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Subject 19

Subject 19



2,315 readers have visited Subject 19 since oOjonathOo created it.


The history

30 years ago a kid was terribly injured by an accident.
The doctor who examined this boy said it was no use ... He could not be saved.
His dad was a scientist and he couldn't accept that.

3 months passes, the father got mad and obsessed with saving his child.
He placed the child in a tube and started experimenting.
Another 3 months and the child suddenly just waked up.
The father was very happy but what he didn't know was that his son had changed.
The boys name was Dave Zentsen or like we call him: Subject 1.

the father died 2 months later to an illness,
but the father colleagues used his work and Subject 1 to creating the perfect mutant.
Unfortunately for them they succeeded. They created Subject 19.

For 2 days they could control subject 19.
After that Subject 19 break out of his cage and killed many people.
Now they have secured Subject 19 in a special cage where you can't get in or out without the proper access codes.

When they secured Subject 19, they started again with experimenting.
They created other mutants. Are you one of these mutants?


The mutants

beasts: These are the mutants that can change their shape in for example a tiger.

Pinsifi: These are the mutants that can have 1 special power, for example controlling someone.

Upgarada: These are the mutants that have an upgraded skill, for example much greater speed then other mutants.

If you want a human then ask me in a pm.

Character sheet

information about your abilities:
your equipment if you are a human:

Toggle Rules

The rules

No godmod.
No powerplaying.
No Metagaming.
No 1 liners.
You may use romance and violence, but don’t go make full romance scenes.
Make a full character sheed. I know that Subject 19 doesn't have a full one but he is the only exception.
Listen to me. When I say it is wrong it is wrong.
Please when you are leaving or can't be active for some time, tell me.
Have fun. If there is still something that bothers you just tell me.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors


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Subject 19 looked with his scary eyes right at subject 25. "How bothersome, another one has appeared." he said. "You better don't wander around, you could meet someone who is really scary, someone like ... Subject 19." he said still looking at subject 25. "But don't worry I heard he is in a good mood." he said. Subject 19 started to laugh now after he was done laughing he said with a serious face. I am sorry but I can't talk much longer. I need to head for the exit now. After he said this subject 19 just walked further as if nothing has happened.


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#, as written by Maybe?
Subject 25 nodded. " Okay, 19." She got up and fallowed. " I'm 25 by the way and this is my teddy bear." She quickly held it up before squeezing it against her chest, and fallowed 19. Not able to go anywhere else, some hallways where block. On the other side where she came from.


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#, as written by Church
hiddin in the darkness Subject 26 watched the new guards they looked differant. differant gear, differant air about them... differant everything. this would be an interesting fight.


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#, as written by X-Fly-X
30 nodded at 19. "I'll be fine I can handle myself" she replied, and it was true. She just hoped the guards up ahead wouldnt be armed with leech crystals or worse dark eco. She kept quiet as they reached a corner, she paused to looked at an evacuation plan, nailed to the wall. Her attention was taken back as she heard 19 talking to someone. She whizzed around the corner, again with inhuman speed due to the eco coursing through her. She saw 25 talking to 19 and walked up to them. "25 where did you come from?"she asked as they kept moving.


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#, as written by Maybe?
25 smiled at 30. " I came from the break room, but then these guards attack me . But after I caused an earthquake hard to make the ceiling cave in. I got away and meet 19. He said I could fallow him." She told it the sort summery like she telling 30 it was her first day at school. 25 had a black, a arm that was bleeding bad, and some scratchs. Her teddy bear had fresh blood on it, make it creepy looking.


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#, as written by X-Fly-X
30 raised and eyebrow at 25 "Right..well stick with us I guess. Just be careful". She looked at 25's arm and bruises and frowned. She looked around for any green eco she could use to heal her... maybe the labs or offices had pot plants for decoration, that would provide plenty of green energy. "If you want I might be able to fix your arm" she said pointing at the scratches. Her glowing blue eyes seemed to show very little emotion, they didn't match the expressions on her face. She felt like a human light bulb. "But for now we should keep up with 19" she said looking back up at the other subject. "19..what's the secret division?" she asked, "Will you be able to take them down, 25 and I might be able to help?" she suggested apathetically.


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Subject 19 stopped walking and started to laugh. "Of course I can take them down." he said. "But I am really the only one who can take them down. So if we encounter them ... Don't try to fight them. Now let’s move on." And subject 19 started to walk again.

