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Clover Thurston

"Good luck has its storms."

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a character in “Olympus Academy for Demigods”, as played by WheresWally


Clover Alice Thurston


“Depend on the rabbit’s foot if you will, but remember it didn’t work for the rabbit.“

The Basics

Full Name: Clover Alice Thurston
Age: 18
Birthdate: 13th July
Gender: Female
Godly Parent: Tyche


Color: Yellow
Food: Pomegranates
Drink: Jagger-bombs
Music: Grunge. Art-rock and alternative


'Wild' is the best way to describe Clover in a single word. She does and says things without thinking about them beforehand, which often causes problems, for her or for other people, later. She never thinks about things rationally or logically, and just acts on instinct or impulse. She has a devil-may-care attitude, and does the things she wants to do instead of the things she's supposed to do. She likes late nights and parties, especially ones where there will be drinking games or gambling...for obvious reasons, she's very lucky at them.

She's generally cheery and sociable, but is prone to unpredictable mood swings and can become upset or rude without warning. If she were human and not half-god, she might be called bipolar or manic depressive. She has very dark spells. She's passionate and volatile.

Her great love in life is music, and she's the archetypal music snob; she spends hours looking for rare and vintage records and holds anyone who has bad musical tastes in complete contempt.

Similarites to Their Godly Parent: Like Tyche, Clover is impulsive and liable to mood swings.


First Memory: Her first memory is a pretty boring one of going on holiday with her grandparents, sister and cousins.
Relationship with Mortal Parent: Clover, her dad and her sister are a really close-knit family.

Clover's dad met Tyche while on a friend's Stag night in a casino and never expected to see her again, so he was surprised when she suddenly handed a baby over to him. He named her Clover because, although it's a bit unconventional, it seemed apt for the daughter of the Goddess of luck.
He must have a 'thing' for unreliable women, because when Clover was four he had another relationship which resulted in a daughter, Flora, and her mother abandoned them, too.
Clover and Flora had a content, if atypical, upbringing. Clover always had good luck - she won every school raffle, every board game, every medal at sports day. Their dad took on the role of mother and father, and tried his best to mould his daughters into well-rounded people; he succeeded with Flora, but Clover was a more difficult project. She was always being sent to the school therapist for her weird mood swings and rash behaviour.
Things got more out-of-hand as she got older, but none of the therapists the school referred her to could find any explanation for Clover's behaviour. Her dad thought that the constant therapist appointments and guidance meetings were doing Clover more harm than good, and so pulled her out of school to try home-schooling when she was twelve.
Home-school worked for a couple of years, but it became clear to him that she had to be somewhere she could learn to overcome her erratic nature and control her powers. So, he came clean about her mother (and it took a long time to convince her that he wasn't kidding) and then found Olympus Academy by chasing a rumour.
She still has trouble controlling her emotions, but she has learned how to manipulate her powers since being at the Academy.

So begins...

Clover Thurston's Story


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Character Portrait: Clover Thurston
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By the time Clover had had her breakfast - coffee and a handful of multi-coloured pills - there's not long before the beginning of class. Sinclair's room is a little out of her way, but it's a morning ritual, so she takes a detour down a flight of stone stairs in order to bang on his bedroom door with a bony elbow, "Rise and shine!". Trying to wake Sinclair is an exercise in futility, though; he'll probably just turn over and go back to sleep until Keating or Cadwell show up to haul him out of bed and give him an enforced frog-march to class.

Clover's satchel, swung over one shoulder, is full to the brim with books for Ms. Caspary's English class later that day, and when she walks it swings out and then smacks hard against her thigh with every step. So it's a relief to put it down when she gets to the courtyard. Nova is already there - wearing a book and a smile, which is not unusual for him. He speaks, but it's to himself; he doesn't seem to have noticed her, yet.

"I always thought Lady Ashley was much more interesting than Georgette, anyway." She comments, grinning, "But I imagine that you'd prefer Pedro."

She gestures for him to move his legs so that she can sit beside him on the bench and flops down, turning her face towards the sun, "It seems like a waste of a sunny day to spend it in school, eh?"

She glances around, and over at the sundial in the centre of the courtyard, "Where's Lukas?" she wonders aloud. It's not common to see one of the Tricon's without the other in tow.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lukas Tricon Character Portrait: Rhea Xior Character Portrait: Boone Raziel Keating Character Portrait: Nova Tricon Character Portrait: Clover Thurston
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The girl smirked at him like a fox and he merely rolled his eyes, sighing for what seemed like the billionth time this morning as she sassed off. "You know I'm not much of an over achiever, Mr, Keating" To this, he nodded tiredly, one of those expressions that said "fair enough" or "I'm not gonna argue with that logic" crossing his stubbly face in mock agreement. He was getting impatient of holding the door open and he knew she was dilly dallying with walking inside for the sole reason of annoying him, so he was relieved when she finally slid inside with a comment of missing his class room. He propped the door open with an old text book as a stopper so that anybody could enter before traveling to the corner of his classroom where a convenient coffe maker was. "Nothing like left over teenage anxiety in the morning." she said. To this, he snorted, truly amused by her clever joke, as he brewed himself a cup and trailed over to his desk where he plopped down and took a comb through his short, curly mane - a bit of necessary primping so he didn't look like a neanderthal before the lesson had even began. "Mmm, help yourself." he muttered with his mouth on the lips of his signature mug, not very stingy when it came to his supply of caffeinated beverages.

"I'd say this is my most adored class, but don't take it in the wrong way, I'll just wait for some more student to show up, if you don't mind." she added, taking a seat in her usual spot. "Yeah, yeah, Xior. We all know how much you adore me. No need to publicize it." he drawled sardonically. A yawn broke his banter in half, and his next words skirted the tails of it. "Someone's feeling particularly witty so early in the morning. Tell me, how do you do it? What is your secret?" he mewed, stretching as he did. He spun in his chair to write on the board "ASSESSMENT TODAY" in white chalk. His hand writing was atrocious - barely even legible - but it was there and you could distinguish the words if you tried hard enough. "You remember that today's evaulation day, don't you?" he asked. He knew very well that Rhea would pass with flying colors but it felt like a necessary motion.


At the sound of Clover's charming voice, he started, bolting upright and ultimately losing track of his page as the book hit the ground. "I always thought Lady Ashley was much more interesting than Georgette, anyway... But I imagine that you'd prefer Pedro." she drawled. "Ah! Clove!" was his lame response. Embarrassed that she'd clearly heard his little self-pep talk, a rosy blush crept onto his cheeks and his green eyes widened like saucers. Well, at least it was just Clover. Reassured by that, he sorta flopped back down to a laxed position as he let out a humiliated chuckle and scooted his legs to let her sit down. "Where's Lukas?" she asked, and to this, he frowned. "Oh, I'd assumed he was off with you... You know, doing smoochy-smoochy things..." he admitted. Bothered by his twin's currently MIA status, he quickly racked his brain for just what the other was doing. He was sure it was Clover related when he thought about it. "I'll bet he's out searchin' for ..." his sentence trailed off as the devil himself appeared as if conjured by speak of his name. "" he finished as the sibling snaked one of his hands around her waist and kissed her. "Smoochy smoochy indeed," he mumbled, averting his gaze as another blush spread itself on his face, suddenly feeling as if he were some invasive voyeur or something of a similar nature.

