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Kan Lee

Fire burns in everyone... I'm just a bit brighter.

0 · 211 views · located in Brooklyn, NYC, NY

a character in “The Different Ones”, originally authored by jigokunoshinzo, as played by RolePlayGateway



Kan Lee


It is naturally black but changes constantly


Six feet and five inches

Body type:
Kan seems very lean and slender due to his height... but up close, it is obvious that he is very strong and keeps himself in top condition.

Kan is resistant to fire. He can also control it with his mind. He isn't really sure why, but fire just seems to be... attracted to him. With a little bit of concentration, fire bends to his will. It does not harm him in anyway and Kan even describes it as... cool to the touch.

Kan is very passionate, loving, charismatic and energetic. He loves doing hands on activities. He is very firm in what he believes in and almost nothing can change up his mind. He basically lives to help others. With his kind well placed words, he can make anyone feel as if they are the center of the world. Even when he is upset, there is always a smile on his face, masking his own emotions. Kan is charming and polite to everyone. People automatically find themselves trusting him and he respect it by keeping their conversations to himself. He's very warm and kind hearted and makes new firendships very easily. He is also very smart and clever.

He lives with his mother (47) and his little sister (15)

His family wasn't very rich but Kan learned how to be thankful and treated his mother and sister like queens. As soon as he was able, he got a job to help support the family. He is also talented in music and art but his main interest is in science. He spends all of his free time at the library, going over old text books. His dream is to become a doctor and help others. His family supports him strongly. By working hard, Kan has always placed first in his classes at school.

When he was young like about six, he found a few kids bullying his sister with a few flaming matches. This made him snap and come into terms with his mutation....

So begins...

Kan Lee's Story

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Character Portrait: Josephine Carter Character Portrait: Robert Lee Jones Character Portrait: Kan Lee
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Kan was taking his usual afternoon run when it felt like someone was drilling holes into his back. He shook his hair out of his face with annoyance and risked a quick look behind him. There it was again. Who drove stupid creeper vans anymore?
No one... unless they were stalking someone.

The tall lean young man started running again, this time picking up his pace. People looked at him all the time. He was popular. He had a lot of friends and admirers... but this was a bit too much. He wasn't worth stalking over. Kan looked back again, narrowing his dark shining eyes. They've seemed to be following him lately. It was getting really bothersome. Of course.. if the creeper van people were intent on hurting him... they'd be in for a surprise. He slipped his hand into his pocket and gripped the lighter. If he had this, he'd be fine. Yup. No one would be able to get close to him after that. Kan kept his eyes fixed on the van, trying to get a glimpse of whoever was in it.

Unfortunately he didn't notice that he was just aqbout to run into a couple of people until it was too late and he was on the ground.
It was a guy and a girl with red hair.

"Shoot. Sorry, guys. I wasn't really watching where I was going... hehe." He smiled good naturedly

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Josephine Carter Character Portrait: Robert Lee Jones Character Portrait: Kan Lee
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"ACK!" Jo was opening her mouth to say something to Robert when she felt someone collide with her. Her gymnastics training served her well as she tumbled down. Tucking into a little ball, Jo rolled quickly and sat on the sidewalk unscathed, looking at the boy who'd run into her. "Ey, walk much?" She laughed at her own joke as she hopped back up to her feet and offered the boy her hand as help.


Inside the van, two men in all black peered out of the tinted windows at the trio in front of Jo's townhouse. "Look at that. Three at once." The taller one muttered as he snapped a photo. "Too bad we haven't been cleared to eliminate." The second one seemed more stern than his partner as he picked up a walkie-talkie. "We have visual on subjects 3, 17, and 23. Repeat, visual on 3, 17, and 23."


The sound of screeching tires made Jo snap her hand back and look up. The black van sped out of its parking spot and past them, running the stop sign at the corner and getting out of sight before she could say anything. However, just because they were gone wasn't a reason for Jo to shut up.

