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Dustin Melody D'Aramitz

She says she's fine, but her eyes tell a different story.

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a character in “The Island of The Wolf”, as played by AugustaBlaze


Dustin Melody D'Aramitz


Image Full Name-
"Dustin Melody Mayson.." Her actual last name is D'Aramitz, but she keeps that to herself.
-_- "Call me Dustin or Melody, whatever floats your boat." Most people just call her Dustin, but the people that know her from dance call her Melody. Ethan has been known to call her 'Dun' just to make her mad.
"What the-? Seriously..I'm a girl. Idiot." You heard the girl!
"Old enough to legally tell you to go screw yourself." She just turned seventeen a few days ago, but it doesn't feel like it to her.
"How lucky am I?"
Half-Breed Female One ;D
Appearance in Description-
"Come on..I'm not that short!"
Most girls are self-conscious, Dustin being one of the worse. She wears make-up to cover up her freckles, ever since she was a child her mother told her, "Your skin must be perfect to dance." She takes time to pick out outfits just so people don't think differently of her. One look and you know she's a dancer, she is only 5'2" but she likes to say 5'2" and a half and she only weighs 115 pounds. She's a ballerina, which means she's very tone but not too muscular; also she messed around with playing a little soccer. She is very petite but has curves in all the right places. Everything about her is small; her hands, feet, and even her nose or so she thinks. She is a naturally curly headed blonde , but as she got older it got a bit darker so she began getting blonde highlights and she sometimes straightens it. She has very dark blue eyes that fade to a lighter blue toward the iris, once you get to the iris it has a green color around it which seems to mix in with the blue, very alluring to say the least, but some days they are just a simple grayish blue color. She has a small rounded nose and well rounded lips. Straight white teeth, including a soft melodic voice. She has three tattoos, none of them crazy huge. Her largest one is a white ink tattoo, which she can honestly say it might be her favorite. I may be wrong about her favorite, it might be the one between her shoulder blades; It says "Free as a bird" in a different language. Her newest tattoo, which is probably the craziest of them all is one on her lower lip; it says Fierce. She has fairly tan skin, usually not loosing it..not even in the winter. She has cuts across her wrist, whatever you're thinking you are probably right. She did cause them herself. She has both of her ears pierced, gauged actually but they aren't big gauges, the smallest size actually. She has her right ear pierced three times on the side. . And, yes her nose is pierced, on the right side, and she wears a little heart ring.
But, in training she usually wears her hair in a makeshift ponytail. Like herself, her wolf is very small. She has this white coat that seems to fade to a ashy gray color at the tip of the hairs; her fur is very soft to the touch. Her wolf is quick, silent, and almost a silent killer. Her blue eyes usually get a bit darker. Her wolf is almost the size of a normal wolf, only coming in at eighty-five pounds. She can easily be over powered, so she often hides..uses the element of surprise then runs.
"Well at least I ain't boring.." O-O
If you looked up shy in the dictionary you would find Dustin's name. Actually shy is an understatement, ever since she was a small child she would have trouble speaking to strangers or in front of large groups of people. It's not your typical shyness though, most people who are shy have this awkward vibe about them..not Dustin. She gives off a different vibe, one that makes you feel comfortable around her..makes you want to talk to her which she absolutely hates. It's not that she doesn't like talking to people, she just likes to be the one to talk first once she's comfortable not someone walking up and prying. She seems content by herself. She has been known to come out of her comfort zone on a few occasions.
Only a few people have met the real Dustin, sure a lot of people say this but it's true. You know how people try to hide behind their fake personalities, well she hates fake people. So, she doesn't hide behind her personality she just makes it to where you can't get in to meet her. Remember that vibe she has that makes you want to stay around her, well once you meet the real her you'll find its the huge smile or her contagious laughter that draws you in. Once you meet her, you just can't forget her. She will joke around and be a complete goofball, acting as if laughter is a candy to her. Sometimes laughing at nothing at all. She laughs at herself most of the time, she thinks of herself as an undercover comedian. She isn't one for wasting an opinion and she will tell you real fast what she thinks. Sometimes she can be completely opposite's just one of those days. At times, it's all she can do to keep her mouth shut, it's either from telling someone to shut up, or simply pointing out the obvious in a snark comment. She's learned you can't trust everyone she makes quiet an effort to hide all her emotions. She acts fearless, even though she has many fears like most, but would she ever admit them? No. She isn't afraid to fight, looking at it like a game, but the way she can act around most people, it makes it hard to tell. She can literally knock you down so low that you think that a dung beetle is better than you. She is known for her comebacks and sarcastic remarks, its what makes her. She doesn't believe that only guys can be perverts, she can pick up on perverted things even before they can sometimes. She has a rather brave type of composure for lacking height. She is not afraid to put a beat down on someone. You can tell in her eyes when something is wrong, or how she seems to distance herself from people when something is wrong. She covers it up well though, she has a huge heart and puts others first. Trying to cheer people up when they are down in the dumps. All in all she's a mixture of all traits, depends on how you want to see her and how she feels about you.
But most people don't meet that Dustin. She's embarrassed about herself. You can tell, how she carries herself..seeming almost embarrassed to even be in public. She just needs that one person to keep her grounded, You know? Sure it sounds cheesy but she needs someone so she knows she has a reason to live. She sick and tired of being told, "It's just a phase, you'll be okay, you're fine." Cause its a lie. It'll never be okay.

