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False Mammon

The Being comes from a world that most know, but a lot claim to be false. He is the trickster, the gambler, the cheater, greed, injustice, and pride.

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a character in “The Multiverse”, as played by RydeDawg


Mammon The Demon Lord of Greed

Character's Theme Song

Name: Mammon.
Nicknames: Demon Lord, The Greedy, Avarice, Council man
Prefered Names: Mammon, Richard Hughes
Aliases: The Tyrant of Man, Greedy Serpent
Titles/Honorifics: Demon Lord, Prince of Hell.
Gender: Male
Race: Fallen Angel/Immortal
Apparent Age: Depends.
Actual Age: Ageless.
Birth Date: Creation.
Birth Place: The Heavens
Sexual Orientation/Preferance: Heterosexual
Marital Status: N/A
Skin Color/Shade: White with tanned competition. Depends on social norms of the day. Dark and Scaly
Height: 6’5”
Eye Color: White No Iris, Black
Eye Wear: Sunglasses
Hair Color: Green or Black.
Hair Style/Length: Short and pushed back.
Hair Wear: Fedora.
Current Affiliations: Member of Hell's Higher Dark Council, Prince and Lord of the Ring of Greed.

Equipment and Personal Belongings

Main/Usual Outfit: Business Casual Suits and Pinstripe outfits.
Secondary Outfit: Expensive Clothes from the current looks of the season.
Armor: None.

Jewelry: Rings.
Primary Weapon: His Sword forged from the Fires of Heaven. A sword given to him as an angel of the lord before rising against god to take sides with Lucifer. Able to shift into a number of other weapons.


The Powers Given to those that are members of the Dark High Council.
Demonic Lord Strength
Demonic Lord Speed.
Mental Link with other members
Control over Minor and Major Demons who have given their all to the Council.
Ability to shift and manipulate reality within certain bylaws. (Only grated to those close to Lucifer)

Mammon's Abilites
Sonic Screams, Seductive Voice, Flame Control and Creation, Avatar Creation, Greed and Pride Aura, Creation and Manifestation of Money, Chains of Hell, Gold Touch.

Voice of Heaven's Twisted Choir Boy.
Mammon has the ability to use is voice in a wide arrange of ways from harmful sonic screams to controlling weak willed people with only his voice.

Flames from Hell
Mammon is able to pull the flames of hell into his hands and body and use as a form or attack. The Flames increase in different ways. With the ability to burn both soul and body.

Avatar Creation
Mammon can create any number of personal avatars of himself to stand in for himself while he is trapped in the pits of his own realm.

Mammon's Aura
The Very Aura of Mammon is able to inspire feelings of Greed and Pride in people near him.

Hell's Bank.
As Hell's officially treasurer and Demon lord of Greed he is able to collect the money from mortal who give it to him or spend it unwisely. He is also able to create more money at will.

Hell's Chains
Mammon can command the very black chains of the eternal pit which are burning hot with Hell's Flames.

Golden Touch
Mammon can turn anyone or anything he wants into Gold.

Personal Background:
Once Mammon was a beautiful angel that was the Choir Director for Heaven's Chorus. Though he was often told he spends more time looking down at the golden streets of heaven he never took that as a warning. Eventually his pride and greed finally got the best of Mammon and during Lucifer's uprising (which created the first Demons known as the Fallen) Mammon quickly took his side. After there battle of heaven was lost to the very hands of God and his Angels the fallen were casted out to a realm created by god to only contain those angels which rebelled and didn't want forgiveness when it was given to them. There Lucifer and the other higher Fallen (including Mammon) formed the High Dark Council of Hell's Princes. Where it was better in their minds to reign in Hell then to serve God in Heaven. From that day on they swore to ruin all of God's good creation.

Human Appearances

Sometimes Mammon will take on the likeness of a young Howard Hughes.
Mammon possessed Howard long ago and caused him to lose his mind for failing to stick to his side of the Bargain. Mammon makes Howard Rich while Howard gives him full control of Las Vegas.

