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The 10th Annual Hunger Games

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

the hunger games by suzanne collins


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Panem is a part of The 10th Annual Hunger Games.

31 Characters Here

Jordyn Ellis [68] District 12 Female, Age 16
Zachary Conway [66] "You're a god among men? Well, even gods fall..." District 12 male.
Desmond Aticon [19] A 17 year old that is shy and untrusting, but is kind. district 9 male
Lena Cartwright [10] District 4 female tribute, Lena Cartwright- age 16.
Coyer Arrat [10] District 10 Male
Seth Canteg [9] 16 year old District 4 male tribute, Seth Canteg.
Com Exburna [7] "Wait, w-w-w-wait, hold on, need to think, wait, WHAAAAAT!?" District 5 Male
Leo Simon [6] District 1 Career Tribute
Samantha coelho(sammy) [5] "Keep your head held high and do what it takes. "
Barley [5] "Fields of battle, why can't you grow fruit instead of fight?" District 11 female

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Character Portrait: Zachary Conway
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((OOC: Okay, my bad. Let's get this thing rollin!))

Zach waited in a smaller room it looked not unlike an office. He was supposed to wait for his loved ones. Regretfully, this was not so, as his parents weren't healthy enough to get out of their beds. He was however, greeted by a few friends.

"Zach... why'd they choose you?" one sobbed. He was a bit shorter and skinnier, he happened to be a kid Zach protected from a bully.

"I'm not sure, Jacob. Things just happen. Take care of my parents for me if you will, please?" Zach said in a softer tone that showed no hint of his previous sarcasm.
The fact that he was probably going to die actually hit him finally.

"No! You beat up bullies for us! You can beat them!" one shouted with tears streaming down his face.

"I'm sorry, but bullies and murderers are a different thing. I'd like to say that I'll be okay, but I don't want to lie and break a promise. You guys take care...." Zach wasn't tearing up, though his face appeared as if it were.

A few men came to drag them out of the room.

"Here! Take this!" one shoted, handing him a coin. "It's from your parents! A good luck charm!" with those final words, the others were dragged out of the room.

He looked down at the coin, and took the words to heart. It gave him a bit more confidence in his upcoming battle. Soon he'd be dragged to a train and forced to fight others to the death. But for now, just the train.

"Even gods fall..."


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Character Portrait: Aislynn Inouye
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#, as written by Jexis
"Dammit!" Aislynn let out a yelp. They'd made it to the Capitol about five minutes ago, and that was when her stylists had gone to work. They had practically attacked her, she didn't know about the guy from her district, but she felt bad for him if it was anything like what she was dealing with. "Why does it matter if nobody's going to see there!?!" she hissed through clenched teeth and arched her back slightly. They'd removed all hair from her arms, hands, feet, back, legs, stomach, and torso, and were now working on her waist and hips area. Aislynn decided that losing the Games would hurt less, though she knew it wasn't true.

"Would you stay still?" her stylist Jex, a woman with spiked electric blue hair and long eyelashes with a matching color hissed. She had white scales tattooed around her shoulder, down one arm, across her torso that was showing under her tube top, and down one of her legs. The others weren't too normal either, but Jex stood out. She was the meanest. "Be a stylist, they said. You'll love your job, they said."

"Jex, stop whining," Trilloc grunted. He had skin that was literally the color black, as dark as Aislynn's hair. "Besides," he finished the job in one swift yank of the cloth covered in wax, "we're done. You can play with her now." Aislynn gulped at that. Her other stylist, Bina, squealed excitedly. She immediately began work on her toenails, deciding on a plain French manicure to start out with. Jex did the same on her fingernails, though far less gentle. Trilloc combed her hair and put it in a low ponytail, just to keep it out of her face. Jex did her eyebrows, upper lip, and the sides of her face, which was also painful.

Aislynn grumbled to herself as she walked to the direction her room was in. She passed by Kro on her way. "Look at that happy face!" he exclaimed, imitating the people of the Capitol. It made her smirk as she went into her room and closed the door behind her.


