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Problem Children

New Belfast City


a part of Problem Children, by creewolf.

The city of New Belfast is located somewhere on the lower New England Coast. It is the location of a few of the country’s most powerful corporations and home to 8.5 million people.

creewolf holds sovereignty over New Belfast City, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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The city of New Belfast is located somewhere on the lower New England Coast. It is the location of a few of the country’s most powerful corporations and home to 8.5 million people.
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New Belfast City

The city of New Belfast is located somewhere on the lower New England Coast. It is the location of a few of the country’s most powerful corporations and home to 8.5 million people.


New Belfast City is a part of Problem Children.

6 Places in New Belfast City:

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Kyle Summers [0] Laid back and loves making jokes both lame and good. Takes risks because of his power of Regeneration so usually works as a stuntman. (Beware has mental disorders)
Tara Greene [0] A problem, huh?
Maria Sandez [0] Proud member of the Mythos.
Maiko Hideki [0] One of the 'problem children'

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Kyle sat in McCain’s pub sitting at the bar counter drinking a shot of vodka. After downing the drink he rubbed his finger on the rim of the cup and sighed. Kyle just didn’t get it he was the better actor he was the better performer the best pick for the character of Police Officer Shane Hues of the show Belfast cop, so why was he just being limited to being just the stuntman? Kyle slouched over the counter and pushed the shot glass away.

“I’m a better actor then Carter Reeds, yet they keep me a stuntman? It doesn’t make since.” He thought to himself.
As Kyle sat there on his stool three big guys, looking to pick a fight, walked over to him leaning on the bar and surrounding him on both sides and with one behind him. One to the right of Kyle was a fat guy with a goatee, the one behind him was a large black male with dreadlocks, and the one to his left was a skinny tale dude with a buzz-cut.

“Guys look its that Cop from the show on whats the name again.” The fat one said.

“Belfast Cop.” Kyle said looking at goatee talking to him. “And I'm not really the co...”

“Yeah! Officer Shane Hue, you must be Carter Reeds the actor.” The skinny one said.

Kyle turned his head towards Buzz-cut “Well, acutely I'm his stun...”

The Large black man grabbed Kyle by the shoulders and threw him down to the ground.
The Three looked down at him as he started getting back up.
“If we beat badass Shane Hues up then we become famous badasses!” Goatee said.

Kyle looked at them from the ground his brows raised in shock “Are you three dickheads serious!”

Buzz-cut kicked Kyle in the mouth hard pushing some teeth in. Kyle grabbed his face and moaned in pain.

“Were nothing but serious!” Dreadlocks said. At that being said, all three started kicking Kyle while he was down. One started to stomp on his ribs the other punching at his legs, while the fat one kicked his head a few times before running out of breath.
Kyle took the beating even with his regeneration he could still feel pain, it just wasn’t as bad for him like it was for normal people and he got over it quickly. While being beaten Kyle was reliving a suppressed memory. The thugs were now, in Kyle’s mind, becoming the scientists that experimented on him.

“Experiment number 45! Seeing how Kyle Summer’s Regeneration reacts to blunt trauma by beating.” Kyle screamed for some of the beating then sees that he’s not chained like he was when in his cell. Kyle kicked his foot forward into the groin of Buzz-cut sending him into the air slightly from the force. With Buzz-cut on the ground in pain, Kyle sits up punching the Dreadlocks in the jaw and sending the guy sliding on the ground and holding his chin in pain. Kyle stands up laughing.

“You bastards! This time I test you!” he said.
Kyle walked over to Dreadlocks picking him up by the neck and lifting him into the air. Even though dreadlocks was much bigger then Kyle, his regeneration allowed Kyle to use all his body’s muscles at once and at full capacity without him getting tired, giving him a form of light super-strength.

“Test number 30: Broken Back!” Kyle yelled as he threw him face down on the ground. He then grabbed Dreadlocks by his hair and forehead and placed his foot on his spine and started pulling until the man’s spine broke in half killing him. Kyle walked over to Buzz-cut who was still lying on the ground in pain. He looked down at him.

