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Cloasse Galletti

"No... No, that's a book. Light reading. Advanced Logarithmic Theory, Volume 5."

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Cloasse



"I am a Rune Scrit. Not, as you may assume, a rune-writer. I do far more than doodle and copy -- I create. I've written and published many papers. Oh. That's Thermometer. He is one of my very few friends -- one of the only beings on the planet who can possibly keep up with me intellectually... Yes, I'm aware that he's a piece of animated paper. Could you comprehend advanced logarithmic theory?"



Appearance: Average to the point of being dreadfully boring (until she opens her mouth, then you know she's destined to bring you hours of wrist-slitting monotony), Cloasse's physical being isn't something she takes pride in or spends any time on. With a considerable lack of body weight, physical strength isn't something that the young Rune Scrit possesses to any great deal, though she's more than capable of carrying overweight books with pages into the thousands wherever she may go.

At the top of her head sits a pile of dark curls that are usually pinned back with mismatching pins and clips - as Cloasse will tell you herself, it's difficult to read when hair keeps floating in front of her dull grey eyes. Her skin is pallid and completely lacking in any brightness that is usually associated with those in good health, suggesting that the reason behind her body structure is due to poor eating habits and a lack of real exercise as opposed to natural metabolism.

This hasn't changed at all throughout her life, from toddler to twenty-year-old, although her choice of clothing has. At sixteen, Cloasse may have looked like the victim of a seventy-eight-year-old librarian with a particular grudge against teenage fashion with drab, knee-length dresses with full-length sleeves in colours that matched her eyes or the dusty books she happened to love burying her nose in.

At twenty, however, Cloasse has relaxed more into her style (or grown out of those ugly dresses) and prefers wearing dress trousers with dainty blouses and argyle sweater vests in various colours. Her choice of flat footwear hasn't changed at all, though heels were considered so as to allow her to easier reach the higher bookshelves but... well, she couldn't walk in them at all, the store assistant implored that she stick to flats before she fell over and suggested that perhaps a step ladder would be a good investment.

As a teenager, Cloasse had individual runes tattooed to the pads of her fingers and several smaller runes inked on the inside of her left forearm. Into her late teens, however, the number of these tattoos increased with the amount of experiments that Cloasse was performing. Since it's rather difficult to explain to 'normal humans' that the runes may result in permanent damage but they won't because she's actually a very good Rune Scrit, Cloasse performs most, if not all, of her experiments on herself. As she's not dead yet, it's safe to assume that these have all been moderately successful. By the age of twenty, Cloasse has a myriad of tattoos on her body that twist from her shoulders to her ankles, all in the same dark ink.

Personality: Typically speaking, Cloasse's personality is as drab as the rest of her. Outwardly, she can be rude and on a high horse in regards to her intelligence, though she tends to avoid social situations whenever she can manage it. That being said, Cloasse can be perfectly pleasant when faced with the right people and is usually open to relationships like any other normal person would be.

Considering her lack of real social experimentation, the Rune Scrit is awkward and perpetually confused at some of the 'odder' social customs (public displays of affection tend to make her nose wrinkle). She doesn't seem to realise at times that she's acting strangely compared to her companions but does realise that her sharp, mocking humour and comments can go straight over the heads of some and amuse others.

Equipment/Abilities: As far as equipment goes, Cloasse uses a Guild Pen for her work. Made of disgustingly overpriced (albeit very stable) metals, the Guild Pen has a deceptively sharp nib and holds a design not unlike that of a dipping fountain pen. Where others may use a pen for writing, however, Galletti uses hers to create visible links between her magical energy (sparse as a young child and completely raw when absent from the use of runes in later life). Without the use of a Guild Pen, runes may become dangerous and provide results that were not intended.

Due to the precise and painstakingly delicate nature of runes and linking magic between the small drawings with their writer, Cloasse's magical potential is dreadfully small. She prefers to spend her time experimenting on the links between runic imprints on one's body and the difference that makes to their control over their magic as opposed to actually using that energy herself.

History: Cloasse Galletti grew up in a large household, complete with library and extravagant dining room, with her parents and grandmother. Neither of her parents were terribly good at parenting, although Michele Galletti is easily identifiable as the reason behind his daughter's extensive reading and intelligence. Her mother was rarely present at home and seemed to want nothing to do with the child she had left to nannies and her mother-in-law.

It is generally accepted that this is the reason that the only Galletti child left her home, more than capable of looking after herself and far too used to being alone with her mind (and later her cat).

Following a return home, she finds a Michele Galletti who is unnaturally attentive, showering his daughter in praise and questions -- the father she had always yearned for. An initiation into the House, however, seems to set something way above her head into motion. When she returns to the city taller, lankier and still as lacking in fashion sense, it is not to warm welcomes.

If that wasn't enough to confuse the Rune Scrit, well... It only gets worse.

So begins...

Cloasse Galletti's Story


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#, as written by Cloasse
Cloasse Galletti ignored Tuffles, slipping back over to Drakus with a smirk on her face and a shake of her head. "Because I desperately hate how the only people I seem to attract are either emotionally damaged, or looking to do some damage. Think of it is metaphorical payback."


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#, as written by Cloasse
Cloasse Galletti found herself thoroughly amused at this, and, finding that Fletcher still was not here, ducked out of the bar. She'd stop at her house, dump everything and slip into the 'sexiest' thing she owned... And then get blazing drunk. Good and bad things seemed to happen when she did that. She was soon out of the bar and on her way home.


