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Protozoa Angels



a part of Protozoa Angels, by Annalysa Jones.


Annalysa Jones holds sovereignty over Earth, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Earth is a part of Protozoa Angels.

8 Characters Here

Azuel [0] Whats Dead should stay DEAD
Zerachiel de Campo [0] I do what I am told; I am not going back there. So I will destroy.
Jacquette Babins [0] Angel, "They just arn't natural."
Jericho Sexton [0] When heaven and hell both turn on you...who do you pray to?
Lee Daniels [0] "He who smiles in a crisis has found someone to blame."
Raine Sexton [0] "What is so bad about being what i am?"
Flouise D'avra [0] "An Ink demon doesn't know how to love. I doubt you can teach me either. I only know how to fight. "
Lilla [0] Demon protector

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Raine had been out most of the night, just roaming about the town, but mostly hanging out at the park, since no one else ever seemed to go to the park when it was dark outside. She was just out watching the very few cars going by until they all just stopped going past, for hours she sat there just watching them, a few people even walking past. Though at around 2 AM she started heading back home. She had noticed that she felt a bit uneasy the entire time she was out, like something was going to happen, but nothing did. She continued to walk down the sidewalk to her home and the uneasy feeling did not go away, so she kept looking around a bit, though she was sure that she had nothing to worry about. When she finally arrived back at the house she stepped inside, shutting the door behind her.

OOC: go to the OOC if you are a demon and tell me which sibling you wish to protect. The angels have already been assigned, so go check if you haven't already. ^^]


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#, as written by shmband
It had already been a fairly long night. The bar was bustling and hectic, and to many people there the night was still young, even at just before 2am. Jericho took one last look around, scanning the sea of heads. He couldn't pick out Lee anywhere, which usually meant that he'd managed to hook up with a girl. But it was odd...usually Lee had the decency of telling Jericho that he was heading back home to 'entertain' before just taking off. Maybe this one had been under special circumstances. In any case, Lee hadn't been seen in over a half hour, and Jericho wasn't much intersted in being in a crowd of humans by himself.

Throwing his jacket around his shoulders, he rose to his feet and pushed his way slowly through the crowd towards the door. As he broke out into the cool night air, he took a deep breath. There was no rush to get home as quickly as possible; he'd instructed his sister Raine to stay indoors, and with any luck she was fast asleep and would't be expecting him in at any particular time.

He turned and glanced once more into the club, but if Lee was still in there it was a hopeless task trying to spot him. He shrugged, turned, and made his way through the streets, heading for home.


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Azuel had just been sent down from heaven, on his latest assignment, and probably the second most important, behind the actual war with Lucifer, he was watching outside there house, there was no one in there for ages, though he knew not much of human habits and what they perceive as time, though he knows all that he needs to know to get the job done. He was to destroy the Protozoa Angels, or in his case Raine.

After a while she entered her house, he had to find a ploy to get in there and make a acquaintance at least, thinking up a plan that involved the human anatomy, he placed his left hand on his head, warming himself up a little, so it seemed he had a fever and was sick. putting on his hoodie, he walked up to the door, that she about 5 minutes ago closed, he then took out his knife, and cut a hole in his jeans, he then knocked on the door, and as soon as she is going to open, say " I got mugged, and i don't feel to good, my car broke, and I'm new around here, can i stay here for a bit, or something i need help"


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Lee pushed through the crowd. "Where are you going?!" He looked back at the girl who was trying to shout over the music. "I just need to tell my friend I'm leaving. Then we can go!" He was having a hard time finding Jericho in this crowd. He caught a glimpse of Jericho at the last minute as he left the club. "Ah man, he really needs to get a girl. I should text him." He pulled out his cellphone and sent Jericho a text, telling him he was still in the club and he would see him tomorrow. After putting his phone away, he felt a slight tug on his shirt, turning around to see the girl from earlier standing there. He smiled and through his arm over her shoulder. "Shall we leave?" They exited the club into the cold night. He occasionally looked back down the way he originally came with Jericho, an ominous feeling hanging over him. Jericho was three years older than him, so he should be able to look after himself. "So, where are we going now?" Lee looked down at the girl and sighed. "Since its so late, I'll walk you home. Let's leave it at that for tonight."


