a bit. Hugging her back, and calming down the blush, Eliab told her, "There is nothing to be sorry about. She and I would have argued, anyway. It's a sibling thing, you know?" Smiling softly, he thought about how to divert from the thoughts on the argument and burden bit. "Why don't we watch a little bit of Pokémon? Good thing I got it on DVD. Let me get that and the DVD player."

Good thing romance is not the focus in that old anime show. Otherwise, I'd be in big trouble, and in more ways than one. Eliab wanted to lift up the mood without giving away any hints as to his crush on Katherine. The last thing he needed, now, was an awkward situation. Getting up, the Israeli-Norwegian-American searched his things for the DVD player and the DVD with what he had in mind. It contained the 29th episode of Pokémon, where Ash and Brock participated in a tournament for fighting Pokémon so to help a girl bring her father back to his senses.

((link to it provided here: ))

Eliab popped it in and let Katherine watch it. Eliab's angle with this was to distract Katherine from all the negativity. If he could do that, the brunette could possibly heal faster. Of course, he had to keep the mood from returning to a negative state once the atmosphere became positive.

Rebecca returned with the clothes for Katherine, which were pretty much T-shirts and knee-lengths skirts to go along with the sets of underwear, nothing fancy. The tan-skinned girl did not even utter a word, just nodded prior to storming off. She did not even talk to her teammates, simply got ready with her leotard and started practicing nonstop to let off steam.

It was during a water break of the voluntary practice, Rebecca still having at it despite sweating hard, that the other girls on the gymnastics team noticed Roland coming in. As expected, some of the girls swooned a little, while others were either scoffing or indifferent. Rebecca's back was towards Roland as she heard footsteps coming closer. The worn out girl realized if anything were to occur unexpectedly, she would be too exhausted for anymore than one punch.

One of the female gymnasts called out to Rebecca with, "Hey, Becky! I think Roland wants to talk to you!"

Rebecca did not say anything, at first, because she was doubled over from exhaustion. Finally, when given water by another of her teammates, she drank it and was rejuvenated enough to start up a conversation. "Enjoying the view, Ro?" Rebecca smirked some at the realization she was getting a little naughty with her words, and she half expected the poor boy to be flustered after hearing her teasing query. "Oh, I get it. You came here to find some gal to stare at or to get under the skirt of. Uh-huh, I see how it is." She crossed her arms in a huff as she continued the mischievous act.

One of the male gymnasts in the area walked up to Roland and whispered, "Run, mate. She's already built a reputation for baiting guys into a punch in the gut if they so much as flirt with her."

Rebecca nearly chuckled when she heard the whisper. She did not know what was said exactly, yet she figured it was some warning to the poor French basketball player. She turned around to walk forward, hips swaying a bit, her left pushing the semi-long ponytail towards the back of her neck (it went down between her shoulders). "On second thought, I am burnin' up, here! I'd sure love to be someplace where I can cool off!" She realized it was a gamble to behave in such a teasing manner, yet if Roland could at least restrain certain urges he could feel, then she would consider him worth her time. She knew he was French, thus she tested him further by exclaiming with a fake yawn, "Je suis si fatigué!" I am so tired! (Not that there was much pretending to it, as she truly was tired.)

She next fell forward towards the boy. If he caught her, she would breathe heavily to make herself seem more tired than she honestly was. One of the more hedonistic of the gymnasts gave a sly grin, knowing Rebecca was testing Roland, but getting the wrong idea on what.

Akira remained silent the whole time, not actually wanting to mention what Aiko and him talked about. It was not until they were in the impala that Akira finally said something. "Aunt Aiko was basically admiring the two of us, so I told her, 'Idiot! What are you imagining? Let's go already'. Then, she apologized and the car started moving. That's pretty much it. She's always like that, internally shipping pairs of people all the friggin' time. So annoying." Looking out the window, he added another explanation. "You see, back in Japan, complaining is a sign of selfishness. That's why I hesitated to explain, this time. If I were to complain too much, I would appear very selfish. So, if I'm silent when somebody asks what is wrong, you know why I am silent."

They were not even close to the zoo, and already Sasha was enthusiastic. Charles chuckled a little. "Well, my energetic friend, the zoo is kind of large. Maybe seeing just half or less of it per day would be nice. And, lunch is my treat." Looking out the window, Charles said, "So, any good pictures of the gardens, this time? I believe you had that goal." He turned his head towards her and smirked. "You didn't takes photos of my nap, did you? Mischievous little lass."

Amnon heard Noel's explanation, which left him shocked. Someone mocked her? This cute little Italian girl? What could have possessed whoever it was? Calming down, he said, "Don't worry about it." He looked around. "Worry about your cat. Where is he? Back in Israel, there are stray cats like you wouldn't believe because we simply tried to solve a pest problem with mice and rats. Or, was that just Jerusalem?"

Agatha smiled back at Giovanni as he spoke, and was thinking on what to do together when he made up his mind. That made her look up, surprised. And then, there was something odd happening in her chest. Oh, no! Not again! Please, not again! I was already disappointed by rushing, before! What would Andrew make of all this!? What would he think!? Then again, I can't mope around forever! What do I do!? All those thoughts rushed at once and instantly, then she went up to Gio and said, "Uh... Giovanni?" She had both hands together as she shyly posed the query, "D-Do you like to swim?" I hope he doesn't get the wrong idea.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noel Mai Character Portrait: Amnon Chaikin
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Noel sniffed and rubbed her eyes. "Felix... His name is Felix." Hearing a meow Noel looked down to see Felix staring at her intently the type of look that seemed to convey he was waiting for her approval, probably to attack Amnon. Bending down Noel scooped up her black cat and held him close keeping him from clawing or hissing at the young man who seemed so intent on being kind to her. Noel smiled as she calmly pet Felix. "He... Doesn't seem to trust you yet but that's not your fault... House pet or not he's a fiesty kitty." Rubbing her eyes again Noel blushed. "It doesn't help that I... Burst into tears like an idiot after meeting you... Probably gave Felix a bad impression... I... I really am sorry." Peeking out from behind her cat Noel awaited for Amnon to find an excuse to leave the awkward scene she'd caused with her tears.


