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Lilly Vatalini Bedford

"I am the Lord of Shadows ..."

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a character in “Rise of the Ruinosus: The Return”, as played by NasiaWords


Name: Lilly Vatalini Bedford

"I am the Lord of Shadows ..."


Age: 15
Gender: Female


Description: Lilly has long, blood red hair that she usually keeps in a messy ponytail. Her bangs are cut jagged and are always hanging in her face. Lilly also has piercing red eyes, almost look like that of a demon; her eyes turn cat-like when she is angry. Her small, delicate figure makes her look younger than she truly is. She doesn't go out much, so her skin is rather pale. The only thing somewhat large about her is her chest area. She prefers wearing shorts and skirts, along with tank tops and her favorite pair of combat boots. Everything she owns is black, the only color she feels comfortable in. Though small, she definitely packs a punch.


Personality: Lilly, who prefers Vatalini, is generally the same as any other shadow mage. She likes to take night classes, hates being in the light and sleeps a lot. She is overall a smarty pants and loves to prove others wrong. But it doesn’t take a lot to get her in a bad mood. She absolutely loves to pick fights, and can hold her own, but her cockiness comes back at her most the time. If you become a close friend to her, she loves to pull pranks, even life threatening ones. This is the reason she doesn’t have many friends.


- Main Power Area: Shadow
† Shadow Puppet: Can manipulate shadows from up to 75 feet away.

† Shadow Fire: Creates a fire out of shadows that can pass through anything, sending a shock through the object it is passing through.

† Dark Wing: The ability to create wings out of shadow that act as real wings, giving the ability to fly fast but for only short periods of time.

† Summoner: Summons shadows for the Underworld, more powerful than normal shadows. Usually in the form of demons, such as beautiful men, women, and creatures.

† Shadow Clone: Creates a clone of the caster, made entirely of shadows. Being made of shadows, they can move and think on their own accord, but must obey their creator.

- Special Move:

† Shadow Lord: Creates a giant shadow puppet that engulfs the creator, moving as they do, with the ability to use all elements. Cannot be taken down unless hit with an enormous amount of light or the creator is killed. Other than that, the creator can stop it by will unless not properly trained, and then there is the possibility of them being over thrown by the shadows.

-Secondary Area: Fire

† Flame Sword: Creates flames that spin rapidly around the weapon of the creators choice.


+ Dark Places

+ Fighting

+ Scaring Strangers

+ Friends

+ Forests

- Light

- Laughing other than her own

- Rules

- Her Teacher


History: Lilly was abandoned when she was a baby, and left to the shadows. Literally. She would be abnormally advanced for her age as a shadow mage, but her cockiness always got in the way of her training. She was set to school by her shadow so she could learn better control. As a young girl, and for the rest of her life, Lilly was raised be shadows, which wasn’t abnormal anymore. Anyone who has known her since she started elementary school knows what type of person she is.

Anything Else:
- Is currently in a relationship with Bryce Zephyr.

- Receives private magic lessons from the teacher, Mr. Beckenfield .


Name: OZ


Personality: OZ only speaks to Lilly and her closest friends, and always has an apathetic look on his face. He never pays attention to anyone and always has his face stuck in a spell book. In reality, OZ is Lilly’s shadow, just in a different form. He can also create different forms, but they are all scary shadow people. He changes into the forms at the will of his Master. He is very respectful, calling Lilly Master all the time, but once he changes form, his shadow insanity is revealed. All shadows are considered insane unless in their ’human’ form.



+ Books

+ Silence

+ His Master

+ Sleep

+ Dark Places

- Light

- Most laughter or happiness

- Anyone who speaks against his Master




So begins...

Lilly Vatalini Bedford's Story


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Character Portrait: Zachary Reinhardt Character Portrait: Lilly Vatalini Bedford
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Lilly leapt to the side dodging Zac and sending her Shadow Fire off the dagger and speeding towards Zac. Zac rocketed past Lilly missing her with his off hand, not attempting to hit her with the blunted sword in his hand. At that speed it could have killed her. Still, Zac was impressed, he figured he was going way to fast to track and he would have had to cast a sleep spell on the fly. "Say... a sleep spell..." Zac thought, "that's not bad!" Zac picked up speed, it was time to turn it up a notch and end this.

As he pushed himself off the next rock, he noticed the shadowy flame she'd launched whiz right through his left shoulder. He felt the fatigue wrack his entire body. "Not now, I'm so close." He thought to himself, pushing off the fatigue once more, growing very weary. Zac blasted his way around the rock field picking up speed despite how heavy his limbs felt. Finally, Zac caught a glimpse of Lilly. She'd landed on her butt from trying to move out of the way to quickly, but still went on fighting. "There ya go, let's see some more of that determination of yours!" Zac thought. “I’m not going to let you get in my head! This isn’t over until I say it’s over and I’m not going down that easy! You may as well give up now!” Lilly said.

