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Katrina Marshall

"Man this place sucks"

0 · 403 views · located in New York City Ruins

a character in “The E-Cell Virus”, as played by Saiyan Princess



Name: Katrina M. Marshall

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Height: 5'7

Weight: 130 lbs

Appearance: Katrina is often considered and odd looking young woman, she's tall for a woman which can intimidate some men. Her eyes are a pale blue color some much so some might think she's blind if the don't know any better. Her hair is the complete opposite of her eyes, long and dark as midnight this aspects of her appearance give her a alluring look that some think is beautiful and other find mysterious and other worldly. Has a large burn mark on the palm of her hand where she was badly burned as a child by scalding water.

Equipment/Belongings: An old worn backpack that is patched with old bits of cloth and duct tape. Inside the pack are a few packs of Ramen, that she scavenged from a grocery store. An old thermos from a children's lunch box with purified water in it. Two purification tablets, a dull pocket knife, and a spool of thread and a needle. She also carries a Beretta 92FS INOX 9mm 15RD SS but she's worried cause she almost out of ammo.

Skills: Katrina as a child was a very active girl some would have considered her a tomboy. She camped fished and hiked with her father. So she has basic survival skills, she can shoot a gun and has gotten better over the time shes been living in this apocalyptic world, but she's no crack shot.

Former Occupation: She was worker at a juvenile facility as a night shift worker.

Personality: Katrina is a quiet reserved person that keeps to herself for the most part. When she had hobbies she enjoyed the outdoors such as camping and hiking, but as of late it has become a way of life instead. She typically doesn't talk to much of anyone unless she has a good reason, either to trade something or to ask whether there was any kind of settlement around. But typically she wonders New York trying to survive.

History: Katrina's childhood was fairly normal, despite the fact that her parents separated when she was five. They were good about spending time with her equally and making her life as normal as possible. Throughout her school day she had very few friends and was an average student nothing spectacular. After high school she took a course at the community college and got certified as a Juvenile Detention Worker. The job was alright for Katrina kind of boring cause she worked the night shift when most of the kids were sleeping. When the outbreak started she decided that going to a place where there was allot of people that might possibly be exposed to the outbreak wasn't a good idea. Since then she has been on the run trying to survive. The first place she went was her mother's and was concerned to not find her, she then went to her fathers didn't find hie either. So now she is desperately trying to find them and praying that they weren't infected with he virus.The whole thing frightens her but after two months she beginning to feel that this is just the beginning of everything.

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So begins...

Katrina Marshall's Story

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Character Portrait: Katrina Marshall Character Portrait: Steven Kent
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Katrina was on her way to one of the military check points she had been hearing about, massive walls had been built up to keep the infected quarantined in the city. But there was a problem not everyone left in New York was infected she being one of them. She prayed that they were letting the uninfected people out, but as she rounded the corner she heard the cries of a group of people. A hand full of men and women and Katrina thought she spotted a child with them as well, waiving their hands trying to get someone's attention on the wall.

"We're not infected! We're not inf-", they cried and then gunfire rang out. It was maddening the noise of the rounds hitting the metal wall was deafening almost, along with the cries of the innocent people that were gunned down. Katrina sat there in pure shock for the sight that she had just beheld, her mouth agape and her mind grateful that she wasn't in the line of fire.

"How could they just gun down innocent people... it was obvious they weren't infected" she couldn't wrap her mind around it. This was the military they were supposed to protect us weren't they. She shook her head trying to get her mind out of the moment she was in the area and needed to get out before the infected in the area caught wind of the blood and gray matter in the air. Her only option was to start climbing, she had learned from experience the higher up you were, the less likely you were to become a meal.

She saw a fire escape leading up to the top of a building and decided that was her best way to get up to one of the roofs. At least from a higher vantage she could get an idea of where she might be able to go next and maybe be able to avoid any confrontation. As she finally clambered over the top of the roof she noticed a man looking over the scene she had just beheld as well. At first she was afraid he might be part of the military and she hid behind a large electrical box. But on a second examination and her gun in hand the man was not dressed in any kind of uniform.

"Maybe he's just in shock like me, if he saw the massacre of those people" she said under her breath. She stood up and slowly approached him, "It won't do you any good to head to the check point if you haven't figured that out yet" she said but keeping her gun ready just in case this turned out to be a bad idea.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katrina Marshall Character Portrait: Steven Kent
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"It won't do you any good to head to the check point if you haven't figured that out yet"

Steve spun around his hand on his holster ready to draw his gun at the sound of the voice from behind him that notably startled him. As soon as he saw she was not only alive, and beautiful but not currently aiming a weapon at him he relaxed some what. Kent breathed out a slow sigh but kept his hand on his gun.

