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Neverland: A Darkness Rises

Neverland: A Darkness Rises


Welcome to Neverland! A world full of pirates, Indians, and lost children. Be careful though, this world isn't as perfect as it seems.....

759 readers have visited Neverland: A Darkness Rises since AshFisher created it.


This is Neverland, home to Peter Pan and Captain Hook, the two which seemed to be in constant battle....that is until now. A strange darkness has come to this land, creating creatures never seen in Neverland before. These creatures are impossible to kill...that is unless a pirate and a lost boy or girl fight it together!! Because of this Pan and Hook have been forced to call a truce until the creatures are taken care of.

Which side will you choose?


*Peter Pan- Arekkusu
*Captain Hook- AshFisher
*Lost boys and girls
*Tinkerbell- Send Me An Angel
*Other Fairy's

I'd like to see these in profiles
Race: (Human or Fairy)
Age: (8-17 for lost boy/girl; 20-40 for pirate)
Description: (You may just use pictures.)
Side: (Pirate or lost boy/girl)

This role-play is based around the concept of Peter Pan.

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Follow all normal RPG rules.
No changing the main story without permission.
OOC must stay out of IC
Have fun
Contact the GM if you have any questions or need anything cleared up, or if something needs solving between you and another player

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


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Captain James Hook, or simply Hook to most of his crew, walked on the shore for the first time in who even knew how long. He wasn't alone either, he had Smee with him of course, and also his cabin girl Scarlett. They were on a hunt for creatures that had started showing up all around the island of Neverland. They had found out; thanks to Scarlett; that these creatures had to be fought by a pirate and a lost boy or girl together. Otherwise they could not be defeated, this irked Hook to no end, he would rather kill the lost boy's then have their aid. As it was, he had no choice, and at least he could use one of his crew....even though she was technically a lost girl.

He rather liked Scarlett, not that she would ever know that, she reminded him of the girl he loved before he came to Neverland. That and it was most unusual for any of the children to want to join his crew. He had had Wendy at one point, but that was to trick Pan. This was different, Scarlett had actually come to them, wanting to grow up, and wanting to be a pirate. Hook had agreed, and the lass had worked hard to gain the trust of his crew. He wondered if the 'no aging' rule that applied to everyone so far that had come to Neverland would bend for the lass, allowing her to grow up. He doubted it, but he wouldn't tell that to the girl, squashing dreams was something he only did to Pan.


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Peter was laying back on a tree's canopy, staring up at the sky. He could spot Hook on the shore a small distance away, but didn't really feel up to dealing with him at the moment. He rolled over onto his stomach and leaned his head on one of his hands. "Tink, what'd ya think will happen once these things are gone? I don't like this peace idea we've got going with Hook. It's no fun. How can I bug the old codfish if I'm helping him?" He sighed disappointingly. It was for the best, the truce between the lost boys and pirates. After all, they needed each other in order to survive. But that doesn't mean Peter had to like it. He had a feeling Hook would try something while they worked together, so he had warned the lost boys to stay on guard around the pirates. "I don't trust 'em. Not one little bit."

Peter jumped up and walked around on the canopy, mostly thinking about the predicament they were in. "So, even if we join up, how do we actually kill those monster thingys.. Do we just hack at them with our swords?" He was asking no one really in particular, just thinking out loud. Peter walked off the canopy onto a cloud, and began pacing back and forth. "Or is there some special way to get rid of 'em?" He walked off the cloud and stood floating in the air. He figured it had been long enough, and he might as well make sure Hook knew he was there. "Hey you old codfish! Going hunting!" He shouted down to the pirates from where he was in the sky. "Want some company!"


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#, as written by Lullyn
Scarlett felt joyful in her heart, though she fought herself not to show it, because she was out doing something that the pirates had needed her for. Not wanted, needed. It was nice to be needed for more than scrubbing floors, making slops for the crew and fine delicacies for the Captain. Not that she mined doing any of this, but it was good to have a knife in hand.
It had been an accident, a pure accident, that had led them to their discovery of the creatures flaw. Scarlett wasn't allowed to leave the ship normally, but she had needed things to make the Captain's dinner, so Smee had allowed it. He had personally taken her, along with some other men. There wasn't so much a trust thing, but it gave them things to do and it made everyone feel better. That and they had seen strange things on the island. They wanted to leave the Lost Children to it, a way to rid themselves of them, but then what would be the fun? Hook wanted to take Peter himself, everyone knew. Besides, they needed to go ashore for supplies.
When the attack had come, they'd lost two men to it. Smee had told her to run, they were both meant to, but when Smee was under attack Scarlett couldn't leave him.
That was how it was all found out. Smee had gone back to tell the Captain and he had spoke to Peter. Scarlett wasn't there, Smee having put her back into the kitchen with strict instructions to stay there. She didn't even know what Peter Pan looked like.
So when the "codfish" cry came, and the skinny boy she'd never seen came floating above them, Scarlett's first reaction was to protect the Captain.
She pulled her knife from her belt, holding it out and stepping closer to the Captain. Smee moved carefully out from behind her. If it had been something dangerous, he would have used her, but Peter wasn't dangerous, except to the Captain.


