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School of the Strange

School of the Strange


Strange people with strange powers have been invited to a suspicios boarding school in the middle of the Australian Outback. Are you one of these strange people? OPEN

3,794 readers have visited School of the Strange since KILLERZARIC created it.


You have been invited to a suspicios boarding school. You read the brochure and it implicates that only people with strange powers are aloud. You are one of those people. The boarding school is in the middle of the Australian Outback, in the only green and cool place for miles. Meet the other student, get to know your teachers, and have fun!

character skelly

power (or other special things, like part animal):
equipment (for training):
partner/crush (if any):

anime or real pics aloud!

1 or 4)Maths
2 or 3)English
3 or 2)SOSE (study of society and enviroment)
4 or 1)Science
6)Language (foriegn languages)
?)Power honing (teached to use your power)

line 7 is your choice, and everyones in the same class if you have the same lesson on the same line. the last 2 are special and will happen when the teachers call you. there are 5 periods in a day, and every second tuesday is PC (pastoral care, where you learn about yourself and make friends).

turning 13- year 7
turning 14- year 8
turning 15- year 9
turning 15- year 10
turning 16- year 11
turning 17- year 12

Toggle Rules

1. no godmodding
2. no idiots
3. romance and swearing is aloud but keep it at PG-13
4. no controlling NPC's at the school
5. the roleplay is using Australian school system
6. dorms are mixed genders
7. act like a student
8. no werewolves or vampires
9. technology doesn't work with magic, but swords, bows, etc. does
10. if you have read the rules, then put "magic" in the misc. section of the character skelly

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors

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My eyes fluttered open as the alarm rang loudly, as there was no one else in the house to hear it. I got out of bed, dressed up, and went down stairs. I started to make myself breakfast, some toast with jam. I put the toast in the toaster, then went outside to check the mail. There was a letter there that had a seal on it. I opened the letter while I walked inside. I stopped on the front doorstep, the letter had a message that I was admitted to a school, and a plane ticket to Australia. As I continued to walk inside, brown, yellow, and orange leafs trailed behind me.

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"Milli, go get the mail," Her grandmother said, focused on the telly. It was a crisp, cool day in Autumn, and Milli welcomed the opportunity to step outside the hell of a home she had to live in. She imagined destroying the mailbox with one of her fire balls, but she decided against that. As she walked back into the house with the mail, her grandmother stood.
"What's the story, cailín?" She asked impatiently.
"Did ye sign me up for some special school down under, Seanmháthair?" Milli asked, looking down at the sealed envelope.
Her grandmother nodded. "Nay, but I should have I'm after findin' out about you're little tallann!" She huffed, going back to telly.
Milli sighed, looking down at the sealed envelope. Who could have signed her up? Australia, she thought, she just happy because she want's me far away from Marcus...

(OOC: cailín- Irish for girl, Seanmháthair- Irish for grandmother, tallann- Irish for talent, story is like news, and "I'm after finding" is "After finding out")

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Simia sat in her room, her feet propped up on the desk with her Ipad sitting on her lap. "Rise of the Planet of the Ape" blarring throught her earbuds. "Simia!" a woman's voice called but Simia heard her but neglected to answer. She tapped the screen lightly with a huff, took the headphones out of her ears, pushed off the desk and faced the door. "What!?" She screamed. "It's time to go." called the woman. Simia rolled her eyes. "Yay, I get to leave one prison just to end up smack in another." She said looking around her packed up room. She'd recieved her letter the day before and the scientist's were excited but Simia wasn't. She hated people, they were cruel to what they didn't understand, and no one understood Simia. With a sway of her long tail, Simia grabbed her black leather jacket and threw it out. She began to walk to the door when she'd nearly forgotten her Ipad, so reaching with her tail, she wrapped her tail around the Ipad and slide it off the desk. With that, she was out the door. The female scientist that called her was smiling as if the first day of school was a good thing. "Good Luck!" She said. Simia glared at the woman. "Yeah, I'm gonna need it." Simia grimaced and prepared for her lonely flight to Australia.

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(ooc- Autumn on my last post is my character name, but lets just make it the season too XD. BTW, the school is invite only, so Soren, your characters granma couldn't of enrolled her, sorry about that,I should of put it in the introduction)


I went inside to pack my bags, when I went back outside there was a limo, this was strange. A man was standing next to an open door. No one was in the car yet, so I was either the first to be picked up, or the only one there, but as there where lots of sits, I guessed the former was correct. I stepped in the car and we drived off to the next house. After a while, the car started flying, but I didn't really care. I pulled a book out of my bag and started reading it.