Mammon's new Body

Demon Form.


The Game Master lives with a somewhat cynical view on life and humanity itself, mentioning several times that he finds life to be senseless and that humanity is the world's biggest joke. He is an intelligent psychopath with a warped, sadistic sense of humor. The Game Master loves to hear those under him plea but the pleas are usually met with the person finding themselves in a game. Like most of the "people" in the realm he doesn't like to be reminded of where he is.


Cigars and Cigarettes
Powers: Mammon can shape reality to an extent in anyway his limits allow. His Strength is beyond that of any mortal, and his powers allow to be perceived in any way he wants do to the fact that Mammon's True Self dwells in Hell at all times. He will summon his sword only when he is in his true demon form, but will summon and create different gambling items to fight with.

So begins...

False Mammon's Story


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Mammon walked into the bar casually walking slowly as his black dress shoes clacked on the ground. He wore his old player's black suit that made him give off that Old Las Vegas Vide. He wore his black fedora on his short cut green hair at an angle that covered his eyes as he walked in. A cigarette hung from his lips lazily as he reached up and took it out blowing a cloud of smoke. The smoke lingered near him as he walked to the bar counter.

Mammon sighed and popped his neck and ordered his whiskey. This was the demon of greed and gambling and he wanted to see who's life he might make "better."


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Character Portrait: False Mammon
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Mammon looked at the Television which he programed using his powers to view the level of Hell which he controlled to look at The Burglar. He could see what the poor boy was thinking at the moment. That he'd give anything to be free of the eternal punishment he found himself in. Mammon already owned him completely now that he was in the ring of Greed in Hell, but he wasn't much use to him stuck there.

Mammon would reach into the screen and grabbed The Burglar by the hand and pulled him out of Hell. As he came slipping out he would find himself wearing the same type of clothes that Mammon wore. The Television then went to static then returned back to a normal station. "Now my Silent little friend lets talk about your job benefits and requirements.


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Character Portrait: False Mammon
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Mammon walked over to a table smoking his cigarette and signaling for The Burglar to follow him. As he sat down he took his sweet time to make himself comfortable as he leaned back in his chair and propped his legs up on the table. Mammon took a quick drag of his cigarette and blew another large cloud of smoke in the air. He took his black fedora off and pushed his hand through his short green hair, and then put his hat back on.

"Now lets see...what you have to do." He said. Mammon nodded his head from side to side and then smiled. "I took you out of Hell and I can put you back at anytime so do as I tell you." he said. Mammon looked back at the Genie and scowled. "Don't talk to Finks like want something you come to me." he said.


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Character Portrait: False Mammon
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Mammon smiled as he watched The Burglar and his powers he had returned to him. Mammon still had that playing card in his deck which was the same that gave the boy his powers. Mammon nodded and popped his neck. "Heres the deal. You have your powers back, but because you work for me now your going to work under some conditions. I need you to tone down the power of that voice of yours...maybe give you an extra ability to that. That old suit you wore...yeah thats not happening anymore. Your going to wear clothes like I wear like all my employees do." Mammon said taking a drag of his cigarette. "And think of a different name for your alter ego, baby."


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Character Portrait: False Mammon
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Mammon chuckled and nodded at Burglars response. Wise boy complying with Mammon's demands like he should. Mammon flicked the butt of his cigarette to the side and simply didn't care where it landed. He took out a deck of playing cards and pulled out the same one that Burglar once touched before that gave him his powers. Mammon caused the thing to surge with some power then laid it down on the table.

"Now With this new deal heres what you get. The Ability to Control your current powers, The Ability to mimic any voice you hear, and you can now make a pretty loud sonic yell or scream to blow back your enemies. As for my part your sense of empathy will be gone, you'll do what I tell you to do, you'll live at my Casino, and of course that singing voice of yours will be put to good use. Like singing Jazz at my Casino or Here for some profit. I need you to bring in profit, but don't steal from me because if you do you'll regret it!" he said.