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"Don't destroy them straight away. Although they are part of the tainted species, I want them to live a little before you take away their life. Remember Zeracheil, do not get attached."

The last words God said to him before he was transferred onto Earth to complete his assignment. It wasn't Zera's first time on human grounds, in fact, most of his tasks were mostly not on heaven as he didn’t get along with most angels and his role was to punish humans in a lighter and more moderate way; before the demons got to them. Zerachiel always lives by five rules: never get attached, never give up, always win, if you’re going to do something do it right and never show or feel too much emotion. It was obvious that he was a rare type of angel.

Taking his first few steps, he landed on the soil in the backyard of the bar. As Zerachiel folded his wings in, he straightened out his white shirt and advanced to the front of the bar and sat on a bench as he waited for his two targets: Jericho and Lee to come out. As said before, Zera isn’t the type to interact much with his fellow angels so leaving Azuel to do his own thing and assuming that Jac would go for Jericho, he decided to target Lee for their first phase. In some ways, humans were harder to deal with but as Zera had much more experience, it made more sense for him to approach Lee.

In his pocket, he had three pictures of the two protozoa angels and the human. He got out Lee’s picture on more time to make sure he didn’t get the wrong person. Once the blonde haired male came out of the bar, Zera instantly noticed him and put his plan into action. Before, he had manipulated a human male to believe that Lee had been sleeping with his girlfriend and he talked him into thinking that beating him up would be good revenge. The male stomped his way to Lee, put his hand on Lee’s shoulder and threw several punches in the face and stomach until he was on the ground. At that moment, Zera gracefully stepped in with one hand in his light grey chinos and held onto the other male’s side and told him to leave. As the male left, Zera looked down on Lee for a few seconds and extended his arm inviting him back up, still with his apathetic facial expression.


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Raine heard the knock on the door and thought it was kind of strange that someone would be around knocking on peoples doors at this time of night. she went to the door, questioning herself on if she should open it or not, but she decided that she would. She opened the door half way and looked at the guy standing there and her feelings of uneasiness just got worse. She stood there listening to his little story about being mugged and his car breaking down and whatnot and she sighed to herself. She didn't really believe all of his story, but she really didn't want to put out the effort in trying to hear this guys thoughts, so she let it slid because if he was telling the truth then she'd make herself feel bad for not at least attempting to help him or something. She opened the door the rest of the way to let him in, she watched him closely as he came in and she closed the door behind him. "So where exactly did you get mugged at?" She asked, trying to figure out if he was telling the truth about anything of what he had told her.


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Azuel walking in and hearing the question "So where exactly did you get mugged at" good job he done his research in this place, and still pretending to be sick, reply's naturally "In front of your house, that's why i went here first" Not wanting to eager to speak his whole cover story, as that would seem like he was being to eager, making her even more suspicious than she is now, stumbling through to the kitchen, he takes a glass and fills it with water "Have any painkillers" he looked at Raine hopefully, but it was a bit touch and go for a bit, it's been a while speaking to humans, he needs to think up better lies in the future, but now to focus on the task in hand, to add a little more realism to the situation that was much needed. He suddenly grabbed his right leg, with his right hand, pretending to feel pain,then sending a little shockwave though it, causing him real pain, forcing him to fall to the floor in pain, dropping the glass.