12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katherine Prescott Character Portrait: Sasha Pavlichenko Character Portrait: Charles Aaron Character Portrait: Rebecca Othniel Character Portrait: Eliab Othniel Character Portrait: Camryn Shaffer Character Portrait: Roland Croisseux Character Portrait: Giovanni Napoli Character Portrait: Agatha Amaranth Character Portrait: Headmaster Léon Croisseux Character Portrait: Akira Sasaki Character Portrait: Aiko Sasaki
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Katherine Prescott

Katherine let out a little giggle. "Yeah." She knew exactly what the 'sibling thing' was, she and her brothers would always argue over the littlest things. When Eliab asked about watching Pokémon, the girl's face lit up some. "Pokémon! I haven't seen that in forever!" She smiled, lightly clapped her hands together, as he got up to retrieve the DVD and the DVD player.

Kat was sitting up in the middle of the bed, but scooted over so there was enough space of Eliab to sit down next to her. It may have hurt a bit for her to move, but Eliab wasn't paying attention, so she felt a bit relieve as he might of told her not to move. "Here, sit." She told him, patting the spot next to her, after he started the show. It was a small habit of hers. Back home, whenever the Prescott siblings wanted to watch a movie or TV show, they'd all go into one sibling's room and crowd onto the bed.

In the middle of the episode, Rebecca came back with a set of clothes for the brunette. She placed them on the end table next to Katherine . "Thank you Rebecca." But the girl only nodded before leaving the room. Kat let out a quiet sigh, but tried to not let it get to her. Rebecca was probably still mad at Eliab, which he told Kat that it wasn't her fault they argued. With that in mind, she returned her attention back to Pokémon, hoping Eliab didn't read too much into her sigh.

Giovanni Napoli

Giovanni was half was up the first flight of stairs when Agatha called out his name. He turned around to find her standing at the bottom of the stairway instead of at the door where he left her. By her posture, she seemed to be a bit nervous, maybe. "Yes?" He questioned, walking back down the stairs to stand in front of her. She then asked if he liked swimming. "Um, yeah I like swimming." At first he thought the question was a bit odd, but then realized why she had asked that. "Ah, are you inviting me to swim with you?" He smiled, it was a normal smile, that didn't give any secret meaning to it.

Gio looked down at what he was wearing: a dark grey hoodie, jeans, and green converse. "Hmm. Need to change first….Wait just a second." He rushed up the stairs and to his dorm. He pulled off his hoodie, which he wasn't wearing a shirt underneath, so he put on a red tank. Next his pants came off in exchange for some blue swim shorts. He debated whether or not to wear anything on his feet, and decided against it. Leaving his dorm, he made it back down stairs in only minutes. "Now, let's get you over to your dorm so you can change. Well, unless you want to swim in that." He pointed to what she was wearing, letting out a low chuckle. They then left the boy's dormitory and headed over to the girl's dormitory.

Roland Croisseux

After awhile, Roland decided to hit the gym to do a little bit of basketball practice. He was already in uniform so he didn’t have to waste time changing. He grabbed his basketball and headed out his dorm room, locking it behind him. It didn't take him long to get to the gymnasium. But sadly it was already being occupied by the gymnastics team. He placed his basketball down and scanned the area for anyone he knew. That's when he spotted her

Walking towards a group of female gymnasts, Ro heard the giggles and "fangirling" from some of the other females he passed. This made a heart-striking smile appear, causing a few of the girls to squeal. "Hey, that girl over there. She's that guy...Eliab's sister correct? Um what's her name...Rebecca is it?" He had asked the group of girls. Which they confirmed with a nod and called her over.

The first thing Rebecca said to him was if he enjoyed the view. "Ahh, yes I am actually." Roland smirked back before continuing, "But not as much as I enjoy viewing my magnificent self in the mirror." He then gave a troubled look. "Which reminds me. You don't happen to have a mirror handy? I haven't seen my handsome face in over 5 minutes!" He completely ignored the comment about finding some girl to stare at or get under the skirt of.

Just then one of the male gymnasts went up to Ro and whispered a warning about Rebecca. Though this new information didn’t phase him at all. His gaze never left the gymnast, as she came forward. He looked her over once, twice. Not really checking her out. Before she stopped in front of him. She displayed a little act of being 'so tired' that she even spoke it in French. This gave him the perfect idea.

When Rebecca fell forward, Roland did in fact catch her. "Pauvre princesse. Ici, laissez-moi vous porte." Poor princess. Here, let me carry you He said in French, guessing she didn't know much French. He then proceeded to pick her up bridal/princess style, restraining her enough that she couldn’t squirm. "Maintenant, le temps de vous apporter un endroit pour se rafraîchir" Now, time to bring you somewhere to cool off. His own mischievous grin crept out, as he carried her out the gymnasium's door. It was only a few seconds before he came across the pool. He stepped right up to the edge of the pool, still firmly holding onto Rebecca so she couldn't get away. "You better hold your breath now." He warned her, just before he tossed the poor girl into the pool.

