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My Soul to Take



a part of My Soul to Take, by skindeep.


skindeep holds sovereignty over Aurelia, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Aurelia is a part of My Soul to Take.

10 Characters Here

Max Kaylock [21] I will rule forever.
Laney Bennett [17] Your definition of forever is different from mine.
Amber Sin [12] He is all I have, how could I turn on him.
Liam Anthony Pretige [10] "I will serve at your side leader."
Lee Vixen [7] *snickers* You don't know shit..
Scarny Marie Scarlet [6] "Max will pay for what he did to me!"
Jennifer Leigh Lockey [4] "Sometimes, there are no choices. Right is right and it can suck."
Rowena Clayton [0] They won't take my soul...I won't let them.
Alexander [0] this wrold is not right and I will do my best to fix it

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Character Portrait: Max Kaylock Character Portrait: Lee Vixen Character Portrait: Laney Bennett Character Portrait: Amber Sin Character Portrait: Liam Anthony Pretige
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Maximilien sat at his desk, the view of the entire industrialized city could be seen, he was proud of what he built. Maahes sighed softly as he lay in front of the large bay window that over looked the city. The Black Panther looked to his body. “You’re not really going to take her soul are you?” he asked casually referring to Amber. Max glanced to the panther “Maahes, now do you really think I’m that heartless, she’s like my little sister” he smirked his normally cocky smirk. The black panther frowned deeply “You are that heartless, you must remember, I’m your soul, your feelings are mine as well” he said calmly “She trusts you with her life” he sighed. “Yes, well
she needs to learn not to trust anyone in today’s time.” he said glaring at his soul. “Besides my business is my own, not yours.” He said glancing to the door as it open.

Lee, Amber, Laney and Liam coming in to his office “Good morning Liam, Ladies” he nodded gently “Please take a seat” he said gesturing to his couch. “Lee and Laney I have an assignment for you two” he said in his smooth velvet voice “I received word that the Rebellion was causing quite a scene downtown late last night.” He sighed “Seems, you miss Laney were spotted down there, last night
as well as you Amberlyn” he said slightly agitated “I’m not quite sure why the two of you would be in the downtown dangerous part of the city without my permission, or some kind of protection” he frowned as one of his servants poured a glass of scotch for him. He stood up pacing in front of the window for a moment, before taking a sip. “Anyways I guess it is none of my business, but you two do work for me and it makes me look bad when my top workers are mingling with trash” he said irritated. “As I was saying Laney and Lee, I’d like you to see what information you can find about last night’s little riot.” He took another sip of his scotch.

Amber sighed softly “Max
I didn’t mean to be out there” she said faintly hating when he was mad at her, she looked to Laney “I dragged her with me it wasn’t her fault honest” she said softly use to taking the blame, knowing he wouldn’t punish her as harshly as the other. “Amber shut up he’ll kill you” the Artic fox spoke knowing no one else could hear her. Amber simply ignored the comment. “Very well, I’ll deal with you later then” he said glaring at her for a moment causing her to look away. She looked to Liam for a moment as if she was going to say something to him though she decided against it for the moment.


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Rowena was walking down a back alley, dodging other people by jumping over trash cans and ducking into small crevices between the buildings when there were to many people around. Aqua was having a hard time keeping up, but he was never far behind.

Jeeze, Row, slow down a bit! Where's the fire, huh? , he asked, looking up at her.

Row laughed at his joke, shaking her head. "I just don't want to loose you, Aqua. You know how easy that is these days,"

As Rowena continued to her rondevu with Scar, she worried if the unusual woman she had met at the riot would actually be there. They needed to act, and fast, or else it would be to late to do anything about the vicious Max. She hurried to the spot, a small area at the end of a long maze of alley ways, to wait with Aqua.

So she sends us to the middle of nowhere to wait? You really wanna trust this girl, Rowena?

Row looked at her faithful companion, her only friend. She knew he was just looking out for her, but sometimes he was irritating...


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Character Portrait: Max Kaylock Character Portrait: Laney Bennett Character Portrait: Amber Sin
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Laney quietly entered Max's office along with three of her comrades - not her true comrades, obviously, but in this situation that was the only word she could use to describe them. A bored expression on her face, she sat upon the arm of the couch, arms crossed and head lightly cocked to the right. Ah, what a night last night had been. The rebellion's planned riot had gone alright. Sort of. There was a tug at her essence every time they brought up arms without her; now that she was successfully one of her greatest enemy's allies, she couldn't exactly go dancing through the streets with the other rebels, could she? All the same, somehow she'd managed to get out there to inspect what damage had been done so she could plan ahead. It was a dangerous move and she knew she was about to pay for it.

His words quickly confirmed her thoughts - ah, she'd been sighted. But that wasn't so much of a surprise, really. She'd known that there would be people up and about watching the riot take place in order to gather information. The blonde shrugged indifferently at the malice in his voice, not at all bothered by his anger.

"You should be more cautious about this," Piper snorted. "Even though you haven't slipped up yet, there is always a chance you're cover will be blown.

I didn’t mean to be out there.” Amber said, glancing in her dierction. “I dragged her with me it wasn’t her fault honest”

The response the girl was given was predictable. A "tch" escaped Laney's lips and her startling gaze flickered over at Amber. "I appreciate you trying to cover for me, Babe, but if you think I'm going to let you throw yourself under the bus for me, you are mistaken." Her heterochromatic eyes darted over to Max, meeting his own eyes with surprising strength. "You're right, I was out there. I recieved an anonymous note last night that a riot would take place and I decided it would be best to witness it - first hand knowledge is the best when it comes to gathering information for you. Or am I wrong, Sir?" She ran a hand through her blonde hair before twirling a strand around her index finger. "I called Amber out to help me," she concluded with a carefree shrug. "If you're going to punish anyone, if should be me."

