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Monster Middle School:A School for the Broken

Monster Middle School:A School for the Broken


You are a monster, but there's something wrong with you. Maybe a mermaid that can't swim, or a siren that can't sing. Other students make fun of you, and you decide to look for help. That's where this school comes in.

1,093 readers have visited Monster Middle School:A School for the Broken since CreeperKittenXX created it.


Monster Middle School: A School for the Broken

You are a monster, but there is something wrong with you. Maybe your a siren that can't sing, or a vampire that's squeamish of blood. Other monsters make fun of you, so you decide to look for help. Your parents find a letter in the mail from MMSB and decide that it is the perfect school for you. You pack your bags, and board a bus that takes you to a creepy old building; Monster Middle School for the Broken. Inside, you find long hallways, each labeled with a sigh to tell which rooms are there. In the room labeled 'Main Room', you find the dorm list. Than it begins.....

You start inside of the Main Room, looking at the dorm list.



Special Classes:


Classes that go along with your characters problem. Such as choir class for a non-singing siren.

Character form:

Appearance: (Picture please :) Also, must be anime. )
Race of monster:
Their problem:
Special class: (may chose only one)

Dorm List:
Dorm 1: Sakura Yumi
Dorm 2: Felix Cross
Dorm 3: Reserved for Meetra
Dorm 4: Astrid Torsten
Dorm 5:Alexander Keridon
Dorm 6: Fiona McCormic
Dorm 7: Kuro Genisis
Dorm 8: Violet Ikeda
Dorm 9:
Dorm 10:

10:00 school begins
10:00-10:30 breakfast
10:30-11:00 break
11:00-12:00 math
12:00-1:00 Science
1:00-1:30 lunch
1:30-2:00 break
2:00-3:00 language
3:00-4:00 reading
4:00-6:00 special classes
6:00-6:30 dinner
6:30-7:00 silent reading
7:00-10:00 free time
10:00 (pm)-10:00 (am) bed time

Toggle Rules

I am only accepting 10 people.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors

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Sakura Yumi stared at the board in front of her.

"Yes!Dorm one!" she exclaimed. She immediately regretted that decision. She shrunk back, embarrassed. Grabbing her bags, she began to drag them out of the room. Seeing all of the other monsters there gave her hope, and comfort. Good, I'm not the only one with problems.

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"Cool. Dorm 5. I'm stuck between a succubus that won't suck and pixie thats picky about flying. And I thought I had issues." Said Alexander as he bent down to pick up the last of his things.
Now where is dorm five? Here? No. Here? No. Ah, here it is. thought Alex as he picked his way through other students who were walking. I wonder when dinner is.

When Alex opened the door to his room, he decided two things immediately. One, the windows were going to need a fresh coat of paint and the walls were going to need to be decorated.

"Where shall I put my coffin?" wondered Alex out loud.

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#, as written by Akantha
Astrid Torsten carefully slipped along the wall. Every now and then that a male would pass she would hold her breath and press herself to the wall. Some of the males lured in by her scent would pause but she would hold her breath for so long that she would turn purple and they would finally give up thinking she was a loose case. She hurriedly peeked around the door leading up to the dorm assignment board. "So many males. Oh sheep. Dear mother in heaven please kill me." She murmured blinking back frightened tears. She took one step then paused heavily. Go! Stop whining. It's just a few guys. Nothing to worry about. they can't do anything to you. Get your butt in gear! C'mon Tory! She mentally willed herself before taking another hesitant step. Another male came close and she all but fainted. Astrid sucked in a hoarse breath before running to the board, shoving people out of them way. "Let's see. There! Alright." She memorized the names and numbers before closing her eyes and tumbling back out of the room in a big hurry. She could already feel goosebumps rising where she had touched the men to push them out of her way.

She slammed the door to her room shut behind her and dove for the nearest corner to hide in. "Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. I hate men." She whispered as her body trembled on the edge of mental exhaustion just from having to be near so many. She never understood why her parents had decided to send her here. Why darling it's to help you, my butt! She took a moment to suck in a few needed breaths to calm her mind before she stood and finally scanned her room. It looked normal, which was a problem. It would need a few plush pillows and maybe some love seats. Maybe an Arabian tapestry here and there to give it the feel of a comfortable haven for her harem. She scowled. What harem? I can't even think of having men close to me much less as my consorts. The thought brought bile back to her mouth and she laid a hand over her churning stomach. "Just keeping thinking about furniture. Forget about that. Yeah! My favorite tapestry would go great there!" She managed to smile and pictured the fabric against the wall.

