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Owen Simmons

"Umm... hello"

0 · 321 views · located in Oakhill, OH

a character in “The Cousin Remake”, as played by Dreams and Wishes



Name - Owen Micheal Simmons "Please just call me Owen"

Age - 12 *sighs* "I know... I know I'm just a kid"

Role - Younger Child "My sister's name is Kendall... I think I get on her nerves sometimes"

Gender - Male *swallows hard* "I'm a boy, but sometimes other kids bigger then I am pick on me"

Species- Human "This is really an odd question... Isn't everybody human?"

Weapons - Pocket Knife "Uh... my dad gave it to me"

Personality -

Owen is a quiet boy who likes to read and typically keeps to himself, being very shy. It bother's hims sometimes because his sister is so determined and outgoing. Often he wonders if there is something wrong with him, because he is different from her. Owen enjoys simple things, he hardly ever plays video or computer games and is content reading or putting together model airplanes that he decorates his room with.

His father has often told him it is because he has an "old soul" but Owen isn't quite sure what that means. At school he is often bullied by other boys his age becuase he doesn't play the games they do or watch the TV shows and movies they do. They say he's weird and he has come home many times bruised, scraped and bloodied. This only makes him even more shy and his mother worries he might become reclusive.

Bio -

Owen's earliest memories weren't of mom and dad reading him a bed time story, or taking him to the park; it was of his sister Kendall and following her around the backyard of their quaint middle class home. It always seemed like mom and dad were to busy working or with their own social lives to really interact with their children. For the longest time everyone referred to him as "Kendall's shadow", but as she grew older and became interested in more "interesting" things, Owen learned to entertain himself... at least that's what everyone thought he was doing. Many time we would be found sitting in his room playing with blocks and talking to thin air. To an adults eyes it was amusing to see the little boy talking to an imaginary friend. But as he got older and he still continued this they worried that something perhaps was wrong with the child and Owen learned quickly not to talk to whomever he was seeing... at least in front of anyone that is.

For the longest time Owen has seen people who are in his home in Concord, one is a man with a bowler hat and smokes a pipe. Another is a beautiful woman with long flowing black hair, ruby lips dressed in a long white gown, then there is the one in the basement. Owen refuses to go down in the basement by himself for fear of the thing with the glowing red eyes that likes to lurk in the dark corners of the dank basement. As he has grown older, and been heckled by many a psychiatrist Owen learned that he must not say anything about what he see's anywhere at home... at school... everywhere. Even his sister who he once confided in has turned a cold shoulder to him telling him that ghosts and demons don't exist. So he stay in his room quietly reading, listening to music, or making models of all sorts, airplanes being his favorite.

At school he feels alienated and alone, he enjoys school when it comes to academics and makes exceptional grades. But his odd hobbies, quiet nature and book smarts often make him a target for bullies. He does his best to try to stay out of the line of fire but it's not always easy, typically running to the school bus a fast as his feet can carry him when the school bell ends the day.

Now that summer has started he is feeling abandoned as his parents ship him and his sister off to a cousins house while they gallivant around the world on a cruise ship. It makes him sad because his sister as of late had stopped talking to them when the news was dropped in their laps. A fear of the unknown and a feeling that something bad is going to happen hovers around Owen like a cloud. He doesn't know his uncles son that well and the times when he has met him. Owen was so intimidated by the sure aura around him, that he avoided him the whole time the families were together. Now the thought of spending the entire summer with him is almost maddening to Owen.

Theme song - (optional)

* Owen has psychic abilities where he can see ghosts and also sense evil demonic spirits.
* Owen can also communicate with these entities. But he fears evils spirits and tries to avoid them.
* Owen really does not understand his affinity for making models, but he feels a very strong connection to the things he builds. Especially the World War II era planes he painstakingly works on.

So begins...

Owen Simmons's Story


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Character Portrait: Owen Simmons
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Owen sat in the back seat lazily watching the country scenery fly past the window as his parents happily conversed about the cruise they were about to embark on. It was no surprise to him that they were sending them away, just so they can have fun by themselves on the trip. They had never been the loving, emotionally supportive parents, now Owen and Kendall never wanted financially for anything all he had to do was ask and he was given just about anything he wanted. Sadly though Owen learned young in life that his parents really found their own entertainment more important then building a relationship with their children. Kendall coped with the abandonment by filling her life with friends, social activities and all out rebellion at times, but Owen didn't find any of that appealing.