A low growl rose in Piper's throat. "You're a fool, Laney! You really think he's going to believe you with just a story?"

"Since you want information on the riot, I already documented what I saw. My secretary should have dropped it off this morning in a folder with yesterday's date on it. I can do more research into the riot as the day continues." Laney glanced at Amber as if daring the girl to say anything more. She didn't want the girl to protect her. In fact, she didn't want anyone here to like her. The more favors they did for her the more danger they'd be in once the truth of her allegiance became known.


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Character Portrait: Max Kaylock Character Portrait: Laney Bennett Character Portrait: Amber Sin
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Max & Amber
"I appreciate you trying to cover for me, Babe, but if you think I'm going to let you throw yourself under the bus for me, you are mistaken." Laney said causing Amber to sigh softly as she took the blame knowing this wasn’t going to go well at all. She sighed softly looking to Ophelia “you do realize were the ones who get punished not you” the fox frowned deeply. “Should have kept your mouth shut” she snapped. Amber looked to Max as he started to speak again. “Amberlyn says she dragged you and your telling me you called her out!” He said angry with the both of them “You dare lie to me.” He said harshly gesturing to Maahes. “Max relax please, you need to calm down” the black panther sighed causing the leader to shoot him a dark look “If they get away with lying once
they will continue with it and I can’t have that now can I
that’s no way to rule a Nation is it girls” he turned his gaze back to the two girls on the couch. “Lee you are excused” he said gesturing to the door. Maahes grabbed Ophelia harshly by the neck tossing her gainst the wall causing her to whimper in pain. “Ophelia!” Amber called “Max please stop!” she said running to the fox, though Max grabbing her arm harshly. “Sit Down miss Sinnett” he said pushing her back to the couch. Maahes grabbed Piper forcing her two the ground his large paw on her throat as he cut off her air ways. “When exactly did it become okay to start lying to me
or talking back?” He said in a slightly calmer tone as he looked between the girls.


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Character Portrait: Max Kaylock Character Portrait: Laney Bennett Character Portrait: Amber Sin
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((ooc: I was under the impression that only the owner of the soul could hear what it spoke. Is this right?))

Laney wasn't stupid. She knew it was coming from the moment she pointed out that Amber was lying. It wasn't going to be pleasant, but it was better to keep Amber on her bad side than to involve her in something she didn't understand. She didn't even flinch as Piper was thrown to the ground by Maahes. Her connection with the serval was great, strong. She knew that showing no weakness was in the soul's best interest no matter how much pain either of them had to endure. The calm expression on her face contradicted the pride and anger riddling across her eyes.

"When exactly did it become okay to start lying to me... or talking back?" he asked.

"When exactly did it become okay for you to attack your own people?" the blonde asked in a voice that reflected control over raging emotions. "I do believe, Sir, that if one wants to be respected by his followers, he must respect them first."

She stood then, stuffing her hands into her short pockets and turning to face him completely. Laney tilted her head left now, an amused expression written across her face. "How exactly would you like us to treat you, hm? Do tell. Would you like us to become slaves who follow your every order? Would you like us to follow your words while taking seperate matters into our own responsible hands?" She headed towards the window and in the process brushed past him. "Or are we just like every other girl who enters this room?" she asked quietly as she passed.

The blonde leaned a shoulder against the wall beside the window and stared out across the city. It seemed she wasn't bothered at all by his angry words and actions. Even Piper gazed up at Maahes as if she didn't at all care that he was hurting her. But her heart felt strange, weak. Her lungs felt breathless. Why? What was bothering her so?


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Character Portrait: Max Kaylock Character Portrait: Laney Bennett Character Portrait: Amber Sin Character Portrait: Liam Anthony Pretige
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Max gave her a small smirk he liked her strong attitude, he gestured to his soul to let go of Piper the Panther nodded. “Well, you’ve always had a mouth on you haven’t you Laney Bennett.” He said in a calmer tone before turning to Liam and Amber “You two are excused for now I’d like to have a word with Miss Bennett” he said casually waiting for the two to leave, before walking over to her placing his hands on her shoulders gently as he looked out over the city. “You know you are very beautiful and strong, your soul is very beautiful as well” he said in his smooth hypnotic voice, like he used when he seduced most woman. Maahes rolled his eyes a bit as he sat by the office door guarding it in a way. He softly rubbed his hands down the length of her arms. “You do know, talking back to me could cost yours souls life, even your own” he kept his voice low and seductive as he whispered in her ear.

Amber felt the slightest hinge of jealousy as she was asked to leave and Laney was to stay. “I hate her, she’s a royal bitch, first she gets us in trouble then
now she’s in there alone with him” she mumbled as Ophelia limped trying to keep up with her. “That should be me, I’ve known him longer” she pouted lightly. “He’s only ever going to see you as a sister Amber, you should know that by know” the fox sighed “Shut up! You don’t know what you’re talking about” she snapped at the fox.


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Character Portrait: Liam Anthony Pretige Character Portrait: Scarny Marie Scarlet
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Liam watched the girls carefully. He had suspicions of them but he kept them to himself. He wouldn't do anything to risk his masters youth and possibly his. "Master, what would you like me to do?" He asked not taking a step closer. When it came to people being around he always acted like he was just a security guard. But when it came to them too he was second in command and his best friend.

Scarny walked over to where she asked everyone to meet. She hollered over the crowd. "OK listen up! Our inside job is should be getting me some information tonight. For now we need to stay strong and keep preparing for the fight. We are not ready yet but we will be soon." She didn't have to yell anymore. "Does anyone have any questions?" Her soul stood proud next to her. She avoided looking at it because it reminded her why she was doing this.


