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The Magical Land of Ooo

The Magical Land of Ooo


Many years after the Great Mushroom War and 200 years after the chronicles of Jake the dog and Finn the human, new heroes have emerged in Ooo to create adventures of their own.

4,987 readers have visited The Magical Land of Ooo since MegaKooala12 created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


This roleplay is inspired and based heavily off of the roleplay Adventures in the land of Ooo, created by Manic Creator. The roleplay was a huge success, and offered the players a lot of creative freedom in terms of posting, making characters, and thinking up new places. Unfortunately, the roleplay died, leaving behind many new adventures and possibilities. In this roleplay, I'm hoping to bring back the same sense of excitement and unbounded imagination that I had experienced in the old roleplay.



After the Great Mushroom War, everything changed. The radiation of the bombs that hit the earth not only destroyed the land, but they created a new kind of civilization. A civilization where wildlife changed and adapted, new places emerged, and a land of childlike fantasies became a reality. This place is known today as the Land of Ooo.

The land is littered with various treasures and debris from the past. There are still significant comparisons in this post-apocalyptic world to modern times. The creatures and inhabitants of Ooo are still very much intelligent and living. Structures have been made, kingdoms have been created, and various forms of government have been established. The human race, a species thought to have died out more than a thousand years ago, is still alive. However, there are only a few humans left. An example of one of the last known human beings is Finn. An adventurer and hero at heart, the fiery boy accomplished many remarkable things in his life along with his loyal friends, and his one true companion, Jake the dog. Unfortunately, their time in Ooo came to an end, and 200 years later, a new line of leaders, creatures, and adventurers have started to emerge throughout the magical land.


The land of Ooo is comprised of major kingdoms, (such as the Candy Kingdom, Ice Kingdom, and Fire Kingdom) minor kingdoms, (Wildberry Kingdom, Cloud Kingdom, and Goblin Kingdom) and other locations that play a great part in Ooo's geography (the Grasslands, the Evil Forest, Lumpy Space, the Nightosphere, etc.)

The Candy Kingdom

Surrounded by the dense Cotton Candy Forest, the Candy Kingdom is perhaps the most populated kingdom in Ooo. Everything in the Candy Kingdom is composed of sugar, sweets, or some kind of food. Even the citizens themselves are made of candy. Many parties, celebrations, and holidays are constantly being celebrated. The Candy Kingdom also owns subordinate territories such as the Earldom of Lemongrab, and the Duchy of Nuts.

Prince/Princess/Ruler of the Candy Kingdom-OPEN
Citizens of the Candy Kingdom
Tirinei the Water Nymph

The Ice Kingdom

The Ice Kingdom, a part of Ooo covered in ice, sleet, and snow, is located next to the Candy Kingdom and the Grasslands. There are many pointy snow-capped mountains that surround the area. Creatures like penguins, snow golems, and ice-clops can be found frolicking in the kingdom's freezing temperatures. Compared to other kingdoms, the Ice kingdom's population is fairly isolated and sporadic. The only building is an ice-covered mountain where the ruler of the Ice Kingdom resides.

King/Queen/Ruler of the Ice Kingdom-Izo Stesha
Residents of the Ice Kingdom

The Fire Kingdom

The Fire Kingdom is the hottest place in all of Ooo. Found in Northwestern Ooo, it is bordered by the grasslands, and to the south, water makes up the boundary line. The kingdom itself is composed of volcanoes, a sea of moltenous lava, and surfaces of igneous rock. The Fire Kingdom Palace lies in the center of the kingdom. The fire-elemental themed citizens that reside in the land have short-fuses, and consider themselves to be evil.

Prince/Princess/Ruler of the Fire Kingdom-Diesel
Citizens of the Fire Kingdom

The Nightosphere

The Nightosphere is an alternate dimension of Ooo where demons, monsters, and other creatures, such as vampires, lurk. Although not necessarily evil, the inhabitants of the Nightosphere appear to be "deathless", and some entities are known to be immortal. The dimension is practically a fiery wasteland filled with pandemonium, so some residents like to escape into the primary land of Ooo through the use of portals. Non-demonic creatures are also able to travel to the Nightosphere by following a series of steps, and then promptly entering through an appearing portal.

King/Queen/Ruler of the Nightosphere-reserved
Creatures from the Nightosphere


The Grass Lands
A large area of green, grassy fields that act as the barrier between the Candy Kingdom, Ice Kingdom, and Fire Kingdom. Not only do the Grass Lands, or the "Verdant Plains", make up a vast majority of Ooo, but they also contain a great amount of villages and landmarks. With its favorable climate, a variety of creatures can be found in the area, from traditional forest creatures to goblins, ogres, and jigglers. Unlike other areas of Ooo, the Grass Lands is the only area that contains forests and lakes. No doubt that the Grass Lands can essentially be used as a gateway to the rest of Ooo.

Inhabitants of the Grass Lands

Lana the Neko
Cantus Amator

The sight of a human is considered extremely rare in the land of Ooo. A critically endangered species, humans were thought to have died out more than a thousand years ago due to the events of the Mushroom War. Some creatures of Ooo are known as humanoids; they closely resemble humans, but have been mutated so that they are not truly human. Most inhabitants of Ooo go as far to believe that the human being is completely extinct. However, this is not the case, as there are currently three remaining humans left in Ooo.

Human #1 (Female)- Raleigh the Human
Human #2 (Male)-
Jo-Jo the Human
Human #3 (Either gender)-Apple Cider

Note: you are allowed to add more to your character sheet and decorate it to your heart's content, HOWEVER, please do not leave the mandatory spaces blank!

Code: Select all
[center][img]{go to and make your characters name}[/img]
[img]{place photo of character here. Please try as hard as you can to keep it in the style of adventure time}[/img][/center]
[b]Full Name:[/b]
[b]Nicknames:[/b] (if any)
[b]Species:[/b] (Be creative! don't limit all of your characters to either a candy person, fire person, vampire or human!)
[b]Alliance:[/b] (Good/Bad/Neutral?)
[b]Location of Residence:[/b] (In which kingdom or providence does your character live?)
[size=95][b][u]Likes[/u][/b] (at least five)
[b]Appearance:[/b] (What does your character look like? What are their physical characteristics? What type/style of clothing do they wear?)
(Please be descriptive! at least 1-2 paragraphs!)
(If you so desire, you may choose to  keep your history a secret. However, at least a couple of sentences are still needed here)
[size=200][u][b]Powers and Abilities[/b][/u][/size]
(You are limited to three powers. PLEASE don't make your character an all-powerful He-Man god! All vampires automatically have instantaneous self-healing, the ability to feed on shades of red, (although it is up to your character if they use it) and the ability to shape shift into 1 beast form (bat, wolf, etc)
(Everyone has at least one)
(Items the character carries with them at all times. This can include weapons)[/center]
*[b]Companion:[/b] (Name, species, and if any, 1 power...(but be creative! not every animal has stretchy powers!)
*[b]Companion Description:[/b] (personality, physical description, history if any, and how your character met them. By the way, you may add pictures of your companion if you like)
*[b]Theme Song:[/b] (Ehhh....Why not? :) you can add as many as you want, i don't care, is jus' fo' fun! :D)
*[b]Other:[/b] (Anything else you'd like to add? Perhaps a deep dark secret or an interesting talent?)
[b]Password:[/b] (To make sure you've read the rules, there shall be a password! Mwahahahahaha!!! I won't accept your character until you add this onto the bottom of the sheet)

