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Ine Takane

"How can you not find someone like me 'different?"

0 · 231 views · located in The Abyss

a character in “The Abyss of Madness”, as played by ใ‘ใ„-ใกใ‚ƒใ‚“


Appearance: Image
Her body is in a very fragile condition, so sometimes, she may have a break down. She is very weak, and short since she is already 15 years of age.
Ine dyed her hair when she was 14 because she used to be a strange looking red head, and so she was forced to dye her hair an even strange color, making it blue.
Ine never really went to school, only going a few years here and there because of her condition, so she wears regular, and casual clothing wherever she goes, regardless of what people say of her.

Name: Ine Takane
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Personality: Ine is a very cheerful girl. Her personality is outgoing and doesn't give up. But just like many, she has a dark and depressing side she keeps to herself. Much of this was also because of her past.
Bio: Ine was normal in elementary, loved by everyone in her school and her family was proud of her. But after one day suffering a heart attack and getting sent to the hospital for a year, she lost track of school, her friends, and even her family. It got worse in middle school where she was isolated, and having another break down until high school where she had to dye her hair because of her strange looks, and stay from school because of bullies and her terrible condition. In all honesty, she sometimes thinks it may be best just for her to die.
Other: ...

So begins...

Ine Takane's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ine Takane Character Portrait: Kyo Shizutani
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Kyo stood behind a small, ruined wall standing in the middle of a platter of land that was covered with black water. He glanced down at all the students that had fallen down into his world and chuckled, saying quietly to himself, "Unlike the past few years before... this group seems... much more different. Wonder how this class will play out this time..."

Ine was already up and wandering around. She didn't bother to call out for any names since she didn't really know anyone in her class, but she did look for any signs of life or people, "This place looks strange..." She muttered, her personality changing from her usual, "Where is everyone anyways... It's so quiet and I haven't seen anyone yet... No use in yelling though..." Ine told herself while continuing to walk around in the black water, still searching for her classmates.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanako Nomura Character Portrait: Yousuke Nomura Character Portrait: Ine Takane
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Yousuke could feel the water that soaked his hand, the way it seemed to linger when he pulled it out of the strange waters and huddle into the center of the broken slate of a wall. Where was he? Why was there black water...? He scanned the area, he was at school... There seemed to be practically no one around as if the school just decided to become a remote area. He wiped off the water with the sleeve of his pants, soon standing and groaning as he stepped foot into the waters. "Where is everyone..." He murmured before fear kicked in. Oh, no. Where's Nanako.

"Nanako?" He called out, awaiting an answer before realizing she wasn't anywhere near him. "Nanako?!" Still no answer. He immediately dashed off, looking from corner to corner for his younger sister.

Nanako's eyes fluttered open, she managed to push herself up, using one of the broken walls as help. "Yousuke...?" The young girl blinked her eyes a bit more, trying to wake up from this god forsaken dream. She wasn't dreaming. She gulped, ready to panic before seeing a fellow student walk through the black water. A wave of relief seemed to go through her as she staggered off towards the female. "U-Uhm, Hi. I believe you're Ine Takane..? Do you know what had happened...?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanako Nomura Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Ine Takane
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Carth had been sleeping rather soundly on his desk despite his dream being merely of him standing in a black void but had awaken when his body's natural instinct told him to wake up as his lungs began to fill with the thick black water that seemed to surround him. As he awoke violently coughing and spluttering the water it of his air ways he looked around with the intent of verbally murdering the idiot who thought it'd be funny to dunk his head in a bucket of water while he slept in class but was astonished when he saw nothing but an inky darkness. "Crap, I must still be dreaming." He cursed aloud, his voice hoarse and rugged. He pushed himself onto his feet rather unsteadily, the darkness throwing his balance off for reasons even he didn't know; his eyes strained to make out any familiar looking shapes buts failed to which set off a bout of nervous chuckling from the clown. "So let's see dark, wet and a weird feeling of being watched. I guess ol' Slendy is finally after me."

