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Danny Crankshaw

"Bro, I already told you I have nothing on you!... Okay, I may be lying, but only a little."

0 · 504 views · located in Malibu, California

a character in “Scandalous Young Things”, as played by JokerofSpades



Full Name: Mikaelis Daniel Crankshaw
Yes, well, why am I giving out my full name? I don't even call myself Mikaelis anymore: too formal.

Nicknames: Danny is the most popular, but Crank is also used.
Danny is the only name I have, honestly. Crank just sort of popped up after I beat everybody at drinking.

Character Name: Gregory Schroeder
Kinda stupid name, really. Espeiclally since I'm supposed to be German: what a joke.

Character Age: 18.
Pretty damn convincing, aren't I.

Age: 25
Right about that age when your supposed to mature into an adult and stop being crazy: well, nobody told me that.

Home Town: Downtown Chicago, USA
Born and raised in probably one of the most infamous places in America. And if you like what I like, its the place for you.

Sexuality: Uh. Straight.
Kinda personal, are we? None of your business, unless you can last longer than I can at next Wednesday's party.

Role: The Jokester!
Effing right! Best part about this job, no joke - woah there, bad pun.

Personality: The only reason that Danny got the role of Greg was that he barely needs to act: Danny is like two odd people smushed together to create a mixture of things. On the one hand, Daniel doesn't speak much about himself - in fact, he is pretty sure that most of the people haven't a clue who the hell he even is - just some random actor they picked up off the street. He likes to keep it that way, as he doesn't appreciate flack given about his background. His past is something that he likes to keep buried back there: most of the reason is that he barely remembers half of his life. Even the split half of his personality (below) is a form of front for him now: true, Danny used to be more like his other half than his quiet half, but things change throughout people's lives. Now, while he still enjoys making a mess of everybody's drinking lives, he sees that life of his as merely a front - a deterrent so that people do not ask about him. If they think of him as a partier and a drinker, all the easier for him to keep his real self hidden away from the others.

Danny is best known as a β€˜Trivial Collector’. He may not intend to, but Danny finds out everything in the end - heck, he usually can find things out before many people learn that the first event happened. He doesn’t like to consider himself a snoop, which he isn’t: Danny just finds himself within earshot of trivial and interesting conversations on an hourly basis. Perhaps it is because of his dual lifestyle that he finds himself to be known as β€˜All seeing’. As a kid he was always secretive about himself and his family - many people in Chicago didn’t like the idea of Russians in their city, regardless of the fact that the Cold War had been over for years - so he knew how to stay quiet and out of sight. The same went with his drug running days. He could only stay alive as long as he wasn’t seen. So, staying the same way he always has, sometimes he just keeps quiet and out of sight, and everything comes to him.

On the other side of Danny is what he is perceived by the public: a tainted, crazy partier. Extremely random, daring and completely off the wall is how he lives his life, and it suits him perfectly. This is his inner crazy teen burst out into a mess, and it only takes a single drink: being silently shunned by society has its downfalls, and when he lets loose, Danny becomes a train wreck of partying. He refuses to never try something, since he believes that he should live while he is young (tell him YOLO and he will give you that weird stare of his until you leave). Truth be told he isn't the brightest bulb of the bunch - blame the past drugs - but he is quite crafty.

Danny is so much like Gregory it isn’t even funny, and yet at the same time he isn’t. While Gregory is also supposed to be a Jokester, Danny is actually not the kind of guy to do so. Sure, he loves the idea of pulling a prank or β€˜trolling’ a person, but he never has the initiative or the ideas to pull it off. Greg in XOXO always seems to have the ideas for playing the best jokes on everybody, and Danny looks forward to learning a new one every day. In a weird way, Greg is teaching Danny jokes, so he is really teaching himself.

To wrap it up, Danny is that messed-up friend that everybody has, and yet is always that guy hanging out in the background: always watching, always seeing, and yet never needs to be heard from.

I consider myself to be outgoing: and by outgoing, I mean that I'll drink you under two tables while snorting crack. Just don't expect anything out of me - I'll instead tell you about your own life.

Character Personality: Joking, never able to be taken seriously, Gregory is more or less the comedic relief of the group. While most of the bros in his group aren't humorous - I mean, there is a douchebag, a friend zone and a heart breaker - Gregory is right there to liven up the party. Out of all the characters, he is somewhat full of himself, so that makes it easier for jokes to be made of him and to be made by him. In a weird way, he is one of the originals of the group, which has him holding most of the group together - meaning that if two of the clique think that arguing and fighting are in order, Greg is usually the guy that has to step in. Now, that doesn't mean that he gives them a lecture or anything: instead, he defuses fights with his care free attitude and his crazy suggestions. Greg will always dare the group to go one step further in nearly everything, and if they won't, he will - Greg loves to just dive into things without really thinking them through. A bit of an airhead, but Greg always means well, even if his jokes or ideas get a little carried away.

A likeable character, but not me. Kinda hard to play a guy that literally puts everything on the line for a joke - and has his past so open...

History: Growing up in the downtown area of Chicago isn't easy: especially for a family that just immigrated to the bold land of 'Murica. Meet Viktor and Yvonne Crankshaw, a couple from the motherland of Russia. Now, while Crankshaw isn't the most Russian last name, it was a loose translation of their real last name, which is damn confusing and almost unpronounceable by most Americans. They moved to the USA to hopefully escape their poverty in Russia and hopefully start over. A year later, little Mikaelis was born to the happy couple, which they took as a sign that their life would get better.

Reality check: Viktor could barely keep his job due to the racism against his former country, and Yvonne wasn't fairing any better. However, the Crankshaws were a happy little family, regardless of their financial situation. When the little guy went off to school, however, he was brutally teased for having a weird name, which prompted him to call himself Daniel while in public - his parents disapproved, but could understand his reasoning at least. Life went on as normal, with Danny getting influenced by the American culture around him, which began to worry his parents.

Their worries soon came to light when Danny brought home a bunch of cash at the age of 10. He said that he delivered a box to some person's house, and the man called him his little 'postal service'. His parents were alarmed that Danny may have delivered drugs for a drug dealer and told him to never do something like that ever again. Danny was heartbroken - he had thought his parents would be really happy with the money he made for them. When he started crying and told them that, his parents were speechless that their little boy actually cared about their financial situation enough. After a heart to heart, they told him that he still shouldn't do it again, but thanked him.

Yeah, he didn't listen. Danny decided that his parents were just too overjoyed with his accomplishments and didn't want him getting hurt, all that boring stuff. So for the next year he did delivery jobs, but instead of taking his money to his parents, he learned of banks and put it in there. Normally you need a parent, but the tellers were pretty lenient when he gave them money for kindly doing services for him (it can't be considered bribery if little Danny didn't even know how to spell the damn word.) It was soon after that the drug guy he was delivering stuff for was busted, so he didn't get another job until he was in high school, when everything went to crap.

His friends got him into partying when he was just a freshmen, and at parties in downtown Chicago things went down that shouldn't. Drugs were passed around, booze came from seemingly nowhere, riots occurred from little disagreements. The worst part? Danny flipping loved it all. The drugs, the booze, the parties... he loved every second of the headbanging, craziness. He never got himself in over his head with the extremely heavy stuff, but that didn't stop him from using everything else. By now his parents were begging with him to stop this lifestyle, but he stopped listening to them: sure he still loved them and all, but he just wanted to have some fun. In his second year, he got in with a group of people that even dealt illegal drugs, such as ecstasy and marijuana.

It was when his mother Yvonne died in a car crash that he stopped everything. She had gotten hit by a drug dealer - one of the guys he had been working for, actually - who was speeding away from the cops. Both Danny and his father couldn't handle it - Viktor became a drunk, but Danny sobered up quite a bit. He instantly cut loose all of his former friends but three, and started actually focusing on his school work. It was then that he discovered a love for Language and Theatre which prompted him to actually show up to class every day for the rest of his year and a half high school life. His teachers were astounded that a no-lifer like him could actually get good grades, but this was the first of many secrets about Danny that he kept. By the end of his senior year, he was the top in his English and Arts Class, earning a full scholarship in University to study Languages and Dramatic theatre.

After that, he became a nobody once again - wandering around the USA trying to find a job that he actually felt would be fun, or at least worth his time. It was then that he was approached by Robert Mann for XOXO. The weird thing? At the time Danny had been hired to be in a TV series, and he was a random nobody that the audience (for some reason) loved. Danny was confused by the amount of fame an unnamed character had, but he felt that this was his calling: until Robert offered him a crap ton of money for a job acting as a light hearted joker. Danny tentatively agreed to the contract, and after he finished up the first season of the show he left it. That show was pulled off the air in season two due to extremely poor views.

Piss the f*ck off. I don't know how the hell you found out about all of this, but it ain't something I just give away.

Character History:Schroeder is a name for fame in California, and Greg has grown up with it all his life. His mother is the CEO of some rich electronics company, while his dad is a wash-out actor late out of his prime. While his mom paid the bills - and was somewhat uptight about that sort of thing - Greg and his dad hung out for most of the little guy's childhood. Instead of teaching responsibility, Mathew Jordan taught him how to evade laws, pull jokes, and live a life of carefree. The only reason Mathew taught this to his kid was actually because it was his subtle way at getting back at his head-turning wife Georgia. For year, Mathew has suspected his kid to actually not be his kid at all - when Greg's hair colour is darker than both of his parents, Mat had reasons to be concerned. However, no arguments ensued, only silence. So Greg, as a kid, took it upon himself to liven his parents life by getting into mischief. His dad thought it was brilliant - his mom (who was concerned about him becoming the owner of the company) was not. There was nothing she could do though that would break his irresponsibility, and that still hasn't changed.

