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Problem Children

Problem Children


You are a human weapon, the product of a corporate project. Free of your captors, now you must help to contain your fellow subjects who have become dangerous. The Problem Children have emerged, locate and subdue.

4,229 readers have visited Problem Children since creewolf created it.



Year 2020: The major corporations of America hold more power than ever. Their money and influence has allowed them to become the primary power in America. They manipulate events from behind a shadow laced curtain. The government now votes in the favor of these corporations rather than the citizenry, and the effects are becoming evident. The gap between the lower and upper classes has become larger than ever, while the middle class has all but evaporated. Things like law enforcement have become privately operated entities. At the same time a rash of disappearances occur, all with the same M.O. All the victims were children aged 5 years and all disappeared with little to no evidence. The FBI and law enforcement are hard pressed to find any evidence. Soon the trail goes cold.

Unbeknownst to the people, these children have been kidnapped by the Law Corporation to be part of a corporate project, code name: Olympus. The children have been taken, due to their particular genetic make ups, in order to create human weapons. They will become intuitive, decision making harbingers of destruction to be sold to the highest bidder. The children are all moved to a private Law Facility in the Great Basin Desert. The facility is a sterile prison like structure with individual high tech cells for each child. The children are experimented on, tested, and examined on a daily basis. Their only moments of peace are during meals when they are allowed to gather in small groups. Their only means of escape, their new found powers, are inhibited through high tech control collars developed by Law. The children try to survive by forming small groups of friends, the only comfort in the cold prison. Over the years children die from the experiments, or by taking their own lives in a final act of defiance.

Year 2035: The dawn of the project’s fruition is almost at hand. The company has almost completed a new inhibitor that can remotely control the Olympus children. Soon they will be sold on the black market to warring countries around the world. But something goes horribly awry. Law Corps stock plummets through the floor. Through a combination of harsh competition and corporate espionage the company is close to bankruptcy. A decision is made. In order to prevent incrimination, or the seizure by another company, the head of Law Corp., Julius Law, orders the Olympus project shut down and the subjects disposed of. As the subjects are organized to be terminated a mysterious armed force raids the facility. They eliminate many of the Law personnel and rescue the subjects.

The force is revealed to be part of an entity known simply as, the Organization. They have been working to free the children for over 7 years. They present the rescued subjects with an offer. Either they can try to go back to their lives with nothing but the clothes on their backs, or they can receive new identities and be integrated back into normal society. The only catch is that they will then work for the Organization in the form of a group known simply as, Mythos. A number of the subjects agree, and are given new lives in the city of New Belfast. Those who do not accept the offer are simply dropped in the city with now aid whatsoever.

Year 2036: The subjects who chose the path of the Order have integrated smoothly, for the most part, into society. But after a year they still have yet to receive word from their mysterious benefactors. Rumors have begun to develop throughout the city; rumors of strange attacks and events that defy explanation. Suddenly out of the blue, the gods receive a message.

“Problem Children have emerged, locate and subdue.”

With that, the members of Mythos begin to move.


The city of New Belfast is located somewhere on the lower New England Coast. It is the location of a few of the country’s most powerful corporations and home to 8.5 million people. It contains a major port and is in close proximity to the Haven National Forest. The city is made up of a number of varying districts. The city is run by a mayor, he/she is usually nothing but a puppet for one of the native corporations. The law enforcement of the city is handled by two groups, the New Belfast police force and the New Belfast Guard. The police act mostly as an investigatory entity, solving crimes and prosecuting individuals. The protection of the city itself is actually handled by the New Belfast Guard, a privately owned and operated force. This group is led by a council made up of varying corporate heads within the city.

The 7 Hills: The upper class area of the city, home to wealthy individuals and high priced establishments.

Corporate Square: The major business area of the city. The headquarters of companies such as Law Corp., Lumicell Inc., and other businesses reside here.

The Basin: The poor district of the city. Here crime, homelessness, and desperation reign supreme. Many of the buildings are dilapidated or otherwise condemned.

The Docks: As the name states, this area houses the docks of the city. A constant stream of ships come in and out of this area carrying a variety of cargo.

Old Belfast: Home to most of the city’s lower middle class citizens and a number of small businesses.

New Orient: New Belfast’s equivalent to China town, it houses a number of Asian businesses and homes. Also the home base of many the city’s crime syndicates.


A number of groups are involved in the story of the children of Olympus. All these groups have their own characteristics, leaders, and motives. Some will work together and others will clash.

Mythos: The subjects who chose to accept the Organization’s offer. They now work for the mysterious entity. This is the first time in the year since they escaped that they’ve been contacted by the Organization.

Neutrals: The subjects who declined the position under the Organization. They have a hard time progressing in society with a large gap in their history and the need to hide their abilities. But for a neutral freedom is what’s important.

Hades: A group of formal neutrals who have come together to form an underground organization under the control of an unknown individual. Their motives are unclear, but for rumors of retribution.

Problem Children: Former Children of Olympus who have begun to expose their abilities, usually in a violent or dangerous way. Mythos has been ordered to contain said subjects in order to maintain the secret of the Children.


Characters are to be of your own creation. They can be a part of any one of the factions and can have any ability that tickles your fancy. But, the abilities must be within reason and cannot be undefeatable. Another thing to consider is the character’s faults. These people have been trapped in a testing facility for 15 years. They’re bound to have some kind of side effect because of it. Remember that if you create a character in anything but Mythos their position in society will be limited by a lack of official education or personal history.

There is one pre made major character that is needed though, the leader of Hades. The character is female and has a set power. If you’re interested please p.m. me.

Toggle Rules

1.) No God-Modding.
2.) No Mary Sues.
3.) I want to reiterate that your powers must have limits, don’t make a character that can open up planet sized black holes.
4.) Please, the posts must be at least a paragraph. But for the most part I’d like to see decently sized posts.
5.) This is extremely important to me, use proper grammar and spelling. If you submit a character with a sheet made up of atrocious grammer you will be denied.
6.) Places are not absolute or final. If you want to add a place please pm me and I'll have it up asap.

Browse All » 12 Settings to roleplay in

New Belfast City

New Belfast City by creewolf

The city of New Belfast is located somewhere on the lower New England Coast. It is the location of a few of the country’s most powerful corporations and home to 8.5 million people.

The 7 Hills

The 7 Hills by RolePlayGateway

The wealthier section of the city.

Corporate Square

Corporate Square by RolePlayGateway

The business district.

The Basin

The Basin by RolePlayGateway

The home to the lower class.

Old Belfast

Old Belfast by RolePlayGateway

The home to many of the city's lower middle class.

New Orient

New Orient by RolePlayGateway

New Belfast's Chinatown.

The Docks

The Docks by RolePlayGateway

The city's waterfront.

10th Precinct

10th Precinct by RolePlayGateway

10th Precinct of New Belfast City and workplace of Donovan Blackstone.


McCain's by RolePlayGateway

The neighborhood pub and usual meeting place for the members of Mythos.

Basin Underground

Basin Underground by RolePlayGateway

Underground fighting ring and gambling center.

