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Ruby Bloomer

"I believe in the radical possibilities of pleasure, babe!"

0 · 460 views · located in Olympus Academy

a character in “Olympus Academy for Demigods”, as played by SylviaPlathFan


Ruby Bloomer



"I read Sylvia Plath, I listen to Bikini Kill and I eat Tofu. I am a unique rebel."

The Basics

Full Name: Ruby Bloomer
Age: 18
Birthdate: 13th October
Gender: Female
Godly Parent: Zeus


Color: Is glitter a colour?
Food: Fruit flavoured chocolate.
Drink: Cocktails and shots with cool names, like Barbie Bombs and Woo Woos.
Music: Rock music, especialy alternative and grunge.

Ruby is a fierce believer in equality and rights for everyone, and will always stand up for the under-dog. She accepts everyone for exactly what they are, but that doesn't neccissarily mean that she agrees with them or respects them - respect has to be earned. She has a strong moral compass, and will always try to do what she thinks is 'right', even if it's controvertial.

She doesn't see any reason why she shouldn't be able to do exactly what makes her happy, provided that it doesn't harm anyone else; she goes to parties, stays up into the small hours of the morning, plays video games, piles on make-up and wears whatever she likes, even though it's not very fashionable.

She's outspoken and opinionated; she doesn't buy into the 'shut up and make me a sandwhich!' thing at all.

Similarites to Their Godly Parent: Her belief in fairness, justice and equality are unshakable.


First Memory: Her first memory is 'helping' her mum paint her bedroom walls and then being covered, head to toe, in paint.
Relationship with Mortal Parent: Ruby and her mother get on famously! They're like friends as well as mother-and-daughter.

Ruby's mother used to tell her bed-time stories about Olympus and the Greek Gods, but as she got older she lost interest in the mhythology, writing them off a stupid fairy tales.

Her mum was a writer for a local newspaper, so Ruby was always interested in politics and what was happening in the world; she shared her mum's feminist/humanist/activist views. She was a fiercly independent little girl, which preturbed some of her teachers at school, who found her difficult. A lot of the kids at her mortal school shared their teacher's views, so she was always a little lonely.

When she was 12, her mum decided that it would be better for Ruby if she could be with people who would understand and be able to teach her how to be herself, and eventually found Olympus Academy. At the end of the school year, Ruby left her mortal school and, after the summer, enrolled at Olympus.

So begins...

Ruby Bloomer's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Xior Character Portrait: Boone Raziel Keating Character Portrait: Sinclair Burton-Lake Character Portrait: Ruby Bloomer Character Portrait: Lennon Rosley Character Portrait: Jeffrey Duckworth
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Ruby had overslept. Severely overslept. She must have forgotten to wind her alarm, last night. She runs around her bedroom; one leg in her jeans and the other out, her hair wild and tangled from sleep, her teeth stained with lipstick from trying to apply it quickly. She glances at her reflection in the mirror above her dresser, "Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" she drawls sarcastically, rubbing the stray smears of scarlet off of her teeth. She rolls up the sleeves of her shirt - it's been warm for days - and balances on one foot at a time to tie the laces of the other boot. Her backpack is adorned with dozens of pins and badges, and one of them falls of when she picks the bag up, but she just clips it on to her shirt pocket and leaves, heading in the direction of class.

She's sure that Keating must have heard every excuse in the book for lateness, by now, and is trying to think of something original...'I got lost in the forest'? 'I couldn't find my shoes'? 'My bedroom door wouldn't open'? Nah, he'd never, ever believe them. She'll just have to apologise profusely and hope he's in a good mood. Jeffrey is up ahead of her, going in the same direction, and she's glad that she's not the only one running late. She slips in the door behind him before he closes it. She lingers a little behind him, waiting her turn to make her excuses to Keating, but she stops worrying about it when Jeffrey gives his; compared to that, anything which Ruby could have come up with would have seemed positively plausible! "Uh, yeah, same thing." she gestures to Jeffrey, when Keating looks at her expectantly.

