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Rise of Hybrid Creatures of Magic



a part of Rise of Hybrid Creatures of Magic, by ScarnyLuv.


ScarnyLuv holds sovereignty over Danaleya, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Danaleya is a part of Rise of Hybrid Creatures of Magic.

17 Characters Here

Scarny Pretige [27] "To heal a million would harm a trillion"
Ahura Mazda [27] "I shall not flee from a problem or flail at my demise."
Rilletta Zalea [19] Shall I sing for you?
Roth Quellesh [15] How may I help you?
Zella Fathrone [11] "To take the water from me is to kill me"
Henry Baskerville [10] Are you calling me a snake? I’ll take that as a compliment.
Faron Deminion [9] "Careful love, I might burn you to the core."
Lodan Maryain [9] "The moon controls me like it controls the waves"
Tahless [4] large purple eyes gaze around the area, as muscles remain tense, ready to leap at any time

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Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige
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Scarny walked through the forest feeling the plants starting to wake with the sun. She loved to wake up early to feel the world around her wake up. She walked over to a fairly large tree and sat down at the bottom of it. No sooner had she sat down that she realized it was a weeping willow. Not just any weeping willow, though, the one she first came to as a small child when she felt nature calling to her. She giggled to herself and laid her head back up on the tree and listened. She became startled when she felt something fuzzy on her. She looked and saw her protecter dragon laying on her hand. She smiled at the dragon and put her other hand on one of its paws. She watched the dragon for a while and listened to the world comming to life. She was about to fall asleep when she saw animals coming towards her. This made her smile widen and she couldnt help but call to them. "Come little, come big, come all who want thee fig!" She sang the ancient poem with pride and joy. She didn't know what time it was when she finally fell asleep on the tree.


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Character Portrait: Zella Fathrone
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Zella woke up slowly and got dressed. She left the cabin and walked towards the lake. On her way she transformed into a full Undine. She had to run in order to get to the water fast enough. When she made it she dived in and went strait to the bottom. She didn't come back up for a while but when she did she floated up higher than the pond was, she floated high in the sky and around on loops. Then she setled down on land and conjured up water warriors. They would spawn after another disappeared. She would fight them for a few minutes before finally destroying them.


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Character Portrait: Lodan Maryain
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Lodan stretched and yawned as the sun started to come up. He hopped down from the tree and shifted to his human form. You could only see his ears sticking up out of his head. He was very tired and weak because it was almost a full moon. He walked over his cabin and climbed up on to his cabin and laid down curling up like he was still in his fox form. He watched everyone wake up and start on their daily duties. He waited a while before jumping down and heading for the woods so he could go hunting. He was in charge of bringing back meat for the whole camp. It didn't take him long to find a large buck using the spirits. He quickly shot it down and carried it back to camp. He laid it down and the cooking cabin then headed back to his cabin to lay back down.


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Character Portrait: Faron Deminion
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Faron arched her back as she stretched her long slender body under the sunshine. She watched as each individual muscle flexed as she did so. Her perfect pale skin almost seemed to reflect the morning light. Her hair was not much different, pale and now a little askew due to her sleeping. She rubbed her red eyes, they seemed to swirl, as if they were nothing more than vats of molten lava. Red's and oranges turned under the surface.
The girl adjusted her strips of fabric she called clothes, it was the remains of a flame retardant blanket, it seemed to be the only thing she could wear for long periods of time without it going up in flames. She wondered what the day had in store for her, she was a loner, she always had been.


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Character Portrait: Ahura Mazda
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A pair of citrine iris's flashed as Ahura started to wake. He lazily shifted to his side and watched over the tree branches the sun rising. It's ascend toward the heavens was absolutely magnificent. Ahura stretched slowly as a sudden breeze ruffled the Angha's hair. At the current moment he was in his human form. Although he hates the disadvantage's of being human, like how it was harder to avoid objects due to his blindness, he still loved the feeling of the soft downy breeze brushing his bare skin. Ahura yawned and straightened his back before getting up and climbing down the tree. Once his feet hit the soft earth, he breathed in the pure air. "What a magnificent day today..." He answers to the suns gleaming rays peeking over the horizon.

