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The Immortals

The Immortals


There are twelve that live a life of immortality. They do not know of the others, each living a life of a silence. Yet, when one man is being chased by the government for a decade and has not aged, they begin to wonder if they are not the only ones.

1,683 readers have visited The Immortals since Mavz created it.


Before I begin I would like to mention that this roleplay is not intended for religious use. I am not promoting any religion in this and am simply using a story from the bible and changing a few things to better suit the plot for this Roleplay. I also would like to mention that this Roleplay idea is mainly not my own but my dear friend's. I shall give her credit once she creates an account.

[Plot listed below this]

The man paced the bunker irritably. His irritation wasn't stemmed from the bodies that littered the floor, or from the woman who loved him having taken her life moments before or from the fact that his enemies had him completely surrounded. He wasn't worried about his life and cared not at all for those who had died before him. He stepped through their blood like it was nothing, tracking red footprints across the concrete floor. He simply didn't care about death or what many believed to be his approaching one. He didn't care at all about any of that. He didn't even seem bothered by the fact that the bunker had caught flame and was slowly beginning to eat away the support beams of the structure. No, his irritation was caused by only one thing. The constant yelling of his guardian in his brain. Her voice had long since become an irritating screech in the back of his mind. He had lost all sense of sanity and had forgotten the ability to understand his guardian angel.

"Fick alles!" he screamed in German, throwing everything on the metal table beside him to the ground. "Halt die klappe!"

Her persistent high pitched screeches of anguish came the first day he had sent all the Jews to the camps. Her screeches had steadily become louder as he committed mass genocide. As Adolf's furious screams filled the air, the Guardian suddenly became silent. She had never been this quiet, not for hundreds of years. She hadn't been silent since his days of being Jack the Ripper and no matter what he yelled at her before she hadn't silenced. Yet now she was as quiet as ever and part of his mind felt empty. For a moment he felt fear, wondering if his Guardian had left him and wondering why she would suddenly leave. For thousands of years she had protected him, why would she leave so suddenly now? Was he really to die this time? Could it be possible?

"Lucifer, I would have thought you would have learned from your mistake," a voice spoke in his head, shaking him to the very core. "You have disappointed me."

Something in the back of his mind snapped and he fell to his knees as intense pain flooded his head. Visions filled his mind and the pain was forgotten. He saw himself surrounded by others, all with what looked to be wings adorning their backs. He recognized them immediately as angels and realized that this was a vision from his past, a memory he had long forgotten. He strained to look closer at what the group was staring at, what his former self was speaking to. He realized suddenly what this vision was showing him, what his Creator was showing him. The orb that was positioned before the group showed a snake and Lucifer was speaking to it, ordering it to convince the woman to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil which would lead to the destruction of the Garden of Eden. The vision ended, but as his mind cleared and his eyes opened he realized he was not standing in the bunker any longer and he had been stripped of his clothing. He stood in what looked to be a large cave with flames clinging to its walls. He didn't have much time to take in his surroundings when the voice spoke once more.

"You managed to get the snake to convince eve to eat the fruit that granted her the knowledge of good and evil. You and your followers went against my direct orders to leave the humans alone," the voice once more shook through him, "You were cast down to Earth to live a life of immortality. You were to watch them live, suffer and die. You were to live and feel their pains, to be wounded but never die and to watch loved ones fade away from you. Some of your companions have done great things and live a life of selflessness but you have taken advantage of this for your own entertainment. For this you shall be punished for the last time. You are to be left here in Hell, a prison for those who cross me. You are to be the overseer. This is your realm. Never again shall you step through Heaven's gates. You are now Satan and shall forever be known as such."

Main Plot

There were twelve angels that backed Lucifer when he went against God and all of them were cursed to live a life of immortality on Earth. However, none of them remember their lives previous to their life on Earth. Some don't even remember the first couple centuries that they lived on Earth as they are all thousands of years old. Due to their ability to survive nearly anything, many have chosen a life of valor. Some decide it best to live a quiet life. No matter what kind of life they decide to choose they must pick up and leave every five or so years. They do not age and do not look a day past twenty-five. If they were to stay they would be sure to raise unwanted questions.

Each Immortal believed they were the only one until one Immortal gained the attention of the media. He had been in the news on and off for decades and it wasn't until recently that someone put two and two together. One news channel had an interview with a man claiming that the man seen in various news reports was an Immortal. He had pulled up the man's different names and occupations, even pulled up where the man had lived. He found out that the man moved nearly every five years and almost always to a different city. The man pinpointed his last location to be in Washington DC. Not only did the man gain the attention of the public, but he had also gained the attention of the Government.