He would have left the two to their coupley, anniversary, early morning fun out of curtesy but he suddenly had forgot all about it when he remembered her comment from before. "Wait, Clove! Hey, Clove, what did you mean when you said I'd prefer Pedro?" he asked, donning an air of innocence as his head cocked to the side. He was a lot like a pestering small child asking questions as his parents tried to have a normal adult conversation, his input currently irrelevant enough that it could easily be brushed off. "Hrmmm," he grumbled, disgruntled, trying to read into the comment by himself but being unable. He noticed the new bracelet around her wrist. "OH, so that's what you were doing!" the chirpy boy thought, an explanation for Lukas' absence there in hard evidence. The craftsmanship was dinstinctly that of his brother's and very skilled. Suddenly, he realized he was being rude again. "Oh, erm, sorry! Haha!" he said, standing up and grabbing a hold of his books. "Way to ruin a romantic moment, Nova." he scolded himself. He should really ought to be heading to class now...


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Character Portrait: Clover Thurston
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"Smoochy-smoochy things?" Clover repeats, amused. She's about to ask Nova to elaborate, but an arm encircling her waist sidetracks her. She starts a little, but relaxes when she realises who it is. The bracelet is a bigger surprise. She raises her wrist up to eye level, and her jaw drops a little as she inspects it. It just smacks of Lukas; it's perfect, but she'd come to expect nothing less than perfection from him. Nobody had ever given her jewellery before, and she's quite sure of the proper way to react...Ava is infinitely better at things like this than she is. 'Oooh' and 'ahhh' at it? Play cool? Smile demurely? That's just not Clover. Instead, her natural reaction is to spin around, throw her arms around his neck and kiss him, hard. "A happy anniversary to you, too." she greets when she pulls back, pushing strands of hair that had fallen out of place off of his face carefully.

She presses her forehead against Lukas's for a moment, but turns when Nova speaks up - she's almost forgotten he was there. For a moment, she's not sure what he's talking about - she'd been wrapped up in his twin brother - and by the time she remembers what they'd been talking about before, Nova is already talking about something else and edging towards class. "I just meant that he reminds me of Pedro." ,she explains to Lukas. Nova is the light around here; the Academy would be much murkier without him.

She hardly glances up when Ms. Caspary appears, which is an oddity in itself - usually she'll stop to chat with her favourite teacher when they pass one another. But she's too engrossed with Lukas to do anything more than hum a greeting. "Keating will come looking for us, in a minute." she observes, reluctantly, "We could maybe just continue later?" she bumps her hip against his lightly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Skylar Huntington Character Portrait: Lukas Tricon Character Portrait: Rhea Xior Character Portrait: Boone Raziel Keating Character Portrait: Nova Tricon Character Portrait: Clover Thurston
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Rhea made a jab at his handwriting, and Boone had begun to defend himself in his typical Boone manner, but then Kitty had popped her little head inside his classroom and his entire persona had switched, followed by yet another flip of composure when he realized, once more, that Rhea was indeed still in the room. It was a hodge podge of inflection and a rather silly thing to behold indeed. "Oi, shut it, Xior! At least I - Kitty! Good morning! Er! Ah, Ms. Caspary! Ms. Capsary, good morning." While he was a big fan of the aloof child, he had to admit that he was relieved when she scooted off, ensuring him that she'd do well on the assessment. A tiny smirk found its way onto his face, and soon he was chuckling at the whole situation- both Kitty and he looking like fools. He covered his mouth with his hand like he usually did when he laughed and it naturally leads into him resting his head on his upturned palm. "Yes, and what can I do for you, Ms. Caspary? I'm assuming you're only here for paperwork and file management, right?" he snickered before hopping out of his chair and going over to the corner to make her a cup of coffee.

Before the woman had a chance to reply, however, in came slipping one Chloe who looked like she'd just crawled out of the sea. She howled his name from down the hallway and slid into the classroom door like a character in Scooby Doo and, upon seeing Kitty, she too switched from crying Boone to clucking Mr. Keating. He grinned as she frowned, their expressions completely opposite. Boone personally found the whole predicament quite amusing. "B--Mr Keating, I dove into the lake, splashed water on Everlie. Well, the water just jumped out, it wasn't really my fault. Anyway, gonna' be late to class. Don't fail us? Thank you so much! You're amazing." Suddenly, his smirk had been replaced by a bit of a scowl - though he did snort in amusement from the line "the water just jumped out" - and he protested through grumbles and semi-growls as the skinny child wrapped her arms around him in an unwanted embrace, leaving the man virtually soaked. "Chloe!" he growled, but she was already off and he lead a hand to his face in a very standard face palm. He tried to wipe off the water from his wrinkled dress shirt, but it was to no avail. He found himself chuckling again as he looked up at Kitty.

"I swear I'm not usually so popular."
he said simply, trying to walk to the corner where he had paper towels but slipping a little bit in the puddle of water on the floor that reminded him a lot of Peter Pan's shadow. Yes, it was rather suiting that Chloe's phantomesque comrade would be a pool of shallow liquid. He sighed as he grabbed the roll and wiped up the mess on the floor. He finally glided back over to hand her a mug - one of his own - full of the hot beverage.


Ms. Caspary came by quickly, looking fresh and dewy, and greeted the three of them. He smiled brightly at her and offered a good morning of his own. It seemed like that would have been the end of that, but then she had gone on to say ,"Oh, Nova, Lukas? Now that I have you here, can I ask a favour? Could you have a look at the grandfather clock in my office? It's broken." Nova clapped his hands together excitedly, a small round "o" shape forming on his lips. "Of course, Ms. Caspary!" he cried, looking like a toddler who'd just been given an early Christmas present. He couldn't recall working on a grandfather clock before - never really got his hands on one - but toying with clocks and watches in general was one of his favorite things to do. He'd suddenly found his motivation for the entire day in that single "favor".

He got so wrapped up in his own brain from then on out and he sorta just… trailed off in the general direction of his next class. Nova was too far off from them to hear Clover's very simple, not at all Freudian explanation of  "I just meant that he reminds me of Pedro." He strolled by like a easy breeze, too stuck in his own head to realize that it may have been peculiar to walk away from a semi-conversation like that. The bracelet wrapped 'round the redhead's wrist had got his mental cogs working and then the promise of fiddling with that clock made it so that he was really, really itching to make something right about now. But, alas, History with Ms. Molly called.

He heard his other half shout out at him, "Two man job? Later on maybe?" and he was suddenly snapped out of his dream-like reverie. "Huh?" he asked, spinning on his heels to look at him, "Oh! Oh, right! Definitely. I'll catch you later, Lukas!" he shouted as well once he realized what his twin was refering to. "Bye Clover!" he added before turning and trailing off to the room that he was taught history in by someone only a few years his elder. When he got to the room, it was unlocked but empty, which really didn't surprise Nova all that much. He just took a seat and waited patiently for the day to begin, reading onward in his book until then.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lukas Tricon Character Portrait: Ava Sawyer Character Portrait: Peter Mahony Character Portrait: William Hawk Character Portrait: Clover Thurston Character Portrait: Nina Collins
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Alex is late for class. His own class. He hasn't been late for class since he was eighteen! He'd spent the night off-campus, with a woman from the nearby town who he'd been on a couple of dates with. It had been going well, until the early hours of the morning, anyway; he'd royally screwed it up by visibly cringing when she'd mentioned celebrating their one-week anniversary. He'd spent the rest of the night on her sofa, and then left before she woke up.