Hades Headquarters

Hades Headquarters by RolePlayGateway

An abandoned headquarters in New Orient.

Haven National Forest

Haven National Forest by RolePlayGateway

A nationally protected forest outside New Belfast.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 16 authors

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Yes... This was the feeling that Blaze enjoyed, the feeling of a thousand eyes watching his every move, the danger of suffering a life threatening injury, the feeling of flesh impacting flesh as both he and the champion met in the middle and unleashed a flurry of punches as a greeting. In the second they clashed, the two fighters had already drawn back into their most familiar stance, Kickboxing for Blaze, and Muay Thai for Vet. This time Vet took the initiative launching himself into a flying knee aimed for the ribs. Blaze, with grace, slipped to the right of his opponent and stepped slightly back firing off a quick jab meant for the tip of Vet's jaw. The fighter reacted almost instantaneously, his right hand brought up to absorb the light jab as he passed, and landed in a spin, left foot arching out in a deadly roundhouse and stopped effectively by Blazes drawn up shin.

Formalities are over, let's see what you got! Blaze grinned in anticipation as Vet twisted to face him, the thought seemingly conveyed to the champion. They clashed again, a mixture of punches and low kicks in an attempt to weaken down the enemy. Blaze felt it had gone off long enough, with a short skip forward he effectively came inside the huge fighters range, the left throwing a shotgun of jabs that caused the champion to flinch as his liver took a beating. Vet responded, catching Blaze in a sudden bear hug lifting him effortlessly into the air as he began to squeeze. The smaller fighter knew he was in trouble, already he could hear his spine creaking as it resisted, but it would take seconds if not minutes to cripple him. Jabs would have no effect here, and he was to close to properly send in a kick much less a knee. His elbow rose ominously before beginning it's descent crushing Vet's nose as it landed.

Immediately he was dropped as the champion instinctively grabbed his nose in pain. Blaze took the chance to finish of his injured foe, stepped forward and brought his foot up for a sidekick that would end it all. Then pain as Vet's defensive backhand smashed in the side of Blaze's head, sending him crashing into a neutral corner. His vision blurred slightly as he stood, but the dizzying effect only lasted for a second and by the time Blaze cleared his mind, he realized that Vet as already on top of him, a knee thrown out intent on crushing the skull of his now dangerous enemy.

Blaze jerked his head to the side, felt the heat as the knee barely brushed past his face, and kicked Vets pivotal leg from under him. Blaze was soon back on his feet skipping back to give him some room as Vet, having lost his footing, grabbed onto the corner as he reestablished his foothold. Fighters turned to face each other, both bruised quite well from the beating they took, as the bell for the round to end rang. Blaze lowered his arms in relief and strode over to his corner, the crowd's roar gradually becoming more clearer now that the initial rush of adrenaline was gone.

"You got quite a few blows in." Coach said, He held the water bottle out which Blaze accepted gratefully, the soothing coldness was refreshing as he drank it, and allowed a small squirt to wet his hair. "His speed is surprising for a big guy, but the worst feature is the power he can put behind them." Blaze commented "Even if i get hit by one that's still gonna hurt like hell and stagger me quite a bit." Coach nodded his agreement as he checked for any swelling or possible cuts before wiping the sweat from his fighter's brow. "Still... the first round is yours boy." He replied "You landed more hits in that round then he did to you, hell that nose is gonna limit his recovering skills quite a it.", "Only problem is, i can't draw this out." Blaze added "If i get hit a few more times, that'll slow me down in the later rounds as the swelling goes up."

The bell rang for the second round, and Blaze sat up feeling refreshed from the short break they had just undertaken. "Blaze!" Coach called "Bring him down boy!" Blaze acknowledged with a thumbs up as he moved to engage his foe.

The setting changes from New Belfast City to Hades Headquarters

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Emily's keys jingled as she unlocked the door to her office. In one hand she blanced a coffee cup, and a paper bag. The key always stuck, so her long jacket had fallen to the floor when she finaly jerked the key out. She grunted and picked it back up. Walking into her ofice she set every thing but her jacket on her desk, and then hung her jacket neatly on the jacket rack.

Emily had finaly nestled into her cozy seat at her desk and was shifting threw paper work. She was sorting threw the problem children, the mythos, and the neutrals who have yet to join them. She was seeking her next member of Hades. When she past a sheet on the mythos, the man seemed strangely familar. Yet, he couldn't, for she was never alowed contact. The only time se even ever saw anyone was when she was being brought to her miserable room. She shook the feeling, regarding it as nothing.

Emily slid over to her computer, and issued an e-mail to everyone in Hades:

Meeting tomorrow night. The usual time. We will be discussing many things so bring comfy clothing.

E. Law.

The setting changes from Hades Headquarters to McCain's


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Maria was on her way to McCain's in a white shirt covered by a pea-coat, black leggings, and ballet flats. Having just waking up from a nap, she was feeling extremly empty and depended on the comfort of the mythos imediatly. Her feet clicked on the side walk, and she was greated with warmth, and laughter of the bar. She shrugged off her pea-coat and hung it on the bar infront of where she was going to sit. She climbed onto a stool and waved the freindly bar tender down to her.

"Ah, Maria!" He said with a smile.

Maria returned a warming smile, "Good evening."

"What could I get you this evening?"

"Mmm, just a small glass of coke and rum." Maria thought aloud.

A short few moments later and it was sittign infront of her. She sipped it slowwly loocking around for someone she was more close to to sit with.

The setting changes from McCain's to Old Belfast


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Once Talon was sure the man wasn't coming, she ran to McCain's. She had to find a woman, but positive she wasn't here. It was a Mythos place, and she was Hades. Emily Law, leader. She just came in to chill out for a while. The bartender asked her if she wanted anything, and she could tell he was curious in her, by the chemicals in his body. "Eh, maybe a beer and to know what you're curious about?" she said, twirling her hair. Hey, Talon, get with the picture! Reality Check: You need to find... let's say her naem rhymes with Femily Shaw Her Demanding side said, as Talon watched the man walk away, awkard and still very curious. Lighten up, she needs a break! Her Lazy side said, but as always, Talon never agreed with her Lazy side.

She watched an man come in, and his chemicals were freaking her out. He sat next to a girl, and they talked about something. She went to the table closest to the two, and made the woman Talon! The Good side yelled, making Talon clutch her head. She stopped the blackness, but it had gone on for a minute.


Phoenix decided she wanted to see the purple-eyed man again, but wouldn't tell Magnum. They went to McCain's, and saw Talon, her old best friend, and the dectective dude. She hastily walked by, seeing the back of the man she was so curious about. She told Magnum to go to bed, and somehow he agreed with her. She followed the man, trying to catch up.

The setting changes from Old Belfast to McCain's


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As Donovan made his way out of the alley he spotted Maria, another member of Mythos, turn into the bar.

"Bout time," he thought.

The bar was a bit busier since he'd stepped out with that Issac fellow. The music had become a bit softer, with Eddie Money currently serenading the patrons. He made his way over to the bar and pulled out the stool next to his fellow member. As he plopped down on the stool he pulled the file out of his jacket once again and slid it over to the young woman. He tapped his fingers to the rhythm of the song as he waited for the woman to examine the file.

