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Spirit Wars

Spirit Wars


The conflicts of Spirits, Demons, And Humans, The weapon?: Supernatural Power.

1,311 readers have visited Spirit Wars since JayZeroSnake created it.


For many years, various clans and factions have done battle in the Spirit World. Sometimes they had taken it to the outside world. As of recent, they've been doing harm to the mortals' world, from forcing people into embarrassing situations, wrecking various achievements, and in some rare cases, harming, and killing people.

However, As of Recent, The Angelic Government Of Heaven and the Dark Demonic Union of Hell have joined forces against the more evil spirits and demons. Down on Earth, people are starting to discover latent power: The ability to manipulate Soul Energy. Soul Energy is found in a living creature, and is sort of like Chi, But more like the energy found in ghosts and demons. It can be used for many different abilities, all of which have been used hundreds of years ago by older humans for many purposes, such as healing. But the most prominent had soon became well known: the Energy's use as a weapon.

The modern world is the new battlefield. Those with high resonance to the soul energy must now learn their powers, and discover who to trust, and who to fight...



Soul Energy Types: Soul Energy often appears as light, or a colored flame.

-Spirit: The regular type. Usually comes in a person's 'aura color' and appears as an outlining aura around the body, and in ranged attacks. It is a neutral force in nature.

-Demonic: Dominantly Dark Red most of the time. Works similarly to Spirit, but more sinister, and often more willing to kill. Often Evil.



-Warrior: The most basic. These types are strong, fast, and have amazing agility. They can infuse themselves with Soul Energy for Aura, 'Spirit Punches,' 'Spirit Kicks,' and much more. They rely on training the most compared to other classes, and can use Soul Energy in its normal, original form. They can power up, but do not change form. (Ex. Think Goku Or Yusuke Here.)

Main abilities: Strength/Speed/Agility, Strong Energy Blasts, Powering Up/Power Up Aura

-Psychic Wizard: These guys rely more on the mind. They primarily levitate things (Including themselves sometimes. Note, this is NOT flight.), and use other ESP inspired abilities. The don't have the best Physical Ability, but they make up for it in their amazing powers. Their ultimate power is in a protective 'Spirit Doll' which is basically a spirit they formed a contract with (also possible with some demons) so they could work together. Despite being called psychics, they also deal in Magic.

Main Abilities: ESP based powers, Spirit Doll, Rapid Fire Energy Blasts

-Shifters: These are people who work similarly to Warriors, but can use a different form (they begin with one. Gaining new forms is VERY difficult, and comes with getting stronger). Usually Demon type Soul Energy users use this for a beast-like demon form to help them fight. Externally it appears they use as much, possibly more energy (from the size) as the Warrior or Psychic Wizard, but the Shifters actually pour most of their energy into their power up forms.

Main Abilities: Changing Form, Brute Strength, Medium Level Energy Blasts, Power Up Aura


Character Sheet Requirements:
Species: (Humans, Demons, Spirits.)
S.E. Type (Spirit Or Demon)
Class (Warrior, Psychic Wizard, Shifters)
Moves (3-4 Max, one 'Super' Move, and one 'Hyper' Move.)

Theme Song

Toggle Rules

1. No Godmodding

2. No Mary Sue's

That's all for right now. Put this pass phrase in your sheet to show you read the rules. Don't put it, and I can't accept you. -_-:

"Raging Soul"

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


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Astur stopped his car at a local Subway for a sandwich, pulling out his wallet. people stared at the bizarre device that went on his ear, and held a green glass over his eye. He smirked to himself at these people. The people he would one day rule over. The people he would-

Oh no they didn't.

A Dog Just peed on his leg. He shot a small finger blast at the wretched creature, causing it to yelp in pain. He was about to laugh, but a baby diaper was chucked into his mouth, and he bit down. The contents are better left unknown.

"Looks Like I'll have to killabitch…." He muttered, changing the green glass over his eye from transparent to dark.

Because it looks awesome that way.


