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The Madness of Count Nox

The Madness of Count Nox


In a Kingdom where the sun hardly shines, a evil Count rules with an iron fist and a taste for blood.. what will you do, dear reader, in this kingdom.. will you survive or thrive

1,459 readers have visited The Madness of Count Nox since Yumishi created it.


The Madness of count Nox
β€œ..Suffer upon me the Sins of our Fathers..”

(foreword: the madness of count Nox {TMOCN} is a gothic horror RPG that is of a very dark nature, there will be violence and dark subject matter.. such as murder and insanity.. the RPG itself is based somewhere in the 1800’s and in a totally fictional location and is centred around the autocratic rule of Count Rapheal Nox, a sadistic blueblooded French vampire. The RPG is sandbox and character driven, therefore you are more than welcome to do whatever you like here-expect destroy the kingdom after the first few pages- and you must ask for other people’s permission if it’s anything to do with their characters :] all types of photos be they from games, anime or realistic are welcome here :] )

β€œBonjour, bonjour! I bid you welcome to my home, please come in.. step over the threshold, there is nothing to fear here! Are you comfy, dear guest? I trust the wine is to your liking? That is very good; let no one say that Count Nox does not treat his guests well! Hmm? You are wondering about the town, ah yes I assume that is why you have come here.. please allow me to aluminate an otherwise dull history to you, for I am something of a historian with this little village.. it is like a little pet of mine you see, some may call it a unhealthy interest but I call it a hobby. Well, I suppose others would call it other things and the family doctor would call it a β€˜morbid curiosity’ but what do these doctors know anyway? I shall impart to you some advice, dear guest, be sure to remember it won’t you? These doctors, they know nothing about anything and seek to silence your questions with the most vulgar terminology to assault a gentleman’s sensitivities and render him tongue tied.. but I digress.

Here, have some more wine dear guest.. I am so glad you like it, for I too am partial to wine. We have wine down in our cellars that was around during my grandfather’s time, unopened. Oui, I do love wine for it is the drink of the Gods.. Speaking of Gods, did you know that monarchs used to be seen as God’s envoy upon earth? You did? How delightful, I like a person who knows their history well. My family was ties with royalty so one would suppose that we therefore must be Gods because we are blue-blooded, how amusing to think about it!

Oh, foolish me I’m sure you don’t want to hear about MY history.. I shall get on with telling you about our little village, shall I? now where should I begin? Oh yes, I know! We shall start with numbers and statistics, the firm base of any self-respecting historian!
This village was formed five hundred years back by those who worshiped the Catholic faith, rumour and speculation says they may have being people who were related to the knights Templar though I do find that hard to believe.. but I suppose it is a possibility anyway.. the population is about 400, infant death rate is rather high I would suppose. To give you an idea of our social class there are about three hundred peasants and a hundred nobles, I am in two minds about the uneven numbers. Hmm, middle class? Haha! Dear guest, in this village there is no such thing as a middle class! We nobles have our own social rank within the social rank, you see.. there are three types of noblemen.. those who became noble through their wealth, their famines serve as our army. There are nobles who became noble through our favour and our words, they are our doctors and judges.. and then there are us, those who were born into nobility from a long line of good breeding.. there is only one type of peasant and they breed like rats.

Oh? I see you are curious about the status of my family in this dreamy place, very well I shall tell you. I am the ruler of this land, it has being passed down in generations.. normally we would act as an absentee ruler and govern from our realm of France, but since the revolution happened I have had no choice but to come here.. which is rather ironic if I do say so myself, oh how cruel fate is!

You wonder why I laugh? Well this town was the birthplace of my first love, the Lady Elanor. Tell me something, do you believe in alternative universes? Well, indulge me as I explain something. In many alternative universes I slay my with for being unfaithful to me and then delude myself into thinking that she’s ether alive or passed away from a frightful illness, within this one my wife is alive.. however.. mayhaps I punished her a little too much, she is mad now and must be kept in a storage room Northeast of the castle.. the poor dear.. heh, heh.. since then I have had a few lovers and some wives.. let me see if I can name them.. hmm.. Orlene..ah my beautiful Orlene, it was because of her that I have my biological son, Rahael.. though sometimes he can give me such heartache, but I suppose I was no different with my own father and I do love him in my own way.. then there was Senyn who birthed Edward and Amy the second, God knows where they are.. hmm.. should I include Chandra, yes! Because I do love the old girl despite how much she scares me.. and out of spite I shall also include Lark, my favourite servant.. Lark tells me bluntly what she thinks and holds back no punches, for that I am grateful.. if only I could add Catarina to this list, I like a women with fire in her heart.. but I do think that Catarina would kill me at the very least, so for my safety I shall not add her.. and now at present I also have my mistress, my beautiful miss Ophellia Balthory.. between you and I dear guest, she lives up to her second name.. I swear that I get new scars every time we meet, still my heart is hopelessly adrift for her.. though sometimes.. non, that doesn’t matter.. I will not bore you anymore with my love life.

Come, walk with me a while will you? Do you hear that sound? That is my adopted daughter practicing Latin, my little flower.. Amy. She saved my life you know, that is why I adopted her. If you listen closely you can also hear my son Abigail shouting abuse at our blood slaves, what are they? Well.. I shall tell you that later. You know, my son is ashamed of his name and likes to call himself Abel.. that actually hurts me a little, that he would have such little regard for my feelings..maybe he is jealous because he is not inline for the throne? I say, maybe you would like me to tell you more about our family customs and other interesting information later?

Good, good! You know, dear guest, I have not talked like this in such a long time.. it is very nice indeed..
Now what else can I tell you about our land? Ah, it always rains here and it is a rare occasion that we actually see the sun. You may think it is gloomy, and whom am I to argue with you? Watch your step, it is dark down here.. ah, you look slightly pale.. do not worry dear guest, these torture devices are not for you.. they are just tools of the trade, of my trade. Do you hear those moans? Do not worry, they are just the blood slaves.. SILENCE YOU CURS! Ahem, do excuse me.. but you must be very firm with them so they know their place, especially Dio.. oui, that’s the boy with the messy blonde hair that I whipped a few times. Why do you look at me like that? It was a required evil. Oh no, dear guest do not go down there! That only leads deeper into my dungeons and to my I am going to tell you something now, if you believe me or not it is up to you.. I have the living severed heads of my foes in here..

Hahaha! I see from your face you do not believe me, no matter. Ah, so you can see the severed heads? In truth the population used to be four thousand, with an equal amount of peasants and nobles.. good morning to you to monsieur Luc! Yes, these heads do speak, do you see the glowing pedestals they are on? These allow them to be reanimated after death, how can this happen? Well.. I am a man of magic and science, I invented these pedestals because I like an attentive audience.. now where was I? oh yes, the population of four thousand.. well.. the population of the nobles dwindled because they knew about my invention and therefore they had to be silenced, as for the peasants.. as the Count of the land I am able to demand sacrifices and some peasants that I deem worthy are taken back to the castle and used upon my invention, which you will soon see.

Do watch your step, we are taking these stairs up to the next floor and I should hate for you to fall and break that vital neck of yours.. that would be such a waste and such a shame, here allow me to tighten my grip on you slightly while I lead you up.. there, that is better though you must be very cold for you tremble so much.. not to worry, dear guest! You are at the journeys end now, therefore you should be happy!
Day after day, day after day,
We stuck, nor breath nor motion;
As idle as a painted ship Upon a painted ocean.
Water, water, everywhere,
And all the boards did shrink;
Water, water, everywhere,
Nor any drop to drink.
He prayeth best,
who loveth best
All things both great and small;
For the dear God who loveth us,
He made and loveth all.’
Hmm? Don’t you find The Rime of the Ancient Mariner apt, dear guest? It is a delightful poem with so many interesting emotions inside of it; I loved that poem as a child. Why, I can even remember making my governess read it to me after I had a nightmare because it would often sooth me.. of course that is not the whole poem, those are just the parts I remember. Oh, but do you know what my most favourite poem is? Owen’s Dulce et Decorum Est.. such a delightful poem..
β€˜Bent double, like old beggars under sacks,
Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge,
Till on the haunting flares we turned our backs
And towards our distant rest began to trudge.
Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots
But limped on, blood-shod. All went lame; all blind;
Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots
Of tired, outstripped Five-Nines that dropped behind.
Gas! Gas! Quick, boys! – An ecstasy of fumbling,
Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time;
But someone still was yelling out and stumbling,
And flound'ring like a man in fire or lime . . .
Dim, through the misty panes and thick green light,
As under a green sea, I saw him drowning.
In all my dreams, before my helpless sight,
He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning.
If in some smothering dreams you too could pace
Behind the wagon that we flung him in,
And watch the white eyes writhing in his face,
His hanging face, like a devil's sick of sin;
If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood
Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs,
Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud
Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,
My friend, you would not tell with such high zest
To children ardent for some desperate glory,
The old Lie; Dulce et Decorum est
Pro patria mori.

What era is this you ask, ah I see you are confused by the things I know and the era this village is set in.. you are human, yes? Within your world it is nineteen fifty four, yes? Well.. allow me to explain, you are a rare human who can jump from your human realm into other realms.. you have entered mine, my realm that is frozen in the 1800’s.. I human? Well, I do not even know that myself anymore..
Here we are! My sanctuary that not even my family know about, here dear guest please allow me to place you in this upright coffin.. NO, DON’T STRUGGLE YOU-! There, nice and cozy, I do wish I didn’t have to bite you to subdue you.. do you see all these tubes? They will drain all your blood from you, this machine will filter the impurities and as you can see your blood will end up in my wine bottle.. hmm.. I should think this is a very painful process, by the screams I have heard and the way they writhe.. that is why the coffin is transparent, I do wish to see your pain so much.. so much. Relax, soon you will not even feel the tubes that are violating your skin.. why am I doing this? I am so glad you asked me that, as I’m sure I have told you.. I am a man of science and magic, I found out that by drinking blood I remain young and undying.. frozen in youth forever.. Now, brace yourself and do scream loudly won’t you? And thank you, you may rest in peace knowing that you have amused the mad count! Muhahahahaha!"