"They've really screwed the pooch on this one," he said with a chuckle. "Nothing but a vague, emphasis on the word vague, description and a blurry photograph. Judging by the circumstances surrounding each death this one is not gonna be a walk in the park either. I'm suspecting some kind of artificially created state of psychosis. Maybe she creates your worst fear through a nasty cocktail of pheromones, could be psychic in origin, or even a new kind of venom. Either way, this is gonna get rough."


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Zethya made her way to the one haven she knew of. McCain's. She didn't drink, but the place had some style, she had to admit. She didn't bother to go home and clean up. It wouldn't be the first time she'd shown up there covered in blood and grime. A hush seemed to come over most of the occupants of the bar as Zethya entered. She made a particular mental note to keep watch on a young woman with the black hair. Zethya walked up to the barkeep, who looked over her appearance with a familiar air.

"Another one, Z? Well...I know you won't change, so i guess I won't waste my breath. The ussual?"

"What else, Max?" Zethya smiled as he handed her a glass of ginger ale. "Thanks."


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Once Talon was sure the man wasn't coming, she ran to McCain's. She had to find a woman, but positive she wasn't here. It was a Mythos place, and she was Hades. Emily Law, leader. She just came in to chill out for a while. The bartender asked her if she wanted anything, and she could tell he was curious in her, by the chemicals in his body. "Eh, maybe a beer and to know what you're curious about?" she said, twirling her hair.Hey, Talon, get with the picture! Reality Check: You need to find... let's say her name rhymes with Femily Shaw Her Demanding side said, as Talon watched the man walk away, awkard and still very curious. Lighten up, she needs a break! Her Lazy side said, but as always, Talon never agreed with her Lazy side.

She watched an man come in, and his chemicals were freaking her out. He sat next to a girl, and they talked about something. She went to the table closest to the two, and made the woman Talon! The Good side yelled, making Talon clutch her head. She stopped the blackness, but it had gone on for a minute. She thought of the man, and made herself not see his dangerous chemicals. She smiled and relaxed, but saw a woman come in. Come on Talon, make her see something! Her Devious side said, Talon could it was bored.

She made the woman see her worst nightmare, and just sat there and smiled. She people usually died before getting to her. People could sense she was doing it, and it wasn't an illusion.


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Jack walked through the city all day, looking for what he was supposed to. Mythos told him to look for a guy "like you". He had literally no idea what that means, but he had absolutely nothing better to do. He ended up spending most of the day in the dollar store looking at all the nick nacks in there. Jack eventually found himself walking down to McCain's at night fall. Every time he walked past a streetlight, it would flicker a little bit. He attracted charges, since had so much electricity flowing through him.

That's how he looked at it, at least.

Jack walked into McCain's, and walked over to the bartender. "Usual," he said, with a smile. He honestly had no idea what the usual was, he must have bought it when he wasn't "happy". But it was still delicious. The bartender brought it out quickly, and Jack tossed him a couple dollars. As he turned around to observe the bar, the lights started to flicker. Please not this again...

"We really need to get the circuits checked on this place," said the bartender. Jack tried not to smile. The lights flickered more, getting darker and darker with every flick. I hope they don't go...

The bar went dark as the lights died.

...shit. Ignoring the cries from the people in the bar, Jack shot a spark up to one of the bigger lights. Everyone could clearly see it in the darkness, but hopefully no one would realize where it came from. The big light flashed on, and all the ones around it came on as well. I gotta stop coming to this place... thought Jack as he took another sip of his usual.


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Maria smiled brightly when Donavan sat next to her. She slowly opened the file, and her mind became a maze of words. Maria jumped when the lights flickered. Then she just shrugged it off, knowing she was in no imediate danger. Well she hoped so any ways. When the lights all brightened to the normal light, Maria turned to take a good look at Donavan. He looked tired, but then again, he nearly always looked tired.

Maria shivered at the file. "This one wil definatly be tricky to attack."

Taking an intense look on the file photo, Maria sighed. "Never make it easy do they?" She shook her head slowly , "Problem number one. Finding them. Problem two. Planning on how to attack, and destroy." She said in a low voice. She could barly hear it her self.
As she reached for her drink she let her elbow lightly brush Donavan. She saw the releaving blurry pictures of his day. Thats why Donavan was one of her favorite to touch when she needed it. It was familar and not too impersonal. Well, of course it was impersonal, but the images were so blurry, she rarly could make them out.

The setting changes from McCain's to Old Belfast


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As Issac left the warmth of McCain's and headed back towards New Orient he got the feeling he was being followed. That, and he could hear more delicate footsteps than either rat boy or, well, any man would make. He had the feeling, also, that it might be the girl from the bar. In the back of his mind his inner voice was speaking to him again, causing his curiosity to peak.

There's no good reason to stop, you know that right? But, then again, what if she has something important to tell you? Then again, she could cause you to explode if you got to close, couldn't she? the voice was speaking nonstop now and it was giving him a headache, causing his hunger pangs to worsen. If nothing else you could turn to stone and become shrappenel, harming, maybe even killing-

"Shut up!" Issac shouted aloud. The voice had never been this bad. "Just shut up already!"

This is when he began to wonder if any of the others like him had an inner voice. He was certain Donovan had, he could imagine he'd heard it speak just moments ago. But the voice wasn't the issue, the girl was. What to do?

On instinct more than anything he began walking slightly faster, although she was already trying to catch up, he could hear. Then, after crossing a street, as another one of those damned buses drove by, he slipped between two buildings and into the alleyway behind them. Here he walked over to an overturned shopping cart and took a seat on it, deciding to wait. If she could find them, they'd talk, if not, in about five minutes or so, he'd just curl up, maybe turn to stone, and go to bed.


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She heard him say shut up, and she thought he heard her mumbling. Then, of all things, she lost him. She looked in some alleys, and found him again. She sat down next to him, looking into his eyes. "I just wanted to know your name. I'm Phoenix." She said, giggling. She felt stupid, because she usually didn't giggle. She just loved his eyes...

She showed him what she could do, and because there was some plants nearby, and it wasn't extremely hot or cold. She ran her hand through a wall, and went into a car, put her knee down and leg out, and crossed her arms. A car raced right in front of her, breaking into a million pieces as it slammed into her. She ran back, shrinking into the cart.

The setting changes from Old Belfast to McCain's


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The journey down the streets of Old Belfast was uneventful, especially when you compared the recent events that Suit had participated in tonight. He'd killed four high-ranking corporate executives and their guards as well as an unknown assassin who had tracked him down somehow and even figured which car he would steal.

However she too, met her end.....

Now he walked along the streets towards a destination unknown. Slung around his shoulders was a duffel bag that carried 3.5 million dollars in cold hard cash. However Suit wasn't worried for his life, what he was worried with was that his benefactor was becoming careless and too comfortable with his presence. He reached in his pocket and took out the cellphone that he had taken from the car and dialed up the same number again, stopping his walk across from what he made out as a McCain's Bar. He turned and looked at the place, a single hand in his pocket while the other hand held the phone to his ear. He could see his breath in the chilly night, the seldom sounds of cars passing by and the occasional bar patron leaving filling his ears. The lights of Old Belfast never ceased to satisfy him. He wouldn't admit it to anyone, but he loved living here...