Camryn Shaffer

The walk to the car was a quiet one. It wasn't until they got into the impala, did Akira explain what Aiko said yesterday. "Hehe, your Aunt is so cute." She giggled, smiling as she started up the impala. When he explained the Japanese custom of not complaining, as it is a sign of selfishness, she couldn't understand why it was like that. "That's stupid." She commented, frowning a bit. "I find complaining as a way to relieve stress. Whether it's to someone else or to yourself." Glancing over at Akira, she continued. "I complain a lot to myself in my dorm. Usually about Roland. So I guess that makes me selfish." She looked back and kept her eyes on the road, driving towards the British Museum. "But you would too if you knew just how irritatingly annoying that guy can get." This made a smirk appear. "I'd say, since you're no longer in Japan, go ahead and complain all you want. It won't make you appear selfish here. I'll even volunteer to be you're complaining buddy. Got a complaint you'd like to say? Well, just come find me!"

Sasha Pavlichenko

"Okay, so try to do half of the zoo today. Lunch is far enough that we could probably see 1/3 of the half. But too close to see 1/2 of the half. So we'll see the umm...I think the gorillas and umm prey birds (birds of prey) are the closest to the entrance, so we'll see those first, then go eat, and after that we'll go see the bottom section of the zoo." She was still looking at Charles when looked out the window. "Ahh, yes that was the goal I had in mind. And yes, I did take a lot of good pictures of the gardens. Soon to be the zoo as well!" When he turned back towards her, she beamed a smile. "Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't. You'll never know." She then stuck a playful tongue out at him, setting her camera on the other side of her so he couldn't grab it.

(Map of the London Zoo: So looking at this, they'd be going left of the entrance to the gorillas, then down to where the otters and all that are)

Léon Croisseux

After what felt like hours, but was really only half an hour. Léon let his head fall to his desk, causing a rather hard 'bang'. "Oww…" He barley even did a third of what was left. "Ugh...I hate paperwork...I can't do this anymore!!!" He pressed the small red call button on is desk. It lit up and sent a somewhat annoying buzzing sound over to Aiko's desk. This was his way of getting her to come see him without him having to get up and get her or yell put for her.

Once he heard the door opened, he glanced up to make sure it was his Vice Headmaster. "Aiko…." He whined, his voice muffled by him being face down on the desk. "There's too much work!!! I can't do it anymore!!" He complained, weakly slamming a fist onto the desk.


14 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katherine Prescott Character Portrait: Sasha Pavlichenko Character Portrait: Charles Aaron Character Portrait: Rebecca Othniel Character Portrait: Eliab Othniel Character Portrait: Camryn Shaffer Character Portrait: Roland Croisseux Character Portrait: Giovanni Napoli Character Portrait: Agatha Amaranth Character Portrait: Headmaster Léon Croisseux Character Portrait: Akira Sasaki Character Portrait: Aiko Sasaki

...and 2 others.

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Aiko heard the buzz to head over to Léon's office and giggled. Oh, dear! I bet I know what he is going to say! He is so silly when it comes to this! She walked with a cheerful demeanor about her as she entered the Headmaster's room. Immediately, she heard the usual complaint from him, her smile never fading a bit. "You always say that, Léon! Besides, Didn't I mention that you'd have help, soon?" She then turned around and pretended to pout with her arms crossed. "Hmph! And, to think you don't trust me!" She waited for Léon's reaction and giggled at whatever his response was prior to turning around in her usual happy-go-lucky mood while pointing a finger. "Well, I know something that may motivate you! Why don't we make a bet?"

She then gave a wink to him in a flirtatious manner. "If at least half of the paperwork is done by the night of the Halloween Dance, I will treat you to a little surprise! If not, then you wear cat ears and have to say "Nya" at that dance! What do you say?"

Akira went wide-eyed when Camryn expressed her disapproval of the Japanese custom. It was kind of an odd experience for him. Since he was a child, he was taught that expressing an opinion against the norm would only generate chaos. It has been so ingrained in his head, just as much as apologizing on behalf of his family and people (which was not uncommon in Japan), that he thought nothing of it. At least, nothing of it until this moment. It made him chuckle after he thought on what Camryn said. "You sure you can understand Japanese? Well, anyway, thank you."

Charles saw Sasha's smile, which he honestly thought was cute, followed by her mischievous answer. Her tongue sticking out and the camera pushed away indicated she did indeed take a picture of him while he was sleeping on the bench. This made him laugh a little. "Figures." Once they were at the zoo, Charles paid for the tickets and they were both inside and looking at the animals. While they were eating lunch together, the red-haired half-Scotsman decided to strike up conversation with, "So, what brought you here to Britain from Russia?"

Agatha smiled a bit shyly and nodded at Giovanni's question of whether she was inviting him to swim with her. She waited for him and then went to her dorm to get changed out of her blouse, T-shirt (which she always wears under her blouse to keep the boys from staring at her bra (her breasts were of modest size)) jeans, bra, and panties and into a light blue, one-piece swimsuit with a low cut to it so that most of her butt was covered (aside from very little of each butt cheek), with no cleavage showing at her chest. She wondered if she should wear shorts, then decided upon her athletic shorts which only went as far as the top of her thighs, then came out to meet Gio.

Agatha could mentally hear her cousin, Aeneas, telling her in her to be more confident in her body. Of course, she would always wonder if it was Aeneas' perverted mind speaking, or if he was honestly trying to help, or a little of both. Merely thinking on that made her mentally giggle, though she did not utter a sound aloud.

At the pool, Agatha removed the shorts, walked towards the edge, and went headfirst into the water. She then, out of habit, she made a swift forward stroke to and from her starting point, three times. Once she stopped and realized Giovanni was nearby, she blushed in embarrassment and said to him, "Sorry, I sometimes forget people are present when I swim." She decided to talk to him about family and whatnot while they swam, her mostly talking about her Yia Yia (grandmother) and cousin since her grandmother was a nice and motherly old woman to be around, plus her cousin (Aeneas) was rather comedic in his perverted and energetic demeanor while still having a sensitive heart.