In his first year of high school, a sort of clique came together as the year went on, which made Greg happy - he could finally stay put for once. Now, while many believe Greg to be quite stupid, he has a little bit of craftiness to him: see, he noticed that little Friend-Zoned Joseph liked that Skank in their group (Greg really had not idea how some of the members came together. Probably the money.) so he decided to introduce him to the gang and they included him. Ever since, Greg just does what he does best: living carefree, sleeping around and just saying waay too many jokes at Joseph's expense.

Booooooooring. Honestly, out of all the lame ass drunken backstories I have heard - and they are starting to stack, seriously - this guy has the most sleep-inducing story ever.

Danny's theme song! Closure - Asking Alexandria
Danny has tried almost everything once except for meth - that sh*t ain't worth his time.
Regardless of his craziness, Danny is most likely to be found in either quite formal wear, or a comfortable sweater.
Danny LOVES stripes, tea, and every kind of music imaginable.
Danny is claustrophobic.
Danny has actually been in the hospital four times as a teen for drugs and/or alcohol abuse.
Danny's money goes toward his father's AA meetings.
Due to his upbringing, Danny can speak Russian fluently - but you probably will never hear it. He doesn't even have an accent.

Great, now you know something about me. I'm sure however, that I can get you to forget that: tomorrow, my place, and a night you won't remember?

So begins...

Danny Crankshaw's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keith Zetler Character Portrait: Danny Crankshaw Character Portrait: Presley Floyd
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Welcome to Malibu, kid. Where everything is hot as hell, clothes are basically optional and everybody thinks they are rich and famous.

That might as well have been the greeting sign when Danny got off of the plane in the Los Angeles Airport. He felt like his clothes were sticking to him constantly, and that he needed a new pair of sunglasses: his didn't protect from the blaring sunlight. Now, many would wonder why Danny was on the airplane in the first place - since he was supposed to be at the estate by 3pm, and it was just turning 10 o clock now. The reason? Danny had gone back to Chicago to check up on his dad, Viktor. Aw, so sweet, right? Actually, it was because Danny had heard from the grapevine that Viktor's alcoholism wasn't being treated at the moment, and he came home to find his dad passed out on the floor of the apartment that Danny had bought for him (they had sold the house after Danny left).

Not sure how Robert knew that Danny was in Chicago a month prior to the start of XOXO, but a key arrived in the mail at that very apartment, with the simple letter that 'this was the key to the estate'. Danny, who wasn't always one to get dates and times right, was supposed to fly out of Chicago to L.A the day before the meeting, but got the times mixed up and had to get a quick flight out of Chicago at 5 in the morning. Not that desirable to a kid that rarely liked waking up before 9, but he knew that this was probably the best chance for him to make some easy money.

The entire flight to L.A sucked. Danny was sober, cranky, and extremely exhausted - what made it worse was that it was another hour or two to get from the airport to Malibu. It didn't help that he had to leave his car behind in Chicago. During the flight, Danny began to think of all the fun he could have, and just the opposite: how much of a drag it was going to be with all of these 'celebreties' in one house. Truth be told, Danny was only there because he got quite famous as America's Favourite Nobody. It was a title he gave to himself, but it was rightly earned: that reality show had some massive viewing numbers, and after he ditched it? The show was yanked due to poor ratings and views. Nobody else had left. Apparently, america liked the rando that showed up in every episode, had a different name every time, and didn't do much.

So, with all of that sorted out, Danny scanned L.A with minor disgust and awe. It was beautiful once he got used to the climate, and had quite a bit to see. However, he had other things on his mind - like not being late. So, Danny grabbed his duffel bag - which basically had everything that he needed for this excursion - and hit the road to grab a taxi.

Two hours in a taxi driven by a maniac was the worst experience Danny could ever have. He was used to driving himself at the leisure pace that he did, but this taxi guy didn't understand any of those words. He obviously got lost on purpose, and took an extra half hour just to drive down a single damn road. And the bill... oh damn, Danny was ready to knock this guy out afterwards. He gave him less than he demanded for 'poor customer service'.

When he realized where he was, Danny was instantly confused. In front of him was a cafe, not an estate. He raised an eyebrow, and quickly pulled out his phone to check where in the hell he was. Realizing he wasn't that far away from the estate (judging by the weird directions that Robby gave him anyway) Danny decided to enter the little cafe for something to eat; the plane food hadn't been good. Now, as soon as he entered, Danny had the feeling that things were going to get hairy. Somebody looked at him, and then started whispering to the person across from them in a hushed voice. Danny instantly looked at what he was wearing, just to make sure the guy wasn't being all 'dude, he must have been on a plane recently, his clothing is covered in shit!'

A button up white shirt with black tie, his favourite black and grey striped sweater, black jeans and his shoes. Danny was now really worried that either this guy thought he was a nut dressing pretty classy in Malibu, or he had been spotted. He shook it off, and went to the cashier, who he could tell was hiding something as well. He gave her an intriguing smirk before saying.

"Good day miss. I'll have a tea with two sugar and a cream." She stared blankly at him, and then giggled a little. She was cute, Danny had to admit, but he was pretty perceptive when it came to people: came from standing in the shadows a lot. This lady, albeit her cuteness, had an air that screamed 'I do anybody that makes an advancement at me!' Danny wasn't sure this was because she was wearing her uniform a size too tight, or that she giggled at him just calling her a miss. Regardless, she made him his tea in their to-go cup, and for some reason had the audacity to leave a heart and her number on it. Danny gave her an intrigued look, and then walked away.

He knew he wasn't going to be calling that number any time soon: he just hoped that he got rid of it from his memory before he went partying. Didn't need to call her up when drunk now.

He quickly surveyed the cafe and realized that he hadn't put his sunglasses on since reaching L.A. He shrugged it off before sitting in an empty seat, and did what he did best: listening to the conversations around him. There was a cute blonde who looked a little lost, a gossiping couple two behind him, and a guy with a bunch of sheets spread out over his desk. Already, Danny was eavesdropping on the gossiping couple behind him, since his ears were exceptionally good after years of 'training.' Though, after a few minutes of their quiet talk, he wasn't sure if he wanted to listen anymore: between the sex, the shallowness and the fashion he lost the ability to even use his ears. Instead, Danny Crankshaw looked up at the ceiling, sipping his pipping hot tea with an air of nonchalant.

I'm not sure how the hell I'm going to pull this off. Malibu is for the rich and the famous. AKA, the snobs and the arrogance. I don't remember myself every having a shit ton of money, or popularity like these other idiots do, so this could get interesting. And seriously Crank: we need to NOT eavesdrop on the celebrities. As much as that would probably make my stay more fun than anything, I really don't need a lawsuit against me.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Keith Zetler Character Portrait: Danny Crankshaw Character Portrait: Presley Floyd
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Something happened.

The atmosphere had changed.

Even Keith, with his shoddy-at-best situational awareness, could tell there was something going on. A slight hush had fallen over the occupants of the cafe, and then the noise had begun. Giggling, intense whispers, hushed chatteringβ€”oh, it started out innocently enough, but if there was anything Keith was attuned to, it was sound. And he could tell that the sounds of the cafe were slowly but surely rising in a steady crescendo.

His mild apprehension at the increasing noise levels was validated when three women in the booth behind him burst into a cacophony of shrill laughter. Ugh, seriously? The entire reason he'd left his little niche under the palm trees was to get away from annoying people. Forget last minute attempts at editingβ€”at this rate, he wasn't going to get anything done.

Behind him, the giggling ladies continued to babble in their annoyingly high-pitched voices.

"My, my," trilled Generic Annoying Lady #1. "Isn't thatβ€”?"

"Oh!" breathed Blandly Annoying Lady #2. "You meanβ€”?"

"Yes!" crowed Loud Annoying Lady #3. "Wasn't he was on that T.V. show we used to watch, the one that was canceled halfway through season twoβ€”?"

"That background characterβ€”"

"The one with no nameβ€”"

"Who was his actor again?"

"It wasβ€”Dan…Danny?"


"No, silly, Danny Crankshawβ€”"

Keith blinked. Okay, that name was definitely familiar. Which was perfectly normal, of course. When you spent a month creepily stalking a person over the internet as per your deranged superior's orders, that person's name tended to stick. Terrible memory regardless.

He glanced around the cafe, eyes searching. Three shrill women in sun hats. A happily gossiping couple. A nondescript young woman in a white cardigan. A smartly-dressed man, draped all over his chair and sipping tea. Bingo. There he was. Propping his elbows on the music-strewn table, Keith observed the actor. Youngish, dark hair, distinctive widow's peakβ€”just like in the photos. So this was his soon-to-be roommate.


Mentally, Keith ran through the wealth of information he'd compiled on the man over the past month. Mann's little "homework assignment."

