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The Assassin War

The Assassin War


Assassins have risen from the darkness to defeat the threat of the Kinra Knights.

2,473 readers have visited The Assassin War since NateStei created it.


Loosely based off of the Assassin's Creed game series.

In 1158, The Dark Kingdoms have been under the seige of assassins who wish to stop the Genocides and Tyranny throughout the Kingdoms. Those assassins have come from all around to do so. The Kingdom of Kinra has been most affected by the assassins. Many high officials of Kinra have been assassinated including its King. The Assassination of the King enraged the people loyal to the Kingdom. Those loyal men and women have created a large organization, 2409 people, which they named, The Knights of Kinra. All of those knights are skilled warriors, either with sword, bow, mace, axe, or any other weapon. Their numbers have been increasing rapidly as more high officials have been killed. They have declared war on the assassins that kill their allies. They have stormed the homes of many assassins and each and every one in that family have been hung. The Assassins seem to have been destroyed for many generations.

In 1238, Assassins have risen up against the Kinra Knights to destroy them and eradicate them from history. Their numbers may be small but their skills are uncomparable. They have fought back against the Kinra Knights, 156,632 people, and been victorious in killing many of their generals. The Kinra Knights are still much more powerful then an assassin will ever be but their skills are low. The Kinra Knights have had to take in rather unskilled warriors after the outbreak of a plague ravaged the Dark Kingdoms. The most skilled Kinra Knights died in those times. The assassins now have a chance. You, an average civilian, must choose which side to take. Will you choose the Honorable Assassins or the Tyrannic Kinra Knights?

The Fourth Assassination Targets are Marie Raime and Sargun Thanatos. They are accused by the King of Treason and have a bounty on their heads. The Assassin Brotherhood wants Marie Raime dead for leaving the order, which the punishment is death. The Assassin Brotherhood wants Sargun Thanatos dead for being a Kinra Knight. These two characters are played by NateStei(Marie Raime), and Soviet_Rei(Sargun Thanatos). These are actual characters within the story so they cannot be killed without the permission of the roleplayers.

Kinra Knights:
- Sadonis(DNA)
- Sargun Thanatos(Soviet_Rei)
If you play as a Kinra Knight, you must use the normal Kinra Knight armor. You can use chainmail or platemail. Over the armor is the usual black surcoat with a white skull on it. You do not need a helmet though.

King's Knights:
- Richard Herni(NateStei)
If you play as a King's Knight, you must use the normal King's Knight armor. You can use chainmail or platemail. Over the armor is the usual white surcoat with a blue cross on it. You do not need a helmet though.

- Marie Raime(NateStei)
- Adele Allessandra(Calamity)
- Demetri Hollows(Stellabellum)
- Atreyu Allessandra(Silverblade)
- Rosa Reiyan(Dakota-John)
- Auryon De Whisper(HowSoonIsNow?)
- Lillith Wenstin Hier(inu-bri)
Assassins can wear whatever they want.

Assassination Targets:
1) General Dregne(NateStei) Assassinated
2) Lord Westernesse(NateStei) Assassinated
3) Kinra Knights Commander Assassinated
4) Marie Raime(NateStei) - Marie is an assassin hired by the King himself to rid the kingdom of the Kinra Knights. Assassins believe that she had betrayed them when she began working for the King.
4) Sargun Thanatos(Soviet_Rei) - Sargun is a Kinra Knight who is now helping Marie Raime escape persecution for a crime she did not commit.
5) Kinra Knights Officer
6) Kinra Knights Advisor
7) Nobleman/Noblewoman
8) Unknown
9) Unknown
10) Unknown
11) Unknown
I will read each profile submitted and if they do not have three sentences for each section, I will not accept it.

Toggle Rules

1) Profiles - They must be original. Use Descriptions more then pictures. Your Profile must be more then 3 sentences in each section. You must have at least one weakness(Alcoholism, Addiction, etc)
2) Posting - You must post often. Do not post single sentences, if you have nothing more to say, describe something around you(Water, Sky, Clouds, Animals, etc). I would like to see at least 75 words per post.
3) Violence - There is no killing of any enemy characters unless you discuss it with the other person first. Use the OOC chat or messages to talk about a violence sequence. Keep it PG-13. Blood and Guts are fine unless you use too much detail.
4) Romance - Romance is acceptable but again you must keep it PG-13, no more then Kissing.
5) Abandoned Characters - All Abandoned Characters are those who have died or been killed. Nobody Shall play these characters after they are abandoned.
6) Have Fun!

