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Super Human



a part of Super Human, by Gorman Conall.


Gorman Conall holds sovereignty over Earth, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Earth is a part of Super Human.

6 Characters Here

Damon Steinbrenner [0] Damon is a madman looking for sanity.
Alexander Schreiber II [0] Archaeologist-turned-lightning-manipulator
Eric Wilder [0] Once a normal graduate student, not anymore.
Nicolai Frost [0] A 22 year old recently released from a asylum for the mentally insane, all because when he was young he claimed to have the ability to move things with his mind. Nicolai is an untrained telekinetic with a bad attitude.
Avis [0] An experiment loose in the world.
Yvaine Versot [0] Neither good nor evil but has a strange obsession with jewelry

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All over the world people of all nations are preparing to view what is being called the greatest light show in the sky scheduled to occur within a day or two. Astronomers around the globe have spotted what seems to a gigantic meteor on route to pass safety right by the earth, they say that it will gently enter a small part of the earths atmosphere causing a giant flash of light that should visible anywhere day or night. It is said to be one of the brightest comets ever witnessed by mankind. The buzz is huge and new stations all over are talking about the exciting event and festivals are even being held in some places in the comets names.

Of course not everyone is celebrating, as with any kind of event various doom Sayer's claim it to be the end of days, while others claim it to be alien overlords coming to take away those that have believed in them. Even so they fall in to the minority and most people are at least a hair bit interested in the event.

Outside of the incoming comet, life around the world has been normal, various nations on the brink of war, recessions, disasters and tension between governments, people, and supers are at an all time high.


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Ivantik stood up where he had been sitting, "Did you know that other people like you exist?" he said as he walked around the warehouse as if in his own little world.

"Well yeah, I've heard stories and such. How many of them left America due to the intense hatred of them." Eric replied not sure what the older man was getting at. As more and more time passed, he was sure that this ex Russian scientist was not being truthful of who he really was.

"Yes as you did as well." Ivantik nodded as well meaning Eric's own escape from the U.S. after being found out by a convience store clerk back home in New York which led to a chain of events of going across the eastern seaboard evading authorities until he managed to sneak aboard a passage heading for Europe, "Some were naturally born, some developed a mutation within them later in life, some are equipped with their own technology, or some even like you where as a science experiment gone wrong" Ivantik chuckled, "Some even work for the Russian government in hunting down criminals and other of these supers as they are called so they don't have to go through the same fate that those they hunt go through."

"And what does this have to do with me?" Eric asked clearly confused.

"All in good time Mr. Wilder. If you want to know more answers, come to Sunderland. A rather nice spot to visit in England." And in a matter of seconds, Ivantik Solhkov disappeared as if he vanished into thin air.

"What the hell?" he said to himself as he looked around the warehouse, trying to find out Ivantik disappeared.


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The incoming comet was being closely monitored by Astronomers and defense agency's around the globe, within the last two hours an abnormal fluctuation of speed had been witnessed and recorded as the comet had suddenly sped up dramatically causing a bit of alarm in those watching it.

Two hours later a second strange phenomenon had been witnessed, it appeared that smaller fragments had broken away from the object and were now flying the same route as the supposed meteor, but faster, much faster ahead of the main object. Homeland security, various nation leaders and defense administrators were immediately notified.

Four hours later as panic had erupted within government sects around the globe the smaller objects radically changed direction and did not pass by the earth, they instead changed direction and made way toward it, soon each of the objects split of in separate directions at blazing speed.

Twenty minute's later before any response could even begin to happen each object simultaneously smashed in to a different satellite orbiting the earth, with in seconds the entire world was effectively blinded, as panic ensured among world officials the common man was none the wiser, some had reportedly spotted various lights in the sky, and anyone with satellite televisions, GPs or any other satellite related device instantly realized that their service no longer worked. Various tech supports were flooded with calls from angry customers. Little did they know that there was something larger then petty electronic luxury's upon them very soon.


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Once home, which was a small one bedroom apartment, Yvaine analyzed her surroundings; something she had gotten into the habit of doing when she was part of a league of criminals. Everything was normal, the small, cream colored hallway was empty except for a small table in front of the entrance, a mirror, and two paintings (stolen from museums around the world of course.) As she began to walk down the hall she removed her brand new possession and slung the bag onto the table afterwards. She began to walk towards one of the paintings and heard the mahogony floor boards creak underneath her feet; she really needed to get that fixed. Sliding the painting aside a vault door and lock was revealed; Yvaine opened it and inside were more priceless jewels; her new necklace joined them.

Afterwards, Yvaine continued down the hall and turned at a large entrance which was the entrance to her kitchen. Inside there was a stove, as good as new being she never used it, a refridgerator and pantry filled with microwavable treats, and a well used microwave. Opening the refrigerator the woman removed a t.v. dinner and stuck it in the microwave. She waited until the beep before taking it out and carrying it past her dining room, also never used, and into the sitting room. Twice she had tried to call that the family room but being she lacked a family she gave up quick.