Ahura took a moment to ponder what all he would do today. Travel? Nah, he did plenty of that yesterday...Do more and he would be completely exhausted by noon. Might as well take it easy and meet new people. Pupiless eyes gazed at the trees in front of him. "Hmm...I wonder if there are any travelers who could direct me to the next civilization..." He states plainly and to himself. Another breeze grazes his skin and the human begins a great deal of shivering. Shivering turns into shaking as fur covers skin. His bones reorganize themselves into their true spots and wings form on his back. Once the Angha had completely transformed back into his true self, he wandered into the woods.

His eyes were fixated on one point and his wings and long tail dragged the ground. Movements. Lots of movements. "Well...At least I'm not completely alone here..." Some were familiar. A deer, squirrels, birds...Just your average everyday animals. But some weren't. These unfamiliar vibrations had to be other people. He just knew it. "I wonder where I'll head to first..." There was an abundance of vibrations coming from the NorthWest. Plus his nose smelt the familiar smell of cooking meat. "Hmm...I'll go here first then." With that said, he bolts toward the direction of food. His hind legs kicking up dirt an rocks as his claws scraped the ground. A sudden thought came to mind and he wasted little time in voicing it out. "I just hope this community would be ever so kindly. I'd hate to run into an adversary..." He states as he makes his way through the brush and approaches the camp.


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Character Portrait: Zella Fathrone Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige Character Portrait: Faron Deminion Character Portrait: Lodan Maryain
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Scarny was awakened by the smell of something delicious. She awoke slowly then smiled putting her hand on the dragons head. When it woke up it looked startled and alert. Then is calmed itself and slowly stood up stretching in unison with Scarny. The animals around them ran off seeing the dragon awake. That made Scarny smile more. When she felt she could finally fly she hopped on the dragons back and it took off leaving large groves from its paws in the ground. They came quickly to the camp and it felt to soon for Scarny. When they landed they wondered over to the cooking cabin and got some food sneaking a little extra for her dragon. She left and walked over to the dragon. She stuck a peace of bead on her pointy ear and played with the dragon. Moving every time it went to get the bread. Then she finally let it take the bread. Then they walked over to some trees and sat down eating.

Zella stopped sparring when she got bored. She wanted an actual partner not water spawns that she quickly killed. She sighed then dived into the water again searching for fish. When she found enough she cam back on shore and her form became human again. She started eating the fish raw when something took her food. She jumped up and shot a blast of water at it and used the water around it picking it up and throwing it around. She finally put it back down and laughing. She pat the serpent on the head as it put the fish back, taking one to eat for itself.

Lodan could feel the activity growing around him. He sighed and jumped off of the building. He walked around for a while. Then he saw a girl in barley anything. He became worried then realized he couldn't see an aura from her. He could see many large dark spirits around her though. He walked over to her slowly before he realized that she was a demon. He smiled to himself before speaking up. "Sorry to bother you but I became worried when I couldn't see the aura of your spirit. Now I know why."


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Character Portrait: Eurus Fata
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#, as written by Fencer
Flying through the skies in his human form, his favorite one yet fliyin in that form was something that he didn't does very often since it was slow and very tiring , but from time to time wasn't so bad, Eurus gave himself that pleasure occasionally of course not always went very well and this seemed to be one of those times.

His energy ran out sooner than he thought and he became unable to continue flying normally that wouldn't has been a problem but this time he was flying higher than it would have been advisable and when he got tired began a free fall, he was forced to stop a few feet above the ground by transforming in fairy, because the reputation the fairies had he was trying to avoid changing in that form.