Taking place in...

Kinra our primary setting

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Kinra by NateStei

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 10 authors


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#, as written by inu-bri
Lillith followed from a greater distance as they entered into the castle grounds. Jumping down off the wall she followed from about 10 metres away, dancing with the shadows, swaying and weaving in time with the movement. As the guards pace began to slow she flattened herself into a small recess and watched with her cowl pulled over her face to block the glint of her eyes. She watched curious as they neared the gallows and stop, she was surprised as they drew swords and drew her switchblades in case they had seen her, although she didn't really expect to beat such a large group she figured if she could have an advantage in the dark she could at least get away with minimal damage.


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Marie looked around as hundreds of Kinra Knights poured out of the crevices within the courtyard. She threw her eyes from one knight to another and sighed. They were after her and she knew it. She knew that none of the knights would enter the castle if she was not there. This seemed to be a small group compared to the army that she knew had to come. She felt the gripping on her arm get tighter and sighed. She looked around as she saw Knights on the walls all around them. She looked at the guard to her right and realised that he had taken her bow and arrows. She sighed as the guards pushed her through the crowd and pushed open the castle doors. They rushed into the doors and blocked it with a giant wood beam. She looked around the castle throneroom but saw nobody. She looked at the guards as she heard yelling from outside. The battle had begun. She sighed as the guards unsheathed both of their swords. Marie knew something was wrong and so did the guards. She walked up closer to the guards and looked around cautiously. "Unlock my shackles," She said as she got closer to the knight with her bow. "I can help fight." She watched the guards look at each other as a question when one nodded. The knight with her bow walked up behind her and began fiddling with the shackles.

Suddenly, an arrow flew from above and hit the ground in front of her. She noticed her left arm was free. She spun around to grab her bow and one arrow from the guard. She quickly pulled the arrow back and shot it off before the Kinra Knight had a chance to shoot another. Her right arm still had the shackles hanging down but she knew she would still be able to fight. "Don't worry about the shackles now." She sad as Knights poured in from all around. "We need to fight our way to the King." She knew that these guards were not the strongest and most skilled fighters but she expected to get to the king either way.


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#, as written by inu-bri
Lillith swore as the Knights stormed the castle. Jumping out of the corner she was hiding in she sped after the group holding Marie. She increased her speed as they began to close the door and was thankful to the fact that they were so focused on the task they totally missed her. Jumping behind a statue she watched as Marie was uncut before pulling out her own weapons and stepping out of the shadows, "I'm here to help," she murmured, as the guards ran at her. Her remarks did not seem to cause them to slow their speed so she flung herself to the left, rolling along the marble floor she came up again and stared at Marie, "Tell them," she said simply, watching the guards wearily, quite aware of the intruding Knights.


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Marie watched as Lillith jumped from the shadows. She turned her bow to another Kinra Knight and shot. "She's an assassin." She yelled to the Guards. "She is a very skilled warrior and is on our side." The guards slowly stopped their charge at Lillith and began fighting once more. She knew they would keep an eye on Lillith even though she had told them she was a friend. She shot another knight that stood behind a guard and mainly focused her attention at keeping those guards alive. The guards were not the most skilled but they could help her kill the knights that stood in between her and the King. She knew exactly where the King would be and tried to kill the knights blocking the way. She looked at Lillith and the guards who were fighting near each other and smiled. "We must push through the north hallway and into the dungeons to reach the King." She said as she killed many knights around her allies. She shot many arrows at the north hallway and watched many knights fall. She slowly proceeded into the hallway and looked around to make sure no knight was around. She turned to look at Lillith and the two guards when a knight ran from behind her. She turned really fast but knew she would be unable to block the attack or dodge it.


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#, as written by inu-bri
Lillith fought along side Marie and the guards, following them as they moved through the castle, mildly surprised that Marie wantedf to go see the King but didn't question the decision. As they ran down the hall she saw a Knight run at Marie from behind, realising that she couldn't defend in time, Lillith pulled out a dart from her sleeve and threw it at the Knight, hitting him in the throat with the sharp edge. He slumped and fell just in front of Marie, when he didn't move she looked up at Marie and the corners of her mouth turned up in the ghost of a smile, "are we going?" she asked, quietly.