Kendall hadn't said a word in almost a month, since their parents announced the trip with excited glee. All Owen did was ask why he couldn't come with them and he got an excuse about how it was a prize given to his father for good performance at work. That only two tickets were awarded, Owen wasn't stupid though he knew very well that his parents had the financial capability to pay for two more tickets so that he and Kendall could go as well. The truth was that they didn't want them to come, they had always enjoyed each other's company over that of their children.

Owen stuck his hand in his pocket and fiddled with the pocket knife his father had given him a couple of years ago. His father told him that he had received it from his own father when he had turned ten years old, and it had been passed down from father to son for several generations. Owen smiled at the thought that maybe his great grandfather whom he had been named for had once held the small knife in his hand. Maybe then the wood on the handle had been bright and the blade had been shining and new. But now the wood's color had deepened with age marred with scuffs and nicks, the blade tarnished and dulled with years of use. It was the only thing his father had ever even him that ever made him feel like he mattered to his father. Owen pulled himself out of thought and looked up to his parents in the front seat of the car.

"Dad, mom are we almost there?" he asked.


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Character Portrait: Owen Simmons Character Portrait: Kendall Simmons
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Kendall looked out the window in utter silence for ages. She had watched as the city faded into the distance and they entered the middle of no where. She hated her parents right now. Sure they normally gave her everything she wanted but she would have rather stayed home by herself then come here. Honestly, who sends their kid to some redneck filled torture town for the summer while they embark on a cruise. Obviously her parents did. She figured it had something to do with their cousin. She didn't remember her name but she despised him for this. He probably told them to send them over. If he thought he was going to tell her what to do this summer he was utterly mistaken. He couldn't be more than a year older than her, certainly in no place to have any say in what she did.

"Dad, mom are we almost there?" She heard her brother Owen ask. She looked over at him in a look of annoyance. She really had no reason to be upset with him, but to her anybody who talked was being rude unless it was to say that they were all going on the cruise. She still expected her parents to at some point turn around and say they changed their minds, or they were only messing with her. But no such luck. She saw a tumbleweed cross the street and a huff of breathe escaped her lips and she checked her phone. It didn't show any bars. She looked at it a moment more until uttering her first word in a long time. "No Signal!?" Where on this planet, this planet dependant on technology, would her smart phone not have a single bar? It was mad!

"Well at least she said something," Her father said, and she looked at him with distaste and spoke once again feeling her silent treatment crumbling. "Dad, you can't seriously do this to me. I have no signal! What's next, we won't have internet either? I have to be able to talk to my friends somehow! It's the least I get for getting in this car at all." She said matter of factly. It was her mother this time who spoke up. "Sweetie, it took us an hour to get you out of your room and in the car." Kendall's arguement was broken. Her parent's weren't going to listen, and even if Owen cared, he couldn't do anything to get her out of the place they were going. They hadn't even arrived yet and she knew she despised it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Arlon Character Portrait: Sumina "Sumi" Crest Character Portrait: Owen Simmons Character Portrait: Cylene Sare Character Portrait: Kendall Simmons
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#, as written by ceh12
(damn double posts)


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Arlon Character Portrait: Sumina "Sumi" Crest Character Portrait: Owen Simmons Character Portrait: Cylene Sare Character Portrait: Kendall Simmons
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#, as written by ceh12
Lucas calmed himself as Sumi spoke to him. It relaxed him whenever she tried to calm him and she had never truley failed at calming him. "You're right I think I hear them now. " he smiled and almost jumped as he heard the vampiress. "Do you ever think of simply saying hi from a distant where you wont scare someone to death? " he said smirking at Cylene. She wasn't too evil comapred to others vampires he knew. She slmost never wore the black cloaks most wore. He didn't blame her seeing her tastes but still.

He looked out at the road and heard the sound of a car or something coming down the path. It had to be his cousins since he had the only car in town and he wasn't using and he didn't let anyone use it without his permission and where they were going. He watched to car pull up and stop. He did look pretty sketchy in retrospect, he was a tall shaggy haired boy a girl with white hair going almost to the ground and talking to a girl leaning in the shade of a tree. He waved to the family and stood up and walked over to the car. "Hello all. " he said perposly making his southern droul out because of his orders from their parents to make Kendall less reliant of technology and Owen to come out of his shell a bit. He although had more intentions on trying to explain the town without freaking them out too much.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Arlon Character Portrait: Sumina "Sumi" Crest Character Portrait: Owen Simmons Character Portrait: Cylene Sare Character Portrait: Kendall Simmons
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Cylene couldn't help but laugh quietly at Lucas's comment. It wasn't as if she had come and threatened to eat him. Besides, humans didn't taste good- deer however were lovely. She also wasn't very terrifying, considering she enjoyed wearing colors and did her best to talk to people. However if she got anywhere near a succubus she would turn the other way and just keep walking. Her smile fell though as Sumi answered her. It was not very clear to her what they could even be waiting for. It wasn't as if the town's inhabitants commonly left Oakhill, if ever.