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Character Portrait: Max Kaylock Character Portrait: Laney Bennett
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As soon as she was released, Piper scrambled to her feet and darted away from Maahes, pelt bristling. The soul obviously didn't enjoy being pinned down and she wasn't trying to hide that fact. After a moment of hissing and glaring, she paddled over to the couch, jumped onto one of the cushions, circled once or twice, and curled into a ball of fur.

Laney's chest ached as he spoke to her. It hurt for multiple reasons, though the main two were obvious: one, she knew his intentions, and two, she hated that she liked those intentions. She kept her eyes out the window as he ordered the other two to leave. What did this guy take her for, another of his sluts? While she'd always been drawn to him, his obviously low value of women bothered her to no end. Women were just his toys - once he got bored with them he'd toss them away and find another to enjoy. But what perhaps bothered her even more was the fact that those women didn't mind being used. They knew what they were in for the moment they met him and none of them seemed to mind. What happened to self respect? To pride? It was disgusting.

Despite this, she understood the temptation. The instant his hands rested on her shoulders her skin felt like it was melting. Though she wasn't facing him, she lifted her chin, displaying an unmoved expression. His voice made her want to shiver. How many times had she heard him use that voice on other women? The number was countless. She didn't even want to think about it. Yet all the same it ached, tugged. His breath tickled her ear and for an instant her control was broken and she sucked in a breath of air.

"I'm aware of the dangers," Laney replied simply, calming herself. She turned to face him, her back resting against the wall. He was a good couple of inches taller than her - something she'd always dreaded - so she was forced to look up at him. "But you know what I love?" she asked while playing with the hemn of his shirt. A mischievious grin curved her lips and she raised herself onto her toes to speak into his ear. "I love that face you make when you don't get what you want," she murmured before sliding out of his grasp and sitting on the edge of his desk. "Besides, if you take away my soul or my life, you won't get the opportunity to get to know me better." She bit her lip playfully and gaze him a taunting look.


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Character Portrait: Max Kaylock Character Portrait: Laney Bennett
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He smirked as she slipped out of his grip turning to see her now sitting on his desk “You are right about that, besides, I guess I couldn’t bring myself to kill such a beautiful creature” he said softly as he slipped off his black suit jacket and loosened his dark purple tie, approaching her once again You are quite the tease” he chuckled as he leaned in close to her his lips just lightly grazing hers as her stared into her unique eyes for a moment that seemed too long though he had all the time in the world. He stood back up smirking not bothering to kiss her as he now had his glass of scotch in his hand taking a drink of it. “I can see right through you
just give it up to me already” he said in a cocky tone. “You want me
I want you” he said seductively tucking a strand of her long hair behind her ear, his finger falling on her arm as he traced down the length of it. He set the glass back down on the desk as he walked back over to the window looking out of it for a moment, silence falling over the room “It’s your choice babe, you could have me in a second.” He used a tone that could melt any girls heart as he glanced to her his deep sapphire blue eyes looked to her. “Max leave the poor girl alone” Maahes frowned hating when Max acted like this, the leader of the New Nations didn’t even bother looking in his direction simply continuing to look to the young girl that sat on his desk.


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Character Portrait: Lee Vixen
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Gah what a sickening morning, it’s too early to be listening to whatever crap he’s got to spew out of his mouth today. Morning speeches always tend to linger in my head for too long since its stinking fresh!
Lee thought rebelliously, staring at a random corner of the ceiling as they entered. She was paid to be a government member, nothing more, nothing less. She would come in, do as instructed without question but that didn’t mean she had to enjoy it or stop a few rebel thoughts here and there from developing; it was in her nature to dislike whatever was out of her control. “Good morning Liam, Ladies” Max; the head of government said with nothing but a gentle nod before gesturing to the couch. Of course, Liam his right-hand man would be there; a reminder why coming into the office could be so sickening.. Nobody trusted nobody and that was generally bad work morale. It probably also meant nobody was exactly happy being with the other people in the room; Lee more than others. “Please take a seat” Lee did as told along with the others, sitting down and crossing her legs like a lady that you’d barely believe it if someone told you she was actually quite skilled in how to handle a gun; a real sniper shot. The other two women; Laney and Amber were people she only knew by face and didn’t bother to socialise with. She wasn’t paid to be friendly, merely paid to be civil. That was her own terms and conditions for employment anyway. “Lee and Laney I have an assignment for you two” Max said, smooth talking as usual, enriching his voice to entice them. Lee didn’t really react, her vision lingering again to that oh so entertaining corner of the room. She would rather be out there, doing her own thing and having a literal ‘blast’ of fun but the only way that was going to happen without a troublesome lawsuit would be this assignment he spoke of. Get on it with it already.. she thought impatiently, her eyes finally settling on her somewhat of a ‘boss’ as her fingernails danced on top the lounge armrest.

“I received word that the Rebellion was causing quite a scene downtown late last night.” Fun. she thought, leaning her elbow on the arm rest instead of her nails, her hand cupping the side of her seemingly delicate face. Max sighed, a sign that things weren’t exactly perfect. “Seems, you miss Laney were spotted down there, last night
as well as you Amberlyn” Ha, caught red handed.. not stealthy enough lovies. Lee thought tauntingly about the two, just glancing their way briefly to catch expressions before amusingly smiling away. “I’m not quite sure why the two of you would be in the downtown dangerous part of the city without my permission, or some kind of protection” he frowned before cutting right to the chase. “As I was saying Laney and Lee, I’d like you to see what information you can find about last night’s little riot.” Easy.. Lee thought, moving her elbow off the sofa assuming their briefing was over yet it had to go on. Lee’s mind drifted far away, as the exchanges of words between Amber, Max and Lanely continued about that night. It had absolutely nothing to do with her! Why did she have to fucking sit here, waste her time and listen to this nonsense. Sure it was amusing, but come on.. it was way too early to hear a threesome bicker away like old couples.