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Marie watched the dart fly passed her face with incredible speed. She watched as the dart impaled itself directly into the knight and let out a sigh of relief. She looked back at Lillith and smiled. She was impressed with this young assassin's speed and how she was saved. She looked at Lillith as she began speaking and started running down the hallway, knowing everyone else was following her. "I owe you," She said to Lillith knowing se was next to her. She kept her bow ready with arrows sitting on it just waiting for at least one knight to jump out in front of them. She slowed her pace and looked back to see the two Guards dead on the ground. She wondered how they were killed and wished to investigated, so she did. She slowly walked to the dead guards and sighed to see arrows in their backs. She looked up from the dead corpses to see many knights with bows down the hallway. She knew the knights wouldn't kill her but she worried for Lillith. There were too many to fight. They slowly walked down the hallway with an arrow on each bow, waiting for Marie or Lillith to make a move. "Don't try anything," She said to the young assassin. "They will shoot if we try anything and we will be dead." She said, her arrow still on her bow.


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#, as written by inu-bri
Lillith smiled slightly, "You owe me three times actually," she said in a teasing tone before becoming solemn once more. She looked up as she heard a foreign noise and saw the Knights, deciding to remain silent she waited for Marie to see them. Knowing how many Knights she murdered, she thought it was best if she put her weapons in her hilt and feigned being weaponless, glaring silently at the Knights as she waited for Marie. As Marie made her comments, she nodded slightly, keeping her eyes on the Knights in front of them, turning her head slowly she saw more behind them and felt slightly flustered.


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Marie looked at the Knights and sighed, knowing that if she tried to move, she would get shot by an arrow. She knew these knights wouldn't kill her because she was needed alive but she worried about Lillith. If just surrendered, she knew Lillith would certainly die. She hoped that if she were to surrender, she could make arrangements for Lillith to stay alive. She slowly backed away from the knights and closer to Lillith. The Knights pulled back on the bowstring and soon became more cautious of the assassins. She leaned over to Lillith and lightly whispered in her ear. "Do you see that window to the right?" She asked hoping the young assassin saw it before she did anything else. "I am going to cause a distraction while you jump out of the window." She hoped Lillith would do as she said but no matter what was to happen, Lillith was going out that window. She held the bow up at one of the knights and sent the arrow through the air with incredible speed. She knew there were guards surrounding them so she pushed Lillith down as the Knights set their arrows off. She knew that it would give them enoguh time to get out the window from the lack of speed caused by their armor. She looked above her as the arrows flew over their head and into the guards behind them. "Go!" She yelled at Lillith.


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#, as written by inu-bri
Lillith nodded as Marie gave her instructions, plans forming in her own mind. As Marie knocked her down, she landed on all fours and heaved herself out of the second story window. Grabbing onto the edge, she made it look as though she had gone down to the ground but instead held to the ledge, shimmying herself away from the window. She came to a stop at least 5 metres away, her arms shaking from the exertion. Heaving herself up, she stood on the thin ledge and began to work her way northward, periodically dropping down as she came to windows in order to not be seen, each time she did this, she raised her head for a fraction of a second to see if she could see an ally.


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Marie watched as Lillith jumped from the window and smiled. She looked around to see the knights with new arrows on their bows. She knew they would not kill her but also knew if she tried to run, she'd get shot and possibly killed. She sighed as the knights got closer but she stood. She quickly ran for the window and jumped out with incredible speed. She exited the window and found herself flying through the air with little to grab hold of. she looked around frantically when she noticed a building right below her where she could land. She knew she had landed many more jumps similar to this one but at higher heights so she knew she would be alright. She directed all of her force down hoping to land on the building when an arrow flew passed and grazed her arm. The arrow cut her arm drastically and pain surged through her body. She hit the rooftop but soon lost her balance and rolled down the side. She reached out and grabbed the railing of the building with her good arm and held on with all her might. She winced as the pain continued and the blood flowed. If she was not to be helped, she knew she would fall unconcsious and die.