"HEY! Good riddance! Next time you come by with your rapemobile I'll have a surprise waiting! Yeah..!" Sighing and letting her arms fall down, Jo frowned. "Whatevs. Creepers don't have anything on me."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Josephine Carter Character Portrait: Robert Lee Jones Character Portrait: Kan Lee
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Kan took the offered hand and got up from the side walk. Then he followed her gaze as the van pulled away. "They'll be back.." He muttered quietly to himself. Then the red head started yelling at them and he cracked an amused grin. She seemed pretty cool.

"yelling at them while their gone doesn't help"

Kan narrowed his eyes as he looked back behind him. "My God... They keep following me everywhere!" He dusted off his hands.

"Robert, huh? My name's Kan." He grinned but glanced behind him again. Great. Now they had him paranoid. "Sorry about that guys.. I think a couple of fan girls are going a bit overboard." Kan smiled sheepishly but his eyes darkened. Would a few girls really go that far?
Not likely... but he didn't really know anyone else willing to watch him day and night.

"Sure, I'll come along. Why not, eh?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Josephine Carter Character Portrait: Robert Lee Jones Character Portrait: Kan Lee
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Jo grinned as a thought crossed her mind. Going off with two boys she barely knew to a house she'd never visited with no other girls to "defend" her. It would piss off her paranoid mother so much. "Ya, I'll go too. Not like I'm going home anytime soon." With a little laugh, she pointed at the locked door. "Anyhoo, I'm Josephine. You can call me Jo if you wanna." She said to the boy who had run into her. "And I don't think your fangirls are interested in stalking me too. Unless I've got a different stalker who happens to have a matching black van."

"I think it's the company my mom's trying to sue. You know, keeping an eye on us in case.." Jo forced herself to shut up. They didn't need to know about Almega. They didn't need to know why her mother wanted their money. She didn't need more people running away from her like she had some sort of disease. Her whole life, she'd suffered every time she let her secret out. The move from Manhattan to Brooklyn was one of those incidents. Jo really did miss her old house.

"So.. Robert.. lead the way then, bro."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Josephine Carter Character Portrait: Robert Lee Jones Character Portrait: Kan Lee
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Roberts eyes peeked up and his brow raised as he turned and walked down the street "What do you know about Almega Josephine?" He said bluntly while walking forward, being an already terrible in conversation an invading question here and their wouldn't bother. Her name hasn't only been in the paper due to her outstanding gymnastic work, but her mother was frequently mentioned in a web blog for suing the company Almega. Robert knew that he was a test subject of theirs many years ago, and already suspecting them to be the cause of his parents death he was suspicious of the company. But he had never made the possible connection with the black van outside of his house, and with that the peices were starting to fall together... they were stalking children involved with the Y project. Sighing Robert spoke again before Josephine could respond " Tell me when he leaves, I'll share something with you. I figured it out."Robert said with a cold tone, he knew Josephine could be trusted but this other kid has no idea what is going on. Not likely Kan knew of Almega and its many secrets Robert couldn't trust him with his own secret.