“Amberlyn says she dragged you and your telling me you called her out!” It was hard to drift off topic in her mind as Max started to get angry, calling out the two as liars. Fucking drama.. amusing but it’s so bloody annoying to have my ear drums so close in range to the yelling and screaming and whining she complained in the depths of her mind. Oh how she would LOVE to say something right now about how they should all shut up and make up or some hippy line just to get out of the office faster. “Lee you are excused” At last.. she thought, happily standing up and heading towards the door but catching a bit of action out of the corner of her eye as she walked out. Things became rather violent quickly, Maahes; Max’s soul playing rough with Ophelia; Amber’s soul. I could be at home watching something similar to this on television.. Lee rolled her eyes quickly as she exited, the door fastening behind her. It was none of her concern anyway. She light-heartedly tucked an escaped strand of her dyed brown locks behind her earlobe before making her way down the hall. No, she wouldn’t be praying for the sake of those two women.. they didn’t matter one bit. Besides, in this world.. praying didn’t get you anywhere.

Her coat pocket started rattling as Lee sighed, knowing exactly what it was. She had brought her soul to work today; she didn’t do it all the time like most people did so very few people were probably aware of what her soul even looked like. She retreated to the women’s bathroom hastily, making sure no one was present before taking the small cube like container from her pocket containing her soul; a beautiful butterfly she called Akane. “Hush down Akane, you’re lucky I even took you to work today.” She said, setting the container down on a sink. The butterfly continued fussing, obviously displeased with its miniature ‘home’. “Let me out! I’m your soul you know!” The little creature whined. “Pfft.. you’re not even a REAL animal.. not like you need to roam free and shit..” Lee paused, rubbing her chin before raising an eyebrow. “Do you even SHIT?” she thought aloud before laughing as her butterfly continued whining. “Heyy that’s not funny! It’s really uncomfy here.. oops.” Akane said after bumping into the cube’s wall, shaking its wings off.


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“You are right about that, besides, I guess I couldn’t bring myself to kill such a beautiful creature,” he said.

Laney watched him strip off his jacket with as much control as she could muster, though she guessed that her gaze was a little too intent than she wanted it to be. When he approached, she leaned back on her hands and lifted her chin in defiance. "Teasing is my specialty--" she began, though her words quickly cut off at the ever so light touch of his lips. Oh the self-control it took to keep herself in line. Her heart felt as if it was about to burst. Her mind was quietly scolding herself for feeling such a way, but her rapid pulse was beginning to drown out common sense. In the moments that he downed a drink of scotch she swallowed down her hormonal urges and took on a face of impassive amusement.

“I can see right through you
just give it up to me already,” he said in a cocky tone.

Again her chest ached, but this time she successfully overcame the unecessary desire. Yes. He was completely right. She wanted him. Oh, she wanted him so badly. It was only her allegiance to the rebellion that was holding her back - but did it really matter? Was it really a problem if she gave into the temptation? No. Yes. Her mind was a flurry of thoughts that contradicted each other. Unprepared for his touch, Laney shivered, eyes struggling.

"Sure. I could have you whenever I wanted," she stated, a crooked smile playing with her lips. The sound of her own voice immediately calmed her. Her confidence returned and an equally as cocky expression found its way upon her features. "But I'm too good for you, aren't I? If you had me once you'd have to have me again, wouldn't you?" The blonde stood and advanced on him slowly, elegantly, and poked him lightly in the chest with an accusing finger. "I'm surprised, Romeo! You're actually giving me the option to have you? What a gentleman we have here!"

Maybe she could make a trade. The thought stood out like a light in the darkness. A trade for secrets, perhaps?


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Character Portrait: Max Kaylock Character Portrait: Lee Vixen Character Portrait: Laney Bennett Character Portrait: Amber Sin
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"Sure. I could have you whenever I wanted," she stated, causing him to smirked, his alluring famous smirk "But I'm too good for you, aren't I? If you had me once you'd have to have me again, wouldn't you?" the young woman stated as she walked over to him, causing him to chuckle amused at her words "I'm surprised, Romeo! You're actually giving me the option to have you? What a gentleman we have here!" he sighed looking to her for a moment “Well would you rather I not give you a choose because that can be easily fixed” he whispered for only her to her although besides their souls they were the only ones in the room. He gently but forcefully pushed her against the large bay window that over looked the industrial city. He leaned in “I think you’ve got it all wrong Dove” he whispered softly kissing her cheek as he whispered to her, forcefully pressing against her with his body as he held her arms above her tightly though not enough to hurt her. There was no escape for her at this point she was in too deep. “If you have me once
you’ll only want more” his voice was pure and full of confidence as he whispered to her. The way he talked was unheard of almost like a god, which made since for his soul having been the only Lion ever known, until of course Scarny. He was meant to rule, he was born for this, his soul was strong and he was more powerful than any other being in the New Nations. It showed now as he spoke to the young woman.

She glanced to her fox “Oh don’t give me that look, I have a right to be with him, my father was his right hand man until he died.” She frowned Ophelia shook her head as they went into the bathroom seeing Lee though not really acknowledging her. Amberlyn frowned as she splashed her face with cold water “Shouldn’t you be finding out more information on that riot” she looked to Lee. Trying to hide her jealous, trying to hide her emotion in general.


