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Duke Smith

Always inviting trouble.

0 · 1,235 views · located in Pool of Nyx

a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by Moonscar


Image not mine.

The Unwilling Protector

Occupation: None

Age: 22
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 250

Species: Human
Race: Unknown
Affliction: Collarbound

Birthplace: Sozo
Nationality: Pakecha
Current Residence: Terra



Cold, curt, and calculating, Duke is not the most social of men, nor is he the kindest of them. It is difficult to read his eyes, as they stay as frigid as an icy wasteland, and his mouth, just as silent. It takes patience to be with this man for that reason, and one cannot begin to mention his constant, brooding temper.

So begins...

Duke Smith's Story


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The snow laid on them so thickly that no one would be able to guess that there were two bodies below the mounds of white until Duke's head, and only his head, poked out, disgruntled.

He looked around for Taylor, who seemed to of gone, but he knew better. He disappeared beneath the snow again, perfectly disguised.


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Character Portrait: Duke Smith
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And what a perfect time to strike. A grip, hard as iron, enveloped Taylor's ankle, tugging hard enough to have the woman tripping backward. Once down, Duke would leap from the snow mound like a waiting shark, and descend upon Taylor like a


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Character Portrait: Duke Smith
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And what a perfect time to strike. A grip, hard as iron, enveloped Taylor's ankle, tugging hard enough to have the woman tripping backward. Once down, Duke would leap from the snow mound like a waiting shark, and descend upon Taylor like a shadowy behemoth.

He would snow no mercy.


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Character Portrait: Duke Smith
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He raised his arms to try and wrap them around Taylor's shoulders, flipping her over into the snow mound again. If he had been able to succeed, he would stand up and lean against the wall of a nearby building, a fist thumping at his chest. Dry, cold air running down his throat was causing him to be on the verge of a coughing fit.

He wiped away his bangs from his forehead, staring at her from beneath them.


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Character Portrait: Duke Smith
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"Not fun," he replied, hand rubbing underneath his nose, covering his mouth. "Comeback."

The robust, blonde man rolled back his shoulders, and laid his head onto the wall, letting out a deep groan. His breath could be seen floating from the scarf out into the city air, disappearing as it rose high enough.


The setting changes from Main Street to Dark Woods


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Character Portrait: Duke Smith
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"Or in earth. Try looking in the right one, won't you?"

The voice could only belong to one person. Down in one of the pitfalls. Unhappy as ever. He was covered in mud and dirt, which stained the previously nice clothing he had been wearing before.

"And before we get into the cheery reunion, I'd advise you to run. Quickly."


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Character Portrait: Duke Smith
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"With all that racket I can't be sure." muttered Duke. "But no, I'm obviously quite comfortable here. You can't tell?"

Two of the rangers came forth- Noburu and Rikard- to lower a rope. Tanel put a hand on Taylor's shoulder to drag her back towards the group. "You look like you're accustomed to travel. We'll be doing a bit of it to go back to our HQ."


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Character Portrait: Duke Smith Character Portrait: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly
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"We'll be sure to get you some when we get there." said Tanel. Jaai moved into the trees, disappearing momentarily. Tanel watched her suspiciously before heaving a small sigh.

It was another half hour before they got to camp. Or...rather...what the rangers called home. The Maelstrom headquarters, of sorts.

The tents were not on the ground, nor were they tents. More like huts. In the trees. If anything, it was a city. Of tree huts. With boardwalks in between them, making paths.

To the right, there was a whole target ground, spread out between trees. Some were far enough that one had to squint to see it properly. Duke stared at the men holding him hostage for a brief moment, then offered his eyes to Taylor. Oh, he knew what she was about to do.

"Alright, here, I'll lend you mine, for now," said Tanel, handing Taylor her bow and quiver. It was a traditional recurve, made of a dark brown wood and a few bronze pieces set to make small, swirling designs. It was a good bow, and tough to pull back.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taylor Bessett Character Portrait: Duke Smith Character Portrait: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly Character Portrait: Ineth Sileis
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Without any attention paid to them, the fires grew into an inferno as they engulfed the trees that had been overturned by the fallen hulk of metal. The sparks scattered into the air, held aloft by the cool wind blowing in from the mountains, and began to spread the blaze with increasing alacrity. The forest itself was dense with both underbrush and ancient trees, and proved a ripe fuel for the catastrophe that was unfolding.

This hulking behemoth of a structure was once the home of hundreds of people, but now served as their very coffins. Bodies lay askew from the wreck itself, some of them charred and others yet dismembered. The military uniforms were noticeable, but among them were personal belongings; a family photo here, a necklace there, and even a bollycloth imitation of a rather strange six-legged creature, torn halfway apart and smoldering at the edges. The sticky residue of their memories draped the scene, even as the fire raged on.


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Character Portrait: Duke Smith
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Duke did not want to waste time as he heard the explosions, but he was being restrained by two of the rangers who had brought them there. He looked toward Taylor, hoping to exchange glances, before he tried to worm out of the rangers' grip.

"We have to go." he said to them. "Now."

They did not waste time in doing so. They packed up their supplies, and the elf danced away into the myriad of tree huts to salvage what she could. Mostly weapons, things that were harder to replace.

