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The Black Lotus Cafe

The Black Lotus Cafe


Look inside to find out!

2,615 readers have visited The Black Lotus Cafe since *~Nya-Chan~* created it.


The Black Lotus Cafe
Founded in the late 1800s by Sebastian Kingsman, a english buisness man, in Tokyo, Japan. The black lotus, named that way for members of the Night world to know that they were more then welcome, and the humans that they are not. The Black Lotus holds things any creature would enjoy, Though costumers are only aloud on the bottom floor, the top floor is rooming for the staff.

The Night World
The Night World is a hidden world which has it's own government and laws, that hides in the shadow of the human world. The night world is the world where all your night mare have been created, yes the world for every monster know to man and then some more! Now being a part of the night world here are the top laws you shoeuld never break and if you do it results in death.
1) Never tell a human about the exsitince of the Night world, or tell them what you are.
2) Do not fall in love with a human.
3) Do not change a human to your species.

Sebastian Kingsman~

Vampires~All Taken
-Bootsie- Vampire- Arata Neru- Single
-Reserved for DarknessToDeath23
-SecretAgentCanada- Vampire- Samantha Burgundy- Single, Not looking

-Reserved for Kugorie
-Bootsie-Demon- Rosaline Naze- Single

-Reserved for MoonlightSonata

-Reserved for RinSai
-MGoodwin2- Witch- Kat Darango- Single

Mix-Breeds~All Taken
-*~Nya-Chan~*- Mix Breed: Vampire Neko- Poppy Ariann Vandiara- Single, Looking
-WinterWolf- Mix Breed: Hell Hound- Micheal Jay Adamson- Single
-Neon.Lynxie- Mix Breed: Demon/Human- October Jiyong Sterling- Single, looking
-Reserved for MoonlightSonata

-SelinaQuinn- Human- Claire Hartly- Single
-Reserved for Neon.Lynxie

Character Skeleton
Apperance- Anime Please
Age- 16 at the youngest and as old as you want
Species- Demon, vampire, mix breed, human
Accents- Do they have any vocal accents
Occupation- where do they work
Relationship status- Single, married, dating
Likes-at least 5
Dislikes-at least 5
Ways of coping-

~Be nice
~Mix it up let breeds mix
~You can cuss just not every other word
~Romance, we want it but don't make every want to crawl in a hole!
~Don't kill unless the person you wanna kill and I have said you could
~No oneliners, please at least three lines
~No txt tlk plz!
~ Have Fun!

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors

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#, as written by Bootsie
>> Rooney Naze <<

Rooney smoothed back her layered white tresses into a pony tail as she began cleaning off the bar. Opening was in fifteen minutes and she had come late due to the traffic in Roppongi. She had been spending a lot of time in Tokyo's night life district lately. She was aiming at adding some drinks she had never encountered to her ever-growing list. It had been a slow week with her only finding two. However, the last bartender she had interrogated concoctions out of had been cute. She had pushed her punctuality by staying late: into the hours where traffic escalated.

Rooney was complimenting herself for her diligence regarding getting dishes to the kitchen last night. Upon her eyes sweeping the array of glass after glass, all had been cleaned. The light of the over-hanging paper lanterns cast off her crimson skin as she stocked each glass into its proper shelf. She completed this leisurely.

There was but a minute until the doors were to be opened and she still needed to grab her fruit garnishes from the kitchen. Rooney prayed no early drinkers would come in; she was in a lazy mood.

The demoness strode to the kitchen and reappeared with a tray of containers of her various garnishes. She stuck the majority of the flora into the mini-fridge below the bar but kept a few limes and lemons out. Rooney poured herself a glass of white wine then took out a carving knife. No cutomers had come yet, much to her liking. She sipped at her spirit and started scultping the citruses into pretty decor for her cutomers' drinks.