Rebecca pretended to be flattered the whole time (that having any other option when she was rendered incapable of moving), at least until she was thrown into the swimming pool where Agatha and Giovanni already were. Agatha was the first to wade her way to the Isreali-Syrian-Norwegian girl and ask, "Are you all right, Rebecca?"

Rebecca gave no response as she came out of the swimming pool without the emotional mask she had to put on; she could almost swear she was becoming like Eliab sometimes with those masks. Her face showed all manner of embarrassment and anger. Since she knew Roland was French and spoke it, she used the language impulsively (she learned how to speak it fluently from David). "Tout droit, vous perverti, vaniteux secousse! Ne pense pas que je n'ai pas oublié votre commentaire sur mes fesses, ou ce qui vous a dit plus tard ! Puisque vous avez déjà vu venir, ici, il va, et il va faire mal!" All right, you perverted, conceited jerk! Don't think I haven't forgotten your comment on my butt, or what you said afterwards! Since you already saw it coming, here it goes, and it's gonna hurt!

Right before the blow, Rebecca halted when she heard a familiar adult voice. It was her own mother, Thea. (picture shown below.) Rebecca knew better than to pull anything in front her. Thea spoke in a sweet, yet firm voice in Norwegian. "Kjæresten! Hva jeg si om stansing folk?" Sweetie! What did I say about punching people?


Rebecca immediately pulled back her fist in shame as she answered her mother with, "Å ikke... Jeg vet, mor..." To not to... I know, mom...

Thea responded back in a curious tone. "Så, hvorfor gjør du disse voldelige ting, Rebecca?" Then, why do you do these violent things, Rebecca?

"Jeg vet ikke." I don't know

Thea giggled due to knowing why Rebecca behaves the way she does. In her daughter's mind, if a guy could put up with her antics and not be perverted, then they would be worth her time. So, Thea knew just what to say. "Det er ikke bra nok, kjære! Hvordan skal du slå seg ned med rett mann hvis du holder gjør det?" That's not good enough, sweetie! How are you going to settle down with the right man if you keep doing it?

That query left Rebecca speechless. Mischievous and rough as she was, she was inwardly a hopeless romantic. There was that, and she had to admit in her mind Roland was handsome. Of course, she barely knew him, so her feelings towards the boy would have to be sorted out as time progressed.

Thea's smile grew wider when no answer came, meaning she said her piece and convinced her daughter she had to clean up her act. With that, out of the way, she waved at Ro and said, "And, you must be Roland! Leon always said he wanted a boy with that name! You are nearly the exact spitting image of him!" She next noticed something about his eyes "And yet, you have Louise's eyes! I always knew she and Leon would make such a cute couple! And, speaking of cute couples..." Thea spontaneously went over and hugged Ro and Rebecca tightly, to Rebecca's further embarrassment. "Seeing you two with your antics is just so adorable! I saw you two heading to this pool and followed!"

Rebecca turned to Roland with, "Désolé, Roland, ma mère est un peu un romantique désespéré. Et, je pense qu'elle a rencontré tes parents pendant sa quatrième année de l'école secondaire. Lorsqu'elle a appris que votre père était le directeur de Messier, elle est allée sur et sur eux, et comment elle était à la fois de grands amis. Mon père, cependant, n'a jamais vraiment aimé vôtre." [/I]Sorry, Roland, my mom is a bit of a hopeless romantic. And, I think she met your parents during her fourth year of high school. When she heard that your dad was the headmaster of Masuta, she went on and on about them and how she was great friends with both. My dad, however, never really liked yours.[/I]

Agatha could not help but laugh softly at the scene. She whispered to Giovanni, "At least nobody was hurt."

Thea let go then finally explained why she was at the academy, pulling out a small bag with pills. "Anyway, Rebecca, I came by to give you your medicine. I hope you've been remembering to take it."

Rebecca rolled her eyes before stating, "Yes, mom." Once she had her eyes on her mother again, however, she noticed the woman was deep in thought with a mischievous grin about her. Rebecca and Eliab knew that their mother would, whenever she spotted a likely pairing, would often start imagining how a relationship would play out between the two people she thought of, including a bit of sexuality followed by pregnancy. Just thinking on the sexual scene playing in their mother's head left the Othniel siblings flustered, especially if it involved one of them and another person. Rebecca immediately went neon as she anxiously shouted, "Mom, no! That is way too naughty to be thinking about concerning Ro and me!" She then laughed nervously and whispered in French to Roland, "Et, maintenant qu'elle pense à une grossesse. Encore une fois, elle est un romantique désespéré." And, now she's thinking about a pregnancy. Again, she's a hopeless romantic.

Thea left the pool and it seemed like she was headed home. At least, that is what Rebecca thought. She was actually headed for the boys dorm to check on Eliab.

Speaking of whom, after that episode of Pokémon, he put up the DVD and the player. He then talked about his cousin, Amnon, leaving out why he left Israel since Katherine was not in the best of conditions. He mentioned how Amnon is not someone with much of a sense of humor and how he is very much analytical and an observant Messianic Jew. Eliab even recalled the time when at a family reunion he and Rebecca told jokes to each other and Amnon did not get it at all. There were other topics Eliab talked about, as well, such as how Rebecca would bait boys that flirted with her prior to punching them in the gut, plus the fact Eliab himself always kept count out of habit. "That's why I always carry a first-aid kit full of equipment."

Just then, the dorm door was knocked, to which Eliab jumped and whispered, to Katherine, "I'll be right back. Don't worry, I won't let them in." Opening the dorm door, his eyes widened. "Mom!?"