(the limo is for people that don't have a proper mode of transportation, so you don't have to take the flying limo)
Bio of Autumn

Name: Autumn
age: 15
gender: male
personality: cool and collected, but shy. smart, athletic, kind, and handsome.
power: can control the powers of autumn, like leafs, colours, wind, and can make plants wither until it looks like it is in autumn. He can also become leafs and go somewhere, kind of like teleporting, but it makes a rustling sound. He can also use magic.
equipment: sword and bow 'n arrow
partner/crush: none...yet
likes:Animals, autumn, leafs, nature, kind people, video games
dislikes: idiots, mean people, insects, cats
family: all dead
bio: his family was murdered by an unknown assassin when he was 8. He has lived by himself ever since.
misc.: magic

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(ooc- fixed! and thanks, I didn't know! :D sorry about that lil mistype! also, Ní thuigim= I don't understand)

Milli stepped into the hot Australian heat and immediately regretted her choice of long pants and a long sleeved t-shirt. She looked again at the piece of paper. A limo was supposed to pick her up from the airport, but she saw none. As she took off her long sleeved shirt and left herself in only a bra that looked like a bathing suit top, she realized she should probably be more careful and smoothed her hair down over her non-existant human ears. Milli touched the small puffs of fox ears that poked out of the top of her head and smiled. Ní thuigim! Milli thought, scratching her ear. She had been sure to let them know exactly when her plane would be arriving.

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The limo stopped in front of a different plane, a girl was in front of the plane, semi-naked. I didn't notice as I was still reading the book. The car door opened and I looked up. "oh...hi" I muttered, then went back to my book.

(forgot to add that Autumn is untrusting too)

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She climbed into the limo, looking at his book. "Conas atá tú?" She asked. "Ach! Mo leithscéal--I mean I'm sorry! I meant how are ya?" She mentally slapped herself for being so stupid. Boys tended to make her nervous, and she really didn't want him noticing her ears...not yet.

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Jade sat at the front of the school, her cigarette smoke drifting outward as she watches new people arrive on campus. Almost four years of being here, not a single thing has changed.

Still the same old annoying teachers, the know-it-all students, and everything else. Her bright green eyes scan the place, then drift down to her watch.

Her ten minute break was up, she flicks the butt of the cigarette and stands up with a stretch, going back to the front desk where she was to show the new students their rooms, and hand out campus maps. She sighs for a moment, looking around, each and every new student, wide eyed and worried about if they were going to fit in.

Flicking her bangs out of her face, she hands out maps, answering questions that the noobs had.

"Where can I get my schedule?"

"Are there any sport programs here?"

"Where is Greenbaumb Hall?"

It was the same questions every year.

Same shit, different day...

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I looked up at her as she spoke. I understood almost all languages, but I didn't let her know that, so I waited until she spoke english before I spoke. "i'm good" I answered "how are you? Excited of a new school?". I felt the limo take off again as I was talking. I sighed and closed my book, waiting for her answer.

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Milli nodded. "Aye, bit nervous though. Can't be tough for a buachaill dathúil like yourself though. I mean, not like I'm not attractive enough...still, gotta bit o' the nerves. Sorry if I'm rameblin'. Just tell me to t suas," Milli groaned again. "ACH! Sorry...Still can't get over the idea of not speaking Gaelic," She pushed her flaming red bangs out of her face, making sure that both her ears and not ears were covered. "I'm Millicent by the way. Milli, if ya prefer," She held out her hand for him to shake.

(buachaill dathúil, handsome boy, t suas, shut up)

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As she spoke, I smiled. She held out her hand, so I shook it. "Nice to meet you, my name is Autumn." I said "By the way, I understood everything you said, thank you" I added, smiling. I took my hand away. As I pulled it away, three leaves fell out of my sleeve. "hmmm, that is getting quiet annoying" I muttered.

(BTW, I actually have no idea what your saying XD)

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(I figured as much, which is why I keep putting the translations at the top or bottom lol)

Milli blushed nervously, and as her face got darker red, so did one of the leaves. Until, that is, it burst into flames. "Ach! Bloody hell! Tá mé ag mo deireadh wits!" She cussed in Gaelic as she stomped on the burning leaf, sighing and looking up at him. "Sorry..." She muttered, becoming more nervous with every centimeter they came closer to the school.

(Tá mé ag mo deireadh wits, I'm at my wits end!)