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A sigh? Wait... what? Before Laney could successfully interpret that little sigh she was abruptly pressed against the bay window. For as long as she'd lived she'd never admitted to anyone her slight fear of heights. For an instant she glanced over her shoulder to see the streets below. Her heart nearly dropped into her stomach. She turned her attention back to Max the moment he leaned in closer. Her breath quivered as he kissed her cheek. The touch was soft, gentle, leaving her skin hot and flushed. The moment his body began pressing against hers caused a reminder of the dangerous heights she was at flashed back before her eyes. Startled, she grabbed onto his shirt, crinkling its fabric into her two small fists. While her heart hurt from the fear of falling, the majority of its pain was from the rapid beating that Max was forcing upon it. It was incredibly difficult to keep her mind functioning instead of falling captive of the thoughts of intimacy.

“If you have me once
you’ll only want more,” he whispered.

"Wait," she said suddenly, a hand shooting up and clasping lightly over his mouth. Laney paused for air - she'd only realized a moment ago that she'd stopped breathing. "You're making my heart hurt," she continued after a moment, pouting at him. The blonde met his gaze with an incriminating look, though a smile was tugging at the corners of her lips. "You're a bad bad boy. Tempting your workers is only going to get you in over your head." She then dropped her hand from his mouth and wrapped both her arms around him, resting her chin on his chest so she could still meet his eyes. "Maybe if you offer me something interesting then I will think about playing with you," she said, giving him the option to choose what could be of value. Information was what she wanted, but if it could aid the Rebellion, it would do. "Or... maybe I'll play anyway," she added, eyes grinning. Ah, whatever. She was a rebel anyway, right?


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"Hey! If you think it's 'fun' to keep tossing around in there, wait till I start tossing you--"
The small talk between Lee and her soul was forced to conclude as the bathroom doors burst open. By that time, Lee had been aware of the sound of approaching footsteps and pocketed the cube, once more ordering her soul to shut up. She wasn't comfortable with the idea of other people seeing her soul. It made her feel somewhat exposed to prying eyes and often, people judged your threat levels on the animal you had backing you up. In a way, it could be advantageous.. being underestimated as a feeble, helpless, delicate woman but she sought the benefit in keeping her soul hidden; the fact it was hard to identify and thus, she wasn't going to be killed off so easily. There was no way she would become a mindless zombie.. err slave in proper terms. Lee had a mind that she wanted to keep thank you very much.

She patted her pocket, as if reminding the butterfly to keep quiet before turning back to the sink and starting to wash her hands casually as Amberlyn and that foxy soul of hers dropped by. Yeah.. a butterfly, a small fragile little butterfly. A fox is a great soul animal in comparison. Lee admitted in her head as she dabbed a bit of soap into her palm, the strong fragrance escaping into the air as she continued to wash her hands as she would do so normally. She planned to just finish washing her hands and leave the bathroom, it's not like she needed to go in the first place but Amber intervened that plan, having a few words to say. “Shouldn’t you be finding out more information on that riot” The girl seemed frustrated somehow, it made sense as Amber hardly ever talked to Lee to begin with. Was she looking to rant after Max got angry at her about their 'lying' ways? Heh maybe.. no use thinking about that anyway, her problem not mine.

Lee switched the tap off, looking up at her complexion in the mirror before smirking with a "Hm?" murmur, still having that idea of the conversation approach being an excuse to rant implanted in the back of her mind. Oh she'd fight if the girl started something. Nobody messed around with Lee without a lesson. She turned her head, the ends of her hair falling neatly over her shoulders to find Amber was still looking at her, awaiting an answer of sorts. "So I should be as my current directive.. but I wasn't aware that you were in charge or that I was given a deadline." Lee retorted calmly, her smirk fading as she turned her attention back to the mirror once more before turning on her heels in the direction of the door. She hated people, so chit chat really wasn't her forte. "Besides, that's really none of your business otherwise Max would have asked you to find information instead." That had to hurt, lots of girls liked Max that way and Lee wouldn't be surprised if that was the reason why Amber was so distressed. It was clear as day how many women he had eating the crumbs that fell off his table, like loyal dogs. Psh.. they might as well be soulless slaves.. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have better things to do as you know.. than splash my face hoping it'll make me any prettier." Lee winked over her shoulder with a blank expression before opening the door, hearing the words of her soul: "That wasn't very nice.." I don't get paid to do 'nice'.


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Character Portrait: Max Kaylock Character Portrait: Laney Bennett
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He smirked lightly as she clutched his shirt between her fingers, he could tell she was frightened though it wasn’t because of him. "You're a bad bad boy. Tempting your workers is only going to get you in over your head." She spoke causing him to smirk. He gave her a small look as she tried to trade with him. “You should really learn to separate work and play” he said gently as he wrapped his arms around her. “I don’t trade Dove.” He said using the nickname once again, he was always giving his favourite girls nicknames. “Have you forgotten who you’re talking to, I don’t negotiate sweetheart, in the end
I always get what I want” he said calmly as he leaned down kissing her forehead gently a loving gesture that he didn’t do to just anyone. He pulled away from her for a moment giving her a small accusing look “What could I possibly have that would be of value to you” he said as he walked over to his desk leaning against it staring at her “Your well taken care of as it is being a part of the government
you don’t suffer
unless of course you are wanting information.” He cocked his head to the side raising a brow as he poured another glass of scotch for himself taking a drink. He raised his hand gesturing with his finger for her to come to him.


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Character Portrait: Max Kaylock Character Portrait: Laney Bennett
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Of course he didn't trade. She knew that. But it was always worth a try, eh? Laney's forehead grew hot at the press of the kiss. He was being extremely sweet with her, which surprised her greatly. From the love-making she witnessed, it was rare of him to show any sort of legit affection. Most of his actions had to do with desire and lust, not gentle, kind gestures. While she was a little dumbfounded by this new side of him, her negotiating mind went straight to work. The smile that had been tugging at her lips continued to grow. He seemed to know what she was thinking, in a way, though he still wasn't getting the whole picture - and hopefully he wouldn't discover the whole picture until she was long gone.