Tanel and the others began to dart away into the trees, trying to usher Taylor and Duke to do the same. "We've got to go!" cried Tanel. "Come on!"


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Character Portrait: Duke Smith
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Duke felt his back hit the ground hard, just as the tree landed between them, shaking the ground. With a groan, he got up onto his feet, and looked for the ranger.

"Taylor!" he called out, though he was already being ushered by the two other rangers from earlier. He ran, looking around, calling for her. "Taylor!"

Conveniently, Tanel had just landed on the same side as Taylor, and was running with her, fists pumping at her sides.

The setting changes from Dark Woods to Drifter's Post


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Character Portrait: Duke Smith
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Not days had gone by since the man's meeting with an odd young woman, Catira, at the post. He had been whispered and promised many things- a chance to get back at an untrustworthy company, another to meet up with an old friend- if he had delivered a simple package.

This he had done with the strange woman, who had given him a stare that held so long it was uncomfortable before scurrying off. The blonde-headed man with icy blue eyes had been at a loss. He had actually tried to open the package while he was there, but there was some kind of enchantment on it that stopped him from doing so. He knew it was important, but he did not know why. There was something with liquid in it within the package. It was not big enough to be wine or rum.

What was it? To be hand-delivered by someone as powerful as himself? He hung around, like the woman in black had asked him to, searching for his reward that was sure to show up within three day's time. He had taken a short hike into the woods in the meantime. He would know if she came. He knew he would.


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Character Portrait: Nairi Character Portrait: Duke Smith
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#, as written by Script
The trail had been easy enough to follow once he'd picked it up. The man had not been attempting to hide his tracks to confuse a pursuer, nor had he gone far from the place Catira had told him to look. Nairi slunk through the trees after Duke, cloak rippling unnaturally as the shadows crossed it. The sun hung low in the morning sky, and the air held a slight chill to it, a relic of the recently passed night.

The werecat did not disguise his approach, and the foliage rustled as he pushed it aside to draw closer to the blonde man. Golden eyes surveyed him warily for a few moments. "You are the Duke?" he asked, by way of greeting.


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Character Portrait: Nairi Character Portrait: Duke Smith
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The man simply stopped walking as Nairi called out his name. He did not turn around, did not move. He just stopped. There was a pause, then-

"What's it to you?"

His voice was deep, and he spoke slowly. He had a cigarette between his lips that smoked gently, twisting in the air when a breeze blew by.


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Character Portrait: Nairi Character Portrait: Duke Smith
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#, as written by Script
"Was told you delivered a package here to a girl." Nairi replied, coming to a halt a respectable distance away. "Need to know about it. Where did you get it from? Do you know what it was?"

He kept his eyes locked onto the man's every movement, for signs of a negative reaction. Eventually, he was sure, he would reach a point in this chain at which questions would not be well received. Those who had the information he wanted were unlikely to divulge it willingly.


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Character Portrait: Nairi Character Portrait: Duke Smith
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He took a long drag of his cigarette, mulling over his words for a moment. He blew a plume of smoke into the air, head tilted back. "Why should I tell you?"

The tone was almost teasing. Mocking. What could this kid give him that would make him give up what little information he did have? He was trying to find out a lot of these questions, too. He just had an old friend he wanted to see before that.

"How would you know I know anything, anyway?"


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Character Portrait: Nairi Character Portrait: Duke Smith
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#, as written by Script
"The girl told me. You got the package from somewhere. Assuming you don't suffer from short term memory loss." Nairi retorted, folding his arms and glowering at the back of Duke's head.

"Willing to pay. Have money, or otherwise I can trade information. You have questions? Everyone has questions. I'll find you answers. Can find things, people, things that were never written down. Name it, and I'll point you in the right direction. At the very least. Information for information, if what you tell me helps me enough, I'll help you the same."


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Character Portrait: Nairi Character Portrait: Duke Smith
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He could feel the boy's glower, and turned to look over his shoulder at Nairi because of it. An almost smirk came across his face. "Fine." he said. "Tell me why you're interested and what you know about that package, then I might consider telling you where it came from and what I know about it."

It was a risky bet, but one that he knew would come out on top of, no matter what Sarka wanted from him. Duke was not a flimsy man. He knew he could do what he put his mind to.


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Character Portrait: Nairi Character Portrait: Duke Smith
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#, as written by Script
"Person it was for has designs on Aslund. Terra. Wants power, has been sending creatures to kill, make chaos. I think whatever was in that package is part of her plans." Nairi replied, expression unchanging. "What I know about it? I ... was told it contains a vial. Some supernatural properties, but don't know what it was for."

He rolled his shoulders non-committally. "Call it a personal project."


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Character Portrait: Nairi Character Portrait: Duke Smith
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The man carefully slipped his hands into his pockets, then rolled his shoulders back. "Do you know who has it now? I was assured it would be given to its new owner. If it has not been given to her, I might get into a bit of trouble." The tone became mischievous. "Not that I mind."

He turned around to face Nairi, cold blue eyes resting on the young werecat. "Did the monsters take something from you? Is that why you're searching?"