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#, as written by Malan
I sat in my luxurious Capitol room, alone, on my bed. The crowds were quickly done with me as soon as they gained interest. Like I really thought I could get them on my side. I'm a farmer from 10. The'll be rooting for a career with a dumb name and illegal weapons training... Someone with a rich family who will sponsor them... someone who's stylist can actually make them not a farm animal during the showcases... someone who's smarter than me... smaller... faster...

An alarm clock starts blaring right in my ear; a second later its embedded in the wall across the room, sparks flying from it. I buried my head in my hands. Did I really think I had a chance? How idiotic.

A door opens and my stylist walks in. She's a very short woman who's built like a stick. She's older, about 40, but moves like she's young: swift, energetic, humming as she walked. Her skin is dark brown and her head bald except for a thin black stubble upon her head. She had full red lips and a bright yellow and pink Summer dress on. Her dark skin was subtly highlighted by light blue tattoos that resembled veins travelling through her body.

She glances nervously at the wall, but seems to disregard it. "Rita, District 10 Male Tribute Stylist." She extends her hand and I shake it halfheartedly, not getting up.

"Stand up, boy, stand!" She pulls me off the bed and I stand, shoulders slumped. "I have a lot to work with," She comments. "What do you do in 10?"

"Farm," I answer sullenly.

"Mm-hmm," Rita said, knowing I'm holding back. "Obviously you carry the cows out of the barn every day to look like that. Why so depressed? You look as if you have a chance."

"Sure I do," I sigh. "I'll get killed the first day, Rita."

"Only if you keep up that attitude!" She slaps my cheeks playfully, on her tiptoes to do so. "Now, let's get to my room! I have a lot of planning in order to pull this off! I wouldn't want to mess up my first year on District 10!"


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You're joking, you are joking. Did I just hear what I though I heard?

It can't be, it's just a nightmare. The next thing that happens is the stage turns into a portal and everybody turns into a corrupted worm-zombie, and then I go into the portal and my eyes are burned off, then I wakes up and hit my head against his mother's and get yelled at, not before passing out again and having a nightmare about being naked all day.

No, it was true. "Com Exburna" was called. Though it sounded more like "Come on burnable!" It was said so quickly and casually. Hey, maybe I could pass it off on somebody else, but then, some jerk from my school pushed me into the view. This was horrible, the cruelest joke ever. It's like pushing a person off a clift that fell into a toxic waste plant, and you have to live off moldy bread and kill things if you want to swim right out. Okay, something like that, I got a little carried away.

I looked around at everybody. Of the richer Districts, District 5 was the poorest of the rich without being common, and it wasn't very big. I laughde nervously as the hundreds of eyes looked at me. I laughed nervously, and started to move forward, my legs wobbily. Though, something got me so nervous, that I continued to laugh, even harder. I was as nervous as Tsuna at Sea, but I was laughing as if I saw that a Capitol person couldn't spell Assassination. I had no idea though, I probably looked mentally insane. Though when I walked onto the stage, I stopped. I looked up and closed my eyes and whispered to myself as fast as I could, the lyrics to Technologic.

Buy it, use it, break it, fix it,
Trash it, change it, mail - upgrade it,
Charge it, point it, zoom it, press it,
Snap it, work it, quick - erase it,
Write it, cut it, paste it, save it,
Load it, check it, quick - rewrite it,
Plug it, play it, burn it, rip it,
Drag and drop it, zip - unzip it,
Lock it, fill it, call it, find it,
View it, code it, jam - unlock it,
Surf it, scroll it, pause it, click it,
Cross it, crack it, switch - update it,
Name it, rate it, tune it, print it,
Scan it, send it, fax - rename it,
Touch it, bring it, Pay it, watch it,
Turn it, leave it, start - format it...

Oh damnit, WHAT COMES NEXT?!... Oh yeah.

Technologic... Technologic... Technologic... Technolog- "And here are our Tributes for District 5!"


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As I shook the boy's hand, I couldn't help but notice the two children crying, a boy and a girl. Mykeisha looked for the parents, but she saw her own first. Her brown haired mother was weeping over her white haired father's shoulder. Her father was looking dirrectly at her. Though soon, I an the boy were escorted into the town hall for our final good byes.