Plopping herself into the couch, she turned on the television. It showed the news; more information had been retrieved from the comet. Apparently it had sped up and pieces had broken off of it. She could hardly see what was so fascinating about it; this was no different from Haley's comet or an eclipse, so what was the big deal. Still, she watched it until she had had finished her dinner; at that point she repositioned herself on the couch. Her back was leaning against both the armrest and the back of the couch while her legs were curled up against her. Slowly she began to flip through the channels; she stopped once or twice. The first was a drama that bored her quickly while the other was a stand up comedian that she didn't find funny.

After about thirty minutes of that Yvaine raised the white flag and turned off the t.v. set. She never was able to see what was so great about television shows. She walked back into the hall through another doorway against the same wall as the kitchen's entrance; she then proceeded to walk directly across and through a door. This was her bedroom. It was decorated with a wooden dresser, a full body mirror, a single window, and one queen size bed; the room was over all simple and bleak with barely a color in sight. That was how Yvaine liked it after all.

She changed quickly and then proceeded to do every other action one preforms before sleeping such as brushing her teeth. Upon completing this ritual she walked out of the bathroom and straight for her bed; she laid in bed for about a minute thinking, always thinking. There was so much to think about such as: just what was she doing with her life? She lingered on those thoughts for a moment longer and when she uncovered no answer she leaned over and turned out all the lights.


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Alex stared at the drunkard. He was definitely intoxicated but that isn't what caught his attention. His scanner picked up a spike of energy that seemed to flowing through the guys brain. It was by random chance that they had run into each other, but Alex had a job and dhe decided to perform it to a "T".
"Psychic," he mumbled as he took the man's wallet out and looked at the driver's license. "Aberle, what an odd name." he merely sent the mental command to Angela and she began the search. Alex lifted the guy up from the garbage can that he had fallen over while being in a hurry about something. The word baby was mumbled a lot. He took him to an alley away and places a holographic projector at the entrance. The device sprang to life and soon the alley way looked empty again.

A hypodermic needle silently slid out from one of Alex's fingers with a quick prick the substance was injected into Aberle. Angela quickly explained the highlights of Aberle's life and the places he usually uses his card. "Can we see inside his place?" asked Alex. In America the government had secretly placed security cameras in everyone's home to help provide better protection for all.

"Sorry Alex, they don't have that in England" Angela informed. With a sigh he looked down at Aberle who was not quite awake and quite frightened.

"So, Aberle. Where were you today?" he asked in a somewhat casual way given the position they were in.

"I, I don't remember." he said. His eyes told the truth which simply meant his memory of the meeting had been erased. Freaking telepaths, he thought.

"Tell me what you do remember and what your plans were," Alex asked lazily. There wasn't too much hope of finding a telepath that didn't want to be found.
As far as he could figure the encounter happened in a bar, but the idiot hadn't been paying attention to the name of it when he walked in. Alex tried to back track as best as Aberle's memory could allow and stopped at every bar along the way. he mentioned he had to hurry home, so Alex assumed he would have probably gone the straightest way possible. The nightingales were flying overhead mapping the area out finding the possible routes he had taken and the bars nearby.
Alex had gone to 36 bars before he had given up. All the bartenders said they didn't see the guy, when they were shown the holographic visual of Aberle. 19 bartenders said they remember him though from other nights and 15 of those said they had just started working after 10. Angela started searching for the bartenders that had gotten off and decided he would start his search right away.

A signal was sent and within a five minutes a package was delivered to Alex. He pulled out the two hand guns and slipped a metal device into a slot in his head. "This should at least help against any mind reading, " he said as he slipped the guns in his trench coat and walked busy night streets.


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Yvaine's bedroom light was soon switched on only minutes after it had gone off. What could now be seen of her face was twisted into a face of confusion, "What in the world was that?" Yvaine's telepathy was strong enough to hear the thoughts of anyone in a half a mile radius once they are past that their thoughts begin to fade slowly until they are far enough away that they are invisible to her (mind you once they are past the half mile marker she can't understand their thoughts; she just knows they are there). When she was younger and had next to no control of her abilities this would many times cause serious migrains and force her to live in secluded areas. Now though she could still vaguely hear them they were mere whispers easily ignored.

What captured her immediate attention was that someone's whispering thoughts had disappeared quite suddenly. It wasn't gradual as it should have been. 'Another super? But, why would he bother with blocking his mind from me unless...ah, he is looking for me.' The thought struck her. 'Whether or not he succeeds is completely up to luck and me. However, I am curious as to who this power is, so perhaps I should go for a late night jog,' she said to herself, 'I can't fall asleep anyways.'

Getting out of bed Yvaine changed into some excersize clothes and grabbed her iPod. If she was going to play the part and get away with it she would have to be completely submerged in her 'disguise'. Exiting and locking her apartment she ran down a flight of stairs and began her jog; she wasn't sure exactly where he was but she could make a pretty good guess. If he was looking for her he would most definately look in at least one of her work places so she would most definately run past both of them.