Zac worked his way back around the rock field, picking up speed again, he saw Lilly get up, turn, and run behind one of the giant boulders. Zac maneuvered his way to the side of her hiding spot, blasting himself past her, letting his blunt sword smash through her cover. It shattered and sent Lilly flying forward onto her knees her tentacles. As he flew past her, Zac noticed she'd summoned the tentacles like during her fight with Luke. Zac pushed off the next rock he hit, flinging himself high in the air. Yelling loudly, Zac dropped from the sky on top of Lilly who'd turned over just in time to guard her body with her hand and send the black tentacles through his body. Zac felt the breath rush out of his lungs. The tentacles felt cold and deadening. With his last effort, Zac landed, swinging the sword right past Lilly, cratering the ground next to her with the force of his downward blow. Lilly sat there in shock. She gasped and the tentacles on her back lashed out at him once more, Zac dodged the tentacles, getting in close and kneeling down. He touched her forehead with his pointer finger, casting a sleep spell and knocking her out instantly with the last little bits of his energy. At that exact moment, Lilly's shadows faded, and the sky brightened up. Zac's magic goggles fading, as it was day outside the dome, the light was perfectly bright, not too dark and not too luminous.

After that, Zac stepped back a few feet, propped himself up against a boulder and sat. He sighed heavily, she'd done very well. Zac could have killed her quickly, but for her to force him to work that hard to knock her out was a statement to be made about herself. Zac was overall quite pleased. Her form was lacking, but she was a wonderful opponent. To be fair, Zac had already tired himself out on Robert, but she had still done spectacularly for a first year. The sleeping spell he'd put on her wasn't very well supplied with energy. She'd be up again in ten minutes max, giving Zac enough time to repair the damage to the battle field and recover his energy. After eight minutes of sitting, Zac got up, finally feeling up to the task. Once more, Zac clapped his hands together and concentrated for a moment. Bringing things down was always a lot easier that forcing them up. With a good effort all the rocks, except one, and all of Zac's swords had returned to the earth, smoothing out the landscape. Zac carried Lilly over to the last Rock standing and sat her upright against it, returning her dagger to her hands. Finally, Zac sat across from her and called Pitt over to him, waiting for Lilly to wake up.

"You did well Zac," Pitt whispered. She was obviously not in the mood for talking and just sat in Zac's lap, sitting in the crook of his wrist on the hand he'd left in his lap. "Thanks Pitt. I love you. Feel better soon, ok? It's no fun when you aren't my crazy Pitt." Zac said. He bent down and kissed Pitt on the top of her head, patting her softly with his other hand. She smiled at him. Remembering something, Zac called out to Oz. "Hey, Oz, we're all done here and Lilly will be waking up soon. Don't worry, I didn't kill her, she's just sleeping. However, I think it'd be best if you were present when she wakes up, I have a feeling she won't want to talk to me right away. Still, you should be proud of her. She did very well."

(OOC: Note, I did do this with Nasia's permission. @Miss Nasia, if you'd like me to change how this happened, I will gladly do so, I figured this was as fair as I could possibly make it while still keeping our agreement.)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary Reinhardt Character Portrait: Lilly Vatalini Bedford
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OZ watched the battle unfold, fearing for his Masters life. It seemed like forever until it was over. He, OZ, actually almost cried as his Master was defeated … he thought she was dead. “Master …,” he tried to yell but it came out as a whisper. He couldn’t move. Zac cleared the field so it was the same as before and carried Lilly over to a rock, setting her upright.

"Hey, Oz,” Zac’s voice broke OZ’s worried thoughts, “we're all done here and Lilly will be waking up soon. Don't worry, I didn't kill her, she's just sleeping. However, I think it'd be best if you were present when she wakes up, I have a feeling she won't want to talk to me right away. Still, you should be proud of her. She did very well." With that, OZ burst through the trees and dashed to his Keeper’s side. He grabbed her hand and brushed her hair from her eyes.

“M-Master,” his voice faltered. “Master.” OZ’s spirit soared as Lilly opened her eyes and was looking straight up at him. Before she could speak, OZ stopped her by speaking himself. “Relax … you gave your all … please take it easy …” Lilly was confused at first until she caught a glimpse of Zac and her eyes widened. She looked quickly back up at OZ, small tears forming. “Shh. You did amazing, Master.”

“I … I l-lost,” she said as her chest tightened up. She clamped down her teeth trying not to show any signs of weakness. “I was scared,” OZ said. “I thought I had lost you Master.” He laid his head on her shoulder and held her in a tight hug. “Don’t fight anyone anymore … not until you are really ready.” Lilly slowly wrapped her arms around OZ. Her hands made fists, but went limp as she couldn’t hold back the tears anymore. It was embarrassing to her, not only was she crying like a two year old in front of one person, but three people. “I-I hate you Z-Zac!” She didn’t mean that she was never going to talk to him again. Of course she was horribly upset she lost to him. It was all she could think to say.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary Reinhardt Character Portrait: Lilly Vatalini Bedford
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OZ burst through the trees and dashed to his Keeper’s side. He grabbed her hand and brushed her hair from her eyes. “M-Master,” his voice faltered. “Master.” OZ’s spirit soared as Lilly opened her eyes and was looking straight up at him. Before she could speak, OZ stopped her by speaking himself. “Relax … you gave your all … please take it easy …” Lilly was confused at first until she caught a glimpse of Zac and her eyes widened. She looked quickly back up at OZ, small tears forming. “Shh. You did amazing, Master.