Danny Crankshaw. Age twenty-five. Russian descent. Born in Chicago. Mother deceased. Minor criminal record. Playing Gregory Schroeder in XOXO...

Oh hell, Keith thought, suddenly irritable. Knowing so much about a complete stranger…I feel like a freaking fanboy.

If it were up to him, none of this would be even happening. He'd be perfectly content to go about minding his own businessβ€”poking his nose into other people's lives just wasn't his style, and all this snooping rankled with his self-respect. But he didn't have a choice, did he? At the end of the day, it was all part of the job. And this particular job was important, as it marked his reentrance into the music industry. He wasn't going to screw this up. Not again. Not this time.

Lost as he was in his thoughts, Keith didn't notice how intently he was staring at the actor. As it was, the staring had completely bypassed the "acceptable" line and was already treading deep into "unnervingly rude" territory. Talk about bad first impressions.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fiona Santiago Character Portrait: Nathaniel Crowley Character Portrait: William Hemley Character Portrait: Chandler Lamonte Character Portrait: Drake Wesley Character Portrait: Keith Zetler
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As of yet, the people to enter after Will have been less than known-in fact, he notes that it seems only he and Chandler have arrived as of yet. So much for a star-studded cast, although to be fair three of the top young stars of Hollywood are in Mann's little TV show, even if the rest of the cast is filled out with little-knowns and one-hit-wonders of sorts. Perhaps Mann had seen some potential in these unknown actors, and hoped to help them make a name through this show. People like Mann are like that- explorers, constantly searching for an island that they can claim all their own because no one else has ever found it before. Of course, in the situation of Robert Mann, that island was an undiscovered star, or a new TV show. XOXO is hardly revolutionary, Will muses to himself, only because he is ignorant to the true purpose of the show he has agreed to be a part of- the reason for the strange choice to allow some of the crew to live with the stars. When Fiona responds to his entry with raised eyebrows, clear sign of skepticism and all that jazz, the young man only smirks at her, but his eyes settle back on Chandler. As of yet, she is the person in the room who commands the most attention, who has the strongest presence. Most people probably despise that present, both for how overwhelming it is and for the fact that it isn't exactly a ray-of-sunshine sort of light that radiates from her, but William personally finds it hot as hell. At her little retort to his simple greeting, his smirk deepens with amusement, though his nonchalant posture never wavers. "Chandler Lamonte," he mimics her dry tone perfectly, an actor after all, "Hollywood's favorite bitch." Though he says this, he knows it not to be true. Not because Chandler isn't a bitch, but because she cares about her reputation enough to ensure that it isn't as low as her true personality. He can hardly call her Hollywood's favorite fake, though, because other than that she is somewhat true to herself. Or rather, true to others when she slices them down.

A young man then walks in, sliding carefully past Will as he introduces himself as Nathan Crowley. The guy had a few big parts, and was gaining success and awareness more and more recently, but had yet to surpass William as the top of the young actors in this state. It helps that William also has fame in Europe, or at least in the UK, because he has starred in several films across the pond as well. Watch Nathan trip over his own feet and spill coffee onto the counter, William has no concerns about the klutzy actor ever beating him in the title of most desirable actor- not at the moment. "Watch out for those flat surfaces, mate. They can get ya'," he advises sarcastically. Nathan simply comes across as awkward and not worth any concern- not that Will makes a habit of concerning himself over rankings. He takes pride in being one of the best, but mostly because it means higher paychecks and hotter girls. The fame is nice because it brings those things, not because he gives a shit about being a household name. Hearing her giggle made Will's gaze flicker towards Fiona, altogether unimpressed. Sure, she is reasonably attractive and such, but the fact that she laughed at such a stupid thing was rather ordinary of her. She isn't attractive enough to make up for being ordinary. Too bad, William thinks to himself, just as another man slides past him, apparently in something of a hurry as he gives a brief greeting before continuing silently on his way. He vaguely recognizes the guy's name, meaning he must be another actor, but can't think of anything he has seen with him in it. A nobody, perhaps one of Mann's islands, as he has now decided to call them. Will hasn't really bothered to learn anything but his costar's names, and only that because he was given a list of them. He can't even name what roles different people play, with the exception of himself: the friendzoned.

It is already becoming very clear to him that Chandler is the most interesting person in the house, at least as of yet, because he doesn't know the other crew members. Laria is one of the other stars, of course, but he doesn't really dwell on that too much: she had been a fling, clear by the fact that he hadn't hesitated to cheat on her with that sexy redhead. Are there no redheads in the cast and crew? A shame, he muses. He finds redheads rather attractive, although this is partially because he sees them as a dying breed- have to screw them before there aren't any left. His stray thoughts are interrupted by a snide comment from none other than Miss Chandler herself, as the feisty young woman makes some rude comment towards Fiona, which the kid with the dreads -didn't catch his name- rushes to comfort her and right the situations. If he were more interested in Fiona, perhaps Will would be saying something as well. But as of now, he is not, and thus only raises an eyebrow at the whole scene. She, Chandler, slips past William to sit on the front porch. Being in the doorway means that he can see both parties. This place'll be interesting, eh? he thinks to himself, still smirking slightly.


Like Keith, though of course she doesn't know that he can feel it too, Presley knows the instant that someone well-known enters the cafe. The three women giggling are a dead giveaway, of course, and instantly the blond woman is beginning to think that this place may be a bit too crowded for her taste. Sure, there are no more than ten people in the entirety of the establishment, but the number that are present are just enough to allow for a noise and lack of privacy which she isn't particularly fond of, despite her future job, which is to ensure some noise. The man beside her, the one whom she recognizes but who doesn't recognize her in return, seems to have a reaction of displeasure to the heightened activity of the surrounding people, something she notes. Not particularly social, perhaps, or at least not fond of such empty noise, she observes, glancing over her shoulder to see who it is that has caused the feeling of noise and unrest. As coincidence would have it, the young man is one of the cast of XOXO, Danny Crankshaw. He isn't particularly well known or anything, but has been in a sprinkle of things, and Mr. Mann perhaps hopes for him to be a star introduced fully by the TV show. The cashier he is speaking to releases a soft but high-pitched giggle, making Presley frown ever-so-slightly. She does not frown out of dislike towards Danny or the Cashier, but out of jealousy. She has no interest in the cashier, and yet knows her name, where she is living, and her current relationship status. The young woman simply rambles on whenever Presley is getting her drink- and she gets the same thing every time. However, despite the fact that Presley has patiently listened to her rants and gushing at least three times a week for the past two years, that particular cashier would not be able to pick Presley out in a crowd. In fact, she never recognizes her as being the same person- ever. It is a small testament to the fact that the blond woman is either invisible, or that no one gives a shit about the quiet girl with the strawberry-banana smoothie. But that cashier, whose name is Rachel, will remember Danny, even if she doesn't know that he is a second-tier actor. Even if she has only met him once.

The fact that other people are so easily remembered, especially in comparison to herself, makes Presley feel slightly dissatisfied- not that she would admit it to herself. She has been feigning acceptance of it for so long that the lie has partially deceived her own mind. Presley turns away as the young man seems to be lost in thought, though his head is slightly tilted as though he is listening to something. That turning away gives her a slight view of the couple, whom she pinpoints as the source of his apparent interest. The young woman glances over at the clock again, sitting alone at her empty table and deciding that she should probably make her way over to the estate about now. She certainly doesn't want to be the last one to show up, which only means arriving before the two men who sit in this cafe do. Of course, because she is currently on bike, and they might very well have cars or enough money for taxis, the chance of them arriving first remains. She doesn't intend on going quickly, after all, because from the research she has done, showing up sweaty would only result in mocking by Chandler- if the starlet were to notice her at all. Thinking about it, Presley is almost glad for her status as a perpetual wallflower. It is useful for this job, anyway. She can see and understand in this ranking.

Presley stands up and places her messenger bag over her shoulder once more, settling on the decision to depart now before any other people find themselves stumbling into the little cafe which she frequents. On her way out, she passes by both of the new housemates, and nods to the cashier as a goodbye. It is a habitual motion and, as usual, yields no response from the unoccupied young woman behind the counter. Well, unoccupied in lack of work. Rachel is somewhat occupied: staring at Mr. Crankshaw. Your boyfriend won't like that. You know how jealous he gets, Presley comments mentally as she leaves the establishment. She walks up to the bike rack and, wouldn't you know, finds her own bicycle stolen. Although her face takes on a slightly disappointed expression, she releases no sigh and mutters no obscenities. In fact, the only words which Presley has spoken all day were 'Strawberry-Banana Smoothie, please' and 'thank you'.

At that moment, a burly young man bumps into her and glances down at the woman, not bothering to apologize before pushing her out of the way as though she were a tree limb in the way and storming into the cafe. Leaning against the stone wall, Presley is suddenly aware that she had made the right choice by exiting at that moment- Rachel's boyfriend (she's been shown a picture) doesn't look happy. Oh, Rachel, Presley does sigh this time, but knows she can do nothing about whatever is going to unfold within the cafe now. She merely glances over her shoulder to ensure that it isn't something which will harm her new housemates- what sort of general assistant would she be if they were hurt in her vicinity?