Meanwhile, Local Delinquent, Jack McCoy was sitting on a fence. He forgot to beat up some guy that day, so he had no money. Simple Video Game logic that he wouldn't have been able to collect a bit (or all) of what the loser had on him. His stomach grumbled, and so did he…


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#, as written by Akantha
Kiki Dee groaned softly and collapsed on to the tree. She was so hungry! "Soooo Hungry! Nyao!" She felt a soft image float up into the air shown feasts of sweet buns, soy sauce, meat, and all the food you could eat. Drool watered in her mouth and she flailed her hands. "Nyao!!! I need food! Where did that man go nyao? He said he would give me a good present for food!" She sighed as her body seemed to deflate again. "Eh~" She whimpered and blinked a few times. "I'm sleeping. I'm hungry. I feel like someone's calling me but it must be my imagination. Or heaven meow." She huffed. Images of all those buns were still floating over her head. If she could eat in her dreams she would rather do that.

She scratched at her cheek gently as a smile spread across her face. "Sniff, sniff." Her toothed smile broadened even more. "Get aholdy yourself Kiki! Upsy we go. Gotta find food." Kiki raised up on her haunches and ambled forward on all fours before shooting a glance around. It was broad daylight. She would have to act normal, that's right. Kiki Dee rose up to stand on her legs and chuckled, the sound almost child-like but devilish. "Kiki is a good blender-in." She nodded, viewing the strange looks the gained from some of the people that passed. She let out another chuckle, higher pitched this time before skipping forward to find food. Her one great goal.

She wandered for a while before collapsing once again. "Nyaa. Where's good guy when you need him? She laid there on the concrete a moment before her stomach let out a pitiful growl. She glanced up to the sky only to see a figure on a fence. "Scruffy man, I hope your not the reaper come to gets me nyao. Kiki isn't ready to die yet." She gazed at him for slightly longer when suddenly she was looking at a large oversized bun. She couldn't help the music that started up in her head. "Fluffy Wuffy! I've been waiting for ya all my life!" She launched herself at the bun on the fence suddenly full of energy again, drool dripping down her cheek, mouth open to take one, delicious, scrumptious bite. Forget that the bun might have been a human boy! It looked like a good steamed bun and you know what they say about biting the bullet. "Let. Me. Just. Take. One. Bite. I love you fluffy bun man!" She sang into the air as soared towards boy.


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Jack had been drifting off into sleep almost, watching a sea full of freshly cooked seafood, pools of fruit juice on the nearby island of Hungri-La, along with Turkey, Chicken, duck, Turducken, and god knows what else in the sky, along with a beach filled with sesame seeds and crabs using freshly fried burgers for shells, and instead of sticks drifting ashore, it was freshly fried french fries thick with grease juices and nearby Heinz Malt Vinegar (Because Ketchup is so overrated.)

His instinct kicked in, and he was the girl flying at him, about to bite him, when he lifted a leg, and kicked her in the face, preventing her from going any further, and dropping into the ground. At least he hoped that was what would happen. If not, his neck, arms, or crotch areas were prime for targeting.


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"no, please god NO!" the poor pitiful orc like creature screamed

"shut up, your doing a service to your kind, now sit still while i inject you with this serum" James said annoyed at the pitiful demons screams. forcing the injection in, James noticed the changes, wings appeared and spiritual energy increased for a moment before the demon convulsed and died, he would need a stronger demon, preferably something above orc, he had tested many serums but it was always the cowardace and weaknessess of the orcs that made them useless, honestly, he tried one on himself once, worked like a charm and gave him a slight agility boost, he just needed to find the right demons. Switching on a full city scanner, he waited for a release of energy, this was the only way to find demons easily now-a-days


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#, as written by Akantha
Kiki Dee was stopped easily by a foot to the face. She howled in agony and pulled her hands up to cradle her face. "Scruffy man, you didn't have to do tat!" She spared herself another long howl and frowned up at him, the red orbs staring at him. "I just thought you were a fluffy wuffy." She paused. "A bun." Her last sentence was accented by her stomach growling again. "I'm so hungry!" She rolled around in the circle, flailing like a spoiled little child denied of what she wanted. "Food!" She finally went still and tilted her head back to look at the boy. "I will help you if you find me foody." Her smile appeared, sharp pointed teeth revealing in mirthful amusement.

"We can eat together." Her tail slowly appeared as she flicked it once. "We can be party-ners. Nyao you get me food. And I.." She trailed off trying to think of something she could do in return. She slapped her paw to the top of her head and slowly scratched to imitate a thoughtful person, still keeping the guise of a human even though anyone looking would clearly question her humanity. Probably would say she was just dressing up for halloween in a really complex outfit even though it wasn't anywhere near the holiday. Humans seemed silly like that. Her tail tapped the pavement as some of her soul energy leaked out to help make her claws slide out of her hoodie's paws. "There. I will help ya get anything. Anything ya want." At the cost of energy more would be gained! Hitting two birds with one stone. She purred softly. "I'm so smarty. Whaddya say nyao?"


