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Rhea Louverno

"A new boba shop just opened, wanna go try it with me?" under repairs.

0 · 1,203 views · located in Rhindeval

a character in “Rhindeval's Fractured Kingdoms”, originally authored by ililumi., as played by RolePlayGateway




"Is something the matter? You can cry on my shoulder if you'd like!"

space song | prom queen | never let me go | watermelon sugar | siren | when the party's over | bubble gum | here | backyard boy | double take

dialogue ; #f4c4c7. ā€“ thought ; #82ab9f.


"Tender is the night, for a broken heart.
Who will dry your eyes when it falls apart?"

"Feel the fresh air, I can feel your eyes stare,
And I'm not gonna lie, I get a little bit scared.
My heart is on wings, Iā€™m living in dreams; at the top of our lungs we sing."

"If I'm pretty, will you like me?
They say, 'Beauty makes boys happy.'"

"And it's peaceful in the deep, 'cause either way you cannot breathe.
No need to pray, no need to speak, now I am under."

ImageImageImage怎 Full Name 怏
Rhea Louverno.
[ ĻĪ­Ļ‰ meaning "flowing stream." Additionally, į¼”ĻĪ± meaning "ground." ]
[ Unknown origin or derivation. Potentially from Louvre, meaning "castle" or "brave wolf." ]

怎 Aliases 怏
Liliya Fae.
[ Ī»ĪµĪÆĻĪ¹ĪæĪ½ meaning "lily flower," or "purity, fertility." ]
[ From the old French word fei, meaning "loyalty, trust, honesty," or "fulfilling a promise." ]

怎 Nicknames 怏
Lily. By most who know her, even just acquaintances.

怎 Gender 怏
Female ; [ she / her ]

怎 Age 怏

怎 Birthday 怏
November 22nd.
ā˜¼ sagittarius, ā˜¾ cancer, ā†‘ libra.

怎 Orientation 怏
Heteroromantic. Heterosexual.

怎 Occupation 怏
Model for a makeup and fashion line.
College student.

怎 Major 怏
Majoring in fashion design.
Minoring in interior design.

怎 Place of Residence 怏
Fae Family Home.
Fae Home Bedroom.
Apartment Exterior.
Apartment Interior.
ImageImageImageImage怎 Hair 怏
A cotton-candy pink shade in color, it's quite pleasant to look at with that alone. In length, it reaches down to her waist, straight in form and texture, with bangs trimmed over her forehead and reaching past her eyebrows, to the tops of her eyes. It's often left down to do as it likes, but occasionally she pulls it back into a ponytail with two large sections of it freed to frame her face. Decorating with accessories seems to be a favorite style for her too, usually clips, headbands, scrunchies, little gems if she's not short on time. She rather dislikes braiding it, so will more often than not refuse to do that. Sometimes waving and curling it is nice, though debatable given her mood and the weather.

怎 Eyes 怏
A striking, bright blue shade, it sticks out brightly with the rest of her, eye catching and hard to break contact with. Bigger in size, but can grow sharp in an instant if she chooses. They're often decorated with makeup, eyeliner and mascara, and most often an eyeshadow of a red or pink shade at the corners of both eyes. They often hold a cheerful and bright look in them, but occasionally they're known to grow tired, or a bit indifferent to whatever she's looking at.

怎 Skin 怏
Light, not quite pale and entirely unblemished, even in tone or color. A perfect skin care routine with the best products available has certainly worked in her favor this way, and regular visits to get facials and massages to keep herself up to standard for her work.

怎 Height 怏

怎 Weight 怏
108 lbs.

怎 Build 怏
Hourglass with an elegant and pretty look, perfect for modeling in the areas that usually scout her out. She is decently well endowed in both upper and lower areas, giving appeal to the more physical side of things and assisting greatly when she helps model for fashion lines that are more for showing off and catching gazes.

怎 Piercings 怏
Both lobes. Variety.

怎 Tattoos 怏

怎 Blemishes 怏

怎 Stylistic Choices 怏
Having seemingly taken to the cutesier side of fashion for the most part, Rhea's wardrobe is filled mostly with bright colors, dresses and skirts and blouses that fit her comfortably and prettily. That isn't to say she doesn't enjoy more alluring, or casual clothes however, and sometimes adds that little bit of spice into the outfits when she can. When she attends parties is where they often seem to make their appearances, in dress slits and low cut collars, dipping v-necks. In more casual, streetwear it's shorter skirts, more fitted shirts, midriffs and crop-tops, the list could go on forever really. In the end, her wardrobe has plenty of different styles for different moods, even if one dominates more than the other.
ImageImageImageImageImage怎 Personality 怏
怚 Bright, Cheerful, Energetic, Cutesy, Childish, Caring, Romantic 怛
Rhea has, for all anyone knows, always been a very happy and starry eyed girl. She often does her best to look for the bright side of things, to try and make the best out of situations that she or others may end up in, sometimes overdoing it and maybe in unhealthy manners, but she does her best to keep that under control. She simply doesn't want anymore pain, sadness, after suffering through more than enough in her childhood and relationships. Life is to be enjoyed for all she cares, and she'll do her best to make the most of it. Pursue her dreams, work her favorite jobs, try out whatever she can, and even better if she can do it with a friend, a partner. This desire to live and experience the world has grown her energy levels as well, as she's constantly eager to explore whatever it is her interest has landed in, and she has plenty of energy to do so, to devote the time and mental or physical efforts. It can sometimes tire out other people when she gets into certain moods or boosts and wants them to tag along or take part in everything she's doing, but she has enough self awareness to calm down and take into consideration another's state or mood in these moments. For all many might consider her selfish and narcissistic, Rhea is far from it, carefully keeping attention on her peers and those around her to be sure that they're alright, don't need help or care, give them a shoulder to cry on. Leaving others to suffer alone, to hurt by themselves is strictly against her moral code. She wants to be a good friend, not a careless, cold hearted stranger.
Rhea's known to be somewhat of a childish person in terms of personality. Emotional and a little bit impulsive, she can be quick to tears, get overly excited, act a bit playful and immature at times, but she doesn't really mind, and most others don't seem too badly affected by it. It's entertaining and plays into the "cutesy" image she often has going, whether for work and reputation or just because that's how she feels and wishes to be perceived. Donning cute clothes and accessories, using a slightly cuter voice than her natural one occasionally, cute poses and expressions, whatever it is she has fun with it, and it makes her happy. This isn't to say it doesn't have downsides, and she knows when to tone it down to normal levels if necessary. It's for fun, not to harm or make others uncomfortable after all. And it's not to attract in creeps either, though she has faced quite a few of them throughout the years thanks to work and her reputation.
Rhea isn't shy of romantic relationships, but this means she isn't shy of bad ones either. Her first love ended tragically, and the rest since then have had odd, shortly pleasant ones mixed in with far too many unfortunates. As pretty and pleasant as she seems to be to most who take an interest in her, many have come around to enter a relationship purely out of her looks, sex appeal and unfortunately money at times. She's ended up in far too many where she's wholeheartedly in love, devoted, only to have them turn around once they realized she was more than a pretty face, human, with her own personality and desires, not some manic pixie dream girl. These experiences haven't stopped her from desiring a form of true love one day, however long it may take, who will love her as much as she loves him.

怎 Likes 怏
āŠ³ Sunrise. āŠ³ Shopping. āŠ³ Romcoms. āŠ³ Purple Lilacs. āŠ³ Silk.
āŠ³ Flowers āŠ³ Bright colors. āŠ³ Plushies āŠ³ Makeup. āŠ³ Dresses.
āŠ³ Baths. āŠ³ Trashy romance novels. āŠ³ Binging Netflix. āŠ³ Puffs.
āŠ³ Shoujo manga. āŠ³ Sweets. āŠ³ Dolls. āŠ³ Rabbits. āŠ³ Rhodonite.
āŠ³ Pink. āŠ³ Blankets. āŠ³ Nightgowns. āŠ³ Accessories. āŠ³ Clouds.

怎 Dislikes 怏
āŠ³ Night. āŠ³ Horror. āŠ³ Spiders. āŠ³ Bugs. āŠ³ Being alone. āŠ³ Neons.
āŠ³ Roses. āŠ³ Health visits. āŠ³ Power outages. āŠ³ Hiking. āŠ³ Movies.
āŠ³ Campting. āŠ³ Spicy foods. āŠ³ Magazines. āŠ³ Microwave meals.
āŠ³ Rumors. āŠ³ Winter. āŠ³ Wine. āŠ³ Driving. āŠ³ Tabloids. āŠ³ Velvet.
āŠ³ Thunder storms. āŠ³ New moons. āŠ³ Card games. āŠ³ Chicken.

怎 Fears 怏
āŠ³ The dark. āŠ³ Spiders. āŠ³ Bugs. āŠ³ Creepy men. āŠ³ Needles.
āŠ³ Jamison Chambers, current employer. āŠ³ Bad relationships.

怎 Stone 怏
āŠ³ A rhodonite stone, formed into a teardrop and wire wrapped. She always keeps it on herself, or close by somewhere safe when working, as her job often means wearing specific outfits without the stone.

怎 Oddities 怏
āŠ³ Though she could continue down the path of modeling after her adoptive parents' footsteps and easily make a living off it for years to come, Rhea has always had a desire to pursue fashion and perhaps start her own line down the road.
āŠ³ She often visits a local cemetery during the summer months to replace flowers at a certain grave. It belongs to Cassius Wolfe, who apparently passed when he was twelve. She always places a variety with purple lilacs as the centerpiece.
ImageImageImageImage怎 Family 怏
Lennox Louverno. Rhea's father. Monarch of the Brimmix Kingdom. Deceased.
RosƩn Louverno. Rhea's mother. Monarch of the Brimmix Kingdom. Deceased.
Luka Fae. Rhea's adoptive father. Model. Living.
Estella Fae. Rhea's adoptive mother. Model. Living.
Mathias Fae. Rhea's adoptive brother. Model. Living.

怎 History 怏
Rhea, born to Lennox and RoseƩn Louverno, the first and only child of the pair. Like many royals seeking heirs for their throne, they would have preferred a boy, but that didn't mean they were angry, upset, or disappointed in the end. They'd given life to a beautiful girl, after all, and if she was anything like the past queens of Brimmix, anything like her own mother, she would do just fine in her position once it came time for her to take the throne.

She was raised like any other heir would be; given the best of teachers and lessons in all different areas: history, etiquette and social conduct, literature, math and speech, the list could go on for ages. For someone as young as her once they began, it wouldn't be surprising to say that they would be overwhelming and tiring, but Rhea loved every moment of it. It was fun, interesting, and she caught on much faster than any of them expected. Proud parents would gift her with all sorts of things in reward for her beautiful performance: new gowns, jewelry, dolls and toys, when she was old enough to ride, her own horse that she had excitedly named Maverick for his white coat and strength. This lead to her taking trips down to the kingdom's beaches, usually followed by her parents, to ride along the oceanside for the evening and enjoy its cool breeze, the salty scents and sunsets over the waters.

As she grew older and more into herself, found less enjoyment just playing with her head maid or by herself, and no siblings to play with, her parents decided to find a playmate for her. Arhen Lagrange was his name, a boy about her age with just her a few months older. He was the youngest son of the Lagrange noble family, matching her age at the time of four. They seemed to get along fabulously well from the start, easily growing attached and clinging to each other whenever it was time to go separate ways at the end of the day. He became something like family to Rhea and her parents, another precious son, and if things hadn't gone as they did on that fateful day and visit, she likely would have been wedded to him when they both came of age.

But time did pass, and the future did come to be. Rhea had been left to be with the princes and princesses for the party, familiar faces that she would follow around and try and play with for the duration of the night, before a sudden agony hit her. The rest. And suddenly what was a simple party and playdate for her turned into the end of her world. Her parents were dead, and her gentle, innocent view of the world was shattered, with only one person to blame: Ivelda. The woman was a cruel keeper of the separated children for just a day or two, before deciding to take the princes to use for her own means and throw the princesses and her sister into some unknown world to never return from.

Her current memories began in the orphanage. The place was well enough off, with kind caretakers and children her age, an older boy Mathias who had taken to calling her his little sister and growing to be something of a protective older brother for her. Together the two of them played, caused mischief, acted like any other child their ages. With the two of them clinging to the hip, and the pretty faces they already had, it wasn't long before a couple swooped in to adopt them and take them home together. Estella and Luka Fae, models in the fashion and makeup businesses, plenty wealthy and more than happy to take in two children that would likely end up following their same paths easily. Life with the couple was fine enough. Liliya and Mathias never went without, and despite expectations the two made loving, kind parents. For all the confusion and pain that seemed to lay in Liliya's past that she could barely recall, at least now she was happy and content with a family of her own, a warm home, and plenty of meals.

As her and her brother grew older, their features grew into them more, and it was clear that they would be perfect fits for the model industry like the parents had hoped. While they would have never forced either of their children to pursue it, there were plenty of gentle pushes and encouragements to do so anyway, and in time both of them began to seek out the career path, or simply be scouted themselves. For Liliya though, just modeling for the rest of forever until she was too old or not pretty enough anymore wasn't satisfying for her, and she sought out scholarships and perfect grades to be sure she could enter college, and pursue her other passions. Fashion design, for one, was something she adored, and soon she found herself taking classes to do just that. For all she knows, her life has been smooth sailing and happy, and she hopes for it to continue that way. Unfortunately for her, fate has other ideas.

怎 Face Claim 怏
Zero Two ; Darling in the Franxx

So begins...

Rhea Louverno's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Louverno Character Portrait: Euphemia Aphelion Character Portrait: Oriane Soleil Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Lilith Evers
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Lilith Evers ~ Aurora Givens ~ Cassie Peters
Codes- #C71585 ~ #5477B9 ~ #46935C

It didn't take long for the other princesses to chime in. First was Willow, or Oriane, who came forward suddenly. It was obvious she was furious.

ā€I for one refuse to let that evil, psycho bitch keep causing pain and misery for the people that we love and are obligated to protect. If that gets me killed, then so be it. If it was worth it to my parents to sacrifice their lives for not only us but our people as well, then itā€™s worth it to me, too.ā€

Lilith nodded as she saw the determined looked on the Scyllan princess. The people there were a headstrong folk and the epitome of that were the royals. They had to be in order to bond with the dragons there. Thinking about the dragons, Lilith hoped with all of her heart they were still alive. She knew that Oriane had a cousin, Orion, who hopefully was still alive. Despite only being half cousins, the families of Scylla and Akeldama were still close.

"I appreciate your bravery, Oriane. I promise I'll do my best to protect you or die trying."

Next it was Artemisia to address her.

"Pro-Miss Evers ā€¦ You have no need to apologize to anyone. You did everything you could given the circumstances. You are not responsible for anyoneā€™s actions other than your own, so you do not bear the responsibility of your sisterā€™s evil deeds simply because you share blood. On top of that, if there is one thing that I have learned in my short but eventful life, it is that blood does not necessarily mean family. Family is who you choose - those who you love and love you in return.ā€

Lilith smiled and would have replied back but the princess spoke once more, this time also saying she was going back. It humbled Lilith that any of the girls would go back. Yes, she was hoping all of them would return, but had no expectations.

"Thank you for your words, Artemisia. I know your brother means the world to you. Rest assure we will try our best to get them back,"if they're alive,, Lilith thought at the end there, but didn't say it.

Eloise, or Euphemia, suddenly came forward and spoke harshly, "Fuck this, I'm going with you, but not for anyone else. Just Valken, just my brother, I don't give a damn. Once I make sure he's alive and okay, I'm done with this, that's it. I'm sick of my life choosing to be a shitshow with every turn it takes."

Lilith nodded. Out of all the princesses, Euphemia had changed the most. Gone was the reserved, shy girl and in her place was an ill-tempered and independent woman.

"I still am grateful for you deciding to come back Euphemia."

Finally, the first princess to approach her, Rhea spoke up again.

"It would only be right to go, wouldn't it? To leave others to suffer like that for all those years...I don't think I'd be able to rest knowing that it's still happening, when I've had the chance to change it by my own hand."

During this time both Aurora and Cassie were listening. Cassie's crying slowed to a whimper when Sia spoke up and she stopped all together when Effie spoke. Both of them had brothers. They had something worth fighting for. Did Cassie have anything worth fighting for? She wasn't sure and she felt awful for being the only one unsure. This was all madness, but . . . there was no denying what Lilith had said. She really needed to talk to her family about this. Her parents were always telling her anything was possible.

After Rhea finished speaking, Aurora, seeing Cassie had calmed down, patted her on the shoulder before looking at Lilith.

"I am going back too. Rhea's right. I can't leave Rhindeval to suffer. I have to see with my own eyes that Richard, Appy, and the others are still alive. What's the next step?"

Lilith sighed in relief. It looked like the only one uncertain was Meridian. Still the fact that the other princesses were returning was more than what Lilith could hope for.

"Tomorrow I was planning on contacting the Fairy Queen, Eowyn. It is my hope she can tell us what has happened to Rhindeval since our banishment. Since tomorrow is a Saturday, maybe all of you can come to my place since I'll be contacting her from there."

Cassie looked and asked, "How can you contact her from here? Won't that take a lot of magic?"

"Indeed, it won't be easy. It's why I am hoping all of you will come. Now that the spell over all of you has broken, your magic will awaken. I can already see your magical auras over each of you, so it's only a matter of time. With your magic, it'll be easier for me to not only contact Queen Eowyn, but to transport us back to Rhindeval. The queen will be sure to help us when we return. She'll be thrilled to know that most of you are coming back."

"Well, I still don't know if I am coming back, but I am willing to hear out the fairy queen. I do remember her; she was pretty intimidating."

"Really? I always saw her as gentle. But then again, I probably saw her more than most of you since her palace resides under Traumet. Ms. Lilith, do you think the queen will answer any questions we have? I have several for her."