I … I l-lost,” she said the realization finally dawning on her. “I was scared,” OZ said. “I thought I had lost you Master.” He laid his head on her shoulder and held her in a tight hug. “Don’t fight anyone anymore … not until you are really ready.” Lilly slowly wrapped her arms around OZ. Her hands made fists, but went limp as she couldn’t hold back the tears anymore. “I-I hate you Z-Zac!

"Ahh crap..." Zac mumbled, "I went and made a little girl cry." Pitt looked up at him from her spot in his lap. She could see he was genuinely upset. Were those... were those tears? No way. Zac never cried. Now he'd done it twice in a day? After his entire life had dealt him the worst possible hand, after all his stress, he'd still been stoic and strong, her beautiful amazing Zac. Pitt gasped softly. This was such an odd day...

Zac looked at Lilly, sitting there, broken, crying her eyes out into her demon's shoulder. Suddenly, Zac had a brilliant idea. He stood up, placing Pitt on his shoulder. "I'm sorry." He said, wiping a tear from his eye quickly and hoping no one would notice. "I know how important winning feels. I know that losing is hard, but think of it like this. You've fought expertly twice in the same day against two mages who are older and much more practiced than you. That in and of itself is impressive. I wasn't running around challenging my upperclassmen... ok, well I did do that as a freshman, but I didn't win, and I never did it twice in one day. I'm no different than you in that respect, hell, I'm worse. Thing is, as of right now, between you and me, I've just been around longer and learned some hard lessons." Zac chuckled, remembering a particularly embarrassing loss to a student only a year older than him who'd hung him from the flagpole by his underwear. The chafing had been unreal.

"You're well on your way to being even stronger than I am. You'll be a fantastic mage someday and I really mean that. I can tell. I wasn't doing as well as you were when I was you age. I can promise you that." Zac said, he was finally reaching his point. "So, for my own curiosity, I've got a proposition to make to you. Train with me. Let me teach you the things I learned the hard way. We'll fix your sloppy form, we'll work on your control, and I will fight friendly matches with you whenever you like, wherever you like however you like. I don't want you to hate me. I'm still up for being friends you know, not now if you're still raw about this, of course. Later maybe, when you're feeling up to it." Zac finished, tears forming in his eyes.

He'd remembered why he wanted to help her so much, to be friends with her so much, to reach out to her as much as he did. She was just like him. She'd been alone, no real family apart from her demon. Even then, she'd had Oz for more time than he'd been with Pitt. She was hated for being who she was, a shadow mage, just as Zac's father had hated him so much for inheriting their family's magic.

"Obviously you're tired of me now and I'm rambling. I'll leave you guys alone I guess," Zac said with a sniffle, wiping his eyes again. "See you tomorrow." He finished, turning around and walking away. "I'm proud of you Zac." Pitt whispered in his ear. "That took real guts. I love you so much Zach-y." Pitt said softly, smiling at him. He smiled at her softly and kissed her forehead. "Thanks Pitt." He sniffled.

(OOC: Prepare for the feels!)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary Reinhardt Character Portrait: Lilly Vatalini Bedford
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OZ listened to everything Zac said, not sure if Lilly would. He was grateful that someone was extending a hand to her and not just brushing her off. He stood from Lilly’s side and ran in front of Zac as he left and bowed deeply. “Thank you. Very much. I know she can be a hand full, but on her part, I would like to accept your offer to help her become stronger.” But his acceptance was almost unnecessary, for a stumbling Lilly slowly made her way directly in front of Zac.

“One … I’m not a little girl,” Lilly said as she wiped her eyes free of tears. “And two … you better be listening, because I’m only going to say this once …” She looked away briefly. But after making eye contact with him, Lilly got on her knees and bowed deeply to Zac. “I’m sorry … please help me become a stronger person … I have too. I don’t know what a friend is … so I never knew how to act in front of others. But please accept me as who I am and help me …” OZ smiled down at his Master. The sight of her pleading for someone’s help was a magical thing in itself. Lilly didn’t want to lift her head, out of pure embarrassment and the fact that OZ would be making some face that would probably make her burst into tears again. The demon made his way to his Keeper and placed a hand on her back. It was his little way of saying, “I’m proud of you.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary Reinhardt Character Portrait: Lilly Vatalini Bedford
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Oz, Lilly's demon, ran in front of Zac as he was leaving and bowed deeply. “Thank you. Very much. I know she can be a hand full, but on her part, I would like to accept your offer to help her become stronger.” Zac was just about to say something, he wasn't sure what, as it had taken him completely by surprise, but Oz's acceptance was almost unnecessary, for a stumbling Lilly slowly made her way directly in front of Zac.