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OOC: for some reason it posted my post 4 times, =_= sorry]]]


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Raine had grabbed a bottle of pain killers and went to hand them to him before he fell to the floor grabbing his leg. She put the bottle down quickly and looked at him, "are you okay?" She kneels down, "what's wrong with your leg?" She looked at the shattered glass on the floor and the water from it and looked at him, she was beginning to believe his story now. She grabbed a chair and pulled it to him, "here, sit down." She kinda helped him up off of the floor and handed him the bottle of pain killers and got him another glass of water. When she had done that she picked up the bigger pieces of glass from the cup he had dropped, being careful not to cut herself and she slightly leaned on the counter and crossed her arms over her chest and looked at him. She still was slightly unsure of his story, though his pain seemed real enough, though the feeling of uneasiness still was there engulfing the situation.


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"Thanks" Azuel quickly took the bottle of painkillers and took a couple of the pills, putting them into his mouth before drinking the water "Sorry bout that" he said still feeling the pain, "mind if i lie down for a bit, I'm starting to feel dizzy" Azuel thought that this was going better than expected, he has confirmed the target, the location, and found a way in, not bad for one day's work, but he noticed her looking at him, and didn't lose his face of pain, though real he was making it seem worse that it actually was, he looked at her and said "Thanks again, you're a good person" Trying to make her feel better about herself, and more comfortable around him, though wherever it worked or not he doesn't know, he's not good a reading human emotions, he never really took a interest in them, this is his first time down on earth.


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Lee punched the guy in the face and walked away while he laid on the ground groveling.


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Jacquette Babins stood outside the bar, leaning against the wall as Jericho walked out. Wow, was this kid boring. Not even a girl to bring home? What a straight edge. After figuring that he was a respectable distance away, she started following him, trying to think of a way she could get close. Azuel and Zeracheil already had their plans in place, but Jac always did leave things to the last minute. She liked to pretend that she worked best under pressure, which was more like scrambling to get a half-assed plan in place before it was to late. She could always jump in front of a car. maybe he'd come and see if she was okay? No, that would lead to a hosbital with uncomfortable questions like, "Why don't you have any birth records?" and "Where do you live?" Honestly, people these days. Nosey little things, they were. Why could this just be a quick get-in get-out sort of thing? No, they had to wait and then kill them. She just didn't understand God's reasoning sometimes. Then again, that was probably why she was down here tailing this kid and he was up there, brunning the universe.

Jac ran her hand through her hair and suddenly stopped. She was closer than she had been before. Shit, what if he saw her? No, it was best to stay calm. Keep walking, pretend like you're just going out on a little stroll. She prayed that he hadn't noticed her yet and scrambled to come up with a cover story if she was found out. "Damn it," she cursed under her breath as she gradually slowed her pace. It was going to be a long night.


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Raine nodded, "welcome," she said a bit low as he took the pain killers. She looked at the couch then back at him, "yeah, i guess you can lay down on the couch." The couch was really the only place he could lay down considering the only other places were her room and her brothers room. She knew Jericho would not want him in his room, and wasn't going to let some stranger in her room either, so his only choice was the couch. She looked at his leg again trying to see iff she could see what was 'wrong', "do you need help getting over there...or something?"


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Of course the punch from the human being only tickled but the force was big enough to make him lose his balance. This kid had a short fuse and it was too late to go chasing after him. Humans had become more stubborn since his last visit. The facial expression on Zera's face didn't change and he neatly stood up dusting the dirt off of his clothes. Zerachiel was very anal about dirt and everything had to be clean and organised. Jac was a few metres away pacing behind Jericho who he could see her in the corner of his eye. If anything, Zera was pretty impatient and he liked to know that things were moving swiftly and right now, things were not. Watching her from a distance, not making anything obvious, he could tell that she was already cracking up a bit but he knew that was just because, well, that's Jac and she has too much energy in her. Being the quick thinker he is, he thought of the next move which involved Jac and Jericho.