As the car approached, she shrank back a bit in an attempt to hide from the newcomers. "Lucas, who are-?" but cut herself off as the car came to a stop. She did not like strangers and also felt as though she were interrupting something. But something told her to stay for just a few more moments, to see what exactly these things in the car were and how they knew the town sheriff.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Owen Simmons Character Portrait: Kendall Simmons
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Owen jumped slightly when Kendall started yelling about not having access to technology, that was something that never really appealed to him, but his sister lived for it. He thought it would be nice to be away from the hustle and bustle of the city, but he would never say that in front of Kendall especially right now with her practically cursing her parents to the depths of hell for dropping her into "hillbilly hell". He question wasn't really answered but the site of civilization began to grow closer and quickly. Finally the car pulled to a stop, and Owens eyes went wide he could feel his heart begin to beat wildly in his chest.

This... place is.... there's something wrong I can't stay here" he thought to himself.

The whole aura of the town was giving him a headache, he saw plenty of people walking around but only a handful were visible to anyone else but Owen.

"Just ignore them" talking in his head again then there was a small child that walked up to the door and peered into the car. Owen could see right through the little girl and she appeared to have a huge gash on her head. Owen jumped and screamed "Mom, dad please I can't stay here please don't leave me here!" he cried as he unbuckled himself, scooted across the seat almost clambering into Kendall's lap. It was then the little girl evaporated from the car window, and Owen was left practically hyperventilating.

"If I'm already seeing things and I haven't even got out of the car yet, what is going to happen if I stay here all summer?" he thought as he turned and buried his face in Kendall's shoulder crying.

"I don't want to be here Kendall" he sobbed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Arlon Character Portrait: Owen Simmons Character Portrait: Kendall Simmons
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Kendall looked at the upcoming town and knew that it was the place. It was ugly, desolated, and the only place within miles. Not to mention it smelled like a pig sty. At least, she was pretty sure it smelt like one, she had never actually smelt a pig. Much less a pig sty. As they entered she saw a face that was familiar to her that she registered as the one ond only Lucas. It was the person who she planned on making wish he had never heard they needed to go somewhere for the summer. If she was staying in hell she was going to make sure he was there to.

That was about the time her brother spoke up. "Mom, dad please I can't stay here please don't leave me here!" She looked over at him, suprised by the outburst but happy he was taking her side. That was, until she actually saw his face. He had a look of pure terror. It was unmistakenable, he had seen something that scared him straight. Before she could say anything Owen took off his seabelt and buried his face into her shirt sobbing. "I don't want to be here Kendall" She didn't really know what to say to that, instead she took over her duty as a big sister that she often had to use and put her arm around him, resting her head on his. "It's okay Owen, it's okay. I'm going to be here all summer, I won't let anything happen to you."

Then she heard Lucas opened his mouth. "Hello all." She rolled her eyes and took her arm off Owen and looked at Lucas. Then she said to Owen, "And you got Lucas here to watch over you!" She couldn't help but notice that he was heavily armed, at least for her taste. "He looks like he's ready for a war, so we should be fine." She didn't say a thing to her parents as she got out of the car and just looked, no glared, at Lucas. She saw two other people behind him but paid no mind to them. Maybe she could just ignore everyone this summer...maybe.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Arlon Character Portrait: Owen Simmons Character Portrait: Kendall Simmons
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#, as written by ceh12
Lucas smiled slightly and laughed under his breath as Owen clung to his sister. He never had that and to see it was quite comical. He watched the girl get out and shot him an evil look. He smiled innocently and acted like he hadn't seen her in forever which was half true. "What's the matter got a bug in your eye or something? " he looked back at the boy and nodded. "Come on bud the longer you have the thorn in the deeper it gets. " he said cheerily.

He made a mental note to check on Owen. He saw something on the window before darting to his sister and Lucas was curious as hell to find out what it was. He shook the thought and went to the seperate thought of the war comment. His shotgun was fully automatic and pretty harass but he wouldn't take it to war with him. He knew though that where they were so far in the city a gun would proabably seem unusual to them.

