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Star Wars: Vengeance



a part of Star Wars: Vengeance, by Zap.

Mandalore was the fifth planet in the Mandalore system of the Outer Rim Territories, not far from the Hydian Way trade route.

Zap holds sovereignty over Mandalore, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Mandalore was the fifth planet in the Mandalore system of the Outer Rim Territories, not far from the Hydian Way trade route. The homeworld of the multi-species cultural group known as the Mandalorians, the planet was known as Manda'yaim in the Mandalorian language, and was named after the legendary conqueror of the vibrant world, Mandalore the First. Mandalore the First's Taung warriors slew the indigenous mythosaurs and tamed the savage landscape, solidifying Mandalore's place as a powerbase and the center of Mandalorian space for millennia to come. Mandalore was covered in a rich natural landscape, largely unspoiled due to its sparse sentient population. The world was blanketed in lush veshok tree forests, dense jungle, sprawling hills and grassland well suited to farming, inhospitable deserts of white sand, and numerous rivers, lakes, and seas. It was also the only known world in the galaxy, with the exception of its moon Concordia, to possess the unique, nearly indestructible iron ore known as beskar, an element capable of withstanding blows from even a lightsaber.

An independent world ruled by the Mand'alor—the leader of all the Mandalorian clans, following the tradition established by Mandalore the First—the planet Mandalore found itself the ally and enemy of numerous galactic governments and groups throughout the years. Though largely abandoned by the early Mandalorian Crusaders, who continuously sought fresh conquests, Mandalore became the fallback point for many defeated Mandalorian Neo-Crusader warriors after the end of the Mandalorian Wars. With the rise of the pacifist New Mandalorian faction and their efforts to reform Mandalore's warrior ways, distancing themselves from the violent past after the disastrous events that lead to their formation, Mandalore was accepted by the Galactic Republic and was known as New Mandalore throughout the isolationist society that the New Mandalorians created. Originally neutral during the Clone Wars, after the New Mandalorian capital fell to the machinations of the Death Watch, the pacifist faction's influence dwindled. Later, when Mandalore the Resurrector came to power, the planet broke from the Republic and joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems against the oppressive Coruscant regime, only to come under the heel of the Galactic Empire following the end of the Clone Wars.

With the fall of the Empire, Mandalore began a steady period of recovery up until the Yuuzhan Vong's invasion of the galaxy, and the devastation the extragalactic invaders wrought upon Mandalore. The resilient world did not yield to the Vong's attempt at destruction, however, and by the Second Galactic Civil War, Mandalore was in the midst of a prosperous resurgence brought on by the discovery of fresh lodes of beskar iron that had been exposed during the Yuuzhan Vong attack. Mandalore suffered an attack by elements of the Imperial Remnant loyal to the Sith Lord Darth Caedus near the war's end, yet persevered, continuing to grow and developing ties with the Verpine and the Galactic Alliance. Under the leadership of Mand'alor Yaga Auchs, the Mandalorians withdrew from the Sith–Imperial War and remained on Mandalore thoughout the Second Imperial Civil War, focused on bettering their world.
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Mandalore was the fifth planet in the Mandalore system of the Outer Rim Territories, not far from the Hydian Way trade route.


Mandalore is a part of The Galaxy.

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Raxus [23] Don't even think of trying to take me apart.
Gavin Nere [18] "It takes more than Sith to make an empire."
Temi Tobin [15] A friendly diplomat with a hard shell
Adrius Carr [13] Private Contractor, grizzled veteran, mad ideologist. A hardened man who is not about to let anyone overturn what he fought and bled for.
Icarus Starr [8] A wise-cracking pilot just looking for his place and purpose in the universe.