As she ran she considered turning on her iPod but decided that it would be easier to notice the person whose thoughts she couldn't hear without it. She couldn't help her curiosity; she wanted so badly to know how was it this super could block her from his mind. If it wasn't a super however she would most definately want to find out how a normal, weak, human being could do it and then of course destroy the gadget.

She didn't want someone to start selling these things to anyone. Not just law officials; though more than anything especially not them, but also the normal citizen mainly because what would happen to her daily entertainment? What seemed like forever passed and finally Yvaine had reached her work place; she was slightly thirsty and decided to make a quick stop for water inside. "Oi, Amy."

The young woman behind the bar turned around almost instantly, "Yvaine, out jogging skane. Would ye fancy some water?" As she spoke she turned around and made a glass of water with ice.

Yvaine chuckled, "It's as though yeh read my mind." and then to herself she giggled, "How ironic."


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The nightingales continued continued to fly over head and scanning each residential area he had located for each employee. It was taking some time. Some didn't live so far off but others did. For those ones he sent a nightingale to scan but all the distant places had turned up negative. Which left the telepath somewhere in the general vicinity. That was still some ground to cover but he again shortened his time by sending the mechanical birds off to different locations.

Most of these birds had returned as well and were now circling overhead scanning for the mental signals of a strong psychic.

"Geez all this walking is getting me hungry." Angela gave a chuckle in Alex's head.
"There's a deli nearby and according to their website they have tuna subs, your fave." Angela informed. Alex's face lit up. Tuna was not only delicious but the fish oils was also good for the brain. The word brain reminded Alex of the seriousness of his job, which stopped him none whatsoever as he ordered his tuna sub with pickles, cheese, olives, mustard, and extra mayonaise.

Alex sat down and allowed the birds to keep up his search as he ordered a drink and a nice oatmeal cookie to go with it all. He looked outside through the eyes of one of the nightingales that were perched on the deli's sign, while his face was looking around at the pictures inside and merely focusing on his lovely sub sandwich.
Minutes had passed and all birds had returned with no results at any of the houses.
"Two possibilties," he whispered quietly to himself. "Either the telepath gave false information and lives somewhere else or they or they are currently still out." With that he sent a command for the birds to stake out the houses that were empty and for the others to go to the bars that had shift changes. It left him two nightingales. One stayed perched and the other simply perched itself on the otherside of the building covering the first nightingales blindspots. "Man, this sub is sooooo good." he told Angela. "I wish you could try this. If we are lucky maybe someday you might be able to. With my help it might actually happen. Angela smiled inwardly and went back to work searching for their telepath.


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After finishing up her water Yvaine waved good-bye to her fellow colleague and left. From the corner of her eye she spotted what appeared to be a bird. At first she didn't think to much on it but the farther she ran the more she got this awful feeling about her. 'What's a bird doing out at this time of night?' she thought to herself.

Her eyes widened in realization; she had just uncovered something relating to the person who seemed to be searching for her. For now however she would not react; hopefully her disguise would keep unwanted eyes off her. Now however her curiousity was once more peaked; what kind of ability does this super have? To be able to both block her and control animals was an amazing feat.

She worried only for a moment that there was more than one of them, but this quickly past. Only one person's thoughts had dissappeared from her and if someone wished to remain hidden from her they would hide their allies too. Or at least that is what she would do; not all supers are as smart as her thought. As a matter of fact most weren't; then again that could also be because she cheats, but they don't need to know that.

Another vague notion worried her for a moment; as far as she knew there were a very few amount of supers that know of her existence. Unfortunately, those same supers belonged to the same group that she had recently abandoned. She was slightly worried that they had come to seek their revenge, but at the same time she didn't know of anyone in that group that could block her abilities. Did they find a new member? Or more than likely this isn't that group and is instead a renegade super. Either way she had a feeling she would find out and it would be soon.

As she ran she looked behind her; hopefully it would not be noticeable. She saw that the bird was still there and breathed a sigh of relief; it seemed it had not noticed her and took flight back to its master. That would not have been good.


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Eric gave a sigh of relief as he exited the old warehouse he had met Ivantik Solkhov and that much later a pale woman had came in asking him of where Solkhov was. He wasn't sure. but something about the woman seemed off to Eric, and usually something being off makes him cautious. He gave a short yawn and realized he wasn't all that tired, the need for food and drink had all but diminished inside of him, perhaps the effects and exhaustion and fatigue were going as well. Eric figured this was an example of the formua continuously mutating and felt a bit sad that now each passing moment made him even less human. He didn't get far from where I was when he stepped on a square object on the ground, Eric recognized as one of the recorders that journalists and investigators use when interviewing or interrogating clients or suspects so they could have what they said on record when they needed to use it. Having nothing better to do he pressed the play button.

