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The Immortals

The Immortals


There are twelve that live a life of immortality. They do not know of the others, each living a life of a silence. Yet, when one man is being chased by the government for a decade and has not aged, they begin to wonder if they are not the only ones.

1,666 readers have visited The Immortals since Mavz created it.


Before I begin I would like to mention that this roleplay is not intended for religious use. I am not promoting any religion in this and am simply using a story from the bible and changing a few things to better suit the plot for this Roleplay. I also would like to mention that this Roleplay idea is mainly not my own but my dear friend's. I shall give her credit once she creates an account.

[Plot listed below this]

The man paced the bunker irritably. His irritation wasn't stemmed from the bodies that littered the floor, or from the woman who loved him having taken her life moments before or from the fact that his enemies had him completely surrounded. He wasn't worried about his life and cared not at all for those who had died before him. He stepped through their blood like it was nothing, tracking red footprints across the concrete floor. He simply didn't care about death or what many believed to be his approaching one. He didn't care at all about any of that. He didn't even seem bothered by the fact that the bunker had caught flame and was slowly beginning to eat away the support beams of the structure. No, his irritation was caused by only one thing. The constant yelling of his guardian in his brain. Her voice had long since become an irritating screech in the back of his mind. He had lost all sense of sanity and had forgotten the ability to understand his guardian angel.

"Fick alles!" he screamed in German, throwing everything on the metal table beside him to the ground. "Halt die klappe!"

Her persistent high pitched screeches of anguish came the first day he had sent all the Jews to the camps. Her screeches had steadily become louder as he committed mass genocide. As Adolf's furious screams filled the air, the Guardian suddenly became silent. She had never been this quiet, not for hundreds of years. She hadn't been silent since his days of being Jack the Ripper and no matter what he yelled at her before she hadn't silenced. Yet now she was as quiet as ever and part of his mind felt empty. For a moment he felt fear, wondering if his Guardian had left him and wondering why she would suddenly leave. For thousands of years she had protected him, why would she leave so suddenly now? Was he really to die this time? Could it be possible?

"Lucifer, I would have thought you would have learned from your mistake," a voice spoke in his head, shaking him to the very core. "You have disappointed me."

Something in the back of his mind snapped and he fell to his knees as intense pain flooded his head. Visions filled his mind and the pain was forgotten. He saw himself surrounded by others, all with what looked to be wings adorning their backs. He recognized them immediately as angels and realized that this was a vision from his past, a memory he had long forgotten. He strained to look closer at what the group was staring at, what his former self was speaking to. He realized suddenly what this vision was showing him, what his Creator was showing him. The orb that was positioned before the group showed a snake and Lucifer was speaking to it, ordering it to convince the woman to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil which would lead to the destruction of the Garden of Eden. The vision ended, but as his mind cleared and his eyes opened he realized he was not standing in the bunker any longer and he had been stripped of his clothing. He stood in what looked to be a large cave with flames clinging to its walls. He didn't have much time to take in his surroundings when the voice spoke once more.

"You managed to get the snake to convince eve to eat the fruit that granted her the knowledge of good and evil. You and your followers went against my direct orders to leave the humans alone," the voice once more shook through him, "You were cast down to Earth to live a life of immortality. You were to watch them live, suffer and die. You were to live and feel their pains, to be wounded but never die and to watch loved ones fade away from you. Some of your companions have done great things and live a life of selflessness but you have taken advantage of this for your own entertainment. For this you shall be punished for the last time. You are to be left here in Hell, a prison for those who cross me. You are to be the overseer. This is your realm. Never again shall you step through Heaven's gates. You are now Satan and shall forever be known as such."

Main Plot

There were twelve angels that backed Lucifer when he went against God and all of them were cursed to live a life of immortality on Earth. However, none of them remember their lives previous to their life on Earth. Some don't even remember the first couple centuries that they lived on Earth as they are all thousands of years old. Due to their ability to survive nearly anything, many have chosen a life of valor. Some decide it best to live a quiet life. No matter what kind of life they decide to choose they must pick up and leave every five or so years. They do not age and do not look a day past twenty-five. If they were to stay they would be sure to raise unwanted questions.

Each Immortal believed they were the only one until one Immortal gained the attention of the media. He had been in the news on and off for decades and it wasn't until recently that someone put two and two together. One news channel had an interview with a man claiming that the man seen in various news reports was an Immortal. He had pulled up the man's different names and occupations, even pulled up where the man had lived. He found out that the man moved nearly every five years and almost always to a different city. The man pinpointed his last location to be in Washington DC. Not only did the man gain the attention of the public, but he had also gained the attention of the Government.

Now that the Immortals know that it's not just them, will they move to DC in search of the other? Will they help him or work with the Government against him? What will the humans do? More importantly, what will you do?


Immortals: Technically Immortals are still humans and have no magical powers. Every Immortal is accompanied by a Guardian Angel. The Guardians do not show themselves, only communicating to their charges by telepathy. Immortals may choose to respond to their Guardians by either telepathic or vocal communication. Immortals cannot die, even if their head is removed. It may take a couple of days, but their Guardian Angels are able to 'bring back' an immortal from any wound. (If an Immortals head is cut off the Guardian stitches it back on, but it takes a couple days.)

Humans: Well...pretty self explanatory I would hope.


The Government knows of only one Immortal in particular, the one mentioned in the media. The CIA put together a special unit known as the 'Historians' Don't let their name fool you. These agents study historical paintings in order to link together anyone who may look the same and search their databases to find anyone who may match the descriptions found in the paintings. If they find someone they research everyone about them and look for anything that seems suspicious. They have just begun their search on Immortals and most of their concentration is centered around finding the one Immortal that was found in the media.

Rules and Characters
Found in the 'Rules' Section.

Toggle Rules

1) I require all participants to have a basic understanding of both grammar and spelling.
2) Be descriptive. You must not post anything shorter than four sentences unless there is a reasonable explanation given.
3) No godmodding, powerplaying, mary-sues, gary-sues etc. etc. This should be well understood in every respected roleplay.
4) This is a rated R roleplay and cursing is allowed. When it comes to sex or sexual activities, please take it elsewhere. When it gets to that point in your post, do a fade-out.
5) Although this roleplay is based around religion, please do not expect that I require you to be religious in any way. This roleplay is based off of some stories in the Bible, but these stories have been modified in the basic plot to better suit the roleplay. I am not looking for a religious war here, simply a good roleplay.
6) Once you have submitted a character application, regardless of whether it has or has not been approved, you MUST check the [OOC] The Immortals tab to view comments on your character. Sometimes characters are accepted (or denied) providing revisions. If you start posting without having made the necessary changes, your posts WILL BE DELETED.
7) Rules are subject to change as I see fit. Hopefully I won't have to change them.