The blonde trotted over to him when he motioned for her to come. In one swoop she'd stolen the glass of scotch from his hand, raising it to her lips and taking a brief taste. The sting of the alcohol didn't bother her much at all as it slithered down her throat. Laney danced out of his grasp and over to the couch where she sat upon the cushion with ease. Her soul picked itself up and leapt of off the opposite side of the couch to go sit by the window.

"I just want to know what you plan to do when you take over the world," she replied, watching him with her strange set of eyes. "And if you're just going to toss me away when that happens." Right now wasn't a good time to bargain for important information. She wanted to make him more comfortable, but she couldn't completely convince herself that her flirting was only because of the need for information. Laney mimicked him with her own fingers, waving for him to join her. "You already know I want you, Max, but I'm not going to give myself to someone who is going to throw me away. I'm not stupid." She took another drink of the scotch before setting the glass upon the table and relaxing back into the couch, an inviting look on her face.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lee Vixen Character Portrait: Amber Sin
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Amber scoffed a bit as the girl spoke to her it a slightly harsh manor not at all used to it, she was seen as royalty much like Max, because he took care of her. She frowned as the girl mentioned Max giving Lee the assignment instead of her which royally pissed her off. She followed her out of the bathroom, she may be shy around Max, but she wasn’t about to let someone walk all of her. “You think you’re better than everyone else just because you can shoot a damn gun” she called to the girl. “Amber please don’t do this” Ophelia begged though being her soul she had to back her up when push came to shove they were one in the same. The foxes hair stood up a bit as she started to growl “Your no better than a commoner, I heard your story poor baby can’t even remember her own history, you were picked up off the streets because Max thought you were pretty” she snapped at Lee, not really looking for a fight just more frustrated at the moment. Her eyes searched around the girl “You don’t even have a soul, how the hell are you still such a bitch, you shouldn’t even be able to talk” she glared at the girl.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Kaylock Character Portrait: Laney Bennett
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He chuckled as she took the glass from his hand "I just want to know what you plan to do when you take over the world," she replied, watching him with her strange set of eyes. "And if you're just going to toss me away when that happens." He gave her a small look as she said that “I already own the world dear, I have for close to a century now” he said proudly as she gestured him over, he complied gladly making his way over to her, sitting down looking to her for a long moment “What do you take me for Laney” he said gently once again slipping into his seductive tone of voice “I never toss out woman, they just always leave me” he sighed softly. “They don’t tend to like the person I become in a relationship” he smirked gently. He put a casual arm around her shoulder. “I’ll be completely honest with you Dove, I don’t make promise, they just disappoint a person if they are not followed through.” He said in an honest tone of voice.

Maahes stood up looking to the two of them wishing more than anything he could tell the girl not to get involved with him he had seen what Max did to girls it wasn’t something he liked to sit around and watch. Though he hadn’t seen this side of Max in a few years, when he had first became Max’s new soul, Max had treated only one other girl in this way he thought to himself.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Kaylock Character Portrait: Laney Bennett
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“I already own the world dear, I have for close to a century now,” he said proudly.

"Babe, if you owned the world, there wouldn't be people rising against you," she pointed out. "You don't own the world until you own all of the people in it."

And then his voice had morphed back into the tone that gave her goosebumps. That was funny. A complete lie. Everyone knew that a girl who had him once would always go back for more no matter how she was treated for it. Laney grinned in reflection of his gentle smirk. "Oh? That's funny," she purred. "So they leave because of what you become? That's interesting. Another mystery of his Magesty solved." It was hard to tell if he was being completely honest. She wanted to believe him, but her mind was screaming, trying to make her understand that she couldn't trust a word that came out of his mouth. The blonde twisted, using the leverage of her knee upon the couch to lift herself. She sat shamelessly on his lap, grabbing the collar of his shirt and tugging it so they were face to face. "I wonder why those women don't like the person you become," she thought aloud, an innocent expression lighting her features, though the devilish look in her eyes betrayed it. "Maybe I should learn why."

Laney gave him a kiss on the lips; however, she mimed his actions from earlier, making the kiss so light that it could be mistaken as a brush of the lips, an action she hoped would make him crawling back for more. If she wanted to find the information she needed, she'd have to make him trust her completely - and, well, she wanted to get close to him anyway. "I guess I should fulfill your request and find out more info about the rebellion," she said suddenly and stood as if no longer interested. "How boring. Now I can't play." Her heterochromatic eyes settled to meet his and she licked her lips with the full intent of making him crave her.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lee Vixen Character Portrait: Amber Sin
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Haha the expression on her face.. total gob smack I say.
Lee laughed in her head, Akane of course disapproving in her pocket sized prison but unable to do anything besides wait and listen in on its owner's thoughts. Lee sighed, glancing at a clock on the wall. "Well look at the time.." Damn I wasted too much time... she thought dissatisfied with how she spent her morning. Not that it could be helped in the first place, all part of the job she agreed to. Just when she thought she had made her point clear that she didn't like conversation and wanted to be on her own, Amber followed after quite furious. Oh here comes the rant.. here comes the rant her head sang to the tune of 'here comes the bride' jokingly, observing the sound of footsteps again without changing the pace of her own footsteps. “You think you’re better than everyone else just because you can shoot a damn gun” Plausible ain't it? "Yup, you should watch your tongue or I could shoot it right off though.." Lee said, stopping in her steps to turn and look over her shoulder towards the girl who had trailed behind. While Amber was getting worked up, Lee was very much calm. It seemed every time she opened up her mouth, she was landing herself in conflict. A reason why she didn't talk to co-workers unless spoken to, in that way they were just asking for it and she couldn't be blamed. And yet here I am again.. fucking whiners. she thought, smirking even as Ophelia growled at her. Lee wasn't easily threatened, she had nothing to lose. Come the end of the day, heck Lee wouldn't even remember this argument while it would continue to egg in the back of Amber's mind. That was the problem with today's society, people cared too much what people said. It was obvious at how Amber was bugging her about it when they weren't even friends. Heh, yet you choose to waste your time and mine... Amber's emotions had surely shot over her logic.