"I would think she would want to hear any questions any of you have. Now, do any of you have any more questions?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Louverno Character Portrait: Euphemia Aphelion Character Portrait: Orion Nox Character Portrait: Oriane Soleil Character Portrait: Apollyon Evergreen Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen
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Ivelda Ever

Code- #003300

Ivelda listened as Alcinder made his report. She honestly couldn't blame the rebels still supported the 'rightful heirs'. Oh the irony that she turned their princes against them. It was funny when she thought about it but kept her neutral face in place the entire time. As for the princesses, she hoped they never returned as well as her sister, Lilith. Her sister had put up a good fight but did prove to still be the weakest magic wise between her and their late youngest sister, Vanessa.

When Alcinder finished her report, Ivelda replied, "Great work, Alcinder. I'll make sure to pass this news along to my overseers in the kingdoms these rebels came from. Hopefully this will lead us to finding the bigger pests for they must be dealt with as soon as possible."

Suddenly the doors opened and Ryder and Jiayi came through them. Ivelda's eyes focused on the two men and it was Ryder who addressed her first, letting her know about her little birds and the things he came across. Ivelda sighed and rubbed her temples a bit. That Vordada was very loyal, came highly recommended from one of her overseers, but his antics had been causing her troubles in the past year or two. She couldn't blame him for his lust for power, but how he used it was not smart and she couldn't afford for him to keep up these acts, especially if they exposed something more vital to her, like her little birds. She actually had already had one or two replacements ready, so it was relief to know she could finally call one up.

"Thank you for reporting this to me Ryder and I thank you for assisting him Jiayi. Alcinder, you have my full permission to deal with Vordada in whatever way you deem fitting. Ryder, I need you to contact the following people and send them to me after lunch, the head builder, Guilder Rosenthal, and Priest Andross. As for a new headmistress, I agree with that decision. Have her fired and I'll leave it to you to find a suitable replacement since you're more familiar with the staff there."

Soon the three men left and Ivelda herself soon left to get ready for the sacrifice. The process of it was easy enough. The girl was quick to put under her spell and after draining her 'essence', she drank it before disposing the girl's body. The effect of the sacrifice was immediate and Ivelda felt rejuvenated. After cleaning up, she went about her business for the rest of the day, including on making plans to refurbish the orphanage and promoting Andross.

Adrian Wells

After having the best night's sleep he had in weeks, Adrian woke up early. Getting out of bed, he walked downstairs to go hunting and catch his breakfast. His own place was pretty small and even though he did hire someone to keep his place cleaned, he was capable of taking care of himself. After catching himself a rabbit, he soon took care of it and grabbing himself some bread and milk (courtesy of his neighbor that owned a goat farm), he ate. He thought about what he would do. Well he better take care of his estate matters. He still owned some land and that meant dealing with paperwork, something he wasn't looking forward to. After that, he promised himself he would do something for fun.

Lilith Evers ~ Aurora Givens ~ Cassie Peters
Codes- #C71585 ~ #5477B9 ~ #46935C

No one else had anymore questions so Lilith let the princesses go on their ways, but did invite them to stay and to hear more stories about Rhindeval. Both Aurora and Cassie stayed for a bit before leaving. They had a lot on their minds.

After a long day at the festival, Aurora went to her dorm and went straight to bed. That night, she dreamed again. This time she was in a room with a door that was pale pink in color. This was new. Aurora opened the door and walked right into a room that seemed familiar. She was inside a palace room. Soon she saw two women. Coming closer she recognized her mother and Lilith.

"Something is about to happen, Lilith. Something bad and . . . . " Queen Selene couldn't finish her words.

She looked scared. Aurora couldn't remember much, but she knew she never saw her mother scared.

"What does your instincts tell you, Selene?"

"That it involves your sister, Ivelda."

Lilith's breath hitched; she couldn't respond. Suddenly the scene froze, only for Lilith to turn directly at Aurora.

"What are you doing here, Aurora?"

"Me? This is my dream, isn't it? At least I think it is."

"Indeed, but do you know what you're doing?"

Aurora looked at her in confusion. She was dreaming right? And this was a memory, right? Wait, she never recalled a time where her mother said this, at least to Lilith.

Seeing Aurora's confusion, Lilith said, "This is one of my memories, Aurora. You're in MY dream. I always know when I dream because I learned to look for symbols. I am sure you know about dream symbols, right? They're something you have seen in a dream to let you know you are in one. In my case it's always my mother's pendant I always wear in my dreams."

Aurora saw the pink diamond Lilith wore. That's when something occurred to her.

"Wait, if this is your dream, then how did I get here and how do you know I am not just a part of your dream?"

"To answer your second question hun, it's your aura. It's a white tinged with pale blue. Being a sorceress I can see you don't belong here because I can see your aura. As for your first question, you came here of your own volition. Tell me, Aurora, did you see a door in front of you before coming here?"

Aurora nodded.

"It could only mean one thing, one of your magic abilities has awaken, Aurora. You're a dreamwalker. It means you can walk into other people's dreams. Your maternal grandmother had such an ability, so I am not surprised you have it for magic is genetic."

"So what now? How do I get back?"

"Back through the door you came. We can talk about this later when we're both awake. Remember to check your email."

Nodding, Aurora went back to the door and soon found herself back in the place she started. She dreamed nothing else for the rest of the night.

Lilith prepared for the day. She was glad she had no weekend classes to teach. In her email to all of the girls, she had said the following

I hope all of you have had time to calm down. I am still going to attempt to contact the Fairy Queen today. I plan to do it before noon so if you want to come to my place, come at 10:30 am. I hope each and every one of you come. Here's my address for those interested in coming.

Lilith Evers
1281 New Haven Ave.
Durnam, Oregon 97411

It's only 10 minutes from the university and my house is at the end of the street. I am so grateful that most of you are still returning to Rhindeval. Thans you for your time and consideration.

Lilith hoped that she was powerful enough to reach the fairy queen. It was why she hoped the princesses would come. More that showed up, the better chance she had at reaching the queen.

It had been nice to return to some form of normalcy after all that happened at the festival. Still, Cassie had a very restless night and didn't get a lot of sleep. She checked her college email account and saw the email from Ms. Evers. She figured she ought to see what this was about. First things first though, she had her morning jog, then breakfast. The jog had done her good and she ate breakfast at the university's main cafeteria. It was during this time she got her weekly call from her adopted parents. Wanting some privacy, she rushed back to her dorm, thankful she didn't have a roommate now that she was an upperclassman.

"Hi mom! Festival was great this year! How are you and dad? . . . . . . Mom, there's something I need to tell you and dad, but not yet for I need to figure out how to tell you and when I am ready. . . . No I am in no trouble and I am fine, I just . . . . might have found out what happened to my biological family . . . . . No, I'll call you later today sometime this afternoon? . . . Got it. Bye mom, I love you. Tell dad and my brother and sister I love them too and no matter what, I'll love you always."

Cassie hanged up and decided to work on one of her assignments that morning.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Louverno Character Portrait: Euphemia Aphelion Character Portrait: Oriane Soleil Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Lilith Evers
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eloise grace.
dialogue ; #ab9b9d. ā€“ thought ; #ed97a5.

Mornings are difficult no matter the day, but somehow it's especially bad this time around. Whether it's the raging headache and nausea from drinking far too much last night, or just because without the alcohol in her system or her friends around to take her mind off things, all she can do is continue wandering back to those old memories she so badly wanted to uncover, yet they do her no good now. She doesn't feel any better, doesn't feel anymore complete, perhaps because the entirety of them were so goddamn unbelievable. A princess from an alternate universe first, what's next, she'd be asked to rule that very kingdom that by no means could even rightfully exist? Since when was there a vast, expansive continent with thousands, if not millions of living people on it, and somehow the entire planet earth had just overlooked it? Or was she going to be asked to walk through some weird portal into fucking Narnia?

She can't help the anger as it continues to boil, though maybe it was made worse by the sour mood caused by none other than the consequences of her very own actions. Dumbass, why'd you have to down so much on your own?

Eloise had hardly confessed about what the new issue was to any of her friends, let alone her parents, if only because she was sure they'd think she was on her way to another mental, emotional breakdown. Tatsuya had listened to her words at least, even if they were vague and a bit nonsensical, listening quietly as he always did with her. She appreciated him and his efforts with her endlessly, of course; even if they fed into each others' bad habits occasionally, he was practically her only reason to keep living at this point, and somehow she felt she might be his.

If she left him behind, would he be okay? Would she be okay without him?

What about her parents?

A long sigh escapes her into that small studio bedroom, her head rolling to the side as hair moves to cover half her face. He was sleeping soundly next to her now, even though it was well past 10:00am and they both should be up and going now. They hadn't actually slept together the night prior, not interested in doing so last night, though he was far to drunk to go home himself and the comfort of proximity and contact was something she hadn't wanted to pass up, even in her hazy state. Still, that email from her English professor rings in her mind again. An address, a time, and given it was already past ten, she would probably be a little late to it by this point if she decided to go.

She almost wanted to, almost didn't. Surely it would be easy to skip, to put behind this god awful experience as some stupid memory and weird manipulation from yet another adult in her life, but at the same time, she wants to go, just to confirm something. Just to make sure, so that she can put her wandering mind to rest for the night. It could just be a quick trip out, and then she could come back and hangout with Tatsuya for the rest of the day, if he were even up for that.

At the very least, those thoughts get her out of bed. Slowly rising up from the sheets even with the throbbing sensation it brings on tenfold, she forces her legs over the side of her bed, letting out a long yawn and standing as she staggers over to her closet. Something easy and comfortable is what she's looking for, maybe a little presentable, but in the end she's pulling out that long-sleeved crop top she tends to enjoy for extra comfort. The sleeves are loose, making it even more comfortable, and paired with those loose, flowing pants, she feels like she's practically wearing pajamas, even with the suspenders adding a little flair while they hold onto absolutely nothing. Pulling on the outfit, she shuts the doors of the closet, perhaps a little too hard, harder than she meant to. They relatch into place with a loud slam, and she cringes before turning to look over at the other student in her bed, who groans once before turning onto his side, blanket pulled over his head.

"...Tatsuya?" Comes her unsure tone, and she winces as his voice rises out, muffled by the sheets, "uh-huh..."

Slowly making her way back over to the bedside, she lets herself half fall into it as she sits, gaze moving back to where he is still, curled under the blankets. "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to shut them so hard." A pause, she pulls the sheet back just a bit to reveal the tuft of white hair and half-lidded brown eyes that grimace away from the invading light of the window. "How're you feeling? Miserable?"

A short snort leaves him at her words, and he lets the sheet fall back to fully reveal his face at least. "What do you think? I drank as much as you did, you know." She smirks slightly at this, "you did, didn't you, brave little boy. We all know I handle alcohol so much better than you, but you just drained it all without a second thought. Now look at you."

"Ah, the consequences of my own actions." He pulls the sheets back over his head then, hiding away in them with a muffled, "fuck you," leaving soon after. All she offers is a sympathetic laugh, patting the head over the sheets before standing back up, her small bag finding its way to her hands as she moves past the nightstand, the dropped violin case to the side. "I'm going out for a bit, just have something to deal with before I can relax for the rest of the day." She pauses at the door to exit her room, looking back at his form in the bed, "I'll bring you back some meds for your head once I'm done, 'kay? Do what you need to get feeling better in the meantime, I probably have enough shit to keep you sated until I'm back home." It's a small peek of a hand from the sheets and a lazy wave that she gets in return, and she rolls her eyes at them before making her way out of the room, and then out of the door.

The day is sunny and calm, once she steps outside, with no clouds to cover the sun and make the light a little more bearable. Her hand rests over her eyes for a moment as she tries to shove away the burst of headache again, but there's nothing she can do about it at this point, besides press on. The sooner this little "meeting" was over with, the better.

It's not as long of a walk as she expected, though she probably should have figured that by Lilith's email; she had said that it was only ten minutes away from campus, and given Eloise practically lived on campus with her apartment, it didn't add much time to it. Genuinely, she was relieved for that fact alone, making her trip just slightly easier on her mind and body.

Coming up on the house, she takes it in quietly, the size and look of it as a whole. She's not even inside yet, and still she can see the fact that it looks like a more spendy, fancy place, something someone wealthy would own. The car in front of it doesn't help that fact, though something tells Eloise that that's not Lilith's. Rather, it likely belonged to one of the other girls that would be attending this odd little gathering along with her. Who were the rich girls in this little group, anyway? She got the vibe from Liliya at least, maybe Althea but-

There's the sound of someone trudging behind her, lazy steps and quiet sniffling that catches her off guard a bit. A quick shift around and she's facing Liliya herself, pink hair done in an overly lazy bun and wearing not quite as much makeup as Eloise was sure she normally would. Even the outfit shows off signs of exhaustion, despite being in character and cutesy as she knew the girl was known for.

Tilting her head slightly, she watches Liliya for a moment, the girl seeming to be in a world of her own before she carefully calls out to her, an awkward, "Liliya? Girl, you alright?" Her voice seems to snap the other out of her trance then, green-blue eyes snapping over to her before she's using the bottom of her palm to rub under her eyes, slightly smearing the eyeliner that was barely holding anyway. "Mm...sorry, I wasn't...I wasn't paying attention. Hi, Elo...Euphemia..."

She can't help but wince slightly at the name, glancing away, before taking a few steps forward and pulling out a simple cloth. A hand cups her face for a bit before she's rubbing away at the smeared black makeup, small sigh leaving her. Clearly, the pink bomb hadn't been faring too well, and she wasn't going to try and make it worse now. Even if it seemed to catch her by surprise, the way her eyes widened a bit before settling into something more neutral, if not a bit depressed. "I probably look gross, don't I?"

Eloise half snorts at her words, rolling her eyes lightly, "sure you do, but I'm still half hungover, so it's not like I can say much about it." Pulling back then, she tilted her head slightly, "all good now, take a breather or something and then we can go in together I guess." Truthfully, she feels too awkward to go in alone, and maybe following behind the literal model would help keep attention off of herself for awhile.

"No, I'm okay. Let's just go in now, we're already late, aren't we?" A quick glance to her wrist, Eloise cranes her neck slightly to catch the digital time on the face of it, 10:45. She cringes slightly at that revelation, before turning towards the door again, a long sigh leaving her. "You're right, it's probably in our best interest to avoid making anyone wait around any longer." As if walking in late won't be awkward enough as it is.

Quiet settles in as they walk to the door, and as Liliya settles back into her half daze, she decides to take one for the impromptu team and knock for the both of them, a bit lightly as if that would make their late appearance any better.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Louverno Character Portrait: Euphemia Aphelion Character Portrait: Oriane Soleil Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Lilith Evers
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0.00 INK

liliya fae.
dialogue ; #f6a3b1. ā€“ thought ; #82ab9f.

Content Warning.

The first sight she'd been greeted with once she arrived back to her apartment was Galen laying out on the couch in her living room, lazily scrolling through his phone and long since changed and undone out of his costume from the fair. By all means, the moment he looked up at her when he realized she was there, his expression twisted into one of irritation, frustration, seemingly not noticing the emotional state she was in, or didn't care enough to acknowledge it. Instead, a long sigh, standing up from the couch and making his way over to her.

"The hell happened to you? Look at your dress, it's filthy." His hand moves down to tug at the skirt of the dress, pulling it up slightly as if the show off the stain of dirt over the green fabric. She stared for a moment, just long enough that it finally got him to let go and walk away, towards the bedroom. She followed quietly, energy to even try and speak zapped, gone after all the revelations from Lilith. She couldn't even tell Galen about it, as if he'd believe her. He was already in a sour mood, clearly, and she wasn't keen on making it worse.

Why was he mad anyway, though? Sure, she was later than expected, but it wasn't that bad. Rather, she would have expected him to try and offer some sort of comfort at the sight of her, at the state she was in, but instead he's lazily dropping onto the queen bed in her bedroom, staring at his phone still as she makes way for the bathroom, a single glance back to where his back is turned to her, unacknowledging. Her lips purse at that, and she quietly shuts the door. The shower is her destination, and as she finally gets the dress off and lets it drop into a dirty heap on the floor, the water is turned on. Just a few moments until it heats up, and then she's in, letting the water wash over her body and get rid of the grime and exhaustion, at least a little bit.

It felt odd, the way her mind was beginning to just go numb. She wasn't quite used to this feeling, the loss of energy, but not from using it on work or something fun; rather, it was from raging emotions and thoughts, from the revelation of the century in her memories, the way a sense of despair clung to her, refused to let go. Suddenly, she realizes she feels entirely too alone. No one to turn to, no one to lean on. No one would believe her, would they? And the other girls, Lilith...somehow, she felt as if she couldn't even reach out to them. Isolated, or at least that's how her mind wanted her to feel, and she fed into it, believed it.

Eventually she feels washed enough, relaxed enough, and the water is off, steam rising into the air and to the ceiling, escaping through the fan that she'd almost forgotten to turn on. It's a towel that she wraps around herself, wringing out her hair and brushing it out so that at least it wasn't sopping, brushing it out a moment later and ignoring the small spray of droplets it left behind over the countertop. Numb, empty, tired. Or maybe her mind was just still trying to process things, stuck in a standstill over such unbelievable fantasy memories she has bouncing around her head now. It was impossible, but at the same time she knew they were all real.

She doesn't even notice Galen as she steps out of the bathroom, who sits up in bed now with his arms crossed, silently watching her as she crosses the room to her closet and dresser, tries to find something comfortable and warm to wear and soothe her to sleep. In the end it's just a pair of shorts, an oversized hoodie that she dons, and she moves to sit on the opposite side of the bed to her boyfriend, laying on her side and not even caring enough to get under the covers despite the chill of wet hair. She would in a moment, but this felt good enough for now.

Quiet settles in for a bit before she feels the bed shift under weight before the shadow of Galen looms over her, and then lowering closer, until his hand is wrapping around her waist, and a kiss is pressed into her neck. Soft and gentle, and initially she thinks he's finally trying to offer some sort of comfort, but maybe she should have known better. His hand moves down further, until it's pulling up her shirt, reaching under as he tries to shift her further back onto the bed, tries to get better access to her.