The last part was obviously false, the feeling he had wasn't it and it caused the hairs on the back of his neck to stand up, like the feeling he got before a fight but only this time there wasn't any opponents unless you could count the darkness as one which no sane person would. He started to trudge through the water his feet soaking wet as the liquid made it's way through the flimsy material of his converse and had no trouble with his socks. As he made his way further into the blackness he called out for anyone, he wasn't entirely sure who to call he hadn't made any friends per say just people he could talk to.
He was beginning to feel panicky until he had tripped over an obstacle in front of him. "Holy shi......." He didn't get to finish as his face was already submerged again the all too recent feeling of drowning coming back again. Before he could take another lung full he had already pushed himself out, his hair plastered to his face and head obscuring the sight ahead of him. "What the bloody hell was that." He snapped wiping a wet bang from his eyes before catching sight of a slight girl; she looked familiar but in the gloom and from the angle he was he couldn't quite tell who it was.

He pushed himself onto his feet once more to inspect the figure to find out it was Ine although, her name had escaped his memory, since he barely ever spoke to her. "Christ almighty, can't you have a sudden growth spurt or something I must have looked over your head or something." He shook his head as he spoke trying his best to dry his head before he leaned forward to get a better look at the girl which wasn't easy on his behalf, he towered over her by a head and a half, failing to notice the other girl close by.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanako Nomura Character Portrait: Yousuke Nomura Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Ine Takane Character Portrait: Kyo Shizutani
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Kyo saw that already three of the students had grouped together, "My... that's soon..." He said to himself in a surprised tone, "Honestly, I expected them to wander a few days before meeting a single person like the last class... Well, that only proves this time to be more interesting~ Ah, but..." He then saw another male student who was calling his sister's name yet was unable to find her, "That little sheep seemed to have strayed too far from the herd... Perhaps I should try and put him on track?" He asked himself before leaping a few paces in front of Yousuke, and once he was close enough, Kyo acted like he, too, was a lost student, "Ah! Finally! I've found someone! I don't recall you being in my class either... Are you lost as well?"

Ine heard two voices behind her, and the first she heard was a girl's she hardly recognized, "Y-yeah... I'm Ine.... I don't remember seeing you in class though..." She said slowly, "B-but it's nice to see another face around here! But unfortunately, no, I don't know what happened here at all-" All of a sudden, she felt someone behind her as a small shadow passed over her face when she turned around. She didn't see much of a face and she didn't even know it was another student in her class from the darkness covering him which is why she yelped and scrambled backwards, "M-Monster!" She yelled quietly before trying to run away, but it didn't work so well since she wasn't used to running or yelling. In fact, she didn't even get very many feet away before having to couch and only looked back at the two students with fear.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanako Nomura Character Portrait: Yousuke Nomura Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Ine Takane Character Portrait: Kyo Shizutani
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Yousuke took some time to get his breath hitched. That sprint may have not been his longest, but he was devastatingly worried about his sister. His voice was slightly dry from the constant shouts. The school wasn't in that bad of conditions, however, still worried him why the water was black as well. His gaze was at the floor until he realized that another student had been standing there. He stared at him for a moment, almost amazed there was another person. As much of a relief it was, it wasn't enough to relieve his worry. "Y-Yes, I am the same as you, lost in this... strange place." He replied, attempting to calm himself. He couldn't show his feelings, it would scare the younger teen. "If I may, H-Have you seen a short girl, black hair, with purple eyes..?" He asked, gesturing his sister's short height.