There's no time for him to change his date clothes before class, so he'll just have to show up in a shirt and suit jacket - tell the kids he was at an early meeting, or something. It'll make a change from his usual grass-stained jeans and t-shirt, at least. And he'll have to put on armour for the lesson, anyway.

Lukas and Clover are still hanging about the courtyard, engaged in a bit of first-base. It's their anniversary, isn't it? Clover had mentioned it the other day, while she'd been helping him clear everything away after class. Bah! The very last thing he'd wanted to be reminded of right now is an anniversary! "Lukas! Clover! You know Mr. Keating will have you for breakfast if you're not in his classroom five minutes ago!" But he turns to them again, when he's a little ways away, "And Happy Anniversary! Many more!"

Jules, Danielle and Peter are already waiting for him when e arrives in the Battle Strategy area, and he claps his hands together to gain their attention. "Good morning, kids. How are we feeling, today?"


Tristan's running late for Battle Strategy class, and unfortunately the quickest route from his bedroom to the Strategy Area takes him straight past the little group huddled together on the grass. He can hear William putting the moves on Nina. Gods, that's cheesy, he thinks, he sounds like a teen romance novel. Nina isn't exactly his best friend - she's kind of a snore, really - but he kinda hopes that she's smart enough to tell him where to get off...she'd have to be brain-dead not to notice William's less-than-subtle appraisal of Portia's ass, and even more so to ignore his relationship with Portia; everyone knows about them...they're an open secret. Portia is the closest thing which William has has had to a girlfriend since starting at the Academy, and it would serve him right if she got fed up of him. That would put William in his place, for a little while at least.

Ava and Arissa are with them, though, so he can't really walk past without acknowledging them. "Hi." he gives them a quick wave, then thinks of an excuse to hurry off, "I gotta get to class, see you there."


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Character Portrait: Clover Thurston
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Clover return's Lukas' playful smile when he says that he doesn't read 'those sorts of books', "Don't let Nova or Caspary hear you say that. You'd break their little hearts." She doesn't say it aloud - Lukas wouldn't get it and so wouldn't be interested - but she's sure that Lukas would be the Count, if his brother is Pedro. Or maybe Cohn...oh, who cares about fictional characters when Lukas is right in front of her, flesh and blood, and looking at her expectantly?

Clover interlaces her fingers with Lukas' when he takes her hand. "We'll definitely continue later. After school, I'm all yours." and she gives him a half-smirk which she hopes looks extremely suggestive and not dumb. Mr. Cadwell warns them about being late, and she gives the teacher a wave with the hand not interlocked with Lukas', "We're already on our way, Mr. Cadwell." she promises, but sticks her tongue out at him behind his back when he's past. She just laughs and squeezes Lukas' hand a little when Cadwell wishes them a happy anniversary. She'd only mentioned it in passing and it was sweet of him to remember; a lot of teachers wouldn't have.

"I just need to grab my bag..." she'd left it sitting by Nova's bench earlier, and moves off to get it, pulling Lukas along with her by the hand. "Caspary hands out an entire library as homework. I think this stupid bag weighs as much as I do."

She walks towards the first class of the day, Power Control. Lukas and Nova are a little put-out by Mr. Keating, but Clover adores him. He's kind of a role-model, though that sounds incredibly lame. She peers through the window in his door and sees that Ms. Caspary is in these with him, probably they're talking about exams or textbooks or something equally mundane, "He's busy, better give him a couple minutes." She reckons that there's just about enough time for a smoke before class officially starts, and rummages through her pockets for cigarettes with the her free hand (the other one is still locked with Lukas', playing with his fingers and knuckles absentmindedly). She eventually finds the packet, crumpled and cracked, in the depths of her pockets; her lighter, however, is AWOL. She'd bought a pack of disposable lighters a weeks ago, but she must have lost them all at parties or left them in other clothes pockets. Fuck "Can I have some fire?" she asks Lukas; the fire manipulation thing comes in fairly useful, in a jam.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Skylar Huntington Character Portrait: Lukas Tricon Character Portrait: Rhea Xior Character Portrait: Ava Sawyer Character Portrait: Everlie McCallister Character Portrait: William Hawk
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Lennon has been awake for hours, but instead of getting up and out of bed, he'd just lain in bed, staring up at the ceiling. He can't quite gather the energy to face the others. His room is in the same hall as Sinclair's, and he hears Clover banging on the other boy's door - she does it every morning. It's routine. He always uses Sinclair's wake-up call as his cue to leave the comfort of his bed and start getting ready.

He has Power Strategy class first. It's assessment day, but he's not exactly sure what Mr. Keating has in mind. A display of necromancy? The thought makes him grin to himself; the others would freak out if a half-rotted corpse suddenly walked into the classroom.

He doesn't want to be the first one to class, so he takes the scenic route to Mr. Keating's room. The walk takes him by Everlie and a soaking-wet Chloe. "Mornin'." he pulls at the hem of his T-shirt awkwardly; he hadn't expected to see anyone on the way, and doesn't feel entirely prepared for other people. "You know that the two of you are...wet, yeah?" he asks. Obviously they know they're wet. He'd only mentioned it for a lack of anything else to say.

"We have class..." Lennon gestures vaguely in the direction of Keating's room."But, y'know, obviously you two have to get...dry?"

He passes by another group - Ava, Will and the others whom he less-than-affectionately refers to (in his head) as 'The Heathers', after the movie - but doesn't go anything more than glance their way. They're probably discussing hair-care products, or the centrefold of this month's Seventeen magazine.

Clover and Lukas are already waiting outside his room, but he stands a little ways away, with his back against the wall, gazing down at his beaten shoes instead of speaking to them. He wonders whether to offer her his lighter when she asks for fire for a cigarette, but decides against it; the Tricon boy wouldn't be happy about it.

They've only just stepped into the classroom, when Rhea rushing past takes him by surprise, just a little. When she stops dead, he follows her gaze down to the broken locket. Ouch.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lukas Tricon Character Portrait: Rhea Xior Character Portrait: Boone Raziel Keating Character Portrait: Clover Thurston Character Portrait: Sinclair Burton-Lake Character Portrait: Kitty Caspray
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Kitty looks away pointedly when Boone makes to change his shirt - under shirt or no under shirt - and pretends to examine a painting hung on the wall. A schoolgirl blush burns on her cheeks, but she lowers her face so that her hair hides it. When he's re-dressed, she turns back to him; it's a bit warm for a sweater, but the kids would have teased him mercilessly for his damp shirt...or maybe they'd have been to scared to mention it in front of him. She's overheard some of her students talking about him as though he's a wild animal that might attack at any sudden movement, but she;s never seen any indication of that. "You've never been student -friendly, Boone. she teases, taking her coffee back from him. "thanks, again..." she gestures the mug in her hands, "...and I'll...see you later."

When she opens the door to leave, the kids pass by her to get in. She hadn't realised that they'd been waiting outside, already. She must have been in there for longer than she'd thought.

Her bedroom is two floors up, and is every bit as disorganised as her office. There are books and papers covering every available surface. She places Boone's now empty mug down atop a tower of Mills & Boons and makes a mental note to pay him a visit later, to return it.

After her shower, there's just enough time to read a couple more chapters of her book before her first lesson of the day.



Sinclair rolls his eyes when Rhea mentions Keating's class, and smirks, "Keating loves me, deep down, Rhea." He ponders as to whether or not to go to class, but before he can make up his mind, Rhea's blabbering about seeing him later and sprinting off down the corridor. He watches her go, can anyone be so eager to get to class? He looks back at his bed longingly, but he's already up and dressed; might as well go to class. He puts on socks and a pair of battered old converse, and then follows Rhea's route - at a much, much slower pace - to Keating's classroom.