"Hello?" A woman's voice picked up on the other end.

"Mei" He spoke. "I need the name of a person who has decided to make tonight their last night on Earth this night."

"What the hell are you talking about NOW Suit!??" She retorted. "Sometimes I just don't get you man, you always speak in these silly little verses just talk plain!"

Suit shook his head in annoyance, taking a sigh before his reply. "Someone tracked me tonight at the game you had told me about. Twas a woman, her features were plain because of her all black suit but..." He closed his eyes and retraced the events that happened in the car, his photographic memory serving him well as he recalled an emblem that had been adorned on a ring. "Baphomet" He told her once his eyes opened back up. "She had a ring with an image of the Pagan Baphomet!".

"Oh hell..." The woman's voice had faded for a minuet before coming back on the phone. "Those Luminati fuckers have been trying their best to move in on my operations. So they must have been watching us, and decided to do something about you."

"That's all fine and dandy" replied Suit "So allow me to make myself known. Who handles their muscle operations Mei because I know that you in all your wisdom have some form of intelligence operation going as well."

She told him a list of names and various descriptions as well as how complex they move as an organization. His sharp mind recorded everything she said of course but he grew bored expecting not to have any form of gratification tonight. Then her voice said something about a man who frequents McCain's and his eyebrows widened.

"Description." He said coldly.

"Well he's a heavier set guy who..."

Suit hung up the phone and turned to face the pub. In a flash of fate a smirk adorned his face as the lights to the place seemed to fade out before they went black. Placing the patrons of the bar in complete darkness after Jack's interference.

Instantly he let the shadows of the night envelop him. When all the patrons of the bar had been screaming due to the power failure he had reappeared, launching four cards that carried the Spade. The weapons flew true, slicing the necks of four heavyset men who had been in the bar looking around frantically in the darkness before returning to Suit who caught them like a circus expert as they boomeranged back to him. His eyes perhaps could be caught if one had been paying attention as they gave off a wraith-like glow granting him the ability to see one of the men's tie holding the picture of Baphomet before his head slumped over in death. Blood was everywhere from the slit throats and before the lights had been powered back on by Jack the shadows had re-enveloped Suit, bringing him back outside the Bar and across the street.

Suit adjusted the duffel bag on his back and continued his walk. Smiling to himself as the screams of realization kicked in when the lights went back on.

Tonight Suit had ended the lives of twelve people....

But he was still nowhere close to finding any answers that he sought. He gritted his teeth in frustration before lighting up another one of the Cuban cigars from the poker game, letting the taste of the smoke calm his nerves as he walked down the streets of Old Belfast once again....

The setting changes from McCain's to Basin Underground

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#, as written by Tenaga
As the bell for the end of the first round rang, Ravi and Saeed turned to look at each other. "Look's like the champ isn't doing as well as I thought he would," Saeed mentioned glumly, he never liked losing. Then again, who did? Just then, Ravi felt a vibration in his pocket. He pulled out his phone and saw and alert for a new e-mail. Looks like Emily Law was calling for a Hades meeting tomorrow night.

He put the phone back into his pocket, no need to worry about it now. Returning his attention to the ring, he continued to fixate upon Blaze, there was definitely something different about this guy.

The setting changes from Basin Underground to New Belfast City

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"You're an...odd one, aren't you?" Issac said, looking down at the girl, who was now hiding in the overturned cart.

At the moment he was made of metal. He's done this by absorbing the properties of the cart on which he'd been sitting, thinking that a goos idea as the car exploded. But now he took a step back and slowly turned back to flesh, feeling himself become lighter than before, and colder. It was getting late, and cold, and he still had no place for the night.

"Look, my name is Issac, okay? Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to find a hole to crawl into and die." He said with a sigh as he looked at the girl. "As for you, I hope your body guard can keep you out of trouble, I have the feeling it follows you around with powers like...well, whatever the hell that was. See ya..."

Turning away he took one step forward before a man who's name he couldn't remember, phased through the stone wall before him and socked him in the face. It was another low ranked member of Hades, this time what he called a Hunter. This meant rat boy had gotten back to the HQ pretty fast and everything was going to go sideways soon enough.

Falling back, mostly because of the sudden attack rather than the strength behind it, Issac turned to stone just as a foot came through the wall and landed square on his chest. This would have knocked the wind out of him if he hadn't transmuted in time. Reaching up he tried to grab the foot, but his hand went right through, so he decided to try something else. Rolling, he pushed himself up, as if he were doing a push up, then as the man tried to kick him in the gut he quickly reached up with one hand and grabbed the now solid leg and turned, causing the man to loose balance and fall.

The suddenness of this caused the man to whack his head on the ground and lose conciousness.

"I hate these guys..." Issac said, standing, hearing all his joints grinding together. For a moment he wondered if Ben Grimm ever felt like this. "Damned hunters, now I'm in deep..."

The setting changes from New Belfast City to McCain's


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Jack heard the screams after he had put his usual down. He looked across the bar and saw the four dead bodies lying on the ground, their necks slit. Did he do this? No, he couldn't have - the electricity hit the lights, and he only fired one spark. But how could someone have slit four people's throats? The lights were only out for a minute at most. Jack stood up and walked across the bar, and checked their pulses. They were definitely dead, even though that was pretty clear from the start.

Jack looked around the bar, keeping his eyes on the door. He didn't want anyone getting out. Everyone was screaming and looking at each other as if the other would have a clue what just happened. Sighing, Jack dialed 9-1-1. He couldn't hear the dial tone, so he cried, "Shut up!" at the same time the bartender did. The bar became relatively quiet, except a few people chattering as if nothing was happening.

Someone finally picked up, a woman. "9-1-1, what is your emergency?"

"I'm at McCain's bar, four people were just murdered while all the lights were out," replied Jack. He had no real idea how to phrase his response, like if he was supposed to be screaming or crying or something. Just stating the facts couldn't go wrong though...

"Murdered?" asked the operator.

"Well, I'm guessing, anyway," said Jack. "The lights went out for a minute or so, and when they were back...there they were." His cheeks were actually starting to get pink, he thought this was getting pretty awkward.

"Okay, honey," said the operator after a pause, "what's your name?"

Honey? He shrugged it off. "Jack Wilder, Ma'am," he said.

"Alright, Jack, stay at the bar, the ambulances are on their way," she said.

"You got it, thanks," said Jack as he hung up. He walked over to each of the men, and closed their eye lids. A small spark flashed on the fourth man's eyelid. Ah, that's alright, they're dead anyway, thought Jack.