His blond hair grew and turned silver, his ears were more pointed and some weird mark appeared on his face, the good thing was that his height didn't change and his wings weren't like the butterfly although resembled those of another insect, fly was natural in that form si he landed softly near the camp and turned back to his human form, it wasn¡t very manly but at least still alive.

Garm, the Ice Wolf and his protector came to him running, he was following throughout the path, the boy walked towards the cabin and took something to eat.


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Character Portrait: Faron Deminion Character Portrait: Lodan Maryain
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As the male approached, Faron turned to look at him.

"Sorry to bother you but I became worried when I couldn't see the aura of your spirit. Now I know why." He said. She flashed him one of her award winning smiles. She tossed back her white mane as she laughed.

"Intresting, those eyes of yours. Can you see my linage from all the way over there?" She had a small animal in her hand she had grabbed earlier with a shadow cage. She was slowly roasting it in her hands.

"You can come closer, I don't bite," Her voice was smooth and creamy, seductive. She patted the ground beside her inviting him to come sit.


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Character Portrait: Faron Deminion Character Portrait: Lodan Maryain
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Lodan sat down but not right next to her. He didnt like to get close to people. He feared they could force his change into a kit dune and take his tails. Do indtead he sat just out of reach of her. His little orange ears flicked in every direction listening for danger. They would settle down they start up again but he ignored them easily. "I have never met a demon up close before. If that's what you call yourself."


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She laughed at his question. it amused her that he was afraid of her. She watched his ears flicker around on high alert. She supposed he was rightful to be scared of her. It wasn't like her species had a very good reputation.

"I don't call myself anything really, you can call me Faron." She smiled to play it off but she was a little ashamed of her heritage. Her powers were dark and terrifying, and she could easily destroy almost any life around her.

"Are you hungry fox-boy?" she gave him a seductive smile. "If that is what you call yourself." she used his own words against him in a playful manner, offering him some of her food.


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Character Portrait: Ahura Mazda
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As the Angha slowly made his way out of the thick undergrowth, his wings and tail gradually got lower and lower toward the earth until finally, they rest on the soft soil. He stops abruptly in the middle of the camp and brings his head low to the ground. Observing the near vibrations, sounds, smell, he came to the conclusion that this was a harmless area. Ahura's nose lifts toward the sky once more and sniffs out the cabin with food. As he approaches the lodge, he senses a familiar being. One of an elf and the other of a fairy. "Hmm...I seem to fit in better than expected..." he whispers with an inaudible chuckle.

He stops in front of the cabin and takes some of the fresh meat. Before leaving, he digs through a small bag strapped to his side and pulls out some silver coins for the chef. He knew he didn't live here and taking food just for the entire day, maybe two, just didn't feel right to him. Plus, the food that he takes decreases the amount for others. Ahura just thought that it was just an act of generosity. I mean...These people needed money...right? On further thought, he had no idea what these people used for currency. Maybe they just traded kills? If so, then Ahura will surely hold up his end of the bargain when the time comes for him to leave. For now, he thought he would just converse with the locals.

Ahura sat down, making himself comfy before tearing off pieces of the meat and hungrily gulping them down. After the carrion was finished, he got up, walking over to just about any direction he pleased. After a couple of minutes of walking, his face collided with the wall of the cabin he was sure he got his food from. He yelps slightly and holds his nose in pain. "Ouch..." He mumbles before spreading his wings and gently flying off of the ground and onto the lodges roof. He rest his head on his paws, curling his peacock tail over his legs and his wings over his face. A little afternoon nap wouldn't hurt a thing...


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Henry Baskerville felt special, of course he was always special because he was one of the only ones that had special clothes, not that he wore his mask when people weren’t watching(or were when elder weren’t around), but he had found some new victims and one of them was napping outside. It had been weeks since his last playmates had ran him off, some internal bleeding here, a poisoned well there, maybe a little damage to the head because they had looked into his beautiful eyes too long. He didn’t know how good this guy was at knowing when people were coming at him, but they didn’t say as silent as a snake for nothing. He gave his mask to his servant Doug the Draug, who was the only one he talked to face to face, well as long as Henry didn't spit in his face and melt it, he had got mad and done that to a few undead before. Henry then got on his belly and slid right up to his face and waited for this thing to wake up, he wondered what would get them his eyes or his breath.