Reaching the mansion within 10 minutes, Robert ran up to the door unlocking it allowing his few found friends inside. With a smile he presented "Welcome to mi casa" Robert said with a bow, walking the others inside. The house was beautiful chrome and marble lined the floors and made up most of the wall, the living room had a brown 9 seater sofa, with 59inch tv hanging on the wall and surround sound speakers. He hoped they were not to impressed by the house, for he didn't care for it much.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Josephine Carter Character Portrait: Robert Lee Jones Character Portrait: Kan Lee
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Looking over at Jo shaking his head softly "Honestly I don't mean to be intruding or rude, but you don't have to lie to me. You moved way more than you have when you were talking to me earlier, we don't have to touch upon the Almega topic again if it is that bad" Robert told the red head as he headed to the sofa dropping his body on the sofa turning on the T.V. He tossed Jo the remote "Pick something to watch" Robert said smiling, he honestly didn't know how she would react to his words, although he tried not to sound rude Robert thought he crossed the line. Closing his eyes and leaning back "I was under Almegas experiments too, how do you think a 16 year old lives in a house like this alone. I lost my parents after they got the settlement across, I've been alone sense then" with the last words he mumbled Robert wiped his face and stood back up. He only told the Jo to comfort her while she was obviously not over the conflict with Almega, Robert gave up on his plots of revenge and took to the books and learning more about the company so in the future he could take them down through the law not his powers.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Josephine Carter Character Portrait: Robert Lee Jones Character Portrait: Kan Lee
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Kan's eyes flashed as Robert brought up Almega. He had never met people who had also been involved with them. He just kept quiet, playing dumb, as he followed Robert into the extroardinary house. Wow. If Kan lived in a place like this... The Korean shook his head slightly. There was no way he was taking money from the people that had killed his father.

"Nice place you've got here," Kan stated, looking around. Tch. It didn't matter if it was a nice place to live. Why would anyone want to live alone in such a huge place? That would have drove him crazy. "I was on the meds too. I was allergic to almost everything. Which wasn't normal. Asians have a pretty strong immune system. The pills worked though." He kept his voice light. The medication had also turned him into a dangerous weapon. They were lucky he was able to control it... otherwise.. the whole world would have been eager to learn more about the fire boy.

Kan took a seat gingerly on the expensive looking couch. It had probably cost more than his car. Jeez.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Josephine Carter Character Portrait: Robert Lee Jones Character Portrait: Kan Lee
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"Yeah, my body didn't like the meds either. They kind of mucked up my growth." Which wasn't a lie, really. When Josephine had gone in for Almega's drug trial, she'd been recently diagnosed with dwarfism. When she was measured after a year of testing, she'd grown way past the size they'd expected. Not only was she no longer classified as a dwarf, she was in the highest available percentile for her age. And when she got to thinking about it, Jo realized that was probably why she was so flexible. She'd been essentially stretched out from the growth. Her body never intended to get as tall as she was.

"So three kids that just happen to know about Almega run into each other on the street and they've all seen the black van of creeps.. is there a punchline in there somewhere?" Jo laughed at her own joke as she switched on the tv and began to flip channels. She'd missed tv since the cable company had cut them off. Not only the cable, but their internet was cut off. For some reason, their phone was still connected, even though it was the bill Jo's mother had stopped paying first. It made her uneasy and she didn't know why. The night before, when Jo was in her room, her mother actually answered the phone for once instead of ignoring the ringing. Jo didn't catch anything besides ".. Won't give in... I'm getting my money!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Josephine Carter Character Portrait: Kan Lee
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"Yeah, my body didn't like the meds either. They kind of mucked up my growth." Jo told the two boys. Robert agreed with her cause well they improved his growth not messed it up in anyway, Robert knew if his parents would have never accepted the trails he would have died at the age of 5 or even earlier. But that wasn't something that needed to be shared. Robert was born extreamly small and with brittle bones, his early childhood development had his parents grasping for a early cure and Almega and their Drug Y fit that perfectly. His parents were among the first to sign the forms for the testing consent.

"So three kids that just happen to know about Almega run into each other on the street and they've all seen the black van of creeps.. is there a punchline in there somewhere? Jo laughed.

Standing up off of the sofa looking at the two sighing, "let me get to the point." Robert said, slowly raising the sofa with his telekinetic power. Not caring much if the two were shocked or startled, for Robert knew that the two were mutated like himself except their mutations were different. Robert looked into the Almega corp. sence the death of his parents, and he focused on taking them down for what they did, learning some every interesting facts those mutations occurred in almost every subject that didn't die during the Drug Y trails. "Well this isn't why I asked you guys to come over, but Jo when you brought up Almega it got me to think. I wasn't the only one who was mutated, I took a chance with showing you my own ability so yea." Shrugging and keeping the two in the air while he walked back and forth pacing himself, thinking "Wait what if they arn't the they have to be I know this for a fact, those documents couldn't have lied", turning to his left side Robert pulled a stack of papers with his telekinetic power. "Those documents involve our testing take a look" Robert told them as he thought.

