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Pokemon: Amulet High

Pokemon: Amulet High


Dawn, May, and Misty are heading to Amulet High, a school where students are taught to control their powers. But what happens when their past comes back to haunt them?

955 readers have visited Pokemon: Amulet High since dawnfire07 created it.


Dawn, May, and Misty are going to the famous magic school, Amulet High. This is where they teach you to control your powers. The catch? They're spies looking for new recruits. The girls will find romance, action, and a lot of drama. But another agency sends their 3 people as well, and they're recruiting for world domination. These boys just happen to be the former friends and partners of the girls, until they chose the other side. What happens when the girls fall in love with them, just like before? Will they choose their new crushes or the old ones? More importantly, will they stay on the good side or join theirs?

Characters Needed

Dawn: Dawnfire07
Element: Water and Ice
Misty: Akantha
Element: Earth and Fire
Element: Wind and Fire
Element: Wind and Ice
Element: Electricity and Steel
Element: Nature and Earth
Element: Water and Time
Element: Summon and Darkness
Element: Electricity and Darkness
Element: Fire and Earth
Element: Water and Electricity

Dragon-Jewel Agency

Smoke-Rose Agency

New Crushes (Who soon become Dragon-Jewel spies)

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No godmoding, all the regular rules
Keep it pg-13
have fun!

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"Wow." Me, Misty, and May were spies in the Dragon-Jewel Agency. We were losing people, so the agency sent us to Amulet High in order to find new recruits. Now we were finally here. The school was amazing, and if it was amazing to me, you would think you were in the best dream ever dreampt. Trust me, I've been to castles, private islands, and even went back in time to save Shakephear's life! But nothing was as amazing as this. We walked onto the marble floor and headed to our homeroom. I looked over at Misty and May. "Remember girls, we can only use 1% of our power while we're here. If we used any more, they would become suspicous because our powers were so strong." I told them, which was weird since Misty was usually in charge, but the agency had assigned me leader for this mission.I looked back to the door. "You ready?" I asked. "Yup." they replied. "Let's do this!" we yelled as we broke open the doors.


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#, as written by Akantha
Misty walked through and smiled brightly. "Hello! I'm Misty, nice to meet you all!" She peered around the classroom giving a sweet smile. She had decided to go with simple white sports shorts and a tank top. She wanted to check out the pool there as soon as possible. Giving a wink to go with the smile she walked to the back and took her seat. She made sure that there were two seats near herself and she looked to Dawn giving her a thumbs up. With Dawn being the leader for this mission she had to relay everything back to her but that wouldn't stop the stubborn attitude of the Misty Yama, known for that certain trait. She grinned and waited for the other girls introductions. It was certainly going to be an interesting mission with the way it was already going.


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Me an May took a seat next to Misty just as the teacher entered the room. "Hello class. Welcome to Amulet High. Your first class is Battle Class. In this class you will be taught to use your powers for both offence and defence. It will also teach you to attack and defend yourself without, your powers. This class is located down the hall." The teacher then got up and led us to the room. A man with blonde hair was supposed to be our teacher. "Now listen up pipsqueaks! I'm gonna push you hard, and don't think you get me to take it easy on you. Now! Give me fifty! And after that, your gonna pick teams of three and battle against other teams." When we finally finished the push ups, (which me, May, and Misty had to fake as hard) people started picking teams. I picked Misty and May of course. We were facing off against three girls: Mary, Samantha, and Cassey. I was taking Mary, since my water and ice powers would be effective against her fire and earth powers, while May was taking Samantha and Misty was taking Cassey. I looked over to some boys who were in a team. Something about them seemed familiar, especially the one with the spiky brown hair.... Suddenly I felt something push me. "Come on Dawn! You can't spend all your time day-dreaming about boys!" May cried. "I was not!" I replied hotly. I noticed Misty was staring at the boys I had seen with a shocked expression. "Whats wrong Mist?" I asked. " Ash, Gary, Drew, S-Sm-Smoke Agency..." I looked at them again and gasped. It was them! Then I calmed down. "We can't be sure Mist. I'll send Flare to look around later, but we can't risk it now. We have to focus on the battle." Now that I think about it, hey looked really strong. This might go against the agencies orders, but we could have to raise our power levels.....