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Character Portrait: Raxus Character Portrait: Gavin Nere
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Nere listened as the droid answered his question. This Droid continues to be a deepening mystery. Who would create such a sophisticated Droid and then have it's memory wiped? He assumed the Droid is under direction to not reveal it's mission, and therefor fabricated an excuse to elude suspicions. Although advanced droids as these are not the best keeper's of secrets. Yet, this Raxus is different, it's intelligent but then again acts like said Droids. It finds information gathering to be entertaining as well as making conversation with living sentient beings like himself. It reminds him of how Protocol Droids act on occasion. It's directive is a bit of an odd one as well.

As Nere watched the droid move it's arms about, simulating Human behavior, he noticed upon it's chest a symbol. It was small but he could see it stick out some what in it's upper right hand corner. It could lead to some answers that the droid won't be able to release itself. Nere would keep the image fresh in his memory for further investigation. Then the droid asked him about the Prowler Droid. Nere looked towards the droid who has been keeping a record on this conversation. Gavin then spoke, "Well, I prefer the smaller build of this droid compared to more advanced probe droids." "It's flight and small shape is actually preferable for more covert positioning." "Not to mention they are dependable." "My own father has used these models himself, and in his spirit I decided to use them as well." Nere explained. Which is actually true, but it's other functions is what makes it definitive for his uses. Nere then looked towards Raxus, while it says it's memory had been wiped of it's creators he could at least ask one more thing of it.

"Hm, so then Raxus, if you would provide me the pleasure of answering yet another question of mine," Nere paused, "Why have you come to Mandalore?" "I find it rather strange to find a droid of your caliber lingering around a crime scene, where an assassination attempt was made." "Not to mention your altercation with the Keldabe Port Security." "I am sure the Mandalorians would not attack you without some reasoning." "Judging from your answers, your just doesn't correlate with these incriminating instances." "It's all very curious and confusing, might I add." Nere spoke. He wondered what the Droid might have to say. After all it's as much interested in him as he it. So hopefully it has enough incentive to continue their conversation. Otherwise, it looks like their interaction is coming to a close.


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Character Portrait: Raxus Character Portrait: Gavin Nere
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"This unit's altercation with the local security is caused by its main directive. The attempt was made by another droid of similar origins to this unit, which was then disabled. Upon being disabled, the other droid sent out a broadcast that activated this unit. This unit then followed the main directive, at which point the local security forces where... bothered by this units knowledge of the fact that another droid had been involved with the situation. They then attempted to force this unit to shut down, but this unit saw no reason to shut down, nor did they have the command level to auto-authorize such a command. That is how the conflict started. This unit lingered due to how it would aid the escape of organics that this unit found to be interesting.

How this unit arrived on this planet, this unit is unaware. All this unit remembers is waking to the distress call of the other droid and killing several organics before this unit had a better understanding of friend-foe, and updated the IFF drivers accordingly." Raxus replied, its human emulation getting subtly, but noticeably to the trained eye, better.

"This unit has noted your abnormal observation levels, and wishes for further models to aid in the understanding of organics. As such, this unit asks for the approximate amount of training and experience you have had that would help develop such abnormal levels of observation." Raxus followed up with quickly. It was truly enjoying the experience of asking and receiving information, as well as having many of its 'free' sub-processes devoted to building several models and predictions of Nere's life. It was also making several tables and the like to document the data given from the scans it had made earlier, including that of the Nere's brain.


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Character Portrait: Raxus Character Portrait: Gavin Nere
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Nere patiently listened as the droid answered his questions. His assumptions where correct, the Droid enjoys the conversation to the point it will dutifully answer his questions, so long as he continues to sate it's appetites for information. Yet, while Nere is beginning to believe the Droid's honesty, his fabricator's mysterious status leads him to have feelings of uncertainty. Then again in his line of work, he must deal with uncertainties all the time. From what he could gather, the Droid was created to protect it's fabricator's secrets. In order to do so, this Droid is programmed to eliminate any threats that could raise suspicion of this manufacturer's existence. This reminds him of the ISB's policy towards what they called leaks. Other agents that worked for the Bureau but where a liability because they contained sensitive information that threatened their operations. And since they would release these secrets to the enemy they had to be eliminated.