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#, as written by inu-bri
Lillith heard a foreign noise in the silence and turned her head in time to see Marie get shot. Gasping, she sidled over to a drain pipe which stood a few metres away from her, moving to it, she grabbed on and rode it down to the equivalent of the first storey, at this point the pipe tilted out toward the direction of Marie. Grabbing onto this part tightly, Lillith swung back and forward until she gave enough momentum to fly toward the fallen woman.

When she got there Lillith immediately felt for a pulse and felt one, sighing slightly she ripped the hem of Marie's shirt and wrapped it around the wound. She then slapped Marie on the face, hard "wake up," she snarled, shaking the girl.


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Marie felt the impact on her face and winced as a small bit of pain filled her face. She knew something was wrong but slowly opened her eyes to see Lillith above her. She felt the small pain in her arm getting worse as she tried to lift her arm. She sighed and dropped her arm. She wondered what happened to her but she could only remember one thing, trying to get to the King. She slowly sat up and looked around. She looked at Lillith and smiled lightly. "Thank you." She said as she heard clashing swords from the courtyard as the Guards and Kinra Knights fought. She looked more carefully at her surroundings to find out that they sat on a rooftop of one of the stables. There were many stables within the castle walls. She looked up at the window as Knights held bows out of it. They pulled the arrows back, pulling on the string. Marie quickly jumped from where she sat and used her body to block the arrows. Luckily, none of the arrows hit near them. The knights accuracy was horrbile. She grabbed Lillith's hand and pulled her as she jumped from rooftop to rooftop.


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#, as written by inu-bri
Lillith watched the knights wearily as she waited for Marie to come to. Hearing Marie thank her she nodded once as acknowledgement but continued to watch the Knights as they drew their bows. When the time came she ducked instinctively and followed Marie as they jumped roof to roof over the fighting Knights and Guards, "Where the hell are we going?" she called, loud enough to be heard over the rushing wind but not be heard by the combatants metres below. When they were far from the Knights that had tried to kill them Lillith planted her feet into the shingles of the roof planning to force Marie to stop, "What is happening?" she asked through gritted teeth.


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Marie looked down at the knights and guards and smiled to see the Guards were about to be victorious. She knew that if the guards saw her, she would immediately be put into shackles and dragged to the dungeons. The sound of Lillith's voice echoed through her head but she had now truthful way of answering her question. All that she knew was that she was ging to see the King. She slowly closed her eyes as she continued running and remembered underground tunnels leading into the dungeons themselves, exactly where the King would be. "We're going to see the King." She said knowing that the tunnels were nearby. She had used themn once before but wasn't sure if they had been blocked since then. She felt a powerful force on her hand as Lillith stopped where she stood. Marie was amazed with the force that was used when she heard Lillith began to speak. 'What's Happening?' She asked herself only too find no answers in her head. She ad no idea what was happening. "What do you mean?" She asked knowing that the question could be taken many different ways. She was unsure of what to do. She knew by just standing there, the Kinra Knights were to be getting closer and closer as they spoke.


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#, as written by inu-bri
Lillith frowned as Marie said they were going to see the King, horrid ideas began to form in her mind then she was further more surprised by Marie's bland question, "Why are you here? Why are you seeing the King? Why are the Knights attacking?" She began reeling off questions her anger deeply hidden began to bubble slightly. She was planning to stand and wait for Marie to reply before moving on.

Suddenly, she heard a piercing scream and a raucous laugh and had a keen idea what was abotu to happen, further more she remembered that laugh. She had heard it when the Knights had come and tortured then slaughtered her family. Glancing once at Marie she allowed her eyes to show her intention then slunk off to the edge of teh building and looked over the gutter to see a Knight cornering a young woman. She snarled and launched off the roof of the building and taclked the Knight from behind, stabbing him in teh back of the neck as her momentum knocked him over. Her eyes met teh girls and she knew to run, fast.

Lillith pulled herself back onto the roof hoping that Marie would still be there.


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#, as written by inu-bri
((OOps double post :S))


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#, as written by inu-bri
Lillith frowned as Marie said they were going to see the King, horrid ideas began to form in her mind then she was further more surprised by Marie's bland question, "Why are you here? Why are you seeing the King? Why are the Knights attacking?" She began reeling off questions her anger deeply hidden began to bubble slightly. She was planning to stand and wait for Marie to reply before moving on.