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I looked in suprise as the leaf burst in flames. At first I thought that I did it, but I could feel the power coming from Milli. "it's ok, I don't really care about it" I said. I felt the car stop. I looked out the window, and took a sharp intake of breath. The school was massive. "bloody hell" I muttered under my breath "that place is huge!". I grabbed my book, and stepped outside. I went to the boot to grab my bags, when a man came and grabbed my bags for me. "follow me to your dorm room" he said, to both Milli and me. I followed him, expecting for us to get different dorm rooms, but when he put both our bags in front one door, fumbling with a key, I was suprised. is there mixed gender rooms or something? I thought to myself. He opened the door and brought our bags in. I looked around the room, it was luxurios, with two queen sized beds, a HD 70" flat screen TV mounted on the wall, two of the most advanced computers I have ever seen, and two onsuites. "I hope you will enjoy your room, it's sunday tommorow, so school doesn't start until monday" the man said, he bowed, then left. I looked at Milli."so I guees we're sharing a room" I said.

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Milli blinked. "I've never seen anything so amazing..." She muttered, touching the down comforter with one hand. "Ya want the on by the wall o' the winda?" She asked, looking around excitedly. "Frankly, I don't give a rats fart, but if you do I'll take the other one," She looked at the computers with confusion. "Seanmháthairs computer looks like an old rock to this!" She pressed the power button and found solitaire, quickly starting and loosing a game. "Ach, tha's me bollucks!" Turning away from the computer, she looked at her bags. "Best unpack, else it'll nere get done," she laughed at her own joke, pointing again to one side of the room or the other. "Window or door, Autumn?" Milli asked, smiling.

(Seanmháthair, grandmother, tha's me bollucks, that's my luck!, nere, Irish slang for never)

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"hmm, oh, window, I like a view" I said absentmindedly. I was back reading my book, at quiet an interesting part. After I finished the book, I placed it down, and looked at the time. My eyes widened, it was already 7:00 PM, dinner time. As if on que, there was a knock on the door. I answered the door, and what seems like a lady teacher, stood there. "hello, you two must be the new students" the lady stated "follow me to the dining hall for dinner". I followed her to to what must be the main building. We walked up to two huge doors. the teacher opened them, inside was 100 huge tables, a hundred metres long, each. on most of the tables, people sat, students, teachers, and other people. The teacher with us left, so I went and sat at one of the tables that no one else was on after I got my food from waht seems like a canteen, but you don't have to pay. I got some roast beef, mash potato, and some water. I sat and ate my food.

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Character Portrait: Simia Panicus
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Milli stared in wonder, not really knowing where to go. She sat down across from Autumn and looked at his food. "Ach, what is that?" She asked, nodding at the pile of mashed potatoes. "Is that s'posed to be potatoes? Why they killin' her dear crop!?" She played out the dramatics of fainting and eventually resurfaced above the table, smiling like a fool. "I'm sorry, I'm a bit of a theatrics nut,"
Milli stood and without word flitted over to where other students were standing to wait for food. She tapped the shoulder of the girl in front of her. "Beg pardon, but is this the line to get food?" She hadn't noticed the girls tail, and even after she did it didn't bug her.

(ooc- be back later. gotta get some sort of sleep xD)

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I looked at her as she was pretending to faint, I just noticed that she had fox ears pokeing out of her head, I wondered how I didn't notice that before. I continued staring at her as she walked away, then I continued eating. After I finished eating, I brought another book out and started reading.

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Simia stepped off the plane and into the airport. She'd finished her movie on the plane and now she felt a little confident. Apes ruling the world getting back at the humans who tormented them. Yea, she liked that idea. She looked around and saw a limo waiting for her. She walked up to the chauffeur holding her name. "Yo," She said to the man, then she saw him starting. Her tail had come out of her pant leg. For all to see. Simia frowned. "Like whatcha see?" She snapped and decided, he was a jerk like all the rest. She crawled in the car, and slammed the door with her tail. "Ugh!" she huffed and played the movie again on her way toward the school.

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I looked at the girl stepping of the plane. She had a tail coming out of her pant leg, but I was used to that, working at a school like this. "yo" she said to me. I saw a purple shadow sneak around behind the plane and I jumped, I hope that was my imagination. "Like what you see?" she snapped at me, I guess she thought I jumped at her. I walked to the driver seat, started the engine, and continued to the school.

(Derek is a butler like worker at the school, his 21, and has the power of flying)

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I finished my meal, and went back to the dorm. I fell asleep almost instantly, waking up to sun streaming throug the window. I groaned, turned over, and pulled the blanket over my face.

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Simia arrived at the school. She shoved her Ipad into her messanger and stepped out of the limo as the door open.It was warm even though it was late. She looked over at the chauffeur. He was younger then she remembered and pretty cute too. Though, she didn't apologize for snapping at him but she did give him a half smile and a two fingered salute as she walked through the doors.

