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Ali'tasi Letoa

0 · 552 views · located in The Badlands

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Tiko


Siren clan living in The Badlands on Blackrock. Quiet as of late, due to inner turmoil from a change in leadership and way of life.


ImageName: Ali'tasi
Age: 27
Height: 5'7
Weight: 140 pounds
Species: Siren
Place of Birth: Badlands, Hera Prime

Ali'tasi is a relatively young clan-leader of the Letoa clan but is fast making a name for herself. Born to battle in the smoldering sands of the Badlands, Ali'tasi lives for nothing else. With Siren's blood in her veins and zealotry in her heart, this woman's ruthlessness is further fueled by youthful zeal and idealism.

The Letoa clan is both renowned and feared throughout the region for its merciless acts of barbarism against the settlers of Hera Prime.

So begins...

Ali'tasi Letoa's Story


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Character Portrait: Ali'tasi Letoa Character Portrait: Khalisa Cheyenne
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#, as written by Tiko
Fairwell's Rest had seen quite the boost in activity in the last few days. The run-down amalgamation of self-constructed dwellings ranging from shacks put together from sheets of corrugated metal to the occasional well-laid structure of stone blocks had been a feature of this part of the Badlands for going on thirty years now. What had started as the camp of a travelling merchant company led by one Jackson Fairwell and family had steadily grown as more and more people came together for the relative safety that numbers provided, or the business that could be done there.

A large pocket of water was the main feature of the town, the reason for its establishment. Known locally by the inventive name of 'the watering hole', it was joined by a sturdy wooden tavern of the same name that stood on its shore. The town was a mishmash of buildings that had no real coherence to it, but despite that a vague approximation to streets had been formed by the main thoroughfares that the occupants had traveled along wearing at the dirt.

The population of the town had never been particularly large. People came and went, a healthy business of travelers passing by to purchase supplies and bedding. But earlier that week that had changed. A large group of settlers had come upon Fairwell's Rest, men women and children from another world, come to seek ... well, if not fortune, a life of some kind amidst Hera Prime's trials. They were all sorts, from ne'er-do-wells to political refugees to entrepreneurs who saw opportunity, all shared in two things. Nationality, and the desire to start afresh.

They made the locals uneasy. Such a large group of those with common background and a - if at times uneasy - standing unification coming upon their settlement with the intent to expand it threatened to upset the semblance of balance that had kept the town going for all its years. But the new arrivals came with tools, materials, supplies and technology. The unease was overlooked, for the time being, for the benefits that they brought.

Unfortunately for Fairwell's Rest, the arrival of these well equipped settlers had not gone unnoticed.

When the first warning alarms went off, the new settlers didn't know what was happening. The locals fled into their homes or out of the town entirely. Stalls were closed and merchandise hastily stowed away, what few vehicles the townspeople owned were shifted into gear and driven off. Basement trapdoors were uncovered from beneath rugs or crates and families disappeared into them, dragging what they could over the entrances as they descended.

Warily, the settlers had taken up their guns, gathered about the beginnings of their homes that were being built. Most of them, anyway. Some of them had the sense to follow the locals' lead and find a place to hide.

The Letoa Sirens were coming to town, and the newcomers were about to learn exactly why the citizens of Fairwell's Rest scattered like leaves in the wind at the word of their arrival.

Bodies littered the streets of Fairwell's Rest as Ali'tasi surveyed the damage with grim satisfaction. The intricate array of crimson tattoo-work that adorned her flesh marked her by tribe, but the gem-encrusted ornaments that were fused to flesh and bone identified her blood-line as that of the Letoa clan matriarchs. At the age of twenty-seven, Ali'tasi was a relatively young clan-leader of the Letoa clan but she was fast making a name for herself. Born to battle in the smoldering sands of the Badlands, Ali'tasi lived for nothing else. With Siren's blood in her veins and a fire for vengeance in her heart, this woman's zealous ruthlessness was only further fueled by youthful zeal and idealism.