Now that the Immortals know that it's not just them, will they move to DC in search of the other? Will they help him or work with the Government against him? What will the humans do? More importantly, what will you do?


Immortals: Technically Immortals are still humans and have no magical powers. Every Immortal is accompanied by a Guardian Angel. The Guardians do not show themselves, only communicating to their charges by telepathy. Immortals may choose to respond to their Guardians by either telepathic or vocal communication. Immortals cannot die, even if their head is removed. It may take a couple of days, but their Guardian Angels are able to 'bring back' an immortal from any wound. (If an Immortals head is cut off the Guardian stitches it back on, but it takes a couple days.)

Humans: Well...pretty self explanatory I would hope.


The Government knows of only one Immortal in particular, the one mentioned in the media. The CIA put together a special unit known as the 'Historians' Don't let their name fool you. These agents study historical paintings in order to link together anyone who may look the same and search their databases to find anyone who may match the descriptions found in the paintings. If they find someone they research everyone about them and look for anything that seems suspicious. They have just begun their search on Immortals and most of their concentration is centered around finding the one Immortal that was found in the media.

Rules and Characters
Found in the 'Rules' Section.

Toggle Rules

1) I require all participants to have a basic understanding of both grammar and spelling.
2) Be descriptive. You must not post anything shorter than four sentences unless there is a reasonable explanation given.
3) No godmodding, powerplaying, mary-sues, gary-sues etc. etc. This should be well understood in every respected roleplay.
4) This is a rated R roleplay and cursing is allowed. When it comes to sex or sexual activities, please take it elsewhere. When it gets to that point in your post, do a fade-out.
5) Although this roleplay is based around religion, please do not expect that I require you to be religious in any way. This roleplay is based off of some stories in the Bible, but these stories have been modified in the basic plot to better suit the roleplay. I am not looking for a religious war here, simply a good roleplay.
6) Once you have submitted a character application, regardless of whether it has or has not been approved, you MUST check the [OOC] The Immortals tab to view comments on your character. Sometimes characters are accepted (or denied) providing revisions. If you start posting without having made the necessary changes, your posts WILL BE DELETED.
7) Rules are subject to change as I see fit. Hopefully I won't have to change them.

Character Applications

In the Description box please use this format.
Status: (immortal or human and whether they work with or against the Government)
Occupation: (Write 'Historian' if you work for the Government, anything else if you do not.)
Appearance: (Please do not use a picture to describe your appearance. You may add a picture to better explain your written description however. When you do add a picture please use the 'Insert URL Link' and have the link title be 'appearance')

In the Personality box please use this format.
Likes: (At least two)
Dislikes: (At least two)

In the Equipment box please use this format.
Skills: (There is no magic in this world. These are the skills that one has picked up over their lifetime. Immortals may have up to ten skills, humans may have up to five.)
Weaknesses: (No matter human or immortal you must have three weaknesses. One major weakness and two semi. The weaknesses I expect to be listed will be those that will give an opponent a leg up in battle. Immortals may not die but you can incapacitate them.)
Weapons: (You may have up to five)

In the History box please use this format.
Born: (Location and year they were born. Ex. Richmond, Virginia 1984. Only relevant to humans. Immortals erase this.)
History: (For immortals you may place your character in historic battles etc.)

Browse All » 3 Settings to roleplay in

The Red Huntsman

The Red Huntsman by RolePlayGateway

A small pub that serves a wide variety of alcohol and select food items.

Eldershire Apartments

Eldershire Apartments by RolePlayGateway

A simple apartment complex. Smaller apartments are found on the bottom floors where the larger and more ornate apartments are on the upper floors.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors

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Character Portrait: Vanessa Knite Character Portrait: Étaín Fields
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It was nice to see that she could still act normal around people. Talking about things that obviously meant something to them was always a great ice breaker. An Atari? Étaín remembered when she had put one in storage vowing it was only coming out when she could sell the piece of junk and it be worth millions. It had yet to happen. So much for that idea. She thought soberly to herself. But as Vanessa started talking about all of the weapons, she tried not to cringe. But the fact that they were on loan in museums...

"What are you some type of historian of weapons or something? Or do you just like anicent paraphernalia that much?" The fact that the woman looked so young could have meant that she inherited most of it or she just had that much money. But something didn't sit right with the woman. A part of her guy told her to either give up being nice to the woman and run or give up the search for the other immortal altogether. She didn't like the latter option.

As for the moving, she did that herself, but she knew her reasons. She also knew a lot of modern jobs called for people moving around, so it wasn't something she dwelled on long. What she did dwell on was the fact that the other woman had allowed things to be destroyed during the moves. Étaín had taken every precaution when she moved to make sure everything was going to stay the way she left it except for the dust.