Nanako smiled, this girl didn't seem to be hostile in anyway. She opened her mouth to speak until she had suddenly jumped away. She raised a hand and frowned, a bit disappointed that she didn't feel too welcome. That is until she realized there was a boy. She looked to him, blinking a few times before waving a small hello to clarify her existence. "Ine? Are you alright..?" She asked, cautiously stepping forward and studying the girl's features and body language.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanako Nomura Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Ine Takane
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The class clown blinked a few times, while he stared into the darkness swearing to himself that it moved until finally he realised there was a second person with them, another girl infact. Waving. He blinked a few more times before gingerly waving back, a blank look covering his face for a split second. This changed into a small frown that wrinkled Carth's forehead as he remembered what the other girl had said; he had never been called a monster before and didn't plan on being called it another time. He walked towards the cowering girl standing besides the one who had waved to him, damn what was her name as well? and crouched down to her height level again, removing another wet bang from his face. "Ine? Are you alright..?" The girl from besides him queried, breaking the murky silence between them. As Carth stared at Ine, weird name he thought, he flashed her a toothy grin, "Monster, ey? That's a new one but seriously if I was a monster a small fry like you doesn't have to wory I'd prefer someone with more meat on their bones."

He stood up straight again and shook his head in a last ditch attempt to get rid of he excess water, chuckling to himself. His hands meanwhile had slid into his jackets pocket and fished out a slightly soggy cardboard box and something small and metal. He flipped the lid of the cardboard revealing it was full of cigarettes, well five infact but that was enough for him. He pulled one out and put it to his lips, placing the box back into it's pocket, while is hand flipped the metal object revealing it to be a lighter. It took him three attempts to light it but no sooner as the flame glowed dimly in the dark not illuminating much as it's short life aloud it, it was gone with only a even smaller orange ring appearing near his mouth as he took a long drag, exhaling it towards the two girls.

"So either I'm still dreaming or this is real, so which one is it?" He directed towards the girls.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanako Nomura Character Portrait: Yousuke Nomura Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Ine Takane Character Portrait: Kyo Shizutani
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A wide grin spread across Kyo's face after hearing Yousuke ask for his sister, 'I suppose I'm going to be the Shepard this time, to lead the poor sheep back to its herd again. I feel too nice.' He thought to himself before nodding and pointing a certain way, "A short girl with black hair and purple eyes? Definitely couldn't miss someone like that. I recall seeing her over here." He said and already started to skip off. It was hard for himself to contain his excitement so he couldn't help but to smile and whistle a cheerful tune along the way.

Ine's eyes shifted between her two classmates, 'I don't recognize either of them...' She thought, 'Since when were were they in my class...' After focusing her vision on the two and coming to an understanding that both of them were human and not hostile, she cleared her throat and said, "I'm fine... Kind of.... This place looks nothing like our school... Or at least, not from what I remember. Hopefully this really is just dream, but it doesn't look that way anymore." Ine silently sighed, "If that's the case, maybe we should try and look for an exit? ... If there is any..." She seemed to have murmured to herself while looking around at her surroundings and studying it carefully.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanako Nomura Character Portrait: Yousuke Nomura Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Ine Takane Character Portrait: Kyo Shizutani
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Seeing the grin, Yousuke mistakenly took it as a good thing, not realizing the teen's intentions and thoughts. "Y-Yes, I believe she is quite the eye-catcher.." He chuckled, his sister always did attract some sort of attention. Whether it was her eyes, her personality or just her. He smiled faintly, glad to know someone had seen his sister. Yet, he couldn't help, but feel a sort of pain in his chest. His sister was stuck in a place like this, she doesn't deserve to be alone in this gloomy area. She doesn't deserve to be here at all. None of them did.. Or so he believed.