  • Alright, you're probably wondering, so i'll just say it. Reservations for rulers of kingdoms and humans lasts for three days. NOTHING MORE UNLESS YOU PM ME. I'm serious about that. I have taken down people's reservations in the past. If you have at least your character sheet up as a WIP in three days, you will be spared. But still....
  • You may make royalty of other kingdoms such as the wildberry kingdom, lumpy space, or the cloud kingdom. You may also make your own original princes and princesses! (Like a music prince or a swamp princess or whatever you can think of! You can even just make a non-royal character who is a different species or type of humanoid.) You may also make your own original kingdoms. If you are going to do so, please tell me in what province the kingdom can be found. (the Grass lands, candy kingdom, etc.) If you don't understand, pm me and i'll explain in more detail.
  • Also, if you need help finding Adventure Time style characters, shoot me a pm, tell me what kind of character you're looking for, and i'll help you out. I've got a whole library of good adventure time oc's that are usable for the roleplay. (Because i have no better way of wasting my time than searching the internet for cool-looking adventure time oc's. -_-)
  • Also, please no FREAKING OOC DRAMA. I had an ooc drama incident between two people in the last roleplay i made that scarred me for life. If you have something mean to say, don't say it! If you have any concerns or constructive criticism, send me a pm. Don't call anyone stupid, and if you're going to have an argument, PUH-LEASE DON'T DRAG ME INTO IT!!!!! Just...NO OOC DRAMA!!! PLEASE. NO. I CAN'T EVEN.
  • With the gender ratio thing, you may consecutively make two female characters, HOWEVER, if you wish to make a third female character, you must first make a male. By the way, you can make as many characters as you can handle. But...just...don't go overboard.
  • Swearing and violence is allowed, just don't make the violence EXTREMELY GORY. This is adventure-time, not Battle Royale.
  • Be literate! One-liners ARE NOT TOLERATED HERE. At LEAST two good paragraphs.
  • Also, use the places i put up for you! I made them just for you! YES, YOU!!! please use them when you are switching locations, or I will be very sad :'(
  • I'm a constant offender of this rule, but still....If you ABSOLUTELY KNOW that you're going to be out, send me a pm...Or you know what, no more pms, chat me up. Trust me, i'm ALWAYS on this site. Hmmm…what was the next rule….?
  • OH! I JUST REMEMBERED! We are not going to see any of the main adventure time characters in this roleplay. Besides, it's 200 years in the future. They are all dead.
  • "But mega, Marceline is like...." YES. I KNOW. But...i just want to keep it about the characters that we create. You can make it so that your characters are related to the mains...but just please don't make any main characters!
  • You read the rules! You’re AMAZING!!! (or you probably just skimmed through the rules until you came across the password.) The password is AAADVENTURE TIIIME!!! You can make it as elaborate and goofy as you want. You can even put a gif of the words for all i care :D
  • I think that's it! Have fun and shtuff :D

No trials...
(I'm sorry, i just had to :D)

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

Browse All » 9 Settings to roleplay in

The Land of Ooo

The Land of Ooo by MegaKooala12

A vast land created after the events of the Great Mushroom War. It is home to a variety of creatures, as well as kingdoms.

The Candy Kingdom

The Candy Kingdom by MegaKooala12

One of the most powerful and influential kingdoms of Ooo. Everything inside the Candy Kingdom is comprised of candy or some sort of food. Even the people themselves are made of candy.

The Ice Kingdom

The Ice Kingdom by MegaKooala12

An arctic land completely covered in ice and snow. Many penguins and ice-themed creatures thrive here. The population is very sparse.

The Fire Kingdom

The Fire Kingdom by MegaKooala12

Home to the fire elementals of Ooo, the Fire Kingdom is a land covered in volcanoes and massive seas of lava. The people of this kingdom are known to have fiery tempers, and consider themselves evil.

The Grass Lands

The Grass Lands by MegaKooala12

Vast plains of vibrant green grass. The Grass Lands are home to a variety of different creatures, as well as a multitude of different environments.

The Nightosphere

The Nightosphere by MegaKooala12

A dark and cryptic dimension where a multitude of demonic creatures lurk.

The Evil Forest

The Evil Forest by MegaKooala12

A deep, dark, spooky forest where various monsters, traps, and forms of chaos await. Almost no one makes it out alive.

Royal Congressional Hall

Royal Congressional Hall by MegaKooala12

The place where important meetings are held, including the Grand Meeting of Ooo Royalty, as well as other festivities. (Destroyed as of right now. It is currently being rebuilt. The outside is still open to the public.)

The Goblin Kingdom

The Goblin Kingdom by MegaKooala12

A small kingdom where the humble green-skinned goblins reside.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tirinei the Water Nymph Character Portrait: Raleigh the Human
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The air was cool and the space around her had a cave-like silence as the young girl flew across the Cloud Kingdom on her brown-feathered morrow. She stood on the creature's back with caution yet carelessness as she reached her arms up, attempting to grab one of the soft fluffy clouds that drifted above her. Eventually, she settled down onto the creature's back, and twisted a soft smile forth from her lips. "Flake," she asked, "are you sure we should do this? We can always go back, y'know..."

There was brief silence, and then a firm voice masked in a heavy British accent replied back, "Raleigh, I'm telling you, you'll LOVE this place. I've been there before. I know you despise cities and crowded places; you've told me that a BILLION times. But I'm TELLING YOU, the Candy Kingdom is different. Much different..."
The morrow swooped down, sending billows of wind currents towards the girl. As her long, messy hair blew violently in the breeze, she grasped on tightly to the creature's feathers as the giant bird continued to speak. "Besides, I know you. I've known you only for two weeks, and I know that you essentially can't stay in the same place for a long time. You're one of those people who thrives on change, and that's exactly what this experience is: change. I mean, have you even lived in a city before?"
The girl shook her head. "Well then, you'll try the city for once. Maybe you'll like it."

The morrow passed by a party of cloud people, who giddily waved to the girl as they danced on top of the white fluff in the sky. She waved back, hearing loud, vibrant music as she quickly greeted the lively group. It was a few moments later that the morrow spoke to her again. "Alright, Raleigh, I'm going to drop down now and land on the surface. Hold on tight..."
In an instant, the giant creature faced its beak downwards, and plunged away from the heavens of the skies. Raleigh put all of her strength into gripping the bird's neck. As the two dropped, she could feel her legs rising up above her, as if she was falling head-first into the earth below. In less than a minute's time, everything came to a sudden brake, and gently, the bird flapped its wings slowly as it coasted to the surface.