Traits, mannerisms and customs of the Nox family

β€œSo you wish to know more about us do you? How very interesting, you do amuse me.. now where should I start? Hmm.. let is start with physical traits first of all, it may be the easiest one to talk about and drum into your skull.. after all, our physical traits aren’t exactly an unknown detail and I can throw in the other things on the way.. we pride ourselves on our physical traits and make sure that the things we wear highlight our traits accordingly, we also mock those that we claim genetically defected. We see genetic differences as deformities, and tend to shun family members with them for it shows bad breeding somewhere down the line.
Our first trait is our hair, all biological Nox’s have very light blonde hair.. though we wear it in different styles.. the head of the house has to wear theirs short mine is the longest length the head of house is allowed to have, we wear our hair this way because it shows refinement and elegance.. female Nox’s are required to wear their hair long, what a male Nox actually looks for in a wife is how well kept her hair is and how long it is. We believe that long and glossy hair shows a healthy women capable of bearing strong children, once a Nox female marries she must tie her hair back.. or up.. or in elaborate styles to show she has being wed and is no longer available.

Our second trait is our red eyes, though we do have different shades of red.. note my sister, her eyes look black but when the light hits them they shine red. Ideally a Nox’s eyes must be visibly red and have a healthy gleam to them; another factor of a healthy Nox is how restless and how bright the eyes are. A Nox that has very active and shinning eyes is considered more desirable then a Nox with dull and calm eyes because it shows vitality and how strong the other Nox traits are within them, though many outsiders are scared by the gleam in eyes for it represents madness.

Our third factor is our pale skin, all Nox’s are extremely pale and almost ghost like. We consider this to be a respectable trait that separates us from the ruddy and sun burned working classes, a pale Nox is an attractive Nox.. this is why we are discouraged from going outside, because we tend to burn very easy. Even the hint of rosy cheeks is found to be very unattractive to us, we tend to like those who look almost dead in appearance.. the paler you are the better you are, but it has to be a natural paleness not one that has being created by cosmetics. You may find this very odd but we actually see pale skin as a sign of good health and elegance, yet we see anything else in terms of skin as a sign of ill health.

Our fourth and final factor in terms of looks is the clothes we wear. As I am sure you have noticed most Nox men tend to wear old fashioned French styled clothing, this is a dress code that all Nox’s must conform to. A man cannot wear any other style other than French for it disrespects our country of origin, a man cannot wear any clothing from any of time era for the ear our clothing is from is a time when our family was at its height of power.. women may wear any clothing from French to Victorian as long as it covers their bosoms, arms and legs.. an unattractive factor to Nox’s is a women that exposes herself, therefore all unmarried females must wear clothing that hides their flesh.. the only thing that may be shown are their ankles, neck and face. However, when a women is married she may show her chest a little and her arms and legs to eradicate any temptation unmarried Nox men may have for her. You may also think this is an odd and topsy tervy thing for us to do, but it works well for us.

Now, on to our customs… one thing you should know is that all Nox’s are required to play a musical instrument, traditionally it has always being that men learn the piano and women learn the harp. None of us know where this tradition originated from, only that it has being around for a very long time. the head of house is expected to play the piano very well, and is expected to never make any kind of error. This is why the Nox family piano is only passed down to the next head of family.

Both genders must also know more than one language, but they must always use French as their main one. The language stems from when the Nox’s were sent on foreign missions or made to translate various things for the kings of France, both men and women are required to know at least one extra language.
Nox men must be versed in the art of swordplay and dance; it is a firm Nox believe that these elements tie well together. The head of the house must only fight with the rapier sword, for it is the most ultimate symbol of grace and status.

Now for the most important custom.. the Head of the household, only a man may take the title and he must be the eldest son of the current head. he must be perfect in all the things I have mentioned above, he must be the ideal Nox man.. total perfection of our sacred line, it is up to the Head of House to decide when his son is worthy to succeed him.. there is an elaborate ceremony held and the father passes the Nox family sword-indeed, the one I have with me all the time- to his son. This is symbolic and it alerts all other Nox’s who see it that the person holding it is the Head of house, the Head of the Family. The head of the family also takes on the age old tradition of being the Grand Inquisitor, the head torturer. In the event the head of House has more than one son there are positions granted only to two other sons-any others then the first three are cast to the side.. the second son becomes the Head executioner and the third son becomes commander of the army.. women have no such roles, they are only around to cook, clean and bare children..

And finally, if the head of House has adopted children.. it is up to him with how he treats them, therefore he can choose if he wants to bring them up the Nox way..”


β€œlet us get one thing strait between us, I think you all know about these races by now.. I don’t see why I should have to tell you because it is not like you are bumbling children who know nothing.. but I suppose I must but something down to keep the powers that be happy, therefore I will be repeating the words of the powers that be in terms of races..

First we have the vampires, I say.. these are rather crude and callous descriptions that insult my delicate sensitivities and render them unable if giving out any form of protest against these idiotic descriptions..

Noble/Blueblood vampire-The noble and bluebloods are the elite vampires, all others must step out of their way, hold doors open for them and bow when they see them. they tend to be snobs because of this and are often taught in the fine arts.. Latin, at least know one musical instrument, poetry, swordsplay and etiquette. They all have very unique personalities but many tend to be spoilt rotten..and old fashioned..

Nosforatu blood- The Nosforatu blood vampires are young vampires who were born to Old Blood parents and want to make themselves different from their hated heritage. They tend to have very bad tempers and tend to be very good fighters, yet this may not be true for all. Due to their blood line they tend to thirst more for blood and become more feral when they don’t get it, they are often taught to control their natures.

Passionate blood- The Passionate blood vampires are vampires that take their personalities from things such as Twilight; they can easily pass themselves off as human and can curb their need for blood.
Old Blood -They are the blood sucking light fearing entities. They are inhumanly quick, agile and very pleasing to the eyes. Their bite is like a spider bite if they chose; a Old Blood in a bad mood may make the blood draining process as painful and slow as they can. The victim can become paralysed and be in pure agony from the bite. This is a common form of punishment amongst Old Blood themselves; yes they do bite each other. An Old Blood in a good mood could make the bite more of a..enjoyable experience that offers more satisfaction than any other form of pleasure- however an Old Blood bite is more addictive (no matter what type of bite it is) than any drug around. Old Blood are often forced to become the slaves of the Old Blood’s by being drained dry and then having blood tipped into the mouth- a painful transformation.

Dhepires -They are half vampire half human, they are often frowned upon by human and vampire alike. The Dhepire’s personality and powers will depend upon the type of vampire the vampire parent was, they are educated in mundane tasks..

That was the most..ugh.. never mind, let us see what others there are..

Werewolf- also known as a lycanthrope is a mythological or folkloric human with the ability to shapeshift into a wolf or an therianthropic hybrid wolf-like creature, either purposely or after being placed under a curse or affliction (e.g. via a bite or scratch from another werewolf). This transformation is often associated with the appearance of the full moon. Early sources for belief in lycanthropy are Petronius and Gervase of Tilbury. In addition to the natural characteristics inherent to both wolves and humans, werewolves are often attributed strength and speed far beyond those of wolves or men. The werewolf is a widespread concept in European folklore, existing in many variants which are related by a common development of a Christian interpretation of underlying Indo-European mythology which developed during the medieval period. From the early modern period, werewolf beliefs also spread to the New World with colonialism. Werewolf fiction as a genre has pre-modern precedents in medieval romances (e.g. Bisclavret and Guillaume de Palerme) and develops in the 18th century out of the "semi-fictional" chap book tradition. In the 19th century it becomes part of the "Gothic horror" fashion, in the the 20th century evolving into the horror and fantasy genre.
Demons -they are immortal and can only die by being killed by something else. Most Demons tend to have two different forms, a grotesque monster form and a handsome and beautiful human one. They tend to find it very hard to get into the Human realm and seek help from the cultists. They are sadistic and cruel.

Types of Demons:

Ogres- are legendary beings which are usually depicted as large, hideous, humanoid monsters. They are frequently featured in mythology, folklore, and fiction throughout the world. Ogres appear in many classic works of literature, and are most often described in fairy tales and folklore as feeding on human beings. In visual art, ogres are often depicted as having a large head, abundant hair and beard, a voracious appetite, and a strong body.

Lamia- a female only race of Demons, they have the upper body of an attractive women and the lower body of a snake. they drain their victims dry of blood, like vampires do..

Hydren- are the weakest of all the demons, no one quite knows why this is. They are only a little stronger than humans and equally as frail as them; they look totally human and tend to be the butt of Demonic jokes.

Succibus (female)/ Inccibus (male)- These Demons are extremely attractive to other races; they always tend to look β€˜perfect’ and possess the ideal form. They are masters of seduction; they gain life force from romantic interactions. Demons actually have nothing good or bad to say about them.

Merr- are cloud like Demons that seep into people’s dreams and give them nightmares, they take a special joy in driving the victim insane.

Posseia- are the only demons that can enter the human world, unbound. They crave living bodies because they have no forms of their own. They are responsible for cases known as β€˜Possession.’

Vour-They are the most dangerous of the Shapeless; they can show the person their deepest fear and send them insane. They can also enter the victim and assume their identity, locking the victims mind away in their own hell. They are drawn to the warmth, because the cold is all they feel.

The Old Ones- they were the first demons to ever exist, they are the strongest and most attractive of all the Demons. They are also the most brutal and cold ones who would think nothing about slaughtering their own children, they are feared even by other demons.

…right, I see.. now the Angels..

Angels- are much stronger than humans, but not as strong as Demons. Like Demons they are immortal and can only be killed. Most Angels tend to be stereotypical and very nice creatures who will try to protect others, however there are some differences between the types of Angels. Their wings are the most vulnerable part of their bodies.

Types of Angels:

Pure Angels-They are the polar opposite of Demons in every way possible; Demons hate the angels and have made a sport of capturing them whenever they can. They are very timid slaves, like all Angels their wings are their weakest point in their bodies.

Fallen Angels-tend to be more Demonically inclined while still retaining Angelic traits and tendencies. They tend to be more outspoken and defiant then their Angel relatives, they also tend to fight more.

..whomever wrote these needs executing.. now the halflings..

Halflings- are unwanted and unwelcome wherever they go, they never find acceptance. They are looked upon with distain by the Angels, seen as toys and object by the Demons, and shut away like monsters..

Types of Halflings:

Dhume- a Dhume is a Halfling born from a human and a Demon, they tend to be grossly disfigured. They also tend to be very violent and insane, as well as extremely evil.. however they aren’t very bright.