"Well, I figured with the way you were watching the tv and talking about it you had an interest in it." She covered herself quickly trying not to give up too much information anymore. She was loose with the animals; she had to learn again not to be that way except around them. Heading back to where her motel was at, she kept her eyes on everything she could. Living forever came with its down falls. She was afraid of being caught. And so she trained herself to have warrior senses but act like modern women did and it changed constantly.

Which may have explained why she noticed the sky was very dark the closer they got to her safe haven and the fact that the hairs on the back of her neck were jumping on edge. Something was wrong. But what she didn't know and she wasn't sure if she wanted to be around to find out. She tried not to let anything show to what she felt around her, believing Vanessa was a normal human.

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#, as written by Mavz
Vanessa faltered for a moment. She had to come up with some excuse quickly, one that would make sense. Inherited? She could probably get away with the furniture, but as for the weapons it would be a bit difficult explaining how many generations of her family 'passed down' weapons. There would have been at least one in those generations that wouldn't want weapons in their house. She settled on an excuse that was as close to the truth as possible. Even after all of her years on this planet, she wasn't really the best liar so lying on smaller things would be easier for her.

"War fascinates me. Not in the sense that I would jump up and join the army right now but more in the sense that the equipment designed to destroy and protect fascinate me. I can't really explain why. Some of the more modern weapons were inherited, but the older ones I have purchased. It was difficult finding pieces in good condition."

She felt a slight shift in the conversation and wondered if it would be best to talk about something more modern. Though, just as she was about to change the topic, the woman began to talk about the Immortal.

"Well, there's not a lot of people that are Immortal. Or rather, there's only one. Hopefully there are more, they'd be able to brush up on our history," she shrugged, hoping that it would excuse her interest.

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Character Portrait: Daavid
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(OOC: I’m extremely sorry. There was a large time span between my last post and the next post so I thought you all left.)

Daavid knew he had won. When one has tortured some of the most brilliant minds, one remembers such things, thought Daavid. The man stood up and signaled the guards. The taller of the guards grunted but left. The man looked at Daavid. Then he moved towards the window, though it would be more accurate to call it a massive hole in the wall.

The sound of the waves was louder now. “Is Senator Wesley the one responsible?” asked Daavid as he started walking towards the man. The man was now in his control and Daavid learned a new thing, or remembered it, who knew? If Daavid knew the secret a man was hiding and the person he was truly hiding it from, Daavid’s smile would start working again.

“No. It was the Project Lazarus’s head Ben Knight,” said the man when Daavid reached him. Ben Knight? Lazarus Project? thought Daavid as cool breeze blew into his face. The sight before him was absolutely stunning. The rising sun, the waves and his victory just made everything sweeter.

“And who is Ben Knight?” “Don’t know. Even the name and project I had overheard. Can I go now?”

Daavid smiled. The man knew what Daavid wanted him to do. “Please, don’t let me stop you,” said Daavid and drank the remaining of the beer in the glass he held. “Have a nice day,” Daavid said smiling.

The man turned back to face Daavid, “Tell my son that his father did it all for him,” he said and stepped back. The man fell off the floor and into the crashing waves below. Don’t worry, you can tell him that when he joins you, thought Daavid as started for the exit.

“I cannot allow you to leave,” said the guard. Fuck! I completely forgot! “You were supposed to die here. I don’t know how you killed him but you will still die,” said the man. Daavid was unable to move, fear had taken over. He stepped back but stopped right at the edge. The man removed his gun and pointed it at Daavid.

Just as the man was about to fire, someone screamed RIGHT!!!. That very instant Daavid moved towards the right, involuntarily. What th- he thought but the voice boomed again BACK!!! and Daavid started falling. “Nooo!!” he shouted but to no avail. The man was looking at him from the hole as Daavid fell. He turned around to face the sea. The last thing he saw was the torturers dead body on the rocks below…

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Character Portrait: Vanessa Knite Character Portrait: Étaín Fields
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Étaín only half listened to the words coming out of the other woman’s mouth. Something wasn’t right. But what? That she couldn’t pick up on. “Look I think we need to go a different direction?” How could she explain the way her mind worked? What was the modern term – subconscious. That was right. That thing could tell her something wasn’t right around them.

She glanced around. The motel was only a few blocks away, but she was considering heading back the way they had come. To the left was one dark alley, ahead nothing but the dark, eerie street, and the same behind them. But all around were the dark shops, most of which had closed down already.