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Sakura finally managed to drag her luggage to her room. Why on earth would my parents make me pack all of this! Shutting the door behind her, she stared at her room. It wasn't anything to special. One big window covering practically her whole wall, a bed, a TV, a dresser, and a bathroom with the standard appliances.

"Home is way better." she muttered as she began unpacking. Shoving her clothes into the drawers, hanging golden curtains, replacing the bed sheets with golden ones, and stowing away all of her things, she stepped back to admire her work.

"Nice job!" she said to herself "But there's one thing wrong." carefully, she set her golden flute on her nightstand.


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#, as written by Dsar
Kuro sees a large cluster of people stareing at a board as he enters the room. From the door to the board he couldnt see anything at all.

Instead of rushing through the crowd like some people were doing Kuro had just gone to the side and decided to wait for the cluster of people to ease up, He didnt want to push somone the wrong way. As he waited he only saw more people walk through the door.

"Great" he muttered to himself as we waiting on the side holding his medium sized duffle bag.

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Felix entered the doors of the school and gave a quick once over at the people standing around inside. They all looked like dull, twitchy people. He mentally scoffed as he saw a chick run off to her room, looking like she was afraid of something or someone. This interested him a little so he scanned the crowd again to see if he missed someone who might fit the description of a scary character. No one did, really. Tch, the girl must just be some finicky scaredy-cat. He rolled his eyes and adjusted the bag on his back, feeling it growing heavier with every step.

He carelessly pushed the others out of his way as he made his way to the front of the group, taking a quick glance over his room number. Room 2, that should be easy to find. Felix looked around the group once more, scooting away from it to allow the others to check their room. Now I just need my servant... Ah, there we go. Smirking, Felix tossed his bag to a meek-looking boy standing on the outer edge of the crowd [Kuro]. "You! From now on, you're my servant and you'll do as I say. Got it? Great. Now come with me to my room and be sure not to drop my stuff," he ordered calmly, turning away from the boy and motioning him to follow after him. "Hurry it up."

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Fiona walked into the school and saw a large group of people. She took a deep breath, trying to calm the irritation of being sent to this school. She wasn't broken, there was nothing wrong with being afraid of heights! Well maybe there was a little bit when the person afraid of heights was a fairy.

She sighed as she walked over to the crowd of people and waited to get closer. That's when she heard something behind her. She turned to see some guy throw his bags towards another guy and began ordering him around. She put her hands on her hips as she walked over to them. She was a good head shorter than the both of him, but that didn't intimidate her. "You think you're something special huh? Well guess what, you're not. Nothing in the world could make you any more special than the rest of us so you can stop acting like you are and carry your own bags to your room." She said to the boy, her temper beginning to flare up. She knew it was probably going to get her in trouble, but she also knew that she could hold her own and this boy didn't scare her one bit.

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#, as written by Dsar
A bag slamed onto the ground infront of Kuro almost hitting his own as he looked up to finaly hear what looked to be another student yelling at him to carry his bag. Kuro would stare at the other kid bewildered thinking is he serious? Kuro not wanted to start anything would pick his bag up and move to get the other bag.

Then a voice from the crowd uproared and a girl smaller then Kuro and Felix would come out seeming to be sticking up for him. She didnt seem intimidated one bit she still went all out on him.As kuro aproached them both with the bags he noticed the wings on her it then explain the height of her, more or less. Naturaly Kuro didnt want any trouble to happen so he walked over to Fiona and looked at her. With his quiet voice "Thank you, but i dont want any trouble..". It was obvious the way Kuro spoke to her that there was fear in his voice.

Kuro holding his bag and Feilix's bag, keeps walking, fallowing him.

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Felix was proudly on his way to his room, sure that the other nameless boy was following loyally behind him, when he found himself being stopped by some sort of fairy midget. "You think you're something special huh? Well guess what, you're not. Nothing in the world could make you any more special than the rest of us so you can stop acting like you are and carry your own bags to your room." Well then. He blinked at her--down at her, that is--remaining silent for a good thirty seconds before bursting into laughter. The laughter took a while to die down, before he finally managed to calm himself and look at the fiery girl, holding his stomach.