Thea smiled brightly, hugging her son enthusiastically. "Oh, don't talk like that, sweetie! What's wrong with me checking on you?"

Eliab laughed nervously, "Nothing, at all, just surprised."

Thea's thick Norwegian accent leaked as she spoke. "Well, how are you? No trouble, I hope?"

Eliab, with his Southern accent, answered back, "No, not really, though I don't think it's the best time to come in, right now."

Thea pouted while posing the query, "Oh? Why not?"

Eliab knew he had to think fast, or his mother would see Kat and ask what was going on, then he would be forced to tell the truth, which meant Thea would insist Eliab take her to the nurse that instant. In order to avoid that, Eliab told only half the truth. "Uh, a friend and I were just watching anime for a bit, and it is pretty much all buddies, today. Plus, we're study buddies, so... yeah."

His mother did not believe him. Thea realized there was more going on than meets the eye. "Is this friend... female?"

Eliab instinctively raised his hands while shouting, "Yes, but it's not what you think!" He was about to react to his mother's sudden fantasy of him and whomever it was, yet he realized this was his opportunity to push her away from the door so she would not take notice of Katherine. "Uh, now that you know nothing naughty or scary is up, why don't you just go check on Amnon? You know how much he loves gardens."

Once Thea was gone, Eliab closed the door gently so not to arouse suspicion, breathing a sigh of relief. "Det var en nær." That was a close one. Walking on back over to Katherine, he told her, "That was my mom. She was checking on me. Don't worry, she didn't spot you. I'm not about to see you get forced out of the Academy by your parents over something there is no need to overreact about."

Amnon smiled warmly while responding to Noel's explanation with, "Don't worry about it!" He stroked Felix's head while messing with Noel's hair a little out of playfulness (the closest he will ever come to being mischievous). He then sat Noel back onto a bench and spoke in Italian. "Eliab e Rebecca sempre dirmi che sono così grave, che non posso prendere uno scherzo, che significa. Oh, Beh, sono i miei cugini. Poiché non li ho incontrato fino a questo anno scolastico, la maggior parte di quello che so di loro proviene dalle lettere scambiate da mio padre e la loro. Originariamente, il nonno aveva lo stesso cognome come il mio, dato che sono fratelli. Ma, cambiò il suo cognome da Chaikin a Othniel così per cercare di dimenticare la guerra dei sei giorni." Eliab and Rebecca always tell me I am so serious, I cannot take a joke, whatever that means. Oh, well, they are my cousins. Since I have not met them until this school year, most of what I know of them comes from letters exchanged by my father and theirs. Originally, their grandfather had the same last name as mine, since they are brothers. But, he changed his last name from Chaikin to Othniel so to try to forget the Six-Day War.

It was while hugging Noel some more to calm her down a bit, that Thea found them on the bench in the garden. "Ah, Amnon! How's my skinny nephew? And, who's your friend?"

Amnon smiled and said, "Doing okay, Aunt Thea! This girl is Noel, and her cat is Felix!" Turning to Noel, he said, "Noel, this is Aunt Thea, Eliab and Rebecca's mother."

Thea adoringly petted Felix in a way only she knew how which could calm any cat. "And he's such an adorable kitty! She's got great taste! Noel is quite a cutie-pie, too!" Then, with her perceptive eyes, Thea noticed Noel was not in the best of health. "Oh, how cute you two would be together! Of course, she does not strike me as the type to be a candidate for childbirth, but there's always adoption, and there are many anal sex position for the wedding night." With blunt mode activated, there was no stopping her as she put a hand under her chin and smiled mischievously. "Like, maybe, lioness."

Amnon let go of Noel and protested with, "I just met her, and I'm not exactly the sexual type!" He was blushing red as a rose.

Thea raised her hand in front of her with, "Hey! I can dream, can I?" This left Amnon laughing nervously, hoping she would stop fantasizing.

"Ehehehe... Aunt Thea is very blunt about these things, and is a hopeless romantic, on top of that. Sorry if she is making you awkward, Noel."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noel Mai Character Portrait: Amnon Chaikin
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Noel was happy to calm down and listen to Amnon's explanation and it calmed her oddly enough to have Amnon around soon her breathing returned to normal and although Felix was still agitated about Amnon's presence he did not claw the young man. Suddenly a new face and voice entered the conversation and Noel found herself lost in the woman's loud and boisterous voice and attitude although she was calmed when Felix approved.

"It's so lovely too meet you... Your children are so kind to me."
As usual Noel spoke softly and timidly feeling a little underwhelming in comparison to this bright woman.

But then she said something that pushed Noel sideways in terms of everything she knew. She was... Oh so bluntly talking about sex more so sex involving her and Amnon. Noel's cheeks went 5 different shades of red as her brain functioned to process what was occurring but seemed to get stuck on her and Amnon doing the lioness position... And although she had no idea what that meant her brain could very well run with the idea- and oh goodness she'd just imagined herself with cat ears. Quickly shoving the ideas from her mind feeling embarrassed and completely on the spot Noel tried to come back to reality and the conversation at hand.

"I-its fine Amnon I must say she's such a... Vibrant woman it caught me a little off guard...You can probably tell but my parents have kept me a little bit secluded and ive never been around such energetic colorful people its lovely but... a little shocking."