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Poppy rolled on his bed, looking over at the purring black kitten next to his head. He looked at the digital clock next to his bed and quickly jumped up, his tail standing on end. He ran to his closet, tripping on a stuffie of a cat on the way, and grabbed his work uniform. he quickly changed into his nicely fitted white button up, and black slacks. he perferred to wear his black out hightops as shoes. He tied his waist apron on and then scurried down stair forgetting to brush he wildly untamed brown locks in the process.

He got down stairs and approached the bar to speak to Rooney.'' Rooney-san, we don't have any costumers yet do we, nya?'' He asked, his dialect one of what a japanese cat might sound like. He looked back at Rooney, his currently toxic green orbs looking over the attractive demoness.

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#, as written by Bootsie
>> Rooney Naze <<

Rooney looked up from the spiraled green peel she had just cut from a lime at the sound of padding feet. Her canary-colored eyes took in the slight build of Poppy. It seemed he was pushing the limits of his punctuality as well. Well, it wasn't like he had to prepare anything other than his uniform. Poppy was one of the employees Rooney liked a good deal. He was a very sweet boy in general and plenty fun to tease. Plus, it was quite hard to dislike someone as adorable as him.

"No, thankfully. You have some sex-hair going on by the way, might want to take care of that," she smirked.

After her remark, she returned to her handy-work. She was onto her last lime and decided to cut it into star wedges.

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"No, thankfully. You have some sex-hair going on by the way, might want to take care of that." He heard Rooney say and he quickly began combing his fingers through his hair roughly, his ears twitching at every touch. '' Aw man, I forgot to brush my hair!'' he said as he began brushing it less franticlly.'' Does it look okay now Rooney-san?'' He asked his eyes wide with question as he watched her cut the limes into the little shapes. He never got how she did, he always ended up cutting himself.

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#, as written by Lambie
Micheal woke up an hour early to clean himself up and get ready. Today he wore his usual bartender uniform awhite utton up shirt, black slacks, and black shoes. He went to the restroom and fixed his hair once he settled his hair he opened his mouth. Micheal took notice of his slightly sharpen teeth, but four very pronounced canines showed up the most. He knew that he had to feed soon it had almost been about six days since his last feeding. The problem is where to get fresh blood and not worry about killing someone.

Micheal closed his mouth and smiled a bit to see that his canines were very pronounced. Quickly he pressed his lips trogether this would be diffricult. What Micheal really feared was the attack of pain of not feeding and finally he feared attacking someone not the best situation to be in. Finally after a long debate Micheal head down stairs to the bar to start his shift. When he saw Rooney, the other bartender who was widdling away. "Good day to you Rooney." He said lightly trying hard not to smile.

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#, as written by Bootsie
Rooney watched as the neko-vampire fretted over his hair and smiled gently at his franticness.

"Yeah, you're good," she approved.

As she finished with the lime, another employee came into the room. It was Michael.

She greeted him with a casual hey and an equally casual smile. She silently wondered if they had been booked for the same shift. At the moment she didn't care, she was glad to be excused of her work. She set down her knife and almost simultaniously the night's first customer entered. Arata was dressed in an unusual garbof a tee shirt and jeans, signaling he had just gotten off work. He normally dressed much sharper. It had been a long day and he was in the mood for some good food and good company. He waved a hello to Poppy and beckoned him over once he took a seat at the bar.

"Go home Arata, I'm too tired for any customers," she whined.

Being a regular, Arata knew better than to take Rooney seriously.

He laughed back, "Can you get me an iced tea then Michael? Maybe laying off that wine will help you stay awake, neh Rooney? Oh, and Poppy, could I get a menu please?"

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Poppy looked up and smiled as Micheal entered.'' Hey Micheal-san! How are you, Nya?'' He asked as he began to skip around making sure there was silver-ware on every table, and cups or wine glasses too. He smiled at Rooney and nodded as she had given him an okay on his hair. He sat down back at the bar just as the little bell above the door chimed, signaling their first costumer of the night. He looked up his eyes shinning as he saw one of the most regular, and personally one of Poppy's favorite costumers. '' Helloo! Arata-sama, would you like to hear the specials for tonight, nya?'' He asked scarmpering over and grabbing one of the laminated black and red menu's that sat in the kitchen. he held it out to Arata happily, his tail waving in a almost hyper way.