The setting changes from McCain's to Basin Underground

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#, as written by rhyse
As the fight between the two contenders raged in the ring, two men sat talking in the back of the room, far from prying eyes and ears, their voices drowned out by the din of the crowd. One man held a look of barely contained terror on his face, any of the regulars would recognize him as the bookie for the fights. The other man, however, looked very calm as he toyed with his cane, tipping it back and forth, spinning it beneath the palm of his hand. As the calm man began to talk, a cold sweat broke out on the bookie's forehead. With the bell ringing for the end of the first round, the roar of the crowd died down as the fighters returned to their corners. "It's a very simple proposition Mr. Daniels. I put down fifty grand on the winner, you make it seem legit and no one else has to know. You're secret will be safe with me, it's all just a matter of compliance," the calm man said, smiling a perfect toothy smile at the bookie.

The bookie's eyes darted from one side of the room to another, as if looking for someone. "I... What if..." the bookie stammered, prompting the calm man to stand up and adjust his hat. Cold eye's stared out from beneath it, "Just think about it, you have until the end of the fight to decide, then I'll be back for my winnings." Without giving the bookie a chance to respond the calm man turned and made his way into the crowd, leaving him with a very simple decision to make. Making his way through the crowd, the man settled down in a third row seat with a great view of the fight.

The setting changes from Basin Underground to The Basin


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#, as written by Zuratul
((Sorry, took another look at the places and realized that this would be in Old Belfast))

Medens was hungry. Very hungry, in fact. But then, he was always hungry. That was just part of who he was, now. He was sitting in an alleyway, watching the bar across the street because some very interesting stuff was going on there. Someone obviously angry but controlling themself had come out with somebody who appeared scared. He watched, unnoticed by the two, and was amazed as one turned to stone. So this was another child of Olympus... Interesting. That probably meant the first one was too, though it wasn't a sure thing.

Later, the lights went on and off, and now there were screams coming from the bar; Was somebody hurt? What had happened? He pulled himself up, and walked over to see...

The setting changes from The Basin to New Belfast City

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(((Moved post)))

The setting changes from New Belfast City to New Orient


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“You know…I know…your customers would’ve known if you cooperated a little more,” a sly smile spread across her lips as she elegantly stepped over a frozen woman’s body which was laying in her way to the front counter. “Please I swear on my son’s life that I have no idea what you are talking about.” The store owner retreated behind his counter shaking in fear as she just gracefully brushed her hair out of her face, like she was in no hurry at all. “Wow bad move! Swearing on your child’s life that is very low, I would’ve expected better from you especially since you know who I am and so clearly know the damage I could do to your family.”

Without warning she jumped onto the counter. With a loud thumb sat down dangling her legs of the other side as the shop owner squeezed himself as close to the shelf behind him as he could, trying to keep a big distance between the two. She sat there happily just staring at him for a moment, watching as the sweat ran down the side of his face. “For a skinny guy you do sweat quite a bit.”
“Is it money you want? Take it all…take everything in the cash registers but please don’t hurt me.” The black haired young woman pushed herself of the counter with her hands but as soon as her feet were planted on the ground the entire counter was now covered in thick ice. She stepped towards the man who leaned further back into the shelfing. “I just want name, just one tiny little name.” She reached her handout towards him and very lightly stroke the side of his face before her hand dropped. “One name.”

Just then a little boy came running in from the back part of the shop, “Daddy what’s going on?” Layla already had her weapon drawn and pointed at the little boy, “No please don’t shoot him, his just a little boy…he doesn’t know what is going on…please don’t do it.” The man dropped to his knees pleading for his son’s life but Layla held her position just admiring his son as thought back to the time before she was taken. She had the same innocence but soon enough his innocence and oblivious to the world would soon disappear. “I was just a little girl…” she mumbled underneath her breath before pulling the trigger. One shot straight into the head and the boy fell to the ground. “YOU BITCH!” the man cried as he ran over to his son’s body, cradling the dead body in his arms as tears streamed down his face. “How could you kill a child? You brutal vicious cow…what is wrong with you?”

Layla stuck her gun back in its holster as she cleared her throat. “You should be grateful that I killed him quick and painless unlike the shit I have been through my entire childhood. You know how many children perished from the people you work with.”
“All I did was provided them with fresh fruit once or twice; I swear that’s all I did…” the man sniffed as she tried to compose himself. “I suggest you stop with the swearing before you get anymore of your family killed…I DON’T CARE what you did for them just give me the NAME of the person you had to report to! It’s not that HARD and STUPID NAME IS ALL I WANT!” She kicked the side of the counter clearly pissed off now because it has taken her so long and so many deaths to get this one name. “Thomas Eagleman…”
Finally,” she spoke harshly before wiping out her gun again and shooting the man. “You knew it was coming,” she half smiled before pulling out a small pink lily from her hair and setting down on the counter. Layla grabbed out her notepad and wrote down Thomas Eagleman. She then casually made her way to the front door of the store and exited into the cold night streets of New Orient.


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Donovan stepped over the yellow crime scene tape into the small store. The smell hit him pretty hard, the iron-like scent of blood. The splatter had dried and turned a dark brown on the dirty tile floor but the scent was just as strong as ever. Donovan could feel the beast's delight. It's primal love of blood sickened him. A patrolman with a small notepad stood over the three bodies scribbling away. He smiled at Donovan as he stepped into the scene.

"Morning Det. Blackstone," said the young man. "It's another weird one. One body's completely frozen, the other two have been shot. Forensics took the casings and we'll identify the bodies as soon as they get to the morgue. They're itching for a look. Might want to get done quickly, they've been breathing down our necks since the call came in."

Donovan took a draw of his cigarette and crouched down next to the body of a small boy. He couldn't have been much older than 4 or 5. The other bodies where that of a middle aged man, the boy's father most likely, and the other a frozen woman. Donovan clenched his fists as he took in the scene, the lifeless eyes of the little boy drilling into him. He had to fight to keep his anger under control. His chest heaved as he forced the creature down.

Not yet boy, he thought. Give me some time. When we find this bastard I'll let you out to play...I promise.

For the second time he heard the beast give form to its reply..."Yesssss."

He shivered at the response but remained resolute. He had to find this person, and make them pay. Unfortunately the foot traffic through the store made it almost impossible to pinpoint the murderer's scent. The ice pointed to an Olympus survivor, another problem child. That made the third one this month, none of which had been found. Along with the suicides and this murder, there was a serial killer cutting up his victims with a weapon that could cut cleaner than any blade. As he made his assumptions a new scent pushed through the smell of blood...a flower. Donovan stepped past the bodies towards the counter. On the counter laid a small pink flower, a lily. Donovan took the flower and held it up to his nose and inhaled deeply. The scent of the lily filled his mind, but it wasn't what he was looking for. His sense picked past the overpowering sensation till they came upon a blemish, a scent that didn't belong.

"Got'cha," whispered Donovan.

He pocketed the lily and waved to the patrol officer.

"OK, I'm all done here," he said. "I'll head back to the station and get to work nailing this scumbag. Watch out for the guard. I don't want them moving in on this one like the arsons back in September."