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Just as Ahura was drifting into the void of peace, a sudden smell pierced his internal cavities causing it to burn somewhat. He recognized the stench anywhere and immediately held his nose. Ahuras eyes slowly open. "Well...It's certainly been a while since I've seen a basilisk.but really how long has it been...Three...Maybe four decades? And my! Aren't your kind sneaky!" he chuckles a little bit before returning to his normal self and sitting up. "Well off I go." he gives a cocky grin before spreading his wings and flying off toward the woods. He lands on the ground skidding to a halt. Ahura sighs and trots over to a small tree. It's fanning branches provided ample shade from the sun and Ahura set his head on his two front paws to rest.


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Character Portrait: Rilletta Zalea
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#, as written by Layla
A curved figure of a woman made entirely of water rose from the oceans. Flowing waterfall hair cascaded down a transparent back, her clear eyes reflected the light, making them shine with an ethereal kaleidoscope hue. She stared through her transparent hand and wept, making the ocean shake and ripple. Large waves crashed onto beaches as she wept in loneliness.

Rilletta had not seen another being - other than her sea creatures - in what felt like eternity. Then again, time passed differently in the ocean. A year for her could be decades for the mortals. Opening her mouth, the most enchanting voice spilled from her lips. She sang and her voice echoed throughout a large expanse, drawing people to her. Rilletta was oh so very lonely in the ocean. She was all alone and she wanted company in the waters. Her voice was the most beautiful sound, it was more alluring than the greatest of singers for Rilletta was a Siren with beauty beyond compare and a voice more melodic and lilting than that of a thousand angels.

Her sadly enchanting voice reached the land and the skies. From her lips her voice was the dawning and setting of the sun, moonlight and honey from a forbidden fruit in a mystical land. Come to me. Her naked body, though made of liquid, appeared solid as it glowed with something more than human. She was a beacon for all sailors, for beings of the sky and land. Those who heard her voice would drown to reach her or live in misery without the enchantment of her Siren Song should they survive. Rilletta's voice was haunting and filled with tragedy. Help me. In a voice sweeter than nectar, she sang of the Snow Maiden.

In a dried land, namely, at the ends of a red scorching hell

There was a mansion made from ice.

And I strongly wish to tell you an ancient story about it.

That mansion was cursed because of the ice.

There was an strong seal put over it.

And in one room of that mansion, a girl of ice was locked up.

The girl was completely alone.

Until a day, by pure chance, she was surprised when a boy that lived traveling opened the doors of the ice mansion.
The eyes of the boy reflected the sad expression that the ice girl had,

so the boy decided that he had to help the girl.

The girl thought, "I am very glad that you have talked to me..."

But her icy face couldn't speak.

The girl rejoiced, "I am so glad that you are here with me..."

However, her icy face couldn't smile.

Once the icy girl felt the warmth of the boy, she melted into water.

Then, the water soared as if it had wings, and returned to the heavens.

In a dried land, namely, at the ends of a red scorching hell

The voices of joy resounded.

And I strongly wish to tell you an ancient story about it.

The girl that returned to the heavens became rain, and fell over the land.

It was a great, great blessing.

And in the middle of that rain of joy, the boy left that village.

Once he realized that the body of the girl had become that rain, the boy became greatly saddened.

And then, he departed on a journey to find the heart of his lost girl.

Completely alone.

The girl thought, "I am very glad that you have talked to me..."

But her watery face couldn't speak.

For the sake of her boy, the girl was glad to become the rain, and downpour over the land.

However, her watery face couldn't smile.

Once the icy girl felt the warmth of the boy, she melted into water.

Then, the water soared as if it had wings, and returned to the heavens.

"Thank you for loving me so much."