“Test number 56: Smashed skull!” He yelled as he lifted his foot and stomped on Buzz-cuts head squishing it like a bug. Kyle stood there laughing as he looked at the mess of brain and blood on the ground. As he laughed Goatee rushed forward smashing Kyle over the head with a chair smashing it into pieces and with enough force to kill a person.
Kyle laid on the ground as Goatee looked down at him breathing hard. Kyle started getting up the gash in his head healing. He picked a piece of the chair leg up and looked at Goatee, who looked at Kyle in shock and fear.

“Test Number 5: impalement!” Kyle said stabbing the chair leg into the man’s chest. Goatee fell over hitting the ground hard.

“Timber.” Kyle said smiling.
Kyle looked around at the horrified spectators as the man to have taken a beating and was fine enough to kill the three men. Kyle looked back at the bodies, seeing that the scientists were acutely just some petty thugs again. Kyle stepped back covering his mouth in disbelief as his eyes widen. He looked at the crowd of people.

“I..uh I had a metal plate in my head..he hit the metal plate.” he said backing away from the door and running away.
Kyle left three dead bodies in McCains and few witnesses who said it was the actor from the local cop show, Belfast Cop, who killed these men.

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#, as written by Vain
Rei blinked, unable to believe what she'd just seen. Well "seen" wasn't exactly the word for it for that was long since impossible for the girl, but her sixth sense equivalent of it had allow her to watch and feel the beast pass her as it ran down a man in the middle of the street. It let out a deafening roar as it leaped at it's prey; claws outstretched in front of it. Then her body seemed to move before she could stop herself, slamming her foot into the ground as the beast neared the man. Suddenly the earth seemed to come alive and a wall of concrete and asphalt rose up between the man and the beast. It wasn't until after the deed was done that Kei realized what had happened and immediately she began worrying. I can't believe I just did that! People might have seen it. No they definitely saw. How could they miss the road turning into a wall!?

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Kyle would turn when hearing the roar not even realizing that the beast was chasing him the whole time. This shocked him his senses were usual so much more keen then a normal man's because of his Regeneration, but thats not what entirely shocked him it was that roar. That roar it was so familiar like I've heard it before. Could that be the same person that I once stayed in a holding cell next too? Could that be the the person named Donovan that I over heard the scientists talking about those years back. No, it couldn't be...But I know it is. he could remember everything again his memories not suppressed any longer by his mind. Kyle jumped back in surprise when the wall of earth jetted out in front of him blocking the beast from the attack.

Kyle looked towards Rei smiling "Thanks!" He yelled giving her a salute with his index and middle finger. Kyle knew he needed to act fast so using his skills at Parkour he scaled the earth wall balancing on the top and jumping onto a near by window seal of the nearby building and climbing up quickly from window seal to window seal until getting to the roof, making it look very impressive with the speed and grace in which he did it. Once on the roof top Kyle started running again jumping from rooftop to rooftop towards the T.V studio able to make the far jumps and balance himself on thin wires when he needed too. Being a professional stunt-man and actor he was able to train for certain skills that the shows needed him to perform.

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Gabriel walked between roof tops with ease, stepping on plates of hazy air as he moved across the building. He looked around with a bored expression as he sipped on a coffee he had gotten. He was bored, and had a few hours before Mythos would mobilize and realize that he next target’s name was right in the recording he had allowed them to get.

That’s when he noticed some guy jumping on top of buildings towards him like he was some action star. “Or maybe he is…” Gabriel said as he sipped again, he could see the man clearly as he jumped past him a few yards away, and thought he recognized him. So his hand shot out form his jacket’s pocket and clenched at the man. The man froze as a haze enveloped him. Slowly he was drawn over to Gabriel by a strange force all around him. Gabriel lowered the field from around the man’s head so he could hear and talk to him. He held him up and looked at him.

