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No Man Left Behind

1407 Graymalkin Lane


a part of No Man Left Behind, by Vix.

"Welcome, young mutants!"

Vix holds sovereignty over 1407 Graymalkin Lane, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

677 readers have been here.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

stan lee jack kirby marvel


For the longest time, Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters was thought to be a prep school for bright and 'different' children. But about a decade ago, it was revealed to actually be a home for mutants. A shelter for them, no matter their age. The staff was composed of some of the world's most intelligent mutants. It was founded by Charles Xavier, the world's leading expert on genetic mutations. It was and still is a beacon of hope for mutants all across the globe, getting at least forty new tenants every couple of months. It rests on a large plot of land and has many facilities and all the comforts of home. As of now, it is moreso a refugee camp than it is a school; the only safe place left for mutants.

A large tiled courtyard leads to the main entrance of the Mansion.

A large, plush foyer splinters off into various rooms, and straight through the foyer leads to the hyperlift, an elevator that leads to the Restricted Access Sub-Levels and the Administration Wing where the offices of the Student Dean, Headmaster, and Administrator are located.
Access to the back is gained through various points, the main entrance being the kitchen. Located at the rear of the estate is an Olympic-sized swimming pool, basketball court and main entrance to Breakstone Lake. Each of these facilities are for students, faculty and X-Men.

Devil's Rock used to be the exit and entry point for the X-Men's aircraft, the Blackbird, but since the Mansion's reconstruction, it has been relocated beneath the basketball court. Upon departure and landing, a klaxon will sound warning for anyone nearby to vacate the area. Students are advised to move immediately once the klaxon sounds.
Located behind the large maze is the Girl's Dorm Building, and located behind the 'center tower' of the Mansion is the

To the East of the Mansion is the maze, and to the West the full-sized baseball diamond, complete with spectator stands, scoreboards and commentator stand.

Ground Level
Classrooms, cafeteria, and library are all located in the "center tower" of the mansion.

Scattered throughout the ground floor are various rooms and halls, such as a large ballroom that occupies the domed structure near the rear of the building, the students' recreation room, and various other game and computer rooms.

Also located on the ground floor is the nurse's office, which is a ground-level medical lab which anyone can access. It is run by either the medical staff of Xavier's, or RALPH, the holographic doctor.

Forests, farmland, and lakefront surround and isolate the entire estate for miles. The nearest town is Salem Center.

First Floor
This floor is dedicated mainly to the quarters of faculty, staff and X-Men. Aside from the quarters, there are laundry facilities, a workshop, and a recreation area that is strictly for faculty, staff and X-Men.

The Attic
Adorning the top of the mansion is a large glass-paneled dome. Because Storm prefers this spacious attic room it has been adapted to her use. It is filled with various types of plants, much like a greenhouse.

In addition to the campus grounds, the Xavier Institute also houses an array of restricted access Sub-Levels. In the sub-levels you will find The Danger Room, War Room, Hangar Bay, holding cells, research and development labs, medical labs and Cerebra chamber.

Voice-activated hallway icons give interactive directions through the sub-levels, though these are restricted to the sub-levels.

Access to the sub-levels is only available to faculty, X-Men, and students -- although students are only granted access once they have spoken to their squad leader or faculty advisor.

To access the sub-levels you must go to the hyperlift at the end of the hallway in the foyer, then proceed through the various security measures such as hand scans, retina scans, voice scans and passcodes.

The Danger Room
The Danger Room consists of two parts, the Danger Room itself, and the Control Room which is housed above the Danger Room. To the untrained eye, the Danger Room is a featureless room. To those who are (un)fortunate enough to engage its systems, it is the ultimate battle simulator. It employs highly advanced technologies from sources such as the Shi'ar, Forge, and Beast.

The Danger Room pits its opponents against an array of physical and holographic opponents that tests a trainees' mastery over their mutant powers to peak endurance.
Using the advanced technologies, the Danger Room can give the illusion of being many times bigger than it actually is. Anything from gravity, heat, humidity, or texture can be manipulated from the control booth. Students and visitors are not permitted to be in the Danger Room unless accompanied by an instructor or X-Man.