Her fiery nature proved infectious to those she held sway over and her numbers grew day by day. A slow but steady trickle of new clan members continued to arrive from neighboring clans, especially those young and easily swayed by her zealous words. Further serving to swell her clan-size Ali'tasi had taken to absorbing survivors of neighboring clans into her own - men and women who had lost everything to the settlers of Hera Prime.

It was from the hearts of victims, impressionable youths, and survivors that Ali'tasi drew her clan's strength from. A strength fueled by dark and ruthless desires and a ferocity matched by few.

This settlement, and the ones before it, they were only the beginning.

Khalisa's boot shoved forcefully against the chest of the dead man who lay before her in the dust of Fairwell's Rest's main street. She pried her throwing spear from his body with the grim sound of metal forcing its way through flesh, letting him fall back to the ground as it was freed. She brought the weapon up to her face, examining the tip for damage before she slotted it away into the holster on her back.

Corpses dotted the area, almost all of them belonging to the settlers. There were some few Sirens who had fallen to their advanced weaponry, but none of the settlers had been soldiers. They had been undisciplined, untrained. They had broken before the ferocity and fearlessness of the clan just as every other attempt at resistance a town had ever attempted to muster against them.

The Waysinger muttered a brief rite under her breath, to honour the fallen man. Those that had fought and died facing them, had not broken and fled to be shot in the back, they at least deserved that courtesy in death. She was about to move on from the man, for with her weapons now retrieved, she would proceed to locate and bless those of her clan that had fallen here today - on the site of their death, on the battlefield with blood still fresh in the air, as was proper. Something caught her eye, however, and she paused.

The man's rifle lay off a few feet away from his body. Khalisa's hand went subconsciously to the small burn on her left arm from where one of the superheated bolts had passed dangerously close to her as she had sprinted to within range of her throwing weapons. In the hands of someone who could steady their aim and, indeed, actually aim to begin with, such a weapon would no doubt prove very effective.

And so she crouched, taking up the rifle and feeling its weight in her hands. It was solid, felt well made - not that she was an expert on such things - but it seemed to her a good weapon. Strong, sturdy, lethal. It was no replacement for her spears, she thought, but it would make a worthy addition to her weaponry. Finding its strap and hooking it over her shoulder, Khalisa turned and stepped away towards where the nearest fallen Siren lay.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yanni-Cai Azura Character Portrait: Taral Moka Character Portrait: Ali'tasi Letoa
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#, as written by Tiko
Ali'tasi and her band had holed up in the remnants of the town they had ransacked. The streets remained devoid of any sign of return from the settlers yet, and it would serve as a place of operations for a few days, possibly even a few weeks before the settlers mustered up enough of a force to try and retake it.

The young siren clan leader stepped out into the dusty street as the sound of engines filled the town. A few others gathered with her, curious as to news of the return of Taral and his small band of marauders.

"We missed you at today's raid, Taral," she called out to him as the vehicles began to pull up to stop in the street.

The woman had her arms folded over her chest, and her stance wide as she awaited the approach of the returning sirens.

"We could have used the men you took with you."

Her words were largely light bravado that lacked bite. No doubt Taral had more than done the clan justice with whatever antics he had been up to. His infamous renown had fast earned him a place of prominence within Ali'tasi's clan.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yanni-Cai Azura Character Portrait: Taral Moka Character Portrait: Ali'tasi Letoa
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#, as written by Saarai
"Please, you didn't need them. Look at what you did to this place." Taral told Ali'Tasi as his buggy came to a stop near her, "How many of our own died here?" Taral asked, "Siren, with all of it's bandits and hired guns, nearly got the better of me." The young Siren said.

"Red Glove is being modest, our namesake is not worthy of us acknowledging it as being called Siren." A warrior spoke up, "Rashi ruusni. Pathetic." The warrior continued.

Taral shrugged his shoulder, he may have been modest about his talents in the company of other Sirens, but he enjoyed the praise and credit given.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yanni-Cai Azura Character Portrait: Taral Moka Character Portrait: Ali'tasi Letoa
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#, as written by Saarai
"Please, you didn't need them. Look at what you did to this place." Taral told Ali'Tasi as his buggy came to a stop near her, "How many of our own died here?" Taral asked, "Siren, with all of it's bandits and hired guns, nearly got the better of me." The young Siren said.