Nephilim- are the offspring of Angels and humans, Nephilim’s all look very frail and delicate. Much like their Angelic parent it is very hard to judge a Nephilim’s gender just by looking at their face. They also have wings like their Angelic parent, but these wings are just for show since Nephilim’s cannot fly. But other than that the wings show-like Angels- the emotions the Nephilim is feeling, and like Angels cutting the wings of a Nephilim is a very cruel thing to do.. The key difference between an Angel and Nephilim’s wings is if a Nephilim’s wings are pulled the Nephilim will be temporarily stunned. Not through pain though, but through pleasure, for some reason Nephilim’s wings are wired differently to Angels and Nephilim’s gain pleasure-more addictive then any drug- through having their wings touched. Yet they will be in great agony if the wings are cut off. In terms of personality the Nephilim’s tend to be more like humans and have very diverse personalities that are often affected by upbringings. Unlike other Halflings, Nephilim tend to be proud about what they are and tend to be filled with pride when thinking about their parents.

Androl- the often unwanted offspring of a Demon and Angel, many of them don’t survive after birth. They are the most rare of all the Halflings and tend to lead a troubled existence, they tend to look beautiful and yet haunting and bare traits from both parents. Their wings and backs are hypersensitive, more so than Angels. They are in constant turmoil about what they are and are tormented by it, they are slowly driven insane by their conflicting blood lines..

Now the warlocks, witches, humans and igors..

Warlocks and witches-born under an evil star, they are the rarest of all magic casters and the most feared… yes, that is all I am bothering with.

Humans- I say, must we really go into talking about them?

Igor-is the traditional stock character or clichΓ© hunch-backed assistant or butler to many types of villain, such as Count Dracula or a Dr. Victor Frankenstein, familiar from many horror .. you really have lost your mind, have you not?

..well, that is all I am doing, it is not like we don’t know any of this already and frankly I care not for the other races!”


Blueblood- these are directly related to the Nox line through birth.. they can get anything they want and everyone is expected to bow to their needs.

Nobles- they are the second highest rank, they have many of the rights the bluebloods have (such as owning slaves) but they do not govern the country..

Servants- they are much higher up then mere blood slaves and slaves, they often serve as butlers or maids. Every Nox member has their own personal servant.

Peasants- they have the highest population in the kingdom. They just irk out a living the best they can, though some will become servants and the unlucky ones will become slaves

Blood slaves/slaves- the lowest of the low, they are treated as objects and toys..

I say, that was a rather long and painful intro.. now that that is all over I bid you welcome to my castle!"


Social class:

* you may also use your own style of character form if you like :]

Toggle Rules

β€’ No godmodding
β€’ No perfect characters
β€’ Be nice in OOC
β€’ Use () in OOC
β€’ FF or P.M mushy stuff
β€’ Ask before killing another character
β€’ I am indifferent about post lengths, write how you please :] (though I’m gonna attempt long Raphy posts of madness)
β€’ I heart violence-
β€’ supernatural creatures are allowed but you must ask me if you can have a (especially a Halfling) Halfling, Angel or Demon..
β€’ the supernatural creatures that you can be without asking are Vampires (all different types) witches/warlocks, igors, werewolves and zombies..
β€’ For this RPG I will only focus on the races of Gothic horror, not high fantasy so I may not accept Elves, fairies or things like that
β€’ Only vampires may be nobility
β€’ Peasants tend to be other supernatural races
β€’ Ironically demons, Angels and halflings are very rare (they’re dying out) and considered as pets/slaves by vampires (and their blood is much more addictive and rare)
β€’ Humans are-of course- blood slaves
β€’ you must also ask me if you can have a human if you want one, because they are rare
β€’ You may swear as much as you want with your character
β€’ Science is more like alchemy then the science we know, magic is magic
β€’ It is possible for a human to become a vampire

*If you wish to create a blood slave human, or any other form of slave you must also create a vampire noble capable of having other RPGies slaves to make things fair :]
*You must also ask if you wish to be related to the Nox family.

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Character Portrait: Richard Laplace Nox Character Portrait: Count Rapheal Nox
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#, as written by Yumishi

The count stalks around his castle slowly, like a forgotten ghost. He makes no sound as he moves with elegance and grace, his fangs glint a little as he smiles to himself. He likes being awake before everyone else, for this is his personal time alone. He cracks his neck a little and narrows his blood red eyes in thought for a few moments as he gazes at his list of activities for the day, before anyone else wakes up. β€œI say, the list seems much shorter then what it once was..” he muses to himself softly as he strokes his chin. β€œI do wonder if I am getting bored, or mayhaps just running out of ideas..” he shakes his head and chuckles softly as he puts his list away and tilts his head a little in thought. β€œsoon I will have the ultimate cure for my boredom, soon very soon.. I will finally get what I rightfully deserve and what is truly mine!” he clasps his hands together and supresses a laugh. β€œhow delightful!” he whispers. β€œhowever so delightful! It will not be long now, not long at all.. and it will make the wait I’ve endured.. worth it..”

He briskly sets off to do the first thing on his list, check on Richard. Richard, his second biological son. For a long time Rapheal did not know of the boy’s existence, since Rapheal only courted the boy’s mother once.. and how was he to know that the peasant women would bare him a child?! The count thinks back to the day he first met his illegitimate son, it was a stormy rainy day and he heard a brisk knocking sound at the entrance of his castle. When Rapheal opened the door he saw the young frail boy, that he mistook for a scrawny urchin.. and that man.. Reji.. upon close inspection Rapheal realised the young boy was his son, and begrudgingly had no choice but to accept him into the family.. but what made things worse for Rapheal was the fact that Richard was insistent that his butler- whom he called his β€˜contractor’ which Rapheal felt strangely uneasy about- was to stay with him. If Rapheal refused to accept both of them, Richard claimed that he would be on his way once more. β€œif you cannot accept the two of us, then I will take my leave.” He said. β€œfor my butler is the only person I trust.” Rapheal could have laughed at the boy’s words, how ludicrous it seemed that a young boy that wasn’t even in his manhood yet would try to bargain with the Count! But Rapheal gazed into his son’s soft red eyes, and saw that the boy was dead serious. Rapheal had no choice but to let Richard have his way, regardless of how much he really didn’t want the boy’s butler in his home. Now Rapheal gazes at his sleeping son, watching as Richard seems to sink into the pillows that cocoon him in his slumber whenever he moves. Haemophilia, the blue blood curse.. it was strong enough to affect him and his son, yet his son seems to be much more effected by it. a single knock causes him intense pain, soon the boy will not be able to walk without leg braces. Rapheal sighs softly as he wonders if he’s mollycoddling the boy too much, his own father would have handled things so differently. Rapheal nods decisively, today he will start training the boy to man up.. he will put the boy through a world of pain, but Richard will thank him in the end! After all, he is the Count and he is Richard’s father.. therefore he knows best and it is not Richard’s place to question that.

Dragging his son out of his bed by his hair Rapheal smiles icly. β€œget dressed, boy. Today I intend to start making a man of you, for you have disgraced me to much by being weak.” He drops his son to the ground and ignores the pained cry that escapes from the boy’s lips. β€œmeet me in two hours in the courtyard, son. We shall begin your sword training.” He says icily, firmly before striding out and ignoring his son’s tearful gaze.

Now Rapheal sits on his throne, drumming his fingers as he reflects upon the morning thus far. He has come to the conclusion that things are going rather well so far, he has given himself a good start to the morning. He lounges back and crosses his legs as he gazes into his wine glass and runs his gloved finger around the rim of it in thought, soon he will have to decide what to do about the servants.. lest they overwhelm the castle, he likes a lesser number of servants and slaves.. when in larger numbers they could rebel, all it would take would be for them to meet up and start to talk.. and then they could gain class awareness and seek to over throw him, just like that fateful night a life time ago. He purses his lips a little in thought, maybe he could give one to Abigail to play with.. that would be a start at least, but then he has to decide what to do with his bloodslaves. He sighs and leans back on his throne, sipping his wine sullenly. β€œit is just not fair..” he mutters to himself. β€œI have such a hard life of decisions and choices to make, such as do my eyes clash with this outfit.. as well as the organisation of my minion-I mean servants.. it is so hard to be me!” He throws the wine glass to the floor melodramatically and ignores the harsh smashing sound it makes when it impacts upon the floor. β€œhow is a man meant to relax when the only thing that remains of his wife is her memory!?” he grumbles. β€œit was rather selfish of Elanor to make me kill her, this is all her fault! Not mine, hers!”

And so begins the Count’s day..

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Richard Laplace Nox Character Portrait: Count Rapheal Nox Character Portrait: Reiji Iwazawa
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#, as written by Gladis
ImageReji leaned over his masters sleeping form, a small, hungry smile on his lips as he watched the boy. The glint in his eyes was a combination between lust and gentleness, a strange combination to say at the very least. Reiji had known Richard ever since he was a little boy- that time when he saved him from his horrible state, slaughtering each and every one of his tormentors before taking the poor boy away from there. Ever since then, Reiji had been serving his master loyally, like every demon would after making a contract with a human... It will be such a delight to one day devour his soul... oh, how wonderful. Just the mare though makes he shiver... Reiji thought as he reached out his hand, nearly touching Richard's cheek when the door to the bedroom suddenly opened.

Just in that moment Reiji disappeared, melting together with the shadows. No matter how hard one tried, he was nowhere to be seen. However, that he could not be seen did not mean that he did not see Rapheal's actions, nor hear the despicable counts words. If there was one person Reiji truly disliked, it had to be Rapheal. Then again, the demon despised everyone with the intension of laying a hand on his master in one way or another. He could impossibly let the boy be hurt, as it was part of his job to protect Richard in all circumstances.

β€œGet dressed, boy. Today I intend to start making a man of you, for you have disgraced me to much by being weak. Meet me in two hours in the courtyard, son. We shall begin your sword training.”

Once the count had left, Reiji reappeared by his masters side, crouching down before gently sitting the boy up and leaning him against his bed. "Master, are you hurt?" the silver haired butler asked gently, making sure to keep hold his master very tenderly in order to avoid causing him pain. Sometimes Reiji found Richard's condition to be infuriating and it was a surprise the boy was still alive after all the hardships he had suffered. However, that was not the only reason as to why Reiji found it displeasing, other than that he didn't like to see Richard in pain. He was also scared that touching his master in the way he yearned for so dearly... would hurt him. He was afraid that if he ever tried anything, poor Richard would break. This was one of the main reasons as to why Reiji refrained from ever doing so... although he did drop a suggestive hint or another now and then anyway, knowing full and well that the chances Richard would understand were utterly slim.

