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Summoner's Code

Summoner's Code


The Coven, an organization created to stop the rise of the creatures of the night. Is looking for more members to help them in their crusade.

2,547 readers have visited Summoner's Code since Wrave created it.


( I stayed up late to get most of this done, so some things may have been left out. If it seems like there is info missing that you need to know, please let me know so I can add that in.)

Theme Song-Prelude to a Nightmare


For Centuries humans have told tales of creatures who stalk the shadows and heroes who fight the monsters, as bed time stories to tell young children who can’t sleep. Little do they know some of those tales based on facts. Ever since the dawn of man kind, creatures of the night have lived among the humans, keeping themselves hidden. The humans lived their lives never knowing that those closest to them could be the monsters from their nightmares. But that all changed when the time period known as the “dark days”(period between the 5th and the 8th century.) came around, during this time the sun barely showed itself and monsters roamed free, to do as they pleased without fear of the humans. For Centuries the monsters and demons ruled over the humans, with their leader a being known only as “Dark Lord.” That was until one day a wise old man challenged the “Dark Lord” to a duel, He accepted the duel thinking that this foolish old man would be easily defeated, but that was not the case. This old man was really a summoner and when the duel began the old man unleashed every monster and demon he had a pact with. After a long drawn out battle, the old summoner appeared victorious. He then sealed away the “Dark Lord” in a secret location that only he knew.

Centuries passed and everything was calm, the humans had forgotten about the monsters and the monsters went back into hiding. It is said that the old summoner who saved the world from the “Dark Lord” went into hiding and was never heard from again. But there are few who believe he is still out there, waiting for the day the “Dark Lord” finds a way to rise again, so he can put him back where he belongs.


Ok, time for the good stuff. The main plot of this rp is that you will play the role of either a summoner, a soldier or a familiar. I will go into detail about those three in just a little bit. No matter which one you pick, you will be a part of a secret organization called The Coven. The Coven was created to battle against the creatures of the night in order to stop them from gaining enough power to try and take over again.


Modern earth, the technology is the same except for The Coven, they have slightly more advanced equipment. The Coven’s main base of operation is in a large castle in London, but they have bases all over the world. But since most of the characters will be new recruits everyone will be in London.


Summoner- A summoner is a human who has magical abilities, much like a witch or a wizard, but even more advanced than that. A summoner can use their magic to make a pact with multiple monsters and then summon them at anytime. A summoner is considered quite powerful because a master summoner, known as a Grand Master can summon all of their summons at once. Giving them an army of powerful creatures on their side. But so far there has only been one recorded grand master. A summoner usually doesn’t know they are one, but others can tell by a special marking that appears on their body. It is the sign of the summoner, this marking only appears when the summoner turns thirteen the marking is what gives the summoner his/her power to make a pact and summon, those under the age of thirteen may show signs of being a summoner, which would be being able to use some form of magic. When a Summoner is located they are brought to The Coven, often against their will.

Soldier- Soldiers are normal humans who join the Coven for whatever reason, they go through basic military training, but The Coven’s training is a little more difficult seeing as how the soldiers will be fighting against enemies who aren’t human, usually. Soldiers are given a shot upon joining The Coven, this shot is actually a serum that enhances the basic functions of the body allowing them to be smarter, faster, stronger, etc. The soldiers become super human in a way, but they aren’t invincible. They just stand a much better chance against monsters than normal humans.

Familiar- Familiar are monsters or demons who have chosen the side of the humans, why they chose the humans side is up to them, but when they join The Coven after much interviewing and testing. They are assigned to a Summoner under the age of Thirteen, this is to protect them because a summoner under the age of thirteen can not make pacts and summon. Familiar act as bodyguards and defend the young summoner, this happens until the Summoner turns thirteen, the familiar can then chose to become a real summon for the summoner or move on to help another young summoner.

Dress code


Down time- During down time, A summoner is allowed to wear what ever he/she pleases.