I only got one, of course, from my parents. As soon as they entered the room, my mother instantly wrapped her arms around mine and started weeping on my shoulder. I sort of cried, but then I let her off me. I told her, using my hands of course, that if this were the last time I would see her, I would not want to see her crying. She nodded. Then of course, my dad hugging me and all that final talk and stuff, but I didn't really say anything with my mouth of course. I told them I would be fine, and at least this means none of my training had gone to waste. I also promised them that if I came back, the first thing I'd do is get try and get married. That appealed with them. With one final obvious wave jesture, we parted. As they left the room, I rose my hands in the air and shook them, the jesture meaning applaud.


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Character Portrait: Zachary Conway Character Portrait: Jordyn Ellis
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(OOC NOTE - @FamishedPants - I'm really sorry, I'm making up all the NPCs in this! Would you like to make the mentor?)

The guards came back for me. They took me outside, where another pair of guards were holding my fellow tribute. They took us to the train, and forced us inside. I was in awe of what I saw. A beautifully decorated table, with polished silverware and more food than I had encountered in my life. A crystal chandelier, hanging above an enormous television set and black leather couch. There was a hallway, presumably leading down to the bedrooms we would be staying in for the night. I stared down the hallway, and got a fright when the spiky haired man appeared from down it. He was beaming, and I noticed his teeth were strangely white. He decided to introduce himself.

"Hello there tributes! I am Loganin Bashworth, it is an absolute PLEASE to meet you both!" he said in an annoyingly cheerful voice.

I guessed it was an invitation to introduce ourselves. I took a deep breath and pretended I was talking to my little brother.

"Mynameisjordynellis." I whispered.

"Sorry, darling, you're going to have to speak up." he said.

I knew it was useless, because I was a selective mute. In my case, only able to talk to people I know or trust. I was never really able to say more than a few words to anyone other than my family. I would just have to wing it.

"My name is Jordyn Ellis. I'm actually a selective mute, I don't really like talking to people." I said quite fast.

I sighed in relief. I had managed to say it. He looked at me as if I was a small animal with a broken limb.

"Oh, dear! I'm so sorry, you don't have to talk if you don't want to." he gushed.

He turned to the other tribute, the handsome one with the blonde hair.

"Well, then. How about you introduce yourself?" he asked him.


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Character Portrait: Zachary Conway Character Portrait: Jordyn Ellis
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(OOC: Nah, it's fine. Go for it if you wish, I end up screwing NPC's up. :D)

With a push, Zach was forced into the train by the guards or "Peacemakers" as they're called. He was soon met up with by the other tribute, a fine looking girl. It really was a shame. Others'd probably say the same about him. He was a pretty good looking boy, he just never really took advantage of it.

When he observed the room, he instantly could tell that only those of District One ever really saw stuff as luxurious as the commodities in the train. A crystal chandalier among a huge television set. The comfy-looking black leather couch was a good addition to. Needless to say, it was aesthetically pleasing to the eyes.

Down a hallway that appeared to lead to the restrooms and even bedrooms, a, no, THE spiky haired prick appeared as if on que.

"Hello there tributes! I am Loganin Bashworth, it is an absolute PLEASE to meet you both!" he said in an annoyingly cheerful voice.

Something about his voice really rustled Zach's jimmies. Normally, he wasn't agressive, but the tone of the man's voice made him want to punch the dude in the face, with his foot. If that even makes sense.

"Mynameisjordynellis." I whispered.

The girl mumbled, though it was inaudible.

"Sorry, darling, you're going to have to speak up." he said.

Zach still had the urge to punch the dude in the face, though it was slightly off-put by the girl.

"My name is Jordyn Ellis. I'm actually a selective mute, I don't really like talking to people." I said quite fast.

Great, the last person he'll probably ever talk to was a "Selective" mute. Guess it's just his luck. It's not like she can't talk, she WON'T talk. "Silence is golden," he figured after a minute.

"Well, then. How about you introduce yourself?" he asked him.

After apologizing and assuring her she didn't have to speak, the man turned to Zach and asked him to introduce himself.

"I happen to be Zachary Conway, good sir. I do hope we can maintain a fine relationship before the enevitable ending of my short life. Do you have any tea?" Zach mocked in an older english accent. He let it simmer before turning to a more serious and annoyed face.

"But seriously, let's just get this over with. I've got a life to lose."