Character Applications

In the Description box please use this format.
Status: (immortal or human and whether they work with or against the Government)
Occupation: (Write 'Historian' if you work for the Government, anything else if you do not.)
Appearance: (Please do not use a picture to describe your appearance. You may add a picture to better explain your written description however. When you do add a picture please use the 'Insert URL Link' and have the link title be 'appearance')

In the Personality box please use this format.
Likes: (At least two)
Dislikes: (At least two)

In the Equipment box please use this format.
Skills: (There is no magic in this world. These are the skills that one has picked up over their lifetime. Immortals may have up to ten skills, humans may have up to five.)
Weaknesses: (No matter human or immortal you must have three weaknesses. One major weakness and two semi. The weaknesses I expect to be listed will be those that will give an opponent a leg up in battle. Immortals may not die but you can incapacitate them.)
Weapons: (You may have up to five)

In the History box please use this format.
Born: (Location and year they were born. Ex. Richmond, Virginia 1984. Only relevant to humans. Immortals erase this.)
History: (For immortals you may place your character in historic battles etc.)

Browse All » 3 Settings to roleplay in

The Red Huntsman

The Red Huntsman by RolePlayGateway

A small pub that serves a wide variety of alcohol and select food items.

Eldershire Apartments

Eldershire Apartments by RolePlayGateway

A simple apartment complex. Smaller apartments are found on the bottom floors where the larger and more ornate apartments are on the upper floors.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors

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Character Portrait: Vanessa Knite
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#, as written by Mavz
Vanessa had only been in Washington DC for about a week and already she had found a suitable pub to spend her evenings. She sat at one of the tables alongside a window with a book before her and a beer in her hand. She had just settled down after a long day of job hunting and had taken a pair of high heels off her sore feet and placed them on the floor beside her chair. Her legs, which were covered by a pair of black slacks, were crossed underneath her in an attempt to make herself more comfortable. She had unbuttoned her blue silk blouse halfway down, revealing the black tank underneath. Her suit jacket she had removed and had placed on the back of the chair along with her purse. She had attempted to remove the dark red lipstick from her lips, but hints of its color still remained. Her eyelashes covered in mascara she had left alone, knowing it would be best to remove it at home with the proper liquids. Her hair she had run a hand through so many times that by the end of the day it had lost its shine and many of the tight curls had loosened. Her appearance was a weak shadow of what she had looked like before, but she didn't care. None of her potential employers were sitting in this room and she had no need to impress anyone at the moment.

She had considered going on a search for the Immortal that was shown on TV only a week ago, but she knew it would have been a lost cause. He was probably holed up somewhere in hiding, if he was smart at least. She had decided that it would be best to grab a book from the local bookstore and sit down at her new favorite pub and read. More importantly she knew she needed a beer and to relax. Occasionally she would look up from her book to glance outside the window and watch as people walked down the lit sidewalk. She thought that maybe if she looked enough she might be lucky enough to spot him, though it was a very slim chance. She ended up giving up and for the most part kept to her book. She would look up every once in a while when someone new entered the pub, but they would only hold her attention for so long before she was back in her book.

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Two hundred dollars. That’s how much the old lady at the airport had given him. And a smile was all it took. The TSA agent told him of The Red Huntsman when Daavid enquired about where he could find the best wine in town. He gave Daavid a hundred dollars. Poor chap. I hope he has money left over to survive the day.
He was standing in front of The Red Huntsman wearing what he always wore, a Brown suit and black Jeans. It was a small pub surrounded by what looked like apartments. It had been a few days since he had heard of the ‘Immortal’. At first he wasn’t interested. It was Foxx News after all, no one trusted them. The story spread, but what made him leave his experiments, Mr. and Mrs. Yagami, was a realization. He had left Edu when too many people greeted him with, “You look same as ever.”
He couldn’t just stop experimenting, no matter what. He needed one immediately. As he entered the pub he saw two likely candidates. A young couple in the far corner and the woman reading a book seated in the window side table. The others were the usual culprits found in every bar. The Leader, the Dealer, the Rat, the Hunk, etc. He went to the bar counter and stood there waiting for the barman to come to him.
“Yes?” asked the barman. He looked at the lady in the blue and said, “Whiskey?”
“Beer,” said the barman. He filled a jug and gave Daavid a big glass. He smiled at the barman and reached into his pocket. “Don’t worry. It’s on the house,” interrupted the smiling barman. Ofcourse it is, thought Daavid and with the jug in one hand and the glass in the other, he reached the table where the lone woman was sitting. He looked at her. She was nothing special but she wasn’t bad either. He smiled, out of habit, eventhough she wasn’t looking and asked, “May I sit here?”

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Character Portrait: Étaín Fields
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It had been getting time to move again. Now with the news of another immortal, Étaín knew she had to go. Even if it was just a load of bull she had to go and find out for herself. So within days of seeing the news, she’d packed up her home and had it all in storage except for a few boxes and some suitcases. They held her clothes, necessities and things for the animals. That was how she ended up in another crappy motel that allowed pets. She was working on finding a rental that was two bedrooms with a yard that allowed both dogs and cats. It was getting harder and harder she’d noticed as time went on.

After giving up on house hunting for the day, she started walking back towards the motel. She saw a pub and hoped that they had what she was looking for. Having to find a good liquor store was going to be hard on first glance. The drink she preferred wasn’t easy to come by and usually had to be imported. Going back to Ireland was getting more and more tempting every time she moved around. But eventually she would still have to leave.

Sighing, she stepped into the building and glanced around. It didn’t appear there were many people in which she was grateful for. She pulled at the bottom of her t-shirt before heading over to the bar. She didn’t sit down just in case. “Do you happen to have Butratty Meade?” It was an odd request she knew. But after every move it was something she enjoyed having. She’d run out since the last time and didn’t have any to move with her.