Well, that was one of the reasons, at least. Reiji had also promised himself that he wouldn't do anything until Richard actually ordered it. This was both because he knew it could cause pain and that was against the rules... but also because it was a kind of game of Reiji's. He liked dropping hints now and then to see how his master would react. He liked the idea of Richard ordering him to do such a thing... to devour him... he wanted Richard to beg him to do it. Call him cruel if you like, and in a way, that was true... for Richard than his pray- such is the demonic nature. At least, Reiji liked to pretend it was only so...

"Oh master, don't cry..." he whispered, gently wiping Richard's cheek with his finger, "if he hurts you even in the slightest," suddenly Reiji's expression darkened, "your father or not... he has to be punished. I refuse to let him harm you in any way... I hope you understand that, Richard..."

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Annie Stanhope Character Portrait: Richard Laplace Nox Character Portrait: Count Rapheal Nox Character Portrait: Reiji Iwazawa
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0.00 INK

Annabeth folded the robes of quietly in the morning. She was near the Count's son's room when she heard a loud thud. It made her jump and squeal a little in surprise when she heard the Count speaking in an assertive voice to his son, Richard. She felt bad for the son and wanted to help him dearly, perhaps help ease his pain and heal his wounds both mentally and physically. Annabeth wished she could help cleanse the boy of his sins and dark habits, but unfortunately because of his relatives and the people he chooses to surround himself with. Annie finds it dangerous to get close enough to help him...especially with the cruel demon always at his side. She didn't like the demons since they were her polar opposite in the afterlife and real world. She was designed to loath them since they went against the equilibrium of things on earth. However, she cares about other things more than trying to cleanse a demons soul. The only qualm she has about letting the demon run around is that it could try to devour an innocents soul. She wouldn't try to fight the demon ever though since it could hurt her badly and she would get punished because her is a higher ranking than her.

Sighing Annabeth, folded the rest of the masters clothes and then looked over her list of chores for the day which seemed to be a mountain of work, leaving her exhausted and unable to keep her eyes open at the end of the day. She sniffled and wiped her forehead as she stood up and stretched her arms and legs. Annie gathered up her white maids dress and went to the courtyard where she had been told by a butler that she was required to help set up for the Lord’s training session with his son. But unfortunately for her she was to report to the master’s throne room first to see if there was anything he needed of her.

Annabeth walked to the kitchen and grabbed a new crystal wine glass and a bottle of wine. She made her way to the throne room and entered quietly to the right of the throne. Annie kept her head down and went to the master and asked in a shy and quiet voice, β€œWould you like another glass of wine, my lord?” She poured a glass for him and offered it with her small pale hand.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Annie Stanhope Character Portrait: Richard Laplace Nox Character Portrait: Scarlet Lozier Character Portrait: Count Rapheal Nox Character Portrait: Reiji Iwazawa
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0.00 INK

Scarlet cracked her fingers before dusting the mantle that was over the hearth in the room next to the throne room. There was no fire burning and no candles were in the room so it was completely dark. She finished dusting the end of the mantle and stuffed the dust rag in her belt like a flag. Scarlet walked over to a window that was completely covered by a dark floor-length curtain. With a flourish, she threw the curtains open and light flooded into the room. Scarlet coughed as dust filled the air around her then looked out the window. The sky over the courtyard was gloomy and overcast as usual and Scarlet sighed as she moved on to the next window.

This time as she opened the drapes she turned her head away so that she did not inhale any dust. She turned to face the now slightly more illuminated room and gave a quick incantation under her breath. A fire danced to life in the hearth, immediately brightening the room. Suddenly she heard a crash from the throne room and she rushed out of the door to see what happened.

The count was sitting on his throne and a wine glass seemed to be smashed on the floor near her feet.

"Ah, I'll clean this up right away, my lord," she bowed towards him and summoned a broom and dustpan and swept the broken glass into the pan. She heard footsteps and looked up to see Annabeth, the other maid enter the room shyly.

"Would you like another glass of wine, my lord?” She poured a glass for him and offered it with her small pale hand.

Scarlet smiled at her and then turned again toward the Count.

"My lord, would you like me to polish your sword for Richard's training today?" she asked, for she had overheard about the Counts desire to train his son. The broom and dustpan flew to the trash bin in the kitchen as she sent them to and laid next to it, leaning on the wall, hopefully she had not startled the cook.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Annie Stanhope Character Portrait: Richard Laplace Nox Character Portrait: Scarlet Lozier Character Portrait: Count Rapheal Nox Character Portrait: Reiji Iwazawa
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Yumishi

Richard dreamed peacefully for once, many of his dreams are plagued with nightmares that often reduce him to tears when he awakes from them. but not this time. this time Richard dreamed of Reji, the only person he knows he can trust in this cruel and heartless world. Though Richard cannot understand the nature of his dreams yet, he is coming of that age when young men start to discover their sexual preferences and people they are attracted to. That’s not to say that Richard’s dreams about Reji are dirty and crude, heavens no! but he does feel intense feelings as he dreams of Reji smiling at him and touching him and speaking to him, Richard smiled contently in his sleep and his cheeks flushed red. As Richard continued to dream he felt a warmth spread through his body, a warmth that evaporated when his father gave him such a rude awakening.

Richard has always being scared of his father, scared of how loud his father is and how demanding he is. When Richard was a little boy nothing was really expected of him and he had no hopes to live up to, because he was just like all the other little boys back then. And his mother always treated him like he was a delicate flower or a piece of glass that could break at any given moment, so he was never allowed to go outside and play.. he was never allowed to make something of himself, for his mother always smothered him with her protection.. which made life for Richard very hard when the β€˜bad men’ killed her and treated him terribly.. for he was totally unused to it, and had Reji not saved him.. he would have gone mad.. but his father reminds him of the bad men.

Richard sighes weakly, happily as Reji appears by his side. He nods his head slowly at Reji’s question, cringing a little in pain as he’s helped to be sat up. Richard tries his best not to show how much pain he’s in, lest Reji feels guilty and Richard would hate for that to happen. He shuts his eyes for a few moments as he’s gently leaned against the bed and held in Reji’s arms, in Reji’s gentle grip. β€œI-I’m fine..” Richard says quietly, never raising his voice as normal and always speaking in a soft tone. Though recently his soft, boyish voice has being breaking and the signs of quite a deep yet elegant voice that he will gain in time shines through.. this is one of those voice breaking moments. β€œmy back just is hurting a little, that is all..” he says with a weak smile as he tries to downplay the pain he feels that stabs through his body like a knife. Richard has always tried to act brave, he’s always tried not to show how much pain he’s in.. and though a few tears may escape his eyes, he hasn’t truly cried in a long time. the last time he truly cried was when he wept over his mother’s body and when the bad men did things to him.

Yet an unbidden tear of pain slowly trickles down his pale cheek, only to be gently wiped away by Reji’s cool soothing finger. β€œI-I’m sorry..” Richard whispers quietly. β€œI should not sob over such trival injuries..” he pauses and his red eyes widen at the thought of Reji punishing his father. β€œb-but Reji.. you really don’t have to punish him for something t-that small..” he squeaks, sensing Reji’s mood darken. β€œi-it’s okay.. s-see?” he forces a smile. β€œI-I’m fine!”

Count Nox

Rapheal glances up at the maid and sighs a little, wondering why most of his servants seem to be female. β€˜hmm, another women has fallen for your dashing good looks! Eh, Raphy boy?” he thinks to himself with an arrogant smirk on his lip, he nods curtly and takes the wine from the tray. He nods towards his other maid when she cleans the mess up, he enjoys having women weight on him hand and foot. He sips the wine slowly in thought, his red eyes glint as he sinks deeper into sullenness. β€œI say, were you not meant to be setting up the courtyard for my son and I today, angel women?” he asks slowly and narrows his eyes a little more, licking the remainder of the wine off his lips like a cat. β€œthough I suppose you can be forgiven, since you are tending to me and I am of course.. a very important man, non!” he starts suddenly and stands up abruptly. β€œI am THE most important man here, am I not?” he smiles and doesn’t expect an answer as he starts to pace, β€œof course I am, I am very important! All knees bend before me, all wills are rendered meaningless before mine! All of my subjects are worth naught since I am the only person here that matters!” he glances between the two women for some moments, daring one of them to question that as he resumes his rant about his own self importance.. however..

He pauses and takes a deep breath, quickly composing himself. He sleeks his fine blonde hair back into place and clears his throat a little. β€œbut of course, behind every great man there is a women..” Elanor, his dead wife, is a rather touchy subject for Rapheal. In fact no one is allowed to talk about her but him, and when that happens everyone is expected to just shut up and listen as he speaks about the love that is no longer alive.. but he doesn’t see her that way at all, he refuses to accept.. even though he openly says he killed her, some pervese part of his mind thinks she’s still alive.

And it is that very reason that drives him to carry her corpse around and treat her as though she is still amoung the living, it is that very reason that the servants are expected to tend to Elanor as though she is alive. they are expected to also carry her everywhere as well as do her makeup and get her dressed. And the more her flesh rots, the less Rapheal sees that she is dead. Any who would try to point out the truth, are excicuted by short drop hanging.

β€œwake up my wife, won’t you?” he says after a few moments to Annabeth. β€œthe poor darling is feeling lazy today..and she does so like the company of Angel girls more so then anyone else, or maybe you could also wake my adopted son Abigail up.. since the useless cad seems to sleep in just to spite me!” the count snorts a little. β€œsuch is the degenerate youth of today.” Abigail.. the count’s feared son, a sadist and very annoying young man is the bane of the count’s existence.. or so the count often dramatically declares when he’s feeling sorry for himself, but ether way.. very few would want the job of waking Abigail..

The count then turns his attention to once more to Scarlet, in his heart there is always a soft spot for useful witches. β€œyes, if you could polish my sword that would be simply delightful, old girl.” He smiles ever so slightly. β€œtell me something, for I am a curious man.. as a witch do you have any powers such as seeing into the future? Or maybe seeing into the past?” he finish drinking his wine and watches her intently.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Annie Stanhope Character Portrait: Count Rapheal Nox
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Annabeth watched the master slowly sip his wine and then he spoke about her chores and how she was supposed to be setting up the courtyard. She lowered her head and made herself look smaller and she felt scared that she was going to be punished by the Count. Then she heard him say that she would have to be excused for coming to his aid and helping him instead. Annie listened to the master’s speech and nodded agreeing with everything he was saying. β€œYes sir, you are THE most important man of all. Anyone who has the privilege to be under your control is truly blessed indeed my lord.” She said softly after she had made sure he had finished speaking about himself.