One … I’m not a little girl,” Lilly said as she wiped her eyes free of tears. “And two … you better be listening, because I’m only going to say this once …” She looked away briefly. But after making eye contact with him, Lilly got on her knees and bowed deeply to Zac. “I’m sorry … please help me become a stronger person … I have too. I don’t know what a friend is … so I never knew how to act in front of others. But please accept me as who I am and help me …” OZ smiled down at his Master. The demon made his way to his Keeper and placed a hand on her back.

Zac was flabbergasted, to say the least. This was... incredible. Quickly shrugging it off, reminding himself to not expect it again in the future, and kneeling down to where Lilly was, Zac placed his hand on her shoulder, "That took a lot of guts Vatalini. I'm proud of you, Oz is too." Zac said, looking over at Oz with a smile. "That was the first step. It involves taking a real hard look at yourself and deciding what needs to be done. Now that this is over, and you know what you've got to do. You can only go up from here." Zac stood and smiled, offering Lilly his had to help her get up. "Now get up, don't ever bow your head to anyone again, it's not natural for you of all people to be doing that Vatalini. I'm gonna warn you now, my training is hard. And since you're not a little girl, as you so aptly reminded me, I think I'll rachet it up another notch, so I'm not disrespecting your ambitions. We'll start hard and it'll only get more difficult from there. You will be sore, you will be stiff, and you will hurt when we're finished. There's no pussy-footing around it. However, I'll bet by the time we're off to Jersey, you will kill those Devils with twice the efficiency that you have done so previously. If you're not, I'll refund your purchase price and let you wail on me till you're tired from swinging. Deal? So when's good to start, wanna start now? Or are you hungry, because I'm hungry. Still, whenever's best for you, friend." Zac finished with a smile. "As for your... crying... Don't worry. I won't tell anyone, after all, you have a reputation to uphold."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary Reinhardt Character Portrait: Lilly Vatalini Bedford
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Zac placed his hand on her shoulder, "That took a lot of guts Vatalini. I'm proud of you, Oz is too." Zac said, looking over at Oz with a smile. "That was the first step. It involves taking a real hard look at yourself and deciding what needs to be done. Now that this is over, and you know what you've got to do. You can only go up from here." Zac stood and smiled, offering Lilly his had to help her get up. "Now get up, don't ever bow your head to anyone again, it's not natural for you of all people to be doing that Vatalini. I'm gonna warn you now, my training is hard. And since you're not a little girl, as you so aptly reminded me, I think I'll rachet it up another notch, so I'm not disrespecting your ambitions. We'll start hard and it'll only get more difficult from there. You will be sore, you will be stiff, and you will hurt when we're finished. There's no pussy-footing around it. However, I'll bet by the time we're off to Jersey, you will kill those Devils with twice the efficiency that you have done so previously. If you're not, I'll refund your purchase price and let you wail on me till you're tired from swinging. Deal? So when's good to start, wanna start now? Or are you hungry, because I'm hungry. Still, whenever's best for you, friend." Zac finished with a smile. "As for your... crying... Don't worry. I won't tell anyone, after all, you have a reputation to uphold." Lilly smiled an took his hand, pulling herself up.

“Thank you Zac,” she said, dusting herself off. “I’m starving, OZ and I were going to go raid some place, wanna come?” Lilly grabbed OZ’s hand and bit the inside of her cheek while looking down. “I need to stop by the dorm and change though.” Her clothes were wrecked and dirty. “Thanks,” she said to Zac. Her boots were clean and didn’t look too scuffed up, but not so bad she needed to steal a new pair. Lilly stuck her dagger on the inside of her boot. OZ made his way in front of her and knelt down. “I’ll carry you Master. I’m sure you are really tired. Do you want to stop by the nurse and get checked on?” Lilly jumped on his back and shook her head. “You know I don’t like hospitals or anything remotely close to them. They smell nasty.” She rested her head on OZ’s neck and shoulder, letting out a long sigh. “Thanks OZ. Now, to the dorm.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary Reinhardt Character Portrait: Lilly Vatalini Bedford
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Thank you Zac,” she said, dusting herself off. “I’m starving, OZ and I were going to go raid some place, wanna come?” Lilly grabbed OZ’s hand and bit the inside of her cheek while looking down. “I need to stop by the dorm and change though.” Her clothes were wrecked and dirty. “Thanks,” she said to Zac. Her boots were clean, albeit a bit scuffed up, but not so bad she needed to steal a new pair. Lilly stuck her dagger on the inside of her boot. OZ made his way in front of her and knelt down. “I’ll carry you Master. I’m sure you are really tired. Do you want to stop by the nurse and get checked on?” Lilly jumped on his back and shook her head. “You know I don’t like hospitals or anything remotely close to them. They smell nasty.” She rested her head on OZ’s neck and shoulder, letting out a long sigh. “Thanks OZ. Now, to the dorm.” Zac stood still and watched as the pair walked off. They seemed closer now, Lilly and Oz. Before they looked so rigid, they had a horrid master and servant dynamic, it was closer to what it should be. They almost looked like friends. Zac smiled, it was nice. If only things like this could last forever. However, nothing good ever stays the same for long.

