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Ski Trip: No Escape

Winter Ski Resort


a part of Ski Trip: No Escape, by twi-twi.


twi-twi holds sovereignty over Winter Ski Resort, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Winter Ski Resort is a part of Ski Trip: No Escape.

8 Characters Here

Artemis Sutton [1] "Who told you that you could breathe MY air? Huh?"
Briana Hill [0] "I was NOT trying to steal your money."
Aiden Colebank [0] "Did you know that... Nevermind, you don't care."
Jason Wolfe [0] You don't want to get hurt? Then don't piss me off.
Issac Sutton [0] "I wish we had flowers here... All we have is this pointy icicle I can stab you with. Darn!"
''Hachiko'' Vandiara [0] '' Even though my heart is on the left, It is right.''
Ian Hawke [0] "Why did I have to do this?"
Thea Mifflin [0] Oh, look, it's snowing guys!

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Issac grinned a bit. He shrugged, unsure of where to go next. "Should we find the others?" he suggested.

Artemis nodded, not wanting to tell Issac, but knowing she would have to. She moved away from Jace, taking her mug and his and walking to the kitchen.

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#, as written by twi-twi
Thea shrugged. "Sure, I guess." She said and started walking back to the kitchen, thinking about everything. Maybe she should tell Isaac then way she feels... But she wasn't sure. Maybe it would be better to just keep her mouth shut.

Jace followed Artemis to the kitchen, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind and laying his head on her shoulder. "Is everything alright?" He asked her.

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Issac said nothing and led the way back to the kitchen. While walking through the halls he made sure to turn off any lights they had missed earlier. However, it limited his vision and caused him to bump into pretty much anything and everything. "Ow! Ouch, ow..." he groaned, trying to steady a table.

Artemis looked turned her head and looked at Jace. "Nothing," she told him, though it wasn't entirely true. She set the mugs down on the counter and closed her eyes, feeling safe and warm in Jace's grasp.

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#, as written by twi-twi
Thea ran to Isaac's side when he cried out in pain, lightly touching his arm, looking worried. "Oh my god! Are you alright?" She asked, one hand on his back, the other on his arm, trying to see how on Earth she could help him.

Jace kissed her neck and brought his lips to her ear, brushing her ear with his lips as he whispered, "I don't quite believe you." That being said, he turned his head and coninued planting little kisses on her neck.

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Issac winced a bit, rubbing his leg and side where he had hit the table. "Yeah, I'm fine," he said. "I'll just walk it off. Uh, remind me not to come back through this hall." It would probably leave a bruise, but it could have been worse. He was just glad he hadn't full out ran into it or trip over it and fallen. He continued walking, feeling happy from Thea's touch.

Artemis laughed a bit as his comment, but didn't say anything.

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#, as written by twi-twi
Thea was still a bit concerned, but let it go. He knew how bad it was, not her. She couldn't feel it, he could. "Alright. No more walking down this hall." She said with a nervous chuckle. She took her hands off him, feeling slightly awkward, glad for the dark that was hiding her blush. She walked with him down the hall.

Jace squeezed Artemis closer to him, wishing she would tell him what was wrong, but he wouldn't push her. Jace backed up until he was leaning against the counter, then he turned her around so she was facing him, then he pulled her against him, her face ending up in his chest as he rubbed her back, hoping to at least make her feel better if he couldn't get her to tell him.

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Issac walked carefully now, making sure not to bump into anything else. They returned to a more familiar looking hallway. The kitchen wasn't too far away now.

Artemis smiled, turning her face to the side so as not to be suffocated by Jace's chest. She instantly felt relaxed. She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around him. If she were a cat, she would be purring right now. She still wasn't going to tell him what was wrong though, that she was still terrified of what could happen.

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#, as written by twi-twi
Thea noticed that they were close to the kitchen and was spacing out, not really paying attention. Her mind was off in her own world, where everyone was happy, and no one got beaten, or froze to death. She stubbed her toe a couple of times, wincing, but other than that she was alright. Her eyes had adjusted enough to the dark.

Jace heard movement outside the kitchen down the hall, and he sighed. "Here we go..." he said, and reluctantly let go of Artemis, but not before kissing her on the forehead. He then turned and went to the sink, busying himself with the dishes.

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Art smiled and went to jump up on a metal table, but missed. She fell onto the floor hard and a knife that had been on the table fell off as well. She blocked the knife with her hand, but it still cut her. She screamed and looked at her bleeding hand, then got up and started looking for something to stop the bleeding with. She knew what would happen if Issac saw blood.