"Gale, no..." Is all she mutters at first, hand moving to gently press against his hand, "I'm not up for that tonight, please. I just wanna sleep."

It certainly doesn't stop him, though, not as he shrugs off the hand and pulls her back onto the bed, flat onto her back as he starts to pull off his shirt, a grumbled, "you said you would, are you seriously going to backtrack that now?" and she goes wide eyed for a moment. He wasn't going to listen? What was he even thinking, acting like this? She'd said no so he should-

He's half laying down on top of her now, still searching her neck before she manages another weak, "stop it, Gale," yet he doesn't, still feels around, still puts his unbearable weight over her as if to trap her and then-

It's a shocked yelp that leaves her lips as his teeth dig into her neck, not hard enough to break the skin or draw blood, but it may as well have. It sends a shock through her body, and her eyes finally prick with tears again before she lets out a small sniffle, and then finally, her hands place themselves onto his chest, and she shoves.

"I said no, Galen! Get off of me!"

Perhaps she shoves a bit too hard, more strength behind the push than she was expecting, because right as her words leave her mouth, she hears a thud, sees him sprawled over the floor on the side of the bed, and her eyes go wide at the sight. Panic springs in her chest, more so as he turns back around, and the slightest trickle of blood seeps from his nose. Had he really hit the ground that hard? Or maybe it was just an unlucky enough landing?

"A-ah- oh- I'm so sorry- I didn't mean to-"

"...The hell...?" Is all that leaves him for a bit, and she winces, whimpers away from the dark tone it holds, "are you fucking kidding me...?" Amber eyes move to look up at her then, and his brows furrow down further, rage clearly taking its hold as he stands, uses a hand to gingerly wipe some of the blood away, and then stares at it. Stares for far too long, as his expression shifts further and further, until suddenly he raises his hand, extended out and she's almost tensing up to be slapped, eyes going wide in shock as it descends, strikes her across the face sharper than she could have ever believed. As if she could even believe the fact that he had hit her at all.

They hadn't even been dating for that long; had she been so blinded and desperate for another relationship after how the other one had ended that she'd entirely missed a red flag like this?

Her breathing picks up in pace a bit, something of a hyperventilation as she tries to process what just happened, the fact that her face still stung and her neck was burning. Suddenly, everything about the one standing in front of her is terrifying, and she can't make herself look up, can't bring her eyes to connect with his as he seethes down at her, though she catches the slightest glimpse of a sneer, and she locks up again.

"I should have listened when they told me you were more trouble than you were worth," he hisses, leaning in closer as she flinches back, trembles slightly over the situation, the reveal of his true nature so soon, the fact that she felt trapped, like she couldn't run for her life as she should be now. Couldn't move, she couldn't- "it hasn't even been that long, and I've already had enough of your bullshit. Why won't you just do as I say? Listen? My ex always did, why won't you?" Her hands move up her head, hiding beneath them ever so slightly as she tries to shrink in on herself, "you're such a bitch, how could anyone put up with you any longer than I have? Ha! There's absolutely no way anyone else could!" That anger again, and she sees his hand raise once more out of the corner of her eye. They go wide again before she shrinks, cowers away and shields herself. Yet, rather than a slap, she hears the heavy footsteps, someone intercepting, and then silence, perhaps shocked.

When she opens her eyes again, it's Mathias who stands in front of her, gloved hand wrapped tightly around the wrist, while blue eyes pierce into those of Galen, who has considerably paled in comparison to before, his sneer turned into one of panic and terror at the sight of the man in front of him. The same panic that pulls him into some sort of state, one that leaves him stumbling and stammering for words, and suddenly he's not so terrifying anymore.

"A-ah- woah, wait- it's not what it looks like, I-I can explain!" Comes his lame excuse of a way to get out of the trouble he'd caused himself. Yet his pleas are met with a look of such malice from Mathias, that silently Liliya wonders if he'll kill Galen right then and there. "Oh no, no no, I think it's exactly what it looks like, Galen," The venom that drips from his tongue fills the room in an instant, and Galen stops breathing...until a sickening crack makes its way into the silence, and he falls to his knees in agony before his wrist is released. Broken.

He's letting out cries of pain for awhile, though neither her nor Mathias move as they watch him. Her, in shock, Mathias, detached and cold. "If you know what's best for you and your life, I'd suggest running away now." Comes his sharp hiss, and Galen's amber eyes are up on him, nothing but fear, horror, before he's running out of the apartment, the door swung open and slammed shut behind him as he does. Silence, again, until she feels the tears burn her eyes once more, and finally she lets herself break down, sobs wracking through her body as her brother turns towards her, expression softening swiftly before she's wrapped in a hug, tight and secure. "Oh my god, Lily...I'm so sorry...I should have come sooner."

His comforts are offered for several hours as they sit together, as she tries to stop the flow of emotions that come so swiftly and won't stop, and he simply nods along, hums occasionally to let her know he's still listening as she stumbles through her words, tries to explain, tries to even make sense of anything.

Of anything, when nothing made sense at all, and she felt like she was dying, drowning.

She can't quite will herself to speak about the memories, instead drowning them out with other words, but eventually she wears herself out enough to sleep, and crashes in the bed. It's Mathias that treats the new bruise and bite, tries to relieve some of the pain and get rid of the worst of the swelling, and she's silently thankful for his help when she hardly has the will to do it herself. It's considerably better by the time she looks at the clock, by the time she realizes that she still needed to meet up with those other girls and Lilith, even when she didn't have the energy to do so now. Why couldn't she have had a couple days to rest? To try and process everything?

Shove them down, she supposes, because whatever her English professor - or, the sorceress - had wanted to show them, she didn't want to miss. Maybe it would help settle worries, stress, concerns. Just a little bit, to take some of the weight off her shoulders.

Mathias doesn't seem thrilled when she says she needs to go out for the day. It's furrowed brows, worry and concern seeping into the expression deeply as she shows herself in the lazy outfit that covers the mark on her neck at least. The one on her face is covered with makeup as best she can, and frankly, the rest of her makeup job is shoddy and miserable at best. Did she particularly care? No, it was just to cover up puffy eyes, a bruise, and exhaustion.

"You should really stay home and rest. Is there something you need picked up? Or dropped off? I can do it for you, you know. Why don't you just go back to bed? I was just about to start making lunch, too." All manners of coaxing, but she just shakes her head, looks towards the door again, "I won't be long, I just needed to stop somewhere quick. I'll be back in a couple hours at most." Another frown from him, his arms crossing, before a huff leaves him. In the end, he lets her go, perhaps not up to the idea of accidentally causing her more stress that way. "Just call me if you need something, okay?"

Out the door she goes, into the clear, sunny day, and she wanders down the street at a dragging pace, only half paying attention to where she's going as she walks. In and out of her mind, in and out of reality. It's hard to stay in reality, but she does her best. And fails miserably, given she almost doesn't realize she's made it to Lilith's home until an unsure voice calls out to her from her side. Her eyes snap over to the figure of Eloise- Euphemia, shortly after, and she stares for a moment before relaxing again, her shoulders drooping forward as her hand moves up to rub at her eyes. "Mm...sorry, I wasn't...I wasn't paying attention. Hi, Elo...Euphemia..." The older woman flinches slightly as she calls the latter name, and Liliya wonders if that was the wrong choice, elects to not use it again in the future.

Silence falls for a bit, and quietly she thinks of her appearance, grimacing slightly to herself before shifting awkwardly, looking away, but the black haired girl is approaching her soon after, and before she can even process what she's doing, a gentle hand cups her face, luckily not on the side of the bruise, while the other moves up to carefully wipe away around her eyes. She blinks once, tries to figure out the reason, but then gives up and averts her gaze again, a weak, "I probably look gross, don't I?" leaving her.

Eloise's sarcastic snort almost makes her flinch back, and her words enter her ears and sit for a bit as she speaks. Acknowledging that she didn't look great, but offering the fact that Eloise herself didn't look all too nice either. It was a little comforting, knowing she wasn't the only one struggling, in pain.

It's awkwardly exchanged words before they finally make their way up to the steps, and she can't help but fall into a daze again as they do, staring at the wooden object as Eloise knocks, and then it's just a waiting game.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Louverno Character Portrait: Euphemia Aphelion Character Portrait: Oriane Soleil Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Lilith Evers Character Portrait: Meridian O'Donohue
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0.00 INK

Lilith Evers ~ Aurora Givens ~ Cassie Peters

Codes- #C71585 ~ #5477B9 ~ #46935C

As the girls waited, Aurora heard someone knocking the door. Looks like another person showed up. Curious to see who it was, she opened the door herself to see that last two princesses.

"Oh what a relief, I am glad you two decided to show up. Everyone else is here. Ms. Evers is making lemonade. Come on in."

After the two entered the house, Aurora closed the door. Seeing that it was Effie and Rhea, Cassie waved at them.

"Hey girls, how are you?"

It wasn't long before Lilith came in. She had two pitchers, one with water and the other with homemade lemonade. The pitchers were on a rolling wooden tray cart, along with some cups.

"Oh good, looks like everyone is here. Get yourself something to drink girls, I am going to finish getting things prepped in my workshop. I'll let you know when I am ready and we can get started. It shouldn't take too long."

Leaving for her basement, she could feel her excitement rising as she started gathering ingredients. With all the princesses here she had a better chance of reaching the fairy queen. She wondered how her majesty was doing. Hopefully the queen could update them on what had happened to Rhindeval during their absence. She prayed with all of her might that the princes were still alive. She recalled the last time she saw her sister right before she was banished to this world with the princesses. She had demanded on what happened to the princes. Her sister had laughed and said she would take very good care of them. Before Lilith could ask her what she meant, the floor immediately opened up beneath them, transporting them to Earth. Not wanting to focus on what she couldn't answer, she went back to preparing the spell.

Back with the girls, Cassie decided that she didn't like things to stay silent for long.

"You know, a part of me still can't believe I am a princess. But then again, I was never 'princess-like' to begin with. I was always wanted to be more like the guys, especially Richard and Val. Mother actually told me once to be more like my cousins." she said, smiling at Sia.

At the mention of Sia and her brother, Aurora recalled how she use to follow him and Sia around a lot. While she was good friends with Sia, she remembered she really liked Apollyon, or Appy as he was known. Thinking of him brought a bit of a blush to her face. She hoped he was okay. Cassie sees the blush and smirks.

"Aurora, are you thinking of Appy?"

She remembered how Aurora always blushed when her cousin was around. It was obvious she liked the boy. She hoped for Sia's sake, Appy was okay.

At Cassie's question, Aurora's face went completely red and she nodded, which causes Cassie to laugh. Wanting a drink, she got herself a cup of lemonade and remembering Aurora had wanted the same, got her cup too.

Aurora thanked her but didn't drink at first because her mind was so distracted.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Louverno Character Portrait: Euphemia Aphelion Character Portrait: Oriane Soleil Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Lilith Evers
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0.00 INK

ā€Shyness can ruin
So many good opportunities.ā€

Speech Code ~ #0B610B
| Thought Code ~ #01A9DB

The sudden appearance of Willow - or, Oriane, she supposed - caused Althea to jump, her heart skipping a beat in surprise. She clutched the pendant at her chest instinctively for comfort, calming only once she realized who it was that had startled her. Normally, she was not nearly this on edge, but given the sudden revelations they had all made, she supposed she could give herself some leniency in that department.

Before she could respond, however, two others appeared, being Cassie - Meridian? - and Dawn - Aurora? - her head was beginning to hurt from trying to keep track of everyone and what they would rather be called. She was confused even on what she would rather be called. How frustrating.

The sudden appearance was interrupted by Miss Lilith popping the door open, ushering the four of them inside. Sia found herself being whisked into the home before she could utter even a single word, and once inside, found herself being shuffled into another room to, she assumed, sit and await the arrival of the others.

Finally able to catch her breath, Althea placed the bag of breakfast sandwiches on a nearby table. She took advantage of the offer and helped herself to a spot, ready to settle in and wait.

They neednā€™t wait very long, however, as almost immediately after she had settled into her seat, Lilith excitedly welcomed the last two of the ā€˜princessesā€™ - she cringed to herself even referring to themselves as that - into her home. She did, however, accept the hospitality and found herself grabbing a glass of lemonade. She was positively parched after all of the excitement of the morning and, once back in her seat, she began to drink it gratefully.

ā€ the guys, especially Richard and Val.ā€ The mention of that name, the name that she remembered so well from her childhood, instantly grabbed Altheaā€™s attention, giving right to a slightly pink hue in her cheeks. She knew she had no right to be curious - Richard was not her actual brother, and Val was Euphemiaā€™s brother and therefore she had more right to be concerned than Althea did - but she could not help it. Old feelings, even from childhood, could be hard to ignore. "Mother actually told me once to be more like my cousins." Althea choked a little on the lemonade, coughing as she did so. Be more like her? That was a joke, right? Cassie - Meridian - she could not possibly be serious. No one - no one - wanted to be like her, friendless and ā€˜weirdā€™. "Aurora, are you thinking of Appy?" At that question, Althea paused, fixing a confused look on her cousin. ā€Why would she be thinking of Appy?ā€ A darted look at Dawn and back at Meridian and Althea shrugged. ā€I suppose, given how close she was with us growing up, it makes sense to wonder how he is. I would be lying if I tried to negate how worried about him I am ā€¦ā€ she trailed off, her concern causing her voice to fade.

At that thought, she moved her eyes over to Euphemia but couldnā€™t quite bring herself to meet the other womanā€™s gaze. ā€Now that we are on the subject ā€¦ How are you doing, Euphemia? We both have brothers who are ā€¦ There ā€¦ So I just figured ā€¦ā€ She trailed off, uncertain how to continue, but felt too awkward to do so, instead ending it with what she figured was as good of an introduction as any, given how infuriating it was becoming trying to keep everyone straight. ā€Also, just to avoid any confusion or hurt feelings - I would prefer to go by some form of Artemisia. I know we will have to adapt to our original names eventually, so I figured, the sooner the better.ā€ She shrugged a little, unable to muster up much more, her anxiety already at a rocket-high level given her generally introverted and quiet persona.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Louverno Character Portrait: Euphemia Aphelion Character Portrait: Oriane Soleil Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Lilith Evers
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0.00 INK

ā€Donā€™t stress the could haves,
If it should have,
It would have.ā€
Speech Code ~ #FF0000
| Thought Code ~ #FF8000

Everything seemed to happen all at once. Before Althea, or Artemisia, she supposed, could even respond to her greetings, they were interrupted by the arrival of a few of the other princesses, and almost immediately after the door had swung up and they were hurried inside by Miss Lilith, where they were led to a quaint living room and, undoubtedly, expected to wait for the remainder of the princesses. Willow, ever the expert at going-with-the-flow, went along with everything with an odd sense of ease, simply shrugging and following suit. Instead of sitting, she opted to stand and wait, and didnā€™t have to wait long - the remaining two appeared shortly thereafter, prompting Miss Lilith to disappear to finish preparations for this ā€˜mystical fairy queenā€™.

It honestly was all so laughable, it seemed so unreal. From being a princess - her! A princess! - to fairy queens even existing, it all seemed completely unbelievable.

But it was all real. And Orion was real. And she had no choice but to believe it all, just as she believed in all of her newfound memories, and just as she believed in the girls surrounding her.

A sigh escaped her before she was able to stop it, and at that moment she spotted the bag of sandwiches, instantly keying in on the food. Gone was any hope of snagging her attention with conversation, and with a quick glance, she slid over to the bag and retrieved a wrapped goodie. Happy with her loot, Willow moved over to a seat and plopped down in it, content to eat her food and observe from the side. She didnā€™t know the other princesses well enough yet, in her opinion, to form much of a view on any of them, so would rather learn of their personalities from afar to start out.

She watched idly as the other girls conversed over a few of the princes, snorting a little at Cassieā€™s mention of Auroraā€™s thought process - she knew exactly what that tone of voice and blush meant - and also giving a quirk of the brow at the subtle but just noticeable flush that entered Altheaā€™s cheeks at the mention of two of the princes - or was it just one of them that she was reacting to? Interest piqued, Willow leaned forward, a small, knowing smirk hovering across her lips as she ate.

And then Althea was speaking, asking Euphemia - Eloise? - about her brother. Oh-ho-ho, so it was Prince Valken she was making that little face over. Int-er-est-ing. An internal giggle of amusement, and Willow leaned back, more than satisfied with her findings over the group so far. Now, it was really on how Euphemia responded.

After what Artemisia - apparently that was what she wanted to be called from now on - pointed out, though, she couldnā€™t help but speak up in kind.

ā€Oriane,ā€ she said simply, polishing off the last bite of her sandwich. She licked her fingers, seemingly uncaring of how it may come off, and then leaned back, arms spread out on each side of the lounge beside her. Knee propped on opposite knee, she held an air of nonchalance, as though she experienced this type of thing every day. ā€If we have to pick names, Iā€™d rather go by my birth name, too. I love my adoptive family, and Iā€™m proud of them, but I want to honor the family and life that I never got to know. And I want to save my cousin - if heā€™s alive - so itā€™s in honor of him, as well. My name ā€¦ Means something to me, and I want to make my parents proud for gifting me with it.ā€ She cast a glance at Artemisia and Euphemia, meeting their gazes. ā€He may not actually be my brother, but at the end of the day, heā€™s as close to it as anyone could without being so. I love my cousin, and I want him back.ā€ With her piece spoken, she crossed her arms and glanced at the wall, awaiting Miss Lilithā€™s return.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Louverno Character Portrait: Euphemia Aphelion Character Portrait: Oriane Soleil Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Lilith Evers
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euphemia aphelion.
dialogue ; #ab9b9d. ā€“ thought ; #ed97a5.