Mission- When going out on a mission, A summoner is required to wear the uniform. Which is a slender black leather armor suit which forms to the wearers body perfectly, the armor allows for flexibility and defense, the armor reflects the heat back into the body when it is cold and when its hot the armor allows air to escape and cool down the body. The armor can also with stand a large amount of force, meaning it can be attacked multiple times without receiving a single scratch, but that doesn’t mean the wearer wont feel the force behind those attacks, they just wont be hurt by them.


Down time- A soldier must always wear the badge that shows their rank on their chest or on their sleeve. Other than that they are allowed to wear anything they wish.

Mission- When it is time to go out on a mission, a soldier is equipped with light battle armor, this allows them to move freely, but still gives them enough defensive power to defend against enemy attacks. The armor has a camouflage ability that almost allows them to be invisible, if the soldier was to lie motionless they would appear to not even be there. But if they move they can be seen, but they are hard to see, so it takes someone with a lot of focus to spot them.

Familiar- They have no dress code.


Summoner- You are allowed to pick a single weapon as your main weapon, this weapon become a piece of you. It becomes the item that you know you can always count on when things get bad. As time goes on you will be allowed to get secondary weapons and support weapons.

Soldier- At the start you are given a standard Assault rifle, pistol or revolver, combat knife, and two smoke grenades. Your bullets will be enhanced for each mission, meaning they will be coated with the weakness of whatever it is you are fighting. As time goes on you will be allowed to pick your own weapons.

Familiar- A familiar is allowed any weapon he or she wants, but most try and keep it basic. (swords, knives, etc.)


The Serum- The serum isn’t only given to the soldier, a summoner will get it when they first arrive. The serum is a little different for the summoner, they get enhanced basic functions, but it also amplifies their magic enough to give them one unique ability, this is different for every summoner, this ability isn’t always strong but it is something that shows the personality of the summoner, it shows who they are as a person and that can never be changed.

Mark of the Coven- This is a symbol that you will see a lot, it will be pretty much everywhere, on the floors, the walls in the hallways. You really can’t go anywhere in the base without finding it somewhere.

Ranks(Soldiers and Monsters)

Soldiers- A soldier is given a rank passed on their skill level, number of missions they have been on, and time spent at The Coven.

1) Private
3) Lieutenant
4) Captain
5) General

Monsters- A monster is given a rank based on how strong, fast, intelligent they are. Other factors may go into account, but these are the basic things that are looked at. Monster rankings go from 1-5, 1 being the weakest and 5 being the strongest.

1)weak/below average
2) Below Average/Average
3) Average/ Above Average
4) Strong
5) Powerful


Veterans (soldiers)
1)Vann Anderson
2)John Black

New recruits (soldiers or Summoners)
1) Mariana Veleno(Summoner)
2) Scarlet Walker(Summoner)
3)Zera (summoner)
4)Seyicer Leseo(summoner)
5)Leia+Remi Midrelle(summoner)

2-3 Familiar
1)Raum Abbas
2)Nero J. Thompson

How to start of- If your wondering where to start your character when you make a post, I will just tell you right now.

Summoner- If you play a summoner, your character wakes up in their room at The Coven’s base. They wont know what happened to them, they will feel like someone drugged them. (you can follow my post, for the most part since I will being playing a summoner.)

Soldier/ Veterans- For the New recruits you will start out in your rooms, you share a large room with a second soldier. When you awaken someone will be at your door, they will tell you it is time for the meeting.

For the Veterans, it is mandatory for you to attend the meeting. What you do after that is completely up to you.

Familiar- You must attend the meeting, this is where you will be introduced to the young summoner you will be protecting.

Character Sheet


Age: (9-19) (Summoner under the age of thirteen will be give a familiar to guard them.) (18-40 for veterans )


Classification: ( Summoner, Soldier, Veteran, Familiar)

Rank: (only for Soldiers, veterans and Familiar- New recruits are all Privates, Vets can’t be over Lieutenant rank, Familiar Can’t be more than rank 3.)


Appearance/Description: (you can have an image, or you can write it out, or both.)

Summoner Mark: (just state where it is on your body.)