Even though she was scared of him, being a natural good-doer, she knew that she had to say exactly what he wanted to hear or she might be tortured. Although she did mean what she was saying about the master…one would say that her pure mind was distorted into thinking that the worst of people can still have redemption and that is the way she thought about her master.

Then she remained by his side until he got up and started to pace a little talking about his wife. She disliked caring for the dead corpse because death scared her and she of course thought of murder as an evil thing that cannot face redemption.

Suddenly he mentioned that she could wake his son, Abigail, up. Annabeth was nervous and didn’t know how the situation would go for her especially since she was angel and her blood was addictive to the vampires. She nodded to the master and asked softly, β€œSo you’d like me to wake up sir Abigail, my lord? Is there anything else you need of me…Anything at all?” She asked him in a soft kind voice. β€œThen I shall prepare the training session in the courtyard?” Annabeth looked up at the master hoping he might give her other orders, anything else that she could just to stall the chore of helping prepare for the training or having to wake up the lord’s son.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Annie Stanhope Character Portrait: Scarlet Lozier Character Portrait: Count Rapheal Nox
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The Count paced back and forth at the top of the room, muttering at how great he was. He was, in fact the, most powerful man that Scarlet had ever met, and he had been courteous to her during her stay here. She kept her eyes towards the ground out of respect.

β€œWake up my wife, won’t you?” he says after a few moments to Annabeth. β€œThe poor darling is feeling lazy today..and she does so like the company of Angel girls more so then anyone else, or maybe you could also wake my adopted son Abigail up.. since the useless cad seems to sleep in just to spite me!” the count snorts a little. β€œSuch is the degenerate youth of today.”

Scarlet knew that both the Count's wife and daughter would be angry at him for waking them up, but he did not seem to mind, it was almost as though he wanted this all to go according to his plans and his own plans only. She watched as Anabeth replied the their masters wishes and felt bad for the girl. She was glad that she did not have to wake the sleeping noble ladies.

Scarlet began to walk away to go and fetch the Count's old sword when he asked her about fortune telling and she turned sharply, wondering why he needed to know of such things. Telling of someones past or future had been a nearly forbidden act of warlocks and witches for many years, thpugh it was not entirely forbidden. It was a dangerous task, however and Scarlet had never done it before, but she could consult her scrolls of magic for the processes. He took a sip of his wine and stared at her intently, Scarlet hadn't realized that she had been mulling over her answer for several awkward seconds. She spoke with her hands fiddling behind her back.

β€œWell, my lord," she began hesitantly. β€œI can in fact tell you of both the past and the future, but the ways of doing so are not very pleasant. I may perhaps have to mix someone's blood into a potion or invade their mind with a painful spell. But if you wish me to do something, I shall do it." She curtsied and then looked up at the Count and making her eyes seem to flash as if giving him a warning to tread carefully.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Richard Laplace Nox Character Portrait: Reiji Iwazawa
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Gladis
β€œMy back just is hurting a little, that is all…”

Reiji’s expression darkened further and he sighed softly before speaking in a yet again gentle tone. β€œMaster, I have stayed by your side long enough to recognize how you function. Lying to me is pointless, as I despite your efforts can see the turmoil you are in. You may be able to fool others, but remember that it is my job to know you. It is not something you should forget. Please do try to speak the truth when I ask you a question… how am I otherwise supposed to be able to help you?” he asked softly, watching Richard wearily. Reiji knew the boy tried to hide his pain in order to spare the servants feelings, but doing so for a demon was nothing other than silly and childish. However, knowing how Richard’s mind functioned half the time, this didn’t come as a surprise to Reiji.

The butler pulled out a small potion flask from the pocket in his suit jacket and opened it before gently placing it to his master’s lips. β€œIt will ease the pain…” he said before tipping the flask slightly to let one single drop pour into his masters mouth before he removed the flask again, shutting it and slipping it back into his pocket. β€œIt tastes awful but works wonders…” Reiji commented with a sigh as he watched Richard intently with his intense, cyan eyes.

β€œI-I’m sorry… I should not sob over such trivial injuries…”

Reiji blinked and shrugged his shoulders. β€œPerhaps you should not, considering your position… yet it would be a cruelty to forbid a boy to cry. Even men may cry, if the situation allows it. It is only brave to express ones emotions, to show their world ones thoughts and feelings through acts of body language. This is something we demons lack- especially my kind. Therefor I envy your ability to do so… and telling you it is wrong would go against my own beliefs… if you can even call it that,” he sighed softly and stood up, offering Richard his hand as he smiled down at him slightly, tilting his head.

β€œb-but Reiji... You really don’t have to punish him for something t-that small… I-it’s okay... S-see?”

The demon butler regarded his master silently for a moment, as though he was considering his masters words carefully. Then he spoke again, his cyan eyes flashing crimson for a second. β€œI have no intensions of punishing your fool of a father for this,” he said, smiling slightly, β€œbut I refuse to let him harm you anymore. I hope you can understand that… I did not bring you here in order to suffer. I brought you here because it was your wish, because you would be safe. However, as soon as you or your life are in danger, I must act- if I wish to or not. I want to spare you pain and humiliation- but it is my job to keep you alive. Those two facts is what makes me act as I do…” his playful smile widened slightly, β€œthink of me as a jealous and overprotective boyfriend. Anyone touches you… and they can kiss their life goodbye…” he turned serious again, β€œhowever… of course I cannot ever deny an order you give… so if you tell me to stop, I shall have to do so. Unless your life is in danger… then I will have no choice but to go against your words. That is our contract… I shall never leave you alone, I shall always walk by your side. Even if you cannot see or hear or feel me… I shall still be there. My prime assignment is to keep you alive until our contract is fulfilled… which as it seems will happen the day you die- may it be of age or illness. That is the day I get to devour your soul. I can impossibly let you perish before then… and I do not want you to die before then either. It would be sad to witness young master leave our world at this age. Unfortunally.”

(I will bring Rahael sometime this weekend. ^^)

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Annie Stanhope Character Portrait: Richard Laplace Nox Character Portrait: Scarlet Lozier Character Portrait: Count Rapheal Nox Character Portrait: Reiji Iwazawa
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#, as written by Yumishi
Count Nox

The Count’s already large ego inflates even more when he’s agreed with, he adjusts his outfit a little like a peacock preening himself and smirks. β€œI am glad you see things my way, you will not believe the rude servants I have had that dared to disagree with me..” Rapheal chuckles darkly as he thinks of the agony he put them through before he killed them. β€œhow foolish of them to anger me, still.. they learned a very valuable lesson!” he clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth and gazes skyward. β€œthere is no such thing as too much torture, and there is no such thing as inhumane in my book.. a very good lesion indeed!”

Rapheal glances at Annabeth, sensing that she seems more than a little nervous about the prospect of waking up Abigail. He smiles a little at that and vaguely wonders how fast word spreads about his son’s violent and hot headed temper, then again Abigail does not help his own case by calling people maggots and trying to slice the slaves up with his sword. He always made a mental note to talk to Abigail about his annoying attitude and uncouth behaviour, being a lunatic is widely accepted in the Nox family.. but madness must be executed with a little finesse and grace, which Abigail tends to deliberately lack.
β€œunless you can think of anything else to do that may prove useful, Annabeth.. then non, but I suppose if you are really that worried of Abigail taking advantage of you and draining your highly addictive Angelic blood.. you do not have to awaken him, I will do that myself if need be.” the count sighs a little and holds his arms. β€œbut preparing the training area is a must.. maybe I shall take all my sons out there for a training session.. they are all becoming idle and foolish, a bit of swordplay will do them good.. no?”

The count smirks a little when the notices how sharply Scarlet turns at the mention of his question, if she reacts that way to his question he finds himself wondering what she’d be like if he told her why he wants to know and what his plans are. He listens intently to her words and starts to smile a smile that is half crazed and yet oddly tranquil at the same time. the Count is a living oxymoron in so many ways, so many of his actions and mannerisms should never be put together in the same context. He nods slowly at her words to show he’s listening; his mind works quickly as he debates what the best course of action is. He must play this very carefully lest all his Grand plans that he’s worked on for so long simply fall apart and cease to be, that would be a heart breaking moment for him. That would indeed put him in one of his infamous and feared β€˜foul moods’ for a very long time, years maybe.. though years mean nothing to his kind.

β€œI see..” he says slowly, lacing his fingers together. β€œand would such a thing be painful?” at the thought of pain his red eyes glint in fiendish delight. β€œwould mixing a person’s blood up or invading their minds be agonising? And if so, are we only talking about a form of mental agony or are we also talking about physical pain?” eerily, Rapheal’s tone and body language is very causal.. as though he’s talking about something as mundane and normal like the weather. But the look in his eyes is enough to chill the blood to ice..

Richard blushes as Reji points out that he knows when Richard’s telling a truth from a lie, which Richard knows is true. Richard and Reji have being around each other long enough to know when they’re hiding their feelings from each other, or so Richard likes to think. Even though Richard has resigned himself to the fact that there are something’s about Reji he will never understand, even though he’d really like to. β€œI’m sorry, Reji..” he says quietly as he looks down at his hands before looking back up sadly. β€œI-I just don’t want you to feel guilty in anyway over something that isn’t your fault.” He says softly as he meets his butler’s gaze with his innocent red eyes, eyes that will one day have the innocence fade from them when he reaches adulthood.. when the Nox madness truly takes a hold of the person, no Nox has ever remained unchanged after the madness has grasped them.

Richard gazes at the vial that his servant pulls out and places to his lips, he opens his mouth so he can drink from it. Richard totally trusts Reji’s judgement in all things and this is no exception to the rule. He swallows the small drop that comes out the vial and blinks, cringing at the foul taste. His eyes water and he shudders a little. β€œi-it is.. very strong..” he laughs weakly in agreement, but relaxes as the pain fades away. β€œthank you, Reji.. it really does work well.. it is strange how things that are meant to be good for you.. taste yucky..” the young lord muses.

He listens quietly to Reji speak about the subject of men and boy’s crying, he tilts his head a little and his blonde hair falls over his face. β€œand yet.. boy’s seem to be mocked whenever they cry..” he says softly. β€œthat is why I wanted to be a little girl when I was small, so I could cry all I wanted and no one would be mean to me..” the young man continues to listen to his servant, once again feeling his curiously peeked by demons. There are so many questions that Richard would like to ask Reji about them, and maybe he would have done eventually if he hadn’t have seen the state of the half Angel- half demon bloodslave Sepiroth. Never had Richard seen a more injured and broken creature, the Halfling seemed so sad to. That was when Richard resolved not to ask Reji anything, in case he had a bad past like the one he could sense in Sepiroth. Richard would hate to bring up any bad memories, so out of politeness he never asks Reji anything about his kind.