“I know you from somewhere,” Gabriel said and took another gulped of coffee, soon he realized where, “You’re that guy from Belfast Cop right! No, wait, you’re his stunt double.” Gabriel said disappointedly. His voice seemed to echo in the man’s head; soon his mind was feeling like it was about to explode as two minds mingled within his brain. “You’re no god guy; you’re just a freak like me. Get used to it.” He said apathetically and with a flick of his arm Kyle was pressed into the air, Gabriel released the field and thus threw Kyle off in the direction he was going before walking off in the air towards the park calmly humming to himself.

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Donovan, or rather the beast now, slammed directly into a rock wall that seemingly sprang from the ground. Unable to slow at all Donovan collided with it at full force. He hit the ground hard and struggled to get up. The shock of the impact was enough to jar his senses a bit. He began to fight against the beast, attempting to regain control of himself. But his efforts were in vain as a new scent washed over him. It was like the smell of freshly dug earth, and a faint hint of lilies. The beast turned towards a girl with a panicked expression on her face.

One thought was on its mind, new prey.

The beast bounded after the girl on all fours and skidded to a halt 3 feet away. It raised itself back into a standing position and swiped a claw at her.

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Kyle fell over hitting the roof of the building hard after Gabriel threw him back on his way towards the roof. He watched as the strange man walked away in the air. Kyle stood up brushing himself off and was about to make a dash forward until he shot a glance back down to the streets towards Donovan, to see if he was still being pursued. He wasn't which was good news for him but bad news for the girl that saved him from the attacking beast. I'm really going to hate myself in the morning if I let that girl take the fall. He thought. Why should we care we have to make sure we cover our tracks and make it look like Carter killed those men! No, we can do that after we get this thing away from the girl. Well we can always lead it to the studio he'll be in our domain there! Kyle nodded as he talked to his more villainies personality.

Kyle pulled out his m1911 pistol from his holster and started taking shots at Donovan.

"Hey you genetic mutated mutt I'm up here!" Kyle yelled after shooting a few rounds.

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#, as written by Vain
Rei ducked and rolled to the side to avoid the beast's claw. At this points she'd brought herself into a fight without knowing why the thing was chasing that man in the first place. Well, at least he got away. Now only I'll be eaten, she thought sarcastically as she rolled to her feet. No use being shy now. The whole neighborhood just saw the earth move, she thought facing the beast. Then as she was about to prepare herself to fight the creature the man appeared on the top of a nearby building. He drew a pistol and began shooting at the thing. "Hey you genetic mutated mutt I'm up here!" Kyle yelled after shooting a few rounds. Rei knew she had to act fast while the creatures attention was drawn elsewhere. Drawing in as much energy as she could she placed her palms on the ground and felt out her target. She released it and the ground began to rumble. The energy traveled through the ground, breaking concrete and asphalt as it moved, until it reached the beast. Then it split off and encircled the creature. The earth rumbled once more as the ground rose up around the creature, encasing it in an earthen prison. "Ugh, that was fun," she muttered to herself. Then she turned and shouted up at the man, "Hey!! What did you do to piss that thing off anyways!?"

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Kyle watched the fight below him. I really got myself and someone else into a bad spot. Of course you did you killed three men earlier! Yeah, but in my defense it was you that was controlling me at the time. Details, you know you enjoyed it! Yeah, maybe...Shhh, someone is reading our mind! Oh shit?! Who? The java Daves guy floating a few yards around you. Kyle looked up towards Gabriel feeling a bit invaded upon as he shot him a glare. Maybe we should get out of here, and do what we were originally planned to do. Are you kidding this guy first denies us then he's reading our minds we feel humiliated now! We do? Of course we do! oh right, then should we shoot him? Yes Lets! Kyle reached down into his pocket grabbing another clip for his gun and reloading.

Kyle popped his neck and aimed for Gabriel making sure he was going to hit but was then trapped in the telekinetic wrap. Kyle looked his body over unable to move and struggled to break free.

"The Hell! I can't move! Damnit, well this really sucks!" Kyle tried to move himself as he yelled.