The bartender looked at her odd before going to look. Well, looking was better than a flat out no. Turning, she leaned her back against the bar and glanced around, looking at the people there and then at the foot traffic. She shook her head. She didn’t like the capital already. She could tell she would only be here a few years at best. But the money she knew that would probably come out of the event planning was a tempting venture to stay her normal time.

Turning back around, she was pleased to see the bartender happened to find one bottle of her meade. She was so grateful. She went ahead and paid for the whole bottle and then sat down taking the glass the barkeep gave her. "Thank you." Today was looking better already now if only she could find a place to live and this other so called immortal.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vanessa Knite Character Portrait: Étaín Fields Character Portrait: Daavid
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#, as written by Mavz
Vanessa looked up when she heard a voice and it took her brain a moment to process what he had asked. She glanced around the room for a moment to note all the empty tables and chairs before returning her gaze back to the man before her. He reminded her of Hitler's version of a "perfect race" and for a moment thought she could place him as one of Hitler's generals, but the thought lingered only for a moment. She had to remind herself that there would always be people that looked like those she had met in her past, but that was simply because she had met so many people. Still, she was wondering why he had decided to sit at her table rather than at another.

"Yes, you may," she said calmly, "Dislike sitting by yourself?"

The question was presented with no intent of offending the man, she simply wanted an explanation as to why he chose to sit with her instead of those around her. As she waited for his response, her eyes moved to the woman who had just entered the bar and she watched as the woman ordered a drink Vanessa had not seen in a very long time. Last time she saw it she happened to be out of the country, but she couldn't exactly place where. She almost wanted some herself, but in the long run decided her beer was just as appeasing to the taste buds. Her eyes turned back to the man before her, still curious as to his answer. She disliked appearing rude and decided it best to close her book and appear as though her full attention was on the man before her. He at least had a charming smile and seemed pleasant enough to garner her attention.

The setting changes from The Red Huntsman to Washington DC, Present Day

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The setting changes from Washington DC, Present Day to The Red Huntsman

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Daavid sat down and looked at the woman. Smiling he said, “This seat has the best view,” and pointed towards the park some distance away. Three streets joined up right in front of the pub forming an inverted ‘T’ if seen from inside the pub. The park was situated about two hundred meters on the street directly coming towards the entrance.

Daavid wasn’t lying. The view of the park from the other seats was blocked by trees, people, a lamp post, a post box, and a bus stand. Looking at parks and green landscapes reminded him of the time in Munich when spent four cold nights in a park to build up stamina. The plan had failed but it was certainly a nice experience.

Daavid noticed the woman looking at someone behind him. He poured some of the beer in his glass and pushed the jug in the direction of the woman who sat across him. “Please help yourself. I cannot drink this much,” he said.

Regardless of anything, she was now his new experiment. So he started thinking about his approach.

What kind of a male figure does she want right now? Father? I aint old enough to be a father figure. A brother? If she wants a brother she will ask me for help without giving too much detail. If she wants a lover, she’ll eagerly listen to me. If she wants a friend, she’ll tell me everything. If she wants a son… She’s too young.

Suddenly Daavid remembered something. She had asked a question. A fucking question! Eventhough he was smiling. His smile didn’t work well on her… What now? He needed more intel on her before he could proceed. Should he choose another target? No way. This would be a nice challenge.

“Please, don’t mind me,” he said when he saw she had closed her book. Just ignore me. He couldn’t waste time here anymore. He’d act like he is interested in whatever she might say and leave in an hour or two. He continued watching people sitting in the park.

The setting changes from The Red Huntsman to Washington DC, Present Day

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((I did it too... jeez...))

The setting changes from Washington DC, Present Day to The Red Huntsman

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Character Portrait: Étaín Fields
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Étaín sipped at her meade knowing full well if she wanted the actually meade since Bunratty was more of a white wine than actually meade that she had to go back over to Ireland. It wasn’t bad. It had aged nicely and she loved that about the meade. Turning in the barstool she watched one of the TVs as it aired the news. There was some hope that she would get some type of clue on where to go from where she was presently at.

Sighing she poured herself another glass as she watched the foot traffic. There wasn’t anything much better to do. Quickly she asked for a menu and looked it down before deciding on something small that wouldn’t clash with the meade, a little dessert piece was perfect. One of the good things about being an immortal, she worked out because she had nothing better to do and her figure hadn’t changed since she remembered even when she never worked out.

When her food came out, she half turned in the seat to eat and drink, but still watch everything. She didn’t like being in new places before she’d gotten the general idea of what the place was like. D.C. was no place to be caught alone which meant she would have to stop drinking soon. Most women now couldn’t hold their liquor or even drank more than one glass of wine. So she knew that taking anymore than a second would seem odd.

It was funny how one learned to adapt so easily. All the things one did to stay hidden. Truthfully, she was tired of hiding. She hated moving around and longed only to stay in one place. Ireland sounded great and still besides of her memory of the place she didn’t understand why. Unconsciously, she fingered the Celtic cross at her neck knowing just how old it was before going back to eating her dessert just happening to catch bits and pieces of the conversation at the front by the windows.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vanessa Knite Character Portrait: Étaín Fields Character Portrait: Daavid
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#, as written by Mavz
She followed his finger to see where he was pointing and was slightly surprised at the clear her table gave. So he wasn't lying, which eased her a small fraction but she was still left with uncertainty. She turned her gaze back towards him when he spoke again and saw what he was offering, a glass of beer. A small smile spread across her lips as she looked at the glass, for she had finished her's just moments before. The great thing about being immortal was that poisons didn't really kill you. Some caused pain, this was true, but she doubted that the man before her had poisoned her glass anyway. Her Guardian would have probably been bothering her by now if the man had indeed did anything to the drink. This thought made her realize that her Guardian had actually been rather quiet, almost too quiet. She didn't dwell on it long, he never left even when she wanted him to.

"A man who looks fit to be a soldier cannot finish a glass of beer?" she asked with a raised eyebrow, a slightly amused expression on her face, "No matter, I thank you for your offer and I find that I cannot decline."

She oftentimes forgot that it didn't appear natural or normal for an average sized woman to drink a couple beers and appear as though there were no hints of alcohol in them. Thankfully her forgetfulness had yet to land her into any trouble and she hoped that today would be no different as she took hold of the beer and downed nearly half without a thought. Now that she wasn't reading her book her only distraction from time, other than the man and potentially those around her, was the beer. Though the man almost seemed upset by her turning her attention away to the book and to him and for a moment she was confused. Perhaps he was simply being polite? It was the only explanation she could think of.