The setting changes from New Orient to Basin Underground

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Blaze thought he had this fight won, he had the champion backed into the red corner of the ring, his left jabs flickering furiously as he worked to break down Vet's guard and finish the fight with his 'Revolver' combination. After a particularly vicious flurry that seemed to simply bounce off Vet's well muscled arms, Blaze decided to take the risk and stepped in throwing a low left hook towards the foe's liver.

Whumph the dull sound of fist meeting fleash echoed throughout the arena, barely heard over the screaming fans and cat-calling gamblers. Vet dropped his guard as his natural instinct to protect his body took over. The challenger took the chance and fired off the jab that would spell the champions end. The champion grinned wickedly and Blaze knew he had made a mistake. Suddenly pain exploded in his right side as Vet slipped by the jab and countered with a bone-crushing left hook, then a right leaving the challenger to gasp for air, his jaw slammed shut as the Champion followed through with a vicious uppercut.

Stunned, and in intense pain, Blaze staggered back trying to regain his stance, the champion following his every move as he did. The crowd roared, the challenger felt his neck crick as he was beset by a barrage of hook's and driven into the blue corner where he futilely tried to bring his hands up to protect his face. There was no luck in the attempt, each time he tried they would get smashed aside by a heavy punch, and everytime he tried to slide down, the champion would haul him back up by his hair and deliver a devestating right.

Enough, Vet launched a straight that had Blaze's neck snapping back like a rubberband. When The challenger's head finally came back in it's proper position; Vet's knee, having launched immediately after the straight, impacted with a dull Crunch.

Silence reigned throughout the arena, as the crowd stared dully at the unmoving forms of both fighters, then roared their approval. Gambler's turned to accept money from their betting partner's, Announcer's began cheering the winner, as the referee rushed forward to raise Vet's hand in victory. Vet screamed, and dropped his leg staggering away as the ref recoiled in surprise. The crowd, who had previously been celebrating the Champion's win turned to see what the commotion was about, and stared in stunned silence as Blaze shook his head and spat blood onto the mat.

"M- my knee!" Vet's voice could be heard as he clutched it "H- h- he broke it!", Indeed his knee looked almost inverted, as if crushed by a train. Blaze rolled his shoulder's in hopes of loosening the stiffness that formed up. He stalked forward and for the first time, Vet tried to run. "No...No." he tripped, tried to crawl his way towards the rope only to be dragged back to the center, and hauled up by Blaze's seemingly unstoppable strength. Viciously, the challenger charged useing the momentum to smash Vet into a neutral corner, and launched his Revolver combination. Right straight, left straight, right hook and backhand, left hook, and finally a right uppercut that launched Vet's unconcious body skyward. Blaze turned and staggered back to his coach as the heavy body landed in a seemingly boneless pile.

The crowd after a moment, roared it's approval, and gamblers handed back cash, plus a little extra. Blaze grinned weakly as the Ref, after checking up on Vet, rose his hand in victory. Coach stormed in with icepack's and stern words but gave a little cry of joy as Blaze drapped the champion's belt over his shoulder. He leaned against coach as he began to make his way out of the ring. "Sorry." Blaze muttered when they were finally alone in the hallway. Coach snorted "For whut?" He replied "Using your power when a fatal move came at you?" He shook his head, "I said i only wanted you to stay alive."

Blaze grinned weakly "but i wanted to get the belt without having to resort to it." He replied. Coach glanced at him respectfully and chuckled, "Well i guess you'll have to make that up you title defense." He replied. The new champion limped quietly for a while, "Yeah, i guess." he replied.

The setting changes from Basin Underground to McCain's


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#, as written by Zuratul
Medens stumbled into the bar, having walked across the street after all the commotion he was hearing from inside. "What happened, is somebody..." His voice trailed off as he noticed the four men bleeding everywhere. He rushed over to them, checking first the pulse of one, and then the next, moving about mostly unhindered and speaking a calming word or two to those who got in his way. After the fourth man, he groaned in frustration. He couldn't bring back a dead body, and these four were gone: no heartbeat to speak of, no signs of life at all. Another four to add to his mental list of the ones he hadn't moved fast enough for.

He proceeded to a nearby bench and sat down, not knowing what to do now.

The setting changes from McCain's to Old Belfast


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Jack left McCain's, getting sick of waiting for the ambulances. They were definitely taking their sweet old time. As he walked back to his apartment, he began to think about it. Had he caused the murders? They might not have happened if the lights hadn't gone out - no, don't be crazy. Whoever did it would have found a way anyway, you just sort of made an excuse. Those men were most likely bound to die within the next 24 hours.

Jack shook it off, or he told himself he did at least. He went into his room, and fell right to sleep, not knowing that his charge was being fed into a lamp all night because he had forgot to unplug it like he usually does. When he awoke, he felt drained again. "You're a monster! A monster!" his father's voice cried out to him. And he was, he was a useless monster. He left quicker than usual, he needed to get to the forest again. The rope was again coiled around his hands, just in case it didn't work.

The setting changes from Old Belfast to Basin Underground

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#, as written by Tenaga
Ravi watched as the two fighters in the ring pummeled each other. The fight came to a climax as the reigning champ got the upper hand. The champ dished out a killer kick and everyone assumed the fight was over. The crowd began to bustle with business, money changing hands. Saeed leaned close to speak to Ravi over the roaring crowd. "See! I told you it was a dub betting, placing money on some guy who... Ravi?" Saeed looked quizzically at his friend who's gaze hadn't shifted from the fight. "I guess you're in shock from losing huh?" Ravi spoke, but kept his eyes upon Blaze. "There's something about that guy, I have a feeling this isn't over." Almost exactly as he said that, the champion recoiled and displayed his broken knee. Ravi's eyes widened upon seeing it and something clicked inside his mind. He thought, "That's why this guy seems so familiar, he's got to be a child of Olympus!"

Ravi rose and grabbed his coat, he pushed through the crowd of people, making his way to the betting booth. Every now and again he darted his eyes over towards Blaze until he and his coach disappeared from view. Finally, he reached the betting booth and got his winnings, a nice handful of cash. Saeed looked on jealously, and said, "Alright, alright, let's get out of here man." Ravi shook his head, "I've got something I need to take care of, here, take some cash for a cab." He gave some bills to Saeed then thrust himself back into the crowd before Saeed could complain.

He worked his way over to the hallway that the fighters retired to. There was a bouncer of sorts, keeping people like Ravi from entering. Ravi went up to him, "Hey there buddy, listen... I'm a big fan of Blaze's and I'd love to meet him. Think you could let me say hello?" The man, who resembled a six foot chunk of stone more than a human, spoke in a deep voice, "No body gets in. That's all there is to it." Ravi tisked his teeth and pulled out the lump of cash. Taking a few bills with important looking people on them, he held them up discreetly to the man, "Look, I just wanna go in and say hi. I'm a big fan of fighters like him, ya know, since it's something I could never do." His eyes directed the mans towards the empty sleeve in his coat. He hated playing the pity card on his handicap, but sometimes it had to be done. The bouncer looked around before pocketing the money and moving aside, "Alright, but make it quick." "You got it! Thanks a lot pal!"