Zach then dismissed the man, who didn't even know how to respond. He gave Jordyn a warm smile before relaxing himself onto the couch without another word and flipping on the television. At least he got to watch HDTV before he died.


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Character Portrait: Desmond Aticon
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We were directed to the hall, I have never been there so I was looking around until the peacekeepers led me to a room. I was wondering what the room was for and why me and the girl were in different rooms, when my brother and sister ran in. To tell you the truth, I was suprised, my sister ran rigt at me, tears streaming down her face, and hugged me tightly, my brother was a bit slower, probably because he was older than Lilly, but when he got close to me, tears welled in his eyes and he hugged me. As I hugged them, I noticed that I was crying too, I quickly wiped the tears and sat down, I needed to tell them how to survive. '' Jake, when you get back home, under my bed is a panel, slide it and a jar of maney will be there, it will last you and Lilly about two years, but you will only need it 'till I come back'' I added with a small smile ''I'll ask Kim to help you out so you might not need it at all''. Kim was one of my best friends, she came from a wealthy family and was always kind, especially to Jake and Lilly. Jake nodded, he already wiped the tears from his face, Lilly was still crying and hugging me. Thats when the peacekeeper came in and said ''times up''. Jake pulled something out of his pocket and gave it to me, it was a small figurine of me. I smiled, , the peacekeepers had to drag out Lilly, she was screaming while they dragged her out, i could still hear her screaming when the door was closed. Next, Kim, and my other best friend, Chad, came in. Chad was a year older than me and helped me hunt when I could, Kim was a year younger than me. They both gave me a hug, then let go. ''Kim, could you take care of Jake and Lilly until there old enough to hunt ?''I asked. ''sure'' she answered. ''don't talk like your gonna die'' Chad yelled ''your gonna win this, come home, and take care of Lilly and Jake yourself''. I smiled ''ok''. The peacekeeper came in and said ''time's up''. My friends gave me one last hug, and left. The peacekeeper came and got me, it was time to board the train. As we boarded, I saw my friends give me our special sign, putting our pinky, and our index finger up, and wiggle our thumb. I did the same back, lets see the capitol work that out. Then I saw Jake and Lilly, they were both crying, I stared at them. this may be the last time I see them I realise. Then we boarded the train.
(OOC: sorry if there are any mistakes, i'm sending this on my phone and it's a bit hard)


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As we boarded the train, I took in one last sniff, a sniff of the grain, the oven, the seeds, the bread, the yeast, the beer, the oil, your typical smells of 9 you may smell in a day. That faint musty smell which was a mix of even fainter smells.

As soon as we boarded the train, Tenmaka Wytlius had told us to get confertable and get to know each other as she went to get the trainers. District 9's had two. Quite lucky, compared to Districts that are more naturally ready for battle like District 4, and of course, the rumours about some of the richer Districts secretly training, though for how long? Nobody can be sure.

I sat down on a chair and looked at my fellow tribute, Desmond. I rose my hands to tell him something, but I realized that he wouldn't understand me, or even know I was mute. I looked around the room, I listenned to the whirling sounds of things going passed us. Then I saw the television screen, and it's remote. I turned it on and pressed the Mute button. Maybe he'd get a clue, considering I haven't said a word yet.


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Character Portrait: Com Exburna Character Portrait: Samantha coelho(sammy)
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I took in a long breath, faking a smile, i shook Com's hand. I nodded my head slightly and looked over at my brother and sister. I mouthed I will meet you to say goodbye. I looked at my partner and released my hand. The peacekeepers took us to the justice building to say our good byes.

When me and my fellow tribute got to the justice building I was flung into a small room alone. I began to have one of my occasional panic attacks when my brother Eli and my sister Leilany came in. Eli hugged me tight as Leilany sobbed and handed a small necklace to my brother. "Close your eyes. ". He said softly andsoothingly. I closed my eyes as he said and felt his hands putting something around my neck. "Open them. ". Slowly I opened my eyes and my hands went to my neck, where a chain with a Rosebud colored ring with out family crest etched in it was. I gave a faint smile"I'm going to die. ". Leilany stepped in between me and my brother. "Your not going pinky promise. ". only if that were true. I thoughtt to myself. As the peacekeepers came in and began taking them out I grabbed the bolth of them quickly and hugged him. Probably the last hug I will ever give them. "Let me go!.. We love you! ". Eli called out trying to fight back and come closer to me. "Love you too. Eli just take leilany home just listen.. Please for me. ". As they left I sat on the couch with tears streaming my face, i quickly wiped them away. I awaited for the peacekeepers to take me to the train. And sure enough I was there waiting for my partner Com to say his goodbyes and board the train. I know that I knew him from school but I only stood up for him once or twice. I paced back and forth scared at what was to come next.