Being brought into the living room where the others were left Eloise tensing again slightly, her brows furrowing as her shoulders slouched slightly, as if it might draw attention away from her more. It's back to all of them in a room, some more familiar than others, and she sucks in a small breath as she looks around for somewhere to sit. Most spots were taken at this point or left a spot on the opposite side to be shared, and before she can psych herself out and head back for the door, she makes way to sit in the open spot by Oriane. They weren't friends by any means, but Oriane was the one she'd spoken to most at this point and she'd bought her a funnel cake at the festival, so out of everyone in the room the magenta haired girl was the one she felt most...tolerated by, she supposed.

She lets herself plop down onto the cushioned spot with a heavy sigh, her dark clothes stark against Lilith's brightly decorated living room, the white couches. Who the hell decorates with white couches or white- anything? It just feels like a stained disaster waiting to happen. A hand carefully runs over the soft fabric of the cushion, as if to make sure she isn't leaving any sort of mark or stain herself. Safe, for now.

Lilith brings them drinks soon after on a cart which feels odd, but she keeps it to herself. All the same, she avoids even going near the lemonade and any of the food; knowing her luck, she'd spill or drop it everywhere and leave marks on the carpet and couch, and she'd rather die than do that. It wasn't like she had much of an appetite either. So water it is, which she could use anyway to help with her hangover a bit more. It's cold and refreshing, especially after the walk here in the midday heat of late spring.

After Lilith leaves, conversations among the girls begins. Cassie - Meridian - is the first to begin speaking, and though Eloise half tunes her out, the moment she hears her brother's name her eyes are moving to plant themselves onto the green-haired girl. Val. A nickname for Valken that friends and his parents had given him after awhile, that she'd picked up on too. Again her mind wanders back into her imagination, endless scenarios of what state he could possibly be in, whether he's even alive. God, she hopes he is. She needs him to be.

Imagination takes her away again until she hears her name, or her other name. Euphemia, one that she's still unsure of, but she'd tried to say it to herself in the mirror a few times. It doesn't feel like it fits her, but it's what her parents - the biological ones, anyway - had given her, isn't it? Her last little connection to her birth family, the Aphelions. The one her brother belonged to too. Despite her reservations over accepting this entire situation that felt like a delusional nightmare, she'd found herself half clinging to the name, one of the last things she still had from that life and lost identity.

Were the others having as difficult of a time accepting things as she was? Oriane sure seemed relaxed and casual as before. Aurora looked distracted. Meridian appears fine for the most part, even comfortable talking and getting conversation going with all of them. Artemisia seems thoughtful, Rhea looks like she's not entirely present in reality, but the flash of a bruise on her neck she'd caught when wiping away at smeared makeup on her face makes her wonder if something else that has her looking as lost as she does. Euphemia can't help but wonder if how she feels is obvious, or if she's masking it well enough in the moment.

It feels a bit odd to be asked for how she's doing, but she tries not to think on it too hard. They were all in a weird situation, and maybe Artemisia was just trying to be nice.

"I'm all here," she lightly knocks a fist against her head almost self-mockingly, like checking to make sure her sanity was still inside, "so I guess that's good enough." Once Lilith shows us whatever the hell she has planned, my mind might actually break though, so maybe it won't be good enough for much longer.

She finds herself hesitating at Artemisia's last comments, though. Her brother is mentioned again, Artemisia bringing up her own like she's hoping for a point they can relate on. Just figured? She stares for a moment, as if waiting for her to continue, but the way she trails off and keeps her gaze just enough off of Euphemia's own, she figures she has doesn't intend to finish that sentence. "I'm trying not to give my imagination too much time to wander, or I think I'll make myself sick." She answers honestly, though why she feels the need to confess her internal struggles to Artemisia she's not sure, "Valken is strong, he was strong back then too, when-" her voice suddenly feels like it's caught in her throat, like the sting of that memory is burning in her heart and lungs. When he was cut down trying to fight for my protection. When he suffered for too long in that dark cell, barely lucid through pain and fever. The image of his clammy, pale face and red stained cloth wrapped around his chest and midsection, delirious mutters and labored breathing. No matter how much she cried for someone to help him, no one answered. Had he survived that near fatal wound? The infections? Or was he left to die after she'd been taken away and tossed into this world?

She shakes her head, trying not to dwell on it too long again, "...he's strong, so I'm sure he's okay. My brother isn't someone who would give up so easily."

For a moment she hesitates, keeping her sharp gaze on Artemisia, though it softens slightly when she thinks of the other's situation, similar to her own. Like she'd said, they both have brothers. Assuming she wasn't hurting and worried just as much as Euphemia was would be selfish, and the least she could do was at least try to return the favor of checking on her. "What, Artemisia? How are you holding up...?"

Conversation shifts slightly though, and now the discussion of names is on the board. Oriane and Artemisia are quick to state they want to be referred to by their true names, seeming to have accepted it or holding some other reason for why - to honor family - and she finds herself relenting, finally fully accepting her own despite constant internal battle over it. If the others were going to, she may as well follow suit. There was no reason to isolate herself from the group of girls she may very well be stuck with for the next-

God, how long would they be made to stick together? Weeks? Months? Years?

"If we're going to be heading or whatever, then I guess I should play the part I have there. If you want to call me Euphemia, be my guest. May as well get used to it now before it becomes a problem."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Louverno Character Portrait: Euphemia Aphelion Character Portrait: Oriane Soleil Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Lilith Evers
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Lilith Evers ~ Aurora Givens ~ Cassie Peters

Codes- #C71585 ~ #5477B9 ~ #46935C

Cassie couldn't help but laugh at Sia's question when it came to her brother and Aurora. She forgot how clueless her cousin could be and the same could be said for Appy. She might have been young herself, in fact she was technically younger then her 2 cousins by a few months, but she was definitely more aware of things when it came to romance.

Soon the topic of how they preferred to be called came up. Aurora spoke after several others gave their approval to use their birth names.

"I would prefer Aurora. I could never fully adapt to this place. I had a good adopted family, but I always felt, empty due to not remembering my past."

"You guys can call me by my original name, but I am not 100% ready to accept being Princess Meridian yet. I love being Cassie too."

It wasn't long after that that Lilith returned.

"Okay, I am ready for you now. Please follow me."

The girls followed her down to her basement, which did look like your traditional witch's den with books, cupboards filled with ingredients and potions, and other mystical paraphernalia. In the center was a big cauldron.

"Now, I want all of you gather around the cauldron but don't touch anything please? Listen very carefully for what I am about to say. I am going to say the spell, and then I'll gather my magic through this brew, which will create an image for you to see. This was a common way for magic users to talk over long distances and normally isn't a hard spell to perform, but in this case since we're talking between worlds, I needed my cauldron to amp up the spell. If I have to, I'll draw upon the magical energy of all of you. We should be able to do this with all of you here since I can see the magical auras each of you have. Hopefully in time you'll come to see that as well. Now, take a deep breath and try to steady yourselves. Let's begin."

Taking one of her magic books, Lilith placed it on a pedestal that was in front of her. Taking one last breath herself, she gathered the magic around her and the magical brew and said the words.

"I call upon the elements of this world to connect with the Queen of the Faeries, Eowyn, in Traumet in the world of Rhindeval,
I am your servant Lilith who resides in the world of Earth.
Please grant me my request,
As I will, so mote it be!"

Magical energy charged through Lilith as she tried making the connection. It was a lot harder than she thought as she struggles to make it. Aurora could definitely feel the energy and saw the sorceress was struggling, so she intentionally starts giving her magical energy. Lilith briefly looked at Aurora and realized she was being stubborn because she wanted to prove she could do it. Nodding, she started taking the magical energy of the others who for one reason or another started sharing with her too. It took several more minutes, but Lilith made the connection and could feel Fairy Queen's energy finally.

Eowyn herself had been going over some parchments when she felt someone trying to reach her. Feeling out that magical energy, she was shocked for the first time in ages.

"Lilith . . . ."

She stopped what she was doing immediately and sent out her own magical energy to establish the connection, which created an image in front of her. Not being able to hide the shock on her face, she was legitimately flabbergasted to not only see Lilith but other young women too. Was that the Princesses?

"Lilith, is that you?" she asked.

"Your majesty, oh I am so glad to see you. You haven't changed a bit."

Eowyn laughed, "11 years is a grain of sand for my kind Lilith. Are those . . . the . . . . "

She couldn't finish her sentence; she was so overcome with emotion.

"Yes, all the princesses are here with me. I was able to reverse Ivelda's spell over them yesterday. They all remember."

Eowyn looked at each of them, and even though they weren't children anymore, she was able to recognize each of them. It helped that they looked like their parents too or one of them. Her eyes settled on Aurora though.

"Aurora, you look just like your father. I will love to catch up, but I know time is of the essence here since I know this kind of connection can only hold for so long. Lilith, I am assuming that all of you are coming back."

"Well, most of them are coming. One is still hesitant to return . . . ." Lilith started, but was interrupted by Cassie.

"Um, sorry to interrupt, but I am the one who is still uncertain. Hi, I go by Cassie here, but you probably know me as Meridian O'Donohue from Angalais. I am sure Rhindeval is suffering right now because of Ivelda, but I love Earth too and I am scared I'll never be able to come back here."

The queen smiled gently.

"Meridian, that is a valid concern, but seeing how traveling between worlds is possible, it's also possible for you to return to Earth for you can gain the ability to do so if you have magical energy. It wouldn't be easy though. But yes, Rhindeval is suffering. Ivelda rules almost all the kingdoms. The ones under her control are mere principalities now. The only kingdom that she doesn't control is Traumet for I have placed a seal around the entirety of it. Also, with the exception of Lostein, I was able to place seals around the other palaces and their nearby towns. It hasn't been easy for Ivelda has tried to find to bring them down, one way or another."

Cassie ended up asking another question, one she dreaded.

"Do you know what happened to my kingdom?"

Eowyn could not prevent the sad look on her face when she said, "It's been devastated. Farms have been burned and many of its people had been taken into slavery. All of the flower farms have been destroyed."

"No . . . ." Cassie gasped, horrified, remember all the flowers and how good and hardworking the people of her old home were.

Wiping the tears from her eyes, she decided that she couldn't run anymore.

"Ivelda had no right to do that. Okay, I am coming back. I love my family here, but Angalais needs Princess Meridian now more than my adoptive family needs Cassie." Meridian said, finally ready to take responsibility for her kingdom.

Lilith smiled before turning back to Eowyn.

"I'll be returning to Rhindeval in 2 more weeks since the education system I teach at will be done by then. Since we're all coming back, we're going to need a safe place to stay. I don't want my sister knowing we've returned."

"I have a safe place in Lostein that will work for you. It's in the Enchanted Forest of Arendelle. There's a cottage there that would have enough room for you and all of the girls. I have that place sealed off at the moment since I wanted to protect some of the Enchanted creatures that live there. I'll will be able to know when you're back and meet you there with some of my subjects. I suggest you teleport there though. And don't worry about Ivelda finding out about your arrival. I will personally masked the magical energy that is emitted when the portal is opened."

"Wonderful. Do any of you girls have any more questions?"

Aurora raised her hand.

"Queen Eowyn, what happened to the boys? Is Richard okay? Last thing I remember was we were separated from them by Ivelda."

Again, Eowyn couldn't prevent the sad look on her face.

"Good news is that they are all alive, bad news is . . . they all serve Ivelda. She's brainwashed them. They are not the boys you remember and care for. I have information on each of them, some more than others due to how often they leave the palace grounds. Ivelda currently rules from Lostein castle, so it's the only palace that I couldn't protect. Due to her ability to sense magic also, I rarely allow my subjects into her palace. The two we have little information are Prince Orion and Prince Kaito. We have reason to believe Orion works in the dungeons. He rarely leaves the palace grounds, but the times my subjects have seen him . . . he's changed so much. I have reason to believe he's the Head Inquisitor due the bits of conversation my subjects have managed to gain. I don't know what Ivelda has done to change the dungeons, but it must be horrendous. Orion always comes out of the dungeons when Ivelda gives the princes potions that keeps them under her control. I doubt they even realize it. Prince Kaito also spends more of his time indoors. We know he enjoys seeing the Falconer, but we never discovered what he actually does for Ivelda until recently when he was recently allowed to travel to his home kingdom. We know now he's Ivelda's Head Alchimist and is trying to find a way to bring the Seals down. Without knowing it, Kaito caused a reaction of the Seal. I set the Seals up so only those of royal blood of that kingdom could bring it down. In this case I am glad Kaito wasn't able to bring the Seal down since he's still under Ivelda's spell. Another we have limited information on is Prince Apollyon since he also spends most of his time in the castle. We were able to find out he's Ivelda's advisor though because he has traveled at times and my subjects have overhead him. Prince Xiaoli is a personal knight of Ivelda's guard. The easiest princes to keep track of have been Richard and Valken since they travel the most and are rarely at the palace. Richard doesn't even live at the palace like some of the other princes. I believe Ivelda is taking extra precautions to make sure Richard doesn't remember that he's the prince of Lostein. He works as a spy and assassin for Ivelda. Valken is the Captain of Ivelda's navel fleet."

Lilith, horror written all over her face, replied, "So they have 2 spells placed upon them. One that the girls had and this 'brainwashing spell'. Is there a way to break it?"

Eowyn was able to smile, "There is. My subjects are working on an antidote as we speak. It'll still take time to create for a few of the ingredients. It won't be ready by the time your come back, but we'll let you know when it is."

"So we will be able to save them? I have one more question. What happened to those who were sealed away by your magic?"

"They were put into an enchanted sleep so time stood still for them. I was able to warn the people who lived there of the rulers' deaths. So when they wake up, they won't be in the dark. Aurora, for Traumet, it'll be up to you alone to release the seal on it. Same thing applies for all the other palaces."

"Wait, are you saying my maternal grandmother is still alive?"

Eowyn smiled brightly, "Yes she is, just asleep."

"I have one more question as well, and I hope it's not a dumb one. What haven't you been able to deal with Ivelda because it sounds like your stronger than her if you're able to maintain these seals up for so long."

"That's not a dumb question, Meridian, especially since you've only recently recovered your memories. You are right I could easily defeat Ivelda, but she is a servant of one my greatest foes, who could easily match my own power. Several millennia ago, even before the creation of Rhindeval, the forces of good and evil fought continuously. Mortals were caught in the crossfire and so many died. We eventually came to a ceasefire and a treaty was created. We basically agreed to never directly interfere in each other's business. Forces of good just wanted peace and the forces of evil got tired of war because if everyone died, they would have no one to tempt or torment."

Aurora remembered learning about this war and the treaty at an early age.

"So who does Ivelda serve?"

"Amodeus, the King of Demons. I picked up his signature when Ivelda tried attacking the shield around Traumet. That earned her some backlash from her master I believe for she can't directly attack anything under my protection since that be going against the treaty too. That was the only time she tried such a thing."

"So that's how my sister got so much stronger, enough to take out the rulers of Rhindeval. I felt the evil taint of her magic that day. Do any of you have questions?" Lilith asked the other princesses.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Louverno Character Portrait: Euphemia Aphelion Character Portrait: Oriane Soleil Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Lilith Evers
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ā€You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow,
By evading it today.ā€
~Abraham Lincoln


ā€If you realize your responsibility,
You will realize your destiny.ā€
~Tasneem Hameed


Oriane Speech Code ~ #FF0000 | Oriane Thought Code ~ #FF8000
Artemisia Speech Code ~ #0B610B | ArtemisiaThought Code ~ #01A9DB

Everything was happening so quickly, and while all of the other ā€˜princessesā€™ - Oriane internally cringed at the word - were murmuring amongst themselves, fidgeting endlessly at the same time, she simply sat back and watched. She was more than happy to simply eat and wait for Miss Lilith to return. If the attention wasnā€™t on her, she was more than happy for that; sheā€™d much rather have the opportunity to observe the others and understand them better before they were all stuck with one another for God knows how long.

Euphemiaā€™s answer was slow, as though she had been mulling over what to say internally. Was Artemisiaā€™s question really that difficult to respond to? Well, she supposed it was, considering everything that it involved - Apollyon, Valken - her mind spun with the infinite possibilities of what could have happened to not only their brothers, but the rest of the princes. If one were not careful, it could quite easily lead to a downward spiral into madness. Everything, all of her thoughts and emotions, it was just too much to try and comprehend all at once. So, she wouldnā€™t. She would wait, and she would listen and observe. If they were patient, if they were smart, maybe, just maybe, they would be lucky enough to ā€¦

To what? To win? Her stomach hurt, and her head swirled. Appy, Valken, Richard, her parents, Ivelda - Ivelda. The name alone was enough to send chills down her spine, summoning goosebumps to her flesh, and she found herself rubbing at her arms to ward off the sudden reaction.

Euphemiaā€™s question brought her back to reality, at least for the moment, and she found herself wondering over how to respond. How was she holding up? The weight of inquiry was heavy, on both her mind, her heart, even her soul. What was she to do, other than trek forward through the mud and debris, and do her damndest to ensure both justice and safety? She was a college student, for christā€™s sake, not some fairy tale heroine. How could she possibly be of any help against someone like that? The answer was she couldnā€™t.

Yet, she had no choice. The names ran endlessly before her eyes - Appy, Valken, Richard, mama, papa - as though on a repetitive loop, a repetitive torment.

A touch to her chest brought at least some sense of comfort, the jewel resting their sending small waves of consolation through her, just enough so as to lend her strength to finally acknowledge Euphemia.

ā€I would ā€¦ Be lying if I said that I am coping well. But at least we all have each other, right?ā€ A small, shaky smile - for what else could she muster at that point. ā€Our brothers - all of the princes, truly - are so incredibly strong. I just have to keep reminding myself of that, and not let my hope dwindle that they are still ā€¦ā€ Her voice faded away, as though she couldnā€™t bring herself to finish the sentence. They all knew what the end to it was. Oriane felt her own heart dip a bit at the mention of the boys. Her only living family, her cousin. A flash of bright, fluffy hair, white as the snow surrounding the castle that she called a second home, and she had lost her appetite thoroughly. Thankfully, she had finished most of her sandwich, so with what could only be described as a bummed expression, she crumpled up the remainder in its wrapper, tossing it back into the bag from whence it came.