When he arrives, some of the class are already in their seats, but Rhea is standing paralysed in the doorway. He has to edge round her to get in, "What're you standing there for? What's wrong?" he follows her line of vision over to the shattered necklace, "Oh. Fuck, Rhea." he whistles softly under his breath. He's about to say something comforting, but he spots Clover across the classroom, so instead he gives her a hopeless shrug.

He walks up the aisle behind Clover's seat, and as he gets closer he realises that she's sitting by Lukas of course. He wraps an arm around her neck from behind in a gruff, one-armed hug, and places a chaste kiss on the top of her head, "Mornin', Clo...Hi, Lukas." From his vantage point above her, the bracelet on her wrist catches his eye, and he stares at it - confused because Clover doesn't wear a bracelet - for a long moment before he realises it's significance. "Oh, yeah, happy anniversary." he has to fight to keep the disdain out of his voice, "Pretty bracelet, you make it, Lukas?"

He'd almost managed to forget about their anniversary. If he had remembered, he would have just stayed in bed all day. He realises that he hasn't said anything in a while, and so tries to make a joke, "I hope you don't expect such lavish gifts when we're married, Clo." The 'when we're married' thing is an old joke they'd started years ago and had carried on.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lukas Tricon Character Portrait: Ava Sawyer Character Portrait: William Hawk Character Portrait: Clover Thurston Character Portrait: Nina Collins Character Portrait: Arissa Adia Scout
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Ava sighed and shook her head slightly at Arissa, that girl could seriously change her mood in seconds yet as a friend it was just something she had to get use too, her smile appeared again as Tristan arrived and she greeted her other brother with a warm hug before he hurried off to his class "Aren't we going to class soon?" a look of horror dawned on Ava's face "shit!" she cursed loudly quickly picking up her bag "Guys I have to go, I have Mr Keating first and I'm really trying to get him not to hate me!" She knew it sounded pathetic and not to mention useless as the grudge Mr Keating held towards her because she was a child of Aphrodite was ridiculous yet she hated people not liking her it made her nervous whenever she was around them.

Saying by to her friends Ava hurried across the garden and into the school building nearly colliding with students in the now crowded halls and towards Mr Keating's room for Power Control, walking into the room she saw Clover and gave her a small wave "Morning" she smiled to the group taking a seat, she took out her things before turning to Clover and Lukas "Happy Anniversary guys" she smiled at the happy couple "I really like your bracelet Clo, gift?" she stated.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lukas Tricon Character Portrait: Rhea Xior Character Portrait: Ava Sawyer Character Portrait: Boone Raziel Keating Character Portrait: Clover Thurston Character Portrait: Sinclair Burton-Lake
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Rhea Xior

Rhea stopped for a second, then sighed acting as if everything was normal, when Sinclair became distracted with Clover, she was just showing her 'normal' frustration at the situation, so she wouldn't alert any unwanted attention. She levitated the discarded pieces of the locket, a portion of it was missing and had probably rolled under Keating's desk, she moved the metal portions into her small satchel hoping that she might find someone to fix it. She left the small photo there, there was no way she would be stepping back into her past again. She had left that picture in that locket for a reason, to keep it away from the rest of her possessions, and then one night she had thought she lost it, apparently it must have been in some small loophole in her bookbag. She hesistated for a moment, and then remembered almost knocking over someone as she rushed to class. "Lennon!...I-I'm sorry...just me almost being late..." she nodded at him, before walking past the door, with her telekinesis she lifted the small photo, and held it in her hand. A picture of a blonde haired, hazel eyed boy, his two front teeth missing, he was obviously a toddler, yet the picture seemed prehistoric, it was yellowing and in the corner a burnt charred mark was on it. Rhea suddenly had a flashback, one of those dealers and his pistol, which laid close to the family picture in the living room, the barrel of his gun was so arid that it burned some of the photograph. It was a family photo too, which she ripped a piece from after the incident. She flipped it over, the back just as prehistoric as the front, This would definitely effect her, but not in a positive way.

Her face became serious as she palmed the photo, her hand creasing as the photo folded. She realizes that she is blocking the door, and takes her usual seat next to window, although she does so quietly and without a snarky remark for Keating. She definitely hadn't thought of one yet, her eyes gazed into the window. "Now I know I'm not passing that assessment" She thought to herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lukas Tricon Character Portrait: Ava Sawyer Character Portrait: Clover Thurston Character Portrait: Sinclair Burton-Lake
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There's a weird smell lingering in the air...burning? He opens his mouth to ask if anyone else can smell it, but suddenly realises that it's him. "Fucking hell!" he jumps out of his chair, knocking it over in the progress. His jaw and fists clench when Lukas makes him lame excuse about a fly, but doesn't say anything; he's not convinced that there had been any fly, but he doesn't have any evidence to the contrary.

He runs a hand though his long-ish hair, and most of it still seems to be intact. "Don't worry about it...I could do with a trim" he tries to make a joke out of it, but his voice is tight and irritated.

He and Lukas had been friends, once. The three of them - Clover, Lukas and he - used to hang out together quite happily; up until Sinclair had started noticing the looks that passed between the other two, the goofy, lovelorn smile permenantly fixed to Lukas's face, the way he'd touch her arm or brush against her at every oppurtunity. He'd brushed it off as an over-active imagination, or paranoia, but when Lukas had told him - all anxious and overly-excited - that he planned on asking Clover out, he hadn't been able to pretend any longer. He'd tried to talk Lukas out of the idea ("But...I always thought you and Nina made a cute couple! You two should get back together!", "How about Ava? She's hot! I think Ava likes you, man!", "Y'know, Clover snores. Loudly. Really."), but to no avail. The last year had been the worst of his life.

Sinclair had always thought that he and Clover would end up together; that he had all the time in the world to gather up enough courage to tell Clover how he feels...that everything else fades to grey in comparison to her, that his heart beat is erratic and breathing seems difficult when he thinks about her, that he feels sick with a mixture of nerves, excitement, and hope whenever she touches him. The truth is, he'd marry Clover today, if she asked him. But, whatever...

He hadn't even noticed Ava's arrival, and his head snaps up when she speaks. He rolls his eyes - he seems to be doing that a lot, this morning - when the blonde mentions the anniversary, "Yeah, we're all just waiting for our wedding invites with baited breath, aren't we Ava?" he drawls, "What colour were you thinking for my bridesmaid's dress, Clo?"

He leans back in his chair, putting his feet up on the back of Clover's chair lazily, resting his head in his palm and looking past the others to stare blankly forward; he's sure that he'll be in a foul mood for the rest of the day.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Skylar Huntington Character Portrait: Lukas Tricon Character Portrait: Ava Sawyer Character Portrait: Boone Raziel Keating Character Portrait: Nova Tricon Character Portrait: Everlie McCallister
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Kitty's oh-so-true proclamation of "You've never been student -friendly, Boone." served as an cue of her dismissal and the young pupil's arrival. Boone gave an amused yet somehow disappointed grumble of agreement, wishing she could stay and chat but knowing that work called for other such things. His students poured into the room, all taking their usual seats, and he ran a hand through his hair before wiping his left eye . My, they were rambunctious this morning. He just sat silently at his desk, waiting for everyone to arrive, watching each one of them trickle in with his tired stare. Clover, Lukas, Lennon, Rhea, Sinclair, Ava... that was it? Where the bloody hell were his students? Well, Chloe and Everlie should be off saying farewell to their fish friends, that he knew, but other than those two... He sighed, deciding that while he could be peeved at the students for coming late and wasting class time, he could also just not give a damn and cherish the down time. Less work and all the same pay, really. Just for good measure, he rolled over and scribbled, "No... seriously" underneath the original scrawling of "ASSESSMENT TODAY" but made no other move as an educator.