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#, as written by Akantha
Misty bit her lip hearing "We can't be sure Mist. I'll send Flare to look around later, but we can't risk it now. We have to focus on the battle." She turned her attention to Cassey doing as she was told. She winced desiring to look back over hoping to create eye contact but dawn was right. Now was not the time. She pulled up her reserve of earth magic hardening her body so that if an attack came she would prepared. It would still hurt but it wouldn't wear her down as fast. She then ran at Cassey seeing that the girl was already moving to throw a small wind slash. She grinned as air came at her and she paused blasting her fire at it sucking up the oxygen making the slash weaker. What was left of the slash hit her but didn't do much damage, it did cut down to her clothes and further, but it was a very shallow cut. She began to move again getting closer as the girl prepared another blast of wind this time adding icicles. Misty could handle this, or at least she hoped. She used one hand to blast the girl in an inferno of power before getting close enough as the girl was moving away from the blast, doing a quick move. The quick move consisted of a jab to the abdomen to knock the air out of her and force her to the ground then progressing with a quick punch to the spot right in the middle of the chest where a pressure point lay. Cassey went limp although it was a funny sight considering she was shining because she had done the same with her ice magic as misty had done with her earth magic. The pressure point though simply made the opponent relax to the point of not being able to move. Misty sighed and touched the cut on her own abdomen as her magic fell away. The cut now that it wasn't protected by earth magic began to bleed slightly. It was anything serious though so she just wiped the blood away and huffed looking to may and dawn. She checked her hands making sure they weren't damaged from the heat of her flames. Sometimes if her flames were to hot they tend to scorch her in the back flow. They never did to bad either but it still stung. Although in this battle she had tried not to use extreme temperatures so that she wouldn't hurt anyone if they suddenly dodged into her flames. Sighing she looked to see how the others were doing again.


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While Misty fought Cassey, I fought Mary. She turned out to be a tougher opponent then I thought. Instead of me putting out her fire with my water and freezing her earth, she did tthe opposite. She melted my ice and blocked my water with her earth. But I wasn't gonna go down that easily. I managed to trick her into using her fire and threw my water at it, but used only a little. The result was mist. Mary couldn't see anything but I used my water powers to search the mist for her. When I finally sensed her, with a ice hammer in my hand. I snuck up behind her and hit her on the heaad. I giggled when she fainted. Sure I was a spy but I didn't have to do everything professionally. A girl has to have fun sometimes. My mist had drifted over to May and Misty's battlefield but luckily they were trained and not hysterically looking for eachother like the other girls. Misty was looking for Cassey through earth vibrations and May was using the air to find Samantha. I thought Misty bad already took out Samantha. Hmn. They both took them out soon and we waited at the benches for the other battles to be done. I noticed that the three boys got there especially fast. After class I took Flare out of his pokeball. "Flare, I need you to spy on those three boys. Find out who they are. You up for it?" He nodded eagerly and scurried away. We went to Power Management class and actually learned something the agency didn't teach us. Then we headed toward our dorm for free period. "Guys, I think we need to tell the agency about this. Even though we're not sure, those boys could be" I broke off the rest of the sentence. Suddenly I had flashbacks; of when Gary, Ash, and Drew were on the good side, of when I fell for Gary, Misty for Ash, and May for Drew, and of when they betrayed us for power. "them." I managed to stutter. May and Misty had understanding faces. They were bound to since they went through the same thing. As much as I wanted to get revenge on them, I prayed that these boys were not the same.