Zac started to walk back to the school, and by extent, his dorm and shower, when he heard a soft voice in his ear. It was Pitt who was sitting on his shoulder. "Zac, I feel... warm." Se said, softly. "Me too," Zac replied, "the pair of them are finally getting along. "No Zac, I'm hot... I need some water." SHe said, this time, it felt... weak. Zac picked Pitt up off of his shoulder and cradled her in his hands. She was burning up. He face was red, she was sweating, and her eyes were fluttering. "Pitt, are you ok?" Zac asked, the urgency in his voice belayed a sense of worry. "Come on Pitt, what's wrong sweetheart?" Zac asked, this time he almost shouted, there was something wrong. "I'm so tired Zac. My body hurts. I'm too hot..." She trailed off, her eyes shutting.

Zac didn't remember flying past Lilly and Oz. He didn't remember the tears that streamed down his face. He didn't remember blasting through the school doors and roaring down the hallway to the Keeper's Nurse's office. All he remembered was asking, "It's not me this time, it's Pitt. What's wrong with her? Please, what is it?" Next came an odd answer. "She's ok. I don't know what she's suffering from though. I've never seen anything like this." The nurse had cast a spell that displayed her vitals on a little glowing orb. Her heartbeat was stable, her temperature was high, but stable, and her organs were functioning at 100%. Biologically, there was nothing wrong with her. However, he shortness of breath and rapidly fluctuating magic levels spoke differently about her condition. "Her body is functioning perfectly, however, her magic levels are rapidly changing. At some points, it's higher than anything I've ever seen on the demon of a child your age. At it's lowest, it's nothing to even look at. I'm not sure what's happening. I need you to calm down and answer a few of my questions." Zac's breathing wouldn't slow down, and the tears wouldn't stop falling, but he felt better. She was ok. She was mostly ok.

Zac followed the nurse into another room, away from the sleeping Pitt who was having a full diagnostic run on her by the Nurse's demon. "Now, I need you to tell me everything about your demon." She said forcefully. "Everything?" Zac asked. This was a long story. He wasn't sure he was up to giving it all at once to a Nurse he hardly knew. However, if it would help Pitt, Zac would sing.

Zac started at the beginning.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary Reinhardt Character Portrait: Lilly Vatalini Bedford
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Lilly and OZ weren’t even close to the school building when Zac ran past. Lilly watched as he ran his way to the school building, seeming to be in a panic mode or something. “What was that about,” Lilly mumbled. She felt OZ shrug his shoulders beneath her. But her stomach let out a horrible growl, demanding to be fed, automatically distracting her. On their way, they saw a small explosion on the roof, figuring it was Robert. “OZ, I’m really hungry. What are we going to eat?”

“Whatever you want, Master. But you have to clean up before we go down to the café.”

“No,” Lilly demanded. “No café. We are going into town for some grub. I hate the food here. We can go … scrounge up some money, get some Chinese food and bring it back to the dorm!” Lilly stopped talking for a second, to catch her breath. She couldn’t believe how exhausted she was. “I wonder what would have happened if I had used Shadow Lord … or at least tried.”

“Last time you used it, you were knocked out for like a week,” OZ said as they finally made it into the school building. “Besides, it also backfired last time and gave you a horrible scar. If you don’t give the shadows what they demand, it can turn deadly. You should be more cautious. I think you should wait till you know more about shadows before you utilize them anymore.”

“Haven’t you already shown me all I need to know about them? The one’s that took me in told me all they knew, didn’t they? I mean, who could tell someone more about shadows than an actual shadow.” Lilly sighed, not knowing why OZ had gotten all worried all of the sudden. Was it because he thought she was dead? Or was it because he thought that the shadows were too much for her to handle? “I’ll be fine, OZ. You don’t have to worry so much. I grew up with shadows and trained with shadows. I know what I’m doing and what price I’m doing it at.”

They finally made it to their dorm room, earning glares and looks of confusion from passing students. To them, OZ looked like a regular teenage boy. So him wandering around in the girl’s dorm was definitely odd. But they had cleared it up with many snooty girls that he was there to help his sister around. His half blind little sister, Lilly. That was the story anyways. Lilly’s eyes always had a hazy look to them, different from everyone else’s, so it just helped to confirm the story. She wasn’t really half blind of course. She probably had better vision than most the people in the school.

~~Few Minutes Later~~

Lilly and OZ strolled down the street, looking for people to pick pocket for extra cash. Lilly had showered and changed quickly, being driven by pure hunger. She felt like if she didn’t eat soon, she would die. “Master,” OZ’s voice interrupted her daydreaming of food. “I have about $100. This should cover us for a while. You want to still get Chinese food?” Lilly nodded, not even bothering to ask what poor sap he snatched it from.

A quick stop at a restaurant later, the two were heading out the door when a little ... incident occured.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilly Vatalini Bedford Character Portrait: Bryce Zephyr Character Portrait: Robert Beckenfield Character Portrait: Alan Lapchinski
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"Remember, we have Jersey Devil training tomorrow, so be up and ready."