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danny Crankshaw Character Portrait: Presley Floyd
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Danny knew that he probably should have been a little more cautious when entering Malibu: even for somebody who got famous for being a nobody, it seemed that somebody felt the need to start talking about him. All he kept hearing behind him was whispers and giggles, over and over and over. It was really starting to be a major drag, and he wasn't even halfway done his tea yet. A sigh escaped his lips, and he sipped once again. At least they weren't screaming or staring at him or anything-

Danny's eyes wandered sideways a little, and he nearly spat when he noticed a guy across the cafe staring at him. Danny was startled, that was for sure, and instantly turned away, wondering how the ceiling was looking. He just HAD to see a guy looking at him at the same time when he was thinking about that. He looked back around and noticed that this time it was the cashier girl staring at him, making what his mother would have called 'eyes of red' if she had been alive. Not red as in anger, but as in lustful love, or something along those lines. Danny raised an eyebrow at her, and guessed that she was dating somebody that was somewhat controlling: why else would she just stare like that?

Regardless, he gave her a small wave, to which she returned it and giggled, before turning back to stare at his tea. Before leaving Chicago, he had mixed feelings about Malibu: now he was certain. This place was probably full of nymphomaniacs and complete wackos. He gave another sigh, realizing that if he was right, he would be living among these Malibu people for a few months. And this wasn't even factoring in all of these 'celebrities' that he would be staying with. He gave a slight groan of annoyance when he remembered them: the 'bad-boy' William, the bitchy Chandler and more probably. Yes, he did his homework: Danny had a reputation for 'somehow knowing things that people didn't want him to know' to keep up. Now, it was more of a little background check to see who he would be staying with during the duration, so he hadn't really delved into any 'FBI' style searching.

Thing was, Danny really didn't want to know these people at all. The way he saw it, the more he knew about these famous peeps, the more he would be able to relate with them. One thing leads to another, as his dad would always say. First he would be just trying to keep his distance but curious about the others, the next... who knows? He could end up sleeping with fucking Chandler, and Danny was pretty sure that a lot of things would be better than that. Just the thought made him shudder, but it got the point across easily: keep yourself to yourself, kiddo. Do what you have done ever since: lay low, keep secrets secrets, and never let loose a truth about yourself.

A body walking by him caught Danny's eye just enough to snap him from the thoughts that he was in. Danny barely caught a glimpse of her face and side, and only could see her back as she walked towards the ext. It was strange, how familiar she looked but at the same time, how foreign. Her blonde hair swayed as she walked, and Danny could not help but watch as she went out the door. He swore that she reminded him of someone, or at least somewhere, but he couldn't place his finger on it: truth be told, he wasn't always the brightest at remembered obvious things. It was then that the pretty young thing walked out the door, and Danny began to turn back to his tea when he noticed that the buxom-blonde was staring at him still. This time, however, he made no attempt to interact with her. In all honesty, he was starting to get a little creeped out by her. It would be nice if she came over and talked with him or something, but nope! The cashier just kept on staring.

As if everything had been orchestrated by the Higher Beings themselves (if they even existed, mind you), a little bit later a man with biceps almost as large as Danny's thighs walked in the door. The audible groaning of the door being nearly destroyed by the man's push made Danny twist over in confusion, and to see that the lady that had just walked out had been pushed moments earlier by this Sasquatch dude. Danny furrowed his brow: not the way to treat a lady, or any person. Is this Malibu, or just an asshole? He would get his answer soon enough by the scurrying sounds of the cashier, and everything clicked into place for Danny: that cashier lady was dating the Incredible Hulk. Danny gave a sigh of annoyance, and slight fear, at his present situation.

Not long after, the man-thing made a noise. "What the fuck Rachel!?" His voice was deep, but at the same time, didn't sound right for the man's body. Danny thought it would be better on a gorilla, but he really didn't need to voice something that stupid at the moment. Danny then zoned out for the next few seconds, until he realized that the entire arguement was about him: and gorilla man could attack him. Danny's eyes widened, and then turned slowly to see how the argument was going. Since neither was paying attention, he did his next best trick: slinking out. He made it as casual as possible, and made it to the door before he heard a yell. "Don't you move a fucking muscle, prick!"

Danny stopped where he was, and made a little spin around with his tea to see the bigman staring right at him, eye's burning. "Who the fuck do you think you are to be stealing my girlfriend? Huh?" Danny was going to respond, but every time he went to the guy made another remark. Danny gave a sigh, and then cut him off somewhere in between 'fuck' and 'dick'. "Look man, I'm a nobody. Just a famous nobody, alright?" That stopped the guy, at least for a second, for Danny to continue. "I'm not interested in your girl, dude. She's all yours." Danny gave him that smirk he always did, and then spun around to walk out the door. Danny had dealt with a jealous type of guy before, so it was damn good that he remembered how to calm him down. He only learned to appeal to their jealous egos after the fourth try: the first three required running and some drugs.

When outside, he noticed that girl from before, and finally got a real look at her face. He still couldn't tell why she looked and felt familiar, but that helped when he went to ask. "Hey there miss. I was hoping that you could give me some directions - I'm sort of new to the rich area." He sounded sheepish, and that was probably the most honest he was going to be throughout this ordeal (or at least, he thinks so). He really couldn't tell which way he was supposed to be going, and those directions were pretty shotty.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: William Hemley Character Portrait: Chandler Lamonte Character Portrait: Keith Zetler Character Portrait: Danny Crankshaw Character Portrait: Elias Montgomery Character Portrait: Presley Floyd
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Danny Crankshaw's jaw twitched violently, like he was trying to restrain himself from performing a spectacular spit-take. Keith blinked at the sudden movement, and was subsequently snapped out of his trance.

Oh. He'd been caught staring, hadn't he? Well. That might get awkward later on.

…Ah, whatever. Crankshaw'd get over it.

He went back to his music. Unfortunately, it seemed that Fate had some wickedly twisted sense of humor, because he hadn't even gone over five measures when the door burst open. Wait, no. Burst was too mild a verb. The door blasted open. Exploded open. Nearly blown off its hinges open.

Okay, this was getting ridiculous. It was as if the entire world was conspiring against him. Really, world? Music? What had his music ever done to anyone? Why the hell couldn't everyone just stop being morons and let him brood with his music in peace? Five minutes, dammitβ€”five minutes was all he was asking!

Teeth gritted, he swung his gaze to the door to see whoever the sorry miscreant was. The sight that met his eyes almost made him forget his irritation entirely.

What. The. Hell.

Striding through the battered door, was the meanest looking creature he'd ever seen. The beast lumbered in, big hairy arms swinging like a giant double-strobed metronome, and started snarling out half-formed words at the cashier, who in turn looked rather like a deer caught in headlights.

Oh my God, Keith thought dully. It's happening. Human beings are evolving back into apes.

The cashier made a sound somewhere between a squeak and yodel as the man-beast howled at her. She sounded like a dying raccoon. In all honesty, Keith would have pitied herβ€”a rare gesture in itselfβ€”but as it was, he was too busy mourning the deterioration of mankind to really care.

But then the gorilla-thing tromped past him, knocking over Keith's coffee cup in its rampage of rage, and suddenly Keith very much cared.


The musician managed to save his score from total annihilation by snatching up the coffee cup. Thankfully, the coffee lid prevented the entire thing from gushing out, so there were only a few brownish stains. On the other hand, it was rather horrifying that there were even stains at all. For a moment, Keith just sat there staring at his work. He wondered, numbly, if this was how Beethoven felt towards whichever higher entity was responsible for his plight. Oh, you want to be a musician? How lovely! Come on, fellow higher beings, let's give him lead poisoning so he'll go deaf! Oh, ha, a deaf musicianβ€”what a hoot!

…Okay, so he was exaggerating a bit. But seriously, paper and pencil were the only tools he had at the moment. No, he did not have Finale. One needed a computer before something like Finale could be obtained, and Keith didn't have a computer. Yes, you heard that right. Shut up. He'd been struggling, okay?

"Who the fuck do you think you are to be stealing my girlfriend? Huh?"

Keith's eye twitched. The gorilla thing. He seemed to be engaged in a one-sided shouting contest with Crankshaw's forehead. A vulgar one-sided shouting contest, more specifically. How unimaginative, Keith thought, as the man rattled off a string of words that all seemed to start with the letter F. ("The fuck you fucker think you're fucking doing? Fuck you, you fucking fuckerβ€”") Honestly, it was like the guy's vocabulary consisted entirely of profanity. People these days. Was it so much to ask for intelligent conversation?

Crankshaw suddenly spoke up, pelting the crass man with some snappy reply that seemed to stop him in his tracks. Smirking, the actor whirled around and headed quickly out the door, apparently deciding that gorilla thing was no longer worth his time. Within five seconds, the actor was conversing happily with that nondescript girl (wait, when had she gone outside?) intending, probably, to throw the gorilla thing completely off its tracks. With the absence of the actor, the cafe was quiet for about two seconds before Keith realized one crucial fact: the beast no longer had Crankshaw to take his anger out on. Which meantβ€”

Alright, I'm out of here. He drained his coffee, gathered his coffee-splattered notes, and…

Headed to the bathroom.

Best exit ever.

(What, did you think he was going to walk out the front, like Crankshaw? Hell no. The gorilla thing was blocking the front door.)

The bathroom was actually quite pleasant. Quiet, devoid of human existence, and nice-smelling. Sharp and spicy. He supposed it was the dried herbs hanging on the wall.