"Please, the least I can do is to entertain you in conversation in return for the beer. If it's any consolation I've read so many biographies about Joan d'Arc that I can live waiting to read the rest of this one."

She moved her hand to reveal the book she had been reading. It was indeed a biography of Joan d'Arc with a picture of a painting resembling Vanessa on the front. Vanessa read the different biographies mainly for humor, finding it rather hilarious the many things authors came up with to fill in the blank pieces in history. Sometimes they would get actual events completely wrong. All in all it provided Vanessa with a good laugh. As she raised her glass to take another sip of beer, her eyes wandered over to the girl sitting at the bar and noticed her fiddling with what appeared to be a Celtic cross. Vanessa wondered if the girl was actually Irish or just seemed to enjoy Irish things, like the cross and the meade.

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Character Portrait: Takeda 'Isaiah' Kenshin
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Takeda arrived in this new city, Washington D.C., without doing any research. He happened to be walking and stumble upon a homely looking pub; The Red Huntsman. Takeda knew he had to find the immortal and help him out, they were two leaves of the same tree after all.

Takeda arrived in Washington D.C. shortly after finding a poor man being mugged by some thugs. He was on his way to Tokyo International Airport when he noticed the mugging. Takeda, being a man of justice, immediately assisted the poor man by taking down the thugs. It was a simple effort, not even drawing his sword. Shortly after being helped the man stood up and picked up his briefcase, 'Umm, hello.' The man shrugged, 'Thank you for saving me!' Takeda responded, 'It was my pleasure,' and started walking away from the man. 'Excuse me! Please hold on a moment!' The man ran after Takeda and got him to stop, 'Yes, what else do you need sir?' Takeda was interested to know what the man could possibly offer. 'You seem to be heading towards the airport, are you flying somewhere?' The man asked. 'Actually, yes, I'm trying to get to Washington D.C. in the America.' 'Oh really? I am too! Quick question, if you plan on flying, why don't you have any bags or anything?' Takeda was getting weary of the man, asking all the questions, but really why would Takeda need anything other than what he has on-hand. 'I just don't...' The man was again puzzled. 'Well, come with me, I'll make sure you get on the plane safely...' From here the man actually bought Takeda a ticket and ended up being the co-pilot of the plane going to Washington D.C.

So Takeda wound up in Washington D.C., searching for the immortal. "Alright, time to get some leads." Takeda entered the pub and took a seat at the bar. "Do you have any ginger plum Sake?" "Sake!?! This is the United States, not Japan my friend. I'm sorry but we don't carry Sake." Takeda was shocked to hear the bartender's response, "Ok, then do you have anything similar to Sake?" The bartender was rather puzzled since he wasn't too familiar with Sake. "If you mean a light beer, then yes." Takeda was now the man puzzled; what was light beer, and why don't they have Sake. "Sure I'll take it," His expression was rather dreary, since he looked forward to a nice cup of Sake to level his head.

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Double Post, ftw. Deleted

The setting changes from The Red Huntsman to Washington DC, Present Day

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vanessa Knite Character Portrait: Daavid
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"A man who looks fit to be a soldier cannot finish a glass of beer?" she had said. He would have replied, "Beer makes one fat," but he was lost in thought at that time so he didn't reply.

"Please, the least I can do is to entertain you in conversation in return for the beer. If it's any consolation I've read so many biographies about Joan d'Arc that I can live waiting to read the rest of this one," she replied and that made Daavid smile. Ofcourse you'll entertain me. You are my experiment after all. But who is Joan d'Arc? Joan? Joan... He knew she was famous, but who was she?

The pub was starting to fill, but with wierdos. A woman asking for meade and a man for Sake? What in the world was happening? His thought meandered about for a while and then he stood up.

"Please excuse me, ma'am. But I must leave. Let me take care of the bill for the both of us," he said to the woman and placed a hundred dollar bill on the table. As he started leaving, it dawned on him. Joan d'Arc was the French woman in the Hundred Years War books. He looked back at the cover and smiled at the woman, "I would refrain from using Joan d'Arc's biographies. She is shown as a hero, a mary-sue. The books on The Hundred Year War should provide a much better and real version of her."

He had chosen the lover figure for her. Even though the jug he got was 'on the house' and she probably had already paid for her drink, cannot a lover do this much for her?

A few seconds later he was outside. Now, it's time to find the immortal. He's become quite famous, thought Daavid as he walked towards the bus stop. Atleast twice he overheard a conversation regarding the immortal, on the way to the pub. "Immortal? Hah! That would be pretty fucking dumb," one of the men had said. So Daavid smiled and took all his money. He gave all that he had to beggar and said, "Be a good man," and so the beggar become his pet project.

He took a taxi to the White House. It was a large building but only had a small fence to protect it. Now to meet someone important

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Character Portrait: Daavid
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“Senator Wesley, how are you?” enquired a smiling Daavid. They were walking on the main path towards the White House.

Senator Wesley turned around. Senator Wesley was suspicious at first. Who is this guy? How’d he get in?but Daavid’s smile destroyed any suspicions. “Hello friend. I’m fine.” Then both Senator Wesley and Daavid began to walk towards the main door. They were behind a group of people, sightseers. Three men in black suits surrounded them as the crowd looked around and murmured.

Good, the smile is working, Daavid thought. Only a few people could answer back with question when he smiled. That lady back in the bar was the fourth. Fourth since 1986, that is. He knew very less about his life before that weird and pretty insane night in London, 17 December, 1983. It was weird and insane in the nightmares he had.

Daavid searched for any information about that day. He found out that a building had been bombed by the IRA killing six and injuring many. Two bodies were never identified and one wasn’t found. He wanted to go back there. Maybe it would help him remember? But Daavid feared someone would recognize him. Also since then, he has hated Irish people, even though he probably wasn’t even there during the attack. Everything after that till the day he landed in Paris was a blur, a bloody blur.

Daavid’s thought train was derailed when they reached the tourist crowd. Most greeted Senator Wesley. Daavid did not mind being ignored but nearly lost his head when someone muttered, “Damn Nazi.” He merely smiled at the crowd and entered the building.