Once the creature was grounded, the girl jumped off of the bird's back, and planted her brown boots onto the soil. She placed her hands on her hips as she took in the view, and then turned around to face the small sheep that stood where the morrow was once located. "Y'know, Flake, I think I actually like you better in your morrow form. I don't have to look down to see you." The brown-woolen "lamb" rolled his eyes, and then raised his hoof in front of her. "Behold, the beautiful Candy Kingdom."
Raleigh's eyes widened as she gazed upon the magnificent city that lay in front of her. Even from far away, she could still smell the faint scents of peppermint and cotton candy. Colorful buildings sprung up from behind the large candy wall, including the royal candy palace that lay in what seemed to be the center of the kingdom. Although she could not see anybody passing through the gates that lay between a moat of orange soda, Raleigh could hear the high-pitched sounds of small candy citizens as they ran their errands. She smiled, and then turned back to Flake. "Alrighty, let's go."

Inside the city, Raleigh's attention switched from one place to another in seconds. Her nose tingled with dozens of sweet scents, and she tried as hard as she could to keep her mouth from watering. "Man, this place takes a lot of determination to get through. I have to battle my innermost temptations in order to keep myself from eating anybody!" Flake gave a chuckle, and then continued to follow the peanut brittle path, making sure not to bump into the hundreds of citizens that passed by. "So, I guess we'll just stay in one of the hotels for the night. We'll settle our stuff there until we-..."

Flake ran backwards against the flow of traffic until he found his friend standing with a confused look in her eyes in the middle of the street.
"Uhhh...Raleigh?" Flake asked perplexedly, "You alive?"
"Huh? Oh, sorry..." she apologized as she came out of her trance, "It's just...that sign over there...." She pointed to a small abandoned stand near a sugar-coated fountain. There were piles of various junk laid out across the area. "What about it?"
"The sign on the top of the booth...It says "Tirinei's". I used to know a Tirinei..."
"And a Tirinei used to know you, RALLY!"

The human girl felt a tight grip around her chest as well as cold water as the familiar voice behind her spoke. She gasped, and an expression of shock and disbelief appeared on her face as she hugged the water nymph in front of her.
"TIRI!!! Tiri, I can't believe it's you!"
"Long time no see, huh? Who's your little friend?"
"Oh, right..." Raleigh pushed Flake closer to the tall nymph whose hair flowed clear blue streams of water. "Tiri, this is Flake. Flake, Tirinei."
"Pleased to meet you miss...?"
"Clearwater. Tirinei Clearwater. Nice to meet you too."
After bending down to give the animal a strong handshake, the bold water nymph crossed her arms and loosened her posture.
"So, what brings you two here to the elusive Candy Kingdom? Y'all tourists?"
"Far from it. We're moving in here! We were actually just looking for a hotel."
Tirinei's eyes widened with excitement, "Why stay in a crummy hotel when you deserve much better? C'mon, follow me..."

The woman led Raleigh and Flake out of the city, into the Cotton Candy Forest. The whole way, the human girl and her lamb companion gave each other glares of confusion, yet excitement. It was a mystery where Tirinei was leading them. Eventually, brown mountains appeared from the distance, and the pink forest started to come to an end. In the forest's place lay a bright red barn that seemed to stand out among the sea of green grass. Raleigh's face glowed with happiness as she stepped across the wooden plank that allowed passage over the narrow stream.
"Tirinei, it's just like your place! The stream, I mean. The's amazing!
"Only the best for my little sister!" Tirinei said with a soft smile and a wink, "I picked a valuable location for an adventurer like you. Close to the Candy Kingdom while also near the Grass Lands and the mountains. Little fun fact about this place; supposedly, many years ago, a rainicorn used to live here!"
"Explains all the colors around the place!"
Although there was nothing abnormal about the barn's surroundings, its location seemed brighter and more vibrant in the sunset than the usual house.
"Right. Listen Raleigh; I'd love to give you a tour of the place, but I really don't got any time. I have to get back to the shop..."
"Oh. Right. Well, it's no problem! I'll gladly take it! What about you Flake?"
"Same! There's just something so cozy about this place..." the lamb said with a warm smile.

"Great! Sold! Now...I guess we have to discuss payment..." Tirinei put her hands behind her back, military style, and circled the new residents as she spoke. "Normally, I don't sell this kind of house to two newbies like you, but seeing as you guys are an exception, I'll cut you some slack. I'm willing to give you this place for a discounted price: 10,000 gold coins.Deal?"
"Alright. But how much for me?"
"10,000 gold coins."
"...Yeah, but, I'm your sister."
Tirinei gave a mischievous smile, "11,000 gold coins!"
"Look, Raleigh," Tirinei crossed her arms and gave the girl a serious glare, "Times are hard. I'm not gonna sell you THIS nice of a house for free. Either you cough up the money, or you don't."
"Alright, so you don't got the money. I'll take a trade of equal value. How about that fancy gold hammer strapped to your backpack?"
Raleigh looked down at the metal hammer that was hooked onto a part of her white canvas backpack. Encrusted with various gems and inscribed with runes along the handle, her hammer was quite a beautiful weapon. She had attained it only a couple of days before after finding it hidden beneath a pile of jewels in the Evil Forest.
"Tirinei, I'm sorry, I can't. It's my only weapon. I'd be defenseless."
"Alright then," the water nymph's face showed lines of blunt satisfaction, "I'll take your lamb friend then. I'm sure someone'll want him for some nice stew or something..."
Furiously, Raleigh blocked Flake from Tirinei's reach. "NO!" she boomed,"YOU'RE NOT TAKING FLAKE!"

"Well then," the water nymph's expression grew serious again, "Give me the hammer, or you're gonna be sleeping in the forest tonight."
Raleigh shrugged, rolled her eyes, and then without hesitation, ripped the hammer right out of its strap on her pack.
"Here," electricity crackled in her green eyes, "take your stupid hammer."
"Thanks," Tirinei snorted, dragging the heavy hammer on the ground as she advanced towards the stream. "Nice doing business with you. See you two around. Welcome to the Candy Kingdom."
She then stepped into the water, and dissolved into the clear blue liquid as if she was a part of it. Raleigh tightly clenched her fists as she watched her sister get dragged away by the soft current. The hammer floated away in the stream as well.
"You said she was your sister, right?" Flake asked.
"I figured. You two seem like you've had your fair share of family arguments."

As the sun progressed on its journey to the west, Raleigh and Flake looked around the house. Although Raleigh was still tense from her encounter with her sister, Flake enjoyed all the surprises he found around his new home. There was a stone well, a small bench, and much to the duo's surprise, a large pumpkin patch in the back. Flake jumped up and down in delightment as his eyes gazed upon the vast field of orange fruits.
"This is brilliant!" he exclaimed, "I can make some pumpkin spice tea, while you can make some good ol' fashioned pumpkin pie!"

After taking a look at the area outside of the house, the two opened up the barn doors, and investigated the inside. "Great," said Raleigh, "It's barren in here. No furniture or nothing. There's not even a couch."
"Hey, at least we got cabinets and everything. Let's go check upstairs."
The two climbed a ladder, where they found more barren space. Piles of hay lay scattered around the room.
"Guess we're sleeping on hay beds tonight." Flake said cheerfully. Raleigh shrugged.
Afterwards, the two climbed back down, where they unpacked their bags and settled their stuff around the house.