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Jack just wanted to kick her again. It seemed this strange girl wanted food too. She acted incredibly childish, calling him a 'scruffy man.' The correct term was 'Manly' Man. Then she said she thought he was a 'fluffy wuffy.' A 'Bun.' Was this some kind of odd sexual talk? The clothing and all made her seem even more as if she was into some rare fetish invented by the Japanese. When she fell down, he saw under her skirt hoodie thing: Red panties. He scratched the back of his head nervously. her legs and private area were finely shaped.

"Food, huh? I was hungry too." He replied, hopping down from his fence, and slipping his hands into his pockets. "But what could you possibly help me with? -_- I doubt if you're searching for food, you can find it in a guy without money. I mean, unless you could find me some other Yanki (delinquents) for me to beat up. the more the better, so I can take whatever cash they got on them."


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Katie was humming a tune to herself as she walked along the street after school. "Man to day was a dull day, not one person picked a fight with me", she shrugged and continued on, she walked past the old book store and waved at the little old couple that owned it. "Man I'm hungry", she said stopping for a minute setting her book bag down and opening it up. "Good thing I didn't eat all my lunch today", she said as she sat down on the curb and pulled out her bento box, her mom always packed enough for Katie to have seconds if she liked. As cars passed Katie sat on the curb and hungrily ate her left overs.


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Some more theme music for ya

In the vast distant wilderness some red glow began to rupture from a small crevice in the Mountain red energy began to seep through the stone. All of a sudden the rocks exploded out from the crevice. A sound of metallic footsteps walks out from the hole in the Mountain side. Tezzeret stares down the long range of landscape high above the mountain. All of a sudden his right arm began to sense steel material far down the mountain side. Tezzeret flashed down the mountain side in red flash of light. Tezzeret stopped as his right arm cooled down from the powerful use of energy so quickly. When Tezzeret reincarnated once again all of his former power has been lost. Tezzeret kneeled to the ground and decided to concentrate on how to gain power. He found an abandoned blacksmith warehouse. Tezzeret went inside the warehouse and saw all the steel tools and abandoned weapons and metal material left inside. It was very rusty but it was a start. Tezzerets right arm was cooled down and he reached his arm out and began to gather arcane energy from the steel around the whole entire shed. Tezzerets arm began to glow a bright red and all the metal material began to gather and swirl around the room in a bright red glow the metal material bended and shifted a humanoid like figure. The metal humanoid stood waiting for Tezzeret to command him. Tezzeret smirked and claimed "You serve me." The rusty steel humanoid nodded its head as some rusted dust fell off the top of its head. Tezzeret said "Come we have work to do." Tezzeret told the Rusty Metal Humanoid "You must go find more of your kind and bring them to me." The rusty humanoid nodded and took off in the wilderness. Tezzeret watched the Rusty Metal Humanoid wander off in the distance on his own.


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"What, What terrible power" exclaimed James, not even needing the machine at this point, he literally felt the power surge, for a moment excitement hit him, such a powerful specimen, this thought died quickly however, the demon was stronger than even he! No matter, he would merely wait till it made its presence obvious, perhaps they could work out something....hopefully.


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Over time while the rusty humanoid found some steel junk in the wilderness. Tezzeret was taking part by part from the blacksmith shed and creating one rusty humanoid at a time. 3 more rusty humanoids began to bring metal material back. These three were created while the one rusty humanoid left. The rust was easy to bend and control but it was sure to make the rusty humanoids vulnerable but Tezzeret only wanted to regain the metal he needed. Tezzeret felt the power in his right arm begin to exceed within each rusty humanoid he made. Tezzeret made another Rusty Humanoid out of the material brought back by the 4 rusty humanoids. The rusty humanoids continued to venture as far as they could to find the steel material and they will only venture farther. The blacksmith shed was no more than plates of steel sticking out of the ground but Tezzeret was more than eager to use what was left to make more rusty humanoids. The rusty humanoids were running around in the forest sensing and scouring for any metallic material they could find. A rusty humanoid traveled very far and found a city. The rusty humanoid sensed the city to be flourishing with steel. The rusty humanoid charged to the city with nothing on his mind but to find more steel.