"Curse that idiotic fool Petrovich, does he not know the ingenius of genetically creating a whole army made of limitless energy producing potentials." Ivantik Solkhov's recognizable voice came from the recorder, "No the bastard wants to continue playing with his...well I don't consider it a person so I'll say his little pet.. then he'll soon realize the limits of his mistakes. I realize now that using Petrovich's pet as a template for my plans will not work. It is not stable neither physically nor emotionally, the energy readings were off the charts last I check. In fact the thing appears to be bordering on the line of insanity in my opinion. However the American I got in contact with, this Eric Wilder proves to be a viable candidate for my plans. He is able to control his energy levels far more easily without the use of some silly suit. The fact he can also regenerate injuries at an accelerated rate and appears to be in the perfect state of mind, meaning he is totally sane proves how perfect Wilder would be for my tests and experiments." Solkhov's voice continued, "I plan to meet Wilder tonight to see if he'll come with me willingly, as long as nothing interrupts us we should be fine. Least of all a BloodWitch, disgusting degenerates that they are. The reports my spies and contacts on the inside tells me one resides here in New Moscow so I'll have to make this meeting quick. Hopefully by tomorrow Wilder and myself should be in Sunderland if he agrees to come. I am not blind to current events though, the monks I met last month told me of something big coming and I have a feeling it has something to do with that comet the media is blabbering about. I will wait til those thing dies down before moving onto to my actual plans." the recording ended.

Eric's head was spinning after he heard the recording. Solkhov wasn't here to help him, but to take and use him. "Well I guess this is all the more reason to go to Sunderland." he said determined.


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#, as written by Zetta
Alexander woke up shortly after, bothered by jetlag and his gut feeling. Getting up from his bed, Alex turned on the lights and squinted. He sluggishly walked over to his closet, grabbed a pair of clean clothes, and changed. He walked out shortly after, locking his apartment door behind him. After running down the stairs, he started wandering around the neighborhood.

Soon, though, a slight buzz caught his attention. In the dim light, Alexander couldn't see anything that might have caused the noise, so he stopped, and took a careful look around. Soon enough, he found the source of the noise: a little bird perched on a nearby park bench.

... That's no ordinary bird, thought Alexander. Squinting, he realized that it wasn't any normal bird, but instead a machine.

Surveillance. Must be after the excavation reports. If anyone else gets their hands on that, well, I'm screwed.

Walking alongside the shadows of various closed stores, Alex slowly got within range of the bird. Masking his face with his left hand, he conjured lightning with his right hand, and fired a quick bolt as the bird. The bolt should not have been enough to completely fry the bird's circuits, but enough to temporarily short-circuit it. A semicircular scorch mark was also left on the bench where it was hit. Panting, he turned around and ran off, hoping that whoever was behind this would not find him. Stopping by a deli, he walked inside, still panting. Alexander ordered a drink, and walked to a seat, noting the presence of someone with somewhat spiky black hair.

Sighing, he sat down at a table near the center.

Man, it's only been a year, and the place is completely different.


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Damon was in a dead run. He could only hear the chopper flying above him and his own deep breathing. They had found him,he was so sure that he had a clean escape and that Petrovich wouldn't want a public incident with a test subject escaping the facility. A bright spotlight flashed on him as he continued to run down the dark woods. He was close to a city he could feel the energy radiating from it. Energy flooded him and he almost lost his vision in a blind rage. Damon stopped at the end of the forest and looked at the helicopter. Damon held out his arms as if he was about to hug someone. A gray box of energy formed around the helicopter. He could see the pilot's face of horror knowing what was about to happen. Damon clapped his hands together and saw the big box crush the helicopter into a big square of twisted metal. The balled up plane hit the ground with a large bang. It soon erupted in fire. Damon knew the pilot was just a scout. And that more were coming. Damon rupted in laughter and thinking of the dark vile things he could do in the city. His body trembled with anticipation.

Damon stood in the middle of traffic. His dark black hair gleemed in the pale moonlight. A long line of cars was behind him beeping their owns spitting out curses in russian telling him to move out the street.

"No run away please!"Damon tried to yell.

But only a small laugh escaped his lips. Those same red whips that took the lives of so many ran down both his arms. People began screaming and running away in every direction.

"He's a freak!"One woman screamed.

The long red whip lashed out at her severing her body in two. Damon continued to laugh as his whips began slashing any close enough to him.


Dr.Petrovich watched silently behind the monitor as Damon was on a mass murdering spree in the city. Sgt.Heyward looked at the screen in disgust. The man stood in complete attention in his dark green army fatigues and black boots. He had numerous medals clanging together on his uniform.

"Because of your little experiments im out a pilot and a functional helicopter.Now he is on a rampage inside the city. We have sent the SK ops to intercept him before he does any more damage that we cant repair." Sgt Heyward said not taking his cold blue eyes off the screen.

Dr.Petrovich just nodded. He knew that Damon was going to kill any group they sent after him. He was too valuable to his reasearch to let these army thugs kill him. When the time was right he would make his move and claim him once again. The army gave him little credit,he was always two steps ahead of them. And this current event just made him even closer to his goal.