"Sugar and spice; Everything nice. Yeah, I went there." :P
+ Candy
+ Rain, like heavy downpour rains
+The stars
+Funny people
+ Laughing
+ Joking around
+ Tv xD
+ Cereal
+ Soccer
+ Guys that smell good..
+ The Beach
+ Sodas
+ Etc, etc, etc..
"You. Hehe.." ;D
- Pushy people
- Storms
- Coldness
- People who what to know everything about you.
- Ballet
- Boring people
- Her nose xDD
- Being called short.. (Secretly she loves it)
- Mean-ness
- Mad-ness
- Fat-free shit xD
- Worms..just, ew.
- People who make her talk.
- Etc, etc, etc..
"Your mom!" xD
Dustin will fiddle with your hand when she gets nervous, if she knows you well, or she'll fiddle with her hair. She bites her lip a lot, just out of habit. Sometimes when she talks to people she stands on her tip-toes so she's a little taller. Giggling, she is a giggler. She mumbles in her sleep. She pops her toes a lot.
Brief History- Image
"Go. Screw. Yourself." >-><-<
Life was actually going pretty well for a younger Dustin, her mom enrolled her in Ballet at the age of three. At five, the dance teachers were amazed at the pure talent the small girl had. She performed her first solo at the age of five, winning first place. Her mom took pictures before Dustin took the stage, the two pictures were put on the mantle for all to see. Her father's favorite and her mother's favorite. Dustin's life revolved around dance, that is until she turned twelve and started middle school. She found the sport of soccer, but her mother was firm about Dustin only being involved with dance. You see Dustin's mom was obsessed with ballet, wished she had started at a young age..but her mother didn't push her into it; so Nicole, Dustin's mother, was going to make her dream come through by using her daughter.

At fifteen Dustin was becoming fed up with ballet, ten years were more than enough for her. Nicole was not about to let her daughter quit though. That's when the fighting began. Dustin had started talking to her dad about trying out for the soccer team which earned her a rough slap to the face from her mother.

"This is my life, not yours!" Dustin had yelled, finally fed up with all the shit she had to put up with Nicole. "Don't you dare talk to me like that!" Her mom screamed back. "Well it's true and you know it! You dream of being a ballet dancer, mom! Not me! NOT me!" This fight ended with another slap to the face. Going to school with a bruised cheek, having to lie about it.
Dustin's life went from being normal to complete hell. She was forced to take ballet lessons, which made her angry. An angry teenager leads to bad decisions. She began drinking and doing drugs, which led to her getting kicked out of dance. Causing her mother to be beyond furious with her. She went to punch Dustin but Dustin's father stopped her.