He pointed to his head. "You see this crown? And these wings?" He pointed to the black feathered wings on his back, then proceeded to point to everything he started to talk about. "And these eyes, this body, this hair, and this face?" He snorted. "Yeah, I think I am pretty darn special."

"Thank you, but i dont want any trouble..". the other boy said. Felix grinned and crossed his arms. "There, see? Even he agrees. What a loyal servant I chose!" He leaned down to the girl's level and poked her daringly in the forehead. "Now, get lost, Tinkerbell." With that, seeing his 'loyal servant' still following him, he continued down the hall towards his room.

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Sakura left her room and began walking down the hallway. She stopped when she saw a boy with a crown, a fairy, and another boy who was carrying two bags.

"Hello!" she greeted cheerfully "What are your names? Mine's Sakura!"

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Fiona looked at the boy curiously. "Don't be afraid of him or let him push you around. You don't deserve that." She said softly to him and then looked back at the other boy. As he daringly poked her in the forehead, she got even angrier. Her eyes turned from green to fire orange revealing that she was an elemental fairy, a fire elemental fairy at that. "Oh now you're gonna get it." She muttered as a small ball of fire formed in her hand. "Let's see how pretty your wings will look on fire." She yelled at him, but was stopped when another's girl showed up.

"Oh hi! I'm Fiona!" She said with a happy smile, but still kept the fire burning in her hand.

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Just when Alexander had finished raiding the supply closet for painting supplies, he heard an argument start.
At least they aren't yelling. Damn my vampire senses. thought Alex, listening to the conversation, tuning out everything else. After a few moments, he went back to reality and decided to walk back to his dorm. As he walked, he heard the noise get louder. Apparently the argument was coming to a close, with 'tinkerbell' being over ruled.
And I thought i was demanding. This kid acts like a prince. thought Alexander, who started laughing as he walked into his room.
These windows will look so much better black. Maybe the walls to. And a new set of sheets and pillow cases. And the dresser. The bed frame could use a new coat of black as well. Black tinted lightbulbs. God, This is going to take a bit. Walmart time.

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Sakura glared at the fairy 'Fiona'.

"What are you doing? Do you plan to set him on fire? Why!" Then she looked over at the boy with the crown who had poked Fiona.

"Who do you think you are! Mr. Prince, you should know that poking people isn't nice.

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#, as written by Akantha
Astrid was still staring at her wall when she heard the sounds of fighting. She was never one to miss a fight but it sounded like a woman was getting bashed by a male and that upset her. She couldn't even get her room done with a bunch of yelling idiots outside her room down the hall. She took a shaky breath before strutting out of her room and into the hall where she was confronted by the group of four a few feet away. Two males and two females. She stopped several feet behind the males keeping to a distance where she could feel safe from their sickly manner of brutality. She took another breath almost trembling but her glare was fierce even though tears were springing up in her eyes again. Darn it. Her mind raced almost at dizzying speed.

"You there!" Her hand raised to give to male a viscous point even though she took a step back unconsciously. "Stop s-starting stuff with her! Your d-disturbing my peace!" She managed to scowl at him before looking to the other male, blinking back her tears fiercely. "And you! Stop b-being so submissive! It's demeaning and below yourself." She blushed ashamed but puffed out her chest proudly keeping up her failing act. She could conquer her fears. Surely. With a haughty laugh she looked to the females. "I'm Astrid. It's much more of a pleasure to meet you." While only looking at the females and blocking out the males she felt much calmer. Sweeter and kinder was more her style anyways. You can do this Astrid. You got this! Keep going. They can't hurt you. I hope.

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Felix was mentally blocking out the words the redheaded fairy girl ranted on and on. All he saw was her mouth moving and nothing coming out. This brought a smile to his face. "Let's see how pretty your wings will look on fire." Oh, woah waoh, wait, do what? He blinked, being forcibly tuned back in as a ball of red hot fire burned in the girl's hand. His mind went completely blank. Any insults or shrug offs he had in mind to brush this chick off before disappeared and all he could do was feel himself shrink back and start hyperventilating.