Before taking off, he grabbed someone's black beanie and put it over his hair to cover it up so that if Jericho sees him again he wouldn't be recognizable. Obviously, Zera was able to manipulate their thoughts in thinking that they gave it to him instead of him stealing it. Taking large steps towards them, he clicked his neck to the left then to the right and cracked his knuckles. Storming past Jac, without giving her any recognition, he quickly pulled out a cloth with soaked chloroform and covered it over Jericho's mouth and nose and pressurized it with two hands until he rendered unconscious. Putting the cloth back into his pocket, he folded his arms and let the male fall onto the ground. Looking accomplished, Zerachiel gave a half smile with the look that read 'what?' on his face and he bent over to pick Jericho up and he put him on his shoulders. "We're going to the Sexton's house," he said as he continued to walk along. "You didn't even know what you were doing," he mumbled as he looked straight forward.


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Azuel looked at Raine as she pointed to the couch "Um nah I'll be fine" Azuel struggling to get up, his human form was a lot more fragile than his normal angel self, but it had to do, stumbling his way to the couch, leaning on the walls, and nearly falling a couple of times then reaching the couch, Azuel lay down "I'll try to be gone by the time you get up" Azuel never meant that, but it seemed more polite. "well good night, and thanks again" Azuel used to not sleeping for weeks on end, but the journey down to earth tired him out, and his transformation to a human, so he fell asleep almost instantly, trying to stay awake till she at least went, but failing.


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Raine nodded at him, still not sure if he was up to anything, i mean, who honestly can say they trust a stranger who just shows up at someone's house at an ungodly hour like this. She went off to her room, shutting her door behind her and sighing. She went and opened her window but left the screen on it shut. She always slept with her window open so, just in case she wanted to leave the house and Jericho was asleep, she wouldn't wake him up by going through the front door. She sat on her bed and turned on her radio, she usually didn't go to sleep until Jericho was home, cause she wanted to know he actually got home, she was just like that. She sat, leaning up against the wall and just listened to the music and stayed quite. She was listening for the door and to she if this guy was actually asleep or if he was going to start roaming about the house.


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Jac looked over at Zerachiel and snorted. "I could've dealt with him myself. Besides, arn't you supposed to be with his friend?" She said indignatly. Really, she could've handled it. Well, maybe she wasn't quite she how she'd handle it, but she would've thought of something! She walked behind him in an angry huff, accidentally creating a small breeze that whipped her hair around her face. After a few minutes of trying to push it away, she decided to channel it in by doing one of her favorite things. Messing with Zerachiel. "I knew what I was doing! It's not my fault I'm just not patient. You of all people would know that, Zera," she said cheekily, hoping to envoke some kind of reaction. He was such a closed book, it was her goal to get him to show something. "So, what are we going to do once we get there? Just be like, 'Oh hey! We were out walking in the middle of the night and just happened to have found your unconscious brother! So we automatically knew where to take him and here we are!' Sorry, babe, but that just doesn't sound plausible."


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#, as written by shmband
Jericho walked the straight parts of the street with his eyes closed, feeling the coolness of the air as a welcome contrast to the heat and closeness of the club. With his eyes shut his other senses were heightened, and he became aware of footsteps behind him. They weren't ominous, in fact they sounded like a female.

He turned his head slightly, and did a double take as he noticed an absolutely stunning redhead walking a little distance behind him. He smirked to himself, and wondered if it would be too obvious if he just casually slowed down so that she would catch up with him and he could perhaps get talking to her.

It was because of these thoughts probably that he did not notice Zeracheil swoop past the girl and come up behind him. The first thing he knew of it was the chloroform laced rag placed firmly over his face, and nothing about his angelic nature was enough to stop the powerful anaesthetic take effect. He didn't even have a chance to try to pull the rag away before everything went black...