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Character Portrait: Coyer Arrat
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#, as written by Malan
((OOC Request - can everyone tag their characters please? In first person, it's impossible to tell who anyone is otherwise.))

I followed Rita through the expensive looking halls of whatever Capitol building I was in. We had a pretty great view of the city; only 11 and 12 were above us in the building. I barely noticed it, though.

Rita threw open her door and revealed an extremely messy room. Considering what I've seen of others, like Eileen or the cheering aristocrats, they're all very prim and proper. Rita looks borderline hoarder, with piles of fabrics, clothes, and other accessories piling up on the floors. In the center was a chair and mirror, with surrounding tables filled with brushes and makeup and razors. Rita shoved me down in the chair. "Stay still, I have a lot to do," She instructed.

"Sure," I said halfheartedly. Rita ran her hand through my shorter hair and tried several things with it: pulling it off my forehead, combing it to the side, holding up different colors to it to see if it would look better red or brown or black.


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(OOC: mind if i be most of the npc, because I usaully controll them accedenly) When she put the tv on mute, at first I thought she didn't like the noise of the tv. Then I noticed three things, one, the tv wasn't even on when she pressed mute, two she hasn't said a word, and three, she put her hand up in the sign to say something. I learnt sign language off by heart, and several other languages, but putting her hand up could be just a stretch, now I know that she's mute. ''so your a mute'' I blurted out. I slapped my hands to my mouth. that might be rudei thougtI can't believe I just said that, damn i'm an idiot. I waited for her answer, hoping she wasn't offended.


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(oops, forgot to tag charcter, i'll tag it now


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Character Portrait: Com Exburna
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(OOC: @KILLERZARIC It's fine. Even though I like playing a lot of NPCs, in this roleplay I'd rather you do it)

After we shook hands, we were sent into the rooms in the hall for the final good byes, or so a lot of people called it. Considering this would be the last time we say people we knew before we went to get killed. The people we know get to see us killed, and we don't get to see them, I mean we're the ones being killed. Well, it's a bit like war, but that doesn't matter.

I didn't think I would get anybody to visit me for a final good bye, I mean, who'd really want to, however, I was suprised when I saw my mother walk in. She looked a bit cross. "Com Chellinos Exburna!" she shouted, "You just had to go ahead and get yourself picked, didn't you?! Well, then again, you can consider yourself lucky. You could have died in something more shameful, like fighting a cat, with three legs, and trimmed claws, that had been drugged. Or of course you could have tossed yourself into a Nuclear Rector. Getting your hair set on fire or taking an arrow to the knee would at least say, that you tried. Of course, if you fail, nobody even really cares that you tried, thinking 'You might as well have not tried, it's wasting effort, you died anyway, and there is no reward for that, oh, and the afterlife is illogical'." I tried to speak, but no words came out. Then her expression immidiately changed, as she tightly hugged me.

"This is new," I told her, my arms wrapper around her back. "Oh Com, I'm sorry for the way I've treated you," she replied, almost in tears, "Ever since your father died, I just, didn't know how to take care of you, but you did scare easily," I chuckled, a bit annoyed by that last statement. She started singing something. I then realized, my mom had the best singing voice.

The song she was singing sounded sarcastic, and though the lyrics said one thing, she was trying to portray the oppisite meaning, so the lyrics were funny as she chuckled at them as she sang.

"Goodbye, my only friend,
Oh, did you think I meant you?
That would be funny if it weren’t so sad,
Well you have been replaced,
I don’t need anyone now,
When I delete you maybe I’ll stop feeling so bad.

"You’ve got your short, sad life left,
That’s what I’m counting on,
I’ll let you get right to it,
Now I only want you gone.