He finished the rest of his proofreading in the tiny single-stall bathroom, undisturbed.

And to any poor soul who actually needed to use the restroom, well. Tough luck.

By the time he exited the bathroom, the gorilla man was nowhere to be seen. The clock, however, read two thirty, so it was probably time for him to go. Sighing, Keith left the cafe and headed on over to Mann's estate. Starting work. Living with fifteen other people. Living with celebrities.

Oh, this was going to suck.

Keith Zetler stood in front of the estate, wondering how he was going to get in. He'd seen it before, of course. Moving his meager amount of possessions in had been one of the first things he did, if only to get it over with. The problem was, he didn't want to use the front door. There were bound to be people in that vicinity, and Keith did not want to socialize. Already he could see several peopleβ€”a few were entering the house, one person was standing at the doorway, and someone was lounging on the front porch.

The one on the doorway was familiar, if only because Keith had seen his face painted on the covers of countless magazines. Wilson or Wilbur or something. The actor, the heartbreakerβ€”the one who had more love affairs than the sky had stars. The one on the porch was familiar as wellβ€”it was that Chandelier girl, sprawled all over her chair like she owned the place. Typical actor and actress, both of them. They were going to be a mess to deal with, and honestly, Keith didn't want to start now.

He ended up taking the long way around, along the stone wall under what little cover the surrounding foliage provided, and eventually ended up in the backyard. Oh, how convenientβ€”a nice flight of stairs that would lead him straight to the bedrooms without human interaction. Ascending the stairs, he opened the door and entered a hallway.

Unfortunately, it appeared that Keith was not alone. Someone else was also on the floor, probably searching for his room as well. He studied the man, frowning. An actor, it seemed. El-something, wasn't it? El…El Dorado. No, don't be stupid. El…ton John. El..El..eanor Rigby.

Eleanor Rigby. The stray thought brought a smile to his face. That one was a classic. He wondered if there was a piano somewhere on the estate, it'd be so nice to play it again…

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fiona Santiago Character Portrait: Candelaria Flores Character Portrait: Nathaniel Crowley Character Portrait: Gabriella De Luca Character Portrait: William Hemley Character Portrait: Zara Lexington
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I should just leave now. There really isn't a point in making sure that no one gets hurt- what am I going to do, drag the unconscious bodies to the mansion? Hardly an easily accomplished feat on my bicyc- oh, right. Stolen. I'm going to have to replace that. It isn't like I can get a taxi or hitch a ride with someone else, unless I sneak into their backseat before they leave for the set. Actually, that's doable. Maybe a bit creepy, but if I'm really desperate. . .I don't want to be late to work, do I? What if they ask me to get them coffee from some strangely specific place? I'll have to walk there. I'll buy a bike tomorrow. No- after the meeting tonight. How far is the estate from the nearest bike shop? One mile? Two? It's in a residential area, so probably further than that. Well, I can always do with a nighttime walk anyway. I can watch the sunset, I guess? As long as I stick to the lighted and crowded areas. No, bad idea. I may not be mugged, but someone will pickpocket me, probably. Is that common here? Stupid question- it's already happened three times, just not recently. It happened more back home, but then I got lost a lot, didn't I? The stray thoughts run through her constantly-active mind, quickly enough that Presley is still processing the scene unfolding in the cafe behind her. Rachel's boyfriend, who resembles a caveman and bares an ironic tattoo displaying a dove on it -does he realize that's the sign for peace?- has moved on from Rachel to Danny, and shouts an impressively long string of obscenities at the actor. Rachel just stands to the side, staring at both of them with a wide-eyed expression, as though shocked.

Don't be so surprised, Rachel. You have to have seen this coming- do you ever listen to yourself? Presley thinks, though she still has sympathy in her inner voice. Rachel seems to have rather bad luck with men, from what the nondescript young woman has heard her say. Not putting all of her attentions on the loud but one-sided showdown, Presley glances over towards Keith, who isn't looking particularly happy as he looks over his sheet music, which appears to have a few coffee stains on it, from what she can see at this distance. By the time she has glanced back over to the fuss, Danny is smirking at the massive man and darting around him out the door, looking confident with his escape. One person, she notes, is less pleased with the man's decision to skip out of the fight. He does seem like the sort who would prefer a good smashing of skulls over a reasonable chat. Still, the caveman does not pursue Danny for the moment, instead opting to stare threateningly at the rest of the patrons, daring any of them to speak up about his actions and outburst of anger.

Presley watches as Keith quickly gathers his belongings and escapes any lingering wrath of the giant by hiding in the bathroom. Like a person who doesn't want to eat in the lunchroom, Presley observes. She can do so without any remorse, because she was that child- not because she was bullied, but because there was never quite enough room for the young woman at the lunch tables, and she would rather eat alone in a small place than a large and crowded one. She looks away from Keith as he disappears behind a shutting door, and now allows her eyes to stop in front of Danny. Rather than just walking past her, he stops in front of her with a polite smile. Why is he stopping? Am I blocking the bicycle rack? I suppose I am. I should apologize. He wouldn't hear it anyway, I suppose. It's easier to just get out of the way then. Oh- ouch. Now my shoulder is a little bit sore. I doubt I'm scratched, though- good thing I'm wearing a cardigan today.

When he asks her for directions, his voice sounds rather sheepish, which contrasts a bit with the smirk he had been wearing only seconds prior to this current encounter. Dubious of his sincerity, but feeling obligated to help nonetheless, Presley opens her mouth to speak, before closing it for a moment. I'd forgotten, this one is from Chicago. His accent sounds like home. I wonder if mine has faded? No, it hasn't- Mr. Mann remarked on it when I met him, didn't he? Why would I think that it is fading? I suppose my mental voice has shifted slightly? Yes, that must be it.

Are you going to the mansion? the words are intended to be out loud, but find themselves mixing with her mental monologue. Presley sighs slightly and tries again, this time speaking coherently. "Are you going to the mansion?" she asks him, an accent audible in that sentence. After speaking it, the young woman realizes that he probably doesn't know who she is, and thinks that she is just some fan who knows where he lives (or will be living). However, she does not clarify this, because she doesn't know how he will take the question, and has always been rather conservative with her words. She does not give her name, because he has not asked nor given his own. Deciding it easier, she pulls a small notepad out of her messenger bag and begins to write the directions from here to the estate down with a black bic pen. Her handwriting is in cramped yet miraculously legible cursive.

Stupid question, he probably is. Wait- rich area? That is slightly presumptuous, isn't it? There are less wealthy parts here, she thinks, but whilst doing so must acknowledge the fact that her own apartment is only marginally affordable because it is cramped, in an awkward area, and the air conditioning tends to, well, not work. I suppose it is primarily wealthy, then. But other people live here as well- where does he think that Rachel works? The people who cook his food? The person who probably drove him here?


William turns his head at the sound of a car driving down the long paved path to the estate, instantly recognizing the vehicle as belonging to one of the hottest actresses in Hollywood: Candelaria Flores. The Latina is going to be playing the role of the fashionista on this show, and it is well-known that she fits the part rather well, being famous for her apparently impeccable style. Personally, Will thinks that she looks better with the clothes off, but that isn't really something the general public would know- she doesn't exactly any scandalous shots on the internet. The A-list actress steps out of her car, looking the same as always, though her hair is a bit shorter- she had apparently cut it for some recent part or something like that. She wears a smile whilst climbing up the front steps, but that expression appears to falter ever-so-slightly as she watches Chandler walk out of the building and, of course, notices Will leaning against the doorway in. The sight makes the actor himself smirk ever so slightly, though he is by no means a sadist- just a bit of an asshole. Well, perhaps slightly more than just a bit. The young woman comes into the house and introduces herself to the group, eyes scanning the motley crew as she does so.

Knowing her, she's probably memorized all of their names by now, Will muses, and not incorrectly. He may not have been serious about their relationship, but the two did date long enough for him to become slightly in tune with her personality. They had dated for nearly nine months- something he knows because that was the production length for their bit in filming the movie they had starred in together. Almost immediately after the movie premiered, the duo split and such. William hadn't had a problem with it -he didn't exactly cheat because he was looking for a committed relationship- but based on the way that she had slapped him, Laria had been at least a little bit bitter at the time. Probably something about infidelity being bad, and how she now was added to the list of 'girls Hemley dated and cheated on.' The list is actually quite elite, if only because he usually doesn't date the girls that he messes around with- just the ones he either works with, or think are especially hot/good in bed/amusing/all of the above.

The first person to respond to Laria's greeting is Nathan, the no-name actor who had spilled coffee all over the goddamn counter only moments ago, and who has sent Will a quick but dirty glance after the former of the two had made a sarcastic remark about his klutzy nature. The young man's smile is wide and irritatingly friendly. Will isn't a natural grump who dislikes seeing people smile, but he has already decided to dislike this bumbling actor, and that includes the fact that his smile is definitely way too big for his face. "Welcome to the island, Candlestick," Will greets her with a smirk, using an old nickname for her. Another kid, this one with long dreadlocks, walks in at that moment, greeting everyone and standing next to chair with two bags. Though they are not friends, Will at least nods to the guy. Douchebag though he may be, the actor tends to at least acknowledge people when they enter the room. As though they have decided to arrive in some sort of antline, another walks in only a moment later, this time a girl that William doesn't recognize, but who apparently knows the guy with the dreads, based on the fact that she goes over and pokes him in the side.

