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Take Me To Neverland

Take Me To Neverland


{1x1 with lightningpoint} Peter Pan isn't the hero he's made out to be, he kidnaps a girl to be the Lost Boys new mother, but her only hope might be a renegade Lost Boy with a grudge against Pan.

3,048 readers have visited Take Me To Neverland since CutUp created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

based upon peter pan, and the third season of once upon a time


Happy EndingRadioactiveImmortalsCome With Me NowThis Is WarGlad You Came
{"Second Star To The Right, And Straight On Til Morning..."}
We all know the stories of Neverland. The adventures of Peter Pan, Wendy, and the Lost Boys as they out witted the dastardly Captain Hook. As far as anyone's concerned that's just what they are, stories. But in reality Neverland exists, as does Pan, and the Lost Boys, and at one point Wendy, and Hook as well. But not everything is as it was in the stories. Pan is, and never was a hero by any means. He's a vile, manipulative, and selfish young man who is willing to do anything, and everything, and scrafice anyone in order to achieve his goals.

Neverland is a place where time stands still, where no one ages. Pan was the first on it's shores. Over time he grew lonely, and seeked friends. So he found children, boys who felt unwanted, and unloved to be his new family. They became his Lost Boys. With no parents, Neverland became a haven for the disenfranchised, with the only law being Pan's. This went to his head as he became drunk with power, almost developing a God-complex.

Captain James Hook, a fierce pirate during the Golden Age of Piracy found his crew on the oceans of Neverland. Hook may have not been made of the strongest moral fiber, but did have honor, and quickly found Pan did not. The crew of the Jolly Roger declared war on the Lost Boys, aiming to free the wayward souls that Pan kept enthralled. And since no one aged in Neverland, it was a rather long war.

Pan soon saw that he couldn't provide all the needs of the Lost Boys. They needed someone to care for them, love them like a mother. So he decided he would bring, for the first time ever, a girl to Neverland, as he didn't trust adults. He found Wendy Darling, and took her at the dead of night to be the Lost Boys mother. Once she was there it gave the Lost Boys a new reason to fight Hook, and they defeated the Pirate Captain, and Pan killed him.

This horrified Wendy. She began longing for home. She tried repeadly to escape Neverland, to return to her family, but no one left Neverland without Pan's permission. In his anger against Wendy, Pan accidently killed her. After Wendy's death, a second faction of the Lost Boys formed that became known as the Lost Ones, led by one of the oldest Lost Boys, Devin Jones, who was in love with Wendy.

As the civil war raged on, many of the Lost Ones died, being hilariously outnumbered. Soon it was only Devin left, as the others were dead, or jumped ship to Pan's side. Now Devin has stayed hidden, being one step ahead of Pan. Having ruled him out as a threat, Pan has decided that they need a new mother, a new 'Wendy'. And so he's wisked away another girl. Now, will she be able to see through Pan's charm, and see the villain he truely is, or will she fall for it like so many?

Name: Devin Jones| Gender: Male| Role: The Lost One| FC: Dylan Sprayberry| Status: Taken by CutUp

Name: | Gender: Female| Role: The Lost Girl| FC: Elle Fanning| Status: Taken by lightningpoint

Name: Peter Pan| Gender: Male| FC: Robbie Kay| Status: NPC

  • Alright mates, in case it wasn't obvious, this is a Peter Pan based RP, with very heavy influences from the third season of Once Upon A Time. (Robbie Kay, I accept no other Pan)
  • Speaking of Pan, he's going to be a NPC that can be controled by either one of us. But I'll be controling him quite a bit though. I don't think I'll make a sheet for him, I haven't really decided yet.
  • I'm looking for a partner to play the Lost Girl, basically one night she was taken away by Pan, and taken to Neverland to look after the Lost Boys. Her FC isn't set in stone, I just picked Annasophia(Will someone please tell me why she has two first names in one?) because I thought she fit the role rather well. If you've got someone you think is better, or you'd rather use then go for it!
  • Either PM me, or go to the OOC for interest. Oh, and I'm looking for someone who can post a couple paragraphs, really anything but a one liner. I HATE those with a fiery passion reserved for peacocks, Star Wars Prequels, and Michael Bay movies.