War was going to get them killed. This night could get them killed. She stopped walking and glanced over at the other woman. “Did you hear anything?” She felt like she was paranoid, but she learned quickly to be that way in this world. Now she was sure something wasn’t right, but she still couldn’t pin point what it was. If she had been alone it wouldn’t have been the problem. The fear of being found out that she couldn’t die wasn’t there when she was alone, but in the presence of someone else it was there. She wanted to run and avoid anything and everything that was around them. Moving to the capital seemed like a really bad idea now.

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#, as written by Mavz
The location of the pub wasn't too far from the river and at first she thought the shouts she had heard were just the waves washing up against the rocks. Though, the faint howl of what sounded like a man was heard and Vanessa knew that it wasn't the rocks. She stopped walking for a moment, concentrating on the sounds around them to see if perhaps she could pinpoint the location or figure out exactly what the sounds were. She almost didn't register the words that the woman said, but once she did it broke off her concentration and she turned to look at the fellow woman.

"Yes, I did hear something," she began walking towards the river at a brisk pace, "Follow me if you'd like, but I think someone's hurt up there."

Fear was an emotion that she hadn't felt in a really long time. The feeling she felt as she walked towards potential danger was more akin to nervousness rather than fear. Sure, pain hurt but it wouldn't last and it wouldn't kill her. Things that could 'kill' her scared her, but considering that she couldn't die she wasn't exactly worried. She took off at a jog, not stopping to see if the girl was following. If the woman really did want Vanessa as a friend, but didn't want to follow her, she would be able to find her at the pub. It would be Vanessa's home other than her apartment.

She stopped at a guard rail running along a road and glanced towards an abandoned building before looking at the rocks below it. She could see the bodies of two men laying on the rocks. She climbed over the guard rail and stood along the edge for a moment, eying the rocks below. It was a good fifteen foot drop to a boulder not far and after looking at it for a minute she jumped. Her heels slipped on the smooth rock and she fell to her knees, grabbing hold of part of the boulder to keep herself on top of it before slowly releasing to allow herself to slide down to the ground below. She muttered a couple curses as she looked at her scuffed up knees, but they weren't that important at the moment. After a couple minutes of scaling the rocks and maneuvering around them, she finally reached the bodies. One was still breathing, the other was obviously dead. With a foot she rolled over the still breathing one and was a bit startled to see the man who had bought her a drink earlier.

"Can't finish a drink and can't die after a huge drop, now that's interesting," she muttered as she looked up to see the window in the building where she assumed he fell out of. "Now what the hell were you doing in an abandoned building..."

She knew the man was unconscious (assuming at least) and didn't expect an answer. It was at this point that she looked to see if the woman had followed her. She would need her help afterall if she were to drag this man up the wall of the drop to get him some sort of medical attention.

((Sorry about the wait as well. Got attacked by work and then my horse got hurt so...been at the barn cleaning wounds and all that fun jazz...))

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Character Portrait: Vanessa Knite Character Portrait: Étaín Fields Character Portrait: Daavid
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Thank gawd she wasn’t the only one who didn’t think something was right. And then again at least she wasn’t the one who was running head long into the danger either. Étaín would have been happy just to run home to her beloved animals and forget all about the mess, but the goodness that somehow still managed to live in her heart wouldn’t allow her to do so.

She’d taken care of people who had been hurt nearly all of her life. It was something she had prided herself on. So naturally, she ran after Vanessa. This had to have been the feeling of dread she was getting. At least she hoped it was the feeling she was getting. If it wasn’t then she was worried.

Following after the woman, the red haired female was forced to find another way down. She feared about causing a slide of some kind if she went the same direction. So she went the long way, but in the end she came to the same scene as Vanessa had. She repressed a gulp. She hated seeing the dead. She’d seen so many, especially children in Ireland that she would have been happy to never see another one in her life. The other reason being, she wished it was her.

She had tried to commit suicide on multiple occasions, but to no avail. She always lived through it and eventually she had given up. That was when she started getting the pets. Each dog and cat was somehow related to the one she had before and so the line continued just like her.

Étaín recognized the man from the pub as well as she bent down on the other side of the male. Her hands were scuffed a bit from climbing down, but it was easy to see she’d faired much better than the other woman. She was used to them, but only from her time years and years ago in a land she only wished to return to.

“What are we going to do? We can’t possibly carry him ourselves… we don’t know what’s wrong with him…” Her voice was low as if her speaking would wake him and bring him to the world of pain. Of course, she knew she could drag him herself – not. She may have been immortal and ran all of the time, but she wasn’t physically all that strong at all.