Issac yawned a bit, despite being up for only an hour or so. It was then that he heard a loud crash and a scream coming from the kitchen. Thinking the worst, he grabbed Thea's hand and ran to the kitchen. He opened the door. He briefly caught a glimpse of Art getting off of the floor looked directly at Jace. "What did you do?!" he yelled.

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#, as written by twi-twi
Jace turned quickly when he heard the crash and scream, seeing Artemis on the ground and bleeding from her hand. He immediately went to her side, going to help her up. Then, Isaac busted through the door, seeing Jace and automatically blaming him. Well, that pissed Jace off. He would never raise a hand to a woman. Only weak scum did that. "I didn't do shit, you judgmental asswipe! Now get the fuck out of my way!" He had picked Artemis up and was carrying her out of the kitchen and toward the bathroom, where he hoped there was some first aid. "I know you probably hate me right now for saying that, but please wait to push me away until after I fix your hand." He said to Artemis in a hollow voice. He was preparing for the worst. Usually girls didn't like it when their little brothers got called names and cursed at. But Jace was not about to let himself be called a woman beater. He reached the bathroom and placed Artemis on the sink to where she wouldn't fall. He started searching the cabinets, but first threw a towel at her. "Use that to stop the blood. Apply pressure. I don't care if it hurts, you wont stop the blood without pressure."

Thea heard the crash as well, and was shocked by Isaac grabbing her hand and running. He nearly pulled her arm out of the socket. She had to run to keep up with him. When they reached the kitchen, she saw Jace, Artemis, blood, and a knife. She had to admit, it didn't look good for Jace. But, Isaac was the first to accuse him. That got him angry, and made Jace call Isaac some mean names. Thea didn't like any of this. She whimpered a bit to herself. She couldn't stand the sight of blood. Suddenly, Jace picked Artemis up and carried her out of the room. Thea didn't know what to do, her eyes were fixed on the blood that had stained the floor as her stomach did little flips.

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Artemis looked up as Issac and Thea entered the room, which was exactly what she didn't want to happen. This was not good. There was shouting and then she was picked up by Jace before she had a chance to explain to Issac what had happened. As he carried her down the hall, she ignored Jace's pleas and tried to get away from him, though it wasn't much use. Before she knew it, they were in the bathroom and there was a towel on her lap. She picked it up and wrapped it around her hand, then got up and opened the door. She had to clean up the blood and calm Issac down before he hurt somebody.

Issac wasn't sure why, but he found himself stepping aside for the guy who might have just hurt his sister. It might have been because he knew a fight wouldn't solve anything and that he would probably lose. But it was most likely that he had seen the beautiful bits of red on the floor, even in the dimmed light. There was nothing to keep him from seeing it. His eyes widened and he let go of Thea's hand, taking a step towards the blood. No, don't. You'll hurt Thea, and Artemis, and maybe Jace... Go for it! There's nothing to stop you. Thoughts raced through his head as his weird mania/obsession with the red body liquid began to clog his every thoughts. It didn't help that he had forgotten to take his medication last night.

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#, as written by twi-twi
Jace had just gotten everything out when he saw Artemis open the door and start to walk out. He ran after her, grabbing her by the arm. "What the hell are you doing? Please, just let me patch you up before you completely ignore me for the rest of your life." He pleaded with her, tugging her back toward the bathroom. His eyes held genuine concern, but his face was hard, trying to show he meant business. If she didn't go back, he'd have to carry her back and tie her down.

Thea got scared when she noticed the look in Isaac's eyes. She stepped toward him, putting a hand on his arm. "Isaac? Are-are you alright?" She asked in a rather small, frightened voice. How could the man that had felt so safe moments ago feel so terrifying now? She wanted to run away, every fiber of her being was telling her to. But she stayed, because this was Isaac, and she would do anything for him.

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Artemis turned and looked at Jace. "Jace, let go of me!" she yelled, pushing him off of her. She started racing down the hall, hoping she wasn't too late. "Thea! Thea!" She needed to get the small girl away from Issac before dealing with him. The longer she waited, the more danger they were all in. She looked at Jace again. "Please, I have to calm Issac down and I'll come back."

Issac started breathing faster, focused entirely on the blood. Where there was some, there was more. He spotted teh knife on the ground and walked over to it, picking it up.