At the sound of Ine's voice, Nanako nodded, her smile not faltering at the slightest. "I don't think we're home either... yet, I believe we should try to find some sort of exit." She replied, soon looking from Ine to the male. "Before we carry on, I'm Nanako Nomura.. If I recall, I'm the class next to yours. Which may be why we haven't necessarily met.." She introduced, bowing lightly out of respect. She turned back to the male, her face twisting at the sight of the cigarette. "Dear, how can you smoke that...?" She asked quietly. She knew the dangers of smoking, she often strayed from those who smoked...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanako Nomura Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Ine Takane
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He looked around after listening to Ine taking a deep inhale of the cancer stick in his mouth, almost revelling the feeling of the smoke inside his lungs and after a moment exhaled realising it from it's fleshy prison. "Listen cocker I think we're already outside you know." He strengthened this thought by stamping into the after causing a loud splashing sound. "Before we carry on, Nanako Nomura... If I recall, I'm in the class next to yours. Which may be why we haven't necessarily met.." So her name is Nanako that shouldn't be too difficult to remember he had barely finished this thought when his ears picked up [b]"Dear, how can you smoke that....?" to which he replied, a grin on his face. "Quite easily in fact, sunshine.โ€ He took another huge drag on the filter, realesing it quicker than last time. "Calms me nerves as well."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanako Nomura Character Portrait: Yousuke Nomura Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Ine Takane Character Portrait: Kyo Shizutani
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"Indeed!" Kyo said, glancing back at the boy behind him. His eyes showed interest in the students who had fallen into the Abyss this year. It was strange because the last few years, he watched from afar, not bothering to jump in because all the students did was fall onto their backs after suffering from what madness his home caused. This time, he thought, it may be different. Kyo stopped in his footsteps and raised a hand, pointing into the distance, "Look who we found~!" Kyo looked back at Yousuke, then scanned the two girls ahead of them, before moving his finger to Nanako and asking, "That's the girl, right?"

Ine looked at Carth with a bit of confusion, 'Outside....? I don't... well... there doesn't seem like an end to the black sky above us....' She began to wonder a while where they were, how did they get there, and other questions she couldn't possibly answer. Ine then, after hearing Nanako, smiled slightly and answered, "Nice to meet you, Nanako. My name is Ine Takane, just as you guessed. We may actually be in the same class though, just that I've been... eh... absent for a very long time so I doubt anyone would remember me, or if I would remember anyone honestly." She said, returning the polite bow.

Behind her, Ine heard a loud voice call from the background as she turned around and this time saw two males, "M-more people...?" She asked herself as she wondered, a bit terrified now to see more than just three students dragged into an unknown area, 'How many people got stuck in here with us...'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanako Nomura Character Portrait: Yousuke Nomura Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Ine Takane Character Portrait: Kyo Shizutani
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Yousuke raised an eyebrow, somehow he wondered if he should be describing his sister like this. He just needed to focus on finding her, maybe finding a way out as well. He heard Kyo's footsteps stop and the voices in the distance. He paused, squinting lightly in attempts to see clearer. He muttered curses at his horrid sight, soon realizing it was them indeed.

Nanako frowned as Carth drag, simply fanning away the smell of smoke. She always hated the smell, the consequences of even inhaling such air. She turned back to Ine, listening as she spoke. She tapped her chin, looking above them as if she was imagining a small thought bubble. She gasped, "Oh! You mean that desk! I always wondered why it was empty. I'm sorry, I believe I never really got to introduce myself back when you were around.." She cupped her cheeks with both hands, her small frown taking up her expression until she heard the noise behind them.


The sound of her name made her tense, immediately turning around to witness her brother. Her violet eyes widened, her mouth sightly gaped as she could not find the words to say. Her worries on her brother were relieved, he was here! She dashed towards her brother, almost tackling him down in an embrace. "Yousuke! I was hoping you were alright!" She cried out, not realizing how she tipped her brother off a bit.

After regaining his posture, Yousuke anxiously smiled, hugging her back and patting her head as soon as they pulled away. "I'm glad to see you're okay.." He partly lied, to be honest, he didn't want to see her here. This place didn't seem fit for her to be in, he didn't necessarily trust this place. He looked to the other two, blinking a few times before recognizing Carth and wondering about Ine.

"I believe you kept my sister safe?" He asked, a small tip of his head to show his gratitude. Nanako glanced at Kyo, seeming to feel a strange vibe from him, yet dismissing it as a stranger thing. She smiled lightly, waving a small hello to the teen.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanako Nomura Character Portrait: Yousuke Nomura Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Ine Takane Character Portrait: Kyo Shizutani
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Ine smiled a bit and said normally, "It's fine. I don't really want to draw attention to myself, so honestly I'm a bit grateful. Though... you are a nice person and would have made a great friend back then. That's alright." She laughed silently.It hurt her throat a bit. For the last few years of being hospitalized, she didn't show much emotion, so even just a little movement somewhere strange would hurt more than ever.