Suddenly, she heard a piercing scream and a raucous laugh and had a keen idea what was abotu to happen, further more she remembered that laugh. She had heard it when the Knights had come and tortured then slaughtered her family. Glancing once at Marie she allowed her eyes to show her intention then slunk off to the edge of teh building and looked over the gutter to see a Knight cornering a young woman. She snarled and launched off the roof of the building and taclked the Knight from behind, stabbing him in teh back of the neck as her momentum knocked him over. Her eyes met teh girls and she knew to run, fast.

Lillith pulled herself back onto the roof hoping that Marie would still be there.


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Marie looked at Lillith as the young woman answered her questions with questions. She knew only one reason for having to go see the King. That reason was because if she ddin't the ruins would make sure she did. She didn't know how to answer that question with the knowledge she had. She turned way from Lillith and closed her eyes, hoping to get a vision that would allow her to reveal the ruins to the girl. She sighed as no results came and began to speak. "I just need..." She looked at Lillith to see that she had vanished from where she stood. She stood in silence for many moments when she heard the sounds of a persom climbing up from behind her. She turned once more to see Lillith returning to the rooftops but sighed. She did not wish to begin speaking once more about the king. "The Knights are here for me. They want to take me to one of their leaders for... most likely torture." She knew that is what the knights wanted but was amazed that they had arrived in such large numbers. She looked down into the courtyard that was barely in view to see the Guards had successfully defeated the remaining knights. The guards were still plentiful in number and powerfull enough to defeat the remaining knights within the castle. She looked at Lillith and knew a full explanation was needed. "I cannot tell you anything more," She said as she turned to look at the massive castle. "It is not the time, but the time will come for you to find out."


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#, as written by inu-bri
Lillith's eyes glinted, "sounds fun," she said in a cynical tone, her eyes flashing dangerously as she drew her weapons "Shall we dance?" she asked, her Mother had taught her to follow her elder no questions asked and she was going to stand by that rule, for the moment. She stepped in line with Marie a vicious smile spreading over her face, and she turned to look at Marie for instructions. Her heart beat rose and her eyes dilated as she felt the adrenaline rush begin to bubble in her blood. She became restless and began spinning her weapons expertly in her hands as she waited for Marie to begin moving.


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Marie saw how happy Lillith was to be fighting but she wasn't sure why. She was not even happy herself, she was desperate. She knew she had to get to the King soon but had no idea how long it would take her or even if the King is still alive. She worried for the King but knew of one passage into the dungeons. "We must find the stables where there is a stack of three Haybales." She said as she looked at Lillith. This would be their only entrance into the castle. She knew that if she was spotted by the guards, they would take her in. If she was spotted by the Knights, they would do the same. She looked around and saw three stables throughout the courtyard. One was at the other edge of the courtyard, one in the middle, and they seem to be standing on one. "There are three stables here but only one of them has the actually trapdoor beneath. I need you to help me find it while staying out of sight. If I am spotted by a guard, we cannot fight. A knight on the otherhand, kill." She knew Lillith would want to kill the Guards but she hoped the young assassin would restrain herself.


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#, as written by inu-bri
Lillith listened to Marie's instructions intently, once the other woman had finished she nodded once to show her understanding of the task. Silently, she pointed to herself and the furthest stable and check, "If we meet back here in five minutes, I'll go to the far two and you go to the nearest, I have no qualms with not killing guards and killing those bastard Knights." She said grimly.

She looked out over the castle grounds which were bathed in moonlight and flames from suspended torches. She could see lone Knights running around and groups of guards prowling for the enemy. There were bloodstains every now and again and a few dead bodies spread around. She paled slightly before she was able to steady herself. Making her expression stoic again she turned to Marie, "ready when you are," she murmured quietly.


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Marie knew the plan but also knew that the stable with the trapdoor was right below her. They were standing on the very stable that would lead them into the dungeon but she felt that Lillith needed to feel useful. She may have saved Marie's life multiple times but Marie knew there was much more to the girl. She was an assassin afterall and assassins kill, not run. "Alright," Marie said with a smile. "Go look at the other stables. Each stable has the three haybales stacked up so all you need to do is move the Hay scattered on the floor out of the way." She said. "I'm ready so go whenever you are." She jumped off the side of the building and sighed. He arm was killing her and her energy was drained. She knew if she got into a battle, she would surely die.