He looked over at Sumi and wondered somewhat about her. She was his assistant but it wouldn't make any real sense until he told them what he actually did and that would take a bit of time and a lot of caution. If either were killed or even hurt he couldn't bear the thought of it. This wasn't the safest place on Earth but the main problem would be the succubi. Kendall had a record of getting boys and if an Incubus got a hold of her she would be dead as soon as he got into her bed and her out of her clothes. Owen was younger and more shy making him almost impossible to get without hard work.

Lucas stopped thinking about all that could happen and snapped himself back in reality and looked at his cousins infront of him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Arlon Character Portrait: Sumina "Sumi" Crest Character Portrait: Owen Simmons Character Portrait: Cylene Sare Character Portrait: Kendall Simmons
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Sumi smiled at Lucas when he looked over but he didn't seem to respond. He was thinking. "As usual..." she murmured to herself before her big green eyes were cast towards the hiding vampire. She gave her a small smile and said quietly, "just some of Lucas' relatives." she gave the girl a gentle nod before standing to her feet and taking a step closer towards Lucas, but not too close,and smiling gently to the two cousins. She already knew that running through Lucas' head, he was going through all the things that could get to the two young relatives, though wanted to reassure him that that would never happen. As soon as these two were a part if the household, they were also the people she would protect. She would never let anything happen to them.

She noticed the glare that the girl was giving to Lucas and tilted her head at the girl. It seemed she was a little annoyed at the fact she was here. She gave the girl a smile again. That must be Kendall she thought, and then wondered where the other one, Owen, though she did notice a frightened figure back there...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Arlon Character Portrait: Sumina "Sumi" Crest Character Portrait: Owen Simmons Character Portrait: Cylene Sare Character Portrait: Kendall Simmons
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Cylene simply blinked, wondering if the shifter was lying to her. Lucas had relatives? But more importantly, dare she ask, human relatives? Had one of her fellow vampires hypnotized him? Then again that wasn't exactly possible... stepping out from behind the tree, she examined. The two children.

The pink haired girl scared her and looked like a force to be reckoned with. She looked like she was going to kill Lucas with just her stare and harsh comment. The vampire stepped forward as much as the shade would let her to get a closer look. Oh my! Was she seeing things right? Her hair was beyond strange. Cylene just could not understand it for the life of her why the girl would want to look like that. It simply horrified her and disturbed her further that these two were here. She silently vowed not to assist this mean looking girl unless a succubus should get near her. Lucas didn't deserve to lose his family.

Next she looked at the small child clinging to the girl. He seemed beyond terrified of well, nothing. The kindness in her wanted to approach him and tell him it would be alright, that she would protect him and not let the goblins or other vampires get to him and tear his throat out. However she was increasingly anxious about stepping directly into the sun without her umbrella. So she remained quiet and continued to watch, not wanting to disrupt them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ash Paters Character Portrait: Lucas Arlon Character Portrait: Sumina "Sumi" Crest Character Portrait: Owen Simmons Character Portrait: Cylene Sare Character Portrait: Kendall Simmons
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Ashley's family was talking about their profits for this month when Ashley felt something, something new and different. She left the family room and went to the large window if the front of the house. She stared out it and placed her hand on her chest and on the window. She grabbed her jacket and opened the door "I'll be back for dinner I'm going for a walk." She strolled casually for awhile then she picked up a sent. She started to run towards the smell she ran threw the town and up the hill her heart beating, wind blowing threw her hair she finally slowed down she was walking up a hill then she noticed a small squirrel she was still a little hungry she had a light lunch. She grabbed the squirrel and bit into it. She loved squirrel it was to easy to catch though not a challenge.