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The telepath had been a girl. Alex had a smile on his face as he looked at her disguise. He could tell she was a psychic simply from the scanner. The smile quickly faded as he noticed how strong she was. Impressive he thought. With that much power she should be able to wipe memories clean and rewrite them. Such a scary person going unchecked.

"Yvaine," he uttered softly as the data started to flow from Angela into him. The nightingale simply watched the girl walk away. "Silly girl," he said as he sent more birds heading in her direction. "Why let you know that I'm on to you?" He noted that she had noticed the bird so he decided to keep just one flying high in the dark sky. And others were sent in possible directions should she try to run and hide. Alex filed the information away and sent it to his personal files back to his abandoned building. He would decide whether or not to share this information with others later. "Now lets see where you are running too?"
Alex had been informed by Angela of the bird that had been fried. Someone had walked up and shorted it out somehow. The readings reported a surge of electricity. Alex continued eating his sub.

Another super nearby huh? he thought to himself. He noted the clothes that were worn even though the face was hidden. The one bird was fried but his other birds had noticed him running in the direction of the deli. The bird sitting on the sign watched the figure enter. What strange luck thought Alex and he made no notion to stare at the newcomer yet. The bird on top of the sign flew down and perched itself by the window looking inside at the man. Alex felt that the man had some electronics on him and with simple thought turned them off. No need for him to call in for help, right

With another thought Alex's phone began to ring. He looked at it and chuckled. "Hey honey," he said cheerfully to no one on the other end. "Yeah, you guessed right, I just love the subs, I just wanted grab something to eat before going on my trip. I know, I know. I'll call you when I get there ...." he continued on with the regular banter all the while he was digging up information on the stranger that had walked in. A psychic for sure but not the telepath he was searching for. His readings didn't match the mind of the civilian Aberle. Two psychics. Well I guess it is time to work, he thought as he took a sip of soda.

By the airport a crate opened up and several figures walked out in full body armour and clunked towards a large truck. At closer inspection they were not human. They were mechanical humanoids wearing combat gear and sporting some serious fire power. The truck had no driver but on its GPS system it locked on the destination right next to the deli Alex was at.

"Anywho, I will call you soon. Don't worry so much." He chuckled and looked at the newcomer finally. He hung up the phone. "Women! But I have to say I love her." There was a pause as Alex pretended to assess the man, now known as Alexander. "You okay friend. Its quite odd to come inside and not order anything." "I'm just programmer from the states but if there is anything I can do, just let me know." Alex pulled out a card and tossed it quite skillfully over to the table of the electric man. "Names Henry Yates." The card given said the same thing as well as having the number and place of work printed nicely on the card. The Alex was real, Henry was a fabricated existence. Alex had created him and many other alter egos that would allow him to travel to many countries and simply disappear if things got too hot. Alex existed and yet didn't exist.

Two supers in one night he thought. Perhaps the information he was given was correct. But I don't like to jump to conclusions. I have to know whether the telepath and electro boy here know each other. Plans were already underway. Caution was always Alex's specialty.


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Damon's jacket was now covered in blood. The warm blood steamed off his body as his whips continued to lash everywhere. Damon's head jerked at the voice he heard over the screams. His face was twisted in rage as his dark black eyes went threw the man like a sharp spear. He knew the man was not another normal civilian but it didn't matter. He was a threat and he must be eliminated. The whips buzzed at it took a few warning strikes. Damon was high on the energy he was getting at the rapid rate.

"I wont go back i wont wont wont!"He screamed.

The red energy whips that hung around his arms mutliplied into six on each side. They resembled a red chimera as the whips lunged at the man wanting to tear his body into pieces.

"I wont go back never ever!"Damon continued to scream.

He would make sure the man payed with his life for trying to capture him. He would not go back to that prison. He wouldn't spend another minute in that hell hole.


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#, as written by Valor
It took Avis alot more time to decide whether it was safe enough to go inside the town, finally deciding that he would go in - on the grounds that if anything looked too out of control for him, he was leaving. So far, it seemed to be going well. There didn't seem to be many people around, and so that calmed the boy's nerves a little, although the few that saw him did tend to cross to the other side of the street to continue on their way.
His large metallic paws made a thud with every step against the pavement, unable to control the noises he made. He made the effort to try and blend his metallic ears into his dull grey hair, though with every sound they would twitch in reaction. It was a rather quiet place, though there was still enough noise for him to make his efforts of blending in rather pointless.

With a sigh, he gave up trying to look like the other normal people, letting his wirey tail gently sway behind him as he plodded along the streets. He followed a slight hum to the air, finding alot of buildings with bright lights that formed words. He stopped at the corner of the street, his head tilting to the side slightly as he took the time to read what was on the buildings and in the little windows, not alot made sense to him though.
Taking in a deep breath, he drew in the scent of foods that he was somewhat familiar with. There were the faint whiffs of meat and fish in the air, though they seemed to be tainted by other things that didn't smell too appetising. Avis swallowed hard, the pang of hunger in his stomach becoming more obvious now he thought about it. Perhaps he could get his paws on some of what he was smelling.