He numbly registered others joining them, some pointing, some talking or shouting at him or the fairy, but he didn't hear any of them. "I-i-i-i, um," Felix gulped, not taking his eyes off the fire in her hands. He reached back blindly, feeling the bag in the other kid's hands and snatching it from him. He held it to his chest. I'm gonna die and burn and my flesh is going to melt away slowly and it's going to hurt and feel like needles, only they're on fire, and it's going to be painful and everything's going to go numb and I'm going to die a slow, horrible, painful, burning death. He shut his eyes tightly and took a step back, before darting around the fairy and all the others, finding his room, and bursting inside, slamming the door after him.

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"He's afraid of fire!" Sakura snorted, staring at the fair who has scared him away. Then she turned to the girl who had just introduced herself.

"Hi Astrid, I'm Sakura, nice to meet you!" She smiled as she talked to the girl, as she could tell that she was scared.

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#, as written by Dsar
"And you! Stop b-being so submissive! It's demeaning and below yourself." Kuro turned to the woman who had yelled at Felix and then him, He could then tell just from the look on her face he was not the only one scared, Then he mentaly reviewed what she said. Then he put that behind him and looked twoards the ferrie with the fire ball ready to be thrown.

Kuro saw the ball of fire go up and with this force all concitntraited in a ball he didnt want to be in the way of it so he steped more to the side being behind felix but before he could really move the kid the was insulting Kuro and telling him what to do ran off snatching Kuros bag instead of his own, The next thing heard from the distance was the door.

Kuro then noticed the mass of people around the area that the situation had happend. Kuro then ignored the attention then walked over to the farrie and quietly said " you may want to put that away and again...Thank you".

Finaly when the entire altercation had slowed down Kuro walked over to sakura and put out his free hand as if he was going to shake her hand. " My name is Kuro, Nice to meet you" Kuro spoke in a queit voice it seemed to be a bit louder then a wisper but to quiet to be a regular voice level.

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Violet walked to her dorm room, seriously scared out of her mind. She was nervous about meeting other people. Violet found Dorm #8 then she quickly unlocked the door and went inside. She dropped her suitcase on the floor. Violet laid down on her new bed and stared at the ceiling. She sat up then she walked out of the door and looked for something to do. Violet stopped when she saw that there were people around an area. She was about to walk through so she can roam the hallway. Violet tripped over one guy's shoe that was in the crowd then she fell over a girl with red hair . She was scared that she scared her or hurt her. Violet's teeth started to chatter then she said, "I-I am so s-s-sorry." She stuttered it out since she was afraid to talk right now.

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#, as written by Akantha
Astrid grinned victoriously and strutted forward to the two girls forgetting about the male because of his silence. "That showed him. Yup!" She chuckled and raised a hand to push one of her red pigtails over her shoulder. "Nice to meet you too, Sakura." She glanced to the fireball in the other girl's hand but was unperturbed by it. That was Astrid Torsten. A girl who could be afraid of the smallest man but a fireball didn't even bother her. She huffed at the thought. Like hell. I'm not afraid of anyone, much less a man. Her thought train was interrupted by a whispered voice to her side. She squeaked softly and went pale again. Good lord! I forgot about him!

Astrid hurriedly stepped closer to the wall almost moving behind the girls entirely. She watched him warily before noting that even though he was male his voice wasn't loud, cruel, cold, or brutal. A blush rose on her cheeks and she noticed that she must have looked funny. After all, she was barefoot with a foreign dress on, having a devilish tail and wings folded neatly behind her back. Plus she looked like a child! Most succubus that she knew were sexy and calm but here she was, in this form. However what was funnier was that this male didn't even register on her meter to make her tremble or really cower. He just made her feel shy. Talk about a girly man. Hmph! She peeked around the girl, frowning deeply. "I'm Astrid. Astrid Torsten." She spoke out of context, her mind distracted and still caught up in her own thoughts. She hadn't noticed that he wasn't speaking to her but yet to Sakura. Her eyes narrowed, bordering on a glare at the male.

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Sakura smiled and shook his hand.

"What's all this fuss about? I walk over to see a fairy trying to set some 'prince' on fire. What did he do to make you all so angry?" She said to no particular person. She looked around at the group that had gathered. A fairy, a child, and a boy.