A few minutes later.

"Hmm that’s strange." subject 19 said. "I thought you were dead." From his expression you could see that he was talking to himself. "Well good luck subject 21. You will need it." This he whispered very silent so no one could hear him.
Now he said a bit louder: "Subject 25, Subject 30 let’s move on we don't have the time to be here too long." When he was done saying this subject 19 started to walk faster.


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#, as written by Thorait
21 was sitting he looked in to the tube waiting for it to release his..... child? Soldier? Apprentice? He was getting really fond of the tube or was it subject 31? Then suddenly he had movement on his eyes. He raised to his feed, and pushed the man with his own muzzles to the ground "Your nor in the good place, you should never ever have searched for me, say to me "do you have a reason to live?" The guard responded "You will never go away! They will catch you! My men will catch rescue me! you monster." 21 let the man rip pick his gun up and aim it ad his head "Your wrong very wrong." a shot sounded 21 stole the gun it has some ammo and would come in handy, he lifted the tube and began jogging away from the lab "You will never get me or the little guy here." Or was it a girl? He jogged for hours when suddenly he stopped, he collapsed from exhaustion when he had a little shiver in his brains. He thought that he was getting insane, but picked the tube up again and sat down. He sighed when he heard foot steps "Here he is! The signaler tells it!" 21 looked to the place the small dart hit him and cursed it didn't only had sleep poison but micro signers too! He made them fight letting them kill there squad members, he walked to the guys and hoped for something with a magnetic field, and he found it a small toy that were two magnets he put it to his feet. then he made many cuts on his feet he almost fainted by the blood loss but at least he had lost these cursed thing. He then let the blood seep in a cafe this would distract them, then he continued jogging with the tube over his shoulder.


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#, as written by Church
subject 26 ran from behind a piller and lauched himself at these new guards. time seemed to slow down to him as he pulled his fist back and with all his strength sent his fist flying toward the first guard.


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Subject 26 punch went straight through the guard his body. "It seems this one want to play guys." the guard said against the other 4. "Well he won’t survive long against 5 Monster guards." another one said. Not much later a guard with fire powers burned the arm of subject 26. "Let’s play a little guys." he said. Another guard joined the game by changing in to a bear and using his claws to hurt him. "Wait, I will bind him against the wall." another guard said. And this guard released a purple gunk and shot this gunk on him. "3 ... 2 ... 1 ... ok guys he can't move right now, no we can enjoy this without any problems." the last guard said. After this was said the guards continued to torture subject 26.


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#, as written by Church
Subject 26 Laughed insanely "i haven't had this much fun in a long time." as he felt the burns and stabs of pain he laughed even harder. "Wow im loveing this and especialy will the knowlege that this is how this lab treats its subjects and you know what else?" looks around expectantly "no? well i'll tell you a something a little bird told me" leans forward "i was a explosives enginer before i came here. Yeah! isn't that funny? so you may be wondering where's the fuse then? How is he going to set these bombs off? that are wired TO SEND ALL OF US TO MARS!!! well i'll tell you. i took a page from subject 21's book and now all i have to do is think of a certain word that starts with a "B" and ends with a "M" so i might not think of this certian word if drake will listen to what i have to say. it will just be a few sentances nothing more and i'll deactivate the bombs and go back to my cell. do we have a deal?


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#, as written by Maybe?
" Yes sir!" Subject 25 started walking faster so she could keep up 19, almost jugging to keep pace. I wonder what happen to the others? 25 could hear fights, and people yelling. She moved a little faster so that she was right next to 19. 25 didn't want to get beaten again, also didn't want 30 to get hurt eathier. Please let us get out here before it too late. 25 was not the best fighter, mostly because she not as agressive as the others, and holds back in a fight.


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The guards looked at subject 21. "He has a ..."Before the guard could finish his sentence another guard shouted. "Get Drake here ... he is a scientist." A few minutes passes when Drake finally arrives. The guard said against Drake: "look out he can be dangerous." After he told Drake this he said against the subject: "Now tell your 'friend' Drake what you wanted to tell him. We don't have the whole day time." It seemed that Drake still wasn't really feeling well from that syringe he took some time ago.