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#, as written by Akantha
"See~" She drawled out the word with giddy childishness. "I told you. You are hungry and so is Kiki. Yeah! I'm Kiki!" She raised herself up to stand on two legs, letting her arms swings back and forth at her side. She paused, tilting her head up to stare at him dazedly. "Ahhhummm.." She glanced away and raised a large paw to scratch her ear. "What is a yank-ie?" Her enunciation of the word sounded weird and foreign but nonetheless it made sense to her.

She continued to scratch her ear before she shrugged. "I will find ya someone to mince!" She raised her face to the sky and grinned. "Sniff. Sniff. Sniff." She quieted and rolled her claws for a moment in interest. "I smell food, scruffy man! Follow me!" She quickly leapt onto all fours and jetted forward towards the school.

Soon enough she tackled the poor defenseless boy as he yelped and pushed at her. His glasses had fallen off his face, the neat suit dirtied by her tackle. He had a baby face that made her wanna lick him but the rest of his body was lanky and tall. An archery club member by the posture. Her red aura swirled softly as she slipped her claws through his coat and held him down carefully. "I found ya! Your tagged nyao!" She giggled, mouth opening in hunger, drool dripping onto his cheek. "Scruffy man! I found a someone. He smells like food. Can I eats him?" Her laughter got louder and voracious as did her amusement. "Come mere scruffy man! Hurry! Hurry!" Kiki's claws clacked on the concrete with excitement.


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Jack blinked. "Uh…Kay, Kiki. Name's Jack. Jack McCoy. And a Yanki is a delinquent…" He explained quickly before the girl had turned to run off. Keeping his eyes on her as she went to the school to hunt someone down, he cringed at the thought of how she fought, and ran after quickly. He saw her attack some bishonen retard from the archery club. Ah yes. This bastard sadly was at the bottom of his class for flirting with girls and doing guys in the locker rooms.

"Hey hey!" He called out. He looked like a smug bastard genuinely concerned...

"Ask him if he's rich!"


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"that one isnt so bad" said James, looking at the monitor that identified the red aura of a demonic shifter at a nearby school, seemingly unable to hold down his or her own aura, he quickly called a limo, something he had stolen some time ago, and drove with the gp's tracking the signal, Perhaps he could coax out the persons help..... for science.


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Later on the Rusty Metal Humanoids were in numbers of 10s to 20s the steel junk was very useful in making all of these Rusty Metal Humanoids. Now Tezzeret had a force worth reckoning with. A deep spiritual sense hit Tezzeret as he felt like he was being watched. Tezzeret ignored the fact and glanced over the horizon and saw a lone Rusty Metal Humanoid bring back a shining metallic alloy. The Rusty Metal Humanoid dropped it in front of Tezzeret. Tezzeret was astounded by the metal. Although it wasn't enough to make a single drone. The material was worth finding. Tezzeret asked the Rusty Metal Humanoid "Where did you find this?". The Rusty Metal Humanoid pointed off in the distance. Tezzeret smirked and said "We have some traveling to do. Let us be on our way and find more of this steel." The Rusty Metal Humanoids charged off towards the city while a number of them stayed with Tezzeret to protect him.

Tezzeret and some of the Rusty Drones walked off Tezzeret told them to stay in the forest. Tezzeret walked on to what was a steep cliff and saw a horizon of a long field. All of a sudden a flash of memory from his past life flashed before his eyes. As he saw himself falling through the sky. Tezzeret regained his composure and laid his hand on his forehead. A Rusty Steel Drone stepped on a branch behind Tezzeret. Tezzeret turned around and told the drone to leave. The Rusty Steel Drone just stood there then Tezzeret just ignored it then he spoke to himself "We have to find a way across this sea."


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#, as written by Akantha
Kiki Dee raised herself up, dragging the boy up by her claws. "Rich? I think he's a yanky! Nyao?" She tilted her head, examining the boy. He trembled ever so slightly. After the world had been filled with soul energy and humans and others had been using it so had people's fear of it, or their excitement to use it increased. From the trembling in his shoulders she guessed that he hadn't had experience with it. She pulled him to her, her breath grazing his cheek and making him flinch. "He looks like fluffy wuffy."