Richard blinks as Reji’s eyes flash crimson.. he’s only seen it happen once before and that was when Reji saved him, he relaxes a little. β€œs-so you’re just going to have a polite talk with father instead of punishing him?” Richard asks quietly, watching Reji as he speaks. β€œReji..” Richard says after a while. β€œis a boyfriend a special kind of friend?” he smiles happily. β€œbecause if that’s the case you’re definatly my best and special friend!” he looks thoughtful when Reji mentions the contract, it’s something that crosses Richard’s mind a lot. Even Laplace mentioned it-and Laplace rarely speaks since Reji came into their lives. β€œhey Reji?” Richard asks after some moments. β€œwhat’s it like to devour a soul? Does the soul feel anything when it’s devoured or does it just go to sleep and not feel anything? Kind of like dying in your sleep?” he asks softly. β€œbecause going to sleep and never waking up again seems such a nice way to die.” He blinks and shakes his head with a weak laugh. β€œthough I suppose it is a morbid thing to talk about, so you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.” This is the first time Richard’s raised the subject of death, in fact many would think that because of his child like nature and innocence.. the subject of death and dying is an unknown one for him..

(okay, Gladis :] I'll bring Abigail ether tomorrow or Sunday.. maybe Sephy to since I've mentioned him :] hmm.. my tags aren't working.. :] never mind, I've sorted them out :])

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Annie Stanhope Character Portrait: Count Rapheal Nox
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Annabeth smiled and nodded as she saw the master feeling happy and looking more confident than before when she had agreed and complimented him. She looked up at him quietly and listened to him, but in the back of her mind she was hoping that he would give her more chores to do instead of waking his son. She knew that he might try to hurt her since she was weaker than him and weaker than a vampire especially from his blood line. Annie sighed quietly and replied, β€œThey were deserving of punishment, your highness. You are the supreme ruler of the land…no one can compare to you.” She curtsied to him and graciously watched and listened closely to him as he spoke further.

He then told her that he could wake his own son then she would not have to be endangered by the lord’s son and she smiled sighing in relief. β€œOh master, thank you. I am most great full for you, my liege.” She curtsied again and nodded once more, β€œI will begin to start setting up for the training session. It would be a good thing for the Nox sons to learn to be as good of a swordsman as their father.” She smiled shyly and looked to him once more. β€œIf you don’t mind sire, I would like to take my leave now and begin my chores. Unless you would like more wine?” She asked him curiously.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Annie Stanhope Character Portrait: Scarlet Lozier Character Portrait: Count Rapheal Nox
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β€œI see..” he says slowly, lacing his fingers together. β€œand would such a thing be painful?” at the thought of pain his red eyes glint in fiendish delight. β€œwould mixing a person’s blood up or invading their minds be agonising? And if so, are we only talking about a form of mental agony or are we also talking about physical pain?”

Scarlet nearly looked at him in horror but caught herself and kept her face still. β€œFrom what I know, the pain caused you to lose your what you know of your head, it feels as though your mind is gone. Your body will feel the pain of the future, the millions of deaths that are to come, and you will feel how they die. This pain will be the most that anyone has ever felt, both mentally and physically," she made her voice sound like her witch voice, low and menacing. β€œIf you wish to feel this pain, my lord, then find me, I shall be polishing your sword."

Scarlet curtsied deeply and left the room swiftly, shocked at her own sharpness and the Count's interest in the dangerous art of fortune telling. She moved to the inner courtyard and opened the weapons vault with the keys that hung on her belt. She pulled it open with a low creaking sound and stepped inside, immediately spotting the Count's sword since it was shining in the little light that shone into the room from the doorway. She held the sword at its hilt and moved to the back of the room for the supplies to polish it with. She grabbed the wax and polish and a rag and brush to dust the sword with. Perhaps this would take her mind off of fortune telling.

Because the Count had brought it up, Scarlet now found herself wondering about her own past. She wanted to learn more about the dangerous art and more about herself, but could she go through that kind of pain? She sighed and went back into the courtyard, shutting and locking the door behind her. She sat on an opening in the wall that enclosed an outer hallway and took the sword out of its sheath, admiring its beauty and beginning to polish it gently. All the while she mulled over her past and what she wished to know.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Richard Laplace Nox Character Portrait: Reiji Iwazawa
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#, as written by Gladis
β€œI'm sorry, Reiji. I-I just don’t want you to feel guilty in anyway over something that isn’t your fault.”

Reiji narrowed his eyes in thought for a moment. "I have to disagree... It is true that I shouldn't feel guilty and you have to understand that I don't. However, I dislike the thought of my master being harmed by others. I do not feel guilty when I fail to protect you from harm... I feel rage at those daring to touch you. I want to kill them. I want to tare them apart, I want to see their blood on my hands... I want to avenge my master. However, I do not feel guilty... I suppose I just get a tad angry when something displeases my master," the almost psychotic look having flashed through Reiji's eyes just a moment ago was now quickly replaced by a certain calmness, a gentleness. He gazed back into his masters innocent eyes and smiled weakly, softly, gently reaching out his hand and caressing Richard's cheek. "My beloved master..." he whispered so that Richard could barely hear, before he got up.

β€œi-it is.. very strong.. thank you, Reji.. it really does work well.. it is strange how things that are meant to be good for you.. taste yucky..”

The butler gave a soft and gentle laugh, gazing down at his master with an amused smile playing on his lips. "Oh master... isn't everything that way? Medicine that will make you feel better tastes awful, while sweets will do nothing but harm your teeth... despite their pleasant taste. There are those who would argue that the easiest may not always be the right rode to follow. However, as a demon I would naturally have to disagree. Sometimes walking the rode that does not always seem right but what is best for you at the current time... may as well be the best solutions for your problems. At least at the time... and no one would have the right to blame you. It is always easy to be smart after the choice has been made..." he reasoned, looking thoughtful for a moment. This was what he had learned during all the time he had lived... during all the time he had spent with different masters and mistresses.

β€œand yet.. boy’s seem to be mocked whenever they cry..”

Reiji tilted his head and gazed at him silently for a moment. "Where I come from everyone gets mocked for crying. Then again, the tears of a demon... especially my kind are rare, next to non existent... if not the demon could possibly gain on it. Human tears are precious... for they visualize pain and pain is what we feed on. We use it to our advantage... yet... I still dislike to see you cry, for it means I have failed with ensuring your happiness.

β€œs-so you’re just going to have a polite talk with father instead of punishing him? Is a boyfriend a special kind of friend? Because if that’s the case you’re definatly my best and special friend!”

"Yes, I suppose that is the way you could put it, young master. I shall talk to him," and perhaps threaten him, if it is needed. Reiji had no restraints when it came to his masters safety. He would not let anyone hurt him, not even his own father. It would be going against their contract, after all.

He paused and grinned at Richard's words, tilting his head. "No... and perhaps yes. You shouldn't call me your boyfriend, though. It is not befitting a servant to be called such, especially not by his master. A boyfriend is a special person to you.. he is more than a friend, he is your lover... I suppose you could call it that, at least."

β€œwhat’s it like to devour a soul? Does the soul feel anything when it’s devoured or does it just go to sleep and not feel anything? Kind of like dying in your sleep? Though I suppose it is a morbid thing to talk about, so you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.”

"Young master," Reiji said after a moment of thought, "I think I shall spare you this information until the day you are ready to be devoured. It is nothing you should worry about now... you will see in due time, do not worry. It is nothing too bad..."

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Annie Stanhope Character Portrait: Richard Laplace Nox Character Portrait: Scarlet Lozier Character Portrait: Count Rapheal Nox Character Portrait: Reiji Iwazawa
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#, as written by Yumishi
(sorry this post took ages :] )

Count Nox
Rapheal continues to smirk to himself, praise is something the count would never turn down.. even though the young Angelic girl is his personal servant and therefore might be somewhat inclined to tell him what he wants to hear most, and the witch-as far as the count can tell- feels indebted to him and therefore might be somewhat biased. But the Count really doesn’t care, for he enjoys being praised.. especially by women, and the prettier the women the greater sense of pride he has. The Count may not look it, but he’s a bit of a cad when it comes to women.. once he sees a women he’s attracted to, he will try to make her his.. in a way that the women doesn’t realise, under the gentlemanly and elegant faΓ§ade.. is a very jealous and insecure man. β€œof course no one can compare to me! All other men pale in comparison!” he chuckles to himself. He breaks out of his thoughts about himself when he senses his personal servant’s gratitude. β€œthere is no need to thank me, I know quite well what Abigail is like when he first gets up in the morning.. and non, I do not need any more wine.” He smiles slightly. β€œyou may tend to your duties, Annabeth.”

Rapheal carefully listens to Scarlet, his smile growing wider by the second. Her words echo in his mind like a hymn, a whisper.

β€˜ From what I know, the pain caused you to lose your what you know of your head, it feels as though your mind is gone. Your body will feel the pain of the future, the millions of deaths that are to come, and you will feel how they die. This pain will be the most that anyone has ever felt, both mentally and physically,If you wish to feel this pain, my lord, then find me, I shall be polishing your sword.’

He chuckles softly and sits himself back down, liking the sound of that. Oh yes, he does like the sound of that! But she has made a large error in one thing, who will be the one to endure the pain. Though the Count loves causing pain, loves watching others suffer in agony.. he has no wish to be put under such pain himself, he has no wish to feel the agony that he so wilfully inflicted upon others. No, Rapheal has other things in mind.. other things he wants to do with such a power, for he aims to kill two birds with one stone. He laces his fingers together and peers over them and into nothing as he thinks about the victim he has in mind, he feels a cold yet tangible shiver race down his spine in anticipation. β€œmy dear son, my dear boy..” he mutters to himself and barely supresses a laugh that threatens to escape from his lips. β€œyou will soon be taught a lesson in humility in a way you never dreamed of, and I will be so delighted to watch your agonies and hear your screams..” the count’s smile widens and he starts to laugh happily at the thought.