The setting changes from The Candy Kingdom to The Land of Ooo


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nicolette Aberdeen
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Nicolette was floating the Grasslands looking for a place to sleep for the day, it was already mid-morning and she was getting tired. She came across a small little shack. "Oh this'll work, no one will notice if I borrow a dump like this for the day." She thought as she mad her way down to the door and went to open it. But it was locked, "Weird, who'd lock up a dump like this?" She thought as she grabbed a hair pin from her hair and proceeded to pick the lock and get in, in no time at all. When she opened the door she was surprised by a spiral staircase that led deep underground, upon reaching the bottom she was welcomed by a foyer indicating the true entrance to the house.

She walked around the house finding it to contain two bedrooms, a study, a library, kitchen, a living room and a rather empty treasure room. The house was well furnished however, in fact there was a very large couch and a few chairs in the living room. "The only thing this living room is missing is a pinball machine." she thought and then she remembered she had one. She reached into her small purse and pulled out a pinball machine the size of her palm and set it on the ground. She then uttered a quick little spell and it grew in size reaching it's normal size in a few seconds. "That's better." She said with a yawn. "Guess I should probably get some sleep." She said to herself. She made her way to the smaller of the two bedroom but stopped by the treasure room on the way. There wasn't much in there, she assumed whomever owned this place spent a large sum of their treasure on the furnishings and construction of this shack. A small ornate jewelry box on the top shelf in the room caught her attention. She opened it up and saw a gold locket. She opened it up and saw a picture of a young woman, human, and her child. When Nicolette looked closer she was overcome with a mixture of sorrow and nostalgia. She recognized the woman, she was the granddaughter of an old friend of hers. "I haven't seen you in almost fifty years. And now you've grown up and had a kid of your own." She whispered to the locket before setting down on the shelf next to the jewelry box. She proceeded to the bed room and lay on the bed. Within minutes she was asleep.

While she slept, she dreamed.

She was talking with her sister. "Marcy we gotta go, Dad is calling us back to the Nightosphere." She said. "But we both know why he's calling us home and I don't wanna hear it. I'm staying here." Her sister replied. They argued back and forth for a few minutes and eventually Nicolette convinced her sister to accompany her.

They arrived in the Nightosphere and their father welcomed them. He told Marceline that she would accept the amulet and he was to retire. She argued with him and Nicolette just sat there, until Marceline suggested she lead, which their father very quickly responded with "Her? No, she can't do this job, you were the one I groomed for it Marceline and you'll do as I say." Before Nicolette could thinks he had transformed into her wolf form and attacked her father for his rude words. Violence was not uncommon in their family, but it was never bad enough for any serious harm to any of them, but her father didn't fight back. When she came to her senses, Marceline was gone. She went to check on her father - .

Nicolette awoke with a jolt. "That damn dream again, ugh I need to go play some music." she said as she got up and made the bed. She made her way back to the living room where she found an empty corner. She placed a small paino on the floor and uttered the same spell as before. Seconds later there was a beautiful baby grand piano in the once empty corner. "That'll do nicely." She said. Focusing on keeping a smile on her face she began to play the piano. She played so long she didn't even notice the time when she got around to looking at a clock it was around 6 in the evening. "Well I suppose I should take a shower." she thought and made her way to the bathroom. She turned on the water and was in the shower for quite some time. Spending as much time simply enjoying the water as anything else.

The setting changes from The Land of Ooo to The Grass Lands


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cantus Amator
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Cantus Amator was able to escape the claws of justice due to his neutrality. He wouldn't be attacked by heroes unless he did something "bad" and he wouldn't do so unless necessary. After all, why should he kill a possible source of income? Of course he wouldn't kill them out of the kindness of his heart, right? Probably not.

He had been running in a forest near the Grass Lands after a particularly nasty encounter with bandits. He didn't expect to be attacked today, but he was prepared anyways. He could never be sure his money was safe, unless of course he bought out a whole army. But he wouldn't waste money on that. "Money is power." He said this as he dropped a few fake jewels on the ground. He wasn't stupid enough to drop real money, instead he had fake money prepared for situations like this.

After a few minutes or so of manuevering through the forest, he managed to exit the forest and leave the bandits angered. "Cretins," There was malice and amusement in his voice, mostly due to the fact that de didn't need to pull out his weapon. It was better this way. His weapon was after all, a rare and valueable one which he would never lose.

"Hee hee hee, hoo hoo hoo." The 'terrifying' puppet on his back seemed to laugh, and Cantus laughed alongside the puppet. The puppet was his true and only best friend. The only motherfuck... he really needed to stop thinking with curse words.

After exiting the forest, he ended up near his seemingly industrial shop. "Wonder how business is going," He had recently hired workers and bought machinery so he could have people manufacture items to sell. Although his world-wide business mostly focused on selling repaired human-age technology. Video games still had their appeal, even in a world where magic existed. He was probably moving the world to screw itself over again though, but money is money no matter how it's made, or so he told himself.

Cantus was rich, richie rich rich, and all from his own genius and (possibly) evil mind, but evil is just a lable, a bad one at that. He was known as one of the richest demons in all of Ooo, and most if not all of those who opposed him mysteriously disappeard.

He walked towards an open space in the Grasslands, then opened a portal to his Hammer Space. He quickly jumped in and pulled out a checkerboard tarp, a table, and some food. "Time to meet some new people." By people he meant costumers or allies, either was fine. He planned on luring in people through curiosity. After almost forgetting to bring out a grill, he went back into Hammer Space and brought one out. People would probably see the smoke and want to come, or so he hoped. He really did hope. He wouldn't admit this, but it was lonely only having a puppet as company.

After a few minutes, he managed to setup a simple grill and put some food on the long table he had pulled out. All he had to do now was wait for someone to notice the smoke and investigate. He almost forgot to get drinks, but he managed to do so and close the portal to Hammer Space.

((Just to be clear, he's in the grasslands))

The setting changes from The Grass Lands to The Land of Ooo


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cantus Amator Character Portrait: Acadia The Thief
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The setting changes from The Land of Ooo to The Grass Lands


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cantus Amator Character Portrait: Acadia The Thief
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The sun was shining over Ooo, and so people were likely to be out enjoying the exceptionally good weather, in good humors and, therefore, more easily tricked. One would assume that a cunning young (looking) thief would be unhappy with brightly lit days like this, and to be fair, she is somewhat irked by the sudden brightness that greets her as she exits the tent in which she had stayed last night. One downside of being from the master thief race of the Latrons is that one has to keep moving, or else they will become weakened, as though a certain location will suck them dry. Thus, the girl usually has a few things to make a tent on her, and has become very good at finding strange places in which she may sleep. She can sleep in the houses of people and slip out before they even notice that she was there. Of course, the people can't be complete strangers, if they've invited her in at least once, but they are very likely strangers to her true identities. When she was younger, Acadia had made a point of going into as many stores and houses as possible before she had built up a reputation for robbery.

Hm, someone's starting a fire, she muses, seeing the smoke in the distance from where she, residing in a forest, is. The young woman is rather interested in anything to do with fires, because house fires can be a treasure trove for the clever, and she prides herself on being very clever. Acadia pulls the blanket and role down, as her tent had been formed by using three trees as bases for the cloth, and packs them away before beginning at a leisurely pace through the forest. She has it within her to walk without sound and dart about with the speed of a frightened bug, but at this moment only the latter is taking place, the first thing that should raise suspicion give that she is walking without noise in a forest with a floor riddled with leaves.