The girl was very glad to have become a blessing for the boy,

and she smiled for the first time.

The frozen heart of the girl turned into water when she felt warmth.

And maybe that was because the tears the boy shed for her were very warm.

Rilletta had been water for so long - she no longer remembered how to turn her body into flesh and bone. She did not even remember what legs looked like. But Rilletta sang and she hoped someone would come save her. With kaleidoscope eyes, she looked to the Heavens - and sang.


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It had been a month now sense Golith had been forced out of his home. He had caused a flood to happen that destroyed some people’s property. It couldn’t have been helped thou, he had been sad after the death of the only close friend he had in that small village and his sadness brought rain. It rained for so long that the river over took its banks and washed away a few of the peoples things and caused a lot of water damage. He had heard of a camp that took in creatures of a magical nature and he sincerely hoped this would be his last move.

Golith was flying over a dense forest when he heard a sirens call. Normally he would have ignored the song but there was a deep sadness to it and he felt compelled to investigate. Flying low over the forest he landed on a beach. Looking around he spotted a figure. Taking on his human form he walked over to it and recognized the curved features of a women maid of water. Finally standing before her he asked, “Why sing such a sad song to attract others to you?” In his experience most sirens would sing a joyful tune to fill there victims with a light hearted feeling just before they were brought to a watery grave.


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Character Portrait: Rilletta Zalea Character Portrait: Golith Storm
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#, as written by Layla
Rilletta watched as a midnight dragon flew overhead - she stared up sadly and wished she could fly, too. The dragon landed on the beach ahead of her and transformed into a young man with light hair. Reaching a liquid hand towards him, she sang in a strange language. The song of the Snow Maiden was not in the tongue of the humans, you see, but her eerie words could be understood. It was as if everything she sang made complete sense, even though it was not a language anyone but the creatures of water would understand. Free me, she thought with all her might as she sang - this time for the light haired boy. Come to me. Her thoughts were not mere thoughts, they were enchanting echoes in her voice - haunting melodies that made you want to obey.

"Sasye irs ween gat guol roon yanje," she sang. In one room of that mansion, a girl of ice was trapped. "Ar sasye." The girl was completely alone.

“Why sing such a sad song to attract others to you?”

Abruptly, the Siren silenced herself. There was an eerie quiet after, as the waves crashed against the shore and the Girl made of water regarded the Boy who was a dragon. Rilletta parted her lips to speak but her being of water could not speak and even if it could, she did not remember how. Singing was very much different from speaking. Rilletta did not understand why the boy had not yet come to her. He had heard her song, he should be wading through the water to reach her by now. With sad kaleidoscope eyes, she drifted forward, her torso made of oceans gliding forward like a wave. Except she was not a wave, she was a beautiful creature made of waves. Rilletta drifted forward until she was close to the shore but still, too far away.

I do not know how to be a human, she wanted to say. The Siren wanted the dragon who could transform into a boy to teach her how. I cannot speak.

"Ri-let-ta," she said carefully. She nodded proudly and she wished to smile but her watery face could not. It was hard to see her, as she was see-through but if you tried hard enough, you could see the unusual shapes of floating water that made her. Rilletta had a small, upturned nose and full lips. Her kaleidoscope eyes were the most noticeable feature of hers, being large and bright. Her long hair was a waterfall down her slim back. "Rilletta," she repeated.

Rilletta wanted to tell the boy she sang sad songs because she could not bring herself to sing anything but. Sirens sang the truth and Rilletta was sad and very lonely. She did not know if the boy who was a dragon would understand what she meant by 'Rilletta' but she was happy that she could at least say her name. "I am-" she paused, unsure of what word came next. "Siren." Rilletta had a unique and otherworldly accent. It was unusual but melodic and feminine.

"You," she said in her lilting voice as she pointed at the red-eyed boy. "are bird." She reached her hand through the water and when she pulled her slim fingers out, a small dragon swam into the sky from the surface of the water. Rilletta was very proud of herself for speaking so many complicated words.