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(In case your Dameon is pronounced Dame-e-on and is not his true name. It was given to him by Miss Branigan. Also ~This is how I show thoughts.~)

"No, I hate being late. It means I have to apologise." Dameon wriggled in his seat as he waited for his bag to go around the baggage reclaim. His plane had been delayed so he now had even more to worry about. As if the giant arm safely hidden under a red cloak wasn't enough he also had to worry about meeting new people and being late. When he saw his bag he quickly walked towards it to grab it then turned around to a man that was standing with a small girl. "Excuse me, sir. C-could you tell me the time?" He muttered with his head facing the floor.

"Its seven am. Come on Lucy." The man dragged his daughter away and left Dame to find out where to go next. The letter said that he would be picked up at the airport but he did not yet know what by. ~Just remember what Miss Branigan said and you will be fine.~ Miss Branigan was really important to Dame and so he wanted to make her proud, he had promised her that he would learn to be a bit more outgoing so that was what he was going to do.

After leaving the airport Dame sat on a bench and waited for his pick up to arrive.

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The girl gave me a half-smile and a two fingered salute, so I smiled back, and waved her off. Then I drove away to the next student. I arrived next to him while he was sitting on a bench. I ran outside and opened the door for the boy. I gave him a warm smile, and waited for him to walk in.

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Dame stood up and walked over to the man standing next to a limo. "A-are you from the School?" He asked nervously looking away from the man and at the limo. Afterwards he gave a quick glance at his covered arm to see that it was still covered up by the skilfully made cloak. It was somewhat of a treasure to him, made by Miss Branigan when she first adopted him, sure it was old and a little tatty but it was always really important to him. Dame looked up at the man to see his face in more detail. He was much older than him but still not very old, maybe around the age of Natalie his friend from back home.

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"Yes I am" I answered "please get in the car... Ahhh, it seems our next student is here" I added, as I saw a young girl come up. I waited until both of them stepped into the car, then got back into the drivers seat and drove off.


The plane ride was boring. When I got off, I saw a boy next to a limo, he had a cloak over one of his arms, there was also a man holding the door open. I walked towards there, somehow knowing that it was the right limo, and stepped inside. I turned to the boy. "hi, i'm Alli" I said, holding out my hand.

Alli's bio

name: Alline Getin
age: 13
gender: female
personality: Shy, but kind, and very wierd. She is smart, a little sporty, and beutiful
power: has a power over undead, and the dead, pretty much necromancy. Is a magic trainee.
equipment: necromancer bells (read the Old Kingdom trilogy by Garth Nix for info on these bells) and a sword
partner/crush: TBA
likes: cute boys, death, people with a sense of humour
dislikes: idiots, smart alecs
family: All dead
bio: family died when she was on holiday with her friends. She has lived with her friends since. Until she was invited to the school of the strange.
misc.: magic

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View All » Add Character » 10 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Katy
Character Portrait: Milli McVincent
Character Portrait: Jade
Character Portrait: Dameon Marconis
Character Portrait: School of the Strange
Character Portrait: Simon Little
Character Portrait: Cole Silver


Character Portrait: School of the Strange
School of the Strange

All the characters I will rp as, including teachers and students. All NPC's.

Character Portrait: Jade

Girl's got bite

Character Portrait: Milli McVincent
Milli McVincent

Mill-ey, not My-lie!

Character Portrait: Katy

"My powers make me whole, ur not taking that away from me"


Character Portrait: Milli McVincent
Milli McVincent

Mill-ey, not My-lie!

Character Portrait: Katy

"My powers make me whole, ur not taking that away from me"

Character Portrait: Jade

Girl's got bite

Character Portrait: School of the Strange
School of the Strange

All the characters I will rp as, including teachers and students. All NPC's.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Katy

"My powers make me whole, ur not taking that away from me"

Character Portrait: School of the Strange
School of the Strange

All the characters I will rp as, including teachers and students. All NPC's.

Character Portrait: Jade

Girl's got bite

Character Portrait: Milli McVincent
Milli McVincent

Mill-ey, not My-lie!

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Re: School of the Strange


Re: School of the Strange

I am currently confused. Are they talking to Simon or Ulimar?

Re: School of the Strange

I'm afraid that I can't actually see anything.

EDIT: I've gone ahead and posted. Is everything in order?

Re: School of the Strange

Hey I drew Simia

Tell me what you think?

Re: School of the Strange

Hello. I understand that it's a little late, but I'd like to join, if that's all right. I've submitted a character profile for your approval. Please let me know either here or through PM what you think. Thanks!

Re: School of the Strange

already posted, right now, just let us get to know your character. Then we will all catch the same plane, as it is a private plane.

Re: School of the Strange

Who's gonna make the first post? Because I don't want to step on anyone's toes...

Re: School of the Strange

your the only one that got your character perfect first try. Awesome. XD

Re: School of the Strange

I have submitted my character I hope you like it?

School of the Strange

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You may edit this first post as you see fit.