She climbed on top of the hill after finishing the squirrel, then she saw a group of people standing by a rock and a tree. Then she realized this was by Lucas's house. She always watched Lucas when he went into the town he was a threat to her and her family she doesn't want to hurt him but if he keeps trying to stop he from he killings she might have to take him down. She looked at the others. Just a vampire and another shifter both are useless compared to her. She smiled knowing she was better and more elegant than a vampire. But that shifter she felt like she was staring at her but she just shrugged it off and kept looking at the others. She couldn't recognize them they seemed human. "Hmm fresh meat." She sat down and watched waiting for the perfect time to approach the others.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ash Paters Character Portrait: Lucas Arlon Character Portrait: Sumina "Sumi" Crest Character Portrait: Owen Simmons Character Portrait: Kendall Simmons
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Sumi looked towards the woods and her ears twitched slightly under her hair, eyes narrowing as she tried to hold back a vicious growl. She hated creatures that would threaten and lurk about, as if waiting for the right time. Before lucas was nineteen, she often had sensed creatures nearby, waiting to jump out and attack. It had made her the protective girl she is today, always watching his back... Now it seemed she needed to watch the back of three little humans... It was obvious, things were going to get a lot harder here on out. Sumi looked to Lucas and rubbed his back. "You realize, I'd never let anything happen to you or your relatives, right?" She tilted her head and then gave him a small smile. "I mean, I'm not stopping being your assistant, yet." She said slightly jokingly, nudging him back with a small swing of her hips.

She looked to the cousins for a moment before her face dropped and she sniffed. There was a vampire here, three young humans, two adult humans, and... Her head quickly turned, looking towards a hill in the distance and narrowing her eyes. And a shapeshifter. She stared in that direction, seeing the shapeshifter sitting down she didn't know if the girl could see her, but she swore, if she started coming anywhere close to these three, the teeth and claws would come out, and she wouldn't see another day go by.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Arlon Character Portrait: Owen Simmons Character Portrait: Kendall Simmons
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Owen wiped his eyes and looked around the ghosts had dissipated for the moment, he assumed it was because of the group gathering. He felt quite foolish for making such a fuss especially when he was the only one that could see them.

His sister and Lucas began to comfort him so he decided that he really didn't have a choice his parents hadn't even stepped out of the car to say goodbye, he was surprised they had even put the car in park. His mother smiled from the passenger seat, "Don't you worry honey everything will be just fine, I know its and new place Owen but you got to learn there are other places in the world then the one in your room" she blew him a kiss.

Their father turned to Lucas "Well I'll pop the trunk and they can grab their suitcases, they're the ones on the right side of the trunk" he turned to Owen. "Hey sport before you know it summer will be over, it'll be time to come home and you'll have had so much fun here you wont want to come home" he said with a chuckle.

All Owen could do was nod to his father in agreement whether he liked it or not he was stuck here, he just hoped that he wouldn't have to see anymore the what he had already seen. After Owen went and took out he and his sister luggage and closed the trunk he looked at his parents in the front seat of the car. Smiles on their faces in anticipation of the trip like they didn't have a care in the world.

"Well we got a boat to catch and if we don't want to be left at the docks we have to get going" their father said with another hearty chuckle. "Lucas take care of my babies" said their mother "Kendall don't give him any trouble and Owen honey try to have fun".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Arlon Character Portrait: Sumina "Sumi" Crest Character Portrait: Owen Simmons Character Portrait: Kendall Simmons
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#, as written by ceh12
Lucas listened to his assistant and laughed slightly. "But of course, your just like a loyal puppy. " he smiled back at her. He knew she would infact kill for him and he would do the same for her. He did get scared for her on the off chance she got to overwhelmed and killed defending him. He had saved her once and he would probably have to do it again.

Lucas nodded to the kids father and watched silently as the car drove away and Owen walked over carrying his and his sister's luggage. "Well if you two have everything let's get a move on we have just a few minutes to walk to get to my home. " he looked at the shapeshifter Sumi had pointed out and growled. "Hurry up and snap to it guys. " he said happily. He saw the incubus were back and this time with a small mob. "Sons a bitches " he said them pointed the gun in the air and shot off a few rounds scaring the boys back away and their footsteps were fast and getting quieter. He turned back to the group as if nothing had happened. "Come on lets hurry up. " he said enthusiasticly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Arlon Character Portrait: Owen Simmons
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Owen quietly followed staying close to his sister, he didn't want her to get to far away from him, because Owen had a shotgun. That's when for what Owen thought was no reason Lucas shot up into the air, he jumped nearly out of his skin again.

"Why did you shoot guns are dangerous!" he yelled as he held tight to his sisters arm.