As she walks, the blue-skinned girl plucks a fruit from a tree and inspects it carefully, smelling it to make sure that it is the perfect amount of ripe, with a few bruises on the skin. Those ones are the sweetest, and have the best scents, even though they tend to be more subtle. She sinks her teeth, two of which strongly resemble the fangs which vampires are in possession of, into the apple, relishing the taste at this time of day. Of course, it doesn't taste as good as it would if it were stolen, she thinks to herself. Acadia is not the sort of person who will be seen speaking to herself, but she does occasionally have long and elaborate conversations with herself- ones which often involve planning a prank, sassing herself, or praising herself. A peak into her mind would be both amusing and disturbing, more likely than not.

Acadia reaches the end of the forest, and therefore must now step into the full light, should she want to exit the forest. The young woman hesitates for a moment, knowing that it will probably be excruciatingly hot in the full mercy of the sun, but in the end decides that she'd rather go scope out the source of the distant smoke. She pushes her long blue cloak back slightly, so that it doesn't trap in too much heat, and then begins walking up the grasslands. Were she anyone else, the woman would stick out like a sore thumb here, blue against the vividly green grass of the area, but she is not someone else- this girl is Acadia the thief, and she has mastered the art of being well hidden in even the most obvious of areas. She has a stillness to her, when not walking, and a gift for going unseen right in front of someone's eyes, without needing something silly like invisibility.

When the young woman is near enough to see the source of the smoke, she cannot help but smirk at the sight of Cantus Amator sitting out with a grill and drinks, probably waiting for someone to show up. This is clearly some sort of ploy to attract customers of some sort, especially given that he doesn't seem to have touched the food, but it has worked just as well at attracting thieves, is should seem.

She walks up to him all the same, casual despite the fact that she has stolen from him before. After all, it's just business, and nothing personal- if only all of the merchants, like him, would understand that. She's a business person in her own way, minus the exchange of valuables for valuables, of course. But it's in her nature, isn't it?

"Are you really this lonely, Cantus?" she asks him, eyebrows raising from behind her midnight black mask. She glances over towards Lil Cal and tries not to grimace at the sight of the eerie thing, before reverting her gaze back to the shopkeeper.


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Character Portrait: Deisel
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With that sneeze a small flame erupted from the red and black demon’s nose. β€œGrah! I hate this why am I Prince of the Fire Kingdom, stuck at a man’s bakery and for what to be used as a stove!?” Diesel sighed sitting on the crate with his chin resting in the palm of his hand. A bored expression was all you needed to know of the situation at its current state. Luckily the crate hadn’t burned to a crisp because of Diesels high body temperature but he managed to lower it enough so he wouldn’t get into more trouble than he already was.

And as always Smiley just floated about making faces at the baker whenever he turned his back on the two. Then a gruff voice crashed through his thoughts and along came a stinging pain at the back of his head. β€œOuch! What was that for old man?” the baker simply glared at his temporary employer and waved his hand over to the fire Diesel was in charge of maintaining.

The fire had gone down considerably and in a rather uncharacteristic action on Diesels part he jumped in worry making the fire go back to how it had been before; the flames were of a different color than would be considered normal. Even though it made the baker nervous Diesels dark fire actually made the bread rise faster and apparently it the products of it tasted better too.

Realizing what he had done, Diesel glared at the oncoming customers scaring a child away with his glare. This earned him another whack to the head β€œstop trying to scare away my customer’s boy! You’re just making your sentence longer” he said with a smirk on his face and then turned back to kneading the dough. β€œNo need to hit every time though stupid old man” muttering but then flinched expecting another blow to the head. Thankfully the old man’s ears weren’t very good as he didn’t hear a thing Diesel had said. Smiley then began to laugh manically which sent shivers down the baker’s spine but Diesel just smiled at the reaction and in turn got himself the whack he deserved not too long ago.

Smiley snickered at this as it was his intention to make life harder for his friend even if it meant said friend would get back at him. Diesel glared at Smiley but went back to maintain the fire eventually another customer came around this time it was a small family. One of the children fixated its attention on trying to grab Smiley much to his dismay. The two ran about in circles leaving the child tired and ready to cry if it weren’t for their sweet bread to have finished. While Smiley simply panted a black tongue hanging out the side of his mouth, β€œyou have a tongue!? But you don’t even eat food so what the hell are you gonna taste you stupid fire ball?” Smiley simply stuck his tongue at Diesel and went back to making funny faces.

Finally after a few more hours of doing absolutely nothing the baker let Diesel go and gave him a bag of sweet bread as payment. Without a second glance from the young demon, Diesel went on his merry way and decided to cause some last minute mischief before he left the town. The two shared a cheeky smile and Diesel formed a small ball of dark fire in his palm and threw it at the bakers butt. Soon enough the baker was running around trying to put out the fire but failing too until finally all that was left was his baker’s hat which he used to hide everything else.

Blushing a bright tomato red the baker ran back inside yelling at Diesel to get lost and that he’ll pay for what he did. Of course Diesel thought nothing of it but instead went back to eating his sweet bread. After some time had passed Diesel across a large expanse of land with nothing but grass, forests and a few lakes, the two companions grinned at one another and began to run. Diesel laughed like one would expect from an evil person but to say Diesel was downright evil wasn’t even close to the truth. β€œMWHUAHAHAHA! Soon this land will all be mine Smiley just you wait, everyone back home will be jealous once they find out I, Diesel ruled the grasslands!” without realizing it Diesel had created a wall of flame to surround him making emphasis on his declaration and no doubt alerting those nearby of his presence.

And because of that wall of flame Smiley caught fire and began to run (if you could call it that) about yelling at the top of his lungs (does he have any?) Diesel ran after him trying to catch his poor companion until finally he managed to do so. Giant tear drops fell from Smileys eyes but he was still on fire and so Diesel ate his companion. But no worries about Smiley, Diesel soon spit him out the flames were put out with their makers spit. This made Diesel laugh again seeing Smiley all covered in spit, his own flaming body somewhat doused by the spit. The fire ball frowned but was still glad that he was no longer on fire.

The setting changes from The Grass Lands to The Land of Ooo


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raleigh the Human Character Portrait: Galexi the Sky Nymph
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There was a small boom as the shooting star streaked across the sky. As the small planet broke into Ooo's atmosphere, there was a stream of color through the sky. No one could see the small nymph riding on the cause of the catastrophe. She sat delicately on top of a small ringed planet flying down to the grounds of Ooo. The two landed without a sound in a field of grassy plains.

”Can you please remove your fat hams from the top of my head?” the small planet grumbled from underneath his mustache of small space rocks that made up his ring. Galexi payed him no mind, and began to fumble through her messenger bag. She pulled out a small notebook and began to jot down things she observed about this new and foreign world.

'It so far appears uninhabited, it smells sort of sweet and nature-y.'

”Galexi!” the planet grumbled. The white haired nymph rolled her dark eyes.