They were rather content yakking away. Apparently it was Clover and Lukas' anniversary and being that he had both of them in his class, lucky him, it was the hottest topic of the morning. Oh, teen love! He was sure this one was going to last a lifetime! He sighed again. Rhea came spilling in and dropped her locket onto the floor. The thing was busted - clearly - and a piece had slid under his desk. At first, he remained in his perpetual state of boredom but when he glanced up to see if she planned on picking the thing up, he faltered, a bothered frown tugging on his lips as he winced. Uh oh. Apparently the jewelry meant something to the girl. He was half afraid she'd broken down and would start to malfunction - pulling out a katana or something and going on a mass murder rampage. Instead, she just kind of deflated into her seat. He felt bad for the thing, especially so after Sinclair (weren't they supposed to be good friends or something? He'd always assumed so.) just kind of brushed her off. He picked up the piece and tried to make eye contact with her as he wiggled it in his fingers but, ah, she'd become too distracted with looking outside the window. Bad day for the girl. He pocketed it, vowing to simply return it after class.

Next thing he knew, Lukas and Sinclair were spatting off, flexing and unflexing their possessive ultra-macho masculine powers in front of Clover. He rolled his eyes at the dominance charade (he half expected the two of them to leap atop the desk, pull down their drawers, and reveal baboon buttocks to settle the dispute like true wild animals) and wondered if they'd even begun to think about whether it'd make the very lucky girl feel uncomfortable being bartered over like she was some object to be won. Again, he didn't have much of a desire to voice these opinions and would have gladly just tucked his opinions into his pocket, but he was pretty sure it was his job as teacher to keep his kids from spitting literal fire at one another. For the first time since everyone'd streamed in, he spoke.

"Ehem, Mr. Tricon," he began, fluttering his downcast eyes up to level with the kid, "while I'm very glad your big anniversary day has been apparently very hot so far, I would be much obliged if you were to... erm, simmer down a tad." he said. He finished it with passive shrug, as if his interjection was merely an idea to consider before he'd thought of another valid point to add to his argument. "Damaging Mr. Burton-Lake's luxurious locks on a day he'd actually dragged himself to class seems like a crime, after all." he drawled. To add to the point, he gave a feigned smile, a couple short claps, and a simple "Bravo, Sinclair." After he'd spoken, there was a bit of an awkward silence in the class and he chuckled. "Class, carry on, by all means. We're waiting on a couple of your peers to begin today. There's a group-evaluation to be done which means we can't do it without the whole class present. I'm sure you'll all pass with flying colors considering how well you all get along, though."

He grinned again. "Coffee, anyone? No? Okay." and then he continued to scribble nonsense onto paperwork he had to get done by the end of the day.


MEANWHILE: The young boy had been sitting in the empty class room for entirely too long, reading in the relative dark. Suddenly, he perked his head up as if he were having a psychic vision. "Aw crud, Ms. Molly's history class isn't for a couple hours!"

Face palm ensued.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lukas Tricon Character Portrait: Rhea Xior Character Portrait: Ava Sawyer Character Portrait: Boone Raziel Keating Character Portrait: Clover Thurston Character Portrait: Sinclair Burton-Lake
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Clover falls silent, along with the rest of the class, when Rhea's necklace smashes. She's not really sure what to say or do, so she's grateful when Lukas speaks up, offerring to try his hand at fixing it. There's a familiar warmth in her; when he does things like that - selfless things, thoughtful things - she's reminded of why she loves him quite so much.

Clover pats Sinclair's arm in greeting when he's wraps it around her neck, but she's shocked to see him awake and in class so early. "I don't think I've ever said this before, but good morning, Clair." She twists the bracelet round on her wrist when Sinlair mentions it, glancing across at it's maker affectionately.

She snorts, loudly, when Sinclair advises her not to expect any tokens of fondness to come from their fictional marriage, "I've come to learn not to expect a single thing from you over the years, Clair." She knows that he won't take it the wrong way. Their friendship is built on sterner stuff than that, and they can exchange jokey insults and banter.

Her head whips around when Sinclair swears and chair clatters to the ground. "Lukas!" she chastises him, but her tone is laced with amusement; she's never seen Sinclair move so fast before. Keating intervenes, drawing everyone's attention over to them, and she gives the teacher a weak, half-smile. "That was almost a 'happy anniversary, Sir. Almost."

When Keating's finished with his first telling-off of the day, she turns back to Sinclair and gives him an apologetic look - swallowing back a grin - on her boyfriend's behalf, "Should have just stayed in bed, eh? It's safer."

Ava's arrival into the conversation is welcome. Clover holds out her arm for Ava to cast an appraising eye over her new bracelet. "Lukas made it." he voice is a mixture of pride and endearment, "Isn't it perfect?". She grabs Lukas' hand and holds it out to Ava, "He has magic hands, y'know."

She bats Sinclair away when he makes a sarky remark about wedding invites and bridesmaids dresses, "I'll force you into a fuschia bridemaids dress for the rest of your life if you don't shut up" she warns, turning her back to him. When he puts his feet up on the back of her chair, she just ignores him; she can't be bothered with the affronted look he'll give her if she pushes his feet away.

Lukas has been quiet. His eyes fixed forwards. It's unlike him, and it's making her uneasy. She takes his hand under the desk, out of sight of the others, and pulls it in to rest on her lap. She plays with it for a moment, tracing the lines and callouses with her fingertips, before she's struck by inspiration. She uses her index finger to draw a circle on his palm, an 'O'. Then a 'K', followed by a question mark. Then a heart, just for good measure.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lukas Tricon Character Portrait: Rhea Xior Character Portrait: Ava Sawyer Character Portrait: Boone Raziel Keating Character Portrait: Clover Thurston Character Portrait: Sinclair Burton-Lake
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Rhea Xior

She looked up when Keating shook the piece of her locket, but she hadn't cared, it wasn't the locket, that could easily been repaired. It seemed he was ready for Rhea to break any moment but it would take much more than what happened today. She looked once more at the photo that was nearly crumpled in her hand. Her eyes showed a certain sadness, she became a little teary eyed, but was able to shake off the emotions.

Lennon didn't hesitate to sit next to her, and its not like she hadn't wanted it, or simply wanted him to leave, she was happy that he was there to talk to her about it, or at least do as much talking as he could."You want some company, over here?" She began use her finger to make invisible little circles in her desk. "I don't mind...." she mumbled. She looked over at Sinclair, who seemed to be much more awake than before. "The fuck's that about?