She shook him slightly before looking over her shoulder to peer at Jack. "What ya gonna do?" She ran her tongue over her lips and her tail slowly curved over her right leg. She wanted to eat whatever she could get her hands on if that included humans, well what was going to stop her. Specially when they looked like buns. She chuckled and tossed the boy to Jack's feet. "Food. Get the food."


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"Nah. He ain't no Yanki. He's not man enough." Replied Jack, scratching his chin. The Chav was promptly tossed to his feet to be robbed inspected. After a Look through, Jack found some change, and a wallet. He counted approximately Sixty Dollars, plus a hidden twenty dollar bill. Pocketing most of the money, he held the twenty victoriously, grinning evily as he looked to Kiki Dee.

"Depends though. What do you wanna eat? And you should tell me what the hell a fluffy wuffy is, cause I can hardly understand this strange childishgoodsonmurdercuteness language you got going."


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#, as written by Akantha
"Shmukawhat?" She tilted her head thoughtfully eying the cash. The rumble in the distance didn't faze her as the town was often a bustle of noise. She bounced over to jack, hopping over the boy that was still cowering, waiting for them to leave. She paused just once and poked him with a claw before shrugging and looking to the green paper in Jack's hand.

"Food! Ah-" She rocked back on her heels. "Buns. Like fluffy warm buns. Dumplings with meat inside." She grinned proud of her achievement in finding the right words. She slowly retracted her claws and reached for the money. "C'mon! Let's get some food nyao!"

She scampered off a few feet and waved to him happily. She didn't have a clue where to get a decent piece of food but she was sure they could find something. Sadly she was still new to the ways of humans. "Where are we going to get food?" She went back down on all fours in a version of a crouch, placing her hands in between in her legs almost like a cat would perch on a fence while watching something of interest. Tail waving with slow rhythm, eyes feverishly bright red through the darkness covering her face, her braids hanging down over her chest, lean muscles flexing under the material of her large hoodie. "Let's go!" She howled with irritation.


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Jack just facepalmed. "Whatever! And fine, for Dumplings We should probably look for a Chinese, or Indian Restaurant for the best ones, I guess." He shrugged. "As much as 10 dollars can buy. The other ten dollars is for myself. I want a burger instead. We need to find a bakery for buns. Unless you're talkin' all sexy-like?"

The Delinquent started speedwalking after the kitty girl freak person...


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"ugh," groaned the shifter from a rooftop, annoyed that the shifter was with some human, and a stupid human as well, a girl asks for buns and he believes its sexual, THIS, is why he prefer's demons, still, guy might just be confused, releasing a bit of aura he hoped it would be enough to encourage the girls primal instincts, mabye he could pay her with food in exchange for expermentation.


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#, as written by Akantha
Kiki tilted forward, mind reeling with nausea and stomach pangs. She caught herself just in time as she gritted her jaw and raised her head slowly. "Owies." She turned her gaze on Jack and her eyes widened as he suddenly smelled really yummy. Really scrumptious. "Fluffy wuffy man is back." She muttered before shaking her head briskly and letting some of her aura fade. She had a purpose for the human. Right?

Kiki tilted her head back curiously to look up to where the momentary sense of another aura had brushed her own. Or rather made her excited. Her jaw lowered hungrily as a shudder went up her spine. Her claws slid half-way out of the hoodie's slots for them. "Foody. We needy to get tat food nyao." She whipped her tail from side to side as the bright red orbs she had for eyes narrowed into slits.


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James found himself curious, she had stopped herself, well now, that wont do at all, will it? he forced some more out, concentrating it through power of will, that was the best thing about this type of connection, their was no way to really stop it,


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Jack was leading her towards the stores. People stared at them as Jack ordered Dumplings to go from a Chinese Restaurant in a little transparent plastic box that showed they were fresh and steamy, then moved onto the local bakery for sweet honey buns, handing the brown paper bag to Kiki to start snacking on. Finally, He bought a delicious BURGER! :D

Jack passed the dumplings to her as he nommed on his burger, gaining a chibi form. At the moment, he had an invisible dark blue aura about him, one only the Demons and Spirits could see. The more he nommed the burger, the more he seemed to gain in energy, little by little.

He started tearing into his french fries, and sucking the life out of his cup of fruit punch.