12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katherine Prescott Character Portrait: Sasha Pavlichenko Character Portrait: Charles Aaron Character Portrait: Rebecca Othniel Character Portrait: Eliab Othniel Character Portrait: Camryn Shaffer Character Portrait: Roland Croisseux Character Portrait: Giovanni Napoli Character Portrait: Agatha Amaranth Character Portrait: Headmaster Léon Croisseux Character Portrait: Akira Sasaki Character Portrait: Aiko Sasaki
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0.00 INK

Léon Croisseux

Léon sat up, slouching, as he placed his elbow on the desk and his chin in his palm. "Yes, but I'd like some help now. Not soon." He counter-complained. Though when Aiko turned around, he knew she was pouting. At first he, went all frantic, sitting straight up and waving his hands back-n-forth. "No, no, no!!" But when she started giggling, he sighed, realizing she was just fooling him. "I trust you…" He said, after calming down.

Raising his eyebrow, Léon gave Aiko a look of interest. "A bet you say?" She gave him a wink, which caused him to give a short laugh. "Okay, what's the bet then?" He asked, getting a reply rather quickly. All he has to do is complete at least half of the paperwork by the Halloween Dance. Seems easy enough...if you weren't the Headmaster. "This little surprise wouldn't be something you'd enjoy. Would it?" Unlike the humiliating 'punishment' the poor Headmaster will receive if he loses the bet, knowing Aiko, her 'surprises' were always something she enjoyed doing.

Camryn Shaffer

"I don't know if you're asking if I understand the Japanese culture and customs or the language. But they are both no. Then again, you could mean something else." Camryn told Akira, thinking a bit more. "Either way, no I do not understand any form of Japanese. That was just my opinion." When he thanked her, she smiled.

The museum was still a bit away, when Cam remembered something. "Oh! Right. I was going to tell you about my relationship with Roland." She paused, needing to collect her thought. "Well, it started off when I was born in Sydney, Australia." Pausing again. "That's where I get my accent, it's Australian, if you were wondering." She said, being a little side-note. "Anyways, my dad left my mom before I was born. Mom says he didn't know she was pregnant with me and she can't seem to remember his name or face anymore. So, I have no idea who my real father is." She glanced over to Akira, to see how'd he react. "I lived in Sydney up until I was 3. That's when mom transferred here. It was only suppose to be temporarily, though."

Camryn stopped, guessing she needed to explain why her mom get transferred. "You see, mom is err, was in the Australian army. She got transferred over to England. We don't have any other family, so she had to take me with her." Pausing again to collect her thoughts. "I was put into a foster home for the time being, until mom was able to come home and take me back." Another glance at Akira. " But as the days went by, it had already been almost 2 years. I noticed I was getting less and less calls and letters from mom, especially towards the middle of the upcoming second year. The foster mother told me it was because of what she did that she couldn't contact me all the time. A little later on, that's when I over heard the call." She sighed, looking dead straight. "The foster mother received a call from where mom was stationed. I didn't know what the other line was saying, but the foster mother was all frantic. Saying stuff like 'Oh no! Oh no! I can't tell her that! The poor girl will be broken!' It scared me." Silence, only for a moment. "I was always teased by the other kids. Quite frankly, I don't know why. I told them once, 'At least I still have a mom!' But they just countered with, 'Not for long! She'll die!' Which made me run back to my room crying."

They were nearing the museum now, just a few more minutes until they reached the car park. Cam continued, "So when I heard the foster mother say that stuff, I instantly thought mom had died. So, without warning or anything, I ran away. I had just turned 5 years old. I had nowhere to go. All I knew was that if I went back, I'd have to physically hear the foster mother tell me mom was dead. I hid in an alleyway for almost 2 weeks." She turned into Bloomsbury Square Car Park and searched for an opened parking space. "That's when Léon found me. He assumed I was an orphan, which I thought I was then, and took me back home with him. He asked if I was in the foster system and I told him no. A lie. I gave him a fake name and everything so I wouldn't be found. I was surprisingly a really smart 5 year old to think of this stuff." She had to laugh at that. "I lived with the Croisseux's up until I was 9. That's when I finally decided to tell them the truth. Léon spent a month trying to track down the foster home. It had shut down, so it was quite hard to find the foster mother. But when he did, he found out that mom hadn't died. She just got seriously injured and needed to get her leg amputated." Parking Roland's car, she got out. Once Akira was out she locked the doors and started walking to the exit.

"The museum is just a 3 minute walk from here." Camryn told him, before continuing. "After a lot of persuading, I finally agreed to see mom again. The reunion was very heartfelt, even if mom was in a wheelchair missing one leg." A small smile appeared on her lips, but quickly faded. "Mom was a wreck when she found out I went missing, she almost lost everything. I wanted to make up for it and go live with her again, but she refused to let me. She said her living condition wasn't the best for me to be living with her right then. She wanted me to say with the Croisseux's. Later on that year, Léon told me that mom and him here filing for shared custody of me and that he was officially adopting me." They crossed the street, the museum straight ahead. "I didn't question it. Mom probably thought I'd have a better life with them, even if I really wanted to be with her again. But I didn't want to cause mom anymore trouble. So instead I just ended up visiting her all the time." The two now entered the British Museum. It was a little past noon and Cam was feeling a bit hungry, she started to head towards the nearest café. "She's now living in a hotel near by, Léon bought her a room there and is help paying for it. So that's why I was there yesterday." Now in line, she continued. "So, long story, but that's how Roland became my adoptive brother."

Once her story finished, she realized she was being a bit rude. "Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't even ask. Are you hungry? If not, then we can just explore the museum. I'm really not that hungry, just a bit snacky. So I can just get something at a little vender. But if you are hungry then we can eat!"