She then heard that the two people in the distance had already come very close to their own little group, 'Well... it's only two people at least....' She let out a small sighed of relief that they hadn't found any more trapped in the unknown world. After hearing words spoken, she turned to Yousuke after looking up at Carth and said, "We just arrived here a moment ago... Luckily, nothing's come out of the blue yet. So this is your brother...?" Ine glanced at Nanako and tilted her head a bit. For a split second, her eyes faced Kyo, suspecting him of something. She also knew that the other's probably felt the same way as well, but ignored the feeling since it had been a while since she had met someone.

Kyo put his hands into his pocket while watching the re-unitation, 'Siblings hmm... Even better...' But then he noticed he was being watched by one of them who waved. Naturally, like he did in the past times, he waved with an easily faked smile, "I just met your brother a while ago while searching for a few of the other students. I don't think I'm in any of your classes actually... But I have been here a while and I finally found people! It's a relief!" He said with a shrug, half of it being true and half of it being false.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanako Nomura Character Portrait: Yousuke Nomura Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Ine Takane Character Portrait: Kyo Shizutani
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"Ine Takane, this is my brother, Yousuke Nomura." Nanako introduced, lightly pushing her brother to interact as she spoke to the other male. Yousuke smirked lightly at his little sister's introduction. It was difficult not protest when his sister introduced him herself. He didn't mind too much, yet he could handle his own share of introductions. "Well, Ine, I'm glad nothing has turned for the worse." He replied, a subtle smile on his face as he observed her.

"Is that so? Hmm, well I'm glad you two found us three!" Nanako chuckled. She loved groups, namely because this lead to more cooperation, despite some struggles. She only hoped that the others would be able to get along as well. "Oh, yes. I'm Nanako Nomura, what's your name..?" She asked, wondering of thr boy's identity.She already knew the other two's, she just needed to learn his and her list was complete.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanako Nomura Character Portrait: Yousuke Nomura Character Portrait: Ine Takane Character Portrait: Kyo Shizutani
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"As am I!" Kyo said cheerfully. In a way, he really was glad, but most likely not in the same way she was, "My name is Kyo Shizutani! Nice to meet you, Nanako Nomura~" He bowed his head a little to show more respect as he did to the past students. But Kyo also had a side to him that was quite flirtatious, which lead to him raising Nanako's hand and giving it a small kiss. He then glanced up at her and gave her a sly wink as he let go of her hand with a normal laugh. It was always fun to play around with the girls.

Ine also bowed to the older teenager in front of her and said, "Sorry I didn't introduce myself first. But... I guess it'd be pointless to say my name when your sister already said so." She put on a false smile. Honestly, she didn't like seeing more people where she was. Even after being made fun of and isolated from school, she still valued others' lives above her own, knowing that anything could happen in the unknown world they were stuck in, "Ah... I actually have a question if you wouldn't mind me asking, have either of you two found any way out yet?"

Kyo heard the question and looked at Ine before raising his hand and saying loudly, "Oh, I do actually! I haven't gone there yet because I've been looking for more people who also may be stuck down here, but now that I have, might as well head there, right?" He asked, kicking the black water a bit.

About a whole mile above them, a new character came into play. She was sitting down on one of the floating black platforms, holding a ripped up teddy bear in her hands and stroking the fur gently as if it were an actual animal, "Another class? Doesn't that idiot flirt ever get bored... What would you say, Kitty?" Her eyes looked at the black cat resting next to her swinging legs while the two continued to look down at the group.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanako Nomura Character Portrait: Yousuke Nomura Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Ine Takane Character Portrait: Kyo Shizutani
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Carth had backed away from the main group while they talked to one another not really paying much attention really he was more interested in his surroundings really, the place gave him the creeps and because of it he felt ready for a fight and the new arrivals didn't help much Yousuke was your average student a little bossy at times and not one for fighting but he wasn't the bad sort but the other well... He just didn't seem right in a sense, like he was one of those two face people but the smoker merely waved this by as the place getting to him. He walked back to the group lighting another cigarette as he got closer.