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#, as written by Church
"Hi drake how's it going?" said Subject 26 "you don't look so good" leans forward and wispers "was it the clams?" Laughs at his own joke till he can't anymore then whipes a tear from his eye and says "but enough chit chat im willing to go back to my cell Drake my boy. but i want some "Moddifications" to it i'd want it to be pitch black and i'd also like one other thing" Looks around like its a closely held secret of his "a Chess set" then laughs again. "if these arn't met i'll blow this place sky high and they might as well turn the ruins into a bank because we'll get a real "BANG FOR OUR BUCK" laughs again.


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#, as written by Maybe?
25 peeks at 19 every now again, with one thing on her mind. Does he knows the way. She wants to ask if they were lost but didn't want to be rude about it or upset him. He seemed thinking about it, something about 21. " Why do they hate each other so much." She muttered to herself.


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#, as written by X-Fly-X
30 nodded at 19. "Alright we will let you do your thing" she agreed. Keeping a fast pace was effortless for her with the eco she was holding. She looked at 25 as the girl wondered why 21 and 19 hated each other. She thought about it too but to her it seemed that 19 didnt hate 21, 21 hated 19 for sure. 19 was just bloodthirsty, he didnt kill because of hate it was purely because he enjoyed killing. "19...what exactly is your power?"she asked quietly.


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#, as written by Maybe?
25 look at 19, and smiled. " Yah, what is your power or do you more than one power? Mine is Earthqueakes, put I can't control it very well, thats why I'm not allowed to use." 25 look at the scary looking boy with big brown, clueless,bright eyes. That was kinda scray happy.. in this sitution anway. 25 waited for 19's answer.


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#, as written by Thorait
21 was crying he never was really sad before, his little tube was obvious dying is made a strange pulse and a panel on the tube asked for feeding. Then suddenly a sound it was low but still it was there. 21 stood up looked to every side, then he stood up and began running away but fell down after standing up "curse my weak body." He was weak from the burning sun and blood loss. He suddenly felt his head becoming misty, "Oh can this become worse?" Then he turned his head and spotted a guard "Yes of course it can!"


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"My powers?" subject 19 said. "You 2 want to know my powers?" Subject 19 started to think for a while. "I don't really know... I almost never use my powers." Subject 19 seemed confused somehow. "Ow I know again!" he shouted.
"I only use 5 % of my powers to defeat Monster guards and I don't use any powers for normal guards. That’s why..." Subject 19 became silent for some time. After a while subject 19 said. "I will tell you some of the powers that I get when I use 5 %." Subject 19 started to think again. "Where can I begin." he said. "ok I know. When I use 5 % I will get super speed, the ability to create illusions and to stop the time for a few seconds, I can release a black aura, I can control the blood of someone and I can do much more, but it will take too long to tell you everything. And I am still telling you the powers of 5 % when I go higher I will even get more powers. I think that’s why they kept me here ... Because I have so much powerful powers. You know when we have escaped I will tell you some more of my powers but for now we need to be fast. I don't like this place at all." After subject 19 said this he again looked before him and told the other subjects. "We are almost by the exit."

The guards became almost angry after they heard what subject 26 said. "You can't mean this." one of the guards said. Drake still looked in subject 26 eyes but he couldn't say something to him because of that sleep potion. It didn’t take long anymore before he fell asleep again.


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#, as written by Church
"Oh i can't?" said subject 26 "well didn't you people know it was a dangerous game taking me in?" he chuckles "the way i see it we where playing a game of chess this whole escape. i moved my pawns, knights and bishops even a queen." he smiles "but now i'm the rook and now its check-mate boys." he laughs.


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#, as written by Thorait
21 cleared his hand of the blood in a small lake he had found, he had to stay here his body was tired and the tube was in problems. he sat down, in the beginning he had drink ed himself full. He also had cleaned himself and he now sat down in the shadow of one of the many large rocks. He examined the tube the glow was stopped and something was happening, is seemed the liquid was moving. He smiled, the guards can not catch me! He toughed, he laughed and said to the tube "You will need a name.... nah, just keep it to subject 31. Names are confusing and to human like, we are above humans." He was talking to the tube when he realized that he stopped, he put it down in the warm sand. What would be the power of subject 31?