It didn't take long for him to be distracted again though, gaze flickering upwards at the sight of birds. He blinked a couple of times with his big dark eyes, watching them with curiousity. They didn't seem like the other birds he'd seen, they didn't seem... wild enough. He wasn't close enough to investigate them any further though, which was quite the disappointment. He let his gaze fall back to ground level as he wondered how he was going to get himself some food. By the smell of things, it wasn't going to be a simple case of pouncing.


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Without a change in expression as Alex was looking at Alexander he watched as the telepath not only noticed the bird, 'Sharp eyes, honey' he thought, but had also scrambled its circuits. It would have worked too had he not had other birds watching down each alleyway just in case she did notice the high bird.

Alex kept his smile inward as he watched the little thief break into a nearby shop. The visual was too far away but she had broken in with amazing speed. The high bird's visuals were back up and it flew low and flew by the window the young woman was in. It peered inside but "seeing" nothing it flew on as it pretended to search for her. All the while four birds perched themselves on each corner of the roof of the building and peered down waiting to see what the girl would do next.
At about the same time one of his further birds sent back an interesting visual of someone young boy with a tail and ears. The metal was easy enough to pick up with the bird's scanner but the fact that the tail seemed to move reflexively was what caught Alex's opinion.

Angela. he mentally messaged 'Send some "spiders" to capture the boy. We'll have to question him when we capture them all. So many supers so nearby. There must be something going on here. Something big. '

Alex took another bite of his sub and a swig of his drink. " I love these subs but, I can't wait to get to taht oatmeal cookie. You know what I mean?" he asked Alexander.


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#, as written by Zetta
Alexander yawned, and fiddled with the topaz ring on his finger. He really wasn't paying attention to this Henry or Harold or whatever his name was. His lack of sleep still bothered him, and he still had to head to London to present the excavation team's findings to the museum there.

Why the hell is he being friendly all of a sudden?

Time seemed to flow slowly. Perhaps it was flowing quickly, and Alexander didn't know it. But the next thing he knew, there was some woman there. She asked something about that Howard or Henry's sub.

Why would you want to know what that is, anyways?

Alexander got up from the table, and started to walk towards the door, slightly nervous.

"If the two of you will excuse me, I've got a presentation to make tomorrow morning. I had better be going now, before I end up falling asleep here."


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(haha nice super choker jimmy)

Damon's dark black eyes couldn't keep up with his attacker.He moved swiftly on his feet like a cat pouncing on a small rodent. He felt the mans arms wrap around his neck. His whips instantly vanished as he tried clawing at the mans arms trying to free himself. Damon could feel the his lungs screaming at the lack of oxygen they were now recieving. Damon was now acting purely on instinct. He held out his free hand forming a small red dagger of energy. He began stabbing the man's arm violently hoping he would let go of him. Damon has never been caught off guard by any man. This man interested him...his powers were much similar to his own. Yet he had control over himself. Somthing Damon had craved since a child. The man probally looked down on him like all the others. This just fueld the rage that raged like a wildfire inside of him.

"I wont...loose."He said inbetween gasps and breathes.


Sgt.Heyward watched from his copter has the fight seemed to be coming to a end. The one thing he hated more then supers was a super who knew how to master his powers. He signaled one his soldiers next to him.

"Take a picture of that man and send it to command and see what comes up....a-s-a-p private."The Sgt ordered.


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"Hey, Yvaine" Alex said letting her know that he knew who she was. "Long time no see. You know my favorite sub is tuna." He pretended they were friends to keep electro man calm. The truck would be arriving in thirty seconds. "Did you not know?" he asked as he gave a little smirk and pointed to his head.
Alexander was getting up. The timing was almost perfect. The truck stopped at the 'armored' soldiers stepped out of the truck and aimed their guns at the entrance way of the deli. There were eight of them in all while two made their way around the truck and anotehr two went down the alley to cover the exit. The robots had placed gas masks over their faces to conceal their manufactured existance.

Alex had partially insulated the droids so they could take a hit from electricity, just not at the back of the neck or, funny enough, the groin. Alex had a sense of humor after all.

"I am afraid I can't let you go Alexander," Alex said flatly as he took a bite of his cookie. "I have to say both of you intrigue me quite a bit, but regardless I am on a mission, and I'll have to ask you a couple questions. Especially, why did you fry my bird?" as this was said two 'armored soldiers' with masks on entered through the kitchen door and trained their guns on the two supers. Then a canister was fired through the front window as smoke began to fill the room.

Alex pulled on a mask as the smoke reached him and his contacts switched to x-ray as he saw everything in black and shades of purple. He quickly moved into the smoke to hide from the two of them as he pulled out a two small wheel shaped devices and threw them at the wall and they stuck to them usinga mixture of adhesive and magnets.

"I would prefer not to make this violent" Alex's voice came from the wheels on the wall. "So, what is it you two do for a living?"