Weapon(s): (the Summoners will get their weapons later on, everyone else can have one.)

Summon(s): (you wont start out with one, you will get them as time goes on

Ability: (this is only for the Summoners, pick one ability that will be unique to you. But try to be creative with this.)

Skills: (this is for everyone, pick something your character is good at.)

Magic: (Summoners and Familiars can use magic, but only two magic abilities to start out with, unless you meet the requirement below.)

History: (You can keep it brief, but try and post a little bit of info. I know you might want to keep some things secret. But we need to know a little bit about your character, to understand them.)

(Ok, so I felt this would be a good idea to help when fighting monsters, this will help you judge how you stack up against them.)

(New recruits -35 points, Familiar- 40, Veterans-50)

Strength- (how strong you are)
Defense- (how much damage you can take before you have to throw in the towel.)
Speed- (How fast you are)
Magic - (how well you control your magic if you have any.) (9-14 will get you a new magical ability, 15-20 will get another magical ability.)
Intelligence- (how smart you are, it also helps you with controlling your magic and it helps you to find new ways in which to use it.)
Skill- (This determines how good you are at what you do.)

(if your wondering how you can make your character better, after every mission you will get 3 more points to put into whatever you want.)


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No one liners

If you join, you are stating that you are committed to seeing this rp to the end. if you have problems and wont be able to post for a period of time please let me know.

No OOC fighting

My rulings are final and I have the right to change or add any ore rules as i see fit. (so its not in the rules will not work against me.)

Have fun

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 12 authors


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Zera wakes up on the floor and with no blankets, he looks around to see Mariana and another person walking to a building, "so I go there..." he softly said as he looks in his closet and grabs what he usually wears. He then exits the room and walks down the stairs and into the courtyard, he stands there for a minute and looks at the dog-tags his father gave him, "This is for you Father..." He said as he walks into the building and sees Vann and Mariana, "What happened to you?" he questioned as he looks around for the arena area, "Uhm... Where do I go?" he asked and got a response from a guard pointing out the elevator. He bows in thanks and hits the button.

Zera finds himself in a strange room where it looks like a gladiator fight happened and gets briefed and the monster comes out. Its a Chimera. Zera stands there trembling in fear of the creature, "I- is that a Chimera ?!" he questioned in panic but then calms down enough to be prepared, "So give the big scary monster to the pathetic wimp..." He looks at the sleeve on his arm, "No.. Not yet..." he braces for the beast to be unleashed. The Chimera is released. The battle begins. The chimera charges at Zera and misses due to Zera jumping onto its back and ended up on the other side of the beast, "Wow you're a scary creature aren't you?" He said clearly as the monster breathes the fire at him Zera backflipped back out of the way.

The beast charges again and slashes at Zera, he kinda evaded but his shirt gets ripped. The beast attacks again and hits Zera again, he's cut and his hat is ripped. He looks at the rip, "that was my favorite hat.... Now you die... Awaken!" he said as he summons his spear for the fight as the creature attacks again. Zera stabbed his spear into the ground and is now on the Chimera's back, "May I know your name?" Zera asked as the creature turned one head, "My name is Arginth" The chimera replied as he breathed fire at Zera whom blocked it with his spear knocking the fires into Arginth burning him. It falls to the ground Zera walks to it, "kill me..." Arginth said looking at how Zera sheathes his spear, "now why would I kill you? I know your name. I can't but. do you want to be friends and my summon?" Zera asked with a smile on his face, "It would be my pleasure... Zera" Arginth said as the mark appears on both of them. Zera after being told what to do with his summon walks back to where Vann and Mariana are. Still bleeding he sits down next to them and rests a bit.


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#, as written by Rarikou
(told ya I'm still in this)

Waking up the next morning, a little hungry, but thankfully not as dazed, Seyicer rolled out of the bed. In his dreams, he had come terms with the information provided yesterday. The fist think he did was to fill the sink with cokd water, and dip his head in, the sudden shock of cold water alerting his senses, forcing them to awaken faster. If what that teacher person said had been true, he would need them. He fingered his bracelet, witch held his weapon of death. Surely they wouldn't try and kill him on his first test?