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Tinkerbell didn't like this idea either but Peter seemed to think that is was alright, "I'm just as bored as you are", she said when Peter asked her what she thought about his plight with Hook. But theses "thingy's" as Peter had put it were scary and she was afraid of what they might do to the land of Never Land. She watched Hook slink up onto the beach like the old slimy pirate he was. Peter called out to him, "Oh no Peter don't run to him", she said "If that stinky old pirate thinks he can take care of the shadow people by himself, let him", she said with quite a bit of detest in her voice.


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Hook looked up at the insult, then down at Scarlett in position to protect him. Dismissing this, he once again faced Pan "I have the company of a child, as you can already see. Smee here isn't paired up with anyone at the moment." he looked to Smee "Isn't that right Smee?" Smee looked to the captain with shock, it was rare for Hook to not want him by his side. He nodded, knowing not to make Hook angry. Hook looked up to Pan I imagine these arrangements are more to both of our liking. "What say you boy? You stay with Smee and I have Scarlett. No need for us to interact directly with each other when we can't fight, right?"


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#, as written by Lullyn
Scarlett tried not to look surprised when she saw the fairy, though she had never seen one before. It hovered by this strange boy, but she wasn't surprised by the flying. She'd been told by the other pirates, when they spun their tales in the evenings. It was a quiet time on the ship for the pirates when the Lost Children didn't attack, but they entertained themselves. Scarlett liked to listen, and since she was a captive audience, she had been told more tales of pirate treasure than any other child.
But the fairy, even after being told of them, was hard to imagine. They were for children.
Her face fell slightly when the Captain refered to her as a child, but it was gone in a moment. She wouldn't be a child much longer. She was growing up, she knew it and acting like a child and sulking wouldn't prove she was an adult.
She would, one day, be old enough to be a great pirate, just like the Captain and the others. She didn't think Smee was a great pirate, but she knew that he was almost as much in charge as the Captain. The Captain gave the orders, Smee made sure they were done.
She felt a little happier when the Captain as good as chose her over Smee. It was not heard of. Smee was his right arm, his first mate. But he had chosen her. Even if it was because she was a child, she felt proud of herself.
Slowly, noting that the Captain didn't think that there was enough danger from the boy, she straightened and stowed her knife.


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Arya grinned at the fairy that flew above her, laughing quietly as her fast but light steps took her over tree roots and leaping from rock to rock. With her bow in hand and a quiver of arrows strapped across her chest to her back, she looked to truly be the Lost Girl she was.

" Hurry!" She said loudly to Callista, her long brown hair flowing behind her as she ran and picked up her pace. She should probably go to see if Peter and Tinkerbell needed any help with anything, like those monstrocities that kept popping up everywhere. " What if Peter has come across one of those beasts... Or a Pirate?!" Her smile faded at this, she really enjoyed the almost daily fights that had always happened against the Pirates and almost missed them as the Pirates and Lost Boys and Girls teamed up to try to rid Neverland of those things.

The small fairy laughed lightly, her laugh sounding like the lovely sound of a flute. This was the sound that followed her everywhere, Arya's beloved fairy friend Callista.

" Found them!" Her small voice said in her musical tone as the small blue-clad fairy with the silver hair flew through a few branches and came to a stop just on the other side to wait for her human. Arya came through moments later to stare at the great Captain Hook as well as his first mate Smee and the other one who was a little older than Arya herself, still only a child in Hook's eyes no doubt.

Callista, in her long blue dress and silver wings, came to perch on the now still Arya as she greeted everyone cheerily.

" Hello!" Her lovely voice rang out, most likely surprising the Pirates that a fairy could talk.


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Peter gave Tinkerbell a quick wink, assuring her he knew what he was doing. He dropped to the ground and crossed his arms, staring at Smee, a little annoyed. "Him? What's he good for? Besides keeping tabs on your favorite friend." He joked, nodding off to the waters around Hook's ship where the crocodile was no doubt waiting. Peter wasn't too fond of Smee. In fact, he thought he was useless. But, since they had to work together, Peter guessed it couldn't be helped. "But I guess he'll do.. For now at least." Turning to Tinkerbell, he nodded over to Smee and whispered to the fairy. "Keep a close eye on this one Tink. I don't trust any of 'em. If he does something you don't like, take care of it." He gave her a smirk and flew back up into the sky. "Well Smee!" He shouted. "Don't fall behind!" Peter stopped though, just noticing Arya and her fairy. "Hey! Arya, you can come too! Come on!"


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Tinkerbell flew over and landed on Peter's shoulder looking over at Smee giving him a dirty look and sticking out her tongue. She didn't care if they had to work with the pirates or not that didn't mean she had to like it. She saw Arya and Calista come up and she felt a little better she knew that two fairies were better than one.


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Smee shuffled over to Pan's side, giving his captain an almost sad look as he did so.