(OCC: sorry long day at school)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Josephine Carter Character Portrait: Robert Lee Jones Character Portrait: Kan Lee
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Kan cracked a forced grin as Jo laughed. This was strange. Maybe he shouldn't be here... He glanced at Robert.

"let me get to the point."

Then the damn couch started rising into the air and Kan gripped the arm rest tightly. Shocked. "What the hell..." He muttered to himself before hopping down. Heights didn't bother him much but they weren't his favorite place ot be either.

"So the Y drugs mutated you too, huh?" Kan raised an eyebrow at Robert before pulling out the lighter from his pocket.

"See this, here?" He flicked it on and with his free right hand, pulled out the little flame completely. Then he let it swirl around his arms as he thought. What about Jo? He looked over at the red head and inhaled some smoke. He smiled slightly before blowing out a little flame from his lips. "I can control fire.." he said lightly and then Robert pulled out some papers. Files. Now Kan wasn't so sure he wanted to read them. What if a side affect was something bad like an early death? Who would take care of his family then? Hesitantly, he reached out and took them from Robert.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Josephine Carter Character Portrait: Robert Lee Jones Character Portrait: Kan Lee
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Jo actually felt more at ease as Robert moved the couch and Kan blew smoke. She'd been afraid that she'd spoken too soon, that she'd given herself away to a couple of normal kids.

"Well, I have to say, the two of you got cooler stuff than me." Placing her hands on the arm of the couch, Jo pulled her legs up quickly to cross her ankles behind her head. Her arms supported her easily as she sat in her very pretzel-like pose. "This is pretty much it. I'm super-flexible. And the doctors think that my bones are hollowed out too, so it keeps me light." Letting her legs go back to their normal pose, she lowered herself and sat on the couch again. Taking one of Robert's files that he offered, she flipped it open and looked over a page. It really just looked like gibberish to her.

"And I think I have to apologize then... I've gotten you in danger. My mom suing Almega drew attention to me. And I guess them watching me got them to notice you guys too. I don't think they're watching us just to keep tabs. I think that Almega's up to something."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Josephine Carter Character Portrait: Robert Lee Jones Character Portrait: Kan Lee
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"And I think I have to apologize then... I've gotten you in danger. My mom suing Almega drew attention to me. And I guess them watching me got them to notice you guys too. I don't think they're watching us just to keep tabs. I think that Almega's up to something." Jo told the two.

"Haha no need for apologies" Robert spoke up trying to keep the situation under control, pulling a specified file from the stack and spreading its contents in the air "This one has your names and mine listed in order from type of mutation, which ones would be the hardest to subdue or kill... They are after us, its just the facts I had to share this with you. As you know they have our address and have been watching our houses, I have no idea when they will attack but I can keep you updated if you keep in touch" Robert finsihed his mini speech like his college professor would, he presented the good and the bad but the only thing is now how the others would react. He wasn't going to involve them right away but it seemed like they both were knew of Almega's, willingness to go after their failed projects. Shrugging almost forgetting to place the sofa back down, Robert rubbed the back of his head glancing at Jo.

"Hey, just to let you know... our mutations might grow and change into something much stronger if put under harsh emotional, physical, or mental strain. So that flexibleness might grow into something else." Robert said with a slight smile trying to comfort Jo.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Josephine Carter Character Portrait: Robert Lee Jones Character Portrait: Kan Lee
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"Keep in touch huh? Sounds ok." Jo's voice trailed off. Even she didn't feel like cracking jokes anymore. It was becoming apparent that the situation with Almega extended far beyond her mother's greed. And if they were being watched, chances were that there were other kids, former subjects, being spied on too. And then the thought of being watched in the shower hit Jo and she twitched. She'd always been an inward worrywart.