"Thank's sir that makes me feel a bit better about loosing. But Imma go get some food! Let's go Ikari." They leave the roof as Robert begins talking to Al. Getting down to his room Bryce cleans himself up and changes clothes. "What do you want for food Ikari?" She thought for a moment. "There's a really good Chinese Restaurant in town." "Sounds great! I'm starving." He scoops her into his arms and starts jogging for the restaurant. As they run Ikari looks up at Bryce. "Bryce you know I love you right?" "Of course Ikari we've been together since I got kicked out of my family. You've always been there for me and I'll always be there for you no matter what. I love you." She smiles and cuddles into his chest.

As they reach the restaurant they weren't paying attention and Bryce hits something hard. Catching his balance he looks back and sees Lilly and her demon on the ground their bags of food spilled around them. "Oh my gods! I'm so sorry! Are you guys ok? I didn't see you there..." He holds his hand out to Lilly "Here let me help you up." He blushes just slightly praying she doesn't notice.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilly Vatalini Bedford Character Portrait: Bryce Zephyr
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Lilly fell to the floor, knocking down OZ who was behind her, and dropped all their food on the floor. She was about to make some seriously nasty remarks to whatever donk had knocked her down, but looked up to see a familiar face. "Oh my gods! I'm so sorry! Are you guys ok? I didn't see you there..." He held his hand out to Lilly. "Here let me help you up." She took his hand and pulled herself up, still trying to remember him. Lilly stared close at him.

“You … I know who you are … but from where …”

“He attends the same … club as you, Master,” OZ said, helping one of the restaurant staff clean up the mess. “His name is Bryce.”

“Oh! Now I remember! You’re the high-strung idiot that challenged Mr. Bekenbarf.” Lilly remembered some of what Zac had told her and tried her hardest to smile. “D-Don’t worry about the insult … It was actually a compliment. It just so happens to be the nicest thing I’ve said all day.” Leaving out the little scene with Zac, of course, she thought. “You know it’s against school rules to come out and eat, right? You seem like a good little boy, so why don’t you run back to your dorm before you get caught.”

“Sorry for the mess,” OZ said the woman whom he helped clean up their mess. He turned to Lilly and Bryce, taking his place by her side.

“OZ, you smell good! Like Chinese food,” Lilly giggled as OZ brushed her off, then himself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilly Vatalini Bedford Character Portrait: Bryce Zephyr
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“Oh! Now I remember! You’re the high-strung idiot that challenged Mr. Bekenbarf.” Lilly remembered some of what Zac had told her and tried her hardest to smile. “D-Don’t worry about the insult … It was actually a compliment. It just so happens to be the nicest thing I’ve said all day.” Leaving out the little scene with Zac, of course, she thought. “You know it’s against school rules to come out and eat, right? You seem like a good little boy, so why don’t you run back to your dorm before you get caught.”

"Well thanks" he chuckles. "It was a pretty good fight I didn't expect to get beat as badly as I did... But as for rules. I've never been a fan of following rules, and besides if I went back to my dorm I couldn't offer to buy you dinner being as I just knocked yours allover the floor." He blushes at her smile. 'She really is cute. Though she needs to lighten up some... I can remember when I was like that. "So Lilly would you do me the honor of joining me for dinner? I know this awesome spot in the woods by the park." 'Please let her say yes.'

Ikari was sitting on Bryce's shoulder watching OZ helping clean the floor. "Sorry for not helping OZ, but I don't know how the humans would react if food just started floating around."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilly Vatalini Bedford Character Portrait: Bryce Zephyr
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"Well thanks," he chuckled. "It was a pretty good fight I didn't expect to get beat as badly as I did... But as for rules. I've never been a fan of following rules, and besides if I went back to my dorm I couldn't offer to buy you dinner being as I just knocked yours allover the floor." He blushed at her smile. "So Lilly would you do me the honor of joining me for dinner? I know this awesome spot in the woods by the park."

Ikari was sitting on Bryce's shoulder watching OZ helping clean the floor. "Sorry for not helping OZ, but I don't know how the humans would react if food just started floating around."

Lilly thought it over for a second before sighing and nodding. "Sure. Sounds like fun ... I think." OZ looked at Ikari and bowed slightly. "Completely understandable. I'm one of those few demon's that have the ability to be seen by humans." His eyes darted to the left, then to the right, making sure no one over heard them. "We can pay," Lilly said. "OZ snatched $100 from some hopless guy and we have like $90 left. Plenty for all for of us." OZ wondered. Was Lilly not wanting Bryce to pay one of her ways of saying, I don't need anyone to help me, or was it her trying to be nice. At this point in time, it was genuinly hard to tell. In truth though, Lilly was trying to show off OZ's mad pck pocket skills. Of course she was good at it to, but OZ did it like he did it for a living. "It's been only a little while since I've been in the forest, but it seems like forever since I've gotten to relax in a forest, right OZ?" She smiled at her demon. He nodded back at her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilly Vatalini Bedford Character Portrait: Bryce Zephyr
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"Sure. Sounds like fun ... I think." OZ looked at Ikari and bowed slightly. "Completely understandable. I'm one of those few demon's that have the ability to be seen by humans." His eyes darted to the left, then to the right, making sure no one over heard them. "We can pay," Lilly said. "OZ snatched $100 from some hopless guy and we have like $90 left. Plenty for all for of us."