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Character Portrait: False Mammon
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Mammon nodded his head and popped his neck. He took out another cigarette out from his pack in his front pocket and put it in his mouth before lighting it. "All you have to do to agree to the terms is touch the playing card there and it's set in stone." he said. Mammon turned his head and looked at Vegetra who approached his minion and scared him half to death.

Mammon raised an eyebrow at the girl and lit his cigarette "What do you want with my, lackey?" he asked.


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Character Portrait: False Mammon
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Mammon shook his head and gave The Burglar a look as he took the cigarette out of his mouth and blew his smoke. Mammon gave his minion a glare that wasn't directed at him but at Vegetra. Before he knew it The Burglar took the card which meant he was given his new powers and the conditions now set in. Along with his empathy being taken away. Mammon smiled and allowed The Burglar to run away for now and experience his "freedom." Mammon laughed and looked back at the girl and rasied his voice to make sure she heard him "Thanks for killing him, little lady. Took him straight to Hell and made his chances of being free of me that much more slim." he said.


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Character Portrait: False Mammon
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Mammon sighed as he sat in his seat and popped his back. The Demon of Greed and Gambling was growing bored of the place before the fight between False Leo and Vincent Kallisto. Mammon smiled and thought this was a perfect chance to do what he loved to do. Gamble and make a profit. He stood up from his chair and put a new cigarette in his mouth.

Mammon walked over to the bar counter and jumped over. He picked up the remote for the television and flipped it on. Using his powers to show the fight between the two and each others stats. He took out a large green metal box. "Place your Bets! Fight Bets! Pick a Fighter and take your bets! Win some Money!" he shouted.


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Character Portrait: False Mammon
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Mammon sighed and pressed a button on the remote to the television again. The picture split into different little screens. One of a Horse Race, A Soccer Game, A FootBall game, Nascar, baseball, and boxing. Mammon smoked his cigarette and looked at everyone. He had his green metal box filled with money and continued running his little gambling jig.

"Place your Bets and win some Cash! We got Horses, Nascar, soccer, baseball, football, and boxing! Place your bets and win some extra cash! You just might get lucky!" he said.


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Character Portrait: False Mammon
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Mammon sighed seeing that no one wanted to gamble and decided that he would go off to do the next thing he loved to do. Which was to sing Jazz. He walked over to the stage that was in Gambit's Bar and made sure that everything was hooked up. He adjusted his fedora and fixed the mic to make sure it was at his height. Mammon snapped his fingers and the piano began to play by itself.

Mammon began to sing and his voice was pretty good considering how much he smoked. But he usually smoked because he was a demon anyway. "And now the end is near, And so I face the final curtain, My friend I'll say it clear,I'll state my case of which I'm certain. I've lived a life that's full I traveled each and every highway And more, much more than this I did it my way."


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Character Portrait: False Mammon
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Mammon continued his singing on the stage even if he was considered just background noise. "Regrets I've had a few But then again too few to mention I did what I had to do And saw it through without exemption I planned each charted course Each careful step along the byway And more, much more than this I did it my way."


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Character Portrait: False Mammon
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Mammon entered the bar wearing his usual outfit. A black players suit which consisted of a black jacket, white button up shirt, black tie, black pants, black shoes, and a fedora. He had that old Las Vegas look and vibe to him In his mouth hung casually a cigarette that lit up with the burning embers and gave off an unusually pleasant smell compared to other cigarettes.

The Demon of Greed and Gambling walked slowly to the bar counter taking in the sights and the sounds of each patron and the tavern itself. Upon reaching the bar counter Mammon ordered a small glass of Whiskey and and walked over to a different table. He took his seat and leaned back in it propping his feet on the top of the table. He sat there in an easy to see table in the middle of the room. Smoking and drinking his whiskey.


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Character Portrait: False Mammon
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Mammon did that


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Character Portrait: False Mammon
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Mammon popped his shoulders and looked around the tavern at all the other patrons trying to figure out what each wanted more in life. What they wanted to get their greedy fingers on. Power, money, women or men? Maybe they wanted all three, but it wasn't always easy to find that something that people really coveted over. Once it was found though it became easy to use it against them.