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#, as written by Cloasse
Cloasse Galletti stumbled into the bar just as a girl had previously, but she certainly wasn't injured (nor was her hair ridiculously on fire).

Cloasse was drunk... Why the hell she'd done it was anyone's guess, but she was obviously quite proud of herself just for managing to walk (somewhat) straight towards the bar if the smug smile was anything to go by.


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#, as written by Cloasse
Cloasse Galletti squeaked when Gina noticed her, yelped when Terron did, and then all but screamed when it started trying to attack her leg. "Go away, go away, go away," she yelled at the thing, promptly stumbling backwards. Nope. Cloasse was obviously well-balanced.


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#, as written by Cloasse
Cloasse Galletti grimaced at the tiny demon-thing before paling when noticed the... that was Gina's twine - oh God. "I really should be going," she stuttered at Gina, even as she was tugged ever closer to the woman. "Work. See?" she asked, pointing at her book bag. "Lots and lots of work, really, really should be going..."


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#, as written by Cloasse
Cloasse Galletti looked down at the twine. It was on her right hand... she didn't really need that hand. The chances, however, of Cloasse being conscious for long enough after slicing her own hand off to escape, that is to say, leave the building, were very slim. "Oh, alright, I suppose I can spare a little time," she tittered nervously whilst making her way over to Gina reluctantly.


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#, as written by Cloasse
Cloasse Galletti simply stared for several minutes. Just staring, no movement, other than how pale her face had become, even when she started out quite white anyway. "I didn't particularly enjoy being drunk," she eventually said, he mouth dry. "It's not a good idea for me to drink, really, I have work..." Cloasse glanced at Hans as if begging him to do something about the tether on her wrist.


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#, as written by Cloasse
Cloasse Galletti was staring at Terron when a very sudden hissing came from just inside her collar, startling the girl enough to cause her to jerk back and consequently tug on the twine. "Ow, ow, ow..." she whined, Thermometer meowing in apology whilst crawling to the edge of her shirt in order to glare at the creature. "Yeah, cheers," Cloasse mumbled, still looking at her wrist.


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#, as written by Cloasse
Cloasse Galletti "Could you take this off now, please? I promise I won't run away, but I think I'm bleeding and it's being very painful," Cloasse said to Gina, completely ignoring the original question. As much as Cloasse may have wanted to be the metaphorical rat in a trap gnawing its leg off for freedom, she was far too much of a wuss for that.


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#, as written by Cloasse
Cloasse Galletti gaped and held up the hand with the twine wrapped around its wrist before giving another hiss - ow, ow, ow! "The twine, please, Gina, the twine. Take it off!" She idly wondered if Fletcher would believe her if she phoned and said "help me, you girlfriend has her scary twine on my wrist and is drinking"... He probably would. Would he do anything? Not so likely...


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#, as written by Cloasse
Cloasse Galletti "Fletcher!" She squeaked when Gina broke the twine, her now cut and bleeding wrist drawn to her chest. "Fletcher, it's Gina, she's got vodka and she's got a lot of pointy things..."


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#, as written by Cloasse
Cloasse Galletti "Vodka, pointy things, drinking it."


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Character Portrait: Cloasse Galletti
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#, as written by Cloasse
Cloasse Galletti "Oh, Jesus, it's looking at me."


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#, as written by Cloasse
Cloasse Galletti inched further and further away from Gina whilst attempting to wrap a handkerchief, procured from her pocket, around her wrist and whisper terrified nonsense to Fletcher at the same time. "She's got vodka and she's drinking and I'm gonna die..."


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Character Portrait: Cloasse Galletti
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#, as written by Cloasse
Cloasse Galletti went very silent on her end of the line bar a few high-pitched noises of shock. "... I - Fletcher, I think she's gone loopy, you have to come here and take your crazy fiancée home!"


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Character Portrait: Cloasse Galletti
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#, as written by Cloasse
Cloasse Galletti looked ready to cry when Fletcher cut off, even if she was just a few feet from the door. Knowing her lucky, Gina'd magically appear in the doorway just as she was leaving.


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#, as written by Cloasse
Cloasse Galletti hastily tucked her phone into her pocket - set to vibrate, if Fletcher phoned (please phone, Fletcher, please, please, please), she would know - and retraced her hasty steps back to Gina, her left hand holding her handkerchief around her right wrist. "I've really got to work..." She didn't sound convincing. She wasn't a good liar, never was, and it was even worse when she was terrified. "Really."


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#, as written by Cloasse
Cloasse Galletti took another step towards Gina. And then another, and another. And then decided that if she moved any closer she was going to faint. "Close enough yet?" she asked, her voice casually breaking midway through her three words - Cloasse cursed her lack of courage. "I think this is close enough, you look quite busy there, I shouldn't interfere." Pfft. Hans hadn't helped her!


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#, as written by Cloasse
Cloasse Galletti simply stood where she was, shaking like the proverbial leaf. She kept imagining that her mobile was ringing - of course it wasn't, Fletcher lacked the brain power to actively know when someone was in distress until it was too damn late. "I should leave you two alone, you look really busy, now..."


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#, as written by Cloasse
Cloasse Galletti thanked Jesus or whatever deity she didn't believe in and hastily pulled her phone from her pocket. After fumbling with the thing for a good few seconds, she eventually hit the 'accept call' button and held the phone to her ear.


Was it just her, or did her voice sound awfully squeaky right now?