Not one to stay down for too long, she forced a small smile and shot the rest of the girls a half-hearted double thumbs up. ā€Iā€™m sure the guys are fine. Weā€™re worrying way too much. They might not be ā€¦ The same as before, but Iā€™m sure ā€¦ Theyā€™re all tough enough to have made it.ā€ The last few words were a bit choked and she found herself shoving down a lump in her throat. Now she was getting emotional? Damn it all.

Once the issue of names had been cleared up, and before anything more could be said, they were interrupted once again by Miss Lilith, who quickly ushered them all downstairs, and once in the basement, they entered a room slightly smaller than before. This one was cozier, definitely not designed for large groups, but the design was cute. Books and trinkets lined the various surfaces, be they shelves or tables, and unknown liquids and masses sat in differently sized jars throughout the space. After taking in her surroundings, Artemisia stood off slightly to the side, her arms wrapped around her abdomen in a comforting manner and her gaze settling on the large cauldron that was situated in the center of the room. Oriane could sense the discomfort coming off of the woman and, deciding to give her space, moved a bit closer to the cauldron, her eyes peering at the unknown ingredients swirling within.

When Lilith began her incantation, an almost rhythmic thrum settled throughout the air. It was warm - a warmth attributed only to magic - but her warmth was different from Artemisiaā€™s and Orianeā€™s. Instead of a warm hug, it was more like warm sunlight on their skin. The warmth began to waver a bit, causing Artemisa to glance towards Lilith, who seemed to be struggling slightly, then to Aurora when she noticed their brief exchange. After putting one and two together, she realized what they were doing, and with a bit of concentration on her part, began to send out her own magical essence. Oriane was a bit slower on the uptake, only keying in on what was happening when most of the others had already begun to channel their own energy. It was difficult, and she found herself straining, pulling and tearing at what little amount she could force out intentionally.

The Fairy Queen appeared before them in a beautiful array of lights and colors, and when Artemisia studied her features, a wave of familiarity came over her, yet she knew not from where. It was undoubtedly from her past life in Rhindeval, the part that she had yet to recall due to being so young, and pushing herself would get her nowhere. Oriane, on the other hand, felt no recollection when looking at the mesmerizing woman, but instead was in simple awe over the entire situation. So this is magic ā€¦

When the Queen began to list the kingdoms that were safe, Artemisia queued into the conversation, her interest piqued, but felt her heart plummet when her own kingdom was not provided. ā€Mon peuple,ā€ she whispered, blinking back tears. She turned her head slightly to hide her face and cleared her throat quietly, discreetly rubbing her eyes in the process. Oriane found her own eyes swell, brimming with unbidden tears, and she rubbed roughly at them in order to stop the warm liquid from escaping. Clearly, Scylla had suffered, and she was too afraid to ask to what extent. At the change of topic to the princes, Artemisia tuned back in, listening intently as the Queen began to go down the list of the boys, her main concern being her brother. Luckily, she didnā€™t have to wait very long, as he was the second one that she listed. The fact that he was the royal advisor was something that gave her a bit of pride, and just that he was alive filled her with an unexplainable sense of relief, but it was undermined entirely by the reminder that it was to Ivelda, and that he was under a spell and a potion that led him to believe who-knew-what and kept him loyal only to her. Who knew what that had led him to become? The only relief that she could find was the reminder that both Valken and Richard, while under her grasp and spells, were not directly under her thumb. Perhaps ā€¦ They had turned out somewhat alright Oriane, on the other hand, felt her own stomach drop at the mention of what had become of her beloved cousin. She may not be academically gifted, but she wasnā€™t dumb. She knew exactly what such a position could turn someone into, and a part of her knew, a part of her screamed at her in anguish, ā€˜he will never be the same as beforeā€™.

Crossing over to a nearby table, Althea snatched up a pen and blank pad from it, scribbling down the information that the Queen was providing them as she gave it, on both the princes and the kingdoms. Who knew when they were going to need it, if they would remember it all offhandedly? If they would have another opportunity to have this provided to them? Staring down at the information on the notepad, pen held idly in her hand, Artemisia tightened her grip slightly on the items that she held. Memories of her parents, of the other princes and princesses when they were all young, and of her brother - they whirled in her mind, difficult to place in order yet a beautifully chaotic mess nonetheless. ā€Putain de merde,ā€ she muttered under her breath, slapping the pen back down on the table and tearing the paper from the notepad before doing the same with the pad. Folding the paper, she tucked it into her pocket for later use. After a few moments of processing all of the information that the Queen had provided for them and mentally steeling herself, Artemisia took in a deep breath and rolled her shoulders.

ā€It would be irresponsible and immature of me not to go. My people - my brother - they need me. All of our people need all of us,ā€ she said softly. Glancing up at the Queen, she took a small step forward, one hand clutching the gem that had become a constant comfort to her. ā€I only want to ask one thing ā€¦ā€ She hesitated, as though debating whether or not it was worth it, before finally managing to get out, ā€Do you truly think that we stand a chance? To save them all?ā€ The question left Oriane with her palms sweating, because if the Queen said no, what then? Do they just go back home - are they even able to call it home now? - and try to pretend none of this ever happened? Do they still go there and try, even knowing that they will more than likely fail?

No, neither of those ideas suited her. It didnā€™t matter if this ā€˜Fairy Queenā€™ said no. What mattered was that she believed that they could do it, and even if the rest of them didnā€™t, she would believe enough to make up for them all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Louverno Character Portrait: Euphemia Aphelion Character Portrait: Oriane Soleil Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Lilith Evers
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Lilith Evers ~ Aurora Givens ~ Meridian O'Donohue

Codes- #C71585 ~ #5477B9 ~ #46935C

Eowyn's gaze drifted to Artemisia when she began talking. Smiled gently at her when she asked if they had any chances.

"There's always a chance. This wouldn't be the first time the kingdoms have been in turmoil, nor would it be the last. I will do what I can to assist all of you. I know there will be plenty of others who will be able to help you more directly. With the exceptions of Traumet and Lostein, all other kingdoms have large groups of people who rebelled against Ivelda. They are all in hiding though.
The leaders of these groups, a few of them you might know. Princess Rhea, your close childhood friend, Arhen, is in charge of Brimmix's largest rebellion group. Prince Kaito's aunt, Chyou, is in charge of Hanasaki's. I am sure all of these groups will give you a hand any way they can. I'll have my servants inform them later today. There's also the people within the seals themselves. You'll have the full assistance of Traumet's army and I know parts of the other kingdoms' armies are within the palaces. I tell you these things to give you hope. It won't be easy, in fact, it'll be very dangerous, but I have faith in all of you. Once all of you get here, I'll have a few of my subjects stay with you for a bit to help get you ready."

Meridian thought of the rebel groups. She wondered who was in charge of the big one of Angalais.

"Who's in charge of Angalais' largest rebel group? Anyone I know?"

"I am afraid not, but his father was a knight from your father's army. Almost the entirety of his family was killed and the few survivors were turned into slaves by one of Ivelda's followers who watches over Angalais. He and his sister escaped though and founded the rebel group by saving other slaves. His name is Griffen McDowell and his group lives underground. You familiar with the underground caverns of your kingdom, Princess Meridian?"

Meridian had a flash of memory of her father telling her about the caverns.

"Yes, my father once told me that dire times, our people would go bellow the ground. There's even an escape route from the palace to the underground. I take Ivelda hasn't found these underground areas has she?"

"She's found some of them, but not the ones that lead to the palace. The seal would prevent her from using those tunnels anyway since it doesn't just cover above ground."

Aurora was glad her kingdom was safe for the time being, but she couldn't imagine how the other girls were feeling. She had overheard Sia when said, "Mon peuple". And after she asked her question, Aurora, who was standing right next to her, reached out her hand and grabbed ahold of it.

"It'll all work out. Sia, will get Appy and the rest of the guys back. What memories I have of Emerald Isles, even though they're a bit blurry still, the people there were wonderful. I am sure they haven't given up."

Lilith smiled at Aurora. She promised herself years ago she would do whatever it took to defeat her sister and to save Rhindeval.
Knowing they would hopefully have help from others was definitely reassuring. She had definitely knew the names of the two rebel leaders Queen Eowyn mentioned at first. Arhen and Rhea were like two peas in a pod and hearing that Kaito's Aunt was a rebel leader wasn't too surprising. She had another question but dreaded asking it because she didn't want to remind the girls of any more bad memories. So she would ask the queen about it in person when it was just the two of them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Louverno Character Portrait: Euphemia Aphelion Character Portrait: Oriane Soleil Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Lilith Evers
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euphemia aphelion.
dialogue ; #ab9b9d. ā€“ thought ; #ed97a5.

Artemisia takes some time to respond to her in the end. An honest answer to how she's doing, a perhaps...hopeful idea that they "...all have each other, right?" though Euphemia wonders about that. They barely knew each other, and though she had her memories back they were from her childhood years ago. Thirteen to be exact. That much time of barely interacting with one another, could they really call each other friends? Allies? Perhaps it's the pessimist in her, assuming that she couldn't fully count on this group to have her back if it came to it. Why should she? She barely knew them.

Was she willing to take the chance with them? To put her trust on the line, perhaps even her own life by the sounds of it, and hope that they come through when it's time?

Conversation in the far too brightly decorated living room is brought to a close when Lilith enters the room, an invitation to follow her down to the basement of her home. Euphemia isn't the first to move, of course, waiting for a few of the others to get up and make their way over before she does. It wasn't like she was overly eager to venture down to her English-professor-turned-sorceress's basement, a place that sort of felt like the point of no return.

Eventually she's one of the last to get up, and deciding not to waste her time any longer Euphemia rises from the couch, a few paces over to the stairs the others follow Lilith to.

When she finally steps through to get the full view of the basement, she almost finds herself rolling her eyes, a huff of air following that doesn't make much noise over Lilith's words. The place feels like a stereotypical "witch hut." It's ridiculous. What was this, the set for some low budget fairy tale remake? Did any of this stuff even work? The cauldron at the center is really the cherry on top; it feels so cheesy she almost gags.

So she finds herself keeping her distance, away from the crowd. Artemisia seems to do the same much to her slight surprise with the other's personality and behavior she had briefly gathered so far, but as she'd said before: they barely knew each other. What would she know about how the theater girl normally held herself? It wasn't like this situation was normal anyway.

Lilith rambles on about the "spell" and "magic" and what she's about to do, none of which really make sense to Euphemia. Or maybe her mind just had such a hard time really processing it all as reality despite everything she's seen and been through the last day or two, still beyond unbelievable that even trying to just force herself to accept it makes her feel delusional, detached from the reality she'd grown up in over the past thirteen years. Do the others feel the same?

She'd have to ask them that, but somehow she feels like popping the question right in front of the woman explaining all of these things to them would be beyond rude. So she keeps her mouth shut and just watches.

The woman gives what feels like another performance akin to the one at the fair, though this time it doesn't leave Euphemia feeling like she's been shot in the chest. Instead, she finds herself watching Lilith struggle, and in return, Aurora, then Artemisia, eventually Rhea and Oriane too, all seem to take on a look of slight strain. Her brow quirks slightly; what was this, the whole "drawing upon their magical energy" thing she'd mentioned? The others were...offering theirs or whatever now? How the hell did they even know how to? Since when was everyone so proficient in using something that shouldn't even exist?

All she thinks to do is try, and in the end she's not even sure if it made a difference. Regardless, it seems that at least everyone else's efforts aren't in vain, and in the end-

She finds the flash of a floating...screen? Monitor? What the hell should she call that? Whatever it is, it's right over the cauldron, the face of a new woman in the image. It startles Euphemia slightly, and she barely manages to keep the, "Jesus Christ...!?" that escapes her to hissed out whisper.

The woman she sees is blonde and pretty, elegant probably, she doesn't know, all she can see is her face. Her voice carries clearly through their nonsensical form of communication, and she initially only speaks to Lilith, eyes traveling around to each of them in turn. The "princesses" is what she asks, a word that still makes Euphemia cringe near physically, but she swallows it down before it becomes obvious.

God, how Euphemia wished Tatsuya was here. Or someone that she was comfortable with. She wants to lean over and whisper, a hushed discussion over how insane this all was, a few comments here or there of other things, maybe crack a joke or two. Anything to relieve some stress, to make this less of an agonizing headache.

It turns out Queen Eowyn has about the same set of lungs that Lilith does in the way that she monologues to them about everything, no chance for anyone to interject until she's finished her speech. It's sort of a lot to take in, Euphemia thinks, and she wonders if she'll even remember half of what the woman had said by the time she laid down in bed tonight. Her memory had never been the best, and it didn't help that every passing second of these last two days had been shock after shock, reveal after reveal. Her attention only snaps into focus when she hears her brother's name again. It's a painfully brief mention. He travels. He's the captain of the naval fleet. They all serve under the woman who had torn their families apart.

She wants to ask for more information, can't you tell me how he is? If he'll be alright? What has he suffered through all these years? Where is he now, at sea or with that woman? What sort of things does he have to do with his supposed "captain" position? Does he ever have the strange dreams I had, or feel like he misses someone he can't remember?

Will he still think of me as family when we see each other again?

But they remain in her thoughts. She bites her tongue, doesn't have the courage to speak up, and maybe somewhere in the back of her head she knows it's better to not know every detail. What good would it do, besides make her feel worse than she already did over it all, or kill her morale?

The others speak, and their questions are answered. It doesn't quite do much to make her feel better when she hears that Ivelda had literally sold her soul to the devil, but she supposed only crazy like that would be willing to do the things she had. Getting rid of ten sets of rulers and brainwashing and enslaving their children? No sane person would do that. Even most insane people wouldn't.

Artemisia speaks up with a question soon enough though, and Euphemia's gaze travels over to her, brows furrowing slightly at the words she barely manages to speak. Would they stand a chance? In her eyes, they wouldn't. Ivelda had murdered twenty adults in one night; there's no way they'd even be able to get her to stumble if what Euphemia imagined was true. But the woman assures them they can. That there's always a chance. Is it just lip service to get them to follow through with what Lilith and Eowyn wanted, or does she actually believe that to be the case?

Would her "belief" in them get them all killed?

Her attention fades in and out as conversation continues and Eowyn resumes her spiels on whatever else there was to talk about: rebellion groups, underground caverns and tunnel system - Paris Catacombs much? - a few name drops of leaders that they could seek out for assistance once they arrived. Would they really be so willing to help them? The "princesses" that had dropped off the face of the earth, abandoned them, left them to suffer for thirteen years? Were the people of Rhindeval that forgiving?

Regardless, it doesn't matter. As per usual, Euphemia finds herself taking a backseat to group discussions like this. She'd let the others do the talking, listen when she felt up to it, and eventually she'd be free to leave - the sooner the better.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Louverno Character Portrait: Euphemia Aphelion Character Portrait: Oriane Soleil Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Lilith Evers
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0.00 INK

rhea louverno.
dialogue ; #7760b6. ā€“ thought ; #a14f86.

Rhea can't help but find herself zoning out a bit throughout the initial conversation held by the others. Too much on her mind, enough to dampen her spirits and usual energy and light that she carried. Renewed memories, university finals, Galen, her brother, Rhindeval, the other "princesses," her parents - both here and in Rhindeval. How was she supposed to focus on conversing and entertaining anyone else when she couldn't even keep her thoughts and emotions in order?

So vaguely she notes that some of the others are exchanging words, trying their best to appear as put together and stable as they could despite everything they were dealing with. Sometimes she keys in a little more, listens a little closer to some of what they say, but when most of the names aren't quite as familiar to her, she doesn't find it in herself to say much. What could she even offer anyway? Nothing she comes up with feels worthwhile or meaningful, nor does it feel like she has any room to try and comfort anyone.

Perhaps she's relieved when Lilith eventually returns to the room and ushers them to the basement. She's quick to follow the woman, rising up from her spot and trailing behind her footsteps as she goes.

The stairway down has a clinging scent of herbs, more than Rhea can identify as they mix and mingle with one another. It's not an unpleasant thing, rather Rhea finds it comforting. Lavender, thyme, rosemary, basil, sage, lemongrass, she knows there's more but it's just those that she can discern from the rest. They remind her of long past memories now, bringing out the ones she's just recalled to a higher degree; her mother's garden where Rhea was only allowed when she was accompanied by someone, full of so many fresh and pleasant scents that left her wishing she could just lay in them, close her eyes and take it all in.

She doubts that garden still exists.

As they round out into the full room of the basement, Rhea finds herself stepping into a dimly lit but comfortable space. There's shelves, a few tables, all lined with herbs, pretty glass bottles, trinkets and other materials that clutter the spaces in an appealing way. The cauldron at the center feels a bit odd, though she's curious of what it might hold; a drink? A concoction? Who knew, except Lilith herself she supposed.

Lilith requests for them to listen closely, and Rhea does her best to even as her eyes wander over each and every surface, almost finds herself reaching to take hold of one of the plants on a nearby table to where she's settled before quickly drawing it back and holding her hand to her chest when the woman asks them not to touch anything. Ah, I'm being careless. I shouldn't be so rude, none of this belongs to me, digging through someone's personal things is...

Starry eyes are drawn back to Lilith with a more full focus finally, and she finds herself giving a soft hum over the woman's explanation. Magic, it's still a bit odd to Rhea, but when she had grown up adoring the idea and coming up with little playtime stories surrounding it, the fact that it existed in reality gave her a bit of excitement, if she was honest. Was it was possible for her to do the sort of things only seen in movies and books? How well could she perform any of it? What did it feel like to do so?