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#, as written by inu-bri
Lillith saw something in Marie's eyes, something deceptive but she ignored it, for the time being. Another lesson from her Mother flashed through her head, never trust a fellow assassin, regardless,. Keeping this in mind, Lillith nodded once to Marie's instruction and launched herself in the opposite direction to Marie landing on the hard ground with a soft thud. She immediately ran to a nearby dark alley and watched the entrance to the stable intently. She had seen the pain on Marie's face when she had used her arm so she could tell that Marie could be easily overpowered and that caused her to watch, almost protect the other woman intently, she needed Marie alive.


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Marie felt the pain in her arm race through her entire body like no other wound had before. She was weak. She knew her strength was fading slowly but she hope she would be able to move the Haybales. She looked to her right to see a number a Kinra Knights running about with guards right behind them. It seemed as if the Knights were running from the guards. She closed her eyes for a few seconds and stood. She slowly walked to the end of the dark alley and looked around cautiously. She knew something bad was about to hapen but she proceeded anyway. She saw nobody around except for a few guards but she slid around the corner with such speed the knights never saw her. She slid behind a small wall and slowly moved in the shadows to the Haybales. She reached out and touched the first haybale. She slowly push the hayball to the side and watched it fall silently. She felt as if she was being watched but shook that feeling off. She grabbed the second haybale and pushed it off as well. She heard footsteps coming her way so she dropped to the ground and crouched behind the haybales, slowly looking over the top. She saw a few guards but it seemed that they didn't notice her. She waited until the guards left and fell back against the wall beside her and sighed. He arm began to hurt once more from all the moving so she decided to take a small break.


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#, as written by inu-bri
Lillith slunk further into the shades as the guards came through. Her heart quickened as they stopped mere metres away from her and she silently drew her daggers in case they saw her. The deadly steel flashed hungrily in the flames as she pulled them out of their sheaths but otherwise she remained unnoticed. She let a sigh of relief out as the guards moved on. Slinking with feline grace she came to stand in the dancing shadows just inside the stable, almost invisible in the shadows with her cloak around her. She ducked slightly and pushed herself as far back against the wall as humanly possible, watching Marie intently, waiting for her to go down the tunnel which Lillith guessed was there.

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Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!


Kinra by NateStei

This is where All posting will go

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Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

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Locations where Mobs and Items might appear.


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The Forge

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View All » Add Character » 14 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Marie Raime
Character Portrait: Adele Allessendra
Character Portrait: Atreyu Allesandra
Character Portrait: Sadonis
Character Portrait: Rosa Reiyan
Character Portrait: Auryon De Whisper
Character Portrait: Lillith Wenstin Hier
Character Portrait: Richard Herni


Character Portrait: Richard Herni
Richard Herni

A highly respected General within the King's Court who is noble to the Kingdom. He hates the Kinra Knights with all his heart for killing his parents. He will attempt to kill any Kinra Knight on sight.

Character Portrait: Lillith Wenstin Hier
Lillith Wenstin Hier

One of the newer assassins, she has an uncanny ability to move without being seen and is always up for a challenge despite how many odds are against her.

Character Portrait: Auryon De Whisper
Auryon De Whisper

Behind this mask, there is a heart...

Character Portrait: Rosa Reiyan
Rosa Reiyan

A woman with a body count in the thousands. Don't mess with her.

Character Portrait: Sadonis

A Kinra Knight Officer of the highest caliber, he holds reign of crucial information. He wishes to aid the assassins in their attempt against the General. The only question is the price he will ask for, and why.

Character Portrait: Atreyu Allesandra
Atreyu Allesandra

Spy in the Kinra Knights. So anyone can fight fairly no one said I was going to.

Character Portrait: Adele Allessendra
Adele Allessendra

A master assassins, trained from birth, Adele has a higher body count then he'd like to admit.

Character Portrait: Marie Raime
Marie Raime

She was orphaned when her house was attacked by the Kinra knights and her parents were hung. She has been an assassin ever since yet also a highly respected noblewoman.


Character Portrait: Marie Raime
Marie Raime

She was orphaned when her house was attacked by the Kinra knights and her parents were hung. She has been an assassin ever since yet also a highly respected noblewoman.

Character Portrait: Atreyu Allesandra
Atreyu Allesandra

Spy in the Kinra Knights. So anyone can fight fairly no one said I was going to.