He watched two go in to fight, and had both came out relativealy unschated. Unwilling to wait anymore, he procedded into to face the monster that may become his new partner, if he fought well enough.

His eyes shimmered as he looked upon hthe monster with a sense of familiarity. It was a hellhound, the same kind that had attacked him days before, causing all this to happen. He laughed at the irony, and held out his hand... not in a gesture of friendship, but in a stance that Seyicer assumed would be good for a spell aster. He tapped his fingers to his braclets, witch shimmered, until he held a gun in one hand. "Let's just skip the formalities, shall we?" He said in an even tone, and began to concentrate on his opponet. Desiring to take the iniative, Seyicer flung as hand, "Dark SAvior." He muttered.

The hellhound double jumped back to avoid the sudden mass of arrows, and began to circle Seyicer, not losing it's patientce. The eyed each other for a few minutes, The flame dog rushed in, Seyicer ducked, moving his gun to a dagger as he did- though it almost got stuck, and he slashed wards, witch barly missed. With a snarl, the hellhound swipd with his paw, catching Seyicer in his shoulder. Pain gripped him, and there was a sensation of something burning, but Seyicer did his absoulutue best to ignore it, though he would need treatment when this was over.

With a grin Seyicer grabbed hold of the paw that was used to swipe at him with his free hand, raised his dagger, and swun. As blood sprayed, the hellhound retreated with a limp, and barely dodged a bullet from Seyicer. "...Taking a powerful, potentially limb-crushing claw swipe JUST for a chance to get a swipe at me?... You're a crazy one." The hell hound snarled... though his voice sounded impressed.

Seyicer shrugged, winced, "I try... shall we continue?" He said, cutting off part of his clothing, and making a small bandage with his free arm and his teeth. HE couldn't feel anything, the hellhound had caused severe numbness... it was all but uuselesss now. Witch a made it perfect shield. The hellhound rushed in, and Seyicer, allowed himself to collapse as a doll would. AS the dog, was just over him, Seyicer held up his fun, smiled, and fired. The bullet caught him in the leg, and he spun midair, crasihing against a wall. With a wimper, the hound began licking his wound. It froze as it sensed danger, and looked up to Seyicer, who had ditched his gun for a spell, and five orbs surronded the dog, ready to fire. Seyicer took a few deep breaths. "That's.... checkmate. Care... to join me?" HE asked, between pants.

The dog sat there, and howled, though it sounded like laughter, "You would extend your hand to the enemy? Why should I trust you?"
"Because I can garuntee you'll get no such offer from the arrows." He said, pointing at his spell

"...fine. I am Garm of the Helhounds. I shall walk beside you." The Garm said and howled- a true howl. Seyicer's hand shone, as a mark appeared on it, and a similar one appeared on Garm's paw: Where Seyicer had first stabbed him. TheGarm howled once more, and vanished.

Seyicer walked out, grasping his arm, "Ummm... doctor, please?" He asked, sounding slightly impatientce. But with an entire arm down for the count, who could blame him?


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After witnessing the two demon's duel and attending a very confusing meal, Fyrsra retired to the library to curl up on the stone floor with a good book. The library was a sanctuary for Fyrsra, it could take her to any place she wished, present her with an endless array of facts, or inspire her to write up a few poems or two. Besides this books kept Fyrsra from becoming lonely, a common enemy the past years, for loneliness made her horribly tired and unable to memorize books and explore her mind for, 'scholarly thoughts.'

"Well isn't this a lovely night my dear guardian of dust and books?" Fyrsra taunted the librarian as she trotted inside the large, stone room. "Well Well, it looks as if your friends the dust bunnies have been scared away from your desk by movement it seems!"

All that Fyrsra received from her comment was a one-eyed glare from behind a huge pile of books and a simple flip of the librarian's telling her to proceed. This was a ritual performed by the demon-beast upon her every entry to visit her beloved books. It was very entertaining to see or hear the occasional snide remarks given in turn. However those were only on the book-keepers good days. Which numbered few.