“Your no better than a commoner, I heard your story poor baby can’t even remember her own history, you were picked up off the streets because Max thought you were pretty” Oh wow.. playing dirty are we? Lee simply raised an eyebrow, finding the verbal attack completely irrelevant to the things she had said prior. Amber was just aiming to settle the score with something personal such as that she figured. Sigh.. fucking time waster here. she thought, her hand sliding through her hair as she stared up at the clock again disinterested. Amber started looking around her body with a puzzled expression as if searching for something in particular, but she soon revealed her intention of doing so anyway. “You don’t even have a soul, how the hell are you still such a bitch, you shouldn’t even be able to talk” Amber glared at her but Lee just giggled at the misjudgement, a hand covering her mouth politely as other government members passed by the scene. She placed one hand on her hip in an elegant fashion blinking once before continuing. "Well what a miracle, I am talking! And congratulations, you've made a rather amusing scene of yourself in front of our other coworkers.. that's nice." her eyes slitted menacingly before returning to normal, brushing her hair aside like the innocent woman her looks gave off.

"And I'm not being a bitch, just stating facts. You aren't in charge, I wasn't given a deadline and I was the one given the assignment, not you." She said with a pleasantly smug smirk on her face. Can you call me out as wrong.. 'bitch?' "And.. you're quite a pity story yourself, need I remind you of your place?" Lee said, raising an eyebrow again. "It's not like you wouldn't be living on the streets.. if things had turned out rather differently, but it's nice to know Max thinks I'm pretty.." she taunted, batting her eyelashes before flicking the girl's nose. "Bup Bup!" she made such a noise, as if hushing a child to let her speak before planting the same finger she used to flick the girl's nose to place against her own red rose lips to suit further clarity of being quiet. "Keep acting that way and everyone here will think you've completely lost it. I might even be ordered to subdue you and have you escorted home. This isn't a playground for your antics little girl.. some of us here actually HAVE work to do." she said, again winking. Amber wasn't that much younger than herself. Not that Lee would care to remember the girl's age, but heck point was she was younger and she was acting like an overgrown baby in her eyes. Lee just did whatever she had to do and she learned how to defend herself. It was rather strange of Amber to insult her for that, when she was actually quite proud of being a gunner. Her soul whimpered at the taunts: Lee, come on.. leave the girl alone. Hush you, she started it..

She knew Amber and Max were close to some point too, but to hell with it. This girl was lucky enough to just be verbally taunted than taunted at gunpoint which she would rather do but her 'baby' wasn't around.. Besides, it wouldn't be a big deal if Max rampaged on her freaking tail about it for once. He had never gotten mad at her before, or at least she didn't recall such a time. She also knew the government wouldn't get rid of her so easily.. so it would probably just be shit and giggles in the end. Lee had this secretive mindset impression that she could get away with anything in the scheme of things but she'd only push as far as she was pushed. She wasn't going to show that she knew what she was worth in the grand picture. Unlike most girls present.. she wasn't just another replaceable, pretty face to keep Max entertained. Lee was a valuable asset with her weaponry know-how. It was a skill that came rather naturally. No doubt, other women working under Max had their own set of skills too but as far as she knew, nobody could shoot a bullseye as well as herself and that came quite in handy when dealing with the rebellion. Speaking of which.. I could go for some pancakes right now.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Kaylock Character Portrait: Laney Bennett Character Portrait: Amber Sin Character Portrait: Liam Anthony Pretige
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"Babe, if you owned the world, there wouldn't be people rising against you," she pointed out. "You don't own the world until you own all of the people in it."
Her word catching him slightly off guard though his features never faltered “That’ an intriguing notion” the faintest smirk played across his calm and collected face. He listened to her talk for a moment and for a split second desire danced across his face he wanted her and it took every bit of strength in his body not to pull her into a deep passionate kiss, with any other women he would have already enticed her, there would be a trail of her cloths leading from his office to the door that lead into his luxurious room, but it was different with Laney. He felt a different connection to her. "I guess I should fulfil your request and find out more info about the rebellion," she said suddenly and stood as if no longer interested. "How boring. Now I can't play." He stood as she stood “Yes you should stop seducing your boss
that’s not what I’m paying you for Miss Bennett” he teased her chuckling lightly. He placed his hand on the door knob readying to open it for her like a gentleman would, he hesitated as he looked into heterochromatic eyes for a moment, before leaning down and softly kissing the corner of her lips. He knew it would kill her, being so close to kissing her lips, hell it killed him. Though he would never show the effects she had on him, that was out of character for him, in his mind showing his feelings would only show weakness in a leader and that was something he couldn’t afford.

Amber’s jaw literally dropped and she was at a loss for words at what the girl had said, more or less how Lee was degrading her in front of everyone. She couldn’t work up the courage to go after the girl not after she had just been so humiliated. She turned quickly on her heels walking back towards Max’s office, somewhat in hopes Laney was gone and she could complain to him about her so called co-worker. She was pretty much running at this point, she paused seeing Liam in front of the door guarding it like always which only meant one thing Laney was still in there or someone else was. The jealousy raged through her body “Who’s in there!” she order Liam to tell her although she knew he wouldn’t, he was like a brother to Max, his most loyal companion.