Still, she couldn't fall into another daydream now; there were still explanations and conversations to be had, and she needed to make sure she did her best to remember anything said.

Lilith explains the process of contacting Eowyn, and Rhea finds her mind trying its hardest to connect it to something of modern earth, an easier way to understand what she was saying. "So it's like...magical...FaceTime...but way more tiring...?" It's half spoken to herself, though the longer she thinks about it the less it seems to hold appeal. If magic existed, why couldn't they just find a less difficult way to come into contact?

Though she supposed that the energy cost made sense when she tried to put into perspective the idea of interdimensional communication. Regular FaceTime probably wouldn't work that well if she wanted to speak with someone on a different planet entirely.

Her confusion and attempt at piecing things together comes to a halt as Lilith begins, though. A sort of chant, and there's the sense of something a little heavier in the air, more of a charge. Rhea finds the hair on the back of her neck standing a little at the unfamiliar sensation, the way it leaves the sensation of something shifting in the room, and her eyes are stuck on her former English professor. What exactly was she doing? And how? If this was magic, how would Rhea learn to do it too?

It seems Aurora already has some idea of how to, though. In an instant she seems to be offering her own magic essence, and Rhea finds herself panicking slightly when Artemisia does too. Think, think, think! She wasn't up for humiliating herself arleady in front of the six others she'd likely be spending the next while with, desperate to prove that she wouldn't be a burden, more than just a pretty face or airhead. Tried, harder, wracked her mind as much as she could to recall something, anything from her childhood that might point her in the right direction. Anything her mother or father may have said. Anything Lilith may have mentioned these last two days that might tell her and-

"Relax, Rhea. Take a deep breath, and feel."

It's a distant voice, quiet in her mind, but it's enough to halt her spiraling thoughts. A soft breath in, a slow exhale out, she tries again, puts intent behind her hopes, and eventually the sensation of something being pulled from her buds in her chest. It's a soft feeling at first, though it grows stronger, and she silently hopes that this is working and isn't just her mistaking magic for a temporarily subdued panic attack.

In the end, it seems to work. "Magical FaceTime" springs to life in front of all of them, and on the other end is a woman, unfamiliar to Rhea, but still breathtakingly beautiful. She finds herself staring, unable to tear her gaze away from the stranger in the mist, though she manages to snap out of it once Lilith begins speaking, confirms them as the princesses, and between a few small discussions, Rhea finds herself content to listen to the woman speak. It's a lot of information at once about the princes, but she does her best to note each of them, their names, their positions while trapped under Ivelda's spell. A captain, an inquisitor, an alchemist. More after that, all in positions that she assumes are of high ranking. High profile. Were the people of Rhindeval blinded to the familiarity of their own princes? Or was there something else holding them back from confronting the men with the truth of their background and helping to pull them out of the brainwashing and spells themselves?

Sia brings questions out after her reconfirmation of commitment to going to Rhindeval, an inquiry of whether or not success was possible against someone like Ivelda. A question is returned with a simple reply: there is always a chance. Rhea isn't sure if she takes comfort in that or not, but she keeps it to herself. Sure, it was rather rare that something was 100% impossible, but some things were 1% and 99%. What were their odds? Was their percent one, or ninety-nine?

She's almost startled when she's directly addressed by the blonde woman on the other side, and purple-pink eyes snap to attention at the sound of her name, a little nervous until another name is mentioned. "Arhen?" She echoes, almost caught off guard. He was... "He's...he's alive? Oh, oh thank God, I..." I thought for sure he'd be... "It's such a relief hear that..."

Despite the heavy news elsewhere, Rhea finds comfort in this. In Arhen's life. He had been so young when she'd been taken away, but if after all this time he'd survived, even lead a rebellion movement, then perhaps she could finally put her fears of his fate to rest.

Hopefully, she'd be able to see him again soon.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Louverno Character Portrait: Euphemia Aphelion Character Portrait: Oriane Soleil Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Lilith Evers
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ā€Courage starts with showing up
And letting ourselves be seen.ā€
~BrenƩ Brown


ā€Our fate lives within us.
You only have to be brave enough to see it.ā€


Artemisia Speech Code ~ #FF0000 | Artemisia Thought Code ~ #FF8000
Oriane Speech Code ~ #0B610B | Oriane Thought Code ~ #01A9DB

It was difficult to believe the words that came out of the Fairy Queenā€™s mouth. Her votes of confidence, reassurance that they, the princesses, could succeed - they all fell onto uncertain ears. With everything that had happened, with the sheer power of Ivelda alone, how could they possibly not fail? It wasnā€™t a matter of determination or will; they all had enough of that, she was certain of. But in matters of actual skill? Of ability and power? Ivelda outweighed them all by so, so much. It made it nearly impossible to believe that they stood a chance.

Or at least that was what swirled through Artemisiaā€™s mind as she took in the Queenā€™s peptalk of sorts. Oriane, while skeptical, did have some hope that they would be able to win. She was the Queen of winning, and she refused to ever lose. This was a fight that they couldnā€™t afford to fail. It was literally a matter of life and death. To take the situation light-heartedly would be a disgrace, and while she generally tried to maintain a vibrant attitude, she found herself standing there, arms crossed and expression turned into one that bespoke her somberness. The QUeenā€™s words did help a bit, for if someone so powerful believed in them, then who was she to question someone who was basically a freaking God?

She did give more information on what exactly they were getting themselves into and what type of support they should expect. A quick glance around and Artemisia found the paper and pen she had used only moments before, and returned to jotting down the information. Taking notes helped to calm her somewhat; it was such a familiar process, to write down the details that she is being given. It was something that she knew and could trust as a reality, because at this point, she was beginning to question whether or not she was even sane. Had she suffered a mental break from taking on too many responsibilities at once? The play had not been that much added stress, so it seemed unlikely. Not to mention, she doubted that she had imagined all of this happening. All of the women around her were about as real as anyone could possibly get to be.

And then there was Auroraā€™s admitted ability, as well as all of the things that Miss Evers and the Queen had said about the magic of Rhindeval. Did this mean that she too had magical abilities? Aurora could enter peopleā€™s dreams - that was such an incredible discovery! For her, someone who believed so steadfastly in school, education, and therefore the sciences of their world - or, she supposed, not their world, but Earth - it was hard to fully wrap her head around the concept of ā€˜magicā€™. She could feel and see it, so of course she knew that it was real, but to fully accept that it existed? That was an entirely different story. What did that mean that she was capable of, then? If they had their own magic, even though they severely lacked any type of training, especially in comparison to Ivelda, did that mean that they truly did stand a chance?

By now her head had begun a dull throbbing. Between the onslaught of lost memories, the overwhelming information, and the physical exertion of it all, she was beginning to feel completely taxed. She just wanted to go to sleep and wake up and realize that all of this - everything that had happened and all of these ā€˜memoriesā€™ - were simply a dream.

That was unrealistic, though. It was clearly not a dream and very clearly reality, and to hope for anything differently was ignorant. She owed it to herself, her parents, to Appy to accept that this was the way it was going to have to be. They were left with no choice; they had to fight back.

Having always had a fascination with magic tricks and magicians, Oriane had a less difficult time with believing in everything. She may not be good at harnessing her own magical energy - is that what it was called? - but she did believe that it existed, both in their world and the other world. Which brought her back to the topic of, which world would be their world? Which world would be her world? She couldnā€™t figure it out, and the pressure to do so was smothering. Her lips tightened a bit, a rare expression for her usual cheerful persona. It was all too much for her to try and take in all at once. She needed time to process everything. How could Miss Lilith and this Queen just expect them to suddenly remember everything and just be gun-ho and ready to go? They had families, they had lives. While she knew she would go - she had already decided - it was frustrating that they would treat this situation without much obvious care for how they were all mentally taking this. One look around the room and you could tell that none of them were handling any of this well at all.

"It'll all work out. Sia, weā€™ll get Appy and the rest of the guys back. What memories I have of Emerald Isles, even though they're a bit blurry still, the people there were wonderful. I am sure they haven't given up." At Auroraā€™s words, Artemisia visibly softened. A close friend, almost akin to a sister, at least when they were little, it was hard not to lose some of her fears over the womanā€™s words of comfort. At least she was able to remain positive; it was near-impossible for Artemisia, who was constantly agonizing over her brother.

A tiny smile, Artemisia reached out and lightly touched Auroraā€™s upper arm. ā€Thank you ā€¦ For the words of encouragement. When we get back ā€¦ I promise to show you The Eternal Tree as soon as we are able. Truly, it is a sight that one can never forget.ā€

When Rhea spoke, breaking the small moment, her voice was filled with so much emotion that Oriane felt her heart tug a little bit in sympathy. She knew what it was like, to wonder what had happened to someone you cared about. She had been thinking nonstop about her cousin ever since her memories had begun to return, and what could have become of him. The fact that so little was known of his fate, of who he had become under Iveldaā€™s hand, was agonizing. Artemisia felt her own eyes sting, threatening empathetic tears. It was difficult to put into words everything that she had been feeling since the festival, but one name had continuously swam through her mind ever since. Appy, Appy, Appy, Appy, Appy. It was like it was on a torturous loop, the constant worrying, the incessant fretting over who, what he had become under Iveldaā€™s thumb. Was he healthy? Was he tall? Had he eaten enough vegetables and fruits, drank enough milk over the last thirteen years? Was his favorite food the same? His favorite color? His voice would be different, for certain, and she yearned to hear him call her name again. The pain that she felt, the pain of not knowing and the pain of knowing, it was overwhelming.

The room was small so it was easy to cross, and when she reached Rhea, her hand extended. It faltered mid-air as though she were second-guessing her actions, but after a moment, it came to gently rest on the top of the girlā€™s head. She didnā€™t move it around, for she didnā€™t want to ruffle her hair, but simply wanted to offer some comfort. Words failed her, so she simply gave her a small, comforting smile. It was all that she could muster at this point, but she hoped it would be enough.

Oriane, on the other hand, simply turned a bland expression towards the Queen, unable to bring up any type of enthusiasm by now. ā€I know I donā€™t have any questions that I want to ask at this moment. Right now, I want to go home, sleep, eat some food, and take the time to prepare to possibly say goodbye to my loved ones forever. We could possibly die doing this; i donā€™t want to waste anymore of what little time I have left of them here - no offense.ā€ She paused, glanced at the other women, and then back at Lilith. ā€Just send me an email or something with all of the information that Iā€™ll need before we leave. Wherever and whenever it is, Iā€™ll be there.ā€ She was over it all, and just wanted to go home to her brothers and parents. She may not have Orion, but she had them. So she didnā€™t even bother to wait for a response from any of the other inhabitants of the room. Instead, she simply left, abruptly ending her presence there. She would have to spend the next whoever-knew-how-long with them; she needed her peace, and she needed time to process everything fully.

Artemisia gazed after the pink-haired girl. It seemed that a common thing for her right now was to feel empathy, considering she could understand completely how everyone was undoubtedly feeling, and how Oriane had made clear she felt. She turned her own eyes towards the Queen. ā€I would say that I have to agree with Oriane. So long as no one else has any questions, I would very much like to go home ā€¦ And prepare to say my goodbyes.ā€


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Louverno Character Portrait: Euphemia Aphelion Character Portrait: Orion Nox Character Portrait: Oriane Soleil Character Portrait: Apollyon Evergreen Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen
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Lilith Evers ~ Aurora Givens ~ Meridian O'Donohue

Codes- #C71585 ~ #5477B9 ~ #46935C

Aurora smiled back at her old friend.

"I hope we get to see it again too," she said quietly.

She knew there was a big chance that anyone of them could get hurt or possibly die when they returned to Rhindeval, but she didn't want to see Ivelda win even more. She remembered how the witch had captured her during Richard's birthday and things went downhill from there. And the Fairy queen said this wasn't the first time her home had seen hard times. So as long as there was a chance, Aurora wanted to take it, but she wouldn't expect it from the others. Like she knew that Effie was only doing this for her brother and not for her kingdom. Looking at the dark hair woman, she wondered what she was thinking this whole time. Out of them, she was a totally different person from when they were kids.

Lilith turned her head as several of the others spoke up, from Rhea's relief to hearing Arhen was alive to Oriane wanting to get ready and leaving.

Eowyn giggled at Oriane's behavior.

"Looks like she's still straightforward. As for the rest of you, I thank all of you for deciding to return, regardless of your reasons."

"And we're thank you for your assistance too, your majesty. One more thing, we are going to need clothes for the girls when we get here. Well I am going to need clothes also. As you can see, the clothes here will not suit us in Lostein."

"I'll be sure to have my followers get your measurements when you arrive. In the meantime, Lilith, let me send you the location of the place I want you to teleport to."

Lilith nodded and prepared herself. But before the queen could send the image, Meridian spoke up.

"Wait! Sorry but I have a question. When we travel back to Rhindeval, won't Ivelda know we're back?" Meridian suddenly asked.

Eowyn nodded.

"When a portal opens between worlds, it causes a bit of a tear between time and space and causes a surge in magical energy. Anyone with enough magical power has the chance of feeling it. I will feel it and Ivelda may also feel it and could investigate it. You girls are nowhere near ready to face her. I will basically masking that surge of magic to protect all of you. It's one thing my kind can get good at, hiding magical energy. So she won't know you'll be back, not right away at least. When you first arrive, I recommend laying low for a bit until you're ready to do the things you plan to do. Now, let's try this again Lilith."

With that, she established a direct connection to Lilith's mind and sent the image. Lilith staggered a bit for the queen's own magical energy was nearly over-powering.

"Image received. Thanks your majesty," Lilith replied.

"I'll will you in a few weeks then."

With that, Lilith closed the spell and the Fairy Queen's image disappeared.

"Whoa, that was intense."

Lilith nodded and to the princesses there, she said, "Thank you, all of you. I wouldn't have been able to reach the Queen if it wasn't for you. Are there any more questions? If not, you are free to go. I can imagine all of you are getting hungry."

No one else had any more questions and they left soon afterwards.

Two weeks seemed to go by in a flash for Lilith. She managed to sell her house, turn in her resignation, and get everything ready for their trip. Spring semester was over now and graduation happened too the other day. Lilith thought the best course of action was for all the princesses to come to her house. From there, they drive to the location where they were first teleported to Earth, a state park. Lilith still recalled the day they came to Earth. It was dusk and Lilith found herself alone with a group of very scared little girls, with no memories to their name. Lucky for them a park ranger found them, and despite the 'strange clothes' they were wearing, helped them out. Now 13 years later they would be heading back. She had visited the park last weekend to find the exact point where they landed. It was in a heavily wooded area and lucky for Lilith, she felt the remnants of the magic there. Magic always left an imprint of some sort. The girls would have to trek off the beaten path, but it wasn't too deep, but deep enough that no one would be nearby. She just hoped a few of the girls would be okay going through the woods like this. In her last email to all of the girls, she gave the following instructions-

Come to my place by 1 pm. My house is sold so don't be surprised by the Sold Sign out front. We'll be driving to Catherine Creek State Park. I'll be taking the lead. I recommend those who don't have cars put their luggage with someone who does. It'll be a bit of a trek through the woods there. We should get there in an hour or two, depending on how much you packed. I'll give further instructions when we reach the site. Thank you all again for deciding to come back with me. I hope you have had time to say goodbye to and friends or family.

Sincerely, Lilith Evers

Lilith herself had already made several trips to the site. She brought most of her magical gear there ahead of time and hid it magically from anyone who would find it. Only thing she didn't take was her spell book and wand. She was finishing packing when the doorbell rang. Seeing it was 45 minutes early, she went to the door to discover that it was Aurora. Aurora herself was too anxious to get going. She somehow managed to let her adopted family know of her plans. Miraculously, her father allowed her to go somehow, though he had a lot of reservations. Still he had never seen his daughter act that way before and decided to have faith in her to make her own decisions. She did promise them she would come back. Oh, she didn't reveal the whole truth, but she revealed enough to know that she wouldn't be able to contact them for some time.

"Eager to get going I see?" Lilith laughed.

"Yes, but I am scared too. I didn't pack too much either. I don't know how long it'll take for Queen Eowyn's people to make clothes for us, but I packed 8 outfits. I know how to pack efficiently. I know I am going to miss hot showers. I also packed a few . . . other well, more personal items. I did end up bringing a few snacks. I know it won't be no good once we get back to Rhindeval, but I did bring my cell phone, just for the trip to the park, just in case. I brought some stuff I thought I would need in Rhindeval, like a flashlight and paper towels. I know the fairy queen said we'll be staying in a cabin big for all of us, but I brought a pillow and blanket to be safe since I don't know if the cabin is furnished in any way. I did leave my stuff in the car, but I do have enough room in case someone needs it." Aurora rambled, clearly anxious.

"It's fine, dearie. Come and sit down while we wait for the others okay?" Lilith suggested.

Aurora nodded and followed Lilith in.

Meanwhile, Meridian was saying goodbye to her own family. They lived a town away from the college. It was hard saying goodbye to the family she grew to love. She ended up telling them the whole truth since she didn't know how to tell them otherwise. She was horrible at keeping things hidden after all. Surprisingly, her adopted family took it well.

Her father even joked, "At least we know why you have green hair."

The table was abnormally silent at the moment, but her mother spoke up.

"Shouldn't you bet getting going, Cassie dear?" Mrs. Peters said to her daughter, who was finishing her lunch.

She was trying her best to hold back any tears.

"Yes, I am just scared. I might not ever see you again." Meridian said honestly.

"You have to think positive, Cassie. Believe in the impossible. Didn't we always tell you that?" Mr. Peters replied.

Meridian nodded.

"You can do it big sis!" shouted her 10-year-old brother, Michael.

"Kick that mean witch's butt!" added his twin sister, Michelle.

The pair had been a surprise to Cassie's adoptive parents, who were told they would never have kids by birth. It was one of the reasons why they kept telling Meridian to believe in the impossible, because sometimes, it just might happen. Meridian smiled at her brother and sister.