Curling up into Fyrsra's favorite spot, featured in a corner farthest from the entranced by a window that was built much to low to the ground. It was riddled with a wide array and height of books of many sizes and colors that the demon-beast had conquered. The librarian had long ago given up on cleaning up her 'book nest' and let her be in that area of the large library. The spot also happened to be the coldest, being the farthest away from the entrance it never got much attention besides Fyrsra whose body heat was non-existent.

"Well dear Fyrsra you scholarly fool, those summoners will be getting very busy these coming days. It seems as though this will be the perfect opportunity to stay the night to read these glorious books whose pages are in need of attention. For who knows when there shall be time read for many hours again." Fyrsra chuckled at her silly thoughts. "Then I will enjoy this night to myself, for shall be one of the only moments for me to read a good book before all the...entertainment begins."

In the far corner of a desk riddled with dust clumps, a small muffled laugh could be heard from behind an upheld book. If one looked behind the stack of books blocking view of the person behind them, they could find the keeper of books flicking a dust clump from her book and watching as it slowly fell to the ground. " all starts now.."


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Scarlet was waiting for her so called test that was to asess the summoners to see what they were capable with or whatever. Scarlet was used to test since her parents were scientists they tended to use drugs on her to see if they were able to enhance her attibutes of which only a few worked one of them being keener senses and faster reflexes. After about five or ten minutes standing around a door opened and it seemed she was to go though it so she did when she walked through the open door there seemed to be a large beast and from the books she had read it seemed to be a Phoenix a rather large on at that.

When she had entered the room the phoenix sent down balls of fire, she tryed to avoid most of them but by the end she got hit by one sending her againts the all "OUCH!" she shouted she had't felt that much pain since the training trips she had in the mountain with her parents. When she looked down at her hair she noticed a small bit at the end had caught on fire "Oi you fire covered bird look what you did to my hair!" she shouted. When she had shouted this electic sparks started to emit from her body one large one actually connected with the phoenix bringing it to the ground. The phoenix charged at her with the fire surronding it Scarlet could't help but run but the phoenix had pinned her againts the wall with its flames burning her she hand no choice but to summon her weapon she pushed the phoenix away with her feet and jumping onto her own "Blade i summon thee" when she said this instead of her scythe being summoned she had seemed to have summoned a sniper aswell "oh god!" she grabbed the sniper and placed her sythe on her back onto the hoster she placed the sniper in the direction of the phoenix placing her finger on the trigger she let go of it one of the bullets connected with the phoenixs wing cusing it to fall to the ground "throwing knifes" she said the sniper dissapearing and being replaced with 3 throwing knifes she threw them at the phoeniz connecting with its wings pinning it to the ground "You give up?" she asked. "Young warrior you are an intresting on indeed" it had said "But you need to learn that fire can melt metal" the phoenix said whilst he began to melt the metal around his wings. Scarlet let out a sigh "So are you going to join you or am i going to fight you more?" she asked him. "You have much to learn but you have potentional" he said to her whilst swipping a wing above her arm the symbol of the phoenix appeared on her shoulder blade and the phoenix dissapeared "can i leave now" she shouted as one of the doors opened to the hall way so she walked out towards the cafeteria.


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#, as written by Wrave
Vann was on his way to the conference room, his team had been summoned. It was time for them to receive their first mission. He was the first to arrive seeing as all the Summoners were being checked out by the medical team. He took a seat at the end of the table, he watched as his brother walked in. He was bruised from their fight from yesterday. Vann had a smile on his face, but his brother didn’t even crack a smile. Alexander threw a stack of folders on the table and slid one down to Vann. He grabbed it and then opened it. He smiled and said “ah, so your sending us to go gamble?” Alexander shook his head as if he was calling Vann an idiot.