“He is my friend. Please take care of his needs,” said the Senator while pointing towards Daavid. He then turned towards Daavid and said, “I have a meeting with the President. Please have a seat here in the reception area.” Daavid could have met the President. A smile was all it took. But he already risked a lot coming here. He refused politely to the man who offered him to bring him refreshments.

He was careful not to smile anymore, lest he affect someone adversely. His smile was a lethal weapon. But it could only be used on people who didn’t have any unusual aspirations or motivation or something like that.

Most people only wanted more power or money, or wanted to live a nice quiet life. The smile worked extremely well on them. On people who wanted revenge, were extremely insecure or didn’t care much about living, (suicidal) it didn’t work that well. He was just a random good looking guy with a nice smile to them. On people with very important secrets, it didn’t work at all.

When another person offered him refreshments, he accepted politely. He looked at the paintings at the wall while eating the Oreo biscuit. A nice collection… Soon he fell asleep.

….. On people with very important secrets, it didn’t work at all…..

The setting changes from Washington DC, Present Day to The Red Huntsman

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vanessa Knite Character Portrait: Étaín Fields Character Portrait: Takeda 'Isaiah' Kenshin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mavz
When the man suggested that Joan d'Arc was a mary-sue and was portrayed incorrectly as a hero, Vanessa nearly stabbed him with the fork resting next to her hand. The thought of violence quickly disappeared and she gave him her best smile, masking any irritation she might have with him. She had nearly forgotten the hundred dollar bill he placed on the table until after he left. Turning her attention to it she looked at it confusingly for a moment. Why would he pay her bill after talking to her for just a moment and why would he pay with a hundred dollar bill? She shook her head and uncrossed her legs from the chair and slipped her feet into her heels before standing to head over to the bar with the bill.

"Here's to paying the bill, his drink and mine. I'd like a shot of whiskey as well if you wouldn't mind. Keep the change." As she waited she was reminded of his words against Joan d'Arc and for a moment forgot those that were around her. "Calling me a mary-sue and not a hero. Yes, because being burned at the stake was something I did for fun."

Her words came out as an angry mutter, silencing only when the shot of whiskey was placed beside her. Without hesitating, Vanessa took the glass and threw its contents down her throat without even a hint of disliking the taste. The bartender stared at her for a moment and offered her another one, yet she declined. It was then that she realized a new man had entered the room dressed in a rather unusual garb and had asked for Sake. She glanced towards the woman who had ordered an interesting Irish drink and then to the man who was seeking a Japanese drink. She stood in between them, puzzled for a moment before deciding that it wasn't unusual for DC to attract different people from different nationalities.

"John," she said to the bartender who was searching around for a light beer for the gentleman, "Don't you have Sapporo or Asahi beer?"

The two beer names she mentioned were Japanese and rather common in the states. It wasn't sake, but it was Japanese and she had a feeling the man wanted something Japanese. When the bartender, John, nodded and held up a Sapporo bottle of beer Vanessa turned towards the Japanese man and smiled.

"If you haven't had Sapporo you should definitely try it, it's much better than any American beer."

She turned her attention to the woman beside her and was about to ask her where she got her taste for mead when a news reporter appeared on the television screen hanging above the bar. Different pictures of the man considered the Immortal fluttered across the screen, instantly grabbing her attention. There was a picture of him outside the Red Huntsman and she quickly glanced outside, but he wasn't there and she realized that the pictures had been taken a while ago. The reporter continued talking about the man and gave a hot line to call in case anyone could see him.

"Poor man, everyone hunting him down just because he might not be able to die," she muttered.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vanessa Knite Character Portrait: Étaín Fields Character Portrait: Takeda 'Isaiah' Kenshin
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0.00 INK

It was always interesting being in a bar or pub. The types of people that came in were always different. But it seemed like this place attracted even odder people to the mix. Étaín kind of liked the idea of all the different types being in one place. It made her not stand out so much, at least she hoped it did. Not to mention she was glad she wasn't the only one with odd drink tastes. Didn't Japanese people know America wouldn't have their stuff unless they went to a specialty place. Like her with finding true Irish meade. It was nearly impossible. Plus, so much time had passed she wasn't sure if she remembered what real meade tasted like instead of the flavored white wine meant to be meade.

The words of the other woman floated to the red head's ears and she paused for just a second before continuing to eat. Burned at the stake for fun? Is that some type of metaphor? She sure hoped that it was. Anything is better than American beer, sweety. She thought to herself as she finished off her small meal and the rest of the meade in her glass. Glancing back at the woman she could see she was about to speak, but when the TV started on about the immortal again even she turned her attention to it.

What could she do? How did she have any chance at finding this other so called immortal. Étaín had known for years that she couldn't have been the only one in the world. And with the technology increases it wasn't surprising that one of them had been found. She just didn't want to be next. She knew she would have found a place and holed up for a few hundred years.

"Not being able to die is probably a sin." The comment was light hearted. She had always felt that she was cursed for something or done something she shouldn't have and was being punished for it, but what she did she didn't remember. "I would hide for a very long time if I were him. Though who knows," she shrugged. "Maybe he's tired of hiding now. It gets old after a while; no longer becomes fun." She used the same word as the other woman.


It wasn't fun to be burned at the stake, whatever that meant. But it sure as hell wasn't fun hiding all the of time. Always running and looking over one's shoulder got very annoying after a few hundred years and that was all she really had memories of. She guessed everything else was blocked out or that she was born then. But that notion seemed off too. Sighing, she shrugged her shoulders.

"Time to head to the motel, I guess." A comment more to herself, but still just loud enough to be heard by those closest to her.

The setting changes from The Red Huntsman to Washington DC, Present Day

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vanessa Knite Character Portrait: Étaín Fields Character Portrait: Takeda 'Isaiah' Kenshin
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0.00 INK

Takeda looked up from his slight stoop, "Arigato, uhm... thank you, it is much appreciated." He graciously thanked the woman that called for this Japanese Beer, although proclaimed Japanese, it tasted nothing like Sake. This instance really struck Takeda, he really is in a different world now. He had overheard parts of the conversation his gifter was having with another patron. Some of her comments struck him as odd, but he decided to just leave it alone. He pondered a few of her comments, burned at the stake stuck out the most in his mind. "Why would people do such things now..." It suddenly brought illustrious memories back to mind; of enemies and allies alike being pinned to giant poles and burned... that was the conviction of high treason. The memories flowed like a timeline; next he recalled instances where a few allies had performed Seppuku, the art of suicide by slicing your stomach open. He was in a brief trance, recalling numerous memories at once, but it only lasted a few short moments.