The Cerebra Chamber
To most people, it's a big, round room. To those who actually know what it is, it is no less than amazing. The Cerebra chamber houses Cerebra, a mutant locating and telepathic ability amplifier. When a telepath uses Cerebra, their telepathic abilities are boosted to an incredible degree. It is usually used for scanning for new mutants, but it can be used for other purposes. A non-telepath can also use the Cerebra machine, although this is not recommended unless they are trained because they may experience various degrees of psychic trauma.

The Holding Cells
The holding cells are an underground storage facility for those villains that the X-Men deem too unsafe to let roam about freely. The holding cells consist of small titanium-steel cells with the same type of door. Various safety measures can be taken such as erecting an internal force field to back up the titanium-steel walls, a nullification field to 'switch off' mutant abilities, and various other precautions. There are also stasis tubes which hold inhabitants in a state of suspended animation until they are awakened.

The War Room
The War Room is located near the Danger Room. It is the 'operating center' of the X-Men. This is where briefings are given, missions are planned, and meetings take place.
There are various computers and monitors around the War Room, each with their own function. The War Room monitors news feeds from every news network on television and radio, and scans every known frequency for reports on events occurring around the world. Thanks to the artificially intelligent computer program Cerebra running throughout the mansion, the X-Men don't need to scan 24/7. If Cerebra picks up something, it will notify the X-Men through their communication links.

Research & Development and Medical Labs
These labs are usually used by Dr. Henry McCoy and other medically-trained mansion staff. RALPH, the holographic doctor is also installed in the lower-level Medical Lab in the event that Dr. McCoy or another member of the medical team is unavailable. When Team Marvel stripped the Mansion of its technology. Dr. McCoy had to reinstall it all, making a few modifications along the way. His own personal lab and the medical lab are now equipped with tele-immersive displays.

The Hangar Bay
This is one of the very few places on the Estate that is actually as it seems. The Hangar Bay is just that, an underground area for the storage of the X-Men's aircraft, notably the Blackbird. The exit and entry point has been relocated. Prior to reconstruction, it was located at Devil's Rock, but now it is located beneath the basketball court. A klaxon will sound to warn anyone nearby to evacuate the area. Students, faculty, and X-Men are advised to move immediately.

Morlock Tunnels
On the off-chance that the Mansion is invaded, there is an access hatch to the Morlock Tunnels in the sub-levels. This is only to be used in an all-out invasion or attack. Students are to be lead out first by a member of staff, followed by other staff and faculty members, and, if necessary, the X-Men.

Z'noxx Chamber
This is a secret chamber in the sub-levels that only Charles Xavier and a select few besides Jean Grey know about. It is a psi-proof room, but other than that, nothing more is known about it.
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1407 Graymalkin Lane

"Welcome, young mutants!"


1407 Graymalkin Lane is a part of New York.

3 Characters Here

Cataleia Fury [3] "I will not rest until we are free!"
Melody Stark [1] "Without technology where would we be? Exactly, living in caves."
Florence Barousse [1] "A little adventure never killed anyone." *smirks*

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#, as written by Vix
August 26th, 2012 – 4:23am

“Hurry up! You don’t know what kind of freak security they got here!” A brown-haired man with piercing blue eyes that shone in the light of flashlights was barking orders in a fierce whisper. With him were nine other figures that couldn’t be identified due to the white hoodies they wore. The front of the hoodies read God’s Pure Ones. They had with them three wooden crosses that they were raising. It was hard to see in the dark, but to each cross, there was a person nailed at the hands and feet. The one on the far right had a girl that could be no older than seven, auburn hair cascading in tresses down far past her feet. The one on the far left held a woman – She was obviously pregnant, but where her legs should be was a massive mermaid’s tail. Her flesh was lightly scaled and she wore no top. Her blue hair hung limply around her shoulders, covering her face. And in between them both was an elderly man with a face filled with wrinkles, each one earned through the trials of his life. While the other two were nameless, this man was widely known.