"Hey my names Carth, never seen you before mate." He started he held out his packet of beloved cancer sticks to the new comer. "Smoke?" He queried looking around, so now they came to a jolly number of five and it seemed like he was the fifth wheel of the bunch as they all were pretty chummy with one another again Carth didn't really care much about this he just had to put up with them. He turned his head towards Yousuke and grinned at him. "What about you goody two shoes wanna be a little wild for a change?" He joked letting out a little chuckle at the end, waiting for the new comer to either accept or decline his gift.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanako Nomura Character Portrait: Yousuke Nomura Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Ine Takane Character Portrait: Kyo Shizutani
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Nanako mentally wrote down the name in her mind, along with the others as well. When her hand was lifted, she looked up at him, the obvious confusion on her face. She didn't seem to understand his gesture, actually wondering what was this boy's plan. She gave a smile, chuckling lightly as he laughed and looking down to the land that kissed.

Lucikly for Kyo, Yousuke had not seen the flirtatious gesture if his, busy speaking to the rest of the group. His eyes lowered to the ground at the question, rubbing the back of his neck as he sighed. "Forgive me, I have not. I had awoken... probably not even thirty minutes ago. I had been busy looking for Nanako.." He answered, the possibilty of no actual exit frightened him. He didn't want to remain here forever, he still had to make sure Nanako was safe as well. "However, we can look for one together.."

Realizing he was being asked, he shook his head, a subtle grin on his face as well. "Please, I don't believe I wanna die just yet." He replied, the little hiss of rejection in his voice. He was truthful though, he had to stay alive for her. He couldn't imagine leaving her alone in this... world. Who knows what would happen.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanako Nomura Character Portrait: Yousuke Nomura Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Ine Takane Character Portrait: Kyo Shizutani Character Portrait: Ace/Vadeline Konam
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"It's not very good to smoke in a place like this." Ine said, her eyes glancing at the pack of smokes from time to time, "It's not the best thing to do in this sort of situation, and on top of that, we don't even know where we are..." She sighed quietly, and then answered to Youske, "It's fine, I was just trying to see if we would get lucky. And I suppose that's the only logical choice when we're stuck in here..."

Kyo grumbled a bit and said in a loud and clear voice, coughing to get everyone's attention, "I. Know. The. Way. Out! Come come! Although there isn't much to base from, I do believe I saw something this way." He pointed his hand in a specific direction while beginning to walk through the murky water that reached his ankles. Kyo knew they were being watched by her so he figured it was time to let her meet the new comers, "Come on! Follow me now!" He turned around, waiting for the others while Ine, first and hesitantly, went directly behind his trail.

Ace saw the group moving now, and in her direction, "He knows he's held those children long enough. It's my turn now." A wide grin slipped onto her face as she dropped the teddy bear onto the ground, and walked down to the mainland below, where everyone else was walking on, and awaited the group's arrival, "I hope he found a more interesting class than last time..." She chuckled as she gently stoked the cat's fur gently.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanako Nomura Character Portrait: Yousuke Nomura Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Ine Takane Character Portrait: Kyo Shizutani
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Yosuke nodded in agreement with Ine's answer to Carth. The male wondered how the trickster even managed to get a working lighter and cigarette pack. In a place like this, it probably would've been lost! He glanced down at Nanako, who actually still had her petite messenger bag. He tilted his head in defeat of his thoughts. Maybe it was possible.

"I. Know. The. Way. Out! Come come! Although there isn't much to base from, I do believe I saw something this way."

He turned to look at Kyo, now wondering if this path would really be worth going down. He felt Nanako tug on his sleeve, managing to pull her brother into a walking. He looked back at the others before continuing on, with his sister. He wonderd why they were even in such a place. Was it something they did? Something they said or done? Where was the rest of his class and why weren't they anywhere near here?