"Come," she lilted, pulling a little further backwards into the ocean with her arms held out towards the pale haired boy. "Was yea ra yor pagle."

I am very glad you have spoken to me.


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Roth floated upside as a he magicked an apple into existence. He started chewing it when he heard the sound of singing. He felt inspired and magicked a mandolin out of thin air and began to play it along with the song. The apple floated next to him as he floated in teh direction of the song.

Just as quickly as it had started teh singing stopped. There was a long pause while Roth continued to wait as he retuned his mandolin

"Well that is disappointing," he said as he had only gotten through a couple verses. He shrugged and took another bite of the apple and slowly floated, more or less in the same direction. Roth hummed the verses he had heard and replayed the tune.

The sound returned but it was shorter. Almost like conversing. Roth knew many magical languages but he was too far to make out any of it. A book appeared before Roth titled 'Magical songs of the Magical World' He read the floating book as he followed the lilting voice in the distance.

"Not a harpy," he noted as he was heading towards the sea. Roth was no idiot but he did know he didn't know this language so he magicked another book before him. "How to speak Siren/Mermaid: Coral Reef Dialect and More!"


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"Ri-let-ta," she said carefully.

“So that is your name, my name is Golith,” he said as he watched the girl try and talk. From the looks of it she had forgotten how. As she continued to try and speak she named herself a siren, and named him a bird. Golith looked at those kaleidoscope eyes, something about them hinted that she wished to say more. They almost pleaded with him. She stepped back a bit and held out her arms, inviting him into the water. He held no fear of the water and so he walked into the crashing waves. He stared into those eyes again. They spoke volumes, they showed sadness and a deep want of something but he still could not tell what it was. “What do you need,” he said, “If there is anything I can do I would be willing to help.” He realized he was waste deep in the water now and vernable if she decided to stay true to a sirans nature and drag him to an early grave. He could hold his breath for almost indefinitely but still he couldn’t actually breathe underwater.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rilletta Zalea Character Portrait: Zella Fathrone Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige Character Portrait: Faron Deminion Character Portrait: Lodan Maryain Character Portrait: Golith Storm
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Lodan's ears perked up when the singing started. "Its a siren. I can tell. Nasty creatures they are." He said grabbing a mouse and popping it in his mouth. His favorite snack was owl eggs but he did like mice as well. He declined the food she was offering and started playing with a grass hopper instead. "They control people's mind with their song and get them nto the water where they die. Horrible." He was ready to go on a rant and he knew the ways of a demon. "Demons are civil about it. Sirens are horrible. They just kill all the time to kill. Demons have reasons." He growled in his chest as he started tearing the grass hopper apart.

Scarny heard the a faint tune then soon after she felt the earth change. It confused her and the confusion transfered to her dragon who rose it head also confused. She could not tell why the earth suddenly changed. She rose and climbed onto the dragon. They shot into the air and she looked around to see how much had changed. It wasn't a large bit just around the lake. She flew over top and landed silently near the lake. She watched things unfold.

Zella saw the shape of the water take a form and became confused. She looked at the serpent who looked at her questioning why she put that there. "I didn't do it you big lug." She told him then got up leaving the fish for him to eat. She came closer and saw it was a siren. Then she saw the unfortunate victim and pushed him back on shore using the waves. She ran over and held her trident, now in full Undine from, at the siren. "Back away Siren! You are not taking another victim anytime soon! These are my waters!"