"Sinclair just tends to get a little rush when he sees Clover, don't worry about it..." She began to wonder if she should tell Lennon about the picture, she was boring holes right through her principles, no one was allowed any farther past knowing where she came from, her past had been locked up in an eternal sleep, what was changing now? Being at the academy for 4 years? Still she had barely gotten to know enough people to at least remember their first or last names. She began to mark the desk with her finger, which was now heated at the tip, the circles became burnt linings in the wood. Her body was struggling with anxiety, she burnt her index finger for a second but merely looked at it, and stopped the hobby. She took the photo from the desk and handed it to Lennon. "That's my little brother...." she smiled, something she rarely did, though it would put anyone under the impression that she was actually depressed. Lennon had yet to find out about Rhea and her past, she had only told a handful of people. She told bits of it to Sinclair, but nothing that was substantial.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Skylar Huntington Character Portrait: Lukas Tricon Character Portrait: Ava Sawyer Character Portrait: Boone Raziel Keating Character Portrait: Ezekiel Row Character Portrait: Everlie McCallister
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Chloe Huntington

"I needed to wake up, and dive-bombing into the lake seemed like a good enough idea." Chloe smirked back to her friend, her hair already naturally drying in the sunlight. In a few minutes, she would be completely dry and wouldn't even need to change. "You know me, Evie," the brunette laughed, as they walked in unison towards the other girl's room, "I'm a daughter of Poseidon. We kinda' need the water to function properly." Her answer was pretty serious; she felt as if she did need the water to function properly, it was her life, and the only thing that really ever made her truly happy. Without the water... Chloe didn't know what she would be, but "happy" wasn't it.

"An extra towel could be helpful, I suppose." She smiled, sitting herself down on Everlie's floor as the blonde went to get changed in the bathroom. She looked around, taking in the quaint room, looking along the bookshelf that was sitting in the corner of the room. Her eyes glazed over all of the books - there were books that she had never even heard of before, by writers that she couldn't pronounce the name of up there, along with the minimal amount that she did know. "We best get a move on, Ev. Keating can't wait forever. He may just explode."

William Hawk

Will was quite shocked at Nina's reply. She wasn't one for skipping lessons, that was for sure, and he had to hold back a gawp in awe as she agreed to his proposition of missing out on ol' Cadwell's lesson and spending some quality time together. "You're seriously going to skip class, just to spend some time with little old me? Why Miss Collins, I'm shocked. I didn't think I meant that much to you, that you'd risk getting in trouble." He smiled at her, a hint of playfulness glinting in his eyes. He leaned over and took her hand in his momentarily, brushing his fingers over her soft, porcelain colored palms. "This is going to go well." He said, tracing one of the lines that ran down her palm, from the bottom of her middle finger, down to the bottom of her hand. Not many actually knew that he could read palms, and that was what he was doing now, staring intently at Nina's hand.

"Love is also in your future too, my dear. With... someone close to you. Possibly a friend. A friend turned lover. You'll be a perfect couple. Have three children, two girls and a boy. You'll be married too, until death." He looked up, at her and put her hand back down, gently onto her lap. "Well, that's what your palm say anyway. Who knows if it's true or not. I believe it's true though." He smiled.

However, his smile feel quickly as Miss Summers rounded the corner killing the romantic mood that he had tried to hard to create. "Oh Miss Summers..." For once, William Hawk was speechless., his brain being focused on the romance that he was trying to force, instead of coming up with quick excuses as to why they weren't in class. However, he was saved by Zeke, the son of Ares, and wasn't shown up in front of the woman that he was trying to woo.

Soon, he was following the blonde male, nodding discretely as he told them to keep their mouths shut and just follow. He walked quietly behind him, slowly reaching out to the left however, and he took the hand of Nina.

Lukas Tricon

Lukas turned to Clover and smiled innocently. "I didn't do anything, my dear. Like I said, all I did was knock a fly away. Didn't want a little old fly annoying your best friend Sinclair now, did I? Couldn't have that." He placed a soft kiss on Clover's cheek, making sure that Sinclair could obviously see it, before his attention was taken by the teacher in front of him. He didn't like Mr Keating very much, the man was a scary human being, and it didn't help with him being the child of the god of war, Ares. He shifted in his seat uncomfortably as the teacher scolded him for trying to set Sinclair on fire, and he nodded his hair apologetically. "I was only trying to get a fly, sir." He smiled, before Clover saved him, taking the attention of Mr Keating away from him. He let out a soft sigh as he sat there, holding his girlfriend's hand. The incident with Sinclair had bothered him more than it should have done, and he didn't like it. "I wish we could have stayed in bed today," he said quietly, stroking her hand with his thumb, "as it would have been a better way to spend the day."

Boys and girls weren't allowed to sleep in each others dorms, but that didn't stop most of the kids from jumping from bedroom to bedroom. Portia was obviously one for doing it, Will was another, and Lukas and Clover were just the same. They liked to spend the night together, even if it was just to curl up and sleep. Lukas never slept better than when his arms were wrapped around Clover. And contrary to belief, she didn't snore.

Luke nodded a brief hello to Ava as she arrived, but he was literally pulled into the conversation by his girlfriend, as she displayed his palms to the blonde. He made an effort to get more involved, and turned in his seat to face her. "What can I say? I'm a magician." he laughed playfully, before then turning back into his seat. He was a little more pleased by Sinclair's next comment about being a bridesmaid. That was much better - Sinclair standing behind them in the wedding procession, wearing the ugliest fuchsia coloured dress that Clover could find. "Oh Sin, I think you'd look lovely in a pink bridesmaid's dress. It'd set off the singes in your hair." He didn't turn around to speak to the male, only kept his eyes forward, a playful smile tugging at the corner of his lips. Yes, it annoyed him to the core that Sinclair wanted his Clover. But he couldn't stop himself from playing on it from time to time, annoying the other in return by kissing Clover in front of him, and making jibes like his previous one. He was a jealous soul, but was proud of it. Anyone who had Clove on their arm had to watch out for intruders trying to steal her, and he was just being overcautious.

Lukas looked over to Clover as she wrote on his hand, asking if he was okay, and then adding a heart. He smiled softly in her direction and lent forward, pressing a soft kiss on her forehead. "I'm fine. Just being myself, you know? Over protectiveness coming though. Don't want anyone coming between us, babe." He smiled, turning back ever so slightly to catch the eye of Sinclair.

If he was going to hit on Clover when her boyfriend was sitting next to her, and make little snipes at their relationship - this meant war.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lukas Tricon Character Portrait: Rhea Xior Character Portrait: Ava Sawyer Character Portrait: Boone Raziel Keating Character Portrait: Everlie McCallister Character Portrait: Clover Thurston
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Rhea Xior

As he hands the picture back, Rhea lays it back on her desk and puts laments on the situation between Sinclair and Lukas dor a second, in all honestly the whole was pure teenage drama, though who knows who would ened up with who, and Sinclair seemed more determined than Rhea had ever seen him. "Hey, Rhea? She turns her attention back to Lennon who seemed quite out of place all of sudden. "Something wrong?.." she asked him. "I know this is lame, and feel free to tell me to fuck off, but if we've both got to go to this stupid dance thing anyway, would you mind going...with me?" She pulled back a little in surprise, she to had forgotten about the little dance party the school had planned for the students, she grimaced for a moment, then smiled. "My pleasure..." she said mimicking Lennon's volume of voice. Suddenly thoughts started to whizz by in her head. "DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW TO FUCKING DANCE?!!!" She began to tap a bit at her desk and sigh. "DON'T TAKE THIS AS A SIGN OF AFFECTION, AFTER ALL ISN'T LIKE THE WHOLE FUCKING SCHOOL AFTER HIM?" She clenched her jeans trying to supress her thoughts, but her face was calm. "OH GOD I CAN SEE YOUR ASS SLIPPING IN THOSE PATHETIC HEELS YOU BOUGHT 3 YEARS AGO..."