"Red Glove is being modest, our namesake is not worthy of us acknowledging it as being called Siren." A warrior spoke up, "Rashi ruusni. Pathetic." The warrior continued.

Taral shrugged his shoulder, he may have been modest about his talents in the company of other Sirens, but he enjoyed the praise and credit given.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yanni-Cai Azura Character Portrait: Taral Moka Character Portrait: Ali'tasi Letoa
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Yanni looked up to this woman, Ali'Tasi, with her slanted blue eyes. Her hands pushed between her knees, almost meekly. She remembered something Taral told her. No speaking unless spoken to. She kept her mouth firmly shut, but at all of the town...their conversation. She scratched at the blue gems embedded in her skin, from shoulder to wrist.

This woman, was she their leader? She was quite sure she had to be. Could she speak now? Ask her for the help she so desperately needed?

Adrian. Amariah. Izumi.

She licked her lips, wanting to speak again, but refrained.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yanni-Cai Azura Character Portrait: Taral Moka Character Portrait: Ali'tasi Letoa
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#, as written by Tiko
"We lost three," Ali'tasi replied. "The offenders will be feeding the crows by dusk," she added with a gesture towards the center of town.

In the distance the bodies of several settlers could be seen hanging nailed spread eagle to the sides of the buildings where they had been disemboweled and left with their entrails spilling out onto the ground before them.

"What do you think?" she asked.

Ali'tasi's reputation was fast spreading, as was her flare for brutality.

It was only then that Ali'tasi finally caught notice of Yanni and her expression darkened before she looked back to Taral. There was something akin to anger that flashed through her eyes.

"What is this," she demanded. "Why have you brought one of them here?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yanni-Cai Azura Character Portrait: Taral Moka Character Portrait: Ali'tasi Letoa
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#, as written by Saarai
Taral glanced to Yanni, he almost forgot all about her. "She's wanting to ask for help." Taral told the Siren leader, "She's from off-world, apparently. Ran into a spot of trouble and wishes to bargain for help from us. I tried to tell her that she is no friend of ours, but... she is stubborn." Taral said.

The Siren warrior gestured for Yanni to step up, "Plead your case, hope that you have your tongue is sharp. This could be the last time you'll need it." Taral said to Yanni.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yanni-Cai Azura Character Portrait: Taral Moka Character Portrait: Ali'tasi Letoa
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Yanni could have laughed at that if she had not been so worried about her current position. Stubborn, he said! Well, he was absolutely right.

She nodded to Taral and did just as he asked.

"IMy name is Yanni-Cai Azura. I am from a place called Sozo- far, far away from here. Enough that I had never heard of this planet and its struggle before." She cleared that up, just so that Ali'Tasi, like Taral, hopefully would not get her mixed up with the settlers. "I was kidnapped from Terra and brought here to be experimented on. I skinned my own hand to escape, but my friends are still in there. I know you are a powerful force here, and I need your help."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yanni-Cai Azura Character Portrait: Taral Moka Character Portrait: Ali'tasi Letoa
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#, as written by Tiko
"We don't help your kind," Ali'tasi replied coldly. "You disappoint me, Taral."

She refolded her arms over her chest as she offered no sign of mercy or compassion for the woman's story. The settlers were all liars and thieves, and this woman would be no different.

"Put her up with the others," she ordered.

The men that had gathered with Ali'tasi moved to drag Yanni from the vehicle and towards the town square where the gruesome display hung for all to see.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yanni-Cai Azura Character Portrait: Taral Moka Character Portrait: Ali'tasi Letoa
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#, as written by Saarai
"No." Taral said firmly to Ali'tasi, "We are not savages." The warrior told the woman, "We owe her the right to hear her out. Or at least give her a chance to earn her life, or lose it." Taral said, "She fights for her life, that's the rule."

Taral stared at Ali'tasi, almost daring her to challenge their societies status quo. It wouldn't look good for her if she broke rules when they suited her, it could potentially end with her dead if the more radical Sirens had their way.