She slides into the seat beside Sinclair, "Morning, ev-" she's distracted by the rabbit on Keating's desk, and actually rubs at her eyes a couple of times to make certain that she's not seeing things. She's glad when Jeffrey mentions it; at least the others can see it, too.



Rhea's reply stuns him into silence, for a long moment. "Wow...sorry. he mutters, examining her face to try to gauge how she's feeling, but the girl is a firmly closed book, "I didn't mean to...y'know..." He trails off lamely, averting his eyes awkwardly so she doesn't feel like he's staring at her like a freak show.

He shakes his head disbelievingly when Keating spins them the story about a deadly rabbit, "I don't buy it" he shrugs, "I think he's messing with us." he's not really bothered about the decision the others will take, though. If they kill it, he might get extra credit for bringing it back to life...he realises that he's not a sickened by the thought as he perhaps should be, but shakes it off.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Boone Raziel Keating Character Portrait: Nova Tricon Character Portrait: William Hawk Character Portrait: Arissa Adia Scout Character Portrait: Ethy Hunter Character Portrait: Tristan Van Wilmot
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Arissa had begun to go on a confident spiel about how she would excell in today's mission (he himself was doing more nervous gulping that boasting) but before she could spit out the words, Aria came flying in and crash landed into his chest with a distinctive "thud". She sputtered out the quickest apology he'd ever heard and skittered away red as a tomato. "It's- it's fi-" he was saying, yet he was still teetering around off balance, trying to regain his footing but finding it exceedingly hard with this bulky armor making him lopsided. "Ah! Ah!" he he cried, swaying to the side before ultimately plopping onto the ground. "Mmm, looks like more grass stains for me. The more the merrier, really." he joked, scrambling to his feet. He wondered why he'd even tried to regain his balance. If he would've just let himself fallen down he probably would have saved himself some embarrassment. Oh, well. He brushed off his pants to get any flecks of grass from him and gave a little side glance back at Aria who was now chatting with Peter. A smile crept onto his lips.

Then Cadwell was explaining their assignment today and he found himself getting increasingly more anxious. Oh no. Not capture the flag. The last time they played this, Nova'd left with two black eyes. The worst part? Both had been accidentally self-inflicted. "Nova, one word; fire" he had said, which only made him all the more nervous. See, sure Nova could spark a light or two, but his command over fire was about as good as his command over urination. If he was particularly antsy - and especially if there were people watching - he had a seriously hard time performing. He was no awesome, walking blow torch. More like malfunctioning microwave flicking out embers here and there. Still, he appreciated that Cadwell went out of his way to be nice to he and the rest of the class. He really meant well but, ah, it woudln't stop the sense of impending doom from pounding in his ears.

"...late, Nova." Tristan had said. Nova had sheepishly not heard the start of his sentence, too wrapped up in the tangle of thoughts his brain was spinning like a spindly spider. He just grinned bright at him and nodded, a vague answer to whatever his statement had been. He was fan of Tristian so his friendly face was a nice temporary distraction from the challenge. Then he'd proposed that Arissa, himelf, and Nova would team up. "Yeah, totally. We're like a match made in heaven." he joked, eyes trailing over to the dejected Nina in the back of the class. "Oh..." he said, and he'd just begun to make his way over to her when Peter'd beat him to it. She followed him back to their team and he frowned. He didn't want to have to go up against Nina, a good friend of his, when she was feeling so down. Well, it looked like he didn't have much of a choice.

Nova wasn't able to greet most of the new additions, the rest of that portion a bit of a blur because he'd volunteered to go up and tie their flag to the pole at the end of the field like Cadwell had asked. It was clear that Nova was stressing out. Anyone who knew him would see the strains in his feigned smile, the shutters flexing behind his eyes as he calculated the many ways he could humilate himself during today's class. When he'd gotten back, Danni and Ethy were both on his team. Each of them offered him a small smile - relatively uncharacteristic of the two of them - and he grinned right on back, this one more easy going than before. "Wooo! We got the bamf girls!" he cried, throwing his arms in the air with enthusiasm that was only partially done for comedic purposes. Really, they were spectacular additions to the team.