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#, as written by Krypt
Flare was eager to do anything that Dawn commanded, if, and only if, she let him out of his Pokeball. Seeing that that condition was met, he decided to give this spying thing a whirl. Walking down the halls at a leisurely pace, Flare had to more than once duck behind a potted plant or into a dark corridor to escape being seen. Being seen would more than likely mean getting returned to his owner, or being thrown out of the Acadamy. The second option didn't sound too bad, though he wait until he had evolved and didn't need Dawn's help anymore. Maybe I can find a Fire Stone around here...they work on Growlithe, right? As he was thinking he noticed the boys that Dawn had described walk by the fern he was hiding behind, and Flare naturally began to pursue them. His mind racing, his tail burning ever so bright, and his body aprehensive, Flare had an extreme bout of luck that allowed him to sneak into their room, in an act as simple as entering the open door while no one was looking. Lucky for him, the room was well lit, so the flame from his tail would not give him away. Finding a crevice in the wall, he shoved himself into it, hoping that in was an obscure enough place that no one would bother looking there. As the trio began talking in English, or Japanese, or whatever language humans spoke, Flare contented himself with looking around the room. It wasn't like he could understand them that well, other than a few key phrases that he had learned from Dawn. Most of those key phrases were attacks, but there were several others he knew, like when it was time for food, she wanted him to spy now, how much she cared for him. But it was hard for him to comprehend a whole sentence. What he needed was another Pokemon who knew what was going on. Being too deep in thought the realize it, the three had quickly left the room as soon as they had come. Locking the door as they left from the outside, Flare had the sickening feeling that he was trapped. They better let me out quick, before I burn this whole room down!


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#, as written by Akantha
Misty sighed and nodded thoughtfully. Also deciding to lighten up the tension she made a small remark. "Dawn you sure beat that poor girl. Never stood a chance eh?" She winked and let a smile grace her face. Praise was always something that could keep a team together. Then she waved her hand. "I say we find a place where those three won't expect us to be, and give the agency a call too. Then no one will know or endanger the mission. It's your call though Dawn." The plan was perfect all she needed was Dawn's permission and then the show could get on the road. She peered about for a second suddenly distracted. "Hasn't Flare been away for a while?" The little pokemon had gone off to do a spy job for Dawn but hadn't come back yet. It was certainly overdue for a check in. She sighed and ran her hand over her hair. Things like worrying and following weren't her style. If anything she wished to confront the guys and figure out exactly what the meaning of this was. She blinked realizing something. What if they confronted them? It would have been a perfect scene and there would be nothing stopping them from doing so. They could get to the bottom of the problem just like that. Then when they called the agency, they would have something truly worth reporting, not just speculations. "Actually, How about we do something fun ladies? I say we go find those three vixens and get to the bottom of this. A true confrontation although we won't be the ones telling they will." She grinned happily and twirled around before chuckling. "What do you say Dawn?"


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I smiled. "Let's do it." I headed to the wall and pressed the diamond on it. A door opened and we stepped inside. We took out our GPS's and tracked those boys. But just when we were getting near them, they disappeared. "What?! They disappeared! I don't see how that's possible, the map covers the entire school ground. An there is no exit their their dorm." I said. I sighed and looked at the girls. "Lets check it out." When we got there,I helped May pick the lock and took it off. As soon as I opened the door a tired Flare fell out. "Flare are you okay?" I was relieved when he nodded. 'Poor guy. He must have been trying to get out all this time.' "Looking for us?" 'Wait a minute... That voice... ' We turned round and saw them. "Gary" I hissed. He smirked. "You still can't get over us? Not suprised. Probably want to join us now, huh?" He was really, starting to get on my nerves. "You guys betrayed us. We don't want anything to do with you." He shrugged."It was your choice. You could have joined us, but you chose to be weak. But now you have your chance. We're looking for new recruits and you girls aren't too bad. Plus, you have inside info on the Dragon-Jewel agency. So, what do you say?" For a second I was tempted to join him, to go back to the way things used to be, ad I knew the others girls were tempted too. But we couldn't. They were evil now and nothing was going to change that. I had to say no, for all our sakes. "Forget it." I spat. Gary chuckled. "Your choice." He released his umbreon, Ash his pikachu, and Drew his roselia. I called out my espeon, Misty her corsula, and May her beautifly. We got ready to battle and activated our powers so that we could fight with our pokemon, but a voice apperantly had other plans. "Hey! Leave them alone!"