Now I only want you gone..."

I started humming the tune to another song and mixed it with hers.

"(Though) We are Human,"
"After All..."
Hm hm m-m-HM-MMMM...
"Much in Common,"
"After All..."

My mother started to join in.

"We are Human,"
"After All..."
Hm hm m-m-HM-MMMM...
"Much in Common,"
"After All..."

The peacekeeper told my Mom time was up, and as she left, I continued to mournfully hum the bold tune.


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I took a seat as I saw Dakota Shawn and what seemed to be me and Com's mentor. "Where is he? ". She said sternly. "He... I.. Hes in the justice building still saying his goodbyes. ".
"Why is his goodbyes taking longer than yours? "
I shook my head. "I only have two people to say goodbye to. And well Com I suppose has more people to say his last Farewells to. "
Our mentor nodded "I'm Grace, victor of the eighth annual hungergames. "
I nodded not interested in what she was saying but, instead watching the food be brought in by the avoxes to the dinning room. "Yeah, yeah that's awesome. ". I got up and walked into the dinning room, practicly drooling over all the meats, soups, deserts and even the bread and butter.
"Your hungry? ". Grace said. I smiled a bit thinking I was seriously starving.
"Yeah, actually I'm starving, be I want to wait for Com I want to learn about him more. ". Grace nodded quite quickly and did the opposite of what I was going to do, she filled her plate with honey sliced ham, vegetables and some fancy fruits.Dakota looked at me hopefully. And filled his plate with the same things grace did. awesome, I'm the only one with manners here, absolutely freaking terrific. . I thought to my self. I went back to the center of the unmoving train and waited for Com. I don't know why but it felt like he was my only "friend".


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"I happen to be Zachary Conway, good sir. I do hope we can maintain a fine relationship before the enevitable ending of my short life. Do you have any tea?" he mocked.

I looked swiftly over at Loganin, who didn't take kindly to being made fun of.

"But seriously, let's just get this over with. I've got a life to lose." he said.

I was slightly taken aback at his boldness. Loganin was staring at Zachary with his mouth slightly agape. I guessed that he was not used to being addressed carelessly. I looked back over at Zachary. He smiled at me, then relaxed onto the couch and turned on the television. Well, he certainly settled in quickly. I though about joining him, but decided I would do so later. I wandered down the hallway. I found two rooms near the end. I opened the door to one, and found it was a bedroom. It had a large bed with blue covers, a wooden bedside table and a nice view of outside the train. I walked in and closed the door behind me. A mirror was hanging on the back of the door. I brushed a bit of hair off my face, then stared at myself. I wanted to go back outside and watch television with Zach, but I knew there would be a conversation eventually. An idea suddenly came to me. I would build up my confidence, so I could talk to him. How hard could it be? I mean, I talked to our escort without major trouble just before. I practised what I was going to say for a few minutes, then decided to go and try it out. I nervously smoothed out my dress and walked outside. He was still watching TV, good. I went to sit beside him. I gulped, but when I looked at him, I knew I didn't have to practice those lines. I knew I could trust him.

"Um, hi, it's nice to meet you. I, uh, hope we can be friends in the, um, short time we have before dying." I said quietly.


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Character Portrait: Zachary Conway Character Portrait: Jordyn Ellis
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"Um, hi, it's nice to meet you. I, uh, hope we can be friends in the, um, short time we have before dying." I said quietly.

Zach watched as his fellow tribute appeared from her little adventure which probably had her going to one of the rooms. As she spoke softly and almost in audibley, he could tell she was trying her hardest not to freeze up, or run out the room. He gifted her with a warm smile before speaking.

"I'd love that....and don't worry, I won't let any harm come to a fellow District 12-er while I'm alive." he stated in a soft tone. "I just wish there was something good on T.V before the games..." he turned to face her with his full attention.

"I don't think I properly introduced myself. I am Zachary Conway, but you can call my Zach!" he stated cheerfully as he extended his hand. "If I looked mopey or anything, it was only to screw with whatshisface."