Glancing to the other woman, she waited on an answer. Truthfully, she didn’t think there was going to be a safe way to get him out without the coast guard. She didn’t have a phone on her and she wasn’t sure if the other woman did or not. Which meant one of them was going to have to leave and go get help. The feeling of dread returned.

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(((( OOC:

Oh my... Am I in a spot of bother... :)
Well since he's incapacitated(i think that's the word), you are free to move my character(and invent any injuries. Broken head? Broken Ribs? Half the body missing? All is fine) till he regains consciousness(and some conscience :))
Few things. He won't speak. He has a fake visa and a thousand dollars in his right breast pocket.
He will stop breathing after a few minutes, regardless of any help you might get. Enjoy :)

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vanessa Knite Character Portrait: Étaín Fields Character Portrait: Daavid
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#, as written by Mavz
((Fantastic! Haha))

Vanessa narrowed her eyes as she examined the man. She had been a nurse during World War One and had seen many injuries, but back then it wasn't common for the patient to survive. It was obvious that he suffered head trauma as well as a possible broken back and possible broken ribs. She didn't have an X-Ray on her and could only assume those were his injuries. She was lost in thought for a while, trying to figure out what to do with him. His chances of survival were grim, but she reckoned it wasn't impossible. They would need professional help, not just what she had learned from over fifty years ago. Yet, just as she was about to suggest calling emergency services, his chest stopped rising and she realized he had stopped breathing. She calmly checked his pulse on his wrist to confirm her suspicions before she shook her head. She hated doing this, but it seemed to be the only way of helping him. She began to perform CPR, but after a couple minutes she gave up and shook her head.

"He's gone..."

"Search him and wait." The familiar voice of her guardian startled her and she visibly jumped. She was about to ask out loud why, but realized that Étaín would probably think her crazy. Many people did when she spoke aloud with her guardian. She decided to follow her guardian's order and noticed a bulge in the man's right breast pocket. Without even a pause she reached forward and removed what was in it to find a visa and a wad of cash. She returned the cash to his pocket, not feeling right stealing from a dead man before turning her attention to the visa in her hand. She flipped it open and examined it closely.

"This visa is thicker than most...and the text is a little deep...see?" She held up the visa to Étaín, "It's a very good fake but a fake nonetheless."

She only knew it was a fake because she had had so many herself. The new passports were harder to copy, but this one was done rather well. Someone who wasn't trained, or had them themselves, wouldn't be able to spot the differences.

"Why would he have a fake visa...and why would he be carrying so much cash on him?"

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vanessa Knite Character Portrait: Étaín Fields Character Portrait: Daavid
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Étaín didn’t have to be told that the visa was a fake. She knew them well herself, though she preferred cash over the plastic. It was getting so easy to track people now; one reason she was always paranoid. Shaking her head, she glanced from man to man and then to Vanessa. There was a rambling of old Gaelic in her head, and the woman realized that the annoying voice in her mind was back. She wanted to groan. But instead she listened and kept herself from nodding at the words.
Something was very off here. Very off.

“I think we should go. At least I am.” She responded as she stood up. She took a few steps away before glancing back. Noticing the light movement of clothes she walked back over and bent down on the balls of her feet, brows furrowed in confusion. “Is he breathing? Or am I crazy?” It wouldn’t be the first time.

The red haired woman was pretty sure it was her imagination that no longer wished to see death that was inventing the fact that he was still alive. “Vanessa, we need to go now.” The warning sensors in her brain were going off.

They had two dead men; well one they both thought was dead. They could have been the only ones here, but somewhere somehow she doubted all of it. Standing back up, she glanced up the cliff where they would have fallen and swore she saw another figure. “He’s dead. Let’s go.” She stated her voice the most firm and commanding it had been since not calming a bride down. They didn’t need to end up dead too.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vanessa Knite Character Portrait: Étaín Fields Character Portrait: Daavid
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Daavid was dying. Or he was dead, he didn't know. He could hear voices near him. The end..., he thought... Oh, wait, I'm an immortal

Daavid tried to move, but it caused him infernal pain. He couldn't move his mouth but if he could scream, he was certain he would have woken the dead up. Daavid tried to concenrate but nothing was happeneing. He was loosing control. "LET GO GODDAMNIT!" screamed someone. That voice...


Suddenly Daavid was falling... He was falling but his body didn't move... He was dreaming... or maybe he was going to hell? He didn't know. A second later he was sitting on a chair in a room. There was another chair turned away from him. Daavid started walking... wait he could walk? What the fuck is going on... There was a man sitting in the chair. Daavid called out, "Excuse me, where am I?"