Once he regained consciousness the television caught his eye. He looked up to see another news report of the discovered immortal. "Again..." He nods at the site of the immortal. Takeda was amazed at the quality this television had, having lived in Owaka, he wasn't used to such clear images. At that time he noticed the difference in advanced technologies between Washington D.C. and his home, Owaka. Takeda wasn't absolutely stunned at the technological differences, but they were pretty significant. The television was his first discovery, as was the computer cash register. Owaka had limited technology, so some things just seemed foreign to him. "Poor fellow... the world has their eyes on you..."

After abit, Takeda stopped watching the news broadcast. He noticed that one of the nearby patrons was leaving, not only leaving but apparently stating where she intended to go. "Oyasum-" Takeda coughed, "I mean... Good Night." He had almost talked in Japanese, again. He was going to have to refrain from that here in the United States. He wasn't sure why he had wished good night to a stranger, but all the better to treat people nicely.

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#, as written by Mavz
Meant to post in Red Huntsman. Go me. WOOT

The setting changes from Washington DC, Present Day to The Red Huntsman

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vanessa Knite Character Portrait: Étaín Fields Character Portrait: Takeda 'Isaiah' Kenshin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mavz
When the woman beside her had mentioned that it was a sin to not be able to die, Vanessa found herself agreeing with the woman. She had oftentimes felt the same way, wondering why she was granted an immortal life when no one else was. It gets old after a while; no longer becomes fun. The way the woman said those words made Vanessa look at her closely. She had spoken as if she knew how it felt to hide for a while, though Vanessa brushed it off. Maybe it meant nothing, maybe the woman was just trying to understand how the supposed Immortal on TV felt. When she mentioned she was leaving she followed suit with the Japanese man and decided to wish her a good night as well.

"Don't forget your bottle," she said with a smile as she motioned to the bottle of mead the girl had ordered, "Have a good night."

She glanced back towards the Japanese man and wondered if she should say something, but decided against it. She really didn't have much to talk about and the only thing that seemed to be of common interest was the Immortal being shown on the television screen. She sighed and decided to take up John's offer of another drink and ordered a guiness, craving something thick for the moment. She looked down at her drink when the man placed it in front of her and she found herself thinking out loud.

"What if there were multiple Immortals, but they didn't know each other? Forced to live a life eternally alone. They think they're alone until there's one shown on TV, but is he real or just another media scam?" she chuckled and shrugged, "I guess we'll never know."

The alcohol was loosening her tongue, but she was far from drunk. She felt its effects on her but she didn't much care as she took a long sip from her beer. Ah, that was the drink she was looking for. Guiness.

((OOC: It's unlike my character to be super talkative like this but I figured it might get things going a bit :P))

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vanessa Knite Character Portrait: Étaín Fields Character Portrait: Takeda 'Isaiah' Kenshin
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0.00 INK

Two farewells. She’d only gotten farewells and thank you from the couples that she helped now. To hear it from two complete strangers in a bar no less was an odd thing. The Japanese man she could understand. She knew their society was build around politeness and manners. But the other woman it was odd coming from her. She shrugged to herself as she turned and grabbed her bottle grateful for the reminder. It wasn’t like she was going to forget it though. She didn’t have any of her meads in this city. She had yet to go and get her stuff since she had no place to stay.

Étaín had started out the door when the woman’s words caught her attention. She turned back to her one eyebrow arched. “I would then suppose those people wouldn’t want to be alone anymore.” She managed a weak smile and a small laugh. “I’d go looking for him. And then again if there was one why couldn’t there be others?” It was the very question she had asked herself before she’d picked up and moved.

“Anyway…” She rubbed the back of her head lightly nervously. “I’m new to the area and well… I could use some friends, someone to hang out with. At least until I get settled.” She posed the question to both of the people at the bar. The Japanese man was a gamble. He was either there on business or newly arrived like her. If it was the latter she was good if not, she lost out. But the other woman she was hoping for success with. “By the way, my name’s Étaín Fields.” She’d practiced the last name tons of times before she’d gotten there. Always changing the last but never the first name. It would be her down fall she knew, but she couldn’t bring herself to do it.

“So… what do you say?” She was hoping for a yes. They both seemed to speak of the immortal on a higher level than what she had heard other people speak of and that had her wanting to be around them more. If only to glean information from them. Not to mention they seemed to understand the words she spoke about it too. But that also meant she had to be more careful, more guarded about what she said to them if they did say yes.

The setting changes from The Red Huntsman to Washington DC, Present Day

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daavid
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0.00 INK

Forty Eight Forty Nine. Forty Eight Fifty… argh! I’ve had enough!

“Let me the hell out, NOW!” shouted Daavid. But no one responded. They had been driving for an hour. Actually he was stuck in bean bag in the back of the van. “Fucking let me out!” No reply.

He started kicking about. After a while the van stopped. The door to the van opened. The men dragged him outside and removed the knot of the bag. Daavid quickly squirmed out. He was covered in sweat and smelled very bad. He stood up and started shouting again at the two men who stood in front of him, “What the hell is going on?!” which quickly turned into apologies once they pulled out their guns. They waited for him to calm down, which he eventually did, quickly.

Daavid looked around. They were in front of an abandoned building, which could have been a mansion looking at its ruins. Behind them was a small road continuing on till the eye could see. Daavid could swear he heard waves crashing onto rocks. “Let’s go,” said the bigger of the two men after looking at his watch.

Daavid quietly followed. His head was hurting but he moved with them to show he wasn’t afraid. If this hadn’t happened to him before, he would have still been sitting near the car crying like a baby. One morning in January, 1998 he had been kidnapped by the Underworld of Mumbai. Luckily the police showed up for a drugs bust and he managed to get away. Looking at the building he had just entered, chances of the police arriving here were very slim.

It took them a few flights of stairs and some jumping over and moving around rubble to get to a room. There were two chairs, one of which was occupied by a tall thin man, and a small hanging light bulb between the chairs. “Please sit down mister…” he looked at Daavid.