"What do you think I should wear, and where do you wanna meet?..." she asked her voice smooth and low. " WHAT ARE YOU DAFT? ARE YOU AN IDIOT? A DUMBASS? A MORON? WHY'D YOU EVEN ACCEPT THE PROPOSAL????" She blushed a bit, her tan skin hiding most of it, she slumped her head in her hands. "I'm surprised you asked me Lennon...actually maybe I'm glad..." she smiled. Her mind tried to flip the situation, whenever she acted out of her norm this is what she thought, her bod was still, but her mind was rampant and judging. It delivered some harsh judgement, but it allowed her to think carefully before acting, this time she had all but lost it.

She stuffed the picture of her brother inside her backpack, and crossed her fingers. "Man when are we gonna start this lesson?..." She looked out the door when Everlie walked in, and noticed Sinclair asking Ava out right in front of Lukas and Claire.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lukas Tricon Character Portrait: Ava Sawyer Character Portrait: Clover Thurston Character Portrait: Sinclair Burton-Lake
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Clover bumps her knee against Lukas', letting her bare leg - it had been too warm for jeans for the past few days, so she'd ripped an old pair into shorts - linger against his for a moment longer than neccessary when he says that he'd have prefered to spend the day in bed. "Remember what I said? After class, I'm all yours." She's inclined to agree with him, though; the morning had been chaotic, even by demi-god standards, and it would have been much more pleasant to waste the day curled around him.

The school rules forbid male-female cohabitation, but it's one of those rules which Portia always says are 'made to be broken', and Clover can't find it in herself to feel bad about doing it. She looks up at Keating, to make sure that he hadn't over-heard their wistful conversatsation; she's sure that he wouldn't get them into trouble - that's just not Keating's style - but he'd tease them mercilessly if he heard them speaking about anything even remotely romantic.

She frowns when he says that he's protecting her, and the frown deepens when he frets that something will 'come between' them. She's not sure where that particular outburst had come from. What's he talking about? Sinclair's joke? Clair's just...still adjusting to being a third wheel when it had always been Clover-and-Sinclair. It's not as though she'd ever dated Sinclair, the subject had never even been touched. Anyway, Lukas had stayed close friends with Nina after they dated, and she'd never questioned Nina's intent (OK, so them being best friends is not her favourite thing in the world, but she trusts him). Now's not the time to say anything though; not today of all days. So, instead, she just keeps toying with his hand.

When Sinclair - totally out of the blue - asks Ava to the dance, her head snaps up. She's sure that none of that none of them had expected that. She gives Lukas a 'what the fuck?' look. She throws a curious glance at Sinclair over her shoulder. He hadn't mentioned anything to her about asking Ava to the dance.

"Must be so nice to have someone ask you, Ava." she says, prodding Lukas in the ribs, jokingly. He hadn't asked her, yet, although she'd assumed that it was implied. When he'd asked her to go with him last year, she'd thought that they were just going as friends, until he'd kissed her. That had been a shock; albeit a nice one. "It's kind of weird to spend our anniversary on seperate dates, huh Lukas?" she teases.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Skylar Huntington Character Portrait: Lukas Tricon Character Portrait: Ava Sawyer Character Portrait: Boone Raziel Keating Character Portrait: Ezekiel Row Character Portrait: Everlie McCallister
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Chloe Huntington

"I kinda' like him. Wouldn't want to be cleaning him off of the windows with a squeedgie." Chloe laughed, pushing herself up with her hands and feet, so that she was in a standing position. She picked up her bag off of the floor and followed Everlie out of her room, closing the door behind her with a quiet click. He flip flops smacked against the floor as they walked, creating an annoying sound as they walked. She hated the sound of flip flops against linoleum, but they were the easiest shoes to slip onto wet feet - converse didn't work, flats got stuck, boots were extremely uncomfortable, so flip flops it was. She had practice with these sort of things. "When I dashed into his class quickly to say that we were going to be late, it said something about an assessment on the board. We're obviously gonna' be using our powers on something. Hopefully each other!" She laughed, as they trundled along the corridor.

Soon, they were coming to the open door of Boone's classroom, and they walked in. It looked as if the class was waiting for them. "Oh Mr Keating, you didn't have to wait for us! We were on our way slowly, you could have started." She smiled childishly, walking over to him and nudging him in the arm softly. "Changed, have you? Hope I didn't ruin your moment with the blonde English teacher." She poked her tongue out at the teacher she saw as an older brother and then walked over to her usual seat, alongside Everlie, near Lukas and Clover. Ava, however, was sitting near the couple too, dampening the happy mood of the teenager instantly. She plopped down into her seat with a huff, making her disdain to the blonde highly obvious. "So, what are we doing today then? Do I finally get to drown someone? Oh, I'd really like that." There was a menacing tone in her voice as she spoke, and her head tilted to the side a little, so she could see Ava's reaction. Oh the joyful thoughts of drowning that blonde, over-confident, bitchy child of Aphrodite.

William Hawk

Okay, Will couldn't stop the laugh this time. "Virgin Mary's tits?" He chortled, nearly having to wipe his eyes from the tears that were growing in them from hilarity. Zeke was one of those people that came out with the most random things at the most random times, and this was one of them. And most of those things were fucking hilarious. "Oh Zeke. You do make me laugh." He smiled, calming down after a few moment of raving laughter. Comments like that were funnier to him than programmes where people hurt themselves jumping off of things being stupid. Little comments - the laughter pockets of life. He stopped as the dog tackled his friend and turned to look at Nina, a sad look replacing the happiness that had just drowned his eyes. "Nina, I have something to talk to you about." He sighed, and let go of her hand slowly, but only after giving it one last squeeze.

"Nina, I want to ask you to the dance," he began, looking at her with soft eyes, "but I'm not going to." He waiting for the reaction on her face, but didn't take too much notice. He didn't want to let anyone know that it hurt him not to ask her, to see her going with someone else and not with him, but it was for her own good. "I'm not... associated the best way - I don't have the best reputation, is what I'm trying to get through here. Coming to the dance with me... it would make people believe that you're my next "conquest" or whatever, and you're not. You're more than that." He kept his voice hushed. Even though Ezekiel had left, he didn't want anyone to over hear him. "I like you, but I don't want you associated with me as my next "lay", okay? So, I'm going to ask someone else. I'm sorry." He said, looking down to the ground.

Phase one, completed. Look like the good guy. Of course, Nina meant more to him than his usual comings-and-goings, but he still had his plan of getting the ladies to like him. The first step, was getting them to like you, and see you as someone noble, and doing things for other people - A selfless do-gooder. He just hoped it didn't back fire, and she wasn't left alone or something.

"Save me a dance though? As many as you can?"

Lukas Tricon

"You better be mine later." Lukas winked at her, playfully squeezing her knee as it rested gently against his, a romantic gesture of sorts to cheer him up.
"Thanks Ava." Lukas smiled as she complimented his handiwork on the bracelet. Even if he wasn't in the best of moods, or didn't feel right, a compliment was something that the eldest Tricon brother always adored. He never disregarded one easily, and he savoured each and everyone of them with a smile, taking them in his stride. He didn't like to brag, but he did love getting the compliments, and would fish for them slyly out of anyone that he could find. He felt his face wrinkle up into a contorted mess when Sinclair said that he was beginning to sound as if he had a crush on the long haired male. He turned around fully this time, and looked his "friend" in the face. "Now Sin, we've gone though this. I'm straight remember. I know how much you want me, but it's not gonna' happen, buddy." He smiled sarcastically, and then turned back around to face the front of the classroom. It was strange how they had all been friends at one point, and now they weren't. They had been a threesome, the closer of the two regrettably being Sinclair and Clover, but soon Luke has taken over Sin's space, and now the dynamics had changed; Lukas wasn't going to be the one going to the dance on his own, and watching Sinclair walk in with Clover on his arm - this time, the roles were reversed, and Lukas had her. And he was god-damn proud of it.