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#, as written by twi-twi
Jace ran after Artemis, hearing what she had to say. It made him confused. "Isaac can get over his pissy mood at me! Right now we need to get you fixed up before you bleed through the damn towel!" He ran after her and grabbed her around the waist, lifting her off her feet. He started to turn back to the bathroom., but it was difficult carrying someone and walking, let alone carrying a thrashing person and walking.

Thea started to get more nervous when Isaac picked up the knife, his eyes growing more and more deranged. "Y-yeah, good idea. We should put it away before someone else gets hurt from it..." She said, hoping that was why he had picked it up. She hoped that the things running through her mind were as impossible as she thought they were. Isaac would never hurt her, would he?

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"Jason, let me GO!" Artemis struggled to get away from him. "I swear, if you don't put me down I will kill you!" She was on the verge of tears now. She couldn't let Issac hurt anybody, but she also wasn't just going to blurt out that he had maniac episodes. Issac would be less than thrilled if Thea and Jace knew that, though he probably cared more about Thea. "If you care about me you would let me go," she pleaded.

Issac closed his eyes and bit his tongue, trying to think of something else. Puppies and flowers and roses... are red... Crap, his therapist really hadn't helped very much.

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#, as written by twi-twi
If you care about me you would let me go.

That one stung Jace more than a little bit. He let her go immediately, as if she had burned him. He had heard that line before. Delivered by different lips. Different person. Yet, the meaning was all the same. He didn't even look at Artemis as he walked away. He didn't want to hear that this was the end already. Well, really, he didn't want to be around Artemis when the memory hit him fully, devoured him. He was making his way to the darkest palace he could think of: the sauna.

Thea was looking at Isaac nervously, wondering if she should tell him how scared she was. Instead, she had a flash of bravery and walked to him, a confident set to her face. She grabbed the hand that was holding the knife, but knew there was no way she could wrestle it out of his grip. So, instead, she stepped into his arms and embraced him, letting of of his hand to hold around his waist. Maybe this would help. Maybe.

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Artemis didn't look back. She ran down the hall towards the kitchen, hoping that she wasn't too late. She entered the kitchen and found Issac with his back to her and little arms wrapped around him. Thea was either alive and hugging him for some insane reason, or her worst fears had been realized. "Thea? Issac?" she said, her voice shaky and louder than usual. "Issac, how about we have a cup of tea? Or go play cards- you like cards."

Issac opened his eyes as soon as Thea touched him. He looked down at their hands and paused. He couldn't hurt her, not for this... He looked down her, almost taken away from his trance. Then Artemis came. He turned slowly and looked at her. "Art..." he whispered. "Art..."

She rushed towards him and saw the knife. She took it away and threw it into the corner. She unwrapped the towel from around her hand and started cleaning up the blood on the floor. "Thea, you need to let go of him and go to your room," she said hurriedly.

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#, as written by twi-twi
Jace made it to the sauna and opened the door. He didn't dare turn it on. He just sat in the farthest, darkest corner he could find after he closed the door. He closed his eyes and saw flowing brown hair, clear blue eyes. His own eyes filled up with tears and he doubled over, heaving with sobs. He was grateful no one was around to see him completely lose it.

Thea was glad to feel that Isaac was losening up. But then she heard Artemis come in. She took her Isaac away from her. It was the closest Thea had felt to Isaac, and Artemis was taking him away. When Thea was told to go to her room, she tried to stand tall and look stubborn. But then her bottom lip began to quiver and tears filled her eyes. If she was being truthful, she had been terrified. And she felt hurt that Isaac hadn't responded to her, not really. So, tears in her eyes, she gave up on looking tough and ran from the room in random directions. She ended up in the rec room, and climbed behind one of the game machines and curled up. Maybe she would just sleep here and never be found.

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"Don't go," Issac whispered, but Thea was already gone. He looked down at the floor, but found that only Artemis was there. Where had the knife gone to? "Where's the-" He was cut off as he felt a sharp pain on the left side of his face. He looked at his sister, who was glaring up at him. "Get a hold of yourself," Artemis said quietly. She walked over to the corner and picked of the knife. She cleaned it off as best as she could and threw it into the trash can. "You should go take your pills," she said, looking at the ground.

"Why did you hit me?!" Issac asked, infuriated. Sure, she was his sister, but that didn't give her permission to just slap him whenever she felt like it. Artemis turned and looked at him. "To make sure you didn't kill anybody," she told him bluntly. Issac sighed heavily, then turned and stormed out. "Thea!" he called out. "Thea! I'm sorry!"