"Uhh yeah I think they just made that loud and clear with about 60 rounds a peice."

Steve said, his sarcasm acting as a defense mechanism. Steve's eyes scanned her for a secnd worried she might try and put a hole or two in him but she didn't much look like a bandit. Not any he'd ever seen anyway. Steve risked a second to glance behind him. Sheer drop right off the side of the building, if he had to run there was no where to run to.

"So.. just so I know before we start, what are my chances of finishing this chat without getting shot? Cause I'd like to avoid and new holes if at all possible."

Steve asked blatanly. Subtley was never one of his strong suits and he tended to prefer cutting through social BS whenever he could.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katrina Marshall Character Portrait: Steven Kent
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One of Katrina's eyebrows popped up and she holstered her gun "I wont shoot you, if you wont shoot me" she smirked. "I came up here to get away from whats gonna become feeding time down there" she said as she walked over and looked over the edge down at the mess below. "It's a damn shame the only crime those people committed was having hope that our government might actually try and help those in need. It's safe to assume we would get the same reception at any of the other checkpoints around the city" she said turning to look back at the man.

She extended her hand out to shake his hand "My names Katrina Marshall".

The sounds of moaning began to come up from the carnage below, Katrina did her best to try not to listen.

(sorry so short migraines are a pain literally)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katrina Marshall Character Portrait: Steven Kent
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Steve took Katrina's hand with one of his trademark charming smiles.

"Steve, Steve Kent."

Releasing from the handshake Steve turned toward the sound of the moaning and peered out over the side of the building.

"Well... Look like somebody's hungry. We better get outta here before they start roaming into the buildings and find their way up here."

He suggested before turning back to Katrina.

"You don't happen to have a super secret defensible base we can hole up in tonight do you?"

He asked jokingly knowing few lone survivors had home base like locations but instead remained on the move like Steve himself. To protect and maintain a base you'd need a group which is something neither of them had right now.

(no worries ;] )

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katrina Marshall Character Portrait: Steven Kent
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Katrina shook her head "Sorry no, but..." she looked in thought for a moment; "I used to work at the juvenile detention center... but I was a little leery about going back there. With all the new vaccinations they give kids these days I was afraid I would be stepping right into zombie central if I went there. But the plus is they are definitely well stocked with just about anything, maybe even some weapons there were armed guards." Katrina ran her hand through her hair in frustration.

"Other then that I got nothing really I've just been skating along by the skin of my teeth, for the past three months. A week of that I spent in my basement till I ran out of supplies, then I heard on the radio about the check points so I figured I would try that. Had some close calls along the way but I've managed to not become zombie chow, my only dilemma right now is a I'm low on food and ammo. I'm afraid to drink the water so I've been purifying everything I collect." she sighed.

"Listen I don't know about you but typically I'm the type of person that doesn't like to rely on someone else, but with all the shit going down it's almost impossible to get by on your own. So may I propose a deal I watch your back you watch mine, your the first person I've ran into that didn't pose a threat. They've either been bat shit crazy or on the verge of turning into a zombie, it's up to you I won't be offended if you say no" she tightened the straps of her backpack. Then started to look around for something that might be able to help, the buildings were close enough together that if you found something long and sturdy enough you could cross to the other. Now granted if you're afraid of heights it sucks but Katrina was thinking more of avoiding crossing in the streets.

"Damn where the friendly neighborhood Spiderman when you need him" Katrina came across and old ladder that looked to be used for some sort of maintenance. "Maybe this is long enough that we can cross over to the other building fairly easily" she turned to Steve.

"What do you think?".

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Katrina Marshall Character Portrait: Steven Kent
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Steve shrugged with a calm smile.

"Consider your back watched."

He said as he gave her a quick pat on the back as he walked past her and stopped by the edge of the building and gauged the gap.

"Maybe this is long enough that we can cross over to the other building fairly easily" she turned to Steve.

"What do you think?".

She asked. He turned to her with a wide grin.

"Oh yeah, I think we can handle this."

He said as he took a couple quick, hopping steps back and breathed out in order to sike himself up for the jump.

"Ok here goes nothing."

He said before sprinting towards the edge of the building and leaping out into the air. For a few brief seconds it was like he was flying. With nothing above or beneath him he felt weightless. That was until gravity kicked him in the ass and sent him flying back down. He slammed into the side of the building as his hands gripped the edge. His hold was like an iron vice, not budging for fear of falling. He groaned in pain but lifted himself up an onto the roof. He turned with a rougish chuckle and waved to Katrina to follow.

"C'mon! It's not far, I'll catch you!"

He shouted out to her from the opposing building.