Mammon smoked his cigarette and drank his whiskey until it was gone. He put the empty glass on the table and put his cigarette back in his mouth. He looked at the stage and thought that the place needed some more style. Mammon owned a large chain of luxury Casinos and resorts and everything had to have some kind of style to it. He snapped his fingers and the souls of a Big band group that he owned appeared on Gambit's stage.

The Ghosts that appeared on the stage began to play and sing to some jazz and Swing music. The first song being Hey Pachuco.


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Character Portrait: False Mammon
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Mammon continued to watch the events of the bar seeing who would be good to talk them into joining him under his employ. At the moment he thought Ms. Fortune would make a good employee, but there was the matter of her fighting at the moment. He watched as he smoked his cigarette and popped his neck. He looked over at the ghost band he summoned to play a few songs in Gambit's. At the moment they played another song

Mammon watched her opponent. "Hmm, another egotistic maniac that thinks he's he's a little too much to handle." He said with a chuckle. "Of Course Hell beings like myself and this girl who use our powers to create images of ourselves for the mortals to see always like to knock down these bastards a few pegs." He said smoking his cigarette.


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Character Portrait: False Mammon
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Mammon slowly stood up from his chair and fixed his suit's jacket after having leaned in his chair the entire time sitting in it. He took a few long drags of his cigarette and flicked the butt off to the side. Not giving a damn to whatever happened to it. Mammon then walked over to Ms. Fortune with his black dress shoes clacking on the hard wood floor.

He would walk up from behind and just start talking to get her to notice him. "Excuse me Miss if I could have a word with a sensual demoness such as yourself i'd really enjoy that." he said.


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Character Portrait: False Mammon
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Mammon chuckled as he nodded his head and took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. He took one out of the pack and put it in-between his lips and looked up at her lifting the pack as if offering her a smoke. This Demon of Greed and Gambling nodded his head. "Thats funny, and yes I would like more then just one word." he said.

Mammon snapped his fingers and the cigarette in his mouth lit up and he smoked it while it hung there. He raised a brow at Cassandra and chuckled at her comment. "Everyone is for sell. You just have to find the right price, but thats not why I want to have a conversation with her." he said.


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Character Portrait: False Mammon
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Mammon nodded in agreement as he took a quick drag of his cigarette. The girl was fast paced and liked to cut to the chase, just the way Mammon liked his demonesses. He took the cigarette out of his mouth with his fingers and blew smoke to the side. He looked Ms. Fortune up and down quickly and smiled.

"I need some people to work for me. Help me take this town over like I took Las Vegas and a few other major cities on earth over. I thought this would provide a nice little change of pace so now i'm here and i'm looking for people that are willing to change this city. Of Course I can pay you large sums if thats what you want, baby." he said.


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Character Portrait: False Mammon
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Mammon looked at the other two talk, but he later just walked over to the bar counter. He took his black fedora off and rubbed his short green hair and placed his fedora back on. He gave the bar a lazy stair and popped his neck. He took out a deck of playing cards and jumped over the bar counter. He began to shuffle the cards and looked up.

"Come on up and play a game of chance. The Higher the wager the bigger the prize! Want power, money, good looks? Hell, you could win anything your little hearts desire!" he said.


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Character Portrait: False Mammon
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Mammon entered bar smoking on his cigarette like he usually did and wearing his player suit. Which gave him that old Las Vegas Vibe about his persona. Mammon took the cigarette out between his fingers and blew a cloud of smoke into the air. He gave a light cough and fixed his tie by making it a bit more loose around his neck. He pinched the rim of his fedora's brim and tilted it over his eyes, so he could see but others couldn't see his eyes.

His focus went to the ones fighting and smiled slightly as he snapped his fingers and a few televisions in his casino's would start to air the fight and people would soon gamble on who would win. Mammon the demon of greed and gambling made his way to the bar counter and took his seat on a stool. He ordered his usual whiskey on the rocks.