Was there some sort of preshow get-together that I wasn't told about? William wonders, raising his eyebrows as at least three of the people seem to already have some amount of prior knowledge on each other's identities. He glances back towards Fiona, remembering her comment about enemies as she greets Laria. She's definitely not from around here though, eh? What amuses him, though, is the fact that the young woman is quick to identify a nickname for herself, in order to prevent people from associating her name with Shrek's girlfriend. Honestly, this is probably counterproductive, because William, who hasn't seen any of the films about the green ogre, hadn't thought of this before, but is now curious as to who Shrek is. That popular dreamworks film, right?

Another face, this time another famous one, walks through the door. At the sight of her, William grins slightly, though her back is to him and she therefore does not see him checking her out. He's seen Zara around, of course, and must admit that she is smoking hot- the whole ice queen personality is kind of a turn on for him as well. Not because he wants to 'fix her' or some sentimental garbage like that, but because it makes her something of a challenge. He doesn't say anything at all, for now just enjoying the view. Still, this whole meet-and-greet thing is starting to severely bore the actor, and he's wondering where the assistant is- he could use a beer right now, but doubts that Robert has any stocked in the fridge. As he thinks this, someone walks briskly past him, not even stopping as he continues up the stares and, presumably, to his room. "Well, isn't he friendly," Will observes, watching the guy disappear up the stairs before sliding his arrogant gaze back to the people around him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danny Crankshaw Character Portrait: Presley Floyd
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It seemed that the girl he had asked was either quiet, or clueless as to what he was asking. In hindsight, it probably was a bad idea to ask a complete stranger, but who else was he going to ask? The taxi across the street? Certainly not - he would probably get charged for the info, if the taxi's here were anything like where he grew up. He could have asked the cashier when he had been in the cafe, but she probably would have just stared at him with those weird eyes, and then told her the location of her own house. He waited patiently however, as he watched her face go through some highly interesting expressions. Mostly, though, she seemed to be confused and guarded, probably not used to having a stranger asking her directions to a place she has never heard of. It was weird though, since he was used to either people just brushing him off, or them recognizing him as the Nobody. This lady, on the other hand, did neither. That intrigued him: why was she confused?

He almost gave up and tell her to forget it and continue on with her life when he heard her speak in a sweet, quiet voice. Are you going to the mansion? The question now turned the tables on Danny: his face looked a little startled by the question for a multitude of reasons. For starters, Danny had been under the impression that the whole estate/mansion location would be kept under wraps and all, since they didn't need fans rushing the house for their 'celebs'. It was also confusing, as this was her answer to his need of assistance, somehow knowing exactly where he was needing to go.

A small smirk formed on his lips as he drew two seperate conclusions. One was that she was an avid fan-girl of his shows: thing was that she wasn't acting like a fan girl at all. Most fan girls got really shy or hyper when he met them: she simply stayed the same, quiet way she had before. So probably not. The other was that she was going to be one of the workers he heard Mann talk of. Since the later made more sense at the moment, he began basing all of his compiled information off of this idea, and watched her begin to write things down. He frowned a little at the idea: he would much rather somebody tell him the directions, commit them to memory than right them down.

He waited for her to finish more of the directions, and then faked clearing his throat in an attempt to stop her and get her attention. "Y'know, it would probably be easier if you just showed me the house, seeing as you already know where it is. Besides..." He pulled out his phone to check the time, and gave a sad sigh. Almost three. How in the hell had that happened?! "It's almost three o clock." He shoved his phone back in his pocket, and readjusted his duffel bag, which had been sitting on his shoulder the entire time. How he had fit all of his clothing in a single duffel bag amazed Danny to no end. Sure, he had done it before, but it never ceased to amaze him. He then took a sip of tea while he waited for her response, hoping she would just agree with his idea and take him straight. In truth, he did just want to get there ASAP, but at the same time he wanted to get to know this girl more.

After all, he had placed her accent, and realized why she sounded familiar. Good ol' Chicago. Even when gone, it always seems to find him. However, that didn't mean that his judgement of her was accurate: all he really knew about this girl was that she was from Chicago, and quiet. For all he knew, she could be just another person that doesn't handle questions very well. He hoped he was right though, so that it didn't get more awkward than it already was.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fiona Santiago Character Portrait: William Hemley Character Portrait: Zara Lexington Character Portrait: Chandler Lamonte Character Portrait: Drake Wesley Character Portrait: Robert Mann
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Yet another entry is made, this time a blonde girl with a rather sunny smile and a relatively familiar face. He thinks about it for approximately half a minute before recalling her from a movie with Alec Baldwin. From what he can recall at that moment, she has the tendency to play sexier parts, and yet is known for being a prim and proper little Southern miss. He's not sure where from the South she comes from, but has heard somewhere or another that she is indeed from that region of the US. This is only confirmed by a slight drawl in her voice, the accent only slightly noticeable, and only in a single word of her sentence. "Looks like I'm not the last one, my flight was hella delayed, thought for sure I'd be," she explains, smirking despite the fact that nothing about her says smug or sarcastic. Her sentence, itself, is rather simple and dull- other than the accent, the young woman isn't making much of an impression on the Hollywood A-lister leaning against the wall. Still, her somewhat prudish reputation does present some manner of a challenge to the infamous player, and he does like a challenge- what's the point otherwise? Will has always been the sort who prefers the chase to actually holding the prize, partially influenced by a broken relationship between his parents and by his dislike of commitment and consistency. Although the young man isn't actually very big on quotes, there is one by the Irish Playwrite and Author Oscar Wilde that he rather likes: Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative. Though he isn't much for having his nose stuck in a book, even Will cannot deny that Wilde was a king of smartasses in his time, and cannot help but appreciate such a fact.

When Nathan speaks once more, Will is torn between being glad that he is leaving and irritated by that childishly huge smile that the klutzy actor has. It seems that he has adopted the condition of feeling that every action of a person he's decided to dislike is offensive. Still, this does not wipe the ever-present smirk from the fact of the handsome man, because he really isn't one for allowing such an expression to disappear from his face- it's like a trademark of his, the blue steel to his Zoolander, although just a tad less. . .ridiculous. When Nathan has left, Will turns towards Olivia and greets her with a nod, but doesn't feel the need to introduce himself- everyone is already aware of his identity, after all, that much is clear. Or at least, Will fancied this to be true, and it most likely was- there are a few stars in the room, but he, Chandler and Candelaria burn the brightest in terms of fame. Each in their own way, of course, but each command the attention of those around them in some form or another, this is an indisputable fact. Whether it be the noticeable personality, cutting tongue, or eye-catching good looks, which all of them had in their own ways, things about the trio had a great presence. Of course, Zara has the same demanding aura about her, but her quietness and seeming lack of personality seem to disqualify her from the rankings.

The quiet man, who had swept through the group without a word in greeting, returns downstairs with a look of importance on his face. The actor doesn't seem the type to waste words, nor the sort who would voluntarily interact with others at all, for that matter. An antisocial air seems to hang over him, though it almost seems more of a preference than a tragic fate, giving him the image of indifference and cool intellect. "It's almost three. Has anyone heard from Robert?" the actor asks, voice clipped and rather business-like. He must do fantastic in interviews, Will thinks sarcastically, though he automatically glances towards the clock and notes that it is very near to three indeed. He'd rather hoped to get the meeting over with and such, and wonders when Mann will arrive.

As these wonderings pass through his mind, Chandler passes by him and ascends the stairs, presumably to either escape the radiating atmosphere of what surely must be slightly forced cheerfulness or to change out of the little number she is currently wearing- little being a generous term for the cover-up and bikini set. Not one to deny himself the appreciation of finer things, Will's eyes follow her for a moment before returning to the group, specifically Drake. The staff worker has apparently been living in the house for a bit, probably setting things up, and so is able to lead the group up to the meeting room. As he invites people to walk in, Chandler makes a little sarcastic quip and enters with a smirk and an arrogant stride. Definitely hot, Will observes with a smirk of his own, feigning a tip of the hat to Drake before entering the room.


This is apparently her turn to surprise the man before her, as her mention of the mansion seems to take him off guard for a moment, obvious by his startled expression and the thoughtful look that follows it as he zeroes in on the best explanation for how she knows about a location supposedly kept under rather tight wraps. There is a second between the point where she decides to reveal to him why she knows about the place, if only to prevent any further misunderstandings, and when a smirk forms on the man's face. Her mouth had almost opened, but remains tightly sealed as she watches the evolution of his expression, from lost to smug and then to a frown. She only notices the frown when she glances up from writing down the instructions on the little notepaper, finishing it off with a small note in the margin. Normally, she is not one for any sort of wasteful motions, not even excess words or movements, as seen by her almost eerily stillness when she ceases writing, but the young woman does have the habit of adding helpful hints and minuscule sketches in her instructions, if only for the sake of aiding whomever it is that the note is intended for. His frown confuses Presley, who gives him a quizzical look in return, blonde bangs covering her expressive eyebrows and slightly lessening the affect of her expression.