The Internal Affairs division of the ISB dealt primarily with defectors and double agents. People that threatened the very existence of the Empire. It would seem this Droid Manufacture is not unlike them. Possessing their own I.A. agents to deal with their leaks. And just like those same agents that killed themselves when failure was imminent, this unit's memory was wiped clean to ensure anonymity, in case this agent fails. Whoever Raxus's creators are, they certainly have their bases covered. Which leads to a more important question. Just who are they hiding from? Is it the Federation? Are they just like Nere and his family? Having to hide all those years from the New Republic and Imperial Hunters? Or is it someone else they fear? Perhaps the Remnant? Which leads to the most important question of all, Are they friend or foe?

Their operations must be extensive, otherwise how would they know to send an assassin to Mandalore when Federation diplomats were on the planet? Not to mention sending an agent to cover up this failure if one should occur. This could mean they have access to production plants, but where? Most production facilities are under the Federation's control. And it certainly isn't any the Remnant has. Not to mention how they came to be in possession of such facilities. Did they manage to buy one? Or at least buy their secrecy? Whatever the case may be, the implications of the attempt and Raxus alone is sufficient enough cause to investigate their place in consideration to the Empire. He must report to his superiors and let them know about a possible underground faction. So at least I.S. can evaluate their danger to the Empire. Nere was so transfixed in thought when the droid's request nearly slipped from his attention. He wanted what?

Apparently Raxus has been studying him as much he. It wanted to learn from him. His skills of observation has impressed it, and because of it's need to learn, it was eager. Nere had no thoughts of entertaining an apprentice so to say. Normally he would refuse, but Raxus's creators has him concerned. Perhaps he could use this Droid. This Droid does receive distress signals from other Droids created by the same people. While Raxus's memory wipe indicates the other droids may be no different, they stand a better chance of providing him with the necessary information. After all if they didn't, then why is Raxus here? So if Nere were to capitalize on this, he could use him to find other droids before other people can, and then extract their secrets. Then maybe one of these Droids could lead them to these secret manufacturers. Nere look to Raxus, a plan formed in his mind. If this was to succeed he would have to pretend to teach this Droid somethings. Well if that is the price to pay, then so be it for no price is too high for the Empire.

"Hm, your request has me surprised droid, or I mean Raxus." "It is not common for reporters like me to teach people the tools of our trade." "There are schools and teachers for that." Nere spoke trying to remain opposed to the idea. After all he has to keep up his appearances, he can't seem eager himself to accept the Droid, lest it be curious as to why he was so receiving. "But that is with, well what you call "Organics" and Droids are a different matter." "You see there are protocols, something I do not wish to break." "But I suppose taking on another droid to aid me in my work wouldn't be breaking protocols." "After all I commonly use droids in my field of work." Nere spoke. He wasn't sure if the Droid has picked up on the human tendency to say words but have different meanings beyond the surface of what was spoken. But if it did, then it would understand Nere had said yes.


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Character Portrait: Raxus Character Portrait: Gavin Nere
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"This unit knows the limits of how the schools teach. This unit has connected with several public terminals, only to be interrupted by local security forces. The data this unit has gained seems to state that few reporters have reached your level of awareness without having several life-threatening experiences. This unit is curious to continue its observation of you..." Raxus trailed off as something seemed to catch its attention that not even the Prowler would notice.

"This unit's main directive has been called upon." Raxus stated as it began to leave the hanger. It might not have looked like it, but Raxus was trying to be easier to follow than normal, hoping that a curious Nere might follow to continue their conversation once it fulfilled the main directive.

When Raxus reached the other two droids, one had left only a crater and the other laid about the floor, missing its head and left leg. The two droids, or one droid and a crater, were inside a small business building. They had managed to rampage for several minutes before they were disabled by what appeared to be mandalorian explosives. The crater was a perfect half sphere, about a yard to the bottom.