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#, as written by Valor
Avis wandered down the street, peering into the big windows of places, seeing what was going on inside. Some places looked like people were eating, and seeing this, Avis instinctively licked his lips; the end of his tail twitching. He was preparing himself to go inside to get some food for himself, when he heard something different, once again drawing his attention away from his hunger. His metallic ears flicked back for a moment, hearing a kind thudding that he could somewhat compare with his own footfall. Though, these were much faster, and lighter too. Not nearly as loud as his big metal paws. It sounded like they were coming closer to him.

He wasn't wrong, whatever caused the noise having rounded the corner and stopped only a few feet away from him. Avis looked at these... whatever they were. He could taste metal in the air, though it was different to the metal his parts were made from. It was all metal too, not like him. Robots?
He looked at them, wondering why they had just stopped infront of him and were staring at him. Did robots stare? Avis didn't know, but it was a little scary. He swallowed hard, unable to stop himself from edging back a little, not liking the feeling he got from this situation. There was three of them, enough to beat him in any kind of struggle.

The robots suddenly leapt at him, going to tackle him down and hold his limbs. Avis's first reaction was to yelp and jump back as fast as he could, using the extra joint in his limbs to leap back a further distance. One of the lunging bots managed to get a hold of his paw as he was jumping back, making lose balance and fall onto his back.
"No!" Avis yelled, trying to scramble back to his feet as well as kick out at the robots to stop them from getting a hold on him. He would not let himself be caught like this, he would not go back! He continued to struggle for his freedom. He didn't understand what he had done wrong to be surprised like this.


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Yvaine glared at the man; how dare he take advantage of the situation and point out the fact she couldn't read his mind. She was about to say something to him but suddenly robots appeared almost out of no where. This pissed her off a bit too; to think he thought she wouldn't be able to get away. For goodness sake, she was The Phantom, she was able to escape from the highest level security and he thought a couple of droids and some smoke gas would be enough to keep her away.

"I hate it when people underestimate me." she said; Yvaine had not moved from her seat even when the gas began to approach her. All she had to do was keep it away from her face and that was an easy job to accomplish with her telekenesis. Finally she looked up and smirked, "You forgot an exit," she said bluntly and then stood up; she found it next to impossible to see through the smoke screen, so using her telekenesis she cleared it just enough to make out shapes. She singled out a place where all of the smoke was exiting; it was either a vent or the broken window but either way she could use that as an escape.

She expected the droids to be able to see through the smog but even so she was sure she could get out without getting shot. So she made her way for the window; upon reaching it she jumped out and releived her mind of the stress that keeping the gas away from her mouth was placing upon her mind. Out in the open she could see clearly and her abilities could be used easier; her telekenesis had worked on the bird so she assumed that they would work on the droids also.

She directed the full strength of her telekenesis at the droids; which wasn't much in comparison to her telepathy, but was certainly enough to screw up their circuits. Then she put into place her acrobatic skills. She quickly decided to use the truck to her advantage; it was large enough to keep her out of sight and hopefully large enough to do so until she was out of the vicinity. She ran to the truck and leaped; after grabbing the edge of the truck she flipped herself up and over. At that time however the migrain hit and she lost control over her telekenetic power; this in effect released the droids from its effects. She also found herself without control of her telepathy and the thoughts of everyone in the city within a half a mile struck her and struck her hard.

"Damn, I seem to have been over exerting myself. It's all this guys fault, if he had just left me alone I would be sleeping soundly right now." she said in between gasps of pain. Yvaine's migrains weren't like the head aches often felt by the normal populace; her involved severe pain and a complete lack of control over her abilities. Right now some poor soul somewhere in the city would probably be on his knees in anguish because she had completely invaded and attacked his mind. In her head hundreds or maybe even thousands of voices were speaking all at once and they were loud; almost as though an entire city was screaming in her ears. Yvaine was now on her knees behind the truck; her hands covered her ears even though she knew it wouldn't do any good and her thoughts (which she could barely hear at this point) consisted of all the ways she was going to kick this super's butt after she regains control of her own ability.


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Alex smirked over Yvaines actions. She's good he thought. Telekenesis, huh. Not too shabby. I just wish I would have used my x-ray vision (perv-version) on her while she was still here. She looks like she works out.

While this was going through his head he had already sent the order and twelve mechanical nightingales took to the air and followed the truck. Like I'll let you rest. He watched as the young woman named Yvaine seemed to be in agony. Overload? What caused it? Telekenesis... she has a limit to it. I'll figure that out later.

Two droids were wrestling the metal-tailed boy just out side he sent three to the truck and had them pursue the chick, which left three for electro-dude here.
"Angela, could you perhaps get the 'Spiders' here, now?" he messaged with his mind.

(will edit when Alexander reacts)


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#, as written by Zetta
Alexander cursed under his breath, and slowly backed away. Coughing, he pointed in the direction of the door, and let loose with a surge of electricity, connecting, and shorting out one of the droids. Hearing the sound of metal connecting with the ground, he sighed in quick relief.