(Map of British Museum)

Sasha Pavlichenko

After Charles pay for the tickets, the two looked at a few of the animal exhibits as they made their way to get something to eat. Charles then asked why Sasha came to the United Kingdom from Russia. "Ahh, that's a umm, it's quite a sad story actually…." She said, staring down at her almost finished food. She was thinking about telling him what happened, but couldn't bring herself to say the words. "Let's just say, something happened and I needed time away from there." Blinking a few times, the maroon-haired girl shook her head then patted her cheeks. This wasn't the time to be sad, they came to the zoo to have some fun. "Oi! This is not the time to be sad! We came here to enjoy the zoo, so that's what we're going to do!" She jumped out of her seat, once she was done eating. "Okay, what should we see now? I'd like to see the otters if you don't mind." She smiled, heading towards the tunnel to get to the southern part of the zoo.

Giovanni Napoli

Once Agatha was out of her dorm room, the two walked to the pool,mainly in silence. The Grecian girl was the first to dive in, as Giovanni took off his shirt and placed it by her shorts. He watched as she swiftly stroke forward a few times. When she apologized to him, he laughed. "Don't worry about it." He smiled, before diving into the pool himself. As his head popped out, he shook the water from his hair. "Ahh! The water feels so nice! It's great that the pool is heated out here! I totally forgot that it was cloudy and might rain today." He laughed again, stretching his arms up, before swimming around some.

They talked about family. She talked about her grandmother and cousin, while Gio informed her of his grandfather, mother and little sister. Though it wasn't until long that the quiet pool turned into a rowdy one.

Roland had come over carrying Rebecca. Giovanni tried to ignore them, whatever it was, he did not want to be a part of it. But Ro ended up tossing the poor girl he was holding into the pool. Agatha made her way over to Rebecca, asking if she was alright. For the most part she was, just a little embarrassed and angry, but not hurt.

When Rebecca got out of the pool, it looked like she was going to punch Roland right in the face. "Well, he deserves this." Gio said to himself, but the girl stopped just before making contact with Ro's face. "Ohhh, so close." Another comment to himself.

"Not cool Bro!" Gio yelled at Roland, who gave him double thumbs up and a smile with his tongue sticking out. Giovanni closed his eyes as he face-palmed himself and shook his head. That's when Agatha swam up to him and whispered that it was a good thing nobody got hurt. "Yeah, well. I think Roland deserves to get punched in the face for doing that…"

Roland Croisseux

Roland couldn't help but laugh seeing Rebecca's face as she came out of the pool. As the brunette yelled at him in French, Ro held up his arms, sorta covering his face. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He said, still smiling and laughing. But right before she hit him, she stopped. A female voice, most likely an adult, spoke up in another language. He recognized it as Norwegian, but he has long forgotten how to speak it.

Roland couldn't even remotely understand what the woman and Rebecca were talking about. So, once he calmed himself down, he glanced over at Giovanni, giving him a double thumbs up and a smile with his tongue sticking out to the side. Which caused his best friend to face-palm while shaking his head.

When the women was finished talking to Rebecca, she waved at him. Walking over, he smiled that oh so charming smile. "Ah, yes, I am Roland. Please to meet you." He took her hand and kissed the back of her palm. "Hehe, I get that a lot. I'm actually quite glad I don't looked exactly like dad." He gave a short chuckle, just as he was pulled into a tight hug with Rebecca. Another chuckle when Thea mentioned the two being so adorable. "Why thank you, I do so try and be this adorable." He joked, er, half joked that is.

Rebecca then turned to him and apologized for her mother. Also saying that their parents knew each other back in their high school days. Roland looked back at Thea. "My father has told me quite a bit about you...and your husband. I guess the both share a dislike for each other."

The mother and daughter pair had another short chat, something about medicine and something….naughty? Roland just wondered what this 'naughty thinking' Thea was just doing. Though when Rebecca whispered to him, in French, that is was about pregnancy. This made the boy's cheeks turn quite red. This was a rare occasion to see him blush.

Katherine Prescott

As Katherine listened to Eliab talk about Amnon, her fever seemed to have gone down some. Although not that much. She was still quite pale and had very flushed cheeks. But the dizziness had left, though she had to deal with a rather large headache.

Eliab's sudden jumpiness, because of a knock at the door, made Kat jump as well."Mkay." She replied, watching him go to the door and open it. She heard the surprised tone in his voice, as the person on the other side of the door was his mother. She tried to hear what they were saying, not that she was eavesdropping or anything, but the pounding in her head made it a bit difficult to do so. Instead, she drank the rest of her water and decided to lay back a little more.

The brunette was about to close her eyes, when she heard Eliab yell. A few seconds later, the door closed, and he came back over to the bed. HE told her is was his mother and reassured her that she wasn't spotted. "Thank you, for everything." She smiled, knowing that she has probably said that like ten times already.

Katherine looked around, trying to think of something more they can do. When she realized the clothes that Rebecca brought for her were still on the table next to the bed. It had been a long day, that she forgot to change out of Eliab's clothes. "Umm, Eliab...could you, me over the, umm...bathroom?" She said, a little embarrassed. Then took notice that the pair of panties Rebecca gave her were on top of the pile of clothes. She quickly grabbed them, hugging them to her chest so that Eliab couldn't see them. Her cheeks got even more red, and is wasn't from her fever.


14 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katherine Prescott Character Portrait: Sasha Pavlichenko Character Portrait: Charles Aaron Character Portrait: Rebecca Othniel Character Portrait: Eliab Othniel Character Portrait: Camryn Shaffer Character Portrait: Roland Croisseux Character Portrait: Giovanni Napoli Character Portrait: Agatha Amaranth Character Portrait: Headmaster Léon Croisseux Character Portrait: Akira Sasaki Character Portrait: Aiko Sasaki

...and 2 others.