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Character Portrait: Jennifer Leigh Lockey
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Jennifer shot up from her mattress on the concrete floor and groaned. "What the hell?" Her hand gently touched a tender spot on the back of her head where she had recieved a blow during the night. "You're lucky to be alive Jen, you shouldn't have gone out last night." Her spirit's tone was agressive but loving. Marilyn always knows better. Jennifer got to her feet with some help from her tiger and trudged toward the mirror hanging on the oposite wall. Her hair was caked with blood but a quick shower could change that. "I'll be fine. Let's go find some food eh?"
The tireress sighed with disappointment. "I thought we agreed we weren't going to deal with this chaos anymore." Jennifer rolled her eyes and starting arranging her weapons on her legs. "Finding breakfast is hardly what I would call chaos." Marilyn growled. "Everyday we walk outside this spot includes chaos and danger. We are only risking ourselves."
Jennifer clenched her teeth. "What are we suppose to do? Just sit around? You know I'm against fighting as much as you are but that doesn't mean we have to hide from the world." She strode over to the window/door and pulled aside the blanket. Peeking out of the two-story window, she slipped onto the fire escape and slid down the railing. Marilyn meerly bound down the stairs with the gracefullness Jennifer envied her for. Marilyn sniffed the air as she crouched lower to the ground. "We should stick with the back ways today. That riot you got into only made the world more tense it seems." Jennifer nodded her head and tucked her hair into her hood. "Let's get some grub." With that, the tiger stealthily trotted through the streets of Aurelia.


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Character Portrait: Max Kaylock Character Portrait: Laney Bennett
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Laney let out a purring chuckle at his words. "I can't help but seduce you," she replied innocently. "You just look so delicious."

His gentle behavior was strange to her. It felt as if he was holding back, in a way, which was something she'd never thought he'd be able to do. The desire coloring his eyes made her want to melt, to wrap her arms around his neck and mold herself to his body. But that wasn't about to happen. She had enough self control to keep her lustful intentions from taking over - but only just. Her true job was not to seduce the boss. Her true job was to gather information and return if danger appeared. Despite this, the blonde felt an unbelievable need to monopolize with him. She'd had her share of men in the years she'd joined the rebellion, but this was a different sort of man. He was dangerous and, above all things, he was her enemy. The rebel inside her was screaming to break the rules and have him, but the intellectual on the outside was currently in control.

Well. Mostly, anyway.

"I'll come back later to report my findings," she said lightly as they traveled to the door. "I don't work well with others, Max, so don't expect me to tag along with them."

She expected him to open the door, yet he was hesitant, it seemed. Hesitant to let her go? Ah. Perhaps he was displaying self control as well. Her heart danced in her chest at the touch of his lips. Laney's eyes momentarily flickered shut before they re-opened and gazed up at him. A smile crept up upon the corners of her mouth. "Rule number one of working for the government, Babe. No displays of affection for another worker."

A light, flirtatious laugh escaped her. Devilish eyes grinning at him, she pressed onto her toes, kissed his jaw lightly, grabbed his hand, twisted the door-knob, and exited the room with Piper at her heels. Laney shoved her hands into her pockets and strode down the hallway with an air of mischief. Now. It was time to gather information.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max Kaylock Character Portrait: Liam Anthony Pretige Character Portrait: Scarny Marie Scarlet
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Liam looked at the girl. "A business associate. Not scram." He took his stance again. The girl left the room and he still stood guard. Then one of his men ran up to him and handed him a paper. "Your dismissed." He looked at the paper then gasped. He knocked on the door then ran into the room. "Max I have just received a letter. You should probably look at it right away." He paused for a second then decided to add. "I'm sorry we didn't find out earlier." He said compassionately. The way only two brothers would speak. He stood still as he handed the paper to Max. "What do you wish to do about this?"

Scarny was wondering around the town after the meeting. Before dismissing them she made sure they knew when and where the riot would be. She had to be on watch everyday. Everyone in town already knew she was the lead rebel. Now it was just a matter of time before she was brought in for questioning. Her team knew what to do when that happened. Multiple riots would be held. Larger than ever. One would happen they would leave before the police came then move somewhere else and start one. They repeated that action until she was released. She smirk and look at Scar. "Don't give me that look you know why I am doing this." She stated to the lion. You know he is going to find out its you and it will be worse. I could lose you. He has been looking for a Lion since he lost his. He has also been looking for you since he lost you. Scar growled at her.


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Character Portrait: Jennifer Leigh Lockey
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Jennifer creaped around corners with Marilyn in front of her until they found a suitable spot to eat at. It was a small park that many adults had created for some of the smaller children living a lower class life. Jen felt this was one of the only places she could count on for comfort and peace she sighed and reached her hand into the pockets of her cargo pants. She carefully pulled out a wad of cash, hoping no one would see the obscene amount, and casually traveled through the nearby market. She saw many pastries she knew she could afford, but would raise suspition. Knowing this, she decided on a couple apples and an old steak which she carried back to the park bench.

Marilyn layed under Jen's feet and tried not to draw to much attention. "We cannot afford too much exposure, Jennifer. What if someone saw us at the riot?" The tiger nervously chewed through the steak and scanned the crowd. She was worried about family or old neighbors figuring them out. Then again, Jennifer had changed so much since the move, she doubted if anyone would recognize them. She couldn't take the change though. "We need to move."

Jen was just about to bite into her rotten apple when Marilyn stood up. Grouchily standing up beside her, she agreed to move around more. She knew Marilyn knew what to do almost all the time, then again, she rarely listened to her spirit. Today though, something was amiss, and Jennifer didn't want to stir up any trouble.