“So you are the torturer? The name’s Daavid by the way,” said Daavid and sat on the chair. The man smiled and pointed towards the spot between them. Promptly that spot was occupied by a small table on which was a bottle of ice cold beer, judging from the water droplets, and two glasses, courtesy one of the guards. “Please, I’ve heard Germans like beer,” spoke the man while pouring beer for himself.

“Can you tell me your name?” asked Daavid smiling at the other man. The man smiled back, “No can do, mister.”

What the hell? Does everyone in Washington have secrets more important than their lives? Of course they did, he realized. This was where the biggest power players in the world called home. Everyone from the President to the neighbourhood whore had important secrets. What secret did this man have? He was a torturer so maybe he was hiding that fact… It was worth a shot…

The man looked at his watch and said, “I have two hours before you are scheduled to die. So, let’s get started…”

“How are your kids?” asked the smiling Daavid. The smile became wider when Daavid looked at the man’s startled and surprised face.


The setting changes from Washington DC, Present Day to The Red Huntsman

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#, as written by Mavz
Vanessa listened to the girls words closely. And then again if there was one why couldn't there be others? those words the girl spoke were often something Vanessa wondered over her lifetime. She had eventually convinced herself that she was the only one until the media went crazy over the potential 'Immortal' man that was somewhere in DC. She had looked at the pictures herself and after many thorough examinations she began to doubt that any of the photographs were photoshopped, as many people believed. If he really was an Immortal then she wasn't alone and there could possibly be others in the world. She was pulled out of her thoughts when the girl asked to be friends and for a moment Vanessa looked confused, as if the word 'friend' wasn't in her vocabulary. She hadn't had a friend in ages, partly because she didn't want to deal with explaining why she was moving or why she didn't age. It was too much of a hassle. She was about to say no, but she hesitated. Something about this girl told her that it would be worthwhile to keep in touch. Plus, it would give her something to do other than mope around in her apartment to hear back from a potential employer.

"Sure, though I'd have to warn you that I'm new to the area myself. Haven't even unpacked yet. My name is Vanessa Knite, it's a pleasure to meet you Étaín."

Vanessa gave Étaîn a warm smile before feeling slightly awkward. Did the other woman want to leave and go elsewhere or would she stay to have a few more drinks? Vanessa reckoned that she shouldn't have any more herself, simply because she knew her lips would get loose and she didn't want to say anything that could potentially upset her new 'friend'

"I'll be honest. It's been a while since I've had a friend so I apologize in advance if I'm a bit...odd."

The setting changes from The Red Huntsman to Washington DC, Present Day

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vanessa Knite Character Portrait: Étaín Fields
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0.00 INK

She knew that look. She understood that look. One of confusion. She’d been asked to be friends with people before and hadn’t understood why. But appearing normal was the most important thing she had learned. Étaín smiled at the comment. “Good we can get lost together.” It was such a big place and it was definitely less threatening or daunting to get lost with someone else there.

“I haven’t unpacked either,” Her voice light a slight smile on her lips. “And it’s a pleasure to meet you as well, Vanessa.” She glanced around. “Mind if I drop this off at the motel?” A motel explained why she hadn’t unpacked yet. She didn’t even have a place to live. “And don’t worry about being odd. I’m only used to keeping company with a dog and a cat and a pair of running shoes.”

Shrugging her shoulders, she glanced around the room one more time before looking back at the tv. “Well, let’s get going. We still have the rest of the day to get lost.” She hoped she wasn’t pushing herself onto the other woman. But she really was sick of being alone. So until she got herself settled into a place and had clients she didn’t want to worry. Not to mention having someone else interested in the other immortal was a plus. She could just act like an over grown child with a new obsession – at least she hoped.

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#, as written by Mavz
Good we can get lost together. Those words caused Vanessa to smile and she found herself already getting her things. She grabbed her suit jacket off the back of her chair, her bag and her book. She still wanted to finish it afterall, even though she knew what happened in it already. The thought that the girl hadn't even unpacked made Vanessa wonder where the girl came from, but she decided that would be a question worth asking later rather than now.

"Not at all, sounds like a plan. Animals are good companions but I may be at a loss for my company is usually just my clothes and antique collection."

She shrugged as she walked to the door, opening it for the woman to allow her through.She was rather excited to see that the woman was interested in the Immortal as well. Perhaps they would find him together?

((Sorry my post is so bad. I've typed the entire thing out and then had to wait ten minutes for my words to show up in the box. It's lagging so bad.))

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vanessa Knite Character Portrait: Étaín Fields
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"Liam and Leo are all right. Though I really wish they could talk." She replied back as she walked out of the door held open for her and waited on the other woman. She glanced back into the warm bar, shrugged to herself and smiled lightly. She would finish off the bottle on her own later. For now she needed to pretend to be normal. "What kind of antique collection?" Étaín had quite a large one herself if she actually thought about putting all of her stuff together from all of the storage units. Some she bought brand new in the old days were now hundreds of years old. "Myself, I have a super large collection of music, movies and of course games." But then all of them were in storage. Some were particular to certain units and areas others she had multiple copies so she could watch/play/listen to them where ever she went.

"So... are we going to try and find this so called immortal night?" She wanted to laugh it off, but any information that she could get would be nice. Even if it was just a rumor. She felt being an immortal gave her an edge that the humans did not. She glanced down the street and frowned. While she knew how to get back to her motel she really didn't want to go too far. "Want to head back to my temp place at the moment? Sounds better than getting lost in the capital at night." She asked after a few minutes.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vanessa Knite Character Portrait: Étaín Fields
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#, as written by Mavz
She smiled when the woman said she wished her pets could talk, but said nothing. She oftentimes wished the same thing, but there was no use saying anything about it. Many people wished animals could talk, but it would be a rather odd world if they could talk. Would they be upset that they were 'caged' in a house all day? Or would they be happy that they had someone that took care of them and loved them unconditionally? Vanessa shrugged the thought off as she followed the girl, adjusting her bag on her shoulder. Though when the woman asked what kind of antique collection she had and followed with her own collection, Vanessa visibly perked up.