Eric Lensherr was the leader of a group of mutants who craved homo superior rule and the subjugation of homo sapiens. The people putting them up on crosses saw them as the Devil’s children sent to wreak havoc upon the world. They thought what so many did, but they were the ones who finally began to take extreme action as a group. And this was step number one. They were just outside the gates of Xavier’s Institute for Gifted Youngsters, placing these crosses where everyone could see. They were sending a message: We’re coming for all of you. And we don’t show mercy. Not to the young. Not to the old. Not to the pregnant. Your days are numbered. They hadn’t raised the crosses yet because they were too busy stripping the mutants of their clothes while being harassed by the green-eyed male because they hadn’t done it before placing them on the cross. “Jesus! Ya dumb fucks! We went over the plan a million times. I know this place is creepy and filled with demons, but the Lord will protect us.” They seemed to believe that as they drew daggers and began to carve upon the flesh of the people before them. Horrible, terrible things. Freak. Mutant. Demon. Devil’s Child. Abomination. Death to the Devil’s Bastard Children. With blood-stained hands, they lifted the crosses and propped them up before taking off into the early dawn.

“Nyeeaaaaaahhhhhh!” A scream of terror reverberated throughout the Estate grounds. It wasn’t a normal scream, by any means. It was high-pitched and ear-splitting, rattling the windows. It seemed to echo and repeat, hitting abnormal frequencies. It came from a young woman at the gate who was on her knees at the crosses, sobbing uncontrollably. She was with a group of people in matching dark suits – There was a red-headed woman, a brunet man sporting a bow and quiver upon his back, an African American man with an eye patch and trench coat, a Nordic man in a nice suite, blonde man with an All-American sort of look to him wearing a black shirt and dress pants, and then two men with an intellectual gleam in their eyes wearing suits that looked like they were worth more money than a helicopter. They all had wide eyes, standing there and simply staring in shock at the sight before them. One man finally pulled out a phone and began placing phone calls

It all happened so fast. Media soon swarmed the place, calling out for the staff to speak on what was going on. The woman with raven hair who had been the first to seem the gory sight was the one to answer them. She told them that it was just another attack on the mutant community. “What are you going to do about it?” They asked. The woman had taken full-time position as the Head Mistress of the school and the Leader of the secret team known as the X-Men only three years prior. She answered with a conviction that told she wasn’t lying. “This action will not go unpunished
No mais.” With her words given, she returned to Xavier’s and tried her best to ease everyone’s pains. Eric Lensherr was buried beside his best friend. A statue was erected alongside Charles Xavier’s because he fought hard for mutants to be free from prejudice as well. Maybe not in the best of ways, but he still fought.

Another shriek rang out. And another. And another. All over the Estate, cries of terror were ringing out. Why? Because tenants began to lose their mutations. By the next morning, it was all over the news that mutants were losing their mutations one by one. By the thousands, even. A group called the Sapien League formed and began to exterminate those that remained. They weren’t religious fanatics. Just humans looking for people to hate. Mutants that could escape their wrath fled to Xavier’s or would go into hiding away from civilization elsewhere. Those who lost mutations would go on to live normal lives or seek a way to get it back. The kids at Xavier’s who had lost their mutations? Well. Those who were given to the Academy by loving parents who only wanted what was best got to go home or stay if they chose. The others who were forced to Xavier’s by others or by lack of having a real home either stayed or ran away to kill humans. Either way – There are only a recorded number of 901 mutants left in the world. And 326 of them are at Xavier’s plus 177 of the previous, depowered tenants. You’ve got adults who are living in the compounds that were built recently and you’ve got the kids who have been asked to attend school. The staff is trying their best to provide a normal life for these people while figuring things out


September 13th, 2012

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Character Portrait: Cataleia Fury Character Portrait: Orfelina Howlett Character Portrait: Zalika T'Challa-Lensherr
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#, as written by Vix
It was around the time of year that more mutants would come to Xavier’s and learn to control their power at the hands of a colorful variety of professors and various staff members. As Cataleia peeked out from behind the velvet auditorium curtains, she almost cried. Taking a deep breath, the woman checked her iPhone. It was almost four-thirty PM. She should begin her announcement. Slowly, she took a deep breath and summoned all of her courage and will power to walk across the stage with a bright smile. There was a round of applause and some cheers as she stepped up to the center of the stage; where there was no podium or microphone.

The woman who was glowing an array of colored lights parted her lips to speak, but was interrupted by a number of catcalls and wolf-whistles among a few comments; Cataleia was a rather beautiful woman; Her hair was jet black, cascading in thick curls down just behind her knees after years of only trimming dead ends. Her figure was to die for, as it showed in the outfit of choice for the occasion – A black body suit that showed ample cleavage and hugged every curve of her body, matching the heeled black boots that she wore, all made from unstable molecules - Much thanks to Reed Richards.