β€œOrion, you big whiner,” she sighed and hovered off of him.

”I don't get it,” he said moving his mustache in an irritated manner. ”You can fly on your own, why do you find the need to sit on me?”

Galexi ignored him and began to fly around taking small samples of the world around her and throwing them in her messenger bag. The sentient planet followed her, despite his displeasure with the situation. They traveled for quite sometime, then something amazing came into view.

There was a large pink city in the distance, the likes of which Galexi had never seen. She immediately began scribbling in her notebook. She did this everywhere she went, trying to learn as much as she could.

β€œHoly Macaroni!” Orion gasped. ”Is this where that sweet smell was coming from?” Orion was right, the smell was stronger now that this city was in view. Galexi floated above the wall, not even waiting for Orion to do the same. She knew by now that even if he acted like he hated being around her, he would follow her.

Curiously she broke a chunk of the wall off and stuck it to her tongue. This strange, brightly colored world was made of candy. She took the remaining part of the candy piece and stuck it in her messenger bag.

”Ewww” complained her planet friend. β€œYou put your mouth on that... wierdo.” Galexi only rolled her eyes. It was about that time that a small gumdrop child crossed her path.

”Look at that Ori!” the nymph happily squealed. ”That candy can walk! Do you think they're sentient?” She straightened her purple hat and looked at the small gumdrop wearing a bow.

”Hello! We come from the sky!” she said things slowly and precisely so the candy could understand her. It made a small startled noise and took off through the Candy Kingdom. It took Lexi and Orion almost no time to catch up to the small child.

”I have so many question! I'm going to take you back to my bag...for science!” She snagged the little girl up and thew in the messenger bag without a second though.

β€œHey! What do you think you are doing!” someone yelled. Lexi looked up to see two larger pieces of candy wearing armor.

β€œNow you've done it.” Galexi didn't say another word but quickly jumped on Orion's head and let him fly her off into the distance. It didn't take long before the guards were out of sight.

”Thank goodness for that!” Galexi sighed. β€œLet's find somewhere to park the old backpack for the night huh?” They flew for a while before they saw a nice brown tree outside of a sweet looking colorful barn. It looked pretty abandoned.

”Perfect,” She hung it in one of the higher branches. β€œLet's try and catch some sleep eh?” she picked Orion up and slid inside the bag.

It was way roomier on the inside than it looked from the outside. On the outside it was just a shoulder bag, on the inside it was a nice one roomed apartment. Galexi collapsed on her bed exhausted, unaware of the guards that were nearing the barn.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tirinei the Water Nymph Character Portrait: Nicolette Aberdeen Character Portrait: Jo-Jo the Human Character Portrait: Cantus Amator Character Portrait: Acadia The Thief
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Jo-Jo woke as he usually did; with the sun. He yawned and stretched; his customary greeting to the morning. He smiled dully as he slid out of bed, his feet finding warm slippers. Normally, Jo-Jo would have ignored the slippers altogether, but one does not simply ignore the cold of wooden floorboards on his feet. Most especially if one lives underground. Yes, Jo-Jo was quite pleased with his new house, or so he thought to himself as he slipped on his bathrobe over his pajamas. The only thing he really didn't like was how cold the floors were in the morning. Otherwise it was perfect, his rooms were all completely furnished, though they lacked the cozy feeling of his old place. Jo-Jo suspected that it was because the house was new, therefore nothing had settled in quite right just yet. Jo-Jo padded through his house, making his way to the kitchen. Though the floors were cold, his central air system spewed warm air, heated by geothermal vents in the ground. Jo-Jo found the effect quite comfortable. Soon it would be just the right temperature and Jo-Jo could turn off the heat and enjoy the ambience of his new home. At least, that would do for lesser adventurers. Jo-Jo took two eggs, a potato, cheese, and an onion from his cellar and brought his supplies to the kitchen. There wasn't any meat in the house, or Jo-Jo would have loved to eat some ham with his breakfast, but that could get worked on later. Instead, Jo-Jo cracked the eggs into a large mixing bowl and began stirring them with a spoon. When the yolks and the whites were completely mixed, Jo-Jo sliced up the onion and potato and tossed them into the bowl as well. He grated some cheese next and put the mixture into a casserole dish. He then set it to bake while he put away his other supplies and clean up the mess he'd made. By the time he was done, his breakfast was finished and he slipped on an ovenmitt before opening his stove and removing the casserole. His egg bake was perfect. Jo-Jo brought his breakfast over to the counter and set his casserole down on a hot pad, so as to not damage the new marble counter tops. Jo-Jo smiled as he ate his breakfast, looking around at the kitchen. His stove, toaster, and cellar/freezer door were all stainless steel. His cabinets and other shelves were a fantastic dark wood. He believed it was called Mahoghany. His floors were a cream colored tile, and his marble counter tops sat on the same Mahoghany counters. The appliances surrounded a central island counter that held all his cooking utensils. The cabinets held all his silverware, and the general ambience was very cozy. The only room he liked better was his library. After cleaning up, Jo-Jo headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower before getting dressed in his usual garb for the day. He pulled on his gauntlet, his bracelet, his goggles and his back pack and headed out the door, making sure to lock the place up before he went his way. Though the entrance to his home appeared to be a dumpy old shack, it was actually a ruse. If people found out that the Falcon lived in the Grasslands, where anyone could come get him while he slept... well, Jo-Jo didn't like to think about it.

Jo-Jo made his way to the Candy Kingdom. He crossed the grasslands without incident, though he did notice the smoke of a small campfire, or so it seemed, Jo-Jo made a note to visit it later. There wasn't much time now. Jo-Jo had spent most of his treasure on his home, making a deal he wasn't the surest about with Tinrei, the Water Nymph. Jo-Jo liked the Nymph well enough, but he always felt just a little cheated whenever he left her place. Jo-Jo smiled as he made his way through the crowded streets of the Candy Kingdom. He didn't know why, but Jo-Jo always felt at home here. It was such a lively place, so bright and colorful. Soon enough, Jo-Jo had made his way to the Local quest board. Other adventurers were crowded around it as well, each considering the pros and cons of taking any of the quests. Jo-Jo smirked. "Alrighty Lightweights, move your hams!" Jo-Jo called out brazenly. He reached up with his gauntlet covered hand and took one of the harder quests. Something about Lub Glubs. Jo-Jo remembered he had something about them in his guidebook, but he'd have to read up about them when he got home, just to double check. As he took the piece of paper, some of the adventurers recognized him. They whispered to each other with bated breath. "It's him." Jo-Jo heard one say. "Jo-Jo the Falcon." Jo-Jo smirked his trademark smirk as he turned to the voice. It was a small candy child, he happened to be passing by with his mother. "Hey there little man." Jo-Jo said, as he walked over to the boy. He kneeled when he reached him. "What's your name champ?" Jo-Jo asked, a big smile on his face. "Gerald." The boy said shyly. Jo-Jo smiled, placing his gloved hand on top of his head and tousling his hair. "We'll Gerald, I'm sure you'll grow up to be an adventurer yourself one day, but you know what that means, right? It means you've got to eat all the food on your plate so you grow up big and strong. You've also gotta exercise lots too. It's a rough job, but if you really try, I promise you, there's nothing you can't do." Jo-Jo smiled as the little boy's eyes lit up. "Now run along champ, I'll bet your mommy's taking you somewhere important, yeah?" Jo-Jo said, and sent the boy back to his mother, who smiled at him and thanked him wordlessly. Jo-Jo nodded his head and smiled. He loved doing that. Little kids were the best, their eyes wide with wonder, their imaginations full to bursting. It was wonderful.