The buzzing of her smartphone pulled Jo out of her thoughts.

New message from: Mom
Where r u? Home now

"Ugg." Jo groaned and stood up. "Well.. Robert.. and Kan.. It's been a pleasure, but I have to get home before the Wicked Witch starts getting homicidal." While she felt more uneasy about the black van, Jo felt better just in Kan and Roberts' presence. She'd never met another Almega Y subject. And knowing that she wasn't alone in being "weird"-and better yet, that she had some other Y subjects on her own street- made her feel better than she had in years.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Josephine Carter Character Portrait: Robert Lee Jones Character Portrait: Kan Lee
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"The number's here." Kan scribbled his phone number on a scrap piece of paper and placed it down on the coffee table. Would it be better to just cut off all ties with these two people? They were obviously being spied on as well... Would being with them hurt his chances of.... not sure exactly but whatever.
Were they also studying the rest of his family? He clenched his jaw. If they had... well, he would make sure they pay for it.

"Ugg." Jo groaned and stood up. "Well.. Robert.. and Kan.. It's been a pleasure, but I have to get home before the Wicked Witch starts getting homicidal."

He looked up at that.

"I'll come with you, Jo." Safety in numbers? It made him feel uneasy to think about Jo just walking on home alone... when that van could come back. Now that he knew why and who was watching him... He was starting to grow more paranoid by the second.

Kan made his way to the door. "See you Robert."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Josephine Carter Character Portrait: Robert Lee Jones Character Portrait: Kan Lee
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"Ugg." Jo groaned and stood up. "Well.. Robert.. and Kan.. It's been a pleasure, but I have to get home before the Wicked Witch starts getting homicidal." with that Kan stood and made his way "I'll come with you, Jo." Robert felt fine with the two making their leave now and departing together, if anything it was much better than them leaving alone. He would have offered them a ride but it would't have done much to give them a ride down the street, shrugging and moving all the files back into place on his desk. Sighing Robert spoke "I would have the pleasure of walking you home as well Jo, but as you may see I have a ton of work to do. I wanted to show the two of you something else before you departed but it is quite alright. Stay safe alright." He finished with a light smile, he wanted Jo to stay safe a weird sense of guardianship Robert felt toward her.

"See both of you later on?" He walked up to Jo and gave her his phone number, Robert hoped that she would keep in touch with him. Alone protecting themselves would be much of a problem, together and united victory over Almega would be much more easy. Robert plopped himself into his chair as he watched Jo and Kan leave his mansion, closing his eyes thinking about his new move. In this game of chess, he was much more ahead of Almega as he began to gather his pieces

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Josephine Carter Character Portrait: Kan Lee
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"I'll come with you, Jo." Taking both Kan and Robert's phone numbers, Jo nodded before she left. It was getting close to noon. While she'd just met Kan, and normally she didn't trust a guy she'd only known for maybe an hour, knowing that he could flick out his lighter and toast someone made her feel better. Jo wasn't much of a fighter... at least not any more. She'd been expelled from her old Catholic academy for "brawling" with a fellow classmate. St. Katherine's didn't take well to its female students trying to strangle each other.

As her foot hit the sidewalk, Jo heard tires squeaking to a halt. "Josephine Carter?" Her heart skipped a beat and she stepped back, bumping into Kan. Two people, a man and a woman, were stepping out of a van.

A black one.

"Shit." Jo mumbled under her breath. Her hand slipped into her back pocket. There was the item that any smart girl in a city carried- Mace. She had gotten a nifty little device that was a small can of mace, a knife, and a whistle all on a little chain. "Maybe. Whaddya want?" Both people were dressed like they belonged in an office; Grey tailored suits and hair that looked like it had been forced into submission with a pound of product gave them the appearance of being fraternal twins. "Please come with us."