"Well if you insist. Though it kinda defeats my point of repaying your dinner." He chuckles placing his hand behind his head. "At least we'll have time to relax in the woods after our fights." Bryce smiles and once the floor gets cleaned he walks up to the counter. "I'll take an order of Coconut shrimp and Teriyaki Chicken please. Lilly places her and OZ's orders and pays for the meals. Bryce grabs the bags. "If I don't get to pay for the food I'm gonna carry it at least." They head off to the woods.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilly Vatalini Bedford Character Portrait: Bryce Zephyr
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"Well if you insist. Tough it kinda defeats my point in repaying you dinner." he chuckled, placing his hand behind his head. "At least we'll have time to relax in the woods after our fights." Bryce smiled, and once the floor was clean, he walked up to the counter. "I'll take an oder of coconut shrimp and teriyaki chicken please." Lilly an OZ placed their orders, paying for everything, then Bryce grabed the bags. "If I don't get to pay for the food, I'm gonna carry it at least." With that, they headed off the woods.

Lilly followed Bryce out the door and into the park, to the woods. OZ followed closely behind, making sure Lilly wasn't too weak to walk on her own. But she was to busy watching Bryce closely. She might be attempting to be nicer, but she still had a goal in mind. A goal to be the bezt mage there ever was. Now if this guy held his own against Robert, she probably had just as much a chance as she did with Zac at beating him in a battle. "Do you like coming to the forest? You don't really look like the kind of guy that does. More like a city boy to me." Lilly walked ahead of him, moving backwards so she was facing him. "As far as I know, I was born here. Left here at least. Of course it as in a different forest, but almost every forest is the same. Trees, animals and ... blah ... bugs. I'm naturally drawn to them. But you just don't look like that type of guy." Lilly had a straight face as she stared at Bryce's, looking for any faulter or change.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilly Vatalini Bedford Character Portrait: Bryce Zephyr
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"Do you like coming to the forest? You don't really look like the kind of guy that does. More like a city boy to me." Lilly walked ahead of him, moving backwards so she was facing him. "As far as I know, I was born here. Left here at least. Of course it as in a different forest, but almost every forest is the same. Trees, animals and ... blah ... bugs. I'm naturally drawn to them. But you just don't look like that type of guy." Lilly had a straight face as she stared at Bryce's, looking for any faulter or change.

"I love the forest. The open spaces the wind the lack of people usually. I grew up by my self with only Ikari. We've lived in forests for most of it. I've never been one for cities... To crowded and cramped... and a lot of bad memories." Bryce watches her face intently looking for any signs of surprise from his story. He looks down at the ground and Ikari rubs her head against his neck. "But that's a sad story, and you probably wouldn't be interested." 'I've never told anyone my history... but maybe... if she asks... its time to tell someone.'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilly Vatalini Bedford Character Portrait: Bryce Zephyr
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"I love the forest. The open spaces the wind the lack of people usually. I grew up by my self with only Ikari. We've lived in forests for most of it. I've never been one for cities... To crowded and cramped... and a lot of bad memories." Bryce watches her face intently looking for any signs of surprise from his story. He looks down at the ground and Ikari rubs her head against his neck. "But that's a sad story, and you probably wouldn't be interested."

"Come on," Lilly said with a slight smile. "I love a good sob story." To anyone else, that might sound offensive, but Lilly still didn't know any better. "I don't cry easy either. I grew up with a bunch of souless creatures that I couldn't hit no matter what. I'm not the most sensitive person out there. And now that you've brought it up, you have to tell me." Lilly looked at OZ, who was a few feet behind Bryce with his nose in a book. She knewhow Bryce felt growing up with a demon. That's basically how t was with her and OZ. They had only been together 5 or 6 years, but that was a lot when you look at someone who hasn't been alive that long compared to a lot of people on earth. She had heard that some members of the Council had grown to be more that 200 or 300 years old. That was a long time, especially if they had the same demon for their life.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilly Vatalini Bedford Character Portrait: Bryce Zephyr
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"Come on," Lilly said with a slight smile. "I love a good sob story." To anyone else, that might sound offensive, but Lilly still didn't know any better. "I don't cry easy either. I grew up with a bunch of souless creatures that I couldn't hit no matter what. I'm not the most sensitive person out there. And now that you've brought it up, you have to tell me."

"Well, OK then... I was born into a family of well known fire magic users. My father was very strict about tradition. His family was strong and would stay strong. From the time I was old enough to walk my father started training me to use fire magic. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't do even the most basic fire magic. Once I reached the age of 7 I was still unable to use fire magic. I couldn't even make a flame. My father was ashamed of me. After consulting the family's elders he had come to a decision. I was weak and unable to use fire magic. I was to be banished from the family." Tears had started to form in Bryce's eyes. He did his best to hide them. "My father told me that I was a disgrace to the name of his family. Due to my lack of power I was to be thrown out to fend for myself. I cried and begged for him to keep me to let me stay and try to learn. He looked at me with this cold expression. 'I have no son.' With that he turned and left the room.