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#, as written by Bootsie
:: Arata Neru ::

He too the menu and began eyeing it, though he knew it well. He was in the mood for seomthing a bit light. This was also the reason he didn't immediately order alcohol. He had a feeling he would be here a while and didn't want to relax himself too much less he doze off. Arata was starting to read the list of salads when Poppy broke him from his concentration.

"Oh yes please," Arata answered.

He turned his attention back to the teen with a light smile.

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Poppy waited silently as Arata scanned the menu, kind of suprised he didn't have it memerized for him being here so much. ''Oh, well. We have a few american dishes, but also some japanese. Um, We have a speciel Yakisoba, and Hamubagu. And the american specials are a bowel of potato soup, or Sandwhich, meat and cheese of your liking on wheat or white bread.'' he said tapping his chin and looking up as he thought of any thing else he could have forgotten. Not thinking of anything he took a seat at the bar and looked at Everyone a smile on his face.

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#, as written by Lambie
Micheal was happy to see Rooney and Poppy as well. "Good day to both of you." There first customer had arrived Arata as usual. He was suprise no acohol today suprising, but not unheard of. Micheal got the order of tea for Atara as usual Poppy was filled with energy. "Here you go Atara." He said as he placed the drink on the table. As usual Micheal return to the bar where Rooney was, but the minute he was a few feet away a flash of pain flooded through his body like fire. He gasped out loud clenching his stomach as though someone had punched him. Micheal manage to pull himself together before anybody notice as he sat on a bar stool

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Kat was having the most wonderful dream as she turned back in forth in her bed. "MMMMM so much candy." She didn't notice she ws talking in her sleep again."Yes I would love so more, chocolate would be great" she said as she was hugging her pillow. Then a loud alarm came ringing from her clock, waking her from her suger coated dream."Uh", Kat said while placing the pillow on top of her head to block out the noise. Her left hand searched for her wand across on her bed side table. When she finally found it, Kat spun the wand around in her hand, then tapped the alarm clock, silencing it. Kat dropped her wand on her floor, wanting to go back to sleep in peace. Kat was drifting back into her calm state of sleeping, until she heard a group of people talking down stairs. Now Kat was furious, She lifted th epillow off her head slowly "okay it has to be t least 3.." then she paused as she looked at the clock. Her bright yellow cat-like eyes grew wide, as she noticed that she had over slepped again. Kat let out a blunt scream as she srambled out of bed to get ready."If I'm late again, Sebastian is gonna kill me" Kat said as she got dressed in a black and white dress with frills. Then pulled her pink and green hair into a ponytail leaving her bangs out.Got to hurry Kat slipped on her black mary janes nd grabbed her wand. As Kat opened her door, she suddenly remembered wait Kat turned around then waved her wand, then her messy room became clean. Then she ran down stairs, she was running because in Kat's long 205 year old life she had never seen anything scarier than Sebastian mad at her.

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*Ha Sorry Im Late XD*

October had woken up earlier to go on a walk before work and to play music in the park near by. Completely lost in his alone time singing, occasionally some random person would stop and smile before walking on moving on with their life, while October just continued on. He sat on a bench playing a soft song before checking the time and squeaking, noticing he is almost late. Packing his stuff in a hurry October quickly ran with his off the shoulder bag and guitar in hand.
β€œSebastian is going to kill me!” He whinnied ignoring the funny looks of people.
He quickly walking in The Black Lotus Cafe and ran up to his room changing into a nice fitting white button up shirt and throwing a tight black vest over it and threw on some black some what tight β€˜slacks’. he than looked for his black waist apron while quickly brushing his hair back into place having most cover a bit of his face. Finding it he put it on and shyly paced back down stairs and bowed.
β€œSorry.” He apologized several more times as he went to the bar trying to avert everyone’s glances.
β€œGood morning Rooney-Sama,” October blushes and bowed once again. He smiled and rubbed his eyes letting out a yawn. He would have to say Rooney was probably his favorite because they had a connection being both demons…Or Him being half. She was nice and he enjoyed having her around
β€œIm not too late! Only by like what 20 minuets” He smirked and bit his lip looking around at everyone.