As soon as he sighed, he was under fire. As bullets grazed his limbs and chest, he dove under a table.

Well, I hope I'll get out of here alive

Hiding wasn't very useful, as a robot started firing at him again. Alexander raised his arm, and fired a large surge of electricity in the direction of fire, while his right arm suffered multiple lacerations and bullet wounds. By now, he was already bleeding somewhat heavily. He had another 20 seconds or so before he would pass out. The gunfire stopped for a time, although, after ten seconds, the rhythm of bullet fire started to hit the wooden table he was under.

Not another one...

Rolling out of cover, Alexander fired one final bolt, and fell into unconsciousness, due to blood loss.


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#, as written by Valor
Avis hissed as the droids managed to pin him down to the ground, his cheek pressed to the tarmac of the road. He still tried to struggle, though they definitely had too strong-a-hold on him. His feline ears folded back against his head as continued to squirm, hissing and yelling at the droids, demanding them to let him go and that he'd done nothing wrong - but they didn't respond. They didn't tell him what was going on, instead just holding him down to keep him secure.
He continued to kick out with his metallic legs, hoping to gain some ground with them to help him back up onto his feet again. But there seemed to be no hope.

He suddenly felt two sharp prongs in the back of his neck, a surge of electricity coursing through his body. Avis couldn't stop himself from crying out in agony - electricity didn't go very well with his metal additions. His body went into spazm, metal ears, tail and feet had sparks jump from them before all fell limp, the rest of Avis to follow. Whatever was going to happen to Avis, there was no way of it stopping for now. He was sprawled on the tarmac, looking almost lifeless.

When the boy finally became still, the droids let go of him. One grabbed the scruff of the boy's neck and picked him clean off the ground with no trouble at all. Together, they returned to their commander, carrying Avis with them as the boy hung unconscious from the robotic arm of one of the droids.


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(Yea its find jimmy)

Damon felt the force of impact after the brick soon crumbled against his skull. Damon's body soon fell limped against the ground. Any normal woman would have died by the strike of the brick. But he was no normal human..or super for that matter. His wounds would heal and he would wake up in another murderous rage as he had countless times before. Damon felt diffrent somehow as he quickly blacked out. He had control over his body if only for a moment it was a vast improvement. Maybe the strike would have helped him more then harmed him.

"Thank..."Damon sighed as his eyes closed.

"Sir the hostile is down.What is your orders?"The pilot yelled over his shoulder.

Sgt.Heyward couldn't hide the smile that danced across his face. He had come in contact with many supers and hated the mall but he disliked Damon with a passion. He petetioned the goverment to execute him knowing that he could not be controlled or used as a weapon. That his behavior was to erratic and he made most lunatics seem like family men. To see his body void of life on the ground gave him a feeling of happiness. This wasn't the first time Damon had gotten out. Heyward remebered all too well as he rubbed the long scar on his face. That was a permanet reminder of what supers were capable of.

"Bring us down private. I want to see if he is dead or not. And i would like to round up that other super."

The pilot nodded and began to bring the chopper closer to the wreckage portion of the city. The police had already begun blocking off the streets for goverment official to come in. Sgt.Heyward stood in ready. His shaved head and dark blue eyes gave him a more mercenary look then a goverment soldier. The long scar from his right eye to his eye didn't help his looks either. Once in life he was a handsome man but now from all the battles and wars he had fought it had changed him both physically and mentaly. He loaded his rifle as his batallion got off the helicopter and began advancing towards the two supers. Guns ready and drawn.

"Who are you?"Heyward said to the man who still had Damon in his grip.


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Sgt Heyward let off a low laugh as the man asked if he was that mad man Petrovich.

"Your a long way from home kid....but no im not Petrovich. We will take you and the target back to base."

Heyward motioned for the soldiers to pick up Damon and take him back to the chopper. His day was getting better and better. He didn't know why his superiors still wanted to keep Damon alive even after this incident. The goverment would bring in clean up crews to clean up the mess of the previous battle. A few mind wipes and a few lies could do wonders for the average civilian mind. People didn't like to talk about supers fearing that the secret police would snatch them up and bring them in for questioning. The pilot started up the chopper and began to contact base to tell them of the situation. Heyward looked back at the super.

"Your coming with us back to the base. You will find Petrovich their."Heyward said as more of a order then asking.

Heyward looked over his shoulder to make sure Damon would not wake up. He didn't need another meltdown. Heyward hung the rifle around his back. As he got onboard the black helicopter.

Damon could hear the noises of the chopper blades spinning. Even some of the soldiers talking in the plane about going out for drinks later. The large wound on his head was already begging to heal. He needed to escape, he knew as soon as he went back to base they would increase their security and put him on a twenty four hour lockdown. Petrovich would not be happy at the mess he made. But for the moment he would have to wait. He now had control over his thoughts and now he was hoping that he had the same control over his abilities. Waiting was something he was use to a few more hours wouldn't kill him.