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Tales of Helona: Zypha Academy

Tales of Helona: Zypha Academy


In the heart of Merryina is the school for magic, and that is where our story takes place.

1,016 readers have visited Tales of Helona: Zypha Academy since Aerial created it.


Merriyna is separated into seven states with the expansive desert of Kempeleweh to the north. Beyond the desert is a forest and then the ocean. Most of the desert and forest are unexplored, and even the parts that are explored could be hiding secrets within them. But, our focus will be on Merriyna. Merriyna was a monarchy over the course of the lifetimes of forty-three kings. The forty-fourth king of Merryina, King Zypha, abolished the monarchy and established a republic that would be led by a council of elected representatives. The council is made up of twenty eight members, four for each state. Within the Council is the Inner Council with one member of each nation making up its body. For the past thirty years, the council has maintained order and peace among the states, doing what is best for the nation as a whole. One of their earliest acts was to establish a center for learning for all gifted with such abilities. See, Merriyna's official name is, The Magick Republic of Merriyna. That's right, magick with a k. this includes traditional magic, as well as the ability to cause change through one's will. Zypha Academy is a place where those gifted in magic can study with others like themselves. Originally, each state would have its own school of magical learning, but the Council decided one to bring students from all states together would be more beneficial. Completion of the Academy occurred twenty-five years ago and has proven a success. So much so that the current Head of the Council, Senator Ryle, was in the first graduating class. The academy is located in Dalan's capital city of Delana

But, like all things, there has been strife. This year will prove no different. When the new students arrive, the Futuran makes a very accurate prediction about what their likely destiny will be. Whether it be healer, politician, or even High Priest (The highest position a magician can achieve). But, this year has brought about a unique occurrence. A girl was given the prediction of "Unknown" by the Futuran. Now with the entire school in confusion, will some try to help her? Or will some try to use her? FYI, I'm not going to play the girl (I'm a guy).

The futuran is. . . A talking black cat.

The school's principal is Headmaster Dareth. A powerful man with a strangely calm and pleasant aura. Any type of race is accepted in this roleplay, though being a demon or elf won't give you a naturally better-than-thou ability with magick. The roleplay starts with the new students and receiving their predictions from the Futuran. Also, any mythical beasts you can think of, they do exist here. Oh yeah, that's right. The prediction it makes will be based on your destiny, but the Futuran has been wrong before (even though it was only once over the course of twenty-five years). You can play anything from students to teachers to any staff at the school.
This roleplay will basically be plot-less until everyone has gotten comfortable and we've set a pace for the roleplay. Don't worry, I do have a plot for it, I just want everyone to get settled in before we start moving forward with it.

Character sheet:

Futuran prediction: (Check with me if you're unsure about it)
Occupation: Student/Teacher/Staff (If teacher or staff, what do you teach or what is your duty).
Appearance: (No real life photos)

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No god-modding, power laying, sexual content. You know, the usual.

Browse All » 3 Settings to roleplay in


Merriyna by Aerial



Dalan by RolePlayGateway

State where the Council and Zyhpa academy is located.

Zypha Academy

Zypha Academy by RolePlayGateway

Where the story takes place.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


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#, as written by Aerial
Headmaster Dareth looked outside his office window to see the new students arriving. This marked the twenty-fifth year since Zypha Academy was established. His office was rather plain compared to his personality, just a simple desk and chair with books lining the walls on all sides. Dareth lightly touched the backside of his chair, rotating it to see the Futuran laying on the cushion, its tail gently tapping. "I see you are once again prepared for this year." He touched the Futuran on the top of her head with the tip pf his index finger, lightly stroking her. She purred and stretched out, jumping out of the chair and on to the floor. "Alright, I'll be on my way then." The Futuran slipped through the opening of the door and out into the staff hall of the Academy. Her destination was the Galia Hall, which resembled a throne room except, where the actual throne would be, there was a long table with eleven chairs on one side and nothing on the polished table itself. On the opposite side of the table was rows of chairs, numbering exactly one hundred in total. This is where the new students would sit and wait their turn for their prediction. At one hundred it was not a short process, which is why the Futuran had decided to rest up for the event.