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#, as written by Bootsie
Arata listened aptly as Poppy read off the night's specials. Nothing caught his fancy.

"Hmm, I think I'll just take the nicoise salad," Arata said, "And thanks Michael."

He took the glass in hand and took a large swig from it. Delicious. He hadn't realized untiil now how little he had drank toda. Not that it mattered, as blood was the only sustinence he needed, but it was more of a comfort thing. And while he hadn't taken notice of mthe bartender's strike of pain, Rooney had. She casually slid to where he wass sitting and leaned close to him.

"When was the last time you fed? It's going to be bad shit for everyone if you go on a rampage in here, so get it straightened out," she murmured sharply.

She didn't want to make a scene with how relaxed the cafe was at the moment, but they needed to play it safe. Though she could fend Michael off given her strength, it wouldn't be an easy or fun or desirable task. She recoiled. Her mood was lightened by the arrival of two more emplooyees though. But it seemed that like Poppy, both Kat and October had overslept.

"Hey hun," she smiled back.

It was cute how formal October was. He was a good guy and it was nice to have another of her species working here. Rooney finished off her wine and stored the glass below the counter.

"Seems like everyone is running late tonight. You all are lucky Sebastian isn't here yet, he'd have our asses," she muttered.

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"What a waste of a day...." Claire mumbled to her food as she took a huge bite of it. She wasn't entirely sure of what it was, but that didn't detour her from adoring the dish. Quietly she ate her meal in peace contemplating on what her next move was going to be. Either she can continue her job hunt, which always seems to end in failure, or go off and explore the city some more. Once she was done with her bowl of food she left a generous tip and made sure to thank the waitress again for the wonderful meal. Not wanting the day to be a complete waste, she opted for exploring the city of Tokyo. Even though she had been there a week the beauty of the culture of the people who ocupied it and the towering building of lights still greatly excited her. Today she decieded to visit a temple not far from the restaurant she ate at. Excitment filled her as she walked closer to her destination. Claire had only seen pictures of temples and was pumped to finally see one in person. "It's such an amazing city." she said to herself with a smile. 'I'm sure I'll find a job here....' she thought optimisticly, taking a walk and sight seeing always seemed to calm her and perk up her day.

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#, as written by Lambie
Micheal felt another sharp bit of pain. This time it felt like someone smashed his head in. He felt through his hair a familiar bit of horns starting to take shape. "When was the last time you fed? It's going to be bad shit for everyone if you go on a rampage in here, so get it straightened out," she murmured sharply. Micheal didn't want to tell Rooney that it was about six days since his last feeding. His human form which he usually kept was starting to become harder to stay. If he stayed in his true form the pain would stop and he could at least go through his shift. Maybe during a break he could get a bite.

Micheal headed to the storage room in the back. He quickly unbutton his shirt and removed the flaps that was specially design in shirt for such an occassion. Micheal took a deep breath as he felt himself change. He felt the warm sensation of his ears, the small black wings begin to sprout from his back, and finally his tail slipped from his lower back over his pants. Micheal look like he was 16 years old instead of 21 years old. His true for made him younger since he was closer to his dog form.

Finally, Micheal had finished his transformation he licked his teeth the canines were reduce a four sharpen teeth. He sighed a bit the pain had vanish and he didn't feel the horns on his head anymore. Micheal quickly got his button yo shirt on and got back on to the floor. He rolled up his sleeve a bit since his arms were a bit shorter now but his height had shruken a bit, but not to bad. It was rare to see Micheal in his true form and even rarer to see him in his hellhound form, but he merely smiled. "Good day October."