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isobel Shields Character Portrait: Devin Jones
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0.00 INK

#, as written by CutUp
Color - #A10000
Devin sat in his hideout, his small treehouse deep within the thick forest of Neverland. It was of simple design, having been cobbled together rather quickly. But it was sturdy. It rested in one of the highest tree tops in that area of the jungle. It had a great view of the surrounding area, and was pretty well hidden by the branches of the tree it sat on, keeping it hidden from someone like Peter Pan who can fly, or his dreaded Shadow. Devin sat next to the window, peering out at his own personal hell. He was running a stone up, and down his cutlass, making sure it was sharp.

And then he him, Pan returning to the god forsaken island. A bright flash of green light lite up the sky as a giant hole opened up. Pan flew in from his usual trips to the regular world. But he was not alone. Pan had brought someone with him. Devin couldn't tell, but the person he brought with him was a girl, a new Wendy to replace the one he killed so long ago. Devin picked up his spyglass, which had the initals JH etched into it. He peered into it, and saw that Pan was carrying a girl.

Devin growled lowly, and tossed the spyglass aside. Devin put on his belt that held the sheath for his two blades, and put on his quiver for his arrows. Before he opened up the hatch to get out of his treehouse, he turned to a pirate chest. He opened it up, and took out a couple of small black sacks that were tied up, and had a fuse poking out of the closed off top. Once he had all his little 'toys' in hand he opened up the hatch, and carefully climbed down the tree.

Color - #04B404
Pan flew Isobel to the Lost Boy's camp, and landed with the greatest of grace. "Welcome to Neverland Izzy." He stated with a charming smile. The Lost Boys began coming out of the various tents. The Lost Boys were....well rather rough looking. They wore dirty rags for clothes, and most of them had very visable scars all over their bodies. Two of the Lost Boys stood out from the rest. A tall, lanky young man appearing to be in his late teens with a large scar across his face, and the other was a wild looking young Asian man with black hair, and three red mohawks.

They were Pan's lieutenants, his left, and right hands Felix, and Rufio. They were the toughest, and most trusted of the Lost Boys, with Felix being one of the first to arrive on the island. Rufio on the other hand hadn't been in Neverland as long as the others, as he came there in the 1980s. Despite his 'youth' among the Lost Boys he quickly rose through the ranks as Pan took a shine to the young man. "Lads this is Isobel, your new mother." Pan introduced her.

Felix, and Rufio took their usual place at Pan's side, and the Lost Boys began gathering around her. Each of them had a loving, and happy smile. They each began telling her their names, and trying to be as welcoming as possible. "We haven't had a girl on the island since Wen......" A young boy started to say before remembering that Pan didn't allow them to mention Wendy. He looked to Pan with slight fear. "It's alright lad. He was going to say we haven't had a girl on Neverland since Wendy. She....was murdered by someone we thought we could trust."

"We call him The Lost One, or The Wolf. We dare not speak his name."
He explained with a heavy heart. "The Lost One was one of the first of the Lost Boys. He was my second-in-command for a very long time. When I brought Wendy to Neverland...he became obsessed with her, and jealous because....I loved her, and she loved me. So when he was rejected by her, he killed her. We haven't been able to catch ever since." Pan continued to explain. He had some genuine sadness in voice even though he was lying his ass off. He's come to believe these lies.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Devin Jones
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0.00 INK

Just like Pan had described to Isobel when he met her, Neverland was truly a paradise. It was a beautiful island surrounded by shinny blue water, tall, gorgeously green trees and dangerous but majestic rocky cliffs. Iz couldn't have been any happier than she was now. She had never had a friend as close as Pan before and now that he had taken her with him to stay young forever and live happily in a land without cruel adults who kept sending her back to the foster system for no reason, she wasn't planning on going back home any time soon.

In order to get to Neverland, Pan had to take Iz flying with him. It wasn't hard for him to convince her and make her believe in pixie dust, which is what helps him fly all the time. And so Isobel could feel the wind around her and the weightlessness that came with flying that she was learning to love. The closer they got to the island, the more details she could see, and as soon as her eyes landed on what looked like a campsite, Pan looked over at her and said, with a mischievous smile, "Welcome to Neverland Izzy."

Isobel's smile grew bigger as they landed in the campsite, and a couple of boys began to exit from their tents to see what was going on. The boys looked rough, something Iz wasn't expecting, but she shook away the feeling of nervousness and tried to show her kindest side. After introducing her to the 'The Lost Boys' as Pan called them, she felt way more welcomed than at any of her past foster homes.