Cataleia almost always dressed in jaw-dropping clothes. But this was her uniform – She had only just gotten back from a meeting on board the UNN Alpha and didn’t have much time to change. Removing the smile from her face, she cleared her throat. “Welcome. Welcome one and all to Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. Although, most of the world likes to call it Mutant High.” She smiled at the soft laughs as she tried to lighten the tension in the air. “You are all here for a few reasons. One and most importantly
Is because you’re special. Gifted. Unique. You were blessed with amazing powers like so many others once were. And two
Is because most humans can’t recognize that. Don’t ever believe that you’re an abomination. That’s ignorance and stupidity. That is fear talking! People fear mutants because some abuse their powers. They hate the many for the actions of few. But do they hate their fellow humans? How many human rapists and murders are there that get off better than a mutant who robbed a bank?”

She was getting worked up now, her Hispanic voice tone growing a bit more powerful with each word, and so was the crowd. “I don’t like being in hiding. But we have to be the bigger people. We must wait. You are safe within these walls! Myself and every other member of the X-Men and anyone on my staff will die for any mutant that we can save. Those humans think us a dying people. But we won’t die. We won’t let them destroy us. Even if they did, more would come. Were we not humans once? What makes them think that they are safe from their own hidden genes? Yes. Mutations have vanished all of a sudden
But genes
they don’t just disappear. It is my theory that they have only recessed for a while. They will be back!” The crowd roared in approval.

“We will wait here. We will carry out normal lives here. We will show them that we are here to stay. Mutant and proud, we are the Children of the Atom! We are Homo Sapien Superior! Mutant and proud!” The crowd jumped to their feet, clapping, whistling, crying out and roaring in approval as she stood there with a smile on her face. “Thank you
” She held up a hand, motioning the crowd to hush. “Don't think that this crisis will get some of you out of school - We have your records and if you haven't finished school, you will do so here with some of the world's brightest minds as your instructors. And we will teach you
to control your powers and to fight with and without them. As of now, you are Apprentice X-Men. Each and every one of you. Because as of August 26th, 2012, the humans declared war. And with our numbers so low compared to theirs, we need every able bodied person. But I warn you
If you use your powers for malicious intent, your training will end.”

She grew serious, narrowing her eyes at that remark but soon returned to smiling. The entire time she had been speaking, not a single microphone of any kind was to be seen, though her voice was heard loud and clear. “But, for now. You must get acquainted with your new home and your new family. If you would all please retire to the lobby.” People had been there for a while, but hardly anybody interacted with each other and instead moped in whatever room they locked themselves in. Hell! Schedules hadn't even been made, maps weren't handed out. People just...hung around.

As far as the whole situation was co.concerned, Cataleia herself had decided that they would not openly wage war, but instead remain civil and continue on life as normally as possible. Not everyone was happy with the decision but there was no changing her mind. “You will get maps of the estate and room assignments and dinner is ready in the lobby as well.” The lobby was set up in a way to give the feel of a formal gathering, with a nice dinner buffet and soft music. She watched in silence as the seated crowd left, headed to the lobby. She exhaled slowly and turned around, left with her colleagues. “Well. Time for the meet and greet.” She put on a dazzling smile, showing no hint of stress before hopping off the stage and heading after the others.

Z alika had long since been ready, but she didn’t show her face until last minute. Dressed in the same uniform as Cataleia, even wearing her long, snowy hair down, she snuck onstage just as her friend’s speech began. The lightest of smirks danced across her face throughout the speech – Kitty didn’t speak very many words, but the ones spoken were indeed powerful. It showed through the positive reactions in the crowd. Though, Zee did frown as the X-Men were madeknown. The X-Men were once a secret covert ops team. Zalika only knew about them at a young age because of her mother’s affiliation with the team. But most students could go a while without knowing and they certainly weren’t put through training for it without some sort of assessment. Zalika had spent so much of her life training to perfection just to try out for the team and now people were just tossed onto the team! But
she did understand that they were low in numbers and they had to take what they could get. The X-Men would soon become an army if things escalated any further. Not that she had any such qualms with an army. The humans had several of their own, so why shouldn’t they? The mutant known as Tempest to many didn’t hate humans, per se. To many, it seemed she hated generally everyone. But those close to her knew better.