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#, as written by RinSai
Lottie yawned, stretching out over her bed as her alarm rung. This was the third time it rung, seeing as he had hit the 'snooze' button on it to get a couple more minutes of sleep in. Defeated, she hit the button on top of it and hopped out of bed. Stalking over to her closet, she pulled out a plain white t-shirt, her dark blue apron, and a pair of black jean shorts. Once dressed, she didn't even bother to fix her hair properly― she ran her hand through it a few times to get tangles out, and let it settle on its own with a few strands sticking up as usual.
By her door, she slipped on her sneakers and made her way downstairs, where she already saw several people. "Good morning!" Passed by her lips as she leaned on one of the bar stools, looking over the tables. She was positive she did a good job cleaning up last time after they closed. But as she surveyed her handiwork, a single flaw caught her eyes and made a scowl form on her face― a ring on a table left by a glass. Maybe she hadn't done such a good job after all.
Quickly, Lottie turned and struggled to reach over the bar for a cloth and cleaning solution. Once it was in her hands, she moved to clean the spot as if she were a man marching to a battlefield, with a grim look in her eyes and a determination to do her duty. She would make sure that if a table was open for customers to sit at, it would have a shine to it as if someone had devoted their entire life to cleaning said table. Needless to say, her job as busgirl was one of the only things that she really took seriously.

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Poppy nodded to Arata and skipped to the kitchen to get his order. After a few minutes he comes back into sight with the order in his hands. He sat the plate infront of Arata and smiled at him.'' There's your food Arata-Sama, anything else you'll need?'' He asked and then noticed everyone who had arrived. He waved at October, Kat, and Lottie. He sat a few seats down from Arata and looked at Rooney.'' Hey Rooney-san, are you gunna go back to the clubs to find more drinks tonight after closing? If so can I come with you, I need to have some blood before I get to thirsty.'' He said folding his arms on the bar and laid his head on his arms.

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#, as written by Bootsie
>> Rooney Naze <<

Rooney was able to relax a bit when she saw Michael come back in his true form.

"I don't know why you strain yourself like that. S'not like you'll look unusual among us. Besides, you look. Much. Cuter."

Rooney enunciated the last two words with two flirtatious tap to the man's nose with her pointer finger. She flashed her signature smile that closed her eyes and scrunched her already minute nose. It was coy and annoying and belonged so perfectly on her face.

Rooney sent a "Morning love" to Lottie. The girl was so funny, though Rooney envied her dedication a bit. It might've been nice to have something like that.

"Eh I already went out today but I was thinking about going clubbing after work. Found something rather adorable that looks good on the girls. And I'm finding sleep kinda difficult lately. But yeah, I'd love your company. Want to hit up Nicho?" she answered.

Nicho was a district of Shinijuku and was absolutely overflowing with gay-bars. Rooney had never exactly labled herself with a sexuality, finding such a rather human thing to do. She had payed more than a few visits to Nicho in her time in Japan. She figured it would be a good experience for Poppy as well, given his prefference. She rufffled his brown curls affectionately. He looked like such a child ready for a nap.

:: Arata Neru ::

"That'll be all for now, thanks so much," he smiled.

Arata leaned back inhis bar stool and watched Poppy flit over to Rooney. He listned to their conversation mutely, but decided he wanted to be part of the adventure too.

Arata piped up, "I might have to join you two too. I'm a bit low. Plus it feels like forever since I've been out."