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#, as written by Akantha
Misty's gaze swiveled over to the newcomers. They were the three guys who perhaps had some type of rivalry with the three guys from the Smoke Rose Agency who they now faced. She couldn't believe Gary, much less Ash. They were acting like fools, and to add to that idiots. What type of power gave them so much joy that they had to abandon their friends for it? She simply wanted to slap them around a bit but now that they had company it was time to play innocent and get away. "Hey Tracey, Brendan, Kenny. Nice to see you around. We didn't wanna whip these men to death to tell the truth but they simply persisted. So it seems your their savior!" She grinned and walked over to pat Tracey on the arm. She glanced to Dawn giving her a look that meant 'We don't have time or the resources to fight them. I say we put an end to this." She turned her gaze back to Tracey. One of these days she was going to have to reward him for the many times he had saved her. She chuckled when he blushed but left the matter be. Looking back to the trio of traitors she turned her gaze to a full on glare.

"Why dont you three get out while you still can. I don't think your new girlfriends would like a call saying you had been beaten up, by bunch a girls no less. Even worse a few other guys who don't have all those great connections." She let out a mischievous chuckle and raised her hand to her ear making the phone sign. To put it in simple words she was telling them that she had the number to call their agency and tell them about the incident. It wouldn't go pretty for them, probably, even if she was bluffing. She watched the three glare at her and Dawn then at May before turning on their heels and walking away. It was a small victory but she knew it wouldn't last long. "I wanna say thanks to you guys again." She looked to all three of the men before looking to Dawn questioningly wondering what the next move was. In a way she wanted to go play with Tracey and track down some pokemon like old times but she still had a job to do. Dawn though, was the decider of such things.


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"Thanks guys." I turned and signaled for Misty to come. "Don't worry Mist. I'll make sure you have time to play with your boyfriend later on." I giggled. If I didn't know any better, I'd say Misty was leaning towards having a crush on Tracey. He wasn't that bad for her anyway, at least now. Misty had turned sweet, gentle, and a bit quiet over the last few months, but I'm sure her tough, tempermental, and sneaky side was about to flare up soon. Then again, all of us changed when Gary, Drew, and Ash left. May wasn't her fun and teasing self, and I wasn't optimistic or a fashion diva anymore. But maybe we'll become our old selves again. Truthfully, I was glad that Kenny, Brendan, and Tracey came to stop the fight. We had been friends since we were kids. We met them when we were in the Ruby-Rose agency, the agency for rookie spies. Then we moved on to the Topaz-Spear agency, the agency for more experienced spies. They hadn't been invited to any of the agencies, but they were always there to lend a hand on our missions.This is also where Ash, Drew, and Gary left us for the evil agencies. Finally, we had to leave Brendan, Kenny, and Tracey behind to go to the Dragon-Jewel agency, the one for elite spies. But now, we had met again in Amulet High. "Girls, I don't think we should call the agency. I say we should go there. Not only have we found out that Gary and his team are here, but I think we just found ourselves some potential recruits. No doubt, our mission isn't over yet though."


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#, as written by Akantha

Misty left Tracey following behind dawn with a single wave. She listened for a moment then nodded. "I agree to this. Let's go." She lead the way to a car and hopped in followed by the others. Signaling the driver to go she nodded to Dawn giving her confirmation they were on the way. She wouldn't be the one reporting about the mission since Dawn was leader but she could at least provide transport when it was needed. In some ways it comforted her to know she was still needed.
They arrived at the center and she stepped out letting Dawn take the lead. Following her into the center she smiled as Marina ran up. "Hey Marina! Where's the boss?" Marina glanced back as the boss, Celestia, walked in welcoming them. She looked to Dawn and chuckled. "Hello Celestia. We have come to report. If you will let Dawn have her word with you?" Misty backed down letting Dawn take over fully and she went to talk to stand in the background to listen. She should hear the report but she didn't have to bow down. She never would and that was just her way. She closed her eyes relaxing. This might be a long report considering what all had happened.