Zalika couldn’t stand the blindness of the humans, though she herself didn’t see humans or mutants as any different other than a single different gene. But according to Professor Xavier
they all had that gene. And Kitty was right
Many of them were human once
Why do so many humans think themselves exempt? Oh
right. They were protected by the grace of God. She shook her head at her thoughts. Where she came from
Such mutations weren’t mutations - They weren't demon powers.They were viewed as gifts from Bast. Though, those who used their powers for unsavory actions were thought to have been gifted by Sekhmet. Zalika shivered at the mere thought of the Lion Goddess – She had once nearly lost her life to that vile Goddess. Zalika herself thanked Bast and her mother for such gifts, and was rather dismayed that her mother had been among the many that had been depowered during the event that everyone had come to call M-Day. But, as Cataleia said: Mutations don’t just disappear. Orfelina agreed; and if anyone knew about mutations, it was the little gypsy. Zalika snapped out of her thoughts, hearing Cataleia address them.

She almost snarled at the idea of a meet and greet, her lips pulling back to reveal recently filed canines. She had all four of them done, deciding recently to complete her feline appearance. Her eyes were the beginning of this, though she was born with those. As of lately, she had been working a lot on her agility and flexibility. She had been seen lately with a pair of panther ears and a tail to match. Most of her friends assumed that it was another ritual to Bast, and they weren’t wrong. She was showing her dedication for Bast, requesting to be blessed with the abilities of the felines that she loved so much.

Sighing, Zalika followed suit of Cataleia, glancing behind her at a young girl who didn’t look any older than seventeen or eighteen. The girl was staring off into space, shuffling a deck of tarot cards. Shaking her head at the absent-minded young woman, Zee moved lethargically down the aisles and slipped past the doors, leaving them wide open. Once in the presence of others, she almost cringed at the sound of them all talking at once. Once upon a time, in her earlier childhood, Zee would have been bubbly and happy to assist. But now, she just wanted to go back to her attic.

Throughout the whole of Cataleia’s speech, there was a young woman on the far end of the line of people, staring off into space with bright chocolate-colored eyes. Her hair was a mirror of Kitty’s, though hers had been pulled up into a pony tail and had streaks of red. Unlike the others in uniform or professional ‘teacher’ wear, she was wearing a yellow and purple and a pair of baggy jeans that had holes in them. Her jeans, shirt, face, and arms were smeared in grease and her arms had plenty of cuts and scrapes among scars. Upon her hands were a pair of black gloves. About her waist, she wore a tool belt that was filled with a variety of everyday tools and a few other high-tech ones. Her figure wasn’t nearly as flattering as any of the other women on stage with her, being of athletic build. It looked as though she were only just now hitting puberty. Orfelina stayed in her daze until she could feel someone’s eyes on her, boring into her skull for a few moments.

She snapped back to reality, seeing Zalika staring at her before she had left the stage. A blush covered her face as she fidgeted before following suit. As she entered the lobby, she flinched at the number of people. It wasn’t much, certainly far less than the amount she grew up around – But most of them were strangers. She thought for a second that maybe this could be a new start for her. As a child, she was often the object of bullies for being born as basically a lab rat. Of course there were others, but she was the runt of the litter. She had a feeling that things would be better this time around – But she still didn’t want to hang around. Instead, she made a quick getaway and ran outside. She ran and ran and ran. She ran all the way down the driveway to the garage, not stopping to look back.

She needed to think. She arrived skidding to a halt at the doors, pausing to punch in the security code. Massive titanium doors slid open to reveal a large variety of vehicles: Custom cars, future car concepts, Harleys, dirt bikes. You name it, it was there. Lina made her way to a 2013 Mustang Cobra – She had a few connections – It was white as snow with a cobra design on the side rear half. She slid her hand along the side, looking underneath the hood with a smile of pride as she whispered. “Did ya miss me baby?” She sang softly her favorite song as she worked. It was a rap song, but she was a rapping failure so she had formatted it for singing. As she worked, her voice died to a hum and she let her mind wander. She began to think of the times she spent in the lab with Charles and Bruce, researching mutations. She knew for a fact that genes didn't just disappear. That was stupid. Human geneticists were claiming that normal genes had begun to attack the mutant genes, forcing it out. Biblethumpers were saying God was striking down the Devil's children...She still had research to do. But she needed to upgrade her equipment. Maybe she would get Tiny Toni to help.