"Thanks you two. I love you all."

Ten minutes later after tearful goodbyes, Meridian was on the road, heading to her destination.

Adrian Wells~Haru Otani~Ivelda Evers


Two weeks later, news of what happened had spread like wildfire. Even the assassin's final words manage to get out due to a few of the cooking staff being there when it happened. People were very careful to not mention Lilith or the princesses out in the public though, for they knew the queen would get word of it. Indeed, Ivelda had made good her word in sending out more "eyes and ears" out into the kingdoms under her rule. People started vanishing too. Still, people once again regained hope that Lilith or any of the princesses would return. Still they worried how Ivelda could be defeated.

The only ones who knew about the Lilith and the princesses returning were the rebel leaders and their followers thanks to the faeries and even they were extremely cautious for they didn't want to risk the princesses or Lilith's safety. Few would send their best spies into Lostein to keep an eye on things. While the faeries did tell them when the princesses would be back, they didn't tell them where, which bothered a few rebel leaders, but they knew it was for the princesses and Lilith's safety.

Adrian, in his own mission to find out about the assassin, did hear these whispers as his journey took him to the principality of Brimmix. The whispers of Lilith and princesses did plague him too. It almost felt like he knew them, but something was preventing him from grasping it. He knew he had no memory prior to the age of 10, so maybe he heard of such things then. That was impossible though since Ivelda had been in rule long before he was born. He came really close to finding the poison's source, but sadly didn't have time since the queen did want him back in two weeks. He was grateful for the Overseer's help though and did reassure him her own people would do their best to track down the source of the poison. He paid a 'friendly visit' to the man's family though and had that entire family arrested after finding things that proved their treachery, sketches of a 'royal family'. The man, who was the assassin's father, apparently had been commissioned to paint this 'royal family' and these were sketches he did for prior to painting them. The couple in these sketches were young looking with a dark hair girl. The image of the little girl struck a chord in him, like he felt he knew her somehow. He had the images burned, although a part of him hurt for some reason, but he couldn't risk these images getting out. Even though this journey wasn't as physically taxing, it was mentally taxing, and he was relieved when his self-appointed job was done. He took his time getting back to Lostein to report.

Meanwhile back in Lostein, Ivelda was busy getting ready for her journey. She always made a point to take this journey to make sure her magical hold over each of these kingdoms was firm. She would also inspect the areas she didn't have access to, like the other palaces. It still frustrates her that she couldn't conquer Traumet, which held ancient magic. As she was getting ready, she received word that Adrian would be arriving back soon. Perfect timing. She had made sure to give her princes double doses of her 'special drink'. Aetherius had arrived yesterday from he latest mission and gotten his 'drink' than. Adrian was the last one she needed to give it to. Within the hour, Adrian found himself bowing before the queen in her throne room. He gave his reporting and Ivelda nodded, keeping a neutral look, when inside, she was seething due to people talking about her sister and the princesses again. She thought she had squashed such hopes of Lilith or the princesses returning awhile ago. Still, she knew she couldn't control everything. She could also see Adrian had been affected by what he found. She couldn't risk him finding out the truth so for now she wouldn't give him another assignment for the foreseeable future.

"You're clearly exhausted, Adrian. Come, I will make you my special drink and it can drain you of your weariness."

Adrian nodded and followed without word. After giving him the drink, she sent him home, saying he deserved a break and ordered him to stay home for a time. Adrian thanked her and left the halls. After he left, Ivelda decided to check on Ryder to see if he had all of her things assembled for her trip. He should be out in the courtyard area. She finds him there inspecting the carriages.

"Is everything ready for my departure, Ryder?"

Adrian was heading out to get something to eat when he ran into Haru, who was also going out to test one of his new inventions. He was hoping see if he could create a device that would take down the seals and wanted to use his blood as the catalyst, but he wanted to test it away from others.

"Good day Haru. Off to test something?" Adrian asked.

"Yes. I see you're back. You look like hell." Haru said bluntly.

"I feel like hell. Her majesty has blessed me with some time off, so I am getting something to eat and head home. You're welcome to join me."

Haru hesitated. He wanted to test his device, but he was also curious to hear about Adrian's trip too to turn him into such a state. Haru would never admit it, but he did feel this connection to the man, even to others who he wasn't found of like Aetherius. It was like an annoying itch though.

His curiosity getting the better of him and knowing he still had to eat himself, Haru replied, "Fine."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Louverno Character Portrait: Euphemia Aphelion Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Lilith Evers Character Portrait: Meridian O'Donohue
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0.00 INK

ā€Courage starts with showing up
and letting ourselves be seen."
~Brene Brown
Speech Code ~ #FF0000
| Thought Code ~ #FF8000

Relax Your Mind ~ As You Read

The next couple of weeks had nothing major to note for Oriane. She spent her days practicing, finishing her exams, sleeping and eating - not too far out of the norm for her either way, but she definitely felt like she was in more of a fog than usual. It was difficult to focus during her exams, and even more difficult to pretend that everything was okay when she was around her family. Her family. She had always known that she was adopted, and while a part of her had wanted to know where she came from, who she came from, another smaller part had almost been grateful to not know what her former life had held. If she had forgotten it, clearly she was meant to, right?

And now, knowing what she knew, she almost wished she could forget it all - but she knew she couldnā€™t. If not for her people, if not for her parents, if not for Idalia, but for Orion. His name, his face, they haunted her every night and day. Her parents' faces, blurry from years of long forgotten past, staggered in and out every so often, each time catching her off-guard and knocking the wind from her chest.

It was impossible to pass off as normal, and very quickly dissolved into tears to her adoptive parents. Her brothers, nosy as ever, had been listening in from the hallway, curiosity and worry winning over ethics. The entire explanation, from her life before them and what had happened since, brought her mother to tears, and even her father, ever the gruff and tough man, found it difficult to hold back his own emotions. Watching his little girl and everything she had to deal with was difficult for the man, and when the boys joined them, they all bundled together into a large and exuberant family hug. One filled with a mixture of tears and laughter, sobs and reassurances of love.

Once she had moved over the hiccup that was explaining to her family - they were her family, blood or not - everything that she could remember, it was on to preparing. It would be difficult to plan ahead. She had no idea what she was getting herself into, so the bare minimum was the route that she went. Having never been one to go with the route of weapons, she was sure that they would learn a thing or two once there, and opted to pack comfortable clothes to move in alongside a healthy supply of toiletries - who the hell knew what kind of things they had in Rhindeval? - who knew? All she knew was that she wasnā€™t risking it, so she made sure to pack more than enough. The only additional thing she thought to pack was a swimsuit and a few packages of sweets, alongside her favorite baseball bat. It couldnā€™t hurt to have a little extra reassurance, could it? It was difficult to prepare for a trip not knowing anything about the place that she would be going to. Even what she could remember of her home - Scylla - was fragmented, and from what she could recall, it was vastly different from the rest of Rhindeval.

Barren and made of a majority of deserts, it wasnā€™t the most desirable vacation tourist place, but it had been home. Even now, Oriane could vividly remember the heat of the sun on her rays-kissed cheeks, the refreshing sensation of wind as she soared through the air atop Idalia. It made her heart ache in ways she couldnā€™t put into words.

Packing was difficult, for how could one prepare to face oneā€™s possible death? It was an impossible feat, and she found herself running her fingers along the numerous trophies that adorned her shelves. So many memories, things she could actually recall - and who had stolen her other memories? Ivelda.

The name sent an unrecognizable rage crashing through her, and before she could stop herself, she had sent her fist through her wall - and directly to the outside of her home. Her own astonishment rendered her momentarily speechless, entirely frozen, and she wiggled her fingers in the cool outside breeze.

Did that just happen? That just happened, right? She wiggled her fingers again, felt a leaf slip past them, and with a jerk she wrenched her hand back inside, eyes locked on her hand as if it were an alien. Her gaze darted back to the hole before moving onto her appendage again. Her mom was not going to be happy, but her shock and budding excitement won out over her fear of being reprimanded.

ā€Yup, that definitely just happened.ā€

Too soon, the two weeks that they had left had come to pass. She found herself wishing her family well, giving them her love and comfort as much as possible before she left. Even as she walked out the door, she was still clinging to her motherā€™s hand - until their fingertips could no longer touch, and their eyes locked until they could no longer see one another. Only then did Oriane turn to face the road ahead - the road to, at this point she figured sheā€™d be as cheesy as possible, her destiny.

Her path took her to Miss Lilithā€™s door once again, and for what she could tell, would be the final time. Hesitation brought her to a brief halt at the foot of the pathway, hands gripping the large duffle bag type suitcase she held atop her back. Was she really going to feel discouraged now? Sheā€™d had more than enough time to prepare, both mentally and physically. She was well fed, had slept well, and was ready to go. So, what was stopping her?


It was such a foreign feeling for someone usually so brave, so ready to try the newest adventure. She had only felt this sensation a few times before, and it was similar to when she was preparing to jump from a massive height, or something close. At least now she could ask Lilith about the things that she had been experiencing over the last few weeks - the sudden increase in her speed during her mile run, her rather astonishing development when it came to her strength, and why she was suddenly able to accomplish moves with ease that had formerly been done with difficulty.

Her adrenaline was pumping already, and with a rather exaggerated breath, she trekked onward, knocking on the door rather aggressively. Might as well get it over with.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Louverno Character Portrait: Euphemia Aphelion Character Portrait: Oriane Soleil Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Lilith Evers
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0.00 INK

ā€Move on.
You have memories to hold onto.ā€
Speech Code ~ #0B610B
| Thought Code ~ #01A9DB

Relax Your Mind ~ As You Read

Before she knew it, they had moved past the discussion of the boys - and therefore away from the emotional turmoil - and onto preparations. The discussion of clothes gave Artemisia pause; she knew that most of them were not in a situation to prepare adequately for a trip of this capacity, but she, on the other hand, had the financial means as well as the connections.

A glance around the circle, she took in each of the women there, trying to recall what they all were currently involved in. Only when she stopped on Rhea, who was actually standing rather close to her given she had crossed the room in an effort to offer the smaller girl some comfort, was she reminded of the girlā€™s current enrollment in the fashion department. They had recently made costumes for Artemisiaā€™s play and they had turned out beautifully. It was a great irony, given they would be traveling somewhere that the current fashion was reminiscent of medieval times.

Luckily, she loved the fashion of that era and found the dresses as well as the hunting maidens outfits lovely. In a way, she was somewhat excited to go. Not only would she be able to dress up, but she was going to be able to see her brother again. Her heart twinged at the thought, and she moved on from fashion; she could snag Rheaā€™s phone number from her friend in the fashion department and text her later. For what she had planned, she would need her help - and she was more than willing to pay whatever was necessary to accomplish her goal.

Thankfully, she had spaced out enough that by the time she tuned back into the conversation at hand, it seemed as though they were wrapping up. The Queen disappeared and Lilith had a few words to say, but otherwise, they were finally free.

Or as free as they could get, she supposed.

The next two weeks were spent in a flurry of emotions. Between being busy preparing to leave - she had managed to contact Rhea and had set up everything necessary for the clothes she had wanted to have prepared for everyone - and trying to cope with everything that she had come to learn, it was overwhelming, to say the least. She found herself spending a lot of nights tossing and turning, unable to sleep as her brotherā€™s face, so young and innocent in her memories, swirled behind her lids every time she closed her eyes. Her mother and father screaming, begging that if not spare them, then to at least spare the children. The shrieks of dying dragons taking their final breaths, rocking the terrain to the very core of the realm as the magic of their lives left them one final time. The whimpers of the other princesses and princes, the quiet sobs of Mia alongside the strangled, garbled gasps of Kenny. Her brotherā€™s own ragged, shallow breaths as he lay beside her, struggling against a budding illness from the dank cell. The memories haunted her every waking moment, and on the rare occurrence that sleep befell her, they came back ten-fold, almost as though under a microscope and launched into hyperfocus.

Sia could not escape it, so she found herself wandering - where? She did not know - but wander she did, from her apartment, to the campus, and eventually across town and all the way to her adoptive familiesā€™ home. It was late, far too late for a household visit, but she found herself yearning for a familial touch - any touch of love. Her parentsā€™ deaths, while long ago, were so sudden and so fresh in her mind, and with how her brain worked, everything was coming back quickly and vividly. She could still see the splatters of blood as the rampage went on, and on, and on. Instead of fighting it any longer, she simply gave into it.

When her parents awoke that night, it was to a loud thud at their front door. Both out of trepidation and concern, they approached and opened it, only to fight a slumped over Artemisia, dissolved into sobs that wracked her entire body. It was a sight that they hadnā€™t seen since shortly after they had taken her into their home and decided to call her their daughter. As a child, nightmares of the unknown - a monster with gleaming dark eyes and a twisted grin - had haunted her, leaving her screaming and crying for her new mother almost every night. Then, almost just as suddenly as they had begun, they had stopped, and one night she was finally able to sleep without issue. Then the next, and the next, until she no longer dreamt of the monster with glinting eyes and the splatters of blood that came with the gnarled smirk.

The next few days were difficult, between her parents trying to coax the story out of her and Artemisiaā€™s hesitation in divulging everything. What if they did not believe her? What if they thought her crazy? They would stop her from going, and that was something that absolutely could not happen.

After much prodding, she finally gave in and admitted everything to her parents who, surprisingly, took it rather well. They did not give her the looks of someone looking at a crazy person; instead, they looked somewhat intrigued and asked more questions than she had been prepared to answer. It took some time, but they were eventually convinced and, despite not necessarily needing it, gave her their permission to go. Who were they to stop her from chasing her past, or her future?

Packing, on the other hand, brought her a sense of comfort. Now this was something that she was used to. Between schooling and regular travels for vacation and the like, she had had more than her fair share of preparing for a trip, and the tedious motions of doing so relaxed her more than she would admit out loud. Always a smart traveler, Artemisia packed light on clothes - they would be given more on their arrival, from what sheā€™d gathered - and had already sent delivery instructions for the clothes sheā€™d had made to be delivered to Miss Lilithā€™s address. Instead, she focused on the necessities - toiletries were a must, as well as medical supplies. Her art tools and books were on the list, alongside her first polaroid camera and several extra reels of film. Bottles of water and snacks went in next, as well as a compass, as basic survival guide, and a few more advanced medical books, if the need arose. A towel, a swim suit, a multi-tool, flashlight and a knife - she was essentially preparing as though they were going on a rather long camping trip. Lantern, sleeping bag, binoculars, a headlamp, and a few other random but what she deemed to be essential items - she somehow was able to slip it all into a large but manageable hiking backpack. The only thing left was to grab her bow and arrows when the time came.

A glance around her room, and she found herself spiraling once more. It was all so stifling. She had arranged care for her cat as long as was needed, as well as set up someone with a job that would automatically pay them each month to go around campus and feed the stray animals there - something that she had been doing but would no longer be able to do given where she was going. Everything was too much, and she needed to escape.

So once again, Artemisia found herself wandering. It was late, but she could not quite tell how late - just that it was dark enough that the streetlights gave off an ethereal glow. It was raining, but she barely noticed, and stopped only when she had reached a large willow tree. It provided some cover from the drizzle, and only then did she notice how positively soaked she was. For whatever reason, though, she did not notice the chill that was settling into her bones. Instead, she found herself lowering to the ground and curling underneath the tree.

Who even was she anymore? A drip of water trickled down her nose, mixing with the warmth of tears that she only then realized she was shedding. Her fingers laid before her, the image of them marred by the blur of her tears, and she found herself curling them into fists. None of this was fair. What had any of them done to deserve this? They were children, for Godā€™s sakes! The things the boys were undoubtedly forced to endure - she shuddered even thinking about it.

There was no way that they were going to come out unscathed.

Knowing she could not lay there forever, Artemisia found herself slowly moving onto her hands and knees, and then up so that she was only on her knees. Her face turned upwards, her gaze on the beautiful leaves of the willow that loomed above her. In those leaves, she saw her motherā€™s beautiful eyes between them, the glints of the stars above giving them a mesmerizing appearance.

Her eyes fell closed, the droplets of water adding a soothing sensation to her cheeks. Fingers curled in the grass below her, and she felt herself calming a bit at the familiar sensation. The phalanges relaxed, spreading out over the earth and smoothing across it. When she finally opened her eyes once more, they widened just slightly at the sight of beautiful bloomed wildflowers under her hands. Had she done that? No, there was no way - right?

But if magic exists in Rhindeval, and Aurora has found she has ā€¦ abilities ā€¦ Then is it truly so farfetched?

She did not know, but what she did know was that all of this was beginning to add up to one big headache.

Before Artemisia knew it, the two weeks had passed. Exams were over and she was certain she had aced them, so that was one less thing to worry over. Now, she found herself simply stressing over the upcoming travel and subsequent events that would undoubtedly unfold. Would she be able to survive this? Would they all be able to?

There was no use fretting. What was done was done, and she had made up her mind. Opting to leave her car at her parentā€™s house where it would be safe, she had them drop her off in front of Miss Lilithā€™s. A heartfelt goodbye later and she was climbing out of their vehicle, grabbing her bag and archery set, and her parents were off, her mother waving from the window until they were entirely out of view. It was difficult to watch them go, and for the first time in a long time she felt like that small child when they had first adopted her.

Shrugging off the sensation, she turned around and was greeted by the fashion department head. Having been given such a large order with such a short period but with more than ample pay, he had wanted to ensure that everything was delivered correctly. Not really in the mood for idle chatter, Artemisia kept the conversation short, paying the man and motioning for him to leave the two boxes of clothes on the bottom of the front steps. They would open and disperse them once everyone had arrived; for now, just to get inside.

Noting Orianeā€™s presence at the top of front step, Artemisia found herself slow to approach but once she had, offered the clearly energized girl a small smile of greeting. It was all she could really muster, given the flop in her stomach, so she settled to wait for the door to open - it was clear Oriane had already knocked, and doing so a second time would just be silly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Louverno Character Portrait: Euphemia Aphelion Character Portrait: Oriane Soleil Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Lilith Evers Character Portrait: Meridian O'Donohue
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0.25 INK

euphemia aphelion.
dialogue ; #ab9b9d. ā€“ thought ; #ed97a5.