Vann just sat there staring at the piece of paper that clearly said their mission was in Las Vegas, the city known for its gambling and night life. Vann had only been there once and that was for a vacation that he never really got to enjoy. He sighed when he saw what they were after. Werewolves and Vampires, nothing special, Vann had hoped to face something he hadn’t faced hundreds of times. Vann closed the folder and sat there from a while when someone finally came in. It was Mariana, she hadn’t been hurt in her fight so she really didn’t need any medical attention.

She sat down and watched as Alexander slid a folder toward her, she grabbed it and opened it. She saw where they were going, she had never been to Las Vegas, but she enjoyed the heat so maybe this would be a nice trip aside from the being hunted by monsters part. After a while everyone arrived in the conference room and the meeting began. Alexander paced around the room and began speak

“As you all know, your destination is Las Vegas, Nevada. While their your job is to hunt down a pack of werewolves that have been killing humans. You will also be after a gambling ring that is run by a vampire coven. It seems that the vampires and werewolves have been working together. This is odd behavior for them, which is another reason why we are sending you. I’ll need you to find out why they are working together, shouldn’t be to hard. Also I have set up the order of your teams, Under the command of Sergeant John Black will be Scarlet walker, Seyicer Leseo and Fyrsra is. Under the command of Lieutenant Vann Anderson will be, Mariana Veleno, Zera Manta and Raum Abbas Your plane leaves at nine a.m. sharp, that is all, meeting adjourned.”

Alexander then left out of the room, leaving everyone to do as they pleased. Vann stood up and said “I’m going to go take a walk, I think its best for everyone to relax before the mission tomorrow.” Vann then walked out of the room and started to walk around the base. He was thinking, He then stopped off in the garden and had a seat. The wind was blowing, but it was just a calm and soothing breeze. It was a beautiful day for just relaxing and that is what Vann planned to do. Relax and think about life.


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Zera hearing about his mission goes out to train, still bleeding from his fight that morning he continues to train his body to the best he can. He falls in pain grabbing his side where his injury is, and yet, he gets back up and keeps going. Twenty minutes later blood is almost pouring from his side and he still goes on training not giving a care in the world of his injury. Zera stops for a minute out of breath and wondering how long he can still go without passing out. He keeps going.

Then he falls face down onto the soil blood slowly gushing from his wound. He makes a desperate attempt to get up but can't. He starts crawling to where he thinks the infirmary is slowly he keeps moving each move gets more and more painful. He passes out and slowly heals for some strange reason, his wound scabs up. He remains out cold on the ground.

In the utter blackness that Zera sees he notices that there is something. A faint image of the ones he knew and loved and then watched as they burned to ash due to some creature in there. He panics (in dream of course) and attacks it blindly thinking that he can kill it. He fails in that attempt. The creature hits him and paralyses him and slowly consumes him into shadow. He feels suffocated as he's pulled down into the darkness.

((sorry for the delay! Writers block hit me!))


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The dinner seemed to go nowhere, but at least the food was well done, the chef delivering his steak cooked to perfection. Which was to say, barely cooked at all. Despite what some people said about the place, the Coven definitely knew how to treat their charges well. With the pleasantries over, Raum took a walk, giving the toy soldiers time to set themselves up and discuss the mission. When he pushed the door open, it was to find only three other people in the room. Vann, Alexander Anderson, a man Raum had surmised was Vann's brother, and one of the summoners from earlier, a young shy looking brunette girl.

He took a seat, plucking one of the folders from the table without waiting for an invitation, riffling through the pages within. Seems they would all be heading off to Las Vegas. He'd been there, once. Of course, that was a long time ago, before the legalisation of gambling, before even lake Mead had been formed, and from what he'd heard the city was a little bigger now. It would be interesting to go back and see what they'd done with the place. By the time everyone else had arrived, he'd gone through it, twice, and had thrown it back on the pile. Now that everyone was finally here, Alexander rose and went through the basic details of their mission. Vampires and werewolves. Pff. Raum could have scoffed. Pathetic creatures, the both of them. One a worthless half breed that could barely control itself, the other an impure relic of a past time. He perked up a little with the revelation that the creatures were working together. That was interesting. In his experience, garou and leeches held an inherent and passionate hatred for each other. Whatever it was the was causing them to put aside their emnity and work together held promise, the taste of interest.