Once Issac was gone, Artemis sat down on the floor and hugged her knees to her chest. She slowly wrapped the towel around her hand, not caring if she got an infection or not. Jace was going to be pissed at her and she wouldn't be able to even tell him why. She found herself crying, her body heaving despite her trying to control it.

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#, as written by twi-twi
Jace allowed himself to whisper her name only once. "Amber..." It was all he could take. Saying her name made it worse, and he grabbed at his hair, trying to pull it out. The brunette beauty's face teased him in his mind, showing him what he used to have. What he lost, all because of him. It was all his fault. His personal demons wouldn't leave him alone.

Thea heard Isaac call her name, but she satyed there. In fact, she slid her eyes closed. Maybe if she fell asleep, she could pretend she hadn't been scared, hadn't been hurt. All the affection that she had thought he had for her, it was all in her head. He didn't care for her. He didn't respond to her. He was just a stranger to him after all. He had just been polite.

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Artemis continued crying, not sure of what to do. This wasn't even her fault, it was Issac's. She frowned and stood up, then started walking back to the bathroom. she hadn't been expecting to find Jace there, but it still stung that he had run off. She tossed the towel in the sink and started looking through the first aid supplies for some disinfectant and gauze. She tried to keep her mind focused on that one thing, but it was so hard. She found her thoughts slipping off the deep end.

"Thea?!" Issac yelled again, not sure why she wasn't around. He vaguely remembered what had happened, but he didn't think he'd done anything to hurt her. "Thea! Please?" He heard his sister leave the kitchen. He walked into the lobby, looking around for somebody, even if it was Jace.

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#, as written by twi-twi
Jace sat up and wiped his eyes. He needed to stop. It was pitiful feeling bad for himself, all because of the past. He doubted his eyes had completely been fixed, but Artemis needed him to fix up her hand. He stood and walked out of the sauna. He made it back to the bathroom, where he found Art. He cleared his throat lightly so she knew he was there. He walked in and picked the gauze and alcohol, and the neosporin. He had dropped them in the laundry basket when he chased Art. "May I?" He asked, gesturing to the hand.

Thea whimpered when he heard Isaac call for her. She wanted so badnto run to him, but she also wanted to stay here forever. She decided to compromise. She came out from behind the game and sat on the couch. Well, she laid down. And she wasn't trying to be quiet. Her footsteps were kind of loud.

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Artemis looked up as Jace walked in. "Sure," she said quietly, looking at the ground and moving into a corner of the room. She wasn't sure what she was suppose to do or say, how she was suppose to explain what had just happened. So she kept her gaze on the floor and her thoughts in her throat.

Issac heard noise coming from the rec room. He was kind of surprised that somebody so small could make so much noise. He walked towards the rec room, trying tot think of what to say. But nobody ever prepared you for situations like this. He entered the room and saw Thea on one of the couches. He sat down on a chair and looked at his feet. He didn't say anything, only bit his bottom lip.

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#, as written by twi-twi
Jace took her hand gently, holding it as though it would break with too much pressure. He brought her to the sink and grabbed the alcohol bottle. He looked at her. "This is going to sting... I am sorry for this ahead of time." He said, though he knew it wasn't his fault. He poured the alcohol over the wound, wincing as he saw it go on, knowing he was hurting her. He took the gauze and cut a piece of it off, using it to dry her hand. He then took the neosporin and gently rubbed it onto the cut, thick. He then put the remainder of the gauze on it and then grabbed the medical tape, wrapping her palm and back of her hand in it. He then looked at her. "I'm sorry..."

Thea saw Isaac come in, but he didn't say a word. The silence was making her squirm, literally. But she had absolutely no idea what to say. What could she sa? Sorry I was attracted to you, thought you were too? What if he somehow didn't know? She was at a loss.

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Artemis didn't look at him as he fixed up her hand. She bit her tongue as he dumped the alcohol onto her hand. Ouch... As Jace continued about his work, she didn't say anything. But something caught her off guard. "I'm sorry." The red head looked up from the ground at him, confused. What did he have to be sorry for? Other than holding her back of course when she was trying to save Thea and Issac. "Don't be," she said softly. "None of this is your fault."

Issac glanced over at Thea, who was obviously just as uncomfortable as he was right now. He had no idea what was going through her head right now. "I'm not really sure of what to say," he told her with a nervous chuckle.