"We are in your subconscious. Now let me concentrate," said the man, the same voice as before...
"Am I supposed to believe that?" asked Daavid as he moved towards the man. He looked over the chair and saw a small man pressing buttons on a transluscent screen. "Am I high?" asked Daavid, "Also why did you kill me?"

"Listen I need to get the two women away from you. I'm trying to contact their Guardians, so I'll appreciate if you'll shut the fuck up. Ok the link to Vanessa's and Etain's guardian is ready. Listen Guardian Angels, we cannot have them find out about each other or we're dead. I'll suggest you make them forget about this. I'll be doing the same," he turned to Daavid, "Always getting me into trouble..."

"Guardian Angels? what the fuck is going on! Tell me or I'll kill you!" shouted Daavid.

The other person took a deep breath and spoke, "I cannot have anyone know that you are an immortal, so I'm trying to save your ass. But there is no point... You'll forget all this once you are awake..."

"Wait... NOOO!!" shouted Daavid but there was no point... He was in control of dead body again. He couldn't move or breath. The feeling of asphixiation kept screwing with his brain. I can't .... take it.... anymore, he kept thinking. This was worse than dying. What did he do to recieve such punishment, he wondered. Am I dreaming? Am I dead? Am I awake? Am I alive?

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#, as written by Mavz
Vanessa hissed as her mind began to fill with vivid blurs and images. She grumbled under her breath as she slowly fell into a crouching position, holding her head as her Guardian began to show her images. They were too fast for her to see all of them, but she could have sworn she saw an image of herself. Was she wearing wings? Before she could even think another image took its place, this one having a man very similar to David and a woman very similar to Étaín, both with wings. Then the images ceased and she felt alone, as if the Guardian had left suddenly. Vanessa hissed again, this time followed by a curse as she opened her eyes to see the bodies before her.

"Yes," she said as she stood, turning to the other woman, "Let's go. Sorry, I had a sudden migraine."

She rubbed her forehead for a moment before looking upwards at the window. She thought she saw someone as well. She bit her lip before moving to follow Étaín, trying to figure out what those images meant. Her Guardian rarely showed her images and when she did they were important. Still, usually the images were presented a lot slower. It was like her Guardian was trying to send her a ton of information all at once, but didn't have the time to explain it all.

"I'm getting a feeling that man is important," she paused to look behind her and towards the man, "My Gua- something is telling me that he's important. Oh well...he's dead now."

She moved next to Étain and walked forward, scanning the wall to see if there was any way up the top of it.

((I'm sorry for being so slow.))

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vanessa Knite Character Portrait: Étaín Fields Character Portrait: Daavid
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0.00 INK

There was a spilt second when the woman was sure that not only were things wrong they were very wrong. And this was one of them. The warning bells in her head were going off more and more and for a brief moment she thought she heard the sound of a voice, she’d rather never hear again in her life. The two of them were not very close at all.

Moments like these, Étaín really wished she hadn’t stopped trying to kill herself. If it meant the annoying voice that didn’t much seem to like her; it called her a chicken all of the time, then she was happy for it. Brief images flashed across her head. Ones she got sometimes when she was asleep.

Shaking her head to clear it, she nodded to Vanessa. “Glad you see reason.” She replied lightly. Taking one last glance at the dead bodies, her gaze lingered on the one who died in front of them before nodding to herself. It would be better for everyone if they just forget about any of this.

Turning around, the woman started up the way she came down, giving directions to the other female just in case she needed them. Vanessa had already scraped herself on the way down, no need to do it on the way up as well. “I have to agree. Something about all of this is odd.” An idea started to form in her mind. “When we get to the top, let’s find a place to hide.”

It would be interesting to see if there was someone else on the top side watching them. But she couldn’t force herself to leave yet. Out of the ravine below yes, but not completely. Climbing out, she brushed herself off and glanced around. It didn’t seem like there was another person after all. At least not one that she could see. Looking around, Étaín found a place where they could see the way to the cliff and the way down to the gulley below without being seen. She grabbed Vanessa’s hand and dragged her along.

Bending down, she sat on the ground to wait. She didn’t know why, but she just couldn’t make herself leave. It was too important. Liam and Leo were going to be mad about not being feed, but they could get over it.

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#, as written by Mavz
She was glad the woman thought that there was something odd with the situation as well. She didn't know what her Guardian was trying to say, but it was making her nervous nonetheless. She followed Étaín's directions and scrambled to the top of the cliff. Her feet had only been on the ground for a moment before she was being dragged off by Étaín. She didn't complain, though she did trip over herself a couple times before they reached the hiding spot. She felt almost like a child playing hide and go seek...then again, she wouldn't really know having no recollection of her childhood. Once crouched down she stared at the abandoned building and spot on the cliff's edge where they had climbed out.