She walked down the hall, being greeted by any staff who were there at the time. Most had already made their way down to the Galia Hall to help direct new students and prepare for the arrival of Senator Ryle. The other students were allowed to spend this time as they pleased. They could practice at the Training Grounds, get reacquainted with friends they hadn't seen since last month, or watch the ceremony provided they didn't interfere. The Futuran was walking at a brisk pace to the west door, until she hit a snag. Taking a sigh and jumping, she grabbed the door handle with her tail and pushed hard against it with her now upside down body. The door slowly opened, but the predicament forced her to let go of the door handle and flip back over to land on her feet. "I thought I told them to-" She stopped as she could now clearly see Elric Hagakure sitting at the far end of the table, his head being propped up by his arm as he smiled and waved to her.

The Futuran jumped up on the table and strutted over to him and sat right beside him on the table. "I can see your ready to get the year started." Elric yawned and sat straight. "Not really, but I couldn't resist getting here early to have fun with you this year." The Futuran raised her head and looked away from him. "I see you two are hitting it off yet again." The voice came from the open door of the east entrance, Senator Ryle standing there with a rather expensive looking suit on. He walked over and patted Elric on the shoulder, sitting down at the chair just to the right of the Head chair. He reached into his case and removed several papers, taking out a pen and beginning to write. "I didn't think you'd be here until everyone else was already seated," said Elric in a surprised tone. "I wanted to make it here before the journalists. If I have to go through another year of, 'These students are the future and I will expect nothing less than excellence from them,' again. . ." He took a deep breath and went back to his writing, obviously having to take his work with him even when not at the office. The Futuran moved to the Head Chair, laying down directly in front of it. "I wonder if there will be any surprises this year?" Elric shrugged and put his head down on the table, the sounds of various other teachers and staff taking their places began. "I hope not, it might interrupt my afternoon nap time."

The setting changes from Zypha Academy to Merriyna


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#, as written by breemee

The setting changes from Merriyna to Zypha Academy


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#, as written by breemee
"Oh," Nyomi mumbled, confused and dumbfounded by the sheer size and expanse of Zypha Academy. So much to do, so many interesting things to look at and touch. To her left were the training grounds, out of the corner of her eyes she could see some students practicing some levitation and propulsion magic. To her right was a large patch of grass where students were standing and chatting to their buddies and plopping down for a sit on the green. "How fun," she said to herself quietly. "So this is what a school's like, eh? I can't wait... but I'm so nervous." She reached over and rubbed her right arm, as she looked around slightly embarrassed. Oops, she might seem a little weird talking to herself in public.

A steady flow of students were making their way into the school's main building, a large grand structure that contributed greatly to Nyomi's previous awestruck state. She sneaked into a small group that was making its way up the stairs and through the large double doors. The long hallway in front of her lead straight to the Galia Hall, which is where Nyomi was directed to go upon arrival. The little huddle she had buried herself into made a sharp right, leaving her standing in the middle of the school entrance foyer. Um... She started walking slowly down the hallway, her shoes softly padding against the marble floors. Her eyes darted all about her, taking in the decorations and scenery. Golds, silvers, cremes, and reds. Many magnificent colors flooded her mind and tickled her pallet. It was a sensory overload, something she was unused to. When she reached the end of the main hall, she could see Galia Hall through the open doors before her. She scanned the room, as she squeezed close to the door frame and out of sight. Discrete, meek, and silent. There was nobody there yet. She frowned. It would feel strange to be the first one to arrive... maybe I should just wait. She thought to herself. With a little sigh, the tiny, blonde, elven girl hunkered to the floor, her knees bent and placed to her side for manners and because she was wearing a dress. She leaned against the wall and waited for a few more students to make their appearance.

The setting changes from Zypha Academy to Merriyna


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Drakengard Kellisterosse had just arrived at Zypha academy, his butler in tow for no inparticular reason. He easily could of carried his own bags, but he felt rather lazy today, and had summoned his butler to carry them for him. Drake stood at the main gate, and simply examined the academy grounds. He was a strange boy to say the least, with his dark purple eyes, with slit pupils like a snake, and his drab aqua green hair. He adjusted his tie, and proceeded onto the Academy grounds.