"I mainly have the same as you, music and movies. As for games I couldn't really get into them, though I think I have an atari somewhere..." she trailed off as she wondered where the old console could be before she shrugged and continued, "Many of my things are actually on loan at the museums, but the far more valuable antiques I keep with me. They're mostly weapons, starting with the longsword all the way up through to the modern weapons we have today. I have armor once worn by Joan d'Arc and some furniture, many dating back to nearly a thousand years old. I would have more furniture but most pieces didn't survive being moved to the many different houses and apartments I have lived in."

Vanessa was getting rather careless in her words and she realized that she would have to come up with an excuse as to how she got her antiques and why she moved often. She hoped that the woman wouldn't pick up on it and was rather glad when the woman changed topic.

"I was not aware you were searching for the Immortal, but as it turns out I am too searching for him. But yes, might not be a bad idea to avoid traveling at night."

Although, she wasn't too worried about getting lost at night. It wasn't that she didn't think she'd get lost, for she would, she simply didn't feel scared of the dark anymore. After all, why would someone who couldn't die be scared of anything?

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The Red Huntsman

The Red Huntsman by RolePlayGateway

A small pub that serves a wide variety of alcohol and select food items.

Eldershire Apartments

Eldershire Apartments by RolePlayGateway

A simple apartment complex. Smaller apartments are found on the bottom floors where the larger and more ornate apartments are on the upper floors.

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View All » Add Character » 9 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Vanessa Knite
Character Portrait: Étaín Fields
Character Portrait: Kira Stovanich


Character Portrait: Kira Stovanich
Kira Stovanich

"I'm no simple thief.."

Character Portrait: Étaín Fields
Étaín Fields

"There are others?"


Character Portrait: Kira Stovanich
Kira Stovanich

"I'm no simple thief.."

Character Portrait: Étaín Fields
Étaín Fields

"There are others?"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Kira Stovanich
Kira Stovanich

"I'm no simple thief.."

Character Portrait: Étaín Fields
Étaín Fields

"There are others?"

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The Red Huntsman

The Red Huntsman by RolePlayGateway

A small pub that serves a wide variety of alcohol and select food items.

Eldershire Apartments

Eldershire Apartments by RolePlayGateway

A simple apartment complex. Smaller apartments are found on the bottom floors where the larger and more ornate apartments are on the upper floors.

The Red Huntsman

The Red Huntsman Owner: RolePlayGateway

A small pub that serves a wide variety of alcohol and select food items.

Eldershire Apartments

Eldershire Apartments Owner: RolePlayGateway

A simple apartment complex. Smaller apartments are found on the bottom floors where the larger and more ornate apartments are on the upper floors.

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Most recent OOC posts in The Immortals

Re: [OOC] The Immortals

So sorry. Was trying to get my second character for my shifter rp and it went into the wrong rp... The site has been iffy all day so sorry.

Re: [OOC] The Immortals

Hello... Where is everyone?

Re: [OOC] The Immortals

Thank you! I am looking forward to seeing your character in action :D

Re: [OOC] The Immortals

I am definitely looking forward to this rp.
Everyone's profiles are awesome. =]

And thanks for the acceptance, Mavz.

Re: [OOC] The Immortals

I'll have to get it up sometime tomorrow night sorry about that. If you want to see the basic premise without all the other stuff. Go to the interest checks in the occ. Its called shifter idea. So yeah. Thanks.

Re: [OOC] The Immortals

Sure, I'll take a look for ya :]

Re: [OOC] The Immortals

Hey, I'm working on a rp idea about shifters. I have everything done but I haven't posted it yet. You guys think you could take a look when I get it up. I don't want it to end up like the other rp idea I tried... no one joined me... I really like this one.

Re: [OOC] The Immortals

I have no idea how :/ Maybe edit the current post and change it to *deleted or delete it (I don't know if it's possible to delete posts. I'm such a newb at this site.) and then repost in the Red Huntsman? I'm sorry, I wish I knew how.

Re: [OOC] The Immortals

is there any way i change the place? I chose the red hunstman the post got posted in washington DC, present day.

Re: [OOC] The Immortals

Awesome! Thanks guys! And Amunet, I'm very pleased that you chose to be a human. We need more :P I'm working on a profile of another Human/Historian to try and even out the characters. Anyway, loved your profile and welcome!

Re: [OOC] The Immortals

Hope there's room for a human?
I submitted a profile.

Re: [OOC] The Immortals

I do everything in Word even the profiles... at least to an extent. I write most of them or all of them even posts up in class cause my History professor puts me to sleep since the room is so nice and warm... I do it to stay awake. But anyway, I type everything up in Word to make it easier since I know how these things are.

Re: [OOC] The Immortals

Sorry about that. I usually write such posts in MSWord so that's why I forgot.

Re: [OOC] The Immortals

No problem. I'm fairly new here myself and got my ten posts from the OOCs. Thank you. I made it off and on during class. I needed some relief from all the midterms.

Re: [OOC] The Immortals

Avengerspirit, I'm very sorry that I did not respond to your PM. I just figured out that I need 'ten' posts before I can actually respond to someone and I don't have those just yet. Anyway, you have been approved and welcome!

TheFinalOne, thank you for joining and you have been accepted I only have one small request. Would you mind going back and capitalizing the different i's and anything else that would need to be capitalized? I'd definitely appreciate it! Anyway, welcome and enjoy!

Re: [OOC] The Immortals

ZombieGil! Hope you see this. I love your application. It's fantastic! I only have one request; could you perhaps have it so that your character does not remember being an angel? I think it's great that he remembers Lucifer but the main 'punishment' that the Immortals have are to not remember their Angelic life. To know that there are other Immortals one could find comfort in that knowledge. I don't know if that makes much sense, my friend is a lot better at explaining it. I'm hoping she gets on here soon :] In any case, I loved your application.

HappyFace! Hope you see this as well. I'm sorry to reject your application but hopefully you'll see this and give it another shot. I tried figuring out how to private message people but I seem to fail at navigating this site. In your application you changed verb tenses multiple different times and there were many typos. When you stated your weaknesses you really only stated one and explained how that could potentially give others an advantage. You need two more weaknesses. Throughout most of the profile you did a really great job and I'd love it for you to try again. As for the history, however, you will need to post that with your next application. Also, please revise her status with the government. She is either working with the Government or not. It's not fair to others who have already made a firm decision. Thank you so much and I hope you definitely try again!

[OOC] The Immortals

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "The Immortals"

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