Everything was running smoothly until a boy said out loud, "We haven't had a girl on the island since Wen..." The boy shut up as if he had said something he wasn't supposed to but Pan didn't react to it and just explained to Iz what the boy was talking about. He told her about the first girl he took to Neverland and how am ex-Lost Boy they called 'The Wolf' or 'The Lost One' murdered her. "The Lost One was one of the first of the Lost Boys. He was my second-in-command for a very long time. When I brought Wendy to Neverland... he became obsessed with her, and jealous because... I loved her, and she loved me. So when he was rejected by her, he killed her. We haven't been able to catch ever since."

Of course Isobel was scared by this. What if The Lost One found her and murdered her like he had done to Wendy? But Iz was a brave girl so she didn't let the accusations get to her and just shook her head sadly, feeling pity for Pan and how much he seemed to hurt from losing Wendy. "Well, I hope you catch him and give him what he deserves. No one who's committed a murder should get away with it unharmed," Iz said, frowning.

To this, Pan smiled down at her and tried to change the topic into something lighter, "C'mon Izzy, don't you wanna see where you'll be staying at?" And of course Iz nodded her head eagerly and followed Pan around the campsite, but before they left Pan turned to Rufio and Felix and said in an almost whisper tone "You both keep an eye on things until I'm back from showing Isobel her new room. If you see something unusual notify me immediately. We can't let The Lost One take her too." To one clueless about Pan's past, the statement could've sounded protective and nice, even romantic, but only the ones who knew Pan's true intentions could see the double meaning behind that sentence.

Pan took Isobel's hand in his and guided her away from the campsite and to a tall tree near the borderlines of camp. A tree house was perched on top and a soft glow illuminated the structure. It was Wendy's tree house, one the Lost Boys had build for her when she first got to Neverland, and now it would belong to Iz.

He helped her get up the ladder and into the small one-room wooden house, and as soon as he opened the door Isobel was left speechless. "Pan, I don't know what to say. This is amazing, thank you for everything." Her smile had returned and she felt like she was on Cloud 9. After some useless small talk between her and Pan about her stay in Neverland, he agreed on leaving her on her own for her to rest for a while before dinner and for her to get a look around her new room.

When Pan left, Isobel just threw herself down on the antique queen-sized bed and sighed in content. She could just tell a big adventure was laying in front of her for her to discover, and boy, she was excited.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isobel Shields Character Portrait: Devin Jones
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0.00 INK

#, as written by CutUp
Devin approached the camp silently, and unseen. Smoke then rose to the air far away from the camp, but close enough to be seen. Pan saw this, and gave a look to his two lieutenants, and then rose off the ground. "I'm...sure it's nothing. I'll go check it out." He then flew off towards the smoke. Once Pan was gone Devin moved in. He ninjaed his way past the Lost Boys unoticed, and went to Wendy's old treehouse. He hasn't set foot in there for many, many years. He climbed up the tree, and peered into the window to see this new Wendy.

He glared at her as she threw herself on Wendy's old bed. He pulled his wolf-head hood down, and climbed through the window. He drew his blade, and pointed it at her. "If you make a sound, I will kill you." He ordered in a hushed growl. "Do you know who I am?" He asked, even though he already knew the answer. He figured that Pan would have told her some lie that he was some awful monster. "Who are you?" He asked as he placed the edge of his blade against Isobel's neck. "I'm not going to hurt you. Immortality is a much more cruel fate, especially when it's spent in the company of a demon like Pan."

Devin then withdrew his blade from the girl's neck. "So long as you are on Neverland, you aren't safe. This is your first, and only warning." He stated as he turned away from her. Before he left he rubbed his hand on the wood panels in nostalgia. "I built this house for her. Welcome to your new prison cell." He then climbed out of the window, and disappeared into the thick jungle of Neverland. This visit was merely a show, to show that he could get in, and out of Pan's Camp without being seen.

Pan then returned to the camp, after having dealt with the fire. "Well? What was it?" Felix asked him. "Just a tree on fire. I think it was a distraction. Anything unusual happen while I was gone?" Pan asked as he started his way towards Isobel's treehouse. "No, all quiet here." Rufio replied as they followed behind him. "Hmm, we'll see won't we." He replied. He floated up to the treehouse, and entered it. "Izzy is everything ok? No one has come to visit you have they?"

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Neverland by CutUp


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Character Portrait: Devin Jones
Devin Jones

"We're all a little lost sometimes."


Character Portrait: Devin Jones
Devin Jones

"We're all a little lost sometimes."

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Character Portrait: Devin Jones
Devin Jones

"We're all a little lost sometimes."

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