Again he rejoiced when Alexander announced the teams. So it would be him, Vann, the girl who had been here when he arrived, and another by the name of Zera. A good enough team to be getting along with. With Alexander's dismissal, he rose, the same time as Vann, and as he left the room he heard the soldier say something about relaxing for the rest of the night. 'Funny you should say that, Vann,' he thought to himself, 'but that's exactly what I intend to do.'

With no desire to be social and no reason to train, Raum simply retired to his quarters, locking out the rest of the world with a turn of a key.

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Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!


Earth by Wrave


Add Group » 0 Factions to align with

There are no groups in this roleplay!


By creating Collectibles, you can reward your players with unique items that accentuate their character sheets.

Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

Current Mobs

No mobs have been created yet.


Locations where Mobs and Items might appear.


You can schedule events for your players to create notifications and schedule times for everyone to plan around.


Add and remove other people from your Universe.


By marking a character as abandoned, you can offer them to your players as pre-made character sheets.

Character Portrait: Sihn Jade
0 sightings Sihn Jade played by Fortune Walking

Character Portrait: Jonathan Darkholme
0 sightings Jonathan Darkholme played by ViviOrunitiaFF9
Of all things, I had to be a summoner?
Character Portrait: Ajax
0 sightings Ajax played by R3lly
Look I found your missing gems...

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in Summoner's Code. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

Notable Items

No items have been created yet!

The Market

Buy, sell, and even craft your own items in this universe.

Market Data

Market conditions are unknown. Use caution when trading.

Quick Buy (Items Most Recently Listed for Sale)

Open Stores

View All » Add Character » 17 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Mariana Veleno
Character Portrait: Raum Abbas
Character Portrait: Vann Anderson
Character Portrait: Dor'Shi
Character Portrait: Nero J. Thompson
Character Portrait: Me'lro
Character Portrait: John Black
Character Portrait: Fyrsra is


Character Portrait: Fyrsra is
Fyrsra is

"It's all so exciting with with you humans!"

Character Portrait: John Black
John Black

"Family, Duty, Honour."

Character Portrait: Me'lro


Character Portrait: Nero J. Thompson
Nero J. Thompson

"Can't you take a joke?"

Character Portrait: Dor'Shi


Character Portrait: Vann Anderson
Vann Anderson

"You will follow my orders without question, if you have a problem with that to bad."

Character Portrait: Raum Abbas
Raum Abbas

This world's end is coming. If you are lucky, you may still be here to see it

Character Portrait: Mariana Veleno
Mariana Veleno

"Look I don't know what's going on here, but I need to get back to my family."


Character Portrait: Vann Anderson
Vann Anderson

"You will follow my orders without question, if you have a problem with that to bad."

Character Portrait: Dor'Shi


Character Portrait: Fyrsra is
Fyrsra is

"It's all so exciting with with you humans!"

Character Portrait: Nero J. Thompson
Nero J. Thompson

"Can't you take a joke?"

Character Portrait: Me'lro


Character Portrait: Raum Abbas
Raum Abbas

This world's end is coming. If you are lucky, you may still be here to see it

Character Portrait: Mariana Veleno
Mariana Veleno

"Look I don't know what's going on here, but I need to get back to my family."

Character Portrait: John Black
John Black

"Family, Duty, Honour."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Me'lro


Character Portrait: Raum Abbas
Raum Abbas

This world's end is coming. If you are lucky, you may still be here to see it

Character Portrait: Vann Anderson
Vann Anderson

"You will follow my orders without question, if you have a problem with that to bad."

Character Portrait: Nero J. Thompson
Nero J. Thompson

"Can't you take a joke?"

Character Portrait: Mariana Veleno
Mariana Veleno

"Look I don't know what's going on here, but I need to get back to my family."

Character Portrait: Dor'Shi


Character Portrait: John Black
John Black

"Family, Duty, Honour."

Character Portrait: Fyrsra is
Fyrsra is

"It's all so exciting with with you humans!"

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