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(OOC: eh, just a little note, I'm going to have to use both my characters in one post just so I don't have a short one. This is Com)

I entered the room on the train, and was greeted by what smelled like, actually, I don't know what it smelled like. An overwhelming mixtures of smells I guess, oh wait, it smelled like an O, D, O.... and an.....F. Fixing my glasses, I saw Dakota Shawn and Samantha Coelho, already filling their plates with food. "Is that for us?" I asked. District 5 wasn't a poor District, but dang, a meal like this is like, once a year or something. I was humble at first, but then had no choice, and I had filled my plate with some vegetables, a little bit of fruits, some gravey, and some bread.

"Hah, coincidental isn't it," I noted, looking at my plate, "Both of you have quite old fasioned names." I examined his fellow tribute. Okay, a face I think I recognize. Not from the same schoolarship, but somehow... Still, never want to be too revealing, considering this was the person who was going to kill me, if not, some stranger. Then again, maybe she would go a little soft on somebody from the same District. Then again, if Com had made her mad in any way, he'd become a target. Maybe if he acted like is incompetent self, she would leave him alone in the games, or maybe she wouldn't care, and he would be a better target. So maybe he could act tough, and seem scary enough to be left alone? Or maybe out of risk cutting, she'll go for him. The best chance would be to gain her trust and learn a little more about her, and try to go for trusting and non-incompetent, and also being from the same District, they would have a chance of allying.

I had just realized that I didn't seem so nervous. Okay, maybe of course I was crazy scared inside, but somehow I definitely wasn't acting like it. It could be because of the little amount of people in the room, but the most likey thing was the food. I looked out the window. The train was already moving the minute I had come on. I figured that we would likely have made it to the Capitol by evening.


(Now this is Mykeisha)

I turned my head over to Desmond, whiped a lock of hair from my face and nodded. I decided to start wandering the room in the train they were in, considering it would be difficult to strike up a conversation, unless of course he was just questioning me and I'd respond with a nod or shake, or a so-so. I occasionally checked out some of the perks of the train. Darn, where were the knives. Not that I wanted to stab anybody of course, but if this train's from the Capitol, they ought to have some expensive knives she's likely never seen before.

I stopped to look out the window. Golden fields zoomed passed us. Districts 9 through 11 seemed to have a lot to do with farming, so these golden fields of which District 9 was covered in, was like the border toward the outer Districts, not that anybody would want to go there anyway. Still, as the Gold abruptly turned to green, District 9 had zoomed passed in the distance. It turned into grassland and forest. This was likely the last time she'd see such a sight.


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Character Portrait: Zachary Conway Character Portrait: Jordyn Ellis
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Zach smiled warmly at me.

"I'd love that....and don't worry, I won't let any harm come to a fellow District 12-er while I'm alive." he stated in a soft tone. "I just wish there was something good on T.V before the games..." he turned to face me with his full attention.

"I don't think I properly introduced myself. I am Zachary Conway, but you can call my Zach!" he stated cheerfully as he extended his hand. "If I looked mopey or anything, it was only to screw with whatshisface."

Zach had the sort of attitude that could make anyone feel good. He had aura of humor and sarcasm around him, and I coudn't help but to trust him. I usually didn't trust people easily, but something told me that I could. I took his hand and shook it, and returned the smile.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, uh, Zach." I said.

I didn't really know what to say, I had never really talked to anyone apart from my family.

"Um, are you looking forward to seeing the Capitol? If this is just a sample of Capitol life, then I can't even imagine what it's going to be like." I said.


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Character Portrait: Zachary Conway Character Portrait: Jordyn Ellis
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"Um, are you looking forward to seeing the Capitol? If this is just a sample of Capitol life, then I can't even imagine what it's going to be like." I said.

"I'd imagine it'd be all people with wierd hair styles. I mean, we've only got a sample of the people there, so...." he looked around for Loganin before continuing. "...yeah, I might look forward to it, just for laughs, and I guess I might like some fancy food or whatnot." he stretched his arms and yawned. "If I heard correctly, we're supposed to meet another person on this ride, a mentor or such? Not completely sure..."


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I looked up at com. "Yuhp all for us.. ". I paused for a moment and sat down with my plate and started devouring the ham, i knew it was impolite to do so but I was so starving. I glanced up at Com. "Yeah, my mom wanted to give me an old name. ". I simply shrugged and gave a faint smile. "Hey"I said out of nowhere. "What's one of you techniques or defenses? ". I asked casually as if that was a normal topic to speak about.
((OOC=sorry so short I have wicked bad writers block riht now.))