Jo looked to Kan with her heart pounding. Her eyes showed her fear clearly- she had no clue what was about to happen, or what to do.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Josephine Carter Character Portrait: Kan Lee
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Jo felt her hands shaking like crazy. She could feel the stares of the two strangers on her back as she held onto Kan's hand, the one that was over her shoulder. Her stomach was so full of butterflies that she felt like she could puke. "Y-Yeah we're busy! Eff off!"

"We're sorry, Ms. Carter, we didn't mean to give the impression that it's your choice." The woman spoke, sounding like she'd been eating gravel her entire life. Jo turned around in time to see the man start to approach them. Fast. Jo's voice sounded inhumanly high-pitched as she grabbed Kan's arm, hard. "RUN!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Josephine Carter Character Portrait: Robert Lee Jones Character Portrait: Kan Lee
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His eyes peaked open as Robert herd Jo's scream from the inside of his house, dashing to the window and peering out watching two Almega watchdogs approaching Kan and Jo. "Oh god damn it!" Robert yelled as he texted Jo and Kan to turn and run towards his place. This was unexpected Robert thought to himself, he didn't think of the possibly of the Almega members attacking so soon and so close. Robert and Kan were among the top 10 dangerous, that have taken the Y meds. Shaking his head and sighing as the two ran off in the other direction, the doors to his own mansion were kicked down 3 members of Almega rushing inside. Jumping back and pinning all three of them to the all with his telekinetic power, then slinging seven knifes hidden under the table into the chests of all three killing them in seconds. "You don't enter uninvited." Robert said mocking them as he made his way out into the open.

"HEY!" Robert yelled as he stood outside angrily throwing a parked car into the black van then throwing the two chasing after Jo and Kan into a tree. This was the hard part for Robert, now he was in the open not knowing which direction they could be attacked from. The only thing that mattered so far was that Almega was off his block or beginning to be evicted. Robert took another deep breath pulling the two chasers toward his mansion and throwing them into the destroyed van. Yawning, then dashing down to Jo and Kan trying to catch up before more Almega show up. "WAIT!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Josephine Carter Character Portrait: Robert Lee Jones Character Portrait: Jack Rippley Character Portrait: Kan Lee
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Jack Rippley

Screams broke the hazy trance that Jack hassle been in since the rage. The sounds of feet rushing down the sidewalk. Heavy things-bodies?-hitting hard surfaces. Jack heard bones snap. Cut-off cries of pain. WAIT! He heard a louder cry, that of a male. Jack's curiosity got the better of him. He stumbled out of the alley, almost running straight into a slender girl with red hair, and another boy. The guy that had called out to them was closing in. Jack looked about the scene with an eyebrow raised. He'd never seen destruction quite like this before. He stepped backwards, struggling to form a question. "The...hell...?" He shook his head. The haze hadn't completely left him. He didn't know how much longer his legs could hold him up. 

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Josephine Carter Character Portrait: Robert Lee Jones Character Portrait: Jack Rippley Character Portrait: Kan Lee
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Jo made a feral howl and covered her ears, instinctively hiding her face in Kan's shirt. What was happening? She heard crashes and the sickening sound of what sounded like bones. Jo didn't even want to look, but she could hear Robert shouting over all the noise. Damn, did he have some lungs or what? Wait... he's the telepath or whatever you call it.. is that him doing all that? Jo uncovered her ears and looked over Kan's shoulder. It was Robert. He was dashing towards them, past what looked like a scene of total destruction. It made her stomach churn all over again.

"Rob- AH!" A tall boy with white hair came out of the alley. Poor Jo's nerves were so frazzled that just his appearance made her jump. In only a moment, she'd regained what little composure she had left. "The...hell...?" She could barely hear him speaking. He looked like he was about to keel over on the spot. "Hey.. hey you! Watch it!" Was all Jo could muster up. Even in a crisis, she was a New York girl to the core.