Then he looked around at what might had made him shoot that's when Owen saw the girl that had been dressed funny run into the forest after something. He thought that it was odd for her to run so fast, but then again lots of people ran faster then him so maybe she really wasn't running that fast. He shrugged and went back to following quickly after Lucas, "Why are we running?" he asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: James Haine Character Portrait: Lucas Arlon Character Portrait: Sumina "Sumi" Crest Character Portrait: Owen Simmons
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After another quick glance back at the other shifter, Sumi's eyes darted back round to Owen, seeing he was trailing behind a little. She quickly caught up next to him and prodded him along a little. "Well we always need our exercise, young Owen." she told him with a gentle smile as she came up next to him, long snow white hair flowing far behind her. "And besides..." she looked distantly to Lucas' house. "I'm pretty sure you are rather curious about where you shall be staying over the next month or so." Sumi turned back down to the young boy again, smiling with a friendly essence in it.

However, her eyes went still for a moment and she sniffed quietly, before her.face seemed to look somewhat annoyed. "Lucas..." she.caught up with him and then leant into his ear. "I can smell the dumb ass," and by dumb ass, it was obvious she meant James... "And blood. Incubus blood." she sighed a little in aggravation. "Why did you need two assistants? Why?" she seemed to look sad and somewhat irritated. It saddened her that James could've hurt himself, sure. But it also annoyed the he'll out of her that the idiot.may have hurt himself and she knew he wouldn't go and feed, purely because he 'wouldn't attract someone he didn't love'. It was almost like he wanted to die...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: James Haine Character Portrait: Lucas Arlon Character Portrait: Sumina "Sumi" Crest Character Portrait: Owen Simmons Character Portrait: Kendall Simmons
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#, as written by ceh12
Lucas growled under his breath when Owen spoke. He knew guns were necessary and if he didn't have any, well he'd be dead by now. He watched Sumi try to comfort him, and Lucas smiled slightly. She was very sweet when it came to younger people. She ran over to him and started whispering. "Lucas...I can smell the dumb ass, and blood. Incubus blood." Lucas rolled his eyes but stood up when she mentioned blood. He then turned "Why did you need two assistants? Why?". He smirked and turned to her. "Sumi take them back to the house I'm gonna make sure James is okay and if he is what happened." he grabbed the gun and took off in the direction Sumi had smelled him from.

Lucas dashed into the forest as fast as he could for the fear of James. He wasn't the best assistant in the world but he had to stay somewhere.He made it to the Incubus who was sitting down near a dead body. He knew it wasn't James, they don't kill each other unless it was extremely bad blood and James had almost none with anyone. "What happened?" he said lifting the coat and looking at the cut throat. He placed it back then saw the slashed arms. "Helleva way to go." he flipped the body over and looked at the face. He pulled out a small tablet looking device which was his tracking system,camera, and encyclopedia all in one. He took a picture of the face and flipped him back over, he did it because of the eyes. He hated dead people's eyes, they were just to lifeless and cryptic for his tastes. He pulled out a lighter and sat down beside James. "Were probably gonna have to burn the body."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sumina "Sumi" Crest Character Portrait: Owen Simmons Character Portrait: Kendall Simmons
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Owen nodded to Sumi, it was best not to worry about it then she seemed concerned about something a went ahead talking quietly to Lucas.

Owen turned to Kendall "Is is just me or is she a little... odd" he said to his sister.

It was the truth Sumi looked like someone out of a horror novel, the white skin and hair it reminded him of movie vampires, then the other girl Cylene looked like she was frozen in time. The old style of dress she wore was something someone would wear almost a hundred years ago. As he glanced around the town it was rather small and the houses were all old. He really didn't know what to think anymore, so he just clung tighter to his sister for comfort.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Arlon Character Portrait: Sumina "Sumi" Crest Character Portrait: Owen Simmons Character Portrait: Kendall Simmons
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Is it me or is she a little odd? Sumi laughed silently to herself, smiling a little and somewhat easing hermind about Lucas and the doofus. Obviously, I cant tell them how 'odd' I actually am, yet. She turned to the cousins. "I may be a little odd looking, but I'm not all that dangerous, young Owen." she smiled and tilted her head slightly, still smiling kindly. "Now we should get back though. I'm sure you want to look aroundthe town, and so we shall once all of your belongings are back.". Sumi picked up the bags Lucas had left behind and awaited the cousins to catch up with her.

Sumi was still incredibly concerned. About a lot of things. Two new young humans to care for. Lucas being attacked more and more. The doofus (in general). She could easily be pulling her long locks of hair out right now. However she kept on smiling for the cousins, knowing they were scared enough as it was. Undoubtedly, they didn't need to see her breaking down in order to become more scared.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Arlon Character Portrait: Sumina "Sumi" Crest Character Portrait: Owen Simmons Character Portrait: Kendall Simmons
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