Ravi walked down the empty hallway, it was really a nice change from the crowded exterior. Though it did smell a bit like sweat and blood, Ravi supposed that was to be expected. He made his way to the new champs locker area and found him talking with his coach inside. Ravi hesitated for a moment, not sure how to properly intrude, and decided to just go for it. He knocked on the wooden frame of the doorway and stepped in. "Hi, uh, Blaze? I was hoping I could have a few words with you?" Speaking with another child of Olympus didn't always go well, but Ravi always gave it a shot when he could. Better to try and make friends or at least know your enemies.

The setting changes from Basin Underground to Old Belfast


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Layla quickly crossed a number of streets and intersection trying to create distance between her and the store. Although she wasn’t the type to hide her kills she wasn’t about to get herself caught especially since she was just starting the ‘clean up.’ Once all this was over she would confess and suffer for what she did but right now her concern was this Thomas Eagleman guy hopefully he would be more informative then the last guy.

Daddy what’s going on?

As she walked through the empty streets of Old Belfast the young boy’s voice seemed to echo in her head. Layla shook her head quickly before slowing her pace down as she lit a smoke. Taking a big puff in, it seemed to calm her a bit before hearing sirens of ambulance cars as she rushed passed her. Her head jerked forward as her eyes looked up ahead seeing the ambulance cars coming to a sudden halt outside McCain’s pub. She stopped in her tracks watching as the men leapt out of the vehicles and hurried inside with all their equipment. Maybe I will go have a drink else where.

Layla pulled her cloak around as she twisted on the balls of her feet and change her directions to head towards the Basin. She decided that she might as well find a place to rest for the night as it was getting rather late. She would surely find a cheap motel to stay in for the evening before leaving again in the morning. It wasn’t safe for her to stay in one place for more than one night.

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Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

New Belfast City

New Belfast City by creewolf

The city of New Belfast is located somewhere on the lower New England Coast. It is the location of a few of the country’s most powerful corporations and home to 8.5 million people.

The 7 Hills

The 7 Hills by RolePlayGateway

The wealthier section of the city.

Corporate Square

Corporate Square by RolePlayGateway

The business district.

The Basin

The Basin by RolePlayGateway

The home to the lower class.

Old Belfast

Old Belfast by RolePlayGateway

The home to many of the city's lower middle class.

New Orient

New Orient by RolePlayGateway

New Belfast's Chinatown.

The Docks

The Docks by RolePlayGateway

The city's waterfront.

10th Precinct

10th Precinct by RolePlayGateway

10th Precinct of New Belfast City and workplace of Donovan Blackstone.


McCain's by RolePlayGateway

The neighborhood pub and usual meeting place for the members of Mythos.

Basin Underground

Basin Underground by RolePlayGateway

Underground fighting ring and gambling center.

Hades Headquarters

Hades Headquarters by RolePlayGateway

An abandoned headquarters in New Orient.

Haven National Forest

Haven National Forest by RolePlayGateway

A nationally protected forest outside New Belfast.

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Character Portrait: Phoenix and Magnum Utimatrix
0 sightings Phoenix and Magnum Utimatrix played by RPGLoVeR213
Twins who are Mythos. They work at a diner, was disguise
Character Portrait: Suit
0 sightings Suit played by ParadigmIX
A dangerous hedonist & "Problem Child" who wants nothing more than to live a life of pleasure, after torturing those who made his childhood a living hell.
Character Portrait: Talon Heaven Rush
0 sightings Talon Heaven Rush played by RPGLoVeR213
A problem child, with two male Hades members set on taking her.

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View All » Add Character » 52 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Donovan Blackstone
Character Portrait: Maria Sandez
Character Portrait: Jackson Swift
Character Portrait: Emily Law
Character Portrait: Jack Wilder
Character Portrait: Blaze "The Fortress" Jones
Character Portrait: Jamelo Carter
Character Portrait: Ravi Alreja
Character Portrait: The Broker
Character Portrait: Layla Lee
Character Portrait: Dominique Wolfe
Character Portrait: The Cocoon
Character Portrait: Rei Koudo
Character Portrait: Anahira Kosesei
Character Portrait: Alex


Character Portrait: Alex

A young orphan seen often around the free clinic in the basin, reading books in the waiting room.

Character Portrait: Anahira Kosesei
Anahira Kosesei

A mask of happiness hides a great sorrow but as a Neutral, she goes about her life as a protector of the people, earning herself the street name "Angel".

Character Portrait: Rei Koudo
Rei Koudo

Neutral just trying to get by.

Character Portrait: The Cocoon
The Cocoon

A problem child with a vengeance

Character Portrait: Dominique Wolfe
Dominique Wolfe

A member of Mythos, prone to fights, but witty and not hard to get along with.

Character Portrait: Layla Lee
Layla Lee

"Revenge... is like a rolling stone, which, when a man hath forced up a hill, will return upon him with a greater violence, and break those bones whose sinews gave it motion."

Character Portrait: The Broker
The Broker

A problem child that has become New Belfast's most influential player in the information market, and in the Basin.

Character Portrait: Ravi Alreja
Ravi Alreja

Code name "Erebus", he is a member of Hades. ~ "I'd trade anything in the world just to forget."

Character Portrait: Jamelo Carter
Jamelo Carter

Jamelo is a criminal who has only survived due to his street smarts and his ability to read people's intentions

Character Portrait: Blaze "The Fortress" Jones
Blaze "The Fortress" Jones

Underground fighter, all around good guy.


Character Portrait: Ravi Alreja
Ravi Alreja

Code name "Erebus", he is a member of Hades. ~ "I'd trade anything in the world just to forget."

Character Portrait: Dominique Wolfe
Dominique Wolfe

A member of Mythos, prone to fights, but witty and not hard to get along with.

Character Portrait: Jamelo Carter
Jamelo Carter

Jamelo is a criminal who has only survived due to his street smarts and his ability to read people's intentions

Character Portrait: Jackson Swift
Jackson Swift

A member of Mythos, who has spent the last year adapting to society, and hoping they forgot about him.

Character Portrait: Donovan Blackstone
Donovan Blackstone

A detective and member of Mythos.

Character Portrait: Rei Koudo
Rei Koudo

Neutral just trying to get by.

Character Portrait: Layla Lee
Layla Lee

"Revenge... is like a rolling stone, which, when a man hath forced up a hill, will return upon him with a greater violence, and break those bones whose sinews gave it motion."

Character Portrait: Blaze "The Fortress" Jones
Blaze "The Fortress" Jones

Underground fighter, all around good guy.

Character Portrait: Alex

A young orphan seen often around the free clinic in the basin, reading books in the waiting room.

Character Portrait: Emily Law
Emily Law

Leader Of Hades:: With a nice smile .

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Alex

A young orphan seen often around the free clinic in the basin, reading books in the waiting room.

Character Portrait: Blaze "The Fortress" Jones
Blaze "The Fortress" Jones

Underground fighter, all around good guy.

Character Portrait: The Broker
The Broker

A problem child that has become New Belfast's most influential player in the information market, and in the Basin.

Character Portrait: Layla Lee
Layla Lee

"Revenge... is like a rolling stone, which, when a man hath forced up a hill, will return upon him with a greater violence, and break those bones whose sinews gave it motion."