"Or, someone fights for her. A champion." Taral continued.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yanni-Cai Azura Character Portrait: Taral Moka Character Portrait: Ali'tasi Letoa
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Yanni looked at Taral, amazed. Had he...spoken out for her? She had thought he would be all for it. She was sure she annoyed the man.

Perhaps her stubbornness really was working out for her.

A fight, though? Yanni thought, for a moment, about her health. She had lost so much blood, before. She was still sick from days ago, though she could get over it. She could fight. Her gems...her powers, though...they were gone. Perhaps...

"I accept," she said, but held up a finger. "I want this collar removed, first. If you can do it." She pointed to the thing around her neck.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yanni-Cai Azura Character Portrait: Taral Moka Character Portrait: Ali'tasi Letoa
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#, as written by Tiko
Ali'tasi narrowed her eyes sharply on Taral. Had he not spoken up Yanni would never have known of the policy to call upon it, a fact that Ali'tasi had banked upon when she ordered the woman's execution. Many tense moments of silence passed after Yanni accepted the trial by combat in which Ali'tasi met Taral's stare with equal intensity.

"And will you be the one to champion her?" she finally asked sharply.

Yanni's request was suitably ignored in favor of Ali'tasi's intense focus upon Taral. The woman was clearly wounded and in no condition for the vigor of combat, and she had largely been disregarded as no longer relevant to the situation at hand.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yanni-Cai Azura Character Portrait: Taral Moka Character Portrait: Ali'tasi Letoa
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#, as written by Saarai
"I will gladly fight, and defeat, ten of your best warriors." Taral boasted, "I will do it with honor, with pride, and when I win, you will give this woman a proper audience." Taral told Ali'tasi, glancing to Yanni. She was clearly in no condition to fight, Taral knew that as well as Ali'tasi did.

"In due time, but, don't be stubborn once again and make this a waste of time for both you and I. I will be your champion." Taral told Yanni.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yanni-Cai Azura Character Portrait: Taral Moka Character Portrait: Ali'tasi Letoa
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The Gem Witch was further shocked by this development. This was not what she expected! She thought she would have to fight, have to do everything in her power, without her powers, to get what she wanted. And she would have done it. She would have fought tooth and nail, until she was dying. She had too much to live for. She could not die here.

Her eyes descended upon Taral, and though she wanted to word her thanks, she only nodded and said, "I promise it will be worth every minute."

She would corner him later with a million questions and a million thanks.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yanni-Cai Azura Character Portrait: Taral Moka Character Portrait: Ali'tasi Letoa
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#, as written by Tiko
Again silence lingered before Ali'tasi spoke once more.

"Lu'ay," Ali'tasi barked out loudly.

Lu'ay separated himself from the gathered sirens and stepped forward into the open space of the street as the rest of the individuals present spread out to clear the area for the combat to come and to form a ring of bodies around the immediate vicinity.

Ali'tasi knew well that Taral was her best warrior, but neither would she dishonor him with an unworthy opponent. She had selected one of their veteran warriors - a silent but fierce combatant.

The throng of sirens forming the combat ring began to pound the butt of their weapons into the ground as an almost lyrical chant began. It held a deep resonating beat that could be felt just as surely as it could be heard. They left only a small gap in the ring for Taral to enter.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yanni-Cai Azura Character Portrait: Taral Moka Character Portrait: Ali'tasi Letoa
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#, as written by Saarai
Taral began to remove the armor he wore for the raid, tossing the Heran military chestplate to the ground. Letting it send sand flying as it thudded. Taral stepped into the circle, giving Lu'ay a respectful nod. If one of them had to die, they would die showing proper respect to one another.

Lu'ay and Taral raised their fists, both taking combat stances that seemed to be the complete opposite of eachother. Lu'ay seemed stiff, physically strong in his stance. Taral was more relaxed, light on his feet, yet still gave off the impression that he was anxious.

He was always one of the first into battle. He enjoyed it, maybe a little more than he'd ever let on to his fellow Sirens.

After a moment of silence the two Sirens charged each other, Lu'ay throwing a punch that was easily ducked by Taral. Taral wrapped his arms around Lu'ay's body, attempting to lift the other warrior. Lu'ay planted his feet, wrapping his own arms around Taral. He jerked his body and Taral's, sending the younger Siren flying.