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Cortez and Zoey Craven stood side by side as they listened to the envigorating speech by Ms. Cateleia. Zoey's eyes were on the beautiful white haired African woman. Cortez wasn't actually paying any attention to her or Prof. Cateleia's particularly snug body suits - which was usually the case for him. He was listening to her speech, He felt every word the Hispanic woman spoke touch him deep down to his soul. He even cheered 'Mutant and Proud' with the others.

He was a Mutant and was very proud. He had 'MnP' tattooed on his left wrist. He'd witnessed the bigotry and hate firsthand himself like many others. His own parents disowned him. He looked down at his baby sister. Sweet kid. They'd abandoned her too or probably would have, had she not run away and he not found her. He probably would have gotten his ass kicked if it weren't for Lina. She had a vision that told him that he was gonna be beaten after his powers were discovered at a poetry slam. It was a pity. That particular poem he truely felt, which was probably why it started to come to life.


He looked down at his sister as she looked nervous. Her face was completely blank of expression, which for him was a clear indication that her mind was elsewhere. "Hey, whatsamatter, Twerp?" He asked her and she snapped out of her thoughts and glared at him.

"Must you?" the 10 year old asked with a huff.

"Yes, but that's neither here nor there. What's up?"

He asked, actually concerned. She looked back at the crowd slowly dispersing. "It's just...There's alot more of them-"

"Us." Cortez corrected.

Zoey looked down. "There's alot more of us then I thought." She said. Cortez sighed and knelt down to speak face to face, placing his hands on her tiny shoulders. "Z. Look. You have nothing to be worried about. You're safer here, then with Mom or Dad or anywhere else." He said softly. She sighed. "I know it's just...I don't know..." She said and Cortez rose and scooped her up into a hug. "Look, I know you're not use to being a mutant yet but here. You're not a mutant, You're just Zoey Craven. Cortez's little sister. Although living in my shadow is probably way worse then being with the Normies." He said with a chuckle and she smiled. "You're a dork, you know that?" She said with a laugh. "Ehh. I've been told a few times." He said with a shrug and a goofy grin.

"Hey, why don't you go and get settled in?" He said and set her down. She smiled up at him and looked back at the stage. "You wanna see Professor Zee, don't you?" He asked and she smiled sheepishly. "You know, She doesn't say much aside from the fact that she's a little too old for you." He said and Zoey's eyes widen and she smacked him. "Hey. I don't judge. I mean hell, If she weren't married and couldn't kick my ass from here to Wakanda then yea. I'd feel her too." He said and Zoey just scoffed. "It's a wonder, we come from the same gene pool." She said and walked off. Cortez grinned. He knew him teasing her would take her mind off of leaving Chicago. It wasn't that long ago that Lina practically threatened to kill him if he didn't bring his ass. He wasn't going to because it was too far from Zoey but she was convincing and by convincing, it meant she told him she'd tell her dad.

Cortez wanted no parts of him which was probably why he hadn't asked her out yet. He'd been wanting to for a while now but...Mr. Howlett...not a man to be trifled with and though he had no real reason to fear him as he would respect his daughter -he already did- he just didn't want the man breaking him in half for going any further then first base with her. Cortez decided to keep it friendly. On top of that, She was his best friend. She kinda saved his ass and helped him get in the school and helped him get out to look after Zoey. So naturally he held strong feelings for her. Her dad was a hurdle but ruining their friendship was what stopped him from pursuing a relationship with her.

He decided to go let her know Zoey was getting settled and everything was good. Was it an excuse to see her...Yes but what's he gonna do?