Character Portrait: Emily Law
Emily Law

Leader Of Hades:: With a nice smile .

Character Portrait: The Cocoon
The Cocoon

A problem child with a vengeance

Character Portrait: Jack Wilder
Jack Wilder

Member of Mythos, dying for action.

Character Portrait: Dominique Wolfe
Dominique Wolfe

A member of Mythos, prone to fights, but witty and not hard to get along with.

Character Portrait: Jackson Swift
Jackson Swift

A member of Mythos, who has spent the last year adapting to society, and hoping they forgot about him.

Character Portrait: Maria Sandez
Maria Sandez

Proud member of the Mythos.

View All » Places

New Belfast City

New Belfast City by creewolf

The city of New Belfast is located somewhere on the lower New England Coast. It is the location of a few of the country’s most powerful corporations and home to 8.5 million people.

The 7 Hills

The 7 Hills by RolePlayGateway

The wealthier section of the city.

Corporate Square

Corporate Square by RolePlayGateway

The business district.

The Basin

The Basin by RolePlayGateway

The home to the lower class.

Old Belfast

Old Belfast by RolePlayGateway

The home to many of the city's lower middle class.

New Orient

New Orient by RolePlayGateway

New Belfast's Chinatown.

The Docks

The Docks by RolePlayGateway

The city's waterfront.

10th Precinct

10th Precinct by RolePlayGateway

10th Precinct of New Belfast City and workplace of Donovan Blackstone.


McCain's by RolePlayGateway

The neighborhood pub and usual meeting place for the members of Mythos.

Basin Underground

Basin Underground by RolePlayGateway

Underground fighting ring and gambling center.

Hades Headquarters

Hades Headquarters by RolePlayGateway

An abandoned headquarters in New Orient.

Haven National Forest

Haven National Forest by RolePlayGateway

A nationally protected forest outside New Belfast.

New Belfast City

The city of New Belfast is located somewhere on the lower New England Coast. It is the location of a few of the country’s most powerful corporations and home to 8.5 million people.

Old Belfast

New Belfast City Old Belfast Owner: RolePlayGateway

The home to many of the city's lower middle class.


Old Belfast McCain's Owner: RolePlayGateway

The neighborhood pub and usual meeting place for the members of Mythos.

The Basin

New Belfast City The Basin Owner: RolePlayGateway

The home to the lower class.

Basin Underground

The Basin Basin Underground Owner: RolePlayGateway

Underground fighting ring and gambling center.

10th Precinct

Old Belfast 10th Precinct Owner: RolePlayGateway

10th Precinct of New Belfast City and workplace of Donovan Blackstone.

New Orient

New Belfast City New Orient Owner: RolePlayGateway

New Belfast's Chinatown.

Hades Headquarters

New Orient Hades Headquarters Owner: RolePlayGateway

An abandoned headquarters in New Orient.

Haven National Forest

Haven National Forest Owner: RolePlayGateway

A nationally protected forest outside New Belfast.

The 7 Hills

New Belfast City The 7 Hills Owner: RolePlayGateway

The wealthier section of the city.

The Docks

New Belfast City The Docks Owner: RolePlayGateway

The city's waterfront.

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Most recent OOC posts in Problem Children

Re: Problem Children

Son~of~a~bitch! This is, like, the third RP in a row I stumbled across that seems like a REALLY COOL idea but fell off the face of the planet at least three years ago!

Re: [OOC] Problem Children

Should we assume this is dead, considering it's been almost a month since anybody's posted?

Re: [OOC] Problem Children

Until we have a character profile thread for the profiles not showing up, I post a link to my new character here, so that when I get around to using him people will actually know something about him.

Re: [OOC] Problem Children

I'm still here waiting for something to happen so I can jump back into the RP. I'm also working on my new character, but the character isn't much use as long as the RP slowly creeps along where it is, so I'm just waiting.

Re: [OOC] Problem Children

where is everyone and why haven't there been any recent posts! I'm panicking here people! lol nah jk but I would like to know why its been kinda slow.

Re: [OOC] Problem Children

Sorry it took me so long to make a first post. At first I thought I wasn't accepted cause my character didn't show up. Then I checked a few days ago and she showed up. Made my first post yesterday and I look forward to rping with you. If you want to see my character she's Rei Koudo on the board.

Re: [OOC] Problem Children

Rhyse makes a very good point. If anyone who has an approved character that doesn't appear on the page could please post the link to that character's profile on the ooc it would be much appreciated. Unfortunately a lot of people who stopped playing didn't bother to delete their characters and are wasting space on the wall.

Re: [OOC] Problem Children

Could people who's character profiles aren't showing up but are going to be roleplaying maybe post their character profiles here, so we can actually see them? Know what the character looks like, what their powers are, etc.

Re: [OOC] Problem Children

Ok, I'm back and have posted in reply to the recent development. I hope this will help speed things along. Once again if you recently submitted a character and a message hasn't notified you of its denial(along with a reason why) than its been approved and you can post.

Re: [OOC] Problem Children

I will be gone for about a week. Hopefully a new character will post soon and start moving things along.

Re: [OOC] Problem Children

I'm going to be gone until Saturday, so if the new post is up before then, that's why I don't respond.

Re: [OOC] Problem Children

Ok so after a string of private messages and ooc posts(BTW I hate the whole "you cannot post so soon after your last post" bullshit) I have a pretty good idea of who's still playing. So on the list as of now is myself, sweet_angle66, Zuratul, Rhyse, RydeDawg, Tenaga, Paradigm IX, and Inferno XX. I also believe by the fact that they posted recently that Zacharyb and kairi.kills are still involved. I'm currently hoping that Zman will hop back on for the purpose of playing a significant villain. But even if he doesn't I am planning an event that will allow people to start posting again. I should have it posted sometime around 5:00 p.m. eastern time on tuesday.

One last note: If you submitted a character recently check to see that its been approved. If you did not recieve a rejection notice but still don't see your character on the list I did accept it. For some reason they're just not showing up on the list.

Re: [OOC] Problem Children

Same, im still here and checking it for replies!

Re: [OOC] Problem Children

I'm staying, checking it nightly.

Re: [OOC] Problem Children

I'm still here, just lurking around waiting for more chances to post.

Re: [OOC] Problem Children

I just wanted to kind of do a role call to see who was still involved. I feel that I haven't been keeping up with this as well as I should have and am planning on fixing that. If you're still playing please let me know through the ooc board. If I don't hear from someone I'll pm them to double check. After I have a good idea of who's still playing I'll start really pushing to get the big stuff moving.

Re: [OOC] Problem Children

I'm still here...just waiting for others to post!!

Re: [OOC] Problem Children

No idea, I'm waiting for Donovain's response (I think, I'll have to go back and check again) so... That's why I haven't posted recently.

Re: [OOC] Problem Children

Did this roleplay die?

Re: [OOC] Problem Children

I'm going to be out of town from Wednesday to Saturday. I might be able to get access to a computer, but I might not, so I thought I should keep you informed.