The family's guards came to collect me and threw me out of the building." At this point tears were freely flowing down Bryce's face. "I was completely and utterly alone. I made it to a forest at the edge of the city I lived by. I ran into its depths. I sat at the base of a tree scared and alone. After a while I was able to calm down enough to look around. I began to observe the surroundings. The way the wind played a song through the trees amazed me. I was calmed. After a few days alone in the forest I needed to eat. I caught some rabbits with snares I had made. I attempted fire magic again even though I knew it wouldn't work. But I hadn't been thinking of fire. I was thinking of the song that the wind played through the trees. After a moment I could feel something flowing through me a power I had never felt. I was using magic. Not fire magic. Wind magic. I was able to play my song. I sat and listened to the music I had created. After a moment I realized I wasn't alone. I was being watched. I stopped my song and looked around only to discover Ikari sitting a short distance away watching me.

We sat there looking at each other for a while. After a moment she spoke. 'I am Ikari, your demon. You are my keeper.' I didn't know what to say. I was in shock. She was beautiful. My demon. The creature that would be by my side for the rest of my life. My best friend. I wasn't alone anymore. She taught me how to survive. The two of us traveled from forest to forest training my magic so that I would be able to join the school here... We've been inseparable ever sense we met and I wouldn't want it any other way." Bryce sat there for a moment as he finished his story tears still running down his cheeks. Ikari licked his cheek and whispered "I love you Bryce." He smiled "I love you too Ikari." With a slightly forced smile and chuckle. "Well that's my story. Told you it was a sad one.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilly Vatalini Bedford Character Portrait: Bryce Zephyr
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Lilly listened to Bryce’s story quietly, studying his face. He seemed to be supremely upset about his past, which she somewhat understood. When he was finished, she exclaimed loudly, “What a dick!” She earned a look of disapproval from OZ, but ignored it. “How could anyone in their right mind do that to their own child?! It’s people like that that should … just … just go die!” Lilly stopped for a second, feeling a slight headache coming on, but continued as it dissipated. “It’s those people that I am going to destroy.” Lilly dug her nails into her skin as she balled up her hands into fists. She would never do that to OZ and she knew he would never do that to her. She looked up at Bryce with a straight face and little emotion in her eyes. “Family isn’t about blood. Blood can screw off. It’s about who you choose to be with for the rest of your life. Like you and Ikari. Never let stupid people like your father or anyone else have control over your mind and emotions like that.” She kinda felt like she was the one teaching now.

“Master,” OZ said quietly, looking up from his book. “No … never mind.” Lilly just looked from OZ back to Bryce and Ikari. “She should be all you need." Lilly let out a sigh and stared at her feet. Getting all touchy feely with people seemed like all that happened. Usually, she would have snapped by now, telling people to go find a therapist to talk to. But she didn't mind talking to these guys for some reason. She actually didn't mind listening to someone else.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilly Vatalini Bedford Character Portrait: Bryce Zephyr
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"Ikari is all I need. I've been perfectly happy since she found me. I'll never let anything hurt her. I couldn't live without her." Bryce smiled genuinely at Lilly. "Thank you by the way. I've never told my story to anybody before. I was always afraid that if people knew they'd abandon me like my family did... So truthfully. Thank You." He looked down as they walked blushing for having said anything. They arrived at the spot Bryce had mentioned. "Well here we are. This clearing is my spot in the forest I can sit here for hours." He took a seat at the base of one of the trees and started setting out the food. "Looks like it's time to eat." Bryce attacked the first few bites of his food he hadn't realized how hungry he was after his fight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lilly Vatalini Bedford Character Portrait: Bryce Zephyr
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"Ikari is all I need. I've been perfectly happy since she found me. I'll never let anything hurt her. I couldn't live without her." Bryce smiled genuinely at Lilly. "Thank you by the way. I've never told my story to anybody before. I was always afraid that if people knew they'd abandon me like my family did... So truthfully. Thank You." He looked down as they walked blushing for having said anything. They arrived at the spot Bryce had mentioned. "Well here we are. This clearing is my spot in the forest I can sit here for hours." He took a seat at the base of one of the trees and started setting out the food. "Looks like it's time to eat." Bryce attacked the first few bites of his food he hadn't realized how hungry he was after his fight.

Lilly smiled slightly as she sat down. "I'm all ears I guess." She grabbed her food and seemingly devoured it in seconds. OZ of course picked at his, eating it slowly. Lilly was always a big eater, especially with chinese food. It was amazing! She let out a small burp before patting her stomach and sighing. "That feels good! Eating really gives me so much energy back! And it's nice and cool right here so I feel even better." She leaned forward and smiled up at Bryce. "This really is an amazing spot! Seems amazing for training. Oh, you said that you are a wind mage? I've never seen any of that magic and I don't know how to do any, so you'll have to show me someday. It sounds really fun."