"Nicole..I really think that's enough. I have sat around watching you push Dustin around and I am tired of it." Ulric, Dustin's father, had said. Dustin had always looked up to her father, she was known for being a 'Daddy's girl'. "Of course you're gonna take up for the little brat!" Nicole yelled, going for Dustin again but Ulric put himself between the two. One little side not here, Ulric was known to have seizures but he hadn't had one in awhile. Nicole then had turned her anger onto her husband, she began to flail on him but it didn't seem to bother him that much. That is until she grabbed a pan that was on the kitchen counter, Dustin started screaming for her to stop but she hit Ulric on the side of the head with the pan. Ulric fell to the floor compulsing. Dustin called the cops.

It had been six months since the accident, Dustin was in a court room, more than ready to testify against her mother. Which she did which caused Nicole to be sentenced to thirty years in prison for attempted murder. They were going to put Dustin into a foster home, but she said she could take care of herself. Wondering what happened to Ulric aren't you? He had a seizure after he was hit by the pan, causing him to go into coma. They said he would wake up, but he hadn't not even after six months. One day they said he might not make it though the night. Dustin took it hard, really hard. She had yet to completely stop with the drugs. That night she went home, to the lonely house which use to hold a loving family. Now only had stale bread and a lonely sixteen year old.

Luckily Ulric made it through the night, they didn't know how long they had though. Whose decision was it to pull the plug? Dustin thought it was her's, she would hate herself but if they asked her she would agree to pulling the plug; she hated seeing her Daddy, the man who helped her grow up and stand up to Nicole, stuck in a bed with tubes running in and out of him and needles and she just couldn't stand to see him like that. Dustin was wrong though. Nicole was the decider of if they should pull the plug or not. Dustin hoped her mother would think pulling the plug would hurt her, hoping she would choose that to make her own daughter suffer. But Nicole was smarter than Dustin though. Nicole decided to not pull the plug, to make her daughter suffer and watch as her Daddy died slowly right in front of her.

Upon finding out what had been decided, Dustin was furious. She went and visited her mother in jail, sitting at a table as her mother had this smug look on her face. The second the guards turned, Dustin was on the attack. She threw the first punch, causing her mother to fall to the floor. The guards were on them by the time Dustin had went to punch again. She isn't allowed to see her mother anymore. She could careless.

This was a lot to hand for a sixteen year old. Never seeing your mother again, your father dying slowly, and having to raise yourself. So much to grow up in such a short time period. She got a call in the middle of the night. A doctor. Her heart sunk as she was told her father was shocked back to life not three times, but four. It threw her off the deep end. She over dosed on one of her drugs, somehow she ended up at the hospital. Waking up in the hospital with this feeling that someone had stabbed you in the stomach and this throbbing pain in your head is not fun. At all. Then how people look at you when they know you tried to commit suicide was the worse, the looks of smug sorrow. Over dosing didn't work, so Dustin began to cut herself. Her life was spinning out of control and fast. Going out for a walk at midnight was not the brightest idea, it was most likely the drugs. She was attacked, by a werewolf. The werewolf bit her side, leaving her to die but that's when Ethan came.

Ethan was able to get Dustin back on her feet. She quit smoking and popping pills, Ethan couldn't stop her from drinking, but he did help her slow down her drinking. He told her about what she was going to become. A werewolf. He told her about what he was. A vampire. He told her it was best if she left town with him, he would take care of her. He was like an older brother she never had. She went to say goodbye to her dad and they left with Ethan. She just turned seventeen when she got a letter..Ethan not letting her decide is she wanted to go or not. They were going.
She doesn't know if she's quiet ready for all this interaction with others.
Theme Song-
"I like music.." :D
Little House - The Fray
She wears this bracelet, its a simple black bracelet which is too big for her wrist but it's her father' she enjoys wearing it.


So begins...

Dustin Melody D'Aramitz's Story