Then Aria had shuffled on over, mewing out a shy "Need an extra?" perhaps he'd been stepping some lines onto Arissa's team leader position, but he wooted out a "YEAH!" followed by, "Only if you promise not to shove me to the floor again, that is." It was clear there was no ill intent in his little jab. Then they were talking about strategy and Nova'd found that words had escaped him once more, any of that easy going brightness quickly being replaced with uneasiness once more. If anyone'd paid attention, they'd hear a nervous little twitter at the word "attacker". Nova was not an attacker - not offensive on any level of the word. Still, objecting would mean putting their whole team at a disadvantage if what Arissa said was true, and voicing complaints about his own inefficiencies seemed hardly the route to go to foster team spirit. "Yeah...!" he'd weakly crowed to his group, the lamest input yet. He looked over his team and kind of chuckled. They were not really a cohesive unit of friends, but more class mates who'd been wrapped together for a common goal. He looked over at the other, larger team to see that all of them could probably be seen hanging around each other after class very happily. His eye trailed to Will who was just kind of standing there in the center of the field and a frown tugged on his lips.

Before he knew what he was doing, his feet had begun to trail over to where he was standing. He and Will were not really friends. Not friends at all, actually. He hadn't recalled speaking to him once in his life, but he was sure they knew of each other and he couldn't simply stand by as he was literally ostracized from every single class mate. Sure, he'd done some mean things and sure a whole lot of people disliked him for said mean things, but no one deserved to be so... alone. He'd gotten all the way over to him, standing a couple feet away, before he realized he had no idea what he'd planned on saying. He'd merely acted on impulse. "Ah, eh, hey Will." he peeped. "Are you feeling alright, man...? Do you want to be on our team?" he asked, not even taking into consideration how little some of his other team mates liked Will.


Boone sat in his desk, chuckling here and there when the time called for it, but indeed, remained silent throughout their debate. The children were only just now stating their initial opinions on the fluffy white thing on the stool. The real fun would come when they seriously had to pick a resolve and go with it - something that could be harder than you'd imagine, especially with such a large group.

When Ruby and Ducky came slinking in, giving him the shittiest excuse he'd ever heard, he let out some annoyed grumbles but other than that rolled his eyes and made a motion directing them to take a seat. While he would love to chew them out for being late, he really couldn't talk for the rest of the assessment. If he explained the assignment again, he could bias their opinions or say something misleading. Besides, how the students framed the evaluation in explaining to Ducky and Ruby would alter how they perceived it, which would be interesting to watch nonetheless. He remained the silent observer for now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lukas Tricon Character Portrait: Everlie McCallister Character Portrait: Clover Thurston Character Portrait: Sinclair Burton-Lake Character Portrait: Ruby Bloomer Character Portrait: Tabitha 'Tabbi' Walker
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Sinclair tries to supress a laugh when Keating reveals the rabbit, along with a ridiculous explantion, but he can't hold it in when Clover starts to laugh. Her ridiculous giggle - a crazed, shrill, breathless sound - sets him off, too. He's doubled over in his seat, smacking his hands against his thighs. Jeffrey and Ruby come and sit by them, but he's laughing too much to offer any sort of coherent explanation to either of them, and only manages to splutter out "Bunny...Killer Bunny!..Keating...Kill it!" between bursts of laughter.

He laughs even harder when Everlie and Lukas both say that the rabbit should be killed, their faces ultra-serious,"No, seriously, stop. I can't breathe!" he begs, clutching at his stomach, which is aching from laughter; for the second time of the morning, he's starting to worry that he might be sick. "Very macho, Lukas! What are you going to do? Make rabbit stew?" he chokes out, his voice raspy from laughing, then collapses into another fit of giggles.



Tabbi wakes up feeling hellish. She's been ill since yesterday afternoon, and had had to miss her last classes to go and lie down. She looks at her clock, and knows that she should be getting ready for school, but she just doesn't have the energy. It's just a stomach bug, but she's never been very brave in the face of pain. She rolls over so she can reach her bedside table and takes a few pain-killers with a swig of water. She groans, and hides her head under her pillow. She'll go to class later, when she no longer feels like she's being punched in the stomach from the inside.