The time in the basement eventually comes to an end - thank god - and they're freed from the space that was quickly starting to feel suffocating for Euphemia. The walls closed in, the fairy queen's voice burned inside her head, and all she wanted to do was leave. It seemed others were just as eager, Oriane soon making her exit followed by Artemisia, Rhea gone right after and Euphemia saw no reason to stick around, a quick and desperate escape without much of a goodbye to any of the remaining girls or Lilith and the queen.

Tatsuya had been waiting for her when she'd eventually arrived back to her apartment, still hungover no doubt but he was up and going by now, bedhead barely tamed while he poked away at the bit of food left on a plate in the kitchen. At least there was a sense of normalcy when she's gotten back after a few hours of what felt like delusion and dissociation.

It's a week or two before there's any word of things from Lilith again. A week or two that had been nothing short of hell for Euphemia, frankly. Her professor had been kind enough to let her make up the missed solo performance at the fair with a different one for some fundraiser, and while she hadn't aced the rest of her finals, she'd at least passed all her classes. At least that wouldn't cause any issues.

Then came the issue of trying to figure out how to explain all of...this to her family, her friends. Nothing sounded ideal, nothing sounded sane and...she had no idea what to do about it. Were the others being honest? Maybe, but there was no way anyone she knew would believe her. Maybe Tatsuya, but she didn't feel like springing that on him. Her parents - adoptive - were kind, but they'd raised her since she was young, had her through some of her worst mental spirals and breaks, and she knows that if she started talking about these things, they'd assume it was another, panic and worry and probably wouldn't let her leave the home for her safety. She couldn't tell them.

So she doesn't tell anyone. It feels stupid, but being open about these things also felt stupid. Instead she makes up some story about studying abroad, an intense course that would leave her out of contact for a long while. Not to worry about her, because she would be fine. This was a step towards a great career or something cool to put on her resumƩ, or just some experience and opportunity she couldn't pass up. Her parents had seemed uneasy about it, but supported her when she seemed insistent; perhaps they were happy to see her passionate about something for once? Tatsuya had seemed to have his suspicions too, but he keeps his lips pursed, refrains from saying anything strange. "As long as you're happy, I guess...but how long will you be away?" A few months, probably. Hopefully...not longer than that. "And you can't call? You can't even...write a letter or something?" ...No, probably not. "...Okay. Well just...promise you'll be back eventually, you know? I'll wait for you, I'm sure the others will too. I promise I'll keep your apartment clean and ready for you whenever you're done and back."

She's grateful for him, really. A little reassurance, someone to go back to if things went absolutely south. Sure he was just a friend, but he was her closest friend, as she was to him. Saying goodbye to him was the hardest part of leaving.

She has no idea what she should pack. What was she supposed to expect to have provided when arrived to fantasy land? What would be useless, what would be useful? Surely most of her tech wouldn't do much good, but she still packs her phone; even if it wouldn't work and would probably be dead within the first few hours of arrival, she didn't want it to seem like she was trying to disappear completely or go somewhere to die without a trace if she left it behind and someone found it. She packs some clothes, and a lot of underwear. Even if her outfits and styles probably weren't fitting for whatever style Rhindeval had, she wasn't going to be wearing medieval underwear, thanks! It helped that she went braless half the time too, but she still grabbed a few of them, just to be safe. Shoes, though just comfortable ones, and some more practical pairs of sneakers. Some snacks, little things that probably won't expire for another hundred years, a notebook, and she hesitates, but slips a knife into there as well. A little sense of safety, however odd others might see it. Other practical things are mixed in too.

There's so much more and the bag feels too full, but she tops it off with a few pictures too. Ones that leave a little pang in her heart as she tucks them away into the duffel bag, safe so she could look at them later when being away hurt too much. She never thought she'd care about leaving somewhere behind, but it was different when there was the possibility of no return, and when it felt like it was probably going to be an entirely no-contact, isolation situation. No going back, though.

Euphemia cries for the first time in a long while, full, deep sobs. She's glad no one is there to see it, or hear it.

Eventually she receives Lilith's email, and it's a final hug and goodbye to her parents, her mother who can't seem to hold back tears and her father who holds it together only a tiny smidge better. She hates to hurt them again, to lie again, but she can't find it in herself to be honest about this.

She rides the bus most of the way, then walks the rest, regrets that a bit when the bag starts feeling way too heavy, but it doesn't matter. In time she reaches the only slightly familiar home, a sold sign out front as expected, and Rhea on the step. It felt a bit ridiculous that they were arriving at the same time again, but whatever.

Euphemia lets her duffel bag drop with a hard thud on the porch as she climbs the few steps to the door, careless - it wasn't like there was anything fragile in there - and it seems to startle Rhea a bit, jumping in her spot before turning around to look at her. "Hey again." Comes her voice, "looks like we're on about the same time schedule, the way we keep running into each other here at the same time. Guess you've probably already knocked too."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Louverno Character Portrait: Euphemia Aphelion Character Portrait: Oriane Soleil Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Lilith Evers
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0.00 INK

rhea louverno.
dialogue ; #7760b6. ā€“ thought ; #a14f86.

Arhen's life still being intact hits her deep, and even after speaking she still finds herself shaking a little, small breaths all she can manage as she processes things. It's Artemisia's hand on her head that draws her gaze up from the ground, a little teary, but she tries to blink it back, a faint embarrassment surfacing in the color that reddens her cheeks. So emotional, everyone else seemed to be holding themselves together, but she just...couldn't. And then there's a small, comforting smile, and she lets one or two tears slip past, a small shaky smile of her own in return.

If this was what the others were like, even if it was just Artemisia, then maybe she would be okay. Maybe it wouldn't be so painful, if she could rely on them to be by her side, if they could all work to support each other.

Things seem to be closing out, though, and maybe she's a little relieved, unsure her heart can take anymore pain or stress or even relief at this point, a rollercoaster of emotions of every kind. Eventually Artemisia's hand drops off her head, and her and Oriane are leaving, Euphemia following after them in turn and leaving Lilith, Meridian and Aurora to talk if they weren't also heading out. Rhea had...a lot to do now, after all. Even if most of that was just continued processing.

She had eventually arrived back home, Mathias still waiting there and practically jumping up to greet her with a hug once she'd walked in, not even enough time to slip off her shoes. Too many questions, about how it was, who she saw, conversation and more, and though she knows he means well, she eventually quiets the conversations and questions by announcing her need for a nap. He'd backed off then, letting her go up to her room while mentioning he was heading to the store; he'd cook dinner for the two of them to share tonight.

Though the nap had been an excuse to get away from questioning, she did end up falling asleep. At least this time the dreams stayed away.

The next two weeks passed both fast and slow. Artemisia had suddenly contacted her, apparently getting her number from a friend Rhea knew was in the same department. An order for sets of clothes, and though most assumed it was just for an event or something similar, she knew better. Each of these would be worn by one of them, probably almost as soon as they were finished. Her classmates gladly helped her with the project, an enjoyment out of putting together out of ordinary outfits they weren't used to. In the end they'd barely finished in time, and Rhea had been relieved when they'd been boxed up and waiting for Artemisia's "okay" to ship them.

She'd been doing her best to work things out for her apartment as well. Mathias - now well along in his modeling and acting career - had been happy to offer to cover her rent for her until she came back, almost as if a reassurance that she would still have home home and something of normalcy once she returned.

If she did.

In the end the only one she had been honest with was him. They had always been closest, and while she did love her adoptive parents, her relationship with them hadn't always been as honest and open as it had with her brother. Not related by blood, but they may as well be with how attached at the hip they were. To her parents she had spoken of returned memories, of a trip planned that would last quite some time to return to her hometown - land, but they didn't need to know that - that she would be going with friends - half a lie, half a truth; she wasn't overly familiar with most of them, but she felt like she could trust them, that they could become friends, and maybe she considered one or two of them friends already - and she wasn't sure when she'd be back. They'd seemed fine with it; so long as she was safe, she could do as she liked. She was an adult now, after all. Mathias she was far more honest with, and though he'd had reservations and seemed to be stuck with a decent amount of disbelief, he hadn't vocalized any of it, and had instead done his best to show his support and comfort in words and actions.

She was grateful for him, and if Rhindeval ended up not being the home for her, then she would still have this one to return to.

Mathias had helped her pack, and conversation had been lighthearted, maybe avoiding the elephant in the room, but it could very well be the last ones they ever shared. She's grateful for a bit of normalcy.

Her bag is packed tight, her paranoia getting the better of her. Maybe there's useless things in there, but she can't help it. Sentimental, stressed, clingy. Mathias lets her take one of his rings. There's a little bracelet he gives her too, a simple half pendant on it that he holds the other piece to. Little things to remind her of home, to reassure her when things feel hopeless or isolating.

He's the one to drive her to Lilith's, grumbling a bit about "...shitty roads screwing up my car..." and a few final joking questions over if she's sure she's not joining a cult, but no complaints otherwise. She feels it's his attempt at lightening the mood one last time, before final goodbyes and she can no longer turn back. And eventually they pull up to the house, far too quiet in the car until she finally turns to him, a sudden tight hug as she tries her best not to cry again, but it's in vain. Their final goodbye is painful, and he stays long enough to see her walk up to the door, a wave and a pained smile before he drives away, disappears down the road.

How long would it be until she could see her brother again?

Rhea's gaze settles on the door all the same, her bag still clutched in front of her with both hands, but one moves up to lightly knock on the door all the same. And then she sighs-

And jumps. There's a louder thud as a bag is suddenly thrown onto the porch, and she stares at it for a moment before Euphemia's voice brings her attention back up, a simple, "hey again," offered, a few more words as she settles in next to her on the porch, foot absentmindedly kicking her bag. Rhea hopes there's nothing fragile in there.

"Mhm, just a second ago." Eventually comes her response, small startle fading off and her shoulders relaxing again. "I wonder if we're the last to arrive again too? I could've sworn I left soon enough to arrive a little early..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Louverno Character Portrait: Euphemia Aphelion Character Portrait: Oriane Soleil Character Portrait: Artemisia Evergreen Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Lilith Evers
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Lilith Evers ~ Aurora Givens ~ Meridian O'Donohue

Codes- #C71585 ~ #5477B9 ~ #46935C

No sooner had the new arrivals sat down, there was another knock on the door. Lilith answered it immediately and saw it was the last two princesses.

"Oh good you're here. The rest are also here. Why not come in for a minute for I have something to say to all of you before we leave."

Meridian waved at the new arrivals. She was definitely anxious to get going. Aurora was relieved to see them too. Even though both had pledge to return, she was still concerned. Soon Lilith addressed them all.

"If everyone is ready, we'll be leaving now. Please try to stick together on the highway. The ride shouldn't take too long, just about 15 minutes. Hopefully there won't be too many people there. School is still happening for regular school systems in the area. I just need to get my luggage in my car. Again, thank you all for coming back."

With that, she went back to her room to grab her stuff.

Meridian sighed and said, "If anyone needs a ride, I have room in my car. I have visited this park plenty of times since I enjoy camping."

"I never camped and I've never been to this particular park. But I do have a car too if anyone needs a lift." Aurora added

Soon everyone was out of the house and Lilith was the last to leave. Looking at her old home one more time, Lilith took the house keys, placed them in an envelope, and put it under the mat. The new homeowners would be here in an hour, and Lilith had notified them where the keys would be. Eager to get going, Lilith went to her car and put her luggage in. Seeing everyone else was ready, she got into her care and soon the entourage of vehicles took off.

They made it to the park in one piece, thank goodness. When they arrived at the park, Lilith drove a bit further in to the place they would park. It took a couple more minutes to get to that location. There was barely enough room for all of the vehicles though. Getting out of the car, Lilith waited for the others to get out of the cars before addressing them.

"I hope all of you are wearing good walking shoes for we will be going off the beaten track at one point. I mentioned this in my letter, but the trek will take about an hour to get here. I've already brought most of my magical gear here and that's how I came up with my estimate. If you need to rest at any point, let me know."

"Miss Evers, uhh, what is going to happen to our cars? They can't exactly stay here for several months," Meridian asked as she got her gear out of her car.

Lilith smiled for she did think about that. Seeing no one was about, she waited until all of the girls got their luggage and gear out of the vehicles until she pulled out her wand.

"I already know what to do Meridian. Just watch and see."

Steadying herself, she spoke some magic words and magical energy swirled around her and she launched magic at the girls' cars and caused them to shrink to the size of key chains. In fact, that's exactly what she changed them into. She picked up the cars and handed them to their respective owners. Each was actually a key chain.

"If any of you plan on coming back, you'll have your car to get around. So try not to lose it okay? I'll teach anyone the spell to change them back to their true form at some point. For now let's get going shall we?"

Dumbfounded, Meridian put her car in her fanny pack and followed Lilith. Aurora was quick to follow too, she was excited and had a big smile on her face as they walked through the park.

It took them a little over an hour to get to the site. Lilith wasted no time and addressing the crowd again, waiting for them to catch their breaths for it had been a bit of a rough trek through the forest. Meridian was glad she had on bug spray and Aurora had to pull a few twigs out of her hair.

"You all did well getting here. Now the hard part begins. Here's how we're going to do this. I am going to open a portal for us to walk through, but the journey to Rhindeval won't be merely walking through it. We're moving through time and space, so it'll be like jumping into a drop. If any of you have watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, it's like a port key, very turbulent but thrilling. First thing I'll do is sent my own magical gear through it first. Rest of you hold onto your gear. We'll basically be falling out of the sky when we arrive in Rhindeval. The fairy queen will know immediately when the portal is open and will mask the magical energy this spell emits so Ivelda won't know it's us since she knows my magical energy. The landing will be bumpy, but we'll be fine since we've done it before when Ivelda banished us to Earth. I'll be the last to go through the portal because someone has to keep it open. Any questions before we begin?"

Meridian raised her hand.

"My memory of when we were banished is still foggy, but how did Ivelda well, 'banish us'? I don't think any of us would have willingly walked through a portal."

"Because Ivelda opened the portal right beneath us. We had no warning at all."

"Oh, well, I have no more questions."

"I don't have any questions either," Aurora added.

Seeing no one else had any other questions, Lilith centered herself. Taking her wand, she started murmuring ancient words used to open a portal. It took a lot of magical energy to do so, and both Meridian and Aurora found themselves lending Lilith a hand in opening it up. Eventually the rest of the princesses shared their magic with her too.

The instant a tear in time and space appeared in the sky, Eowyn felt it. Centering herself as well, she sent out her own magical energy to not only mask Lilith's magical energy, but to help open the portal more, at least on Rhindeval's end. She and her entourage were ready for Lilith and the princesses right outside the sealed enchanted forest in Lostein.

Once the portal was big enough for them to travel to, Lilith shouted, for the magical energies were great.

"I can only keep it open for a short time! So please hurry after all the extra stuff goes through!"

While Lilith had her primary wand, she always had one for back up. So with her back up wand, she used it to levitate her magical gear and her own luggage through the portal.

Meridian was ready for she had her own luggage in hand. Suddenly, Meridian's pendant lit up and before she even knew it, she found herself literally flying through the portal as she screamed.

"Meri!" Aurora shouted as she ran after her through the portal, luggage in hand.

Lilith waited as all the rest of the princesses went through. Just in time too because she was losing strength as the portal started to close. Walking carefully to the portal, she broke the magical connection as she finally leapt through it.

Meridian was free falling while moving all over the place. It was like a burst of energy had consumed her and she couldn't control it. She kept a strong grip on her stuff for the ride was unlike anything she felt. Suddenly she felt drained though and accidentally lost her grip on one of her bags as she merely fell now. Aurora ended up screaming the entire journey, recalling feeling this way when they first teleported to earth. She never liked thrills. But the trip itself didn't take long as they all saw a bright light up ahead as they fell through it. Soon they were falling through a regular blue sky as they head right for a tree line.

"They're coming your majesty!" Iris shouted with glee as she saw the humans coming down.

"I see that Iris," Eowyn smiled.

Seeing Lilith, she closed the portal before using another burst of magic to 'catch' each of the princesses and Lilith before they hit the tree line.

When the girls landed, they would see that Lilith's gear was grouped together for Eowyn's subjects collected them as they fell to the ground. Someone also caught Meridian's bag too.

Aurora was out of breath by the time she landed. Something had 'caught' her and she landed gently, but dropped to her knees as she tried catching her breath. Meridian had collapsed all together. She felt like she ran 3 marathons at full speed. It took Lilith a bit to recover also, but pretty soon she found herself being tackled by a very enthusiastic Iris.

"You're here! You're BACK! I knew you would return one day! Oh Lilith!" the fairy cried.

It took Lilith a minute to realize who it was and hugged her back as she started crying too. She had done it, she was home.

Aurora watched in awe. She recognized the fairy too but it still felt surreal to see a fairy in the flesh in ages.

"Iris? Is that you?" she found herself asking, her voice a bit hoarse.

The fairy pulled back from Lilith instantly and turned to Aurora. Her eyes opened wide in surprise, and she forgot that humans aged quicker than fairies.

"Oh my gosh! Princess Aurora! Look at big you've gotten!" she shouted before tackling the blonde princess too.

"Iris, really?" Eowyn interjected.

Remembering herself, Iris withdrew, and she wiped her eyes.

"I am so sorry your majesty, I am just so happy!"

Shaking her head, Eowyn turned to the rest of her subjects there.

"Please assist Lilith and their highnesses. We'll get moving once they've recovered from their journey. We're near the seal."

Nodding the other fairies went to each princess to over them their service. Meridian needed help getting up by a few of them and a female fairy helped her with her gear. Iris herself helped Aurora with her own things. The fairies used their magic to carry their things.