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Character Portrait: Ahura Mazda Character Portrait: Rilletta Zalea Character Portrait: Zella Fathrone Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige Character Portrait: Golith Storm
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As the Angha tried yet again to nap, a beautiful melodic voice filled his ears. Again, his brain analyzed the tune and he recognized the voice to be a Siren. But it did sound somewhat...How does he put this...Slang if you were to call it. Maybe a hybrid of some sort. As soon as the thought came to mind, the earth has astonishingly shifted. To others it might have felt weak, but to the sightless Angha it felt like a landslide. Soon after this, many vibrations were heading toward the lake to see such a beautiful creature. Lets just hope he/she is a friend. Suddenly, a large vibration took place just beside him before it completely disappeared. "Oh maybe a flying creature such as I...Hmm...Well, might as well hear what all the commotion is about..." With that, Ahura took to the skies and headed over to the lake. As he lands quite near to the bank he shifts into his human form. An elf with her pet were to his right. Carefully, as if not to frighten her or alarm her beast of some sort, he gently taps her shoulder. "My apologies if I'm being a disruption but what all is going on?" He says with a somewhat cocky grin. His eyes never really looked at her directly, but more toward the far right of her head.


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Scarny turned and smiled before the boy touched her. "Hello. I am not sure what is happening. I just know that the siren was talking to that boy and then a Undine girl pushed the boy away from the water then jumped in to at what looks like a challenge." She told him then added rather quietly. "I have never seen you around before." She could tell that he was feeling the change in the earth. She didnt meen to read peoples minds it just happened to her. There was some that just happened to her. She would get their thoughts. Others she would just think about them and then suddenly she would have the thoughts in her head.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ahura Mazda Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige
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"Hello. I am not sure what is happening. I just know that the siren was talking to that boy and then a Undine girl pushed the boy away from the water then jumped in to at what looks like a challenge."

Ahura nods slowly. The explanation lacked a bit of detail behind it, but he didn't say anything. Everyone around here didn't even know who he was. How were they to know that he was blind?

"I have never seen you around before."

Ahura's face immediately washes over from a quirky grin to a more serious look. "My apologies madam. It seems I've forgot to introduce myself. You see, I'm but a small traveler. I trek from place to place, meeting knew people, learning knew things, then I go in search of another place willing to accept me in their domain." Ahura clears his throat. "My name is Ahura Mazda." He gives a slight bow of his head. "And what is your name miss..." He says with curious iris's that still seemed to drift upon the lake and onto the commotion.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ahura Mazda Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige
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She nodded and smiled at his politeness. "I, kind sir, am Scarny Pretige Daughter of High Elf Cartony Pretige." She said glowing with pride for her fathers title. "I have been ranked as High Elf recently though." She told him her pride deflating when speaking of ehr fathers death. In reality it was not recently bu hundreds of years ago. She may have looked 17 to a human but she was much much older than that. "Excuse me for being rude I did not realize. What more would you like to know about what is happening." She was shocked and felt horrible for not understanding it before that he was blind.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ahura Mazda Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige
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As the girl explained her ranking and of her fathers recent death, a small frown formed upon the Angha's face. "I'm so terribly sorry to hear that madam Scarny." He says with genuine sadness and sympathy. The conversation pressed on and Ahura was surprised at her sudden realization of his blindness. Was he not looking at her now? He started to feel a tinge of paranoia burning through his soul. He shakes his head with a small smile on his face, "Ah, nothing more needs to be said." he says politely before walking up to the bank and sitting down. "Beautiful day to be observing a spectacle such as this don't you think?" He says with a grin. In his mind were thoughts of how this stir was going to end. Would it be a beautifully striking battle of grace and swiftness? Or would the fuss just commence a small argument in which verbal attacks are used instead of physical or mental abilities? Either way, people sure seemed interested.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ahura Mazda Character Portrait: Scarny Pretige
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Scarny frowned and sat next to him. "This is nothing to be amused of. It is horrible. We should have peace and work together. Not fight. Our world was once peace and love. Now that man is here it is full of hatred and war. I will admit some of them are fin like my mother but most of them are cruel horrible people. This coming from an elf who loves all is saying something." She took a deep breath. "It hurts her you know? Nature I mean. She hates it very much." She put her hand on the ground and took deep breaths in an attempt to give him natures feelings. She could feel he thoughts slipping into her mind. She also thought about the argument going on right now.