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#, as written by Dsar
Feeling a bit more comfrable talking to Sakura, Kuro spoke up a bit more his voice was still soft,"I just didnt want anyone to have anything against me didnt want anything like this to happen." Then the succubus slamed into the wall, Kuro just stared a little paniced because she was stareing dead at him as if he did somthing.

Next she says her name from behind it seemed to be sakura, with a quick and un easy reply " Kuro...Kuro Genisis?" At this point Kuro was on a bit of an edge it seemd as if two people now are after him and all he did was exsist, Kuro then looked up to Sakura and lifted his sholder's and hands in a bit of confusion.

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"Will somebody please just tell me what happened!" she exclaimed, clearly exasperated. She became embarrassed, blushing, she looked around to see if anyone was staring at her, hoping that they would just ignore her sudden outburst. She looked over at Astrid, who was leaning against the wall and seemed to be glaring at Kuro.

"Astrid? Are you ok?" she asked, a bit of concern leaked in to her voice.

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#, as written by Akantha
Astrid blushed as the female addressed her even though her eyes never strayed from the male. "I'm fine." She murmured. "Sorry." She tore her eyes away from the male who had introduced himself as Kuro and looked to Sakura. "Actually. Truthfully-" She coughed as her blush deepened and she huffed stubbornly. "I'm afraid of guys." She frowned and crossed her arms over her chest before glancing to Kuro. "I was confused because he doesn't give off that feel of a real male except in appearance which makes me nervous enough, but his voice isn't as loud or cruel as most males are. Oh sorry, I'm rambling aren't I? All I know is that some guy was picking on that girl." She gestured towards Fiona while her gaze lowered to the floor. "Then I came out to try and help you guys because I want to make friends but yet I hate guys and it's really complicated. So yeah."

She took a deep breath and made a half strangled laugh that didn't come out as confidently as she wanted it too. When she raised her gaze she also raised a hand to twirl a strand of her pigtail shyly. Nothing ever goes right. They must think I'm weird. Darn it all! She bit down on her lower lip but refrained from looking towards Kuro because right then she was afraid that she might have run away or done something worse.

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#, as written by Akantha
(Ignore this, Arigatou~!)

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"This whole fight is about some boy picking on a girl?" Sakura chuckled lightly. So that's what this whole thing is about. She turned to Astrid and smiled.

" So that's why your here. Your a succubus that's afraid of men. I'm here because I'm, um." She paused for a moment, and blushed lightly.

"I'm a siren who can't, s-s-sing." she stuttered. Oh great! Now I look like an idiot. Astrid told us her problem without a problem, so why can't I? They probably think I'm stuck up because I'm embarrassed to talk about the reason I'm here. Ok, that made now sense. Great now I'm rambling.

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Character Portrait: Astrid Torsten
0 sightings Astrid Torsten played by Akantha
"I won't do it. No matter what."

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View All » Add Character » 9 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Alexander Keridon
Character Portrait: Fiona McCormick
Character Portrait: Kuro Genisis
Character Portrait: Violet Ikeda


Character Portrait: Violet Ikeda
Violet Ikeda

The witch who can't perform a spell.

Character Portrait: Kuro Genisis
Kuro Genisis

The scared Immortal

Character Portrait: Fiona McCormick
Fiona McCormick

"No, I don't wanna fly..."

Character Portrait: Alexander Keridon
Alexander Keridon

If you don't stop im going to.... And then I will.... PAIN!


Character Portrait: Kuro Genisis
Kuro Genisis

The scared Immortal

Character Portrait: Alexander Keridon
Alexander Keridon

If you don't stop im going to.... And then I will.... PAIN!

Character Portrait: Fiona McCormick
Fiona McCormick

"No, I don't wanna fly..."

Character Portrait: Violet Ikeda
Violet Ikeda

The witch who can't perform a spell.

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Character Portrait: Violet Ikeda
Violet Ikeda

The witch who can't perform a spell.

Character Portrait: Fiona McCormick
Fiona McCormick

"No, I don't wanna fly..."

Character Portrait: Alexander Keridon
Alexander Keridon

If you don't stop im going to.... And then I will.... PAIN!

Character Portrait: Kuro Genisis
Kuro Genisis

The scared Immortal

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