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#, as written by Maybe?
25 look at 19 with amiring eyes. " Your like superman, but better! No one awesomer than you.. well" She look down her teddy and smiled. " Expect my Teddy 45, but your right lets get moving." 25 pick up her pace so they could go even faster. She was eager to get out her. Maybe, we can all be a family one day? 30 could be my big sister and 19 my big brother. 21 as my strict uncle and 26 as my crazy uncle. And 45 as my best friend. She giggled. He already is though.


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#, as written by X-Fly-X
30 frowned a little, "'s impressive" she said quietly. She rolled her eyes at 25, why suck up to 19 like that? 30 wasn't one to pet egos. She rubbed her upper arms, this part of the lab seemed colder. "What should we do when we get to the exit?" she asked hesitantly. Would they just stand by while 19 finished off the guards...would they help? What if the special unit tried to get 25 and herself too? Would they be able to escape? She shook her head. Just take every thing as it comes, dont worry about it now, deal with it as it hits you she repeated to herself to calm down.


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#, as written by Thorait
21 was sitting peacefully and pretty calm when suddenly the tube opened and made a noise, he was startled but soon ran to the tube to pick up a small body. He lay her down in the shadow of the rock and his self made hut that was made from rocks and some plants, he ran to the four killed guard and stripped them of there clothes expect there under pants. He had made a plan but was not ready for a 13 year old body but for a baby, he wrapped her in the clothes and sat down. It was a girl, 21 was quietly amazed that the tube wasn't very heavy but pretty light "I have to admit humans, good work." He made a comfortable spot and put 31 down and sat down waiting for her to wake up, he had some teaching to do.


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#, as written by Thorait
31 first opened her eyes, she mostly remembering what had happened. The lab, the experiments! the painful needles, and than the movement. A voice, screams sound, feeling the liquid becoming old. Then screams again, and then ground solid ground being carried and wrapped in where she now lay down. A large bold man was sitting on a rock scanning the the horizon for something, he was not healthy and seemed tired but his eyes seemed so alert and protective. She wanted to stand but was very tight wrapped up. She was dizzy and did try to say something "what..." She now was sitting up and looked at the man that seemed to Ignore her. He then came to her and said "Rest you will need it." she then got to a light sleep.

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Subject 19

Subject 19 by oOjonathOo


Subject 19 cage

Subject 19 cage by RolePlayGateway


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Character Portrait: subject 21
0 sightings subject 21 played by RolePlayGateway
"dont say the number 19, or I will let you rip your own heart out!"
Character Portrait: Kisa Loveless
0 sightings Kisa Loveless played by RolePlayGateway
I want out!!! *crys*
Character Portrait: subject 31
0 sightings subject 31 played by RolePlayGateway
"Aha.....So what were you saying?"

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View All » Add Character » 17 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Subject 19
Character Portrait: Drake T. Tanson
Character Portrait: Subject 0
Character Portrait: Subject 30
Character Portrait: Lucy King
Character Portrait: Subject 34


Character Portrait: Subject 34
Subject 34

Subject 34 has arrived

Character Portrait: Lucy King
Lucy King

"Well this is different to dissecting a bunch of frogs.."

Character Portrait: Subject 30
Subject 30

"I just want to get outta here.."

Character Portrait: Subject 0
Subject 0

"..Woof.. Happy now?"

Character Portrait: Drake T. Tanson
Drake T. Tanson

I love my job

Character Portrait: Subject 19
Subject 19

Subject 19


Character Portrait: Subject 0
Subject 0

"..Woof.. Happy now?"

Character Portrait: Subject 34
Subject 34

Subject 34 has arrived

Character Portrait: Subject 30
Subject 30

"I just want to get outta here.."

Character Portrait: Subject 19
Subject 19

Subject 19

Character Portrait: Lucy King
Lucy King

"Well this is different to dissecting a bunch of frogs.."

Character Portrait: Drake T. Tanson
Drake T. Tanson

I love my job

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Subject 34
Subject 34

Subject 34 has arrived

Character Portrait: Subject 30
Subject 30

"I just want to get outta here.."

Character Portrait: Lucy King
Lucy King

"Well this is different to dissecting a bunch of frogs.."

Character Portrait: Subject 19
Subject 19

Subject 19

Character Portrait: Drake T. Tanson
Drake T. Tanson

I love my job

Character Portrait: Subject 0
Subject 0

"..Woof.. Happy now?"

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