He walked toward the garage where he knew she'd be. He heard rap coming from her Mustang and smirked. He liked that song. So, in typical Cortez fashion ,he began to sing the lyrics to get her attention. "So just take me home where the moon is mellow, then roses are grown and M&M's are yellow and the lightbulbs around my mirror don't flicker, Everybody gets a nice autograph picture, one for you and one for your sister, who had to work tonight but is an avid listener. Every songs her favorite song and Mics don't feedback, all the reviewer say you need to go and see that. Then everybody claps cause everybody is pleased and then they all take the stage and start performing for me, like Ha ha ha ha, Haha haha ha, Ha." He sang and grinned. "Sorry. That's my song." He said feigning a sheepish attitude.

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#, as written by Vix
"Well, simply put. The Arc Cannon is a giant plasma laser powered by a small arc reactor. The Tractor Beam moves things through gravity manipulation." She shrugged a little, used to people not understanding what she was talking about even in normal conversation. She often spoke crypticly I'm riddles, though is was mostly due to erratic visions. She smiled faintly at Cortez with a shrug and began to explain how it was possible to fit such weapons on the vehicles. "I have Zee's husband help out with manipulating the metal where I need to put in the weapons and then I make the weapons extremely....collapsible to fit them in there. I use a lot of nanomites." She was fidgeting and looking down as she explained, her face as red as her hair. Not because of the chat - But because her brother was walking up behind Cortez. "What's going on here?"

Zalika looked down at the little girl that was stammering about something. Her husband's arm around her, she listened carefully before speaking in a thick African accent. "Speak up. What do you require?"

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Melody Stark Character Portrait: Florence Barousse Character Portrait: Cataleia Fury Character Portrait: Zoey Craven Character Portrait: Orfelina Howlett Character Portrait: Cortez Craven Character Portrait: Zalika T'Challa-Lensherr
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#, as written by Vix
"You must be joking." Zalika canted her head to the left before squatting down so that she was eye level with the child. She flicked the dark panther ears that replaced the ears that used to be on the side of her head. "People fear me. They are wary and try their best to avoid me. I am not outgoing nor am I a kind woman. I am harsh and judgemental. I hit children your age when they misbehave. I have pulled guns on them just for getting on my nerves. Is this what you want? To grow to be silent and hateful? For others to listen mostly out of fear? I care not whether people like me - Only that they respect and fear me. It is fear that prevents mutiny. You want a better mentor for leading? Go to Cataleia. You want a mother? Go to Cataleia. You want to learn more about your powers? Go to Orfelina. I don't have the patience to play mommy right now. How do I know you're strong enough to be worth my time? I have little patience for childlike attitudes. You are not the first to ask - What makes you so special? Why me?"

Zalika grilled the girl like she was a fish. She wasn't one that was known for kindness or patience. It was rare that either of those virtues were expressed towards anyone that she didn't grow up with. She looked the girl right in her eyes, her own strangely mystic blue and green ones smoldering. "You can lead with love or fear. What is your choice?"

Cataleia waved absent-mindedly to Melody on her way back downstairs, heatedly spouting Portuguese at her father on the phone, heading outdoors with Buck close behind. Markus watched from above before dropping from his perch and landing with acrobatic grace, startling those who didn't see him. He snarled at them before disappearing in a cloud of orange smoke. He reappeared near the garages in a tree adjacent to where Florence was drawing. He watched with a canted head, his yellow-orange eyes gleaming with devilish mischief.

Silas ignored Cortez, roughly brushing past the boy to his sister. The two shared a long and tight hug, whispering to each other in a language that seemed to be a mix of some Native American, Italian, and French. Silas then held his sister at arm's length, smiling fondly before kissing the top of her head. Turning to leave, he regarded Cortez with a cold and hateful stare, baring fangs and growling before shoving past him again. Silas and Orfelina had a very close bond and they had both literally killed to protect each other from any and all harm - Physical, mental, and emotional. Silas didn't like the way Cortez's pheromones spiked when he saw Lina. It made him want to incinerate the kid.

He stepped back outside, not pausing as he spoke. "It's rude to eavesdrop, Florence. Nor is it polite to spy, Markus." He had smelt them both, not needing to look to know where they were. He ran his fingers through his black hair as he went on.

Julio winked and waved as the older man headed to bed. He learned that his name was Oliver and he was recently divorced. The Brazilian-Cajun chuckled, slinking his way over to Melody and her group of techies. "Hey. Guys." He wasn't the best English speaker and had only began to learn seven months ago how to speak it.