"That man, if he were to have fallen out of that window, should have been dead the moment he hit the ground," she muttered, brushing dirt out of the cuts on her knees, "Nonetheless, there's something going on and I don't like it. Though I can't say my curiosity hasn't been sparked..."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vanessa Knite Character Portrait: Étaín Fields Character Portrait: Daavid
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0.00 INK

Étaín nodded her head. "I know." Well, except maybe dying on contact. I've seen people survivor odder things. She thought to herself as she glanced out from the shrubs to the cliff edge. "If he turned at certain angles I could see how he survived for a little bit... besides," she whispered. "we don't know when he fell." From the sounds they had heard when the two females had come running over it couldn't have been very far from the time of falling. So the fact that the man was still alive made a bit more sense.

But the red head was left wondering. How long should they wait? If they stayed too long they could be said to be involved in the double murder. That was the last thing that she knew she needed right now. She was very close to giving up on finding the so called immortal and leaving town. She had always hated the capital and stuff like this was the reason why. "How long do we wait?" She whispered afraid of being hurt by anything.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vanessa Knite Character Portrait: Étaín Fields Character Portrait: Daavid
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mavz
Vanessa listened to her and realized that Étaín was correct. It did in fact matter how someone fell that determined how long the person stayed alive for. Though when the other woman asked how long they should stay Vanessa didn't really know what to say. Should they stay another ten minutes or would it be better to stay a couple hours? She waited to see if her guardian would make a noise or point her in the right direction, but everything was eerily quiet in the back of her head. Her Guardian was almost always active. They had become rather close over the eternity that they had been together. The Guardian's silence uneased her, but she realized that she couldn't rely on the Guardian all the time.

"I'd give it another fifteen or so minutes...if nothing happens then it would be best to probably go back." She whispered lowly, her eyes still fixed on the cliff edge ahead.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Edwin Black
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0.00 INK

(Since you guys aint moving Ima gonna only write for Edwin Black)

2 Days Later

"Edwin, this is more important!" shouted Ben Knight. Other people in the library looked at him but decided not to say anything when they saw his scary face.

"For you maybe," said Edwin Black and looked into the book he was pretending to read, Myth Of Old Gods. Ben snatched the book Edwin had and spoke, "Just come with me."

"Fine," sighed Edwin and lazily followed Ben. As they stepped he saw Ben's ride, a black Phantom. "Showoff," he said as they climbed in.

The car started and so did Ben, "What is your problem? Do you have to make a scene everytime?"

Edwin looked down at his legs. They were very comfortable but with Ben staring at his furiously, his mind wasn't. "You know I make a scene. Why bother?"

Ben sighed. Black was a important part of the Lazarus Project. They needed him because he was very good at finding people... but he was also a bitch to work with. "Found anything?"

Edwin didn't want to say it but he did anyway, "The fake immortal plan works."

Ben was surprised. It worked? So early? "How?" he asked.

"We were contacted by one just a few hours ago," said Edwin looking outside. The one way glass didn't allow people to look at him, at his face...

"And were you going to tell me about it?" demanded Ben. A bitch to work, Ben reminded himself.

"I'm still not sure about wether he is legit. Says he'll prove it," said Edwin. He was worried a little as to how that man knew about Lazarus and wondered how he'd 'prove it'.

"Nice... Just make sure to catch him..." Ben said and motioned the chauffer to take a right towards a world famous building.

"If it would be so easy, he wouldn't be free, now would he?" asked Edwin. "Ya..." said Ben as they reached the White House. "Ready to meet Mr. President?"

"Is he ready to meet me?" Edwin asked with a smirk.

Ben laughed. This was going to one hell of a meeting...

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The Red Huntsman

The Red Huntsman by RolePlayGateway

A small pub that serves a wide variety of alcohol and select food items.

Eldershire Apartments

Eldershire Apartments by RolePlayGateway

A simple apartment complex. Smaller apartments are found on the bottom floors where the larger and more ornate apartments are on the upper floors.

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View All » Add Character » 9 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Vanessa Knite
Character Portrait: Étaín Fields
Character Portrait: Kira Stovanich


Character Portrait: Kira Stovanich
Kira Stovanich

"I'm no simple thief.."

Character Portrait: Étaín Fields
Étaín Fields

"There are others?"


Character Portrait: Kira Stovanich
Kira Stovanich

"I'm no simple thief.."

Character Portrait: Étaín Fields
Étaín Fields

"There are others?"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Étaín Fields
Étaín Fields

"There are others?"