Richard quietly listens to Reji speak of tearing people to pieces and seeing the blood on his hands, he never pictured his butler to be the type of person who got angry. Richard blinks at the understatement comment of being a β€˜tad’ angry, if that was what Reji did when he was a little angry.. who knows what he’d be like in a full blown rage, and Richard really hopes it doesn’t come to that. Anger has always being a vague concept for Richard, he’s just simply the type of person who doesn’t get angry. Laplace-the product of the Nox madness- however can get very angry and frustrated over the silliest of things, Richard wonders what would happen if Laplace ever talked to Reji.. but since Reji’s being around, Laplace has gone quiet and sullen.. rarely speaking, it’s almost as though he’s took a step back. Richard smiles shyly as Reji places his hand on his cheek, though he doesn’t quite hear what Reji said. Richard pauses as he remembers his mother saying to her neighbour that he shouldn’t get angry because he’ll blow up. Richard gasps and gently clasps Reji’s hand in his as the butler stands up. β€œy-you should be careful not to get angry, Reji.. my mother said that people explode when they’re angry!”

Richard tilts his head thoughtfully. β€œit is strange how the world works, it’s sad that the really nice things to eat are bad for you.” Richard says sadly as he wistfully thinks of white chocolate, which is the source of Richard’s sweet tooth. White chocolate brings back many happy memories for Richard, but also some sad ones. He remembers the kindly old lady that used to give him a small piece of white chocolate when he was a little boy, she didn’t give him chocolate every day and while it was a rare event it was an act that Richard was grateful for. He’d remember saving it before bed time and lying in his small room with his eyes shut as he sucked the chocolate and savoured it as it melted in his mouth. It’s being a long time since Richard had any white chocolate. β€œit sounds hard to pick the most efficient path in life, Reji..” Richard comments after some moments. β€œwhat makes people know which one to choose?”

β€œit sounds very hard to be a demon, Reji..” Richard muses when his servant explains about Demons mocking tears shed by their own kind. β€œit must be horrible to be born into a race that doesn’t like crying..” Richard says sadly in thought, before smiling weakly. β€œbut you can cry all you want to here, Reji! I don’t mind.” He smiles warmly at his butler before pausing. β€œjust because I cry sometimes doesn’t mean to say you’ve failed in making me happy..”

He takes a deep breath and relaxes. β€œthat’s good if you’re just going to talk to father, maybe talking is all he needs..” Richard blinks. β€œoh, so a boyfriend.. is linked to courting someone, I see.. I think.” Richard looks at Reji thoughtfully as though he’s going to say something; he pauses as though he’s trying to think of a tactful way to put his words across. He shakes his head slightly before changing tact. β€œdo you have a boyfriend, Reji?”

Richard tilts his head and puffs his cheeks out a little in thought when Reji gives his answer about devouring souls. β€œwhile I am very curious..” Richard admits. β€œI shall respect your wishes and not ask until the time comes..”

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Annie Stanhope Character Portrait: Count Rapheal Nox
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Annabeth smiled to her master and curtsied to him before she left him and proceeded to the courtyard. She went to the gardens of the courtyard and looked at the fragile white roses. She marveled in their beauty whenever she was blessed with the tasks of having to do something in the courtyards. She loved roses, any color, shape, or size...but she didn't like the hybrids of the flowers. She thought that when the pure flower was cross bred with another flower it was tainted and not the same.

Annabeth went to the weapons vault and unlocked it with the key she had been given before. Then she took out two swords that were a bit too heavy for her to lift and carry so she dragged them to the center of the courtyard. She laid them down gently on the ground and ran over to the corner of the yard and then pulled over a rack with a few other lightweight swords and brought them to the center where she had set down the other swords. She picked one sword up then hung it up on the rack for the masters, then repeated the same action with the other sword.

Annie then sighed in relief and ran to her room to change into a better dress. She picked up a black, purple, and light pink pink corset looking dress. She thought that her normal attire was not appropriate to wear for the festivities that would be taking place in the courtyard today. Annie slipped the dress on and brushed her fingers through her hair, then ran back down to the courtyard. She set up the courtyard with the shield and the armors, then sat at a bench next to the rose bushes in the center and waited for her master to come to the courtyard, along with his sons...although Annie was not going to be happy with the thought of having to stand next to Master Richard's demon butler...the thought made her shake slightly nervous.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Richard Laplace Nox Character Portrait: Scarlet Lozier Character Portrait: Count Rapheal Nox Character Portrait: Reiji Iwazawa
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Scarlet slid the sword back into it's sheath when she was done polishing the beautiful thing. She held it low at her side as she walked slowly back to the throne room, taking the long way around the castle but making sure that she tread softly past the rooms so as not to wake anyone up or disturb anyone. She heard rustling and low speaking as she passed young Richard's room, but payed no heed and continued walking by with the sword and her heals clicking softly. She passed the kitchens and made sure that everyone was completing their morning tasks and then made her way towards the front door. It was locked like it had been last night and she checked to see if anything had been dropped of for the count, which nothing had, there never was anything.

She bit the inside of her cheek as she though of the first time that she had arrived at this dark door and how devastated she had been. Her free hand automatically reached for the pendant that hung around her neck below her marking. Magic had such strange qualities. She turned back and made her way down the dark corridor towards the throne room, remembering what she had set out to do with her right hand still holding the sword at her hip. She entered with a creak of the door and turned again to face the count. She notices the malicious look in his eyes and was nearly frightened for a moment, but she shook off her worries and walked towards the throne, knowing that his expression was not for her to endure, the heels of her boots making a small noise on the stone floor that seemed louder because of the room's echo.

She reached just before the steps to the throne and stopped walking. "Here is your sword, my lord, newly polished," she offered the sword to him with her eyes facing towards the ground out of respect. "Is there anything else I can prepare for you my lord?" she asked politely, with no emotion in her voice after thinking of the count's interest in fortune telling and the dangerously evil look in his eyes.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Richard Laplace Nox Character Portrait: Reiji Iwazawa
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#, as written by Gladis
β€œy-you should be careful not to get angry, Reji.. my mother said that people explode when they’re angry!”

Reiji smiled kindly at his master, gently ruffling Richard's hair. "Of course I wouldn't blow up. Anger has never been the cause of combustion before... however, I suppose there is a flicker of truth in those words. Anger brings nothing but sadness and misfortune, in the long run..." he tilted his head and gazed down at Richard with gentle, cyan eyes, "Master... I shall try to refrain from getting too angry. Worry not for me, understood?" he asked with as Richard clasped his hand. Gently, Reiji pulled the boy to his feet, sitting him down on the bed before letting go of his hand and striding over to his closet. The butler opened the heavy and thick wooden doors, starting to look through the clothes as he listened to his master continuing to speak.

β€œit is strange how the world works, it’s sad that the really nice things to eat are bad for you.”

"Indeed... that is not to say you should avoid good but perhaps not so wealthy things altogether. Everything can get dangerous when overdosed, no matter if it is medicine or sweets, healthy food or tarts... if you just eat the right amount of everything it should be fine. The same goes for the rest of everything in life. Too much pleasure or too much pain, having it too easy or having too many hardships... most humans do not understand that a middle ground would be best for them. I suppose it is the human nature... to see everything in the colors of black and white. As a vampire you may not be human, but your mind works all the same..." he carefully took out a pair of folded navy blue trousers and a blouse with frills, plus a few other clothing articles before making his way back towards Richard.

β€œit sounds hard to pick the most efficient path in life, Reji... What makes people know which one to choose?”

"They don't," Reiji replied, kneeling down before his master and gently starting to undo Richard's sleeping gown, his fingers working with experienced ease. "That is why humanoid species constantly make mistakes like fools, but hopefully they learn from these mistakes... otherwise they are just idiots. Humans are not wise, thus they do not learn... demons are none the wiser, but at least we content ourself with our life and accept what is, what we have. Well... most of us, at least. Just like you there are all sorts of demons..." he looked thoughtful for a moment, a look of disgust crossing his usually blank futures for a brief moment, "... I do think I will never fully be able to comprehend my own kin either."

He finished undressing Reiji before carefully starting to help the boy into his blouse, feeling the soft, fine material between his fingers. Then he buttoned it before starting to help him into the trousers. Once he was done with that he dressed Richard's in his socks before standing up again in order to fetch the boys shoes.

β€œit sounds very hard to be a demon, Reji.. It must be horrible to be born into a race that doesn’t like crying.. But you can cry all you want to here, Reji! I don’t mind. Just because I cry sometimes doesn’t mean to say you’ve failed in making me happy..”

Reiji laughed softly, gently. "Oh, you misunderstand, master. I cannot cry... even if I wanted to, I could not. It is not my way of expressing emotions... unless I fake it, of course. But why would I cry when I do not need to? And there are demons who cry but don't get looked down upon. It all depends on who and what you are... many people underestimate how many demon races there actually are. And I do know it does not mean I failed, yet it still makes me sad..."

He helped him into his shoes and then tucked his blouse into his pants before handing Richard a navy blue west, which matched his trousers. The west had refined and beautiful golden details, swirls of glimmering thread woven into the fabric in patterns of roses and thorns.

β€œOh, so a boyfriend.. is linked to courting someone, I see.. I think. Do you have a boyfriend, Reji?”

Reiji paused at Richard's question. "Yes... I suppose. I sometimes forget... I do not think the term 'boyfriend' is quite as...used in this era as it will be in the future. Let us call it courting, it is more appropriate. As for if I am currently courting someone... no, I am not. How would I ever have time for that? Besides, for a man to have a boyfriend now... is not taken very lightly. Sad but true is the fact that homosexuality is not accepted. I do not think your father would be happy if he found out us even talking about this subject..." he trailed off and sighed softly, holding out Richard's blue hat to his master with a small though blank smile on his lips.

"While I am very curious.. I shall respect your wishes and not ask until the time comes..”

The demon butler smiled faintly, cunningly. "Good... I thank you, master," he bowed briefly before straightening up again and saying. "Now, I believe your father is awaiting you... shall we go?"

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Annie Stanhope Character Portrait: Richard Laplace Nox Character Portrait: Scarlet Lozier Character Portrait: Count Rapheal Nox Character Portrait: Reiji Iwazawa
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#, as written by Yumishi
Count Nox

The Count yawns slightly and the sinister look fades from his eyes a little, as though it has being pushed into the background. A sad yet thoughtful smile flickers on his lips as he seems to be remembering something..