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I walked up to Celestia and started the report. "When we first arrived, everything seemed normal. However, in one class, three boys were especially fast in finishing their battle. I sent Flare to investigate, but was trapped in their dorm. We searched for him while tracking the boys and found out that they were Gary, Drew, and Ash. A battle almost broke out, but when three boys came, they were forced to retreat. The Smoke-Rose agency is collecting recruits, and they even tried to recruit us. As for the boys, they were Kenny, Brendan, and Tracey. They have decent power levels, enough for Dragon-Jewel agent, and they have mission experience, as they helped us on a few B rank missions when we were in the Topaz-Spear and Ruby-Rose agencies. This has led me to believe they could be potential agents." I finished. Celestia smiled. "So I guess your last Topaz-Spear mission 'Infiltrate a Smoke-Rose base' wasn't entirely just with your team? I take it that those boys to took Marina's place as the distraction?" Celestia asked. "Y-yes." I stuttered, not liking where the conversation was going. "It's okay Dawn. I'm not going to lower your teams level. As for the mission, I think you need back-up. I don't doubt your abilities girls, but collecting recruits and keeping 3 Smoke-Rose agents at bay seems bit too much for you to take on at the same time. I'll assign Marina and her squad to collect recruits. Meanwhile, I want you three to focus on those Smoke-Rose agents and do your best to mess with their plans. NO risks though. We've lost enough people already, and you are valuable agents. While you're at it, take these, They're badges for you and your three new recruits, They will give you access to any place, except for top secret areas or places that have special info. and items. Remember, while you may contact certain people outside of the school that can help you, you must not let any students at Amulet High know that you are spies. Misty,May, don't forget, while Dawn is leader, your opinions are just as important. You need to do whatever you feel like you need to do, but anything major probably does need permission from Dawn. I wish you luck." She pressed the teleportation button, we found ourselves back in our dorm, along with Marina and her two other team members, Rini and Nigel. The bell rang right after that, so I figured we hadn't missed any classes. "Alight, you guys know the plan?" Everyone nodded. "Okay. Let's do this. FOR THE DRAGON-JEWELS!"


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#, as written by Krypt
Flare had been careful to stay a good distance away from the pair, lest Dawn get the idea that he needed to go back in the Pokeball. He reflected on what he had seen in that strange dorm room, a few beddings, blue carpet, red curtains, a low ceiling. He had happened upon a Pokeball, which being the kind Pokemon he is, he opened it, revealing an Arcanine. He wasn't sure which one of the trainer's he belonged to, but the canine seemed friendly enough not to pour flames all over him. Flare had asked him various things, mostly on what it felt like to evolve, but he had arranged a different time to meet, where the Arcanine, Cinder he learned his name was, could give him more information on the trio. Guess mans best friend wasn't too loyal. After Flare had got Cinder back in a Pokeball, quite a hypocritical process, he tried opening the door himself, and from there, Dawn had found him. The shout from Dawn brought him back to the present, and he yawned. Can't we just battle for a change?


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We were heading Strategy class now. The teacher said we would be battling with our pokemon for now and not us. She said we would have to learn our battling style and learn to make strategies with them. I was up first, and I was battling against some girl named Amanda. She took out a Mighteanna and a Prinplup. I, took out Flare and my espeon, Sunbeam. This confused her, along with most of the class. But I wanted her to be confused. It was part of my strategy. My pokemon may be at a disadvantage, but they had some hidden moves. Moves they shouldn't be able to know.


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#, as written by Krypt
Stretching out as he left his captivity, Flare was excited to finally see the battle. Although, this wasn't exactly his choice of a battle, going against a Mightenna and a Prinpulp with only a Espeon as an ally. It was frustrating, the challange that is, he wasn't really sure what to use first. He supposed that that is wha trainers were for, helping Pokemon confirm the choices they made on moves. Looking back to Dawn briefly, Flare waited for the first move.

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What they think is an ordinary girl is so much more...


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What they think is an ordinary girl is so much more...

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Dawn Berlitz

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