Character Portrait: Sadonis

A Kinra Knight Officer of the highest caliber, he holds reign of crucial information. He wishes to aid the assassins in their attempt against the General. The only question is the price he will ask for, and why.

Character Portrait: Richard Herni
Richard Herni

A highly respected General within the King's Court who is noble to the Kingdom. He hates the Kinra Knights with all his heart for killing his parents. He will attempt to kill any Kinra Knight on sight.

Character Portrait: Adele Allessendra
Adele Allessendra

A master assassins, trained from birth, Adele has a higher body count then he'd like to admit.

Character Portrait: Auryon De Whisper
Auryon De Whisper

Behind this mask, there is a heart...

Character Portrait: Rosa Reiyan
Rosa Reiyan

A woman with a body count in the thousands. Don't mess with her.

Character Portrait: Lillith Wenstin Hier
Lillith Wenstin Hier

One of the newer assassins, she has an uncanny ability to move without being seen and is always up for a challenge despite how many odds are against her.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Rosa Reiyan
Rosa Reiyan

A woman with a body count in the thousands. Don't mess with her.

Character Portrait: Lillith Wenstin Hier
Lillith Wenstin Hier

One of the newer assassins, she has an uncanny ability to move without being seen and is always up for a challenge despite how many odds are against her.

Character Portrait: Marie Raime
Marie Raime

She was orphaned when her house was attacked by the Kinra knights and her parents were hung. She has been an assassin ever since yet also a highly respected noblewoman.

Character Portrait: Auryon De Whisper
Auryon De Whisper

Behind this mask, there is a heart...

Character Portrait: Atreyu Allesandra
Atreyu Allesandra

Spy in the Kinra Knights. So anyone can fight fairly no one said I was going to.

Character Portrait: Adele Allessendra
Adele Allessendra

A master assassins, trained from birth, Adele has a higher body count then he'd like to admit.

Character Portrait: Richard Herni
Richard Herni

A highly respected General within the King's Court who is noble to the Kingdom. He hates the Kinra Knights with all his heart for killing his parents. He will attempt to kill any Kinra Knight on sight.

Character Portrait: Sadonis

A Kinra Knight Officer of the highest caliber, he holds reign of crucial information. He wishes to aid the assassins in their attempt against the General. The only question is the price he will ask for, and why.

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Kinra by NateStei

This is where All posting will go

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » The Assassin War: Out of Character


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Re: [OOC] The Assassin War

O_o;; I've been on vacation for a month, and when I return, there are 400+ posts? Anybody care to give me a quick summary?

Re: [OOC] The Assassin War

Oh ye of little faith NateSei my dear :P

Re: [OOC] The Assassin War

That helps tremendously, thanks. I will have something ASAP.

Re: [OOC] The Assassin War

I hope this helps you for the clothing. My friend sent this to me.[url]–1300_in_fashion[/url]

Re: [OOC] The Assassin War

1) Any player cannot be killed off without permission but you can kill off any of the unnamed assassination targets whenever. My character Marie Raime cannot be killed even though she is in the Assassination target, I will most likely surrender my character but she will not die. If you decide to kill an NPC, you will play as them before they die. Like what I did in my first post, I played a shadowy assassin with no name.

2) The year is around like 1254 or something like that... I believe the first gun was made around the late 1400s. I would not like any firearms except cannons, which would most likely be guarding an assassination target.

3) The dress style is a small issue with me and the roleplay. I would try to find, for assassin outfit, something like Assassin's Creed would work but for casual and elegant, confuse me, I use silk for the elegant but I didn't really think it through. I searched up like medieval clothing and it showed like what Ballien wore in Kingdom of Heaven, if you've seen that movie, or Robin Hood, the new one. I'm sorry I can't give you more information about this but it was a flaw I made. But I'd just think of something in the medieval times.

I hope that helps.

Re: [OOC] The Assassin War

I'm interested, but I want to get a few things straight.

1) We're not allowed to kill bad guy PCs without the owner's permission. I expect there will be NPCs we are allowed to stabify, right?

2) Are there any firearms available in this time period? I don't expect there to be advanced automatic rifles and plane-mounted death lasers, but what about matchlock/wheel-lock firearms?

3) What is the typical style of dress for the populace in this time period?

[OOC] The Assassin War

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "The Assassin War"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.