Character Portrait: Kira Stovanich
Kira Stovanich

"I'm no simple thief.."

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The Red Huntsman

The Red Huntsman by RolePlayGateway

A small pub that serves a wide variety of alcohol and select food items.

Eldershire Apartments

Eldershire Apartments by RolePlayGateway

A simple apartment complex. Smaller apartments are found on the bottom floors where the larger and more ornate apartments are on the upper floors.

The Red Huntsman

The Red Huntsman Owner: RolePlayGateway

A small pub that serves a wide variety of alcohol and select food items.

Eldershire Apartments

Eldershire Apartments Owner: RolePlayGateway

A simple apartment complex. Smaller apartments are found on the bottom floors where the larger and more ornate apartments are on the upper floors.

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Most recent OOC posts in The Immortals

Re: [OOC] The Immortals

So sorry. Was trying to get my second character for my shifter rp and it went into the wrong rp... The site has been iffy all day so sorry.

Re: [OOC] The Immortals

Hello... Where is everyone?

Re: [OOC] The Immortals

Thank you! I am looking forward to seeing your character in action :D

Re: [OOC] The Immortals

I am definitely looking forward to this rp.
Everyone's profiles are awesome. =]

And thanks for the acceptance, Mavz.

Re: [OOC] The Immortals

I'll have to get it up sometime tomorrow night sorry about that. If you want to see the basic premise without all the other stuff. Go to the interest checks in the occ. Its called shifter idea. So yeah. Thanks.

Re: [OOC] The Immortals

Sure, I'll take a look for ya :]

Re: [OOC] The Immortals

Hey, I'm working on a rp idea about shifters. I have everything done but I haven't posted it yet. You guys think you could take a look when I get it up. I don't want it to end up like the other rp idea I tried... no one joined me... I really like this one.

Re: [OOC] The Immortals

I have no idea how :/ Maybe edit the current post and change it to *deleted or delete it (I don't know if it's possible to delete posts. I'm such a newb at this site.) and then repost in the Red Huntsman? I'm sorry, I wish I knew how.

Re: [OOC] The Immortals

is there any way i change the place? I chose the red hunstman the post got posted in washington DC, present day.

Re: [OOC] The Immortals

Awesome! Thanks guys! And Amunet, I'm very pleased that you chose to be a human. We need more :P I'm working on a profile of another Human/Historian to try and even out the characters. Anyway, loved your profile and welcome!

Re: [OOC] The Immortals

Hope there's room for a human?
I submitted a profile.

Re: [OOC] The Immortals

I do everything in Word even the profiles... at least to an extent. I write most of them or all of them even posts up in class cause my History professor puts me to sleep since the room is so nice and warm... I do it to stay awake. But anyway, I type everything up in Word to make it easier since I know how these things are.

Re: [OOC] The Immortals

Sorry about that. I usually write such posts in MSWord so that's why I forgot.

Re: [OOC] The Immortals

No problem. I'm fairly new here myself and got my ten posts from the OOCs. Thank you. I made it off and on during class. I needed some relief from all the midterms.

Re: [OOC] The Immortals

Avengerspirit, I'm very sorry that I did not respond to your PM. I just figured out that I need 'ten' posts before I can actually respond to someone and I don't have those just yet. Anyway, you have been approved and welcome!

TheFinalOne, thank you for joining and you have been accepted I only have one small request. Would you mind going back and capitalizing the different i's and anything else that would need to be capitalized? I'd definitely appreciate it! Anyway, welcome and enjoy!

Re: [OOC] The Immortals

ZombieGil! Hope you see this. I love your application. It's fantastic! I only have one request; could you perhaps have it so that your character does not remember being an angel? I think it's great that he remembers Lucifer but the main 'punishment' that the Immortals have are to not remember their Angelic life. To know that there are other Immortals one could find comfort in that knowledge. I don't know if that makes much sense, my friend is a lot better at explaining it. I'm hoping she gets on here soon :] In any case, I loved your application.

HappyFace! Hope you see this as well. I'm sorry to reject your application but hopefully you'll see this and give it another shot. I tried figuring out how to private message people but I seem to fail at navigating this site. In your application you changed verb tenses multiple different times and there were many typos. When you stated your weaknesses you really only stated one and explained how that could potentially give others an advantage. You need two more weaknesses. Throughout most of the profile you did a really great job and I'd love it for you to try again. As for the history, however, you will need to post that with your next application. Also, please revise her status with the government. She is either working with the Government or not. It's not fair to others who have already made a firm decision. Thank you so much and I hope you definitely try again!

[OOC] The Immortals

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "The Immortals"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.