Jo-Jo left the quest board and started making his way back to the grasslands. He wanted to check on that fire and see what was up. After that, he'd probably head home and start reading up on Lub Glubs. Jo-Jo left the Candy kingdom with some hesitation. He always felt so sad when he was leaving. He didn't know why. There was something about the way that the Candy Palace seemed to look over him. It felt like it was begging him to stay. Jo-Jo turned and left, heading home. As he walked a ways, he looked at the quest paper he'd taken. It was rather simple really. Jo-Jo had to fight his way through Beautopia, watch out for whatever these Lub Glubs were, and relight the City's Heart with a flame. It'd be simple enough, once that heart was within 500 feet, Jo-Jo considered the Job done. As he came closer, roughly 100 yards or so from the fire, Jo-Jo stopped and climbed a tree. He then zoomed in with his goggles to see what was up. Jo-Jo almost wished he hadn't. Arcadia the Theif and Cantus Amator were the ones holding the party. Jo-Jo knew deep within his heart that they were up to no good, but Cantus was neutral. Unless he expressly saw Cantus doing something evil, Jo-Jo couldn't touch him. Arcadia, on the other hand, was another story. She was a known thief, and while Jo-Jo would have loved to shove her into the Candy Kingdom's prisons, he knew she'd be out again as soon as he turned around. Sighing, Jo-Jo instead took a minute to charge up his Gauntlet with icy and electrified energy and blasted the supercharged bolt up over the heads of Arcadia and Cantus, roughly 160 feet in the air. The result was a magnificent explosion that would put ordinary fireworks to shame. If Jo-Jo knew Cantus like he thought he did, Jo-Jo knew that he'd think twice about ripping someone off now. Not while Jo-Jo was watching. His warning sent, Jo-Jo hopped down from the tree and made his way back home.

Upon reaching the shack that served as his disguised entrance, Jo-Jo was shocked to find the door opened. He was one of, maybe, two people who knew about the place. Jo-Jo began charging a bolt with all three types of elemental energy. He didn't take kindly to intruders. Jo-Jo stepped gingerly inside and locked the door behind him. He threaded softly, his gauntlet held at face level. Jo-Jo didn't know who was here, but most inhabitants of Ooo didn't like it when you shot them between the eyes. Jo-Jo crept almost silently around the rooms of his house. He made his way through every room, finding a piano and a pinball machine that weren't there before. "I dunno who decided to move in, but I hope they know that breaking and entering is against the roommate agreement..." Jo-Jo quipped to himself. As he made his way through the house, he heard noises coming from the bathroom. Jo-Jo smirked. He was about to catch whoever was here with their pants down, quite literally. Jo-Jo waited for a second by the door. His back against the wall. He nodded to himself then pushed the door open, hard. "Hands in the air monkey-brain!" Jo-Jo yelled. "I dunno who you think you are but your hams are-" Jo-Jo cut himself off. Standing before him was a very pretty girl who was almost completely naked, besides of course, the towel wrapped around her body. "N-n-n-n-na-k-ked..." Jo-Jo stuttered. He slammed the door shut, himself back outside of the bathroom. Jo-Jo slapped himself on the face twice before starting up again. "Once you're d-d-decent, we'll have a chat, ok? Because this is my house." Jo-Jo stuttered and stumbled, bringing himself to the living room with much more difficulty than it used to take. His face was bright red.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nicolette Aberdeen Character Portrait: Jo-Jo the Human
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Nicolette finished her shower and toweled herself off. When she was dry she looked around, "Crap." She muttered to herself realizing she had left her clothes in the guest bedroom. Even though she was fairly certain she was the only one in the house she thought it would be best if she covered herself and she wrapped her body in a towel. Mere seconds after the towel was covering her body she heard a voice from the other side of the door. ""Hands in the air monkey-brain!" the voice scream and the door flung open. There was a young boy, probably around 16 or 17 standing in the doorway, "I dunno who you think you are but your hams are-" the boy started to stay before blushing bright red and stuttering "N-n-n-n-na-k-ked..." and stumbling out of the bathroom and shutting the door behind himself. "How cute." Nicolette thought to herself, and then she heard the boys voice again, "Once you're d-d-decent, we'll have a chat, ok? Because this is my house." Nicolette smiled, "Well then you best walk away from the door, cause my clothes aren't in here. And we wouldn't want to embarrass you again now would we?" she said with a light chuckle. She grabbed her hair dryer, which she had remembered to bring with her and turned it on. She didnt wait for the boy to confirm if he was still there before opening the door and floating outside.

She frowned a fake frown as she noticed the boy wasn't there. "Oh well, I'll tease him more later I guess." She said quietly to herself as she made her way to the guest bedroom drying her hair and wrapped in only a towel. Once she made it to the bedroom she opened her purse, which thanks to her shrinking magic contained all of her clothes. "Now, what to wear." She thought out loud as she sifted through her purse, ultimately deciding to wear a black skirt, with red highlights, that was probably a touch shorter than it should be, but hey she thought it was cute, and a simple black tank. She then opened her purse back up and pulled out her red knee high boots that matched quite well with the skirt and tank. She took a quick glance at the mirror in the room and smiled, "This'll work." she thought with a smile gracing her face.

She floated through the house looking for the boy and found him, still red faced, in the living room. She sat down on one of the comfortable looking chairs, although she didn't sit in a traditional fashion, she sat with her legs over one arm of the chair and letting her head and hair flow back over the other. "So, let's start off with introductions, I'm Nicolette, and I'm a vampire. I was not breaking into your home, and I meant no harm, I just needed a place to sleep for the day. I have no home you see, I'm constantly traveling so I figure it'd be a waste if I bought a home I never used." She said explaining everything like it was all a misunderstanding and her being there was no big deal. "And you are a human, but that's all I can figure out, so tell me, who are you? You have a quite lovely home." she said buttering him up.

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Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

The Land of Ooo

The Land of Ooo by MegaKooala12

A vast land created after the events of the Great Mushroom War. It is home to a variety of creatures, as well as kingdoms.

The Candy Kingdom

The Candy Kingdom by MegaKooala12

One of the most powerful and influential kingdoms of Ooo. Everything inside the Candy Kingdom is comprised of candy or some sort of food. Even the people themselves are made of candy.

The Ice Kingdom

The Ice Kingdom by MegaKooala12

An arctic land completely covered in ice and snow. Many penguins and ice-themed creatures thrive here. The population is very sparse.

The Fire Kingdom

The Fire Kingdom by MegaKooala12

Home to the fire elementals of Ooo, the Fire Kingdom is a land covered in volcanoes and massive seas of lava. The people of this kingdom are known to have fiery tempers, and consider themselves evil.