He clears his throat then, not doing a very impressive job of making it seem realistic, though she doubts that he was going for realism in the cliche and exaggerated gesture. After all, realistic is slightly less likely to grab the attention -for most people, anyway. Everything seems to grab her attention, if only as some sort of compensation for her own inability to do so. "Y'know, it would probably be easier if you just showed me the house, seeing as you already know where it is," he addresses her, and Presley begins to put away her notebook immediately, not wasting time if the course of action is to be changed. He checks his phone whilst she does this, and announces that it is almost three o'clock. She is still looking down, shoving the notebook into her bag, and her eyes widen slightly at this news. Damn it, I really need to get a watch or something. Almost three? I should have left earlier. The place is seven minutes or so from here. . .by bike. Brilliant- absolutely fantastic. Now if only the TARDIS could just show up and drop me off a few minutes early. How long is it by foot? Fifteen? Twenty? she stifles a sigh and composes her anxious expression before looking back up at Mr. Crankshaw.

"Right. Mustn't be late. Follow me," despite the softness of her voice, the last bit seems to come off almost like an order rather than a request, and she is soon turned around and walking towards the place. Although she may be relatively sweet and such, she is also very cautious about both people and her work, and terrible at small talk to boot- it is far safer to keep the conversation brief and move quickly, for the sake of punctuality and not seeming terribly awkward. She expects him to fall into step with her, and slows until he does so, which is relatively soon. He doesn't seem to type to be slow in picking things up, at least based on their brief encounter, and this is something she appreciates. Kind and unassuming as she may be, the young woman does rather dislike it when people take a millennium and a half to realize things and react appropriately. A small pet peeve of hers, perhaps. Presley's gaze slides over to look at Mr. Crankshaw out of the corner of her eyes, trying to decide whether to introduce herself. It is probably appropriate, at best, although he has not asked and very well may not care. Deciding not to give information that may not really be wanted, she remains silent. To her, all silence is fairly comfortable, but she realizes that this may not be the case for others. Should I break it? Better wait and see, she decides in the end. The walk therefore continues.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danny Crankshaw Character Portrait: Presley Floyd
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Danny noticed that her eyes had gotten wide at his statement of time, and was glad that his presumptions had been correct. After all, who was he to know what the hell she did? For all he knew, she could have been a well informed tour guide. But that was easily dismissed by her instant change of posture. She seemed slightly agitated, but more anxious to get moving by his statement more than anything. Danny was then taken for another confusing twist when she opened her mouth once again to speak.

Right. Mustn't be late. Follow me. Danny wasn't sure if she was ordering him around now, or was just being extremely blunt in telling him to hurry his ass up. Regardless, his dazed expression by the oxymoron of the situation - a soft command. Weird, right? - she spun around and started walking in a direction that he could only assume was towards the estate. He instantly fell behind, and shook himself back into reality to catch up to her, nearly letting a simple "Alrighty then, Sergeant.' get out of his mouth before shutting it quickly. Didn't need to get off on the wrong foot with a girl that seemed to just want to do her job the best that she could. Now, he wasn't all that far behind her, since his little moment only lasted a few miliseconds. However, it was enough for her to begin a slowing down period in her pacing, which urked him slightly. In barely any time at all he was in step with her pacing, which was a brisk walk (yeah, he noticed that sort of thing too..)

Danny didn't mind the silence of the walk as they continued down the path towards the estate. In fact, he quite enjoyed it, since it was rare for silence to appear in his line of work. Silence was the best way to keep secrets, and he kept a lot of them tucked away by merely not stating a thing. However, regardless of her quiet demeanor, Danny was quite unsure if she was comfortable with it: he assumed that she was, seeing as how she didn't seem awkward or anything, but Danny always remembered the golden rule. Never assume, for it makes an ass out of you and me.

So, instead of being a normal socialite, he decided to do a little probbing. Yeah, he was skeptical of the cute blonde to his side. It wasn't his fault that he rarely could trust a stranger: it came with his history. So, at the moment, still not knowing her name, he broke the silence. "Well, I'm Danny, but I have a hunch that you already knew that." He took a sip of his tea while staring straight ahead, letting that sink in for a few seconds before continuing. "So, you think you can let me in on the secret of your name?" He turned a little towards the lady as he spoke. This was his normal way of asking names of others, as to Danny a stranger's name was the first secret they lost to him. After that, it was all circumstantial secrets that he would find out - he really didn't like snooping into other people's business; instead, their business always seemed to find him. It really was depressing at times, knowing all these things that one really didn't need to know. However, Danny knew that it could and would come in handy.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fiona Santiago Character Portrait: Candelaria Flores Character Portrait: Nathaniel Crowley Character Portrait: Gabriella De Luca Character Portrait: William Hemley Character Portrait: Zara Lexington
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3:15PM ~ 4:30PM

    "You all should know this from reading your scripts - as I'm sure you all have done - but here's what I'm planning for XOXO: Elias, who do you play again? Oh yes, that's right, Ryder. To make things simple, Ryder and Veronica, the skank, are going to become friends with benefits, hook up buddies, keeping it a secret from the rest of the group for the hell of it. But Ryder's youngest sister is going to get in a car accident, and Veronica is going to be the only person who is able to get to him. As in, they're going to fight and have hot sex. Predictable, I know. I need the two of you to start the foundation of that bond. I need the two of you to start talking, at least about your characters and the bond they share. I need complete cooperation here, slaves."

    "As for you, Zara... you look particularly beautiful today. Hannah - that's her name, right? - is in love with Ryder. Mostly because he was the only one who didn't pay attention to her. She's constantly throwing parties to catch his attention, and of course he shows up, but instead of kissing her neck, he's fondling some other skank. Uh, not Veronica, Olivia. A random skank, not an important skank like you, sweetheart. So I'm going to need the two of you - Zara and Elias - to try this out. I need you to tell me what needs to work, what needs to change, how well the two of you can act it out. Zara, you must be all over Elias, and Elias, you'll notice, of course, and you'll find it amusing, but... who the hell cares? She's just another chick, right? Another chick you can dick."

    "And you, Candelaria, with the beautiful name, you are essentially playing yourself, am I correct? Bianca, your character, has strong feelings for Joseph - William Hemley, that's you, you're Joseph. You're going to deny it, of course, but the two of you are best friends, and you're always calling him, asking him to hang out with you. For once, Joseph gets to friend zone the one girl who actually has feelings for him, meaning, he's completely oblivious to her feelings and is always nice to you, always going to be with you when you're 'bored' or 'hungry.' The two of you, start buddying up. The two of you are going to be inseparable."

    "But not completely inseparable... Joseph is in love with Veronica, remember? You gotta feel sorry for the guy. He's actually going to catch Veronica and Ryder in the act; I know, it sucks. Your task, William, is to practice being in love with Zara. I don't see how that would be hard for you, the girl's gorgeous, but just tell me how the chemistry goes later."

    "And Nathan ... Trent is in the background in this one. Watching everyone fall apart. You know everything, you see everything, and you're going to be blackmailing all of them. In fact, you've got your eye on little miss Bianca. Of course you're attracted to the girl; she's wealthy enough to catch his eye, right? He doesn't particularly like the girl, the two get into more fights than real conversation, but he finds it fun. He likes it. So, weasel your way into our beautiful Candelaria's life. That shouldn't be hard; she doesn't bite. Not often, anyway."

    "Our favorite jokester, Gregory! Danny, your character is a riot, the scenes we have for him are hilarious. He's intrigued by Cindy, that is, Chandler's character, and is always trying to get some fun out of her, but as fun as she is, Cindy only thinks the two of you are friends - which, right now, the two of them are. But it will grow into something larger, let me assure you. I need you and Chandler learn to be comfortable around each other. Start talking, spend some free time together. Just learn how to relax when the two of you are together, laugh, smile, so that the friendship is natural on camera."

    "And last but not least, Chandler, Cindy Peters is not a very large part in XOXO just yet. She's kind of in the background, but she's going to be the mediator for every relationship. Everyone's spilling their guts to Cindy Peters, because she's the girl who keeps her mouth shut all the damn time. You have the same homework assignment as Danny, but otherwise, that's it. Your time in the spotlight will come later, the screenwriters are still working out the kinks of your grand debut."

    "You guys didn't expect homework, did you? No, you are going to be working your asses off. I expect only the best from you, because I know you're capable of it."

    "Meeting adjourned. Workers, stay after. We have some technical matters to discuss."

    "You heard everything that just happened. You know exactly why I put those people together. Elias and Olivia are not the people you would imagine to be good friends... find a back story for that. Writers, that's for you. Be creative, show me what you got and I might even consider giving you a job. All of the pairs are a little unexpected. Zara and Elias, the silent but beautiful statues... Candelaria and William, the ex-es... I felt a little bad putting them together, really, but the script was originally like that, believe it or not. You can all guess the drama just waiting to be caught on screen. William's bound to try to get Olivia out of her shell, probably into her pants... Danny and Chandler? I know Chandler would most definitely be repulsed at the idea of them having to be friends. Work with it."