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#, as written by Lambie

Micheal allowed his wings a good stretch as he adjusted his shirt. He was happy that his wings were small they only fully stretched out a foot from his body. "I don't know why you strain yourself like that. S'not like you'll look unusual among us. Besides, you look. Much. Cuter." Rooney enunciated the last two words with two flirtatious tap to the man's nose with her pointer finger. She flashed her signature smile that closed her eyes and scrunched her already minute nose. It was coy and annoying and belonged so perfectly on her face. Micheal screwed up his face when Rooney touched his nose. "Oh come now Rrrrooney." He rubbed his cheeck. "The rrrrRrreason I don't stay like this is cause my speech gets imparrrrrred. Plus I am still growing in this form in anotherrrr decade or so I should get my horrrrns." Micheal smiled a bit at the thought of going to Nicho. He wasn't particular about gender what did he care. Micheal was the type to like just about anything. Strange since alot of creatures thought he only swung one way.

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Kat krepted down the hallway to be as sneaky as possible so no body would notice her being late again. Okay Kat breath Sebastian may even not be down, even though nine times out of ten he will. Kat moaned at the thought of being scolded by Sebastian."Okay I'm going in," Kat slipped her wand into her dress pocket. She took a deep breath and looked into the cafe, as she searched the room Kat saw no sign of Sebastian."Oh thank god" Kat started to breath normally again. Kat walked into the cafe with a bright smile on her face knowing Sebastian was no where to be found,"Morning everyone" Kat yelled to everyone in the cafe.

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#, as written by RinSai
Lottie finished up cleaning the spot off after just a minute or so. She had gotten a little carried away and redone the entire table, but her self-given task had been completed, so she was happy. She went back to the counter anf sat the supplies behind it before hoisting herself up onto a stool. Her feet hung over a foot off the ground, given her height.Β 

"Oh, you guys are going to go club-hopping again?" Lottie propped her arms up on the counter, laced her fingers together, and sat her head down on them.Β 

She'd always wanted to join them going from club to club, but two things prevented her from goingβ€” her age and her appearance. Though she'd indulge in a bit of alcohol from the cafe from time to time, she was still underage. Secondly, even if she were of age, not many people would believe her. She still looked like a young highschool student. Even if she did get in to a club, she wouldn't be able to have alcohol, and any guy she picked up would be some creep looking for a little kid.Β 

Lottie shuddered at the thought of some creepy pedophile being interested in her, and sighed. The sigh was soon accompanied by one of her well-known smiles that usually decorated her face. "Sounds like a ton of fun~"

As Kat entered and greeted everyone, Lottie's smile broke into a bit of a grin as a 'good morning' to her fellow, more experienced, witch friend.Β 

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October waved at everyone and puffed out his cheeks looking like a chipmunk.Not listening to anyone's conversations but to glance around the Cafe, nothing seemed out of place and almost everyone was here.
He poked Rooney's cheek smirking While he watched Micheal interested at how adorable he was in that form, before his attention was drawn away by Kat entering.
"HI Kat!" He bowed politely and smiled beginning waving like a child.
"Sebastian isn't here, don't worry i was late too!" He giggled and bit his lip before looking around his cheeks puffed out once again. He glanced around watching everyone while they were all deep in their conversations they shared.To Him it seemed like it was hard too keep one going with anyone other than someone of his kind Like Rooney. Since most peoples minds worked differently than his own. Yawning he laid his head on the bar not wanting to get up and work and closed his eyes humming.

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"Eh I already went out today but I was thinking about going clubbing after work. Found something rather adorable that looks good on the girls. And I'm finding sleep kinda difficult lately. But yeah, I'd love your company. Want to hit up Nicho?" Rooney answered him and ruffled his hair, and before he got a peep in he heard Arata chimming in with, "I might have to join you two too. I'm a bit low. Plus it feels like forever since I've been out." Poppy jumped up happily in his seat and fist pumped.'' Oh yeah! A night out in Nicho with Rooney-san and Arata-sama, How fun!'' He exclaimed his hyper-activity acting in as he grinned a chesire grin.'' I can't wait! Does anyone else wanna come?''

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'' I can't wait! Does anyone else wanna come?''
October glanced at Poppy, who grinned like a mad man,confused.
"Go where?" He asked clearly not paying attention just hearing bits and parts of everyone's conversations.
"Sorry Poppy-San I wasn't really listening." He Sat up straight and bowed blushing before going back to puffing out his cheeks in a habit.He never really talked to Poppy much and just kinda shied away from the boy. Glancing at him he smiled softly trying to look somewhat friendly and approachable so he wouldn't get mad or scared that October even thought about wanting to tag along.