"You okay, Yono?" Nanako asked, seeing the hints of Yousuke's grimacing. He lowered his gaze to her, plastering a smile on his face. He couldn't worry his sister right now, he had to stay strong for her. "Of course, Nanako."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hikari Norimoto Character Portrait: Ine Takane Character Portrait: Kyo Shizutani Character Portrait: Ace/Vadeline Konam
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Kyo walked for a little while longer, before then hitting a dead stop. There was nothing in front of him, seeing how it was an endless world that never had any dead ends, but he stopped as if something significant was to take place, or if something important was there. And it was true. Kyo turned around to the class he was with, and let out a small smile, his fake personality slowly fading away as he said to the group, "Actually, I lied. Sorry. There is no way out of here. And I doubt you'll ever get out anyways, so just to make things interesting, shouldn't we start a chase?"

Just above him, Vadeline heard her cue in as she stood up excitedly, "Oh! It's my turn now! I've been waiting, and you took too long to bring them here. Hehe... and yet she doesn't know about this~" Vadeline said, referring to Hikari, knowing she too was looking for the class that she had already found, "And down we go~" She said, deciding not to reveal herself yet. Instead, she raised her hand as one by one, sharp pairs of scissors appeared in the mid air. It was one of the joys about being apart of the Abyss, to summon objects unlike any human would ever be able to do. And with the signal of the drop of her hand, the weapons soared down onto the small humans.

In fact, one even landed near Kyo's face, creating quite a deep cut. But he just turned around and sighed, "Vadeline, dear, would you mind aiming next time? I would appreciate that if possible." He said before then back up slowly, talking to the group once more, "So now, little humans, feel free to roam around my Abyss as long as you would like~ Any possible way to get out is a one out of a million chance, so now's the time to get running, because I'm going to start our game of tag! Ready?" He asked, covering his eyes just as he used to as a child. Vadeline, although being so high up, also covered her eyes and counted silently to herself.

Ine immediately shot backwards, already starting to stagger into a certain direction out of fear. Everything happened so soon and so fast that she grew confused. Yet she knew one thing, it wasn't safe to be around the high school boy who claimed to have been lost in the Abyss. One Kyo and Vadeline hit number 5, she dashed off, no longer looking where she was going, just running away from the scene she could hardly believe.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nanako Nomura Character Portrait: Yousuke Nomura Character Portrait: Carth Orland Character Portrait: Ine Takane Character Portrait: Kyo Shizutani Character Portrait: Ace/Vadeline Konam
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After some time of walking, Kyo had stopped in his tracks. Yousuke looked up from the ground when Nanako had stopped, sensing the suspicion from his sister. He looked to Kyo, raising an eyebrow when he spoke. "What are you talking about...? A chase? We don't have time for that!" He retorted, voice raising as he urged on. There had to be an exit somewhere. There had to be.

The sounds of blades ripping through the air was only slightly audible to the young man, instincts going off and his body acting on its own "thoughts." He shielded his sister, feeling the small slashes of blades running down his body. He could hear the gasps from his little sister, the screaming of her insults for shielding her. He ignored it, simply taking her by the wrist and running once the Kyo began to count. He could see Ine ahead, attempting to catch up to her but only to fall behind. The wounds may have been thin, but they did sting.

"Yousuke! Where are we going?!" He could hear her trying to hitch her breath. She never was too good with running long distances. "Somewhere safer!" He replied, pulling her down the hall. They came to three paths, stopping to make a decision before finally taking the both of them down the left path.

Eventually, Yousuke came to a walk, breathing heavily as his grip on Nanako's wrist tightened and the beating of his heart rang through his ears. They couldn't stop right now, that boy he trusted, he was trying to kill them. He looked around, soon turning to look back at Nanako. He frowned as she began to cough, hunched over as she regained her breath. When she straightened her posture, the pale color of her face was now obvious, making him sigh and look at his body. There were countless rips in his clothes, accompanying it were some wounds varying in size.

"Are you alright...?"

"Better than dead..."