Hook looked to Scarlett, ignoring Smee's look and what was going on around Pan. "Come now girl, lets go hunting." without waiting for a answer, Hook faced forward and started walking down the beach again.


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#, as written by Lullyn
Scarlett took steps backwards at first, as if wanting to keep the others in her sights, before turning to follow the Captain. She had no intention of letting him down, and was soon as close to him as she dared to be.
She glanced once or twice at the Captain, but didn't dare speak, though questions brimmed in her, but part of being an adult was knowing when not to ask them.
So she asked one that Smee would have asked.
"So where are we heading to?" she said finally, keeping her voice down and eyes peeled.


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Arya smiled and took a few steps before she was airborn, floating in the air only a few feet over the adult's heads, her fairy hovering over her shoulder. Arya glanced to Callista for a moment, the fairy smiling at her friend Tinkerbell, before glancing between Peter Pan and Smee.

" We're going with you two, right?"

With another glance at Callista, Arya was off and twirling around before she came to stand in the air by Peter and Tinkerbell. Callista grinning as her small form came up behind the two children and other fairy, hovering closely to her human friend.

" Yeah, Peter?" Her tiny musical voice called to him as she shook out her long silver hair and played a soft tune on her flute. She grinned at this, not waiting for Peter's response, as she moved to land on Arya's shoulder. The small fairy allowed her wings to drop slightly as her bare feet moved and allowed her to twilr in a whimsical manner as she danced off her friend and opened her wings as she took back to the air, giggling softly as she did so.

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Character Portrait: Tinkerbell
0 sightings Tinkerbell played by Send Me An Angel
:: tinkleing noice :: translation- "Are sure it's a good idea Peter"

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Captain Hook
Character Portrait: Nut
Character Portrait: TwinkleToes
Character Portrait: Scarlett


Character Portrait: Scarlett

When I'm grow up, I'm going to be the best pirate ever!

Character Portrait: TwinkleToes

Whats going on?

Character Portrait: Nut

Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to.

Character Portrait: Captain Hook
Captain Hook

"I'll get you one day pan, but for now we must join forces."


Character Portrait: Scarlett

When I'm grow up, I'm going to be the best pirate ever!

Character Portrait: TwinkleToes

Whats going on?

Character Portrait: Captain Hook
Captain Hook

"I'll get you one day pan, but for now we must join forces."

Character Portrait: Nut

Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Scarlett

When I'm grow up, I'm going to be the best pirate ever!

Character Portrait: TwinkleToes

Whats going on?

Character Portrait: Nut

Keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're up to.

Character Portrait: Captain Hook
Captain Hook

"I'll get you one day pan, but for now we must join forces."

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Re: [OOC] Neverland: A Darkness Rises

If somebody wants Tinkerbell they can adopt her Im gonna put her. Im sorry but Im just not getting into the RP like I thought I would. But Im not going to be stingy I'll put Tink up for grabs.

Re: [OOC] Neverland: A Darkness Rises

sounds like a plan, I was thinking that it was because of her that they(the pirates) found out that they could not defeat the creatures without a lost boy or girls help.

Re: [OOC] Neverland: A Darkness Rises

You betcha. He could always be a NPC for now.

I've just added at the end of Scarlett that she doesn't know if the lost boys or peter know she exists (surely they would have mounted a rescue if they thought she was there, until they learnt she actually wanted to stay) and have explained it that because she's mostly in the galley or hull, they've probably never seen her.

Re: [OOC] Neverland-A darkness rises

I think we could start without a Smee....everyone else up for starting?

Re: [OOC] Neverland-A darkness rises

Okay she's up tell me if I need to add something, or edit in any way

LOL If Disney had made Tinkerbell look like this there would be allot more guy fans of Tink

Re: [OOC] Neverland-A darkness rises

Please please I want to reserve tinkerbell

Re: [OOC] Neverland-A darkness rises

Woo! I'll post the character bio in a bit

Re: [OOC] Neverland-A darkness rises

Female Pirates are allowed.
@Lullyn- Please change the History on Nut.
@Arekkusu- yes, you may have him

Re: [OOC] Neverland-A darkness rises

Damn, too slow to be peter. Are you having Female pirates, or are we sticking to the traditional men only? I'm thinking like a Cabin Girl, so young enough to be a "lost girl" but she actually wants to be a pirate? I'm not sure what I want to do yet, but I like to ask all the annoying questions. I have made a lost boy.

Re: [OOC] Neverland-A darkness rises

Can I reserve Peter Pan? This looks oddly fun >.>

[OOC] Neverland: A Darkness Rises

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Neverland: A Darkness Rises"

This is Neverland, home to Peter Pan and Captain Hook, the two which seemed to be in constant battle....that is until now. A strange darkness has come to this land, creating creatures never seen in Neverland before. These creatures are impossible to kill...that is unless a pirate and a lost boy or girl fight it together!! Because of this Pan and Hook have been forced to call a truce until the creatures are taken care of.

Which side will you choose?