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#, as written by Akantha
Kiki hissed under her breath and pressed a paw to her head. It was like a pounding knock on her door. Ever since then, the when that she couldn't remember things like this happened. She raised the other paw to press it to her other temple. Her legs carried her on but her mind was slowly falling into a pit she couldn't afford to think of.

Blood. Blood. So much blood. It covers the walls, the people who were family. My people. A massacre. Unjust. Unfair. They deserve justice. A good justice, and so they will have blood in return. It will stain my hands, my tongue, and my body until my people are satisfied.

Kiki snapped her gaze away from the hazy scene and focused on the sweet bag of buns. She reached for it with a slow grin. "Thanky, scruffy man." She laughed and it sounded decently normal to her ears. She ripped the bag open and plopped a fat bun into her mouth not bothering to take small bites. She chewed it happily, practically in euphoria. She pushed the feeling to the back of her mind but with a small lash at the power that stroked her own. Like the crack of a whip against the anonymous power of whoever it was. She swallowed the bun, half-chewed and stuffed another in her mouth. "It's so gwood!" She snorted, a version of a laugh.


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Jack suddenly noticed a bizarre shape at the bottom of the bag of honey buns. An Eclair. Wait, What? what was that doing there? Oh god. it was the register girl. The one that always helped fellow students with dates. She must have seen Kiki Dee and thought they were dating. No wonder she mentioned some strange babble about anime, manga, cosplay, and 'kitsunes' and sex. Girls in town usually enjoyed the local eclairs, unknowingly sucking on it, and getting the white paste cream thing on the inside all over their: Face, Chest, Pants/Crotch, or all over the mouth.

"Ah, Kiki, pass me the bag?" He asked suddenly. "I want to see just how good the buns are."

He knew the childish ones always looked the most suggestive. Kiki was one of those people.


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Enough was enough, he saw what that baker woman was trying to do, and it disgusted him. When the look of recognition passed through the demon girls eyes though, he felt pity, he found it difficult to have to go after her, but it was needed. he could help her out later with whatever she was going through, he may hate humanity but he would never leave a demon in pain, at least not a completely hostile one

With that thought he moved to fire a small annoying tick of a ki ball at her, however he noticed a stange robotic creature first, scavenging, containing trace amounts of the power from earlier, it looked damaged, as though it was attacked already, but that didnt stop him firing the ball at the thing in hopes of destroying it, forgetting that the ki didnt even have enouugh power to destroy a fly.

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You can create Quests with various rewards, encouraging your players to engage with specific plot lines.

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Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

Add Group » 0 Factions to align with

There are no groups in this roleplay!


By creating Collectibles, you can reward your players with unique items that accentuate their character sheets.

Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

Current Mobs

No mobs have been created yet.


Locations where Mobs and Items might appear.


You can schedule events for your players to create notifications and schedule times for everyone to plan around.


Add and remove other people from your Universe.


By marking a character as abandoned, you can offer them to your players as pre-made character sheets.

Character Portrait: Jack McCoy
0 sightings Jack McCoy played by JayZeroSnake

Character Portrait: Astur
0 sightings Astur played by JayZeroSnake

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in Spirit Wars. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

Notable Items

No items have been created yet!

The Market

Buy, sell, and even craft your own items in this universe.

Market Data

Market conditions are unknown. Use caution when trading.

Quick Buy (Items Most Recently Listed for Sale)

Open Stores

View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: James Deteria
Character Portrait: Kiki Dee
Character Portrait: Tezzeret


Character Portrait: Tezzeret

An Arcane Mage that can use a massive amount of steel to transform or enclose himself in a Steel Colossus

Character Portrait: Kiki Dee
Kiki Dee

"Why so downy in the dumpy? Trash is bad for you!"

Character Portrait: James Deteria
James Deteria

Humanity is unnecesary


Character Portrait: Kiki Dee
Kiki Dee

"Why so downy in the dumpy? Trash is bad for you!"

Character Portrait: Tezzeret

An Arcane Mage that can use a massive amount of steel to transform or enclose himself in a Steel Colossus

Character Portrait: James Deteria
James Deteria

Humanity is unnecesary

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Kiki Dee
Kiki Dee

"Why so downy in the dumpy? Trash is bad for you!"

Character Portrait: Tezzeret

An Arcane Mage that can use a massive amount of steel to transform or enclose himself in a Steel Colossus

Character Portrait: James Deteria
James Deteria

Humanity is unnecesary

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