He couldn't stop the little "o" shape forming on his lips as Sinclair asked Ava to the dance - he didn't actually expect the male to ask anyone else. Maybe he was naive and stupid like that, but that was just him. He shared Clover's expression as she looked at him with surprise. He joked along with her as she elbowed him in the ribs, and then he turned to her, his face serious once more.

"Clover Alice Thurston. Will you do me the great honour of accompanying me to the formal dance?" He smiled, taking both of her hands into his, stroking them softly with his thumb. His hands were rougher than hers, because of his extensive work with them, but she liked them none the less, and that was good for him.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Skylar Huntington Character Portrait: Lukas Tricon Character Portrait: Ezekiel Row Character Portrait: Everlie McCallister Character Portrait: Clover Thurston Character Portrait: Sinclair Burton-Lake
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Clover raises an eyebrow, amused and surprised, when Keating does his terrible impression of her. She knows that it's not a personal vendetta, and in a strange way, she's quite glad that Keating is comfortable enough to take the piss out of her without fear. Some of the other teacher skirt around her, coddling her like she's made of porcelain and might crack in half if they say the wrong thing."Well, Lukas, it looks like you already have a date..."she gestures their teacher, and wonders, for a moment, what he'd look like in a dress, before she shakes the haunting thought away, "but, yeah, if you want to risk leaving Keating dateless, then I'd love to go with you, sure." She smiles at him, to show that, despite the joke, she's happy. Sinclair's final jibe at Lukas makes her roll her eyes, "Very clever, Clair. Not at all over-done or infantile. she counters, sarcastically, "Your wit is positively Wildean."

"Hey, Chloe, Ev, you just missed Sinclair's attempt at a seduction. It was quite a show." she grins, nodding at Ava. "But, speaking of seduction, what was that about a 'moment' with Ms. Caspary?" She can't imagine Keating hitting on anyone - the mere thought is enough to make her grin. "Poor Caspary!"she jokes.

Ezekiel makes his unexpected entrance, like a blond whirlwind, and she turns to look along with the rest of the class. She watches him for a moment, and is about to suggest that somebody go and comfort him, but then Sinclair throws a ball of crumpled paper at Zeke and she realises that he's just putting on an act; it's common knowledge that Zeke has a blatant disregard for rules.

None of them know for certain what Keating's assessment will entail - he likes to employ the element of surprise - but she hopes that it won't be anything like his last one. She'd ended up with splinters and cuts all over, and she doesn't want to look like that at the dance tonight. When Keating brings out the cage, she eyes it with interest. She laughs at Clair's suggestion that Keating might put one of the students in it, but it's a nervous laugh; she'd been thinking the same thing. "Well, he's not exactly the sort of person who'd buy us a puppy, is he?" she mutters back. She turns to Lukas again, "Definitely should have stayed in bed today."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Skylar Huntington Character Portrait: Lukas Tricon Character Portrait: Ava Sawyer Character Portrait: Boone Raziel Keating Character Portrait: Ezekiel Row Character Portrait: Nova Tricon
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Boone practically began to rear back like a feisty stallion when Clover had caught onto Chloe's prodding at this morning's, ehem, "moment" with Ms. Caspray. "Damn that girl and her big mouth." he thought in his head, giving Chloe a signature pointed stare. Next thing he knew, Sinclair had joked about an affair between himself and Lukas and he'd suddenly decided that his romantic life (or lack thereof) should be a nonexistent conversation. "Hey, hey! This is completely unprofessional." he chided, bringing both of his hands together in a cross as if to say "time out". "Ha, as if you've had a single professional day in your life." he contemplated. Truthfully, these were just the sort of things he didn't like to talk about, be it with pupils or not.

Luckily, his cage served as a damn good distraction. A knowing, somewhat sinister smirk found a neat little place on his face and it only broadened with each of the comments made about it. "You think he's going to put one of us in that?" - "So....this assessment....what exactly are we doing?" - "Well, he's not exactly the sort of person who'd buy us a puppy, is he?" - 'Yeah what are you planning Keat?..." -"I know I've said this already this morning, but the fuck is that?" - "Whatever you plan to do just spill it, they don't pay you to sit around and threaten students." With the class roaring their objections to the mysterious cage, he realized it was high time that he get the show on the road, a chuckle beginning the test for his class this morning.

He opened the cage, reached an arm inside, and pulled out a snow white fur ball that kicked and thrashed violently in his hands. He set it down on the stool and it instantly stilled, pink nose sniffing and long ears twitching before it finally sat up on its hind legs and cocked a head at the class. It appeared to be a rabbit - a cute, fluffy bunny rabbit. Boone clapped his hands together and walked away from the creature before turning to his class and giving a malcious smile. "Alright, class. This test calls for power control beyond simply conjuring a flame or spitting a bit of electricity. I'm testing you on practical application of your skills and an ability to diplomatically come to a reasonable decision. What you see before you," he made a gesture towards the rabbit, "is a 'cerberbunny'. It's a highly deadly creature that will be growing exponentially more dangerous and violent as time goes by. Its fangs are filled with lethal poison and its tempermant becomes increasingly more brash. We don't have much time before it begins to attack. It is, despite its appearance, a monster. I offer you a simple assignment: make a decision." he said, stroking his chin. "The only real problem comes in this: more than half of the class must agree on the choice to act out on or nothing can be done. Furthermore, if you're on the incorrect side, you will get a zero for this assessment." he explained, "This is not to say that the popular side is the correct side, though. If you play your cards particularly foolishly, the whole class could fail. Furthermore, you have to carry through with whatever your solution to the problem is."

He scratched his head and scrunched his face making sure that he'd remembered all of the aspects to the test. Somewhat confident that he'd covered it all, he nodded. "Well, I'll leave you to it. I'll be silent from here on out until a choice has been made and carried out." And then he sat in his chair and stared expectantly at his class.


Arissa had very cooly asked the boy if he had grass stains on his pants followed by telling him he could use some excercise. His response? To chuckle sheepishly, a shy shrug rising from the blonde male. "Yeah, I guess a run or two might be beneficial for my cause." he agreed shamelessly, acknowledging his midly scrawny stature. He then took the time to check his pants for said staining and, indeed, found them. He smiled down at the girl. "Yes, it appears I have indeed managed to destroy yet another article of clothing." he said, not really sweating it. This sort of thing was routine by now for him, as klutzy as he was. He liked Arissa. She was wildly organized and a very active member of Olympus Academy, something that he could really appreciate considering the helter skelter that was his existence. She took charge and was incredibly passionate about what she believed in. She was refreshing, basically.

"I think I'm just peachy. How about you?" she had asked and he gave out a contemplative mew as he thought about it. "Ah, I guess I'm pretty peachy keen, too." he decided, answering honestly. He was nervous for class, but other than that, he didn't have anything to bother him. "Bet you're gonna kill this lesson today, huh?"