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0.00 INK

#, as written by Lambie

Micheal shook his head from his thoughts about going to Nicho. He was concerned about him feeding and felt like he need to distant himself. Usually this was a common side effect of needing blood or maybe it was because he'd been at the Cafe for some time. What he wanted more than anything else was a relationship, an actual meaningful relationship. Maybe it was the fact he hadn't been feeding like he should, but maybe he should avoid the club scene for awhile.

Poppy jumped up happily in his seat and fist pumped.'' Oh yeah! A night out in Nicho with Rooney-san and Arata-sama, How fun!'' He exclaimed his hyper-activity acting in as he grinned a chesire grin.'' I can't wait! Does anyone else wanna come?'' Micheal decided to move onto the inside of the bar to wipe down some bottles. "I'll pass." He growled out, not meaning for it to come out as growl. Micheal just need to feed so he could go back to his human form and be able to speak normally without growling.

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Character Portrait: Kat Darango
0 sightings Kat Darango played by mgoodwin2
May I take your order?
Character Portrait: Sonya De Luca
0 sightings Sonya De Luca played by MoonlightSonata
"Welcome to the Black Lotus Cafe! What can I get you today?"
Character Portrait: June Tammie Camacho
0 sightings June Tammie Camacho played by DarknessToDeath23
"Welcome.. To the Black Lotus Cafe.."
Character Portrait: Astarte De'vil
0 sightings Astarte De'vil played by Kugorie
Does it really look like I want to listen to what ever the hell you gotta say?

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in The Black Lotus Cafe. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

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View All » Add Character » 15 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Poppy Ariann Vandiara
Character Portrait: Samantha Burgundy
Character Portrait: October Jiyong Sterling
Character Portrait: Claire Hartly
Character Portrait: Micheal Jay Adamson
Character Portrait: Scarlett Lara Halle
Character Portrait: Autumn Lau


Character Portrait: Micheal Jay Adamson
Micheal Jay Adamson

What's your drink order?

Character Portrait: October Jiyong Sterling
October Jiyong Sterling

Annyeonghaseyo!Welcome to the Black Lotus Cafe! Please Enjoy! <3

Character Portrait: Samantha Burgundy
Samantha Burgundy

"You were the one that caused this so clean it up before someone catches you, imbecile. I refuse to take anymore god damn authority over someone else's problem."

Character Portrait: Poppy Ariann Vandiara
Poppy Ariann Vandiara

''Hi, Welcome to The Black Lotus Cafe!''


Character Portrait: Micheal Jay Adamson
Micheal Jay Adamson

What's your drink order?

Character Portrait: October Jiyong Sterling
October Jiyong Sterling

Annyeonghaseyo!Welcome to the Black Lotus Cafe! Please Enjoy! <3

Character Portrait: Poppy Ariann Vandiara
Poppy Ariann Vandiara

''Hi, Welcome to The Black Lotus Cafe!''

Character Portrait: Samantha Burgundy
Samantha Burgundy

"You were the one that caused this so clean it up before someone catches you, imbecile. I refuse to take anymore god damn authority over someone else's problem."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Poppy Ariann Vandiara
Poppy Ariann Vandiara

''Hi, Welcome to The Black Lotus Cafe!''

Character Portrait: Micheal Jay Adamson
Micheal Jay Adamson

What's your drink order?

Character Portrait: October Jiyong Sterling
October Jiyong Sterling

Annyeonghaseyo!Welcome to the Black Lotus Cafe! Please Enjoy! <3

Character Portrait: Samantha Burgundy
Samantha Burgundy

"You were the one that caused this so clean it up before someone catches you, imbecile. I refuse to take anymore god damn authority over someone else's problem."

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