The room was bathed in a warm glow and the music played softly in the background, I was very anxious if I remember correctly for I was not allowed to see my bride until now. I remember that I fidgeted anxiously with my cravat and my father gruffly informed me to stop acting so foolish, but I could not help it. seeing one’s bride is a nerve wreaking moment for a young man, and I was no different than any other young men in my family. Though there was much more pressure on me than any of my other family members, much more pressure. I was marrying a women outside of my family, the only reason for this was because my sister was barren and unable to bare children. Father sought to keep our line going however he could, though marrying out of the pure bloodline that we have was almost sacrilege.. to let the family line die was even less forgivable, and I knew more than anyone that my father did not want to have the shame of everyone saying our line had fell because of him. I had no say in the matter, and though I was resentful I was also resigned. I felt cheated of my right, I felt betrayed. But the son has no place to question the sire, so I kept my mouth shut and my thoughts to myself. Father handled all the arrangements, the dowry, the bride.. all that was left was for me to meet her, this women I never knew till now. So many questions went through my mind, until I saw her. My heart leapt into my throat, she was beautiful. A petite figure with pale skin, long blonde hair and big forget me not blue eyes. her face was that of an angel, innocent and perfect. She walked with grace and though her dress showed some of her girlish body, including her bosom- I’d educate her about Nox modesty at a later date- I fell hopelessly and madly in love. I knew from this moment on that this beautiful women, this rare creature, would be mine and mine alone. As I looked into her eyes I knew that there was nothing I wouldn’t do for her.. nothing..

The Count breaks out of his thoughts when he hears Scarlet’s voice. β€œah..oui.. thank you.” He says distantly as he takes the sword from her, he seems troubled by something. Shaking his head he pushes his thoughts back. β€œcome, let us go to the courtyard.. and for my sons sakes they had best me there.” He adds darkly before striding out the throne room and into the courtyard, he looks around at everything and smiles slightly at the set up. β€œyou have done well, Annabeth.” He says a slight nod.

Richard smiles happily as Reji ruffles his blonde hair up, and tilts his head a little. Richard is often very funny about people touching his hair, but he always makes an exception for his butler. Liking it when Reji touches him, though he doesn’t totally understand why. β€œoh, so people do not automatically blow up when they are angry?” he relaxes and smiles. β€œthat is good..” Richard smiles as Reji gently helps him up. β€œokay Reji, I shall try not to worry about you..” he says with a nod as Reji sits him down on the bed before striding to the large wardrobe to find him some clothes.

Richard continues to listen to his butler intently, if not in a kind of awe. It always amazes Richard that Reji knows so many things and is so smart. Reji’s the smartest person he knows, though maybe Reji is smart because he’s being around a long time. Richard often wonders how old his butler is, like Vampires the Demonic race also live for a very long time.. even longer then vampires if you believe the legends, Richard has made a lot of research about demons since he met Reji.. though not enough to gain a complex understanding of them, in any case the Demons are very dangerous and very powerful.. but Richard often wonders, if that is the case.. why do they chose to be servants to the Vampires? He finds that to be very strange and somewhat unnerving.. for there are demons who are not like his trusted servant, they have no interest in devouring souls.. that he knows, but he’s unsure about what their interests are. β€œI see.. I can understand that a healthy middle ground would be much better, it’s just getting to it that’s the hard thing I suppose..” he says quietly in thought. β€œbut I would guess that once you make that middle ground it’s also very hard to keep there, life seems to try and tip you one way or the other.. it never tries to keep you in the middle.”
He stays still to make it easier for Reji to undress him, Richard remembers the first time his servant undressed him to put him in his clean clothes. He remembers being embarrassed as much as a twelve year old boy could be, but as Reji smiled reassuringly at him and spoke in that soft and calming tone he always spoke in.. Richard remembers relaxing and all feelings of embarrassment fading away as though they were never there to begin with, and since then Richard no longer felt embarrassed when Reji dressed and undressed him. In fact he was used to it and totally trusted Reji’s sense of fashion. β€œso it’s okay to make mistakes?” the young lord asks quietly, as he thinks back to all the mistakes he made as a child. So many things left unsaid, so many regrets. He notices the look of disgust that flashes on Reji’s normally calm face, he wonders if Albel’s scary butler Gladius has said anything mean to him. β€œReji..” Richard starts quietly. β€œare you okay? No one’s being mean to you, have they? If they have I shall ask Catarina to beat them up for you if you like.” It’s common knowledge that Catarina Viper- one of his father’s closest friends- is one of the most toughest and scariest females in the kingdom and the only female to have the position of captain of the guard. Richard doesn’t think she’s to scary though, she’s really nice to him and brings him some new paints and brushes whenever she visits.. and she isn’t scared of his father, in fact it’s the other way around. Richard gazes down at his outfit and smiles happily, pleased with it.

Richard nods. β€œoh, I see.. so it’s a little bit like over here where some social classes are prioritised over others and are allowed to get away with things because they are that social class? That sounds rather unfair if that is the case, why can everyone not be treated the same? You cannot really help being born into the life you are born in, so it seems very unfair that people should be judged on that..” he smiles happily when he sees the jacket and gently takes it from Reji before sighing. β€œI hate to see you sad, Reji..”

Richard blushes a little. β€œoh, I always thought that you’d have someone to court.. because you’re so nice, smart, funny and handsome!” Richard blurts before realising what he’s said and blushes even more, he carefully takes his hat and puts it on his head. β€œoh.. but I thought father courted men when Amy was sick.. she told me that he used to leave in the dead of night, dressed in strange clothing with two men linked arm in arm on either side of him.. though you are right, he’d get so angry if he found out..”

Richard nods and takes a deep breathe. β€œyes.. let us go, the longer we keep father waiting the scarier he’s going to be.. and then he may enter one of his β€˜foul moods’..” Richard shivers at the thought and whispers. β€œwhich is horrible when that happens..”

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View All » Add Character » 9 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Alexander Pinto
Character Portrait: Annie Stanhope
Character Portrait: Reiji Iwazawa
Character Portrait: Count Rapheal Nox
Character Portrait: Scarlet Lozier
Character Portrait: Richard Laplace Nox
Character Portrait: Rahael Nox
Character Portrait: Abigail 'Albel' Nox
Character Portrait: Gladarnial Silencia


Character Portrait: Gladarnial Silencia
Gladarnial Silencia

"As you wish, my young lord.."

Character Portrait: Abigail 'Albel' Nox
Abigail 'Albel' Nox


Character Portrait: Rahael Nox
Rahael Nox

"Where does the line between black and white, sanity and insanity go?"

Character Portrait: Richard Laplace Nox
Richard Laplace Nox

"we could learn a lot by the Stars, they guide us and teach us all the time.."

Character Portrait: Scarlet Lozier
Scarlet Lozier

"If you die the world will certainly continue to turn."

Character Portrait: Count Rapheal Nox
Count Rapheal Nox

"welcome, I shall grant you death!"

Character Portrait: Reiji Iwazawa
Reiji Iwazawa

"As you wish, master. I shall see to it at once..."

Character Portrait: Alexander Pinto
Alexander Pinto

Well, this could all be worse.


Character Portrait: Scarlet Lozier
Scarlet Lozier

"If you die the world will certainly continue to turn."

Character Portrait: Gladarnial Silencia
Gladarnial Silencia

"As you wish, my young lord.."

Character Portrait: Abigail 'Albel' Nox
Abigail 'Albel' Nox


Character Portrait: Count Rapheal Nox
Count Rapheal Nox

"welcome, I shall grant you death!"

Character Portrait: Alexander Pinto
Alexander Pinto

Well, this could all be worse.

Character Portrait: Rahael Nox
Rahael Nox

"Where does the line between black and white, sanity and insanity go?"

Character Portrait: Reiji Iwazawa
Reiji Iwazawa

"As you wish, master. I shall see to it at once..."

Character Portrait: Richard Laplace Nox
Richard Laplace Nox

"we could learn a lot by the Stars, they guide us and teach us all the time.."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Rahael Nox
Rahael Nox

"Where does the line between black and white, sanity and insanity go?"

Character Portrait: Count Rapheal Nox
Count Rapheal Nox

"welcome, I shall grant you death!"

Character Portrait: Reiji Iwazawa
Reiji Iwazawa

"As you wish, master. I shall see to it at once..."

Character Portrait: Abigail 'Albel' Nox
Abigail 'Albel' Nox


Character Portrait: Scarlet Lozier
Scarlet Lozier

"If you die the world will certainly continue to turn."

Character Portrait: Alexander Pinto
Alexander Pinto

Well, this could all be worse.

Character Portrait: Richard Laplace Nox
Richard Laplace Nox

"we could learn a lot by the Stars, they guide us and teach us all the time.."

Character Portrait: Gladarnial Silencia
Gladarnial Silencia

"As you wish, my young lord.."

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Re: The Madness of Count Nox

hi, Smudge Of Ink :] you may play a demon incubus :]

and yep, that's right stealthpanther :]

also, sorry I haven't being on for a while.. I'll see if I can respond to everyone's posts ether tomorrow or the weekend, I'm feeling rather unwell :] so I'll try to respond when I can, sorry for the wait :]

Re: The Madness of Count Nox

Hmmm, I may have to take you up on that..if I can figure out a suitable character to play. So if I play the bottom of this totem pole, I need to also make a master or noble type as well?

Re: The Madness of Count Nox

The RP looks really interesting, I loved the intro to it... Would it be possible for me to play a demon, preferably an Inccibus? If not I'd be perfectly happy to take a different character. :)

Re: The Madness of Count Nox

thank you, stealthpanther :] you are more then welcome to join if you like :]

Re: The Madness of Count Nox

This rp looks intriguing. And I actually read the entire intro without getting confused or bored.

Re: The Madness of Count Nox

okay! I'll post the intro post :]

sorry I wasn't able to get on yesterday :]

Re: The Madness of Count Nox

That sounds great! I really wanna start soon cuz im so excited! :DDDDDD

Re: The Madness of Count Nox

you're very welcome :] thank you once again for being interested :] and we shall start ether tomorrow or the next day, if that's okay with everyone? :]

Re: The Madness of Count Nox

yea thats what i thought, but its fine ^^ This is gonna be awesome too! :D thank you so much doe! :)

Re: The Madness of Count Nox

hello! sorry it took me so long to reply :]

yes, you may have an Angel who is a servant.. but I'm afraid that only vampires can be nobility :]

of course, I shall reserve you a spot :]

and I'm very glad you like this RPG, thank you for being interested :]

Re: The Madness of Count Nox

HI! I wanted to make a female charry and couldn't decide which race i should be...Im thinking angel cuz they are good and stuff but i have a couple questions.

1.can an angel be a servant/noble?
2. can i reserve an angel?
3.i like this rp. ;3

The Madness of Count Nox

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