Taral scrambled to his feet, glancing towards a now charging Lu'ay. Ali'tasi's man seemed to have the clear advantage for now. That was until Taral stood up straight, brought back a hand and then shot it forward at Luay's lips.

The Siren's fist shattered teeth, busted both lips and was inside Lu'ay's mouth. Lu'ay began to fall, but Taral reached out to grab the Siren. Taral removed his fist from his opponent's mouth, brought his arm up and then immediately slammed his elbow down into the man's sternum.

Blood shot out of Lu'ay's mouth as the wind was knocked from him, some splattering onto Taral's chest and neck.

"We're finished." He said to Ali'tasi, letting Lu'ay dropped to the stand.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yanni-Cai Azura Character Portrait: Taral Moka Character Portrait: Ali'tasi Letoa
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Yanni watched this with her heart beating like a war drum. She had fought and killed people many times, sometimes in a gruesome manner, if it had to be done, but she had always tried to do it quickly, cleanly, and painlessly. She had never attacked one of her own, though. Never for this kind of reason. It was for this that her hands curled into fists, and her teeth grit. She nearly cringed, but held it back with a snarl. She had to seem strong.

After Lu'ay dropped to the ground, Yanni let out a breath she did not know she had been holding. Her eyes flickered to Ali'tasi for a long, still moment. How could these people allow that to happen? A good warrior. A strong man that they could have used in battle. Someone who, by all means, had to be a friend, a comrade, an honorable member, yes?

They said they weren't barbaric. What a lie.

Even so, Yanni thought of the three lives she was saving in return. They were worth it, she told herself. All these thoughts, as those blue hues locked onto Ali'tasi. With them storming her mind, she switched her eyes to the nailed corpses, entrails hanging out. She turned her head to look at Lu'ay, and finally, Taral. Were it not for him, she could have been a corpse.

The spirits have blessed you, Yanni.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yanni-Cai Azura Character Portrait: Taral Moka Character Portrait: Ali'tasi Letoa
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#, as written by Tiko
Ali'tasi watched the brief fight without word until Lu'ay fell.

"Get him to Khalisa," she instructed as several of the gathered warriors moved to the fallen warriors aid.

"I will speak with the human," Ali'tasi relented. "Come."

She led the way into the shack of a house she had claimed for herself while the clan remained holed up in the wreckage of the town.

Once inside she deposited herself into a chair at a weather worn dining table and tossed her spear atop it. She tilted her chair back onto two legs and propped one booted foot up against the edge of the wooden table to listen to what the foreigner had to say.

No other chairs seemed present to offer seating to Yanni.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yanni-Cai Azura Character Portrait: Taral Moka Character Portrait: Ali'tasi Letoa
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#, as written by Saarai
"He still draws breath." Taral told Ali'tasi as she walked away, "How he chews his food is yet to be seen." Taral added, glancing towards Lu'ay for a moment before following behind the clan leader. Taral wasn't sure how he felt about killing their own when it wasn't necessary, it was why it seemed best to keep Lu'ay from being able to continue the fight.

He would die in battle with the enemy, not his brothers and sisters. That wasn't the Siren way.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yanni-Cai Azura Character Portrait: Taral Moka Character Portrait: Ali'tasi Letoa
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The Gem Witch turned to look back at Taral before following Ali'tasi. This wretch of a woman. Yanni did not want to ask for her help, and everything she knew, everything she was brought up to believe, screamed against the decision. It was overruled.

"First off," she said to Ali'tasi, holding up one hand with the gems in her skin. "I'm not human. I see you have similar items, and perhaps they got there in the same way I got mine, but I'm sure they do very different things." She crossed her arms.

"But, for more important things...I was abducted by Mars Corps. I believe these are the people who brought your settlers. A man called Hannibal is behind a lot of the operations there, under another man called Lochlyn. Hannibal wants you all dead. He's given his men the signal to try and kill you all, and with the technology they have? It might be possible. These same people have my friends. I can lead you to them. I can help you fight, and I will. I just need this collar off my neck."