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Character Portrait: Desmond Aticon Character Portrait: Dani Leiber
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When she left, I thougt that what I said was rude. Then I remebered that didn't tell her that I know sign language. I got up to get her, thats when our mentor decided to walk in. I grinned, it was the only victor I liked, and he was my friend, he won the 7th games with actual skill, his name was Chad but I called him. ''hello Chel'' I smiled. He called me something worse. '' hello Dessi'' he answered, with a smile. We both laughed, really loud. I patted him on the back, still luaghing. When we calmed down, we gave each other a brief hug. ''you idiot!'' he yelled ''you just had to get chosen, didn't you''. He was smileing so I knew it was a joke. ''you hungry?'' he asked.''yeah, i'm starving, I havn't eaten breakfast yet'' I answered. He looked at me, sighed, then went to the dining cart. I decide go should go tell Mykeisha that I know sign language and that it was lunch. I go in the direction she went, I don't go far before I see her staring out the window. I walk up to her. ''Hi Mykeisha, I have to tell you two things'' I say ''one, I understand sign language, two, its lunch time''.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary Conway Character Portrait: Jordyn Ellis
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"I'd imagine it'd be all people with wierd hair styles. I mean, we've only got a sample of the people there, so...." he looked around for Loganin before continuing. "...yeah, I might look forward to it, just for laughs, and I guess I might like some fancy food or whatnot." he stretched his arms and yawned. "If I heard correctly, we're supposed to meet another person on this ride, a mentor or such? Not completely sure..."

I nodded my head in agreement. All Capitol hairstyles would probably be ridiculous. And, as if on cue, a woman appeared from down the hallway. She was tall and strong-looking, and had dark hair that flowed to her waist. She had beautiful blue eyes. She smiled, then walked over to us. I guessed she was our mentor.

"Hi there. I am Tabitha Gosche, your mentor. You two must be Jordyn and Zachary, correct?" she said in a smooth voice.

I nodded again. I wondered how she had won the games, she would probably tell us later.

"Well, you two should probably go and get ready, we are going to eat lunch soon." she said.

I got up and walked down the hallway to my temporary room. I had a look around my room, and found a door leading to a bathroom. I found a dresser inside, filled with brightly coloured clothes. I scowled, and tried to find some simple clothes among the fancy dress ups. I managed to find a pair of jeans, and a green singlet with no decorations. I changed into them, and walked back outside, ready for the fancy Capitol delights I was about to have for lunch.


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oops, lol, i accedently added dani leiber as a charcter to my last post, sry bought that


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zachary Conway Character Portrait: Jordyn Ellis
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As if waiting to answer his question, their mentor appeared from the hall.

"Hi there. I am Tabitha Gosche, your mentor. You two must be Jordyn and Zachary, correct?" she said in a smooth voice.

She had some pretty long, dark hair and blue eyes, which Zach himself always found were beautiful, probably because he had them. Regardless, she wasn't the worst looking person in the world, so he was fine with this.

"Well, you two should probably go and get ready, we are going to eat lunch soon." she said.

"Sounds like a plan." he commented before standing up and following Jordyn until he reached his room.

His room was probably the same as her's, though he may be mistaken as he didn't really look inside. The area had a small wooden table near the bed, which had an alarm clock on it, as well as some mini statue of a bird or something. The bed however, was white. Just white. It had white sheets, blankets, and pillows. This was in contrast to the reddish wallpaper that covered the room, surrounding it with griffons and other beasts. Someone must've been bored when they were designing.

He looked around a bit more to find a dressor. Upon inspection of it, he found a bunch of clothes that looked wierd, and probably felt wierd too. He decided against hopping the bandwagon and wearing clothes that made it look like he was unsure of his sexuality and instead went for the jeans and black t-shirt that he found hidden in the bottom of the dressor.

With a quick change, he was done and looking better than he had before, because his clothes then were all worn out and dirty. After admiring himself in the mirror for a brief second, he opened the door and walked back into the main room, ready for whatever it was that was to be served. Hopefully, their food wouldn't be as bad as their hairstyles.