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Aiko was lost for words, since she knew Leon was very observant about what she does. It was true that the things she has done in the past were things she enjoyed, and that was causing the bets to slowly lose effectiveness. She had to use a different angle, so she turned around to think on it. It had to be embarrassing, but not too much so. Let's see, let's see, let's see... bringing coffee while dressed in a bunny leotard-- No, NO! TOO AWKWARD! TOO AWKWARD! Okay, what else... apron and swimsuit? Nah, he may take it the wrong way. Hmm... Finally, she thought of something that would leave her embarrassed yet not too much so as to be unbearable. Well, at least bunny ears and the tail attached to a dress won't be too embarrassing. Were it that one bunny costume, it would be taken the wrong way. Sighing, she turned to Leon and said, "Okay, I decided on something, and this time it will be different."

Akira listened to what Cam said about her father, to which he could not help but say, "Hontou ni!?" Really!? He knew she would not understand what he said based on his choice of words, yet his facial expression displaying shock would be a hint at it. Akira realized he would have to work on not using Japanese words, sooner or later.

He calmed down enough to listen to the rest. This time, curiosity sunk in. The boy laughed with her on the part of being smart for a 5-year-old. Getting out of the car, he still continued to listen, not even sure if he could say anything, yet nodded at her saying the museum would be a three minute walk. Hearing that Camryn reunited with her mother, even if briefly, cause a smile to come to his face. It was bitter-sweet that Cam ended up adopted the way she did. So, that's why she was there. Wait a minute! A hotel is only a place where people stay while on a trip! Doesn't she mean an apartment complex?

Hearing her query, he answered, "No, not at the moment. I can just grab a diet cola from the vending machine."

Charles noticed the sudden change in attitude, causing concern to become apparent. Something must have happened that was really bad. What could it be? The Russian Federation has been accused of allegedly not treating women with the same regard as men, so could that be it? I would say the female population being much larger than the male population and thus the likelihood of finding love could be it, but that would be just silly and ridiculous. It sounds too petty to be the reason. By her expressions, it had to be something much deeper than that. Loss of family, perhaps? I guess I should save this for later. He chuckled when she returned to her happy self. ""Otters, it is!"

Agatha gave a disappointed look toward Giovanni for saying Roland deserved to be punched for what he did. For one, the two did not know the whole story of how it happened, and two, using violence to solve a dispute was just petty and wrong. All she could muster was, "Rebecca non è nessun Santo, neanche. Nulla sarebbe potuto succedere, e non sappiamo quello che ha portato all'incidente." Rebecca is no saint, either. Anything could have happened, and we don't know what led to the incident.

Rebecca had noticed the blush on Roland's face and smirked, waiting until her mother had left to use her hands that she placed on Roland's shoulders to push herself up to where she used her legs to grab onto his upper torso. Being a gymnast whom practiced all her life, her upper and lower body strength were very much above that of the average boy her age. She could even beat most boys in an arm wrestling match without much of a struggle. This was her perfect opportunity to exploit Roland's awkwardness, which was her goal, to begin with.

"Well, isn't it sweet of you to be worried about being a terrible father! Or, could it be that you are shy about entering me?" Her smirk remained as she begun to torture the poor French guy mentally and emotionally. She could be such a tease when she wanted to be. "Well, there's always my butt. I seem to recall you saying you enjoyed the view of it. Thinking about using it for pleasure?" At this point, she was basking in Roland's embarrassment, whatever the magnitude of it would be. She had one hand at his cheek the whole time, the other hand free to hold onto Ro's wrist. Given her strength, even if Roland were to try to pull it away, her grip would be firm enough that it would take quite a bit of effort. She then took the opportunity to tease Ro further by placing his hand on her thigh and moving said hand further up it. She stopped when the hand was nearly the whole way up her thigh, assuming Ro had not broken his wrist free from her grasp. Either way, Rebecca had him where she wanted him.

"Desolee. Je fais vous à l'aise? Voyons voir si Roland Petit est calm!" I'm sorry. Am I making you feel awkward? Let's see if little Roland is calm! Rebecca bent backwards with much flexibility and had both her hands at Ro's shorts, then let go just as soon as she grabbed hold of them, leaving him with his decency intact. "Nah, just kidding! I wouldn't pull down your pants!" She now placed both hands at his cheeks. "At least, not in public. I must admit, you are pretty handsome. It almost makes the naughty stuff in the privacy of a bedroom tempting." Ironically enough, part of her meant it.

Agatha noticed the entire spectacle and blinked a few times in surprise. She whispered to Giovanni, "Rebecca is teasing him, I just know it. There is no way she can be serious."

Amnon smiled once Noel spoke and did not seem to be bothered. "Yes, Aunt Thea tends to be a hopeless romantic mixed with naughty thoughts. She is also, as you put it, a lively woman. She always seems to be enthusiastic and happy. She also has a mischievous side to her." Petting Felix a little, he continued. "So, we still have daylight. Anything you wanted to do?"

Eliab heard Katherine thank him, to which he replied in Norwegian with, "Ingen årsak." Her next query left him feeling awkward, even more so as Katherine grabbed something and held it to her chest. He was not stupid, he knew it was an undergarment of some kind, possibly panties. Of course, seeing as there was little difference in appearance between female undergarments and a bikini (which he saw her in), you would think that he would not feel so awkward at the thought of Katherine only wearing underwear. His cheeks turned about the same amount of red as hers. "S-sure! No problem!"

He did not bother looking in Kat's direction as he helped her get to the bathroom. Once she was in, he turned his back towards the door so not to peek. Granted, the door was going to close, either way, though he did not want to take any chances. He was one to try to be gentlemanly wherever he can. Still, the alternating thoughts between Katherine in her bikini and then in undergarments left him neon red and embarrassed. He was no pervert, he was merely feeling awkward. He realized he had to think of something else and fast, thus he managed to come up with memorizing in his head some bits and pieces of history while he waited for Kat to open the door, which he was standing next to by then with his back against the wall.