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Walking a few steps ahead, he ignored her first question, obviously things hadn't worked out with Lee which was why he was here with her and carrying Jericho on his shoulders. He felt the small breeze against his back and he kind of twitched and his head automatically clocked a tiny bit but quickly he carried on facing forward looking mundane. For a moment, he actually thought that it would be a quiet walk to the Sexton's house. No need for polite conversation or having to say a few words in response to questions being asked for the sake of not making things awkward. But no, of course not, this was Jac and she would never shut her mouth just because she knew that would tick Zera off. As soon as she started speaking Zera thought to himself, 'not this whiney voice again,' and he made little comments as she spoke. "Sure you did.... You're right...." he murmured. When she said about him being impatient, he stopped, turned around, looked at her with his cold stern stare. When they first met, they got off to a rough start and they never got along. To be quite frank, that was the case with everyone who met Zera. Although he never admits or shows this, Jac is probably one of the few angels he doesn't mind being around with or what he would say 'I don't like her but I don't not like her', though her day job is to wind him up.

As he towered over her, he closed his eyes and took a slow and heavy breath and opened them as he looked into her yellow/green eyes. His deep eye contact was a natural thing, some found it a bit too intimidating which on his behalf was good. "It doesn't sound plausible to you and, well, I don't care. We found him outside a bar unconsious, his friend told us where to take him before he left with a girl, we go there, we knock on the door, we bring him in, you stay with him because you're an old friend of his, I leave, I need to analyse how they act, Azuel will be there but remember you don't know him. At least try and follow through," Zerachiel said in a very monotone, his voice was very deep and had a lazy tone to it which pretty much matched his image.

After a few more minutes walking, they arrived at the house and got to the doorstep. Zerachiel turned to face Jac, "what's your story?" he whispered. With his right arm, he secured Jericho on his shoulder and with his left, he reached out and knocked on the door three times and waited for someone to open it.


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When Raine heard the knocks on the door she sighed, Lee and her brother didn't knock before coming in, so who was here now? She hopped off of her bed and made her way out of her room and headed for the front door. She was a bit annoyed that tonight people decided to just pop up at the house, so when she opened the door she went to say something but before she could she saw Jericho on the guys shoulders. "What the heck happened to him," she looked at the people accusingly. She moved a bit away from the door so he could bring him inside. Well isn't tonight super fun, she thought to herself. First some guy shows up all weird and then two people showing up with her apparent unconscious brother.


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The door opened and Zerachiel immediately walked in to the house as he brushed past the girl, who was obviously the female protozoa angel, and dropped Jericho on the other couch. He saw Azuel lying down on the other one and he glared at him and sat on the arm rest. Zera pulled his beanie off and ran his hand through his hair as he messed it up a little bit . Pretending to act flustered, he got his act on. "I don't know. Ask him when he gets up." He said as he walked over to jac and put his arm round her squeezing her tight andflashing a fake yet charming smile, "my very good friend here and I were just leaving the pub and she just claimed that she knew him so we checked him out and he was out of it. Of course I was the one having to bring him here, your boyfriend is pretty heavy," he said making it obvious that he didn't know a thing about them. "A blonde guy, I think he was a friend, told us where to take him then he just took off1 great friend eh?"this must have been the first time he has spoken so much at once and he didnlt like it. Leaving the room, giving responsibility to Raine, he went to the kitchen and got himself a glass of water and came back into the room as he sat back on the arm rest. Zera always had been a 'help-your-self' type of guy.


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Azuel dreaming, well more of a nightmare, he was having a nightmare about the war with Lucifer, and all the horrible things he saw, and Micheal sending the crucial blow that he could not send, to what was a brother to him, God tried his best to comfort him, but he changed that day, and everyone knew it. Suddenly jolting upright, sweating, he says without thinking "Oh i remember, that's why i don't sleep" Then turning around seeing Zera, there was a lot of history between them, and none of it good, he hated his ignorant guts, but the mission comes first, and Jac behind him who though, only meeting a couple of times, he liked, it was probably because she reminds him of his younger self, and sometimes even teaches her a few tips on how to wind Zera up, she is a bit quick to lose her temper though, but she is no match for him battle, Zera closer to his level, but he could still take him if the situation arises. Azuel lay there still pretending to be asleep, seeing how he handled things.


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