Raxus looked around for a moment, obviously thinking of the good luck to get here before the mandalorians sent reinforcements. Raxus then grabbed something off one of the desks in the building, a 2 yard long metal rod. Then with a level of care that no organic could give, Raxus popped open the chest of the droid.

This one didn't explode when Raxus careful opened it, mindful of the same safety features on itself. It walked over to the droid, pulling out several components to reach the glowing reactor that powered the whole unit. Much like Raxus, their was more to this droid than seemed necessary. Or maybe it was just designed to operate without any centralized command. Raxus then pushed a series of button inside the droid, each making a subtle beep, before backing up. "This unit recommends keeping distance." Was all Raxus said before the droid's reactor instantaneously disintegrated everything within a yard radius.


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Character Portrait: Raxus Character Portrait: Gavin Nere
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Nere noticed the sudden change in Raxus. It mentioned it was off to fulfill it's directive. At this point Nere was ready to leave, hoping to have the Droid following in tow. He would then make his report and see if he could steer Raxus into discover his kindred Droids. Yet, it seems that second step has now been initiated. Quickly Gavin did follow Raxus as the Droid discovered it's mission objective. The Prowler naturally followed it's master as it remained to hover above, seizing more information. The Droid moved quickly but much more easier to follow than previously. The Agent managed to keep up with it as it came to a stop. Before Raxus he could see the indent of a crater and the remains of another Droid.

Nere watched from behind Raxus a small ways away. He wasn't so friendly enough with this Droid that he would keep close proximity of it. After all Nere has his doubts. The Prowler watched as it took carefully note of how Raxus operated during his procedure. It was then Raxus recommended keeping distance. The Prowler confirmed this as Nere quickly moved in the opposite direction. It was then the reactor exploded, leaving an impressive amount of destruction despite a small circumference. Still he closer and Nere would have died. This made the Agent ever more pensive. So that's how he "covers" up. Nere thought. With such sound annihilation it would make finding any secrets impossible. These manufacturers are smart indeed. This made Nere reevaluate his plan. While Raxus is still useful in finding them, he must also not be allowed to complete his programming. Otherwise he will not have enough time to examine and investigate the droids before Raxus detonates the reactor.

Yet this is dangerous. The last time someone kept the droid from completing it's directive, the droid killed KPS agents. Nere assumed he would be no different, despite how interesting he is.


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Character Portrait: Raxus Character Portrait: Gavin Nere
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"Halt, KSP!" Shouted the first of a group of five KSP agents. Raxus turned in such a way that someone who knew that he was mimicking human patterns would see a level of aggression and irritation. "Droid, shut down!" Shouted the second of the group at Raxus, who only responded with "Unidentified user, command rejected." Obviously mocking a computer.

Raxus, at this point in time, knew that a conflict was one of two options. The other was run. It was certain that running would end only in more following it, but would rather not have to show its combat ability. As such, Raxus stood their, waiting for one of the agents to attempt to shut it down manually. When they simply stood there, guns ready for the droid to attack, Raxus came up with an idea.

"Combat calculations error 45B-32Q detected. Manual operations mode activated." Raxus stated, as it changed to a perfectly straight stance. From the ranks of the group, with there guns ready, came two agents, one heading for Nere, the other Raxus.

When he had reached Raxus, the agent looked around for a maintenance panel that could be opened. He found what looked like one on Raxus's chest. When he popped it slightly open, the door for it, about two inches of hull thick, shot open, smashing the agent in the face.

The compartment that the agent had opened was empty, excepting a small chip in the back that had the words "IFF Backup" on it, and several clips that looked like they were meant to hold lightsaber hilts. As soon as the agent was getting back up, Raxus vocalized, without and filters or programs or special settings, "Threat detected. Unauthorized entry. Combat protocols activated."

Raxus looked down at the KSP agent only long enough for his blaster to go off, the agent instantly dropping dead. Then came the second shot, from another of the agents. This shot hit the now slightly open door to the compartment, closing it and prompting Raxus to look in the agent's direction.