As he proceeded to walk, anyone could noticed how peculiar him as his butler look, himself, looking someone lizard like, slender stiff body, slit eyes, and his wide smile which revealed semi-sharpened teeth. His butler on the other hand was even more of an oddity. He stood just shy of eight feet tall, and next to Drakes diminutive five-in-a-half, it seemed even more drastic. He had long thin legs, and arms, and walked with perfect grace. His body was very slender, but every inch of him was perfectly sculpted muscle. He had a plain clear face, with eyes that seemed to almost not be open, and straight hair that fell around his face, revealing only the right side of his face. He was definitely an odd side, but one of beauty none the less.


Galia Hall seemed to be the mornings destination, so Drake made his way there, humming a simple tune as he walked.When he reached the entrances of the hall, the only people around were a small elven girl sitting on the side of the hallway. Drake turned and dismissed his butler, taking his small bag, and turned back to the hall. He stepped into the Galia Hall, but before disappearing thru the doorway, he caught the elven girls eye, and flashed a quick wide toothed smile, his eyes squinting, and head just slightly cocking to the left as he did so.

Inside the hall, Drake found a seat on the left, about midway, and plopped down, curious as to what was going to happen here this morning.

The setting changes from Merriyna to Zypha Academy


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Zenfererra Deflancy stared up at the building, her new school. She just stood there, a single bag in her hands, looking beyond the gate and past the trees, simply staring at the school. Her brown hair flowed in the wind as easily as possible, all considering it was trapped withing a high ponytail. Her bright blue eyes seemed to trace the outline of the school, windows, doors, and even the bricks themselves. All seemed right in the place it was.

Taking a soft step forward, she approached the structure, becoming more confident with each step. She might have looked strange to others, no parents or caretakers to accompany her into the building, just a simple five-foot-five girl with twitching ears, no defined hourglass shape to her body and no shoes on her feet. She wasn't one for shoes, she simply didn't enjoy feeling trapped within the simple article of clothing, though at the doors of the school, she stopped for a moment. She opened the outermost zipper of her bag and pulled out a pair of black ballet flats, sliding them on, before continuing on her merry way, a smile plastered onto her face.


Zenfee was almost overwhelmed with how big the school seemed to be. She had grown up in a relatively small house, so the school seemed like a palace to her. Still, she continued on her way into Galia Hall, following the crowds toward it. Her ears twitched in excitement and anticipation. A million questions ran through her mind as she walked through the doorway to Galia Hall, her bag knocking into her knees the whole way.

Keeping her head up and a welcoming expression on her face, she glanced over the open chairs, looking for a possible place to sit. She decided on a chair in the second row, dead center, would be the best place for her. She had a tendency to lose patience in these kinds of situations.

The setting changes from Zypha Academy to Merriyna


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#, as written by chinaji
Words could not even attempt to describe how glad Asmira was for having memorized the lay out of the entire academy. She would not have been able to make a proper entrance if she were being lead by some other student. Sure it was impressive to have someone trailing after you like an underling but it would ruin the effect of wearing a flowing hair-piece. It was her favorite hair-piece too, a long trailing dress of cream silk that wafted in the wind similarly to the perfume that she wore much to heavily.

Of course, Asmira need not try to hard to make eyes turn to her. Bright white hair and eyes contrasted drastically with the desert-sun tone that painted her skin. Anyone could see that she was not of any of the states but very few could name her of the Oasis People. It truly added some variety to the residence pool of the school but it was only because of special circumstance that she was there.

Though very careful in her considerations of the first day of her second year, Asmira totally forgot the milling and constantly changing variable of moving peoples. Many found her condition quite odd; seeing sight when others see blindness and seeing blindness when others see sight, but it no longer bothered her. However, it made making her way to Galia Hall much more difficult than it would have been if she were home at the desert.

Taking a reserved seat that she had taken the time to memorize the location of, Asmira poised herself to 'watch' the procession of the Futuran greeting the first years. It was not of her interest to watch the ceremony, in fact, she would rather have been in the training grounds or in the gardens familiarizing herself with the environment. But the need to speak to one man was her duty today. A duty to her people as well as something from herself, must be delivered today.

The thanks of her people to Senater Ryle.