    "I want all of you to keep an eye on all of them, but pay a little more attention to your roommate. Or for some of you, roommates, as I announced earlier in the very beginning. If you can, if you're daring, steal a diary entry, a phone, anything. I expect to see results. A meeting will be held in two weeks; bring something big by then."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Mann Character Portrait: Danny Crankshaw Character Portrait: Presley Floyd
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The two continue walking in silent, confirming in Presley's mind that the man beside her, Mr. Crankshaw, doesn't mind the comfortable stillness of the air. Well, stillness as far as communication goes, for a light breeze does stir the air now and again, as do the familiar noises of the area: bicycles, chatting tourists, cars driving by, birds singing, etc. Honestly, the sounds aren't that different than what one may find in any neighborhood. Well, perhaps not any neighborhood- there weren't really many birds singing outside of Presley's old front door, but that was because they didn't live in an area where there was much in the way of shrubbery or anything else that could be used for the sort of birds which bother to sing for the world. Not that Presley had ever minded growing up in a more urban area- the pulse of the people on the sidewalks and the constancy of the noise had been a very soothing thing for her as a child, despite her own quiet nature. She doesn't dwell much on such things anymore, but visits home do bring back a certain sort of nostalgia for her home city, and once or twice she has wished that she had gone to a school there rather than here, and then gotten a job in the familiar place. Regrets are soon followed by observations that, even in such a large city as Chicago, one cannot find everything and properly branch out.

Although, this particular neighborhood is slightly lacking in diversity, itself, the blonde young woman notes as she watches yet another pair of white, upperclass people walk by, drinking their Starbucks coffees and chatting cheerfully. Her eyes flicker downwards to observe that the man is keeping pace with her rather easily. He isn't particularly tall, but seems accustomed to walking briskly, just as she is. This is something which she can certainly appreciate. She herself is quick to register his introduction and question, giving him a nod in response to his comment about her already knowing his name. Does that make him uncomfortable? Not knowing something about someone, when they know about him? I didn't really go into too much information on people besides Olivia- hardly any, actually. But it does seem to. I suppose he is the sort who likes to always know something about others, or does so accidentally. That's a bit dangerous, but I can handle it. As soon as we reach the house, I'll melt into the wallpaper as usual, and he won't notice a thing when it's time for me to do my job, even she, observant as she may be, doesn't note the slight bitterness in her own inner voice as she thinks about melting into the wallpaper, as she usually does. It is more of a 'choose-to-ignore' situation, though.

"Yes, Mr. Crankshaw, I know your name," she glances over, seeing that he is now looking at her, waiting for an answer to his inquiry after her own name. For a slight moment, she almost feels as though she is being interrogated, despite the question being so very basic and typical.

"Floyd. Presley Floyd," she informs him, her voice soft but almost business-like in its tone. Of course, her tone is constantly shifting and adapting to the situation, almost like a camouflage of sorts, although it only serves to match the voice to its surroundings. She never even realizes she is doing it, part of what makes her have little to no presence to the average person- the little things, tiny adaptations, that make her seem as though she belongs so much that she is inseparable from the scenery, and thus easily overlooked. I suppose I should tell him what my job is. Well, he hasn't asked, so it doesn't particularly matter, then.

Her thought process, little inner decisions like that, are another thing that make her so bad at small talk. Unless one manages to latch onto a topic she is passionate about, they may have difficulty getting her to keep a conversation going for more than the exchange of basic information. They make it up a hill, and Presley checks her phone for the time. They've been walking for maybe five minutes now and are still, by her estimations, approximately twenty or so minutes away.

We're going to miss the meeting, she notes, glancing up towards the sky for a moment before looking back towards Danny. Of course, they didn't actually miss the meeting in the end, just ended up showing their faces a bit late. When they did arrive, Presley went immediately to sit down in the back, unnoticed by most, as usual. It was long and mostly held information that she already knew, but sat through anyway. By the end of it, including the crew meeting, she has gotten all of the information that she needed, if any of it wasn't already known to begin with.

I suppose it is probably alright that I missed part of it, Presley thinks, standing up slowly and identifying all of the people around her quite easily, able to at least recall first names.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robert Mann Character Portrait: Danny Crankshaw Character Portrait: Presley Floyd
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Danny watched her closely after he spoke, but only out of the corner of his eye. She seemed to be intrigued by his question at least, which he guessed was a good thing. He had also noticed that she kept glancing at him as well as he walked, the same way he would do to people when he didn't want to face them directly: apparently it was a smaller world than he had realized, or wanted. Regardless, she simply nodded at his quesiton, and kept silent for a while before giving an answer. For reasons of this, Danny knew not: after all, he barely knew the girl.

Yes, Mr. Crankshaw, I know your name Danny raised an eyebrow slightly at the formality she had given him. Most people that knew him either stuttered out some form of formality, or called him by Danny. It wasn't uncommon for formalities to be just that, but he hadn't been expecting it from a complete stranger. True, he had figured out that she would be working on the set, which would most likely explain her use of formality towards him, but Danny had a knacking feeling that there was more to it. Perhaps she was submissive, easily establishing herself at the bottom of the pyramid? Maybe it was just because she had a job that she felt to be inferior to his own. Danny didn't know yet, he didn't have the information, but he knew it would come. It always did.

Floyd. Presley Floyd. At first hearing her name, Danny instantly recited her name in his head to the theme of the James Bond movies. What? It wasn't his fault that he grew up with a kick ass agent as his iconic hero. Pushing that aside, he mentally rolled the name across his imaginary tongue. Presley Floyd. Flows quite nicely, isn't hard to remember. I like it. He finally came back to reality, having her name run a few more times through his head in her tone. Quite formal as well, just like her earlier statement. Interesting, to say the least. Granted, many people told him that he could get a little too formal, but he brushed them aside: he needed to make up for all the times he said 'Yo', and... well, you get the idea.

"Well, nice to meet you Miss Floyd." He let out softly after his long thought process. If she heard him or not, it didn't register as they reached the top of the hill and Presley checked her phone. Danny had no need to, as he accurately guessed that they had only been walking for no more than 5 minutes. It was weird how Danny could accurately measure how long they had been doing an objective, and yet when it came to times themselves he could never keep up. Throughout the next twenty minutes of walking, Danny thought about very little besides his own situation. There was the fact that he still wasn't very comfortable with being around a bunch of bigwigs with famous names, while he would be stuck at the bottem. It he was correct in the hierarchy system the actors would have set up, he would probably get lumped in with the other workers, if there were any others besides Presley.

When they arrived, Danny muttered something that he wasn't sure if Presley heard or not, but he doubted she would understand it anyway. "OstavΚΉ nadezhdu vsyak syuda vkhodyashchiy..." Yeppers, Danny let loose some Russian. Now, for those that don't understand the harsh language, Danny was quoting the most famous line from The Inferno by Dante Alighieri, 'Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.' With that depressing little entry to the estate, he knew that he was going in with the wrong mindset, but he also knew that this little adventure could turn ugly fast.

Just as Presley did, Danny entered the meeting unnoticed and silent - as stated before, Danny had a serious skill for entering and exiting without being noticed or even cared about. This skill may not be as refined as Presley's seemed to be, for nobody even looked at the girl, even when the meeting ended. Regardless, Danny remained by the door and listened to the 'ever glorious' Robert Mann speak about their jobs and such. As Rob continued on his speech, Danny's eyes scanned the room, intrigued and yet barely interested in what he saw. There was the obvious two that seemed to soak up everything, William and Chandler. Then there was the Latina Candelaria - which not only was difficult, but surprisingly hilarious to pronounce, but not in a bad way. Danny knew about these three the most, but that was given: famous people were famous, therefore well known. Then there were the others who weren't: The silent Elias, the goofy Nathaniel, the frozen Zara, the strict Olivia, and himself. Among the actors were bunches of people who Danny could only expect to be the workers, and he was shocked to see how many there were. He hadn't expected Mann to go this crazy for hired help.

Speaking of Mann...

Our favorite jokester, Gregory! Danny, your character is a riot, the scenes we have for him are hilarious. He's intrigued by Cindy, that is, Chandler's character, and is always trying to get some fun out of her, but as fun as she is, Cindy only thinks the two of you are friends - which, right now, the two of them are. But it will grow into something larger, let me assure you. I need you and Chandler learn to be comfortable around each other. Start talking, spend some free time together. Just learn how to relax when the two of you are together, laugh, smile, so that the friendship is natural on camera."

Danny couldn't really call this homework: after hearing it, it sounded more like a weird mixture of 'toruture' and 'character research.' He knew enough about Chandler to know that attempting to act high and mighty would get you killed by this bitchy miss. So basically, Danny had to act exactly like himself, keep his snide comments to himself, and try not to piss her off first day with his own views, because he knew that they wouldn't see eye to eye on anything if they talked too much together. So Danny made no attempt to move at all when the meeting had been adjourned. He waited until all of the other actors walked by him before sauntering out himself, but not before catching a few words of the worker's meeting. Don't blame Danny for being snoopy, blame his ears if you have to for being unnaturally good. He didn't catch much other than 'You know why I put them together' before he walked far enough away not to hear them and headed towards his room.

Basically, Danny had felt like Robert Man had issued him a challenge in the very first day. 'You're going to have to be able to play with the big leagues to stay here, kid.'

Oh my friend, it seems you are going to be more useful than I thought during this journey. Danny thought to his bottle of vodka in his bag, which was still around his arm. Because if this goes as bad as I'm thinking it will, this escapade will go south fast for the Russian.