The Grass Lands

The Grass Lands by MegaKooala12

Vast plains of vibrant green grass. The Grass Lands are home to a variety of different creatures, as well as a multitude of different environments.

The Nightosphere

The Nightosphere by MegaKooala12

A dark and cryptic dimension where a multitude of demonic creatures lurk.

The Evil Forest

The Evil Forest by MegaKooala12

A deep, dark, spooky forest where various monsters, traps, and forms of chaos await. Almost no one makes it out alive.

Royal Congressional Hall

Royal Congressional Hall by MegaKooala12

The place where important meetings are held, including the Grand Meeting of Ooo Royalty, as well as other festivities. (Destroyed as of right now. It is currently being rebuilt. The outside is still open to the public.)

The Goblin Kingdom

The Goblin Kingdom by MegaKooala12

A small kingdom where the humble green-skinned goblins reside.

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Raleigh the Human
Character Portrait: AppleCider (A.C)
Character Portrait: Acadia The Thief
Character Portrait: Jo-Jo the Human
Character Portrait: Cantus Amator
Character Portrait: Nicolette Aberdeen
Character Portrait: Lana the Neko
Character Portrait: Tirinei the Water Nymph


Character Portrait: Tirinei the Water Nymph
Tirinei the Water Nymph

"I'm not like the rest of them, I SWEAR."

Character Portrait: Lana the Neko
Lana the Neko

"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! I mean...Oh look a bird.."

Character Portrait: Nicolette Aberdeen
Nicolette Aberdeen

Hey I just met you, and this is crazy, but I'm lonely, be my friend maybe?

Character Portrait: Cantus Amator
Cantus Amator

"Would you like to buy something?"

Character Portrait: Jo-Jo the Human
Jo-Jo the Human

"Yee-haw! Did you see that? I can't believe I made it out alive!"

Character Portrait: Acadia The Thief
Acadia The Thief

"That's a pretty bauble you've got. Be a shame if someone stole it."

Character Portrait: AppleCider (A.C)
AppleCider (A.C)

"Life is like a slice of Apple pie darlin' so dig on in!"

Character Portrait: Raleigh the Human
Raleigh the Human

"Adventure time with Flake the lamb and Raleigh the human!!!"


Character Portrait: Raleigh the Human
Raleigh the Human

"Adventure time with Flake the lamb and Raleigh the human!!!"

Character Portrait: AppleCider (A.C)
AppleCider (A.C)

"Life is like a slice of Apple pie darlin' so dig on in!"

Character Portrait: Jo-Jo the Human
Jo-Jo the Human

"Yee-haw! Did you see that? I can't believe I made it out alive!"

Character Portrait: Lana the Neko
Lana the Neko

"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! I mean...Oh look a bird.."

Character Portrait: Acadia The Thief
Acadia The Thief

"That's a pretty bauble you've got. Be a shame if someone stole it."

Character Portrait: Cantus Amator
Cantus Amator

"Would you like to buy something?"

Character Portrait: Nicolette Aberdeen
Nicolette Aberdeen

Hey I just met you, and this is crazy, but I'm lonely, be my friend maybe?

Character Portrait: Tirinei the Water Nymph
Tirinei the Water Nymph

"I'm not like the rest of them, I SWEAR."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Raleigh the Human
Raleigh the Human

"Adventure time with Flake the lamb and Raleigh the human!!!"

Character Portrait: AppleCider (A.C)
AppleCider (A.C)

"Life is like a slice of Apple pie darlin' so dig on in!"

Character Portrait: Cantus Amator
Cantus Amator

"Would you like to buy something?"

Character Portrait: Tirinei the Water Nymph
Tirinei the Water Nymph

"I'm not like the rest of them, I SWEAR."

Character Portrait: Lana the Neko
Lana the Neko

"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! I mean...Oh look a bird.."

Character Portrait: Acadia The Thief
Acadia The Thief

"That's a pretty bauble you've got. Be a shame if someone stole it."

Character Portrait: Jo-Jo the Human
Jo-Jo the Human

"Yee-haw! Did you see that? I can't believe I made it out alive!"

Character Portrait: Nicolette Aberdeen
Nicolette Aberdeen

Hey I just met you, and this is crazy, but I'm lonely, be my friend maybe?

View All » Places

The Land of Ooo

The Land of Ooo by MegaKooala12

A vast land created after the events of the Great Mushroom War. It is home to a variety of creatures, as well as kingdoms.

The Candy Kingdom

The Candy Kingdom by MegaKooala12

One of the most powerful and influential kingdoms of Ooo. Everything inside the Candy Kingdom is comprised of candy or some sort of food. Even the people themselves are made of candy.

The Ice Kingdom

The Ice Kingdom by MegaKooala12

An arctic land completely covered in ice and snow. Many penguins and ice-themed creatures thrive here. The population is very sparse.

The Fire Kingdom

The Fire Kingdom by MegaKooala12

Home to the fire elementals of Ooo, the Fire Kingdom is a land covered in volcanoes and massive seas of lava. The people of this kingdom are known to have fiery tempers, and consider themselves evil.

The Grass Lands

The Grass Lands by MegaKooala12

Vast plains of vibrant green grass. The Grass Lands are home to a variety of different creatures, as well as a multitude of different environments.

The Nightosphere

The Nightosphere by MegaKooala12

A dark and cryptic dimension where a multitude of demonic creatures lurk.

The Evil Forest

The Evil Forest by MegaKooala12

A deep, dark, spooky forest where various monsters, traps, and forms of chaos await. Almost no one makes it out alive.

Royal Congressional Hall

Royal Congressional Hall by MegaKooala12

The place where important meetings are held, including the Grand Meeting of Ooo Royalty, as well as other festivities. (Destroyed as of right now. It is currently being rebuilt. The outside is still open to the public.)

The Goblin Kingdom

The Goblin Kingdom by MegaKooala12

A small kingdom where the humble green-skinned goblins reside.

The Land of Ooo

A vast land created after the events of the Great Mushroom War. It is home to a variety of creatures, as well as kingdoms.

The Grass Lands

Vast plains of vibrant green grass. The Grass Lands are home to a variety of different creatures, as well as a multitude of different environments.

The Candy Kingdom

One of the most powerful and influential kingdoms of Ooo. Everything inside the Candy Kingdom is comprised of candy or some sort of food. Even the people themselves are made of candy.

Royal Congressional Hall

The place where important meetings are held, including the Grand Meeting of Ooo Royalty, as well as other festivities. (Destroyed as of right now. It is currently being rebuilt. The outside is still open to the public.)

The Goblin Kingdom

A small kingdom where the humble green-skinned goblins reside.

The Evil Forest

A deep, dark, spooky forest where various monsters, traps, and forms of chaos await. Almost no one makes it out alive.

The Nightosphere

A dark and cryptic dimension where a multitude of demonic creatures lurk.

The Fire Kingdom

Home to the fire elementals of Ooo, the Fire Kingdom is a land covered in volcanoes and massive seas of lava. The people of this kingdom are known to have fiery tempers, and consider themselves evil.

The Ice Kingdom

An arctic land completely covered in ice and snow. Many penguins and ice-themed creatures thrive here. The population is very sparse.

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