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#, as written by breemee
After watching a rather decent amount of students enter Galia Hall, Nyomi got up off of the floor and sighed, smoothing her white dress out from where it had wrinkled. Guess it was time to get this over with. Nyomi was never one who had the patience to sit down and listen to someone else talk. She'd rather be off doing something productive with her time. Something fun and interesting. Like reading. But this ceremony was of utmost importance, after all. It would decide her future.

"Oh, how nerve wracking," she thought, as she slipped in through the door and walked briskly to the back of the hall. She found a seat that she liked, the girl to her right seemed rather nice and there was an empty chair to her left. One less person for her to have to feel nervous about. It was a strange feeling. Nyomi never thought she'd be the shy kind of person, but now that she was thrown into this word of socialization and... people... well she found that's almost exactly how she was. It would take some getting used to, she guessed. Almost holding her breath, she turned her attention to the front of the hall where the teachers, faculty, and some political figures were taking their seats. "So official..." She whispered, and twisted at the hem of her dress nervously.


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Daniel Freyja ~ Student

A collection of horses thundered towards the Academy. There were only about five or six, including the teacher, but the group was being led not by him but by a student naked Daniel Freyja. Tall, athletic built and with a shining smile, Daniel was one of the schoolโ€™s infamous playboys. As his grey horse broke away from the group, being urged to go faster, Danielโ€™s emerald eyes sparkled with mischief as their teacher shouted at him to slow down. He did not comply.

Instead he urged the horse faster, leaving his travel companions far behind. All five of the students had been on an expedition to the Snuuey Isle to meet the Snuu tribe and help them with the Frost Dragon attacks they had been having. As future Paladins, or Dragon Riders for the more common title, it was important they had experience with different species of dragons before they graduated. This meant learning things from flying, caring, breeding and even politics!

โ€œSo long, guys! Itโ€™s my last year here โ€“ I gotta check out the talent!โ€ Daniel called over his shoulder with a laugh, the sun catching his mane of red hair and making it flash all sorts of colour; red, orange, yellow and gold. He galloped into the school grounds, turning towards the stables but not waiting to get inside. He brought his horse to a stop outside of them and leapt away, leaving the horse standing there to drink water from the groundโ€™s fountain. Stretching his arm upwards, his shirt rode up his stomach and flashed a slither of abdomen, earning some appreciative whispers and giggles from a second year group of girls.

Sending them a wink, Daniel headed inside on a jog, greeting his friends as he met them and stopping only to jog on the spot while he talked to guys who were in the vicinity of pretty girls, or better yet, a pretty girl wanted to talk to him. When he finally made the five minute trip to his room an extended thirty minutes, he closed the door, tore of his clothes and leapt into the shower. Nothing like your school break well spent riding through land and snow under the beating sun to get you stinking like a pig sty.

The setting changes from Merriyna to Zypha Academy


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#, as written by Aerial
With all the new students in their chairs, the ceremony was ready to begin. The eleven chairs were all full, save for the head. Headmaster Dareth slowly opened the west door, the crowd and all those at the table turning to him as he made his way down the line and in front of the head table. "Hello. My name is Osirus Dareth, and I will be your headmaster for your four years at Zypha Academy. Before we begin I would like to thank Senator Ryle for joining us yet again this year." He looked over to Senator Ryle who gave a small nod and wave. "I would like everyone to remember that though many if the States and races put a lot of faith in the Futuran's prediction, realize it is just that. A prediction. You decide your fate. Arieo Lan Rioce." Headmaster Dareth pointed up to the wall behind them, the phrase engraved, gleaming in the sunlight entering through the windows. "Always aim for what brings you closer to the Sky." Dareth sat down and looked down the line to Elric Hagakure. "We will now hear from the Advanced Magical Practices Teacher, Mr. Hagakure before we continue."

Elric looked over and sighed, standing up like he had been forced into this. "Out of the hundred of you here, twenty of you have been chosen to take the Advanced Magical Practices class, eighty of you have not. When those twenty arrive at their rooms tonight a letter will be waiting for them. Inside the letter will be where the class is taking place tonight, that's right. The first class is tonight. The class will be all four years grouped together at one time. In that classroom will be sixty other students, all older than you, all wishing they didn't have to sit through this first class again. After the first class the years will be broken up. We will discuss this further tonight. As for the rest of you, if you wish entry into the class, you will have to prove it to me. If you tell anyone where the meeting room is, you will be removed from the class." Sitting back down, he looked over to Ryle, who was simply nodding his head. Dareth stood back up, scanning the students one last time. "When your name is called please come up to the front." An older women came from the group of people watching on the side. She carried a long ledger, adjusting her glasses and moving her brown hair out of her face. "James Alexander. . ."

The list didn't seem to have an order to it. Just when someone who began with an 'A' was called, someone with a 'G' was next. Twenty students had gone up, many getting nervous and believing those were the ones selected for the Advanced Class. The women pushed her glasses up and looked up at the crowd, "Nyomi Belfast."

The setting changes from Zypha Academy to Merriyna


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#, as written by chinaji
It was quite nostalgic to be at this ceremony again. Asmira could vividly recall colliding into a table as she stumbled up to greet the Futuran. Not her proudest moment by far. She was so very embarrassed and the others laughter didn't make it any better. However, much of that giggling was put to rest as soon as they heard that she was one of the twenty chosen to take the Advanced Magical Practices class.

Of course, that was all last year.

She shifted her chair further back, trying to make a bit more room so that others might pass. Of course, someone may not pass at all but she had a feeling that the girl to her right was new. It must be the waves of nervousness and excitement that gave it away. Or even more likely, the ruffling that was made when someone picked at the hem of one's dress; a very distinct sound that Asmira knew well.

"Nyomi Belfast."

In an almost-formal way, Asmira carefully folded her hands in her lap. Much like the girl that sat next to her, Asmira was excited. Yes, very excited. As vividly as she remembered tripping over a table on her first day, she also remembered the Futuran's prediction and the joy it brought her. The edges of her lips quirked upward.

"I believe the turn of yours has come to receive greetings from the wise Futuran." she whispered gently to the girl next to her. She may not know the girl but it was just a feeling that gave her away as Nyomi.


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#, as written by breemee
((Oops, sorry for the late response. PC monitor is shot XP))

"M... me?" Nyomi mumbled, hearing the girl beside her she had been revived from a daze, shocked at how fast the time seemed to slip by before her name having been reached. Even though she was aware it was pretty far up there on the roster... When did the ceremony even start? She thought to herself. She must have been so nervous that she really didn't take notice.

Slowly, she rose from her seat, glancing around nervously as she took those crucial first steps towards the front. Those crucial steps as she was approaching what would be her future. But as more and more of the students were left behind her, and she could no longer see their gazes, she started to gain more confidence. She just wanted to walk briskly to get it over with.

Before she knew it, she was already standing at the front, staring at that long table with all those unfamiliar faces. With the Futuran in front of her, the only thing she could think to do was smile politely. And try to stay calm as her heart pounded against her ribcage, of course.

"Nyomi Belfast," the Futuran said, her eyes slightly creased (as a cat's usually is), her tale swooped back and forth across the table. The purr in her voice seemed calming enough, and Nyomi exhaled a breath she had been holding. There was nothing to be worried about. The Futuran seemed caring and friendly... for a cat. She waited for her to continue. "I hear you've spent a great deal of time out on the sea, your whole life actually. Your future will not be much different. You will continue sailing the seas, traveling around the world. You will captain your own ship, as a pirate my dear." The Futuran could tell the girl was taken aback by this. No one wanted to hear that their future would consist of the life of a criminal. A lowlife usually looked down upon by society. But the cat smiled, assured that she had nothing to worry about. She could feel it and see it. "Although this is your future, how you get there and what you make of it are entirely up to you Nyomi. I won't tell you exactly how your story ends. But be assured, you won't leave this world unknown. Like everyone else you, pirate or not, will leave your mark behind. I promise... you will not regret yours. You may return to your seat now."

And that's what Nyomi did. She turned around and went back to her seat, quietly contemplating in her mind how this was possible. It didn't make any sense. She couldn't be a pirate. She had seen them before. They were slimy, dirty, decietful, and violent. That couldn't be her future... Something had to be wrong... But she didn't say that aloud. She sat down in her chair, keeping her thoughts to herself. The Futuran was never supposed to be wrong. Why would there be an exception for her?


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#, as written by Aerial
((Going to be a short post, just to get another person up)

Dareth watched as the girl walked back to her seat. He looked over to Ryle, who was jotting down every word and name that was said. he looked over to Elric who just shrugged and nodded his head. The women in glasses looked back up to Dareth, who motioned for her to continue reading the list. "Drakengard Kelli-" She adjusted her glasses and raised an eyebrow. "Kellisterossi? Kellisterosse? Drakengard Kellisterosse?!" She looked up with a slightly embarrassed look on her face.


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(Ignore this. My computer is apparently possessed.)


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Drake watched the proceedings quietly, not paying much mind to the other students predictions, but when his name was called, he quickly stood. Making his way to the front, wearing his usual grin, he stopped in front of the Futuran. He looked at the black cat, making perfect eye contact with it, and feeling the power it had. He could tell it was an animal with great power, and he couldn't help but feel respect for the Futuran.

"Drakengard Kellisterosse, you hail from a very great demon family, one that has done much to try to bring a peaceful relation between your people and those others that populate our land." The Futuran was quiet for a moment, and then turned its attention back to Drake. "I'm sorry Drakengard. You will not live to see graduation. I cannot tell why, but I see much pain, and eventually it will consume you."

Drake couldn't believe what he was hearing, he was suppose to be successful, a demon of prestige, he couldn't die. Not so soon. "No! You lie! It can't be true." Drake's eyes were full of rage, and he turned running out of the room, slamming himself through the auditorium doors, only slowing once he was in the hall.

A single tear rolled down his cheek, and he stared staright down at the ground. "This can't be..."


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#, as written by Aerial
((Once again, very short post))

Dareth lightly patted the Futuran on the head, knowing that even after so many centuries, delivering a prediction of death wasn't something she had yet to get use to. The announcer looked back at the crowd, but before she could say anything Dareth interrupted her. "I'd once again like to remind everyone that it is called a prediction for a reason. Do not take this as an immediate truth." Dareth sometimes doubted why they went through the process of the prediction. If he were to be completely honest about the reason behind it, it would be fear. Magic is dangerous and in the hands of certain people, it can prove devastating. While the prediction isn't one hundred percent accurate, knowing who is most likely to cause a war or try to take over the world is helpful to say the least. The announcer began reading off names once again, finally making it to name one hundred. "The last student for this year's ceremony is, Zenfererra Deflancy!" She looked up, hoping she didn't butcher another name.


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Zenfererra flinched at her name, an uncomfortable twitch running through her like a bullet. To her, it seemed like only a moment ago they had been calling the others up. Stupid Z name. With a slightly too-straight back, she was determined to have at least some confidence. Her body shook with fear, though only slightly, as she looked up to the Futuran, their eyes meeting.

"Zenfererra Deflancy, you come from a working-class elfish family. You are determined to make your parents proud. You were born out of your parents affections despite being in an indebted family." The Futuran stopped for a moment to think. It seemed to be greatly puzzled by Zenfererra's future. It tried for a total of three minutes before turning back to the girl. "I apologize, but I cannot see a future for you. There is no prediction for your future. I only see good chances, but nothing more." The room seemed to fall silent for a moment.

"Wha- what!?" Zenfii couldn't believe it. Everyone had a future of some kind, so why couldn't this cat see hers? And only hers? What could have been wrong with her to cause this unusual phenomenon? Surely it wasn't anything that she had done wrong, was it?

Her eyes widened and her heart clenched completely. Good chances? "I'm so scared..." She whispered.

(Sorry for the long wait!!! A million times over!)

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Add Quest » Quests

You can create Quests with various rewards, encouraging your players to engage with specific plot lines.

Add Setting » 3 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!


Merriyna by Aerial



Dalan by RolePlayGateway

State where the Council and Zyhpa academy is located.

Zypha Academy

Zypha Academy by RolePlayGateway

Where the story takes place.

Add Group » 0 Factions to align with

There are no groups in this roleplay!


By creating Collectibles, you can reward your players with unique items that accentuate their character sheets.

Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

Current Mobs

No mobs have been created yet.


Locations where Mobs and Items might appear.


You can schedule events for your players to create notifications and schedule times for everyone to plan around.


Add and remove other people from your Universe.

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in Tales of Helona: Zypha Academy. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

Notable Items

No items have been created yet!

The Market

Buy, sell, and even craft your own items in this universe.

Market Data

Market conditions are unknown. Use caution when trading.

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View All » Add Character » 12 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Drakengard Kellisterosse
Character Portrait: Zenfererra Deflancy


Character Portrait: Zenfererra Deflancy
Zenfererra Deflancy

A girl with an undecided future, often known to dance for no reason.

Character Portrait: Drakengard Kellisterosse
Drakengard Kellisterosse

A boy bent on changing his Futuran.


Character Portrait: Drakengard Kellisterosse
Drakengard Kellisterosse

A boy bent on changing his Futuran.

Character Portrait: Zenfererra Deflancy
Zenfererra Deflancy

A girl with an undecided future, often known to dance for no reason.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Zenfererra Deflancy
Zenfererra Deflancy

A girl with an undecided future, often known to dance for no reason.

Character Portrait: Drakengard Kellisterosse
Drakengard Kellisterosse

A boy bent on changing his Futuran.

View All » Places


Merriyna by Aerial



Dalan by RolePlayGateway

State where the Council and Zyhpa academy is located.

Zypha Academy

Zypha Academy by RolePlayGateway

Where the story takes place.

Zypha Academy

Dalan Zypha Academy Owner: RolePlayGateway

Where the story takes place.


Merriyna Dalan Owner: RolePlayGateway

State where the Council and Zyhpa academy is located.

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » Tales of Helona: Zypha Academy: Out of Character


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Most recent OOC posts in Tales of Helona: Zypha Academy

Re: [OOC] Tales of Helona: Zypha Academy

Augh! I'm so sorry. I did not mean to abandon my character for this roleplay DX I was just getting rid of all my other old ones... Now to go to the orphanage to pick up my poor lost chara :(... poor chara...

Re: [OOC] Tales of Helona: Zypha Academy

I apologize profusely for being late. Holidays have been hectic, but I have posted. I apologize again, thank you.

Re: [OOC] Tales of Helona: Zypha Academy

Rye posted, but we're waiting on Pocky.

Re: [OOC] Tales of Helona: Zypha Academy

Are we still posting? It's been a while since I've posted myself but I'm really just waiting for Pocky and/or Rye...

Re: [OOC] Tales of Helona: Zypha Academy

Sry It took me so long to get back. Without rye it will definitely shrink the rp, but I think it could still make a decent roleplay, especially if Pocky continues to post, seeing as she is one of the most important characters to this roleplay.

Re: [OOC] Tales of Helona: Zypha Academy

Here's the problem. I sent Reiryuusei a pm asking if she will post, but she hasn't gotten back to me. She accounts for two of the characters. As much as I hate to say it, if she doesn't post within two days, consider the roleplay over. I'd like to continue, but with only six characters, that severely limits what can be done.

Re: [OOC] Tales of Helona: Zypha Academy

Sooo... are people still posting? :(

Re: [OOC] Tales of Helona: Zypha Academy

Alright I posted, sorry about the delay.

Re: [OOC] Tales of Helona: Zypha Academy

Yay :)! Can't wait for this RP to start!

Re: [OOC] Tales of Helona: Zypha Academy

Alright, with eight characters I think that is enough. I will post the intro tonight around 10 (Have to go to work in fifteen minutes).

Re: [OOC] Tales of Helona: Zypha Academy

Anything is possible really. You could make the persons future a gardener if you wanted to. But, if you think its to out there, just ask first.

By the way, (hoping this might get more people to sign up) the reason its called Tales of Helona is I plan on creating multiple roleplays all set in the same universe, with this being the first.

Re: [OOC] Tales of Helona: Zypha Academy

Are the future predictions limited to politician and healer and such? I'm not sure what I want a character's future to be quite yet but I don't want to limit the possibilities.

Re: [OOC] Tales of Helona: Zypha Academy

Would it be okay if I played the girl with the 'unknown' future? If not, I can play a would-be politician.

Re: [OOC] Tales of Helona: Zypha Academy

Is it alright if I have a member of staff and a student?

[OOC